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通过对我国金属镁及镁合金生产中污染严重和能耗高的问题提出针对性的清洁生产方案,结合国内和国际先进的清洁生产技术,提出改进措施。  相似文献   

印制电路板行业属于高能耗及高污染行业,是我国实施清洁生产污染防治的重要领域。通过对印制电路板行业清洁生产污染防治技术现状进行分析,构建了清洁生产污染防治最佳可行技术(BAT)体系框架。对38家完成清洁生产污染防治技术改造的印制电路板企业进行调研,确定了印制电路板业清洁生产污染防治备选技术,利用层次分析法确定各评价指标权重,综合评价印制电路板行业清洁生产污染防治技术。通过评价提出印制电路板行业污染物减排建议。  相似文献   

基于LCA方法的水泥企业清洁生产审核   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
水泥行业是典型的高能耗、高污染的工业,其快速发展带来了严重的资源、能源、环境等问题.因此,本文选择生命周期评价方法(LCA)作为清洁生产审核工具,对大连某水泥企业进行了清洁生产审核.本文在调研水泥工艺及现状的基础上,运用生命周期评价方法对水泥生产过程中原料开采、运输、生料制备、煤粉制备、熟料煅烧及水泥粉磨阶段进行清单分析与建模.采用了生命周期评价软件Gabi4进行清单计算与分析,评价模型为CML2001Dec07特征化模型.在整个水泥生产过程中考虑了全球变暖,人体毒性,环境酸化等环境影响类型,得出整个生命周期中石灰石和煤炭的资源能源耗竭潜值和资源消耗量最大,而环境排放影响中熟料煅烧阶段对各个类型的环境影响远远高于其他几个阶段,同时熟料煅烧过程中排放的二氧化碳等温室气体的影响最严重.最终根据评价分析结果确定清洁生产审核重点并提出了清洁生产方案,并且在清洁生产方案中选择其中最重要的余热发电方案,进行余热发电清洁生产方案前后环境影响比较和清洁生产方案量化分析.  相似文献   

涂料项目环境影响评价中的清洁生产分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从产品先进性、生产工艺与设备水平、物耗能耗水平、污染物产生水平四个方面对某生产规模为9000t/a的防腐涂料制造项目的清洁生产水平进行分析评价,并提出进一步提高项目清洁生产水平的建议。  相似文献   

制药企业清洁生产审核研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制药行业在服务人类时,也带来了环境污染,所以需要建立清洁的生产模式,对污染的产生进行全过程控制。经过多年的探索和实践,清洁生产从新的质量观念出发,在其源头进行削减污染,降低消耗的理念已经被广泛认可。制药企业进行清洁生产审核要与实施GMP紧密结合起来,在对企业进行实地调研的过程中,要结合制药行业的特点,对制药企业需要关注的重点方面进行仔细盘查,分析存在的节能降耗的潜力,提出了切实有效的清洁生产方案。  相似文献   

从能源消耗、有机废气污染、可持续发展几个方面,分析了我国玩具行业推行清洁生产的紧迫性。通过几家玩具企业开展清洁生产审核过程中的研究和经验总结,指出注塑机能耗高、有机废气污染严重、非清洁能源的使用是玩具行业存在的主要问题。针对存在的问题,提出了注塑机的节能改造,有机废气源头控制,以及清洁能源替代非清洁能源的使用等清洁生产措施。并从注塑机变频器的使用,注塑机炮筒加热方式的改造,注塑机余热的回用等方面详细分析了注塑机节能改造的思路和方法。  相似文献   

目前,我国制药业存在着"高污染、高能耗"的特点,严重制约着这个行业的持续发展,清洁生产具有末端治理无可替代的作用。以某制药厂为例,对制药行业实施清洁生产分析与评价方面进行了探讨,提出了我国制药行业清洁生产实施中存在的问题及对策。  相似文献   

铅酸蓄电池生产行业具有"高污染、高耗能"的特点,控制、降低铅酸蓄电池生产行业中有毒物质的排放是全国各地都在关注的课题。以某铅酸蓄电池生产企业为例,通过对其实行清洁生产审核,提高企业节能减排的能力,促进其可持续发展。  相似文献   

清洁生产在油气长输管道施工领域涉及较少,观念和方法还未完全推广。油气长输管道施工企业与传统生产型企业有许多不同之处,以某企业清洁生产审核为例,就如何通过清洁生产审核挖掘清洁生产潜力来做探索性、建议性的研究。实践证明,该企业清洁生产机会的突破口为柴油消耗,通过柴油消耗平衡图的建立和重点耗油设备运行状况的调查,找到了降低柴油消耗的清洁生产方案,使企业达到了“节能、降耗、减污、增效”的目的。  相似文献   

清洁生产审核是一种新的环境保护技术手段,利用调研、实测、统计、分析等手段优化工艺、减少能源消耗、提高效益,具有持续作用、与时俱进、灵活和适用范围广等优点。针对中国目前的清洁生产推行现状和激励机制进行了详尽分析,指出激励机制单一、缺乏专项资金、补贴资金来源不确定、违法成本过低等问题严重阻碍了中国清洁生产审核工作的推广,并提出了一些合理的建议。  相似文献   

比术了石油炼制和地业在推行清洁生产中节能的作用,提出了一些节能技术和石油化工工业推行清洁生产的思路和措施,综合考虑生产中的节能,减污、降耗问题,使生产过程及产品逐步向更清洁化迈进。  相似文献   

The metal finishing industry is water intensive. Surveys of South African metal finishing companies indicate that water consumption is as high as 400 L/m2 of metal surface treated, whilst best available practice can achieve less than 10 L/m2. The industry uses hazardous chemicals such as chrome VI, cadmium, nickel and cyanide. If consumption of these chemicals can be optimized, quantities of heavy metals released into the environment will be reduced. In some cases where cleaner production techniques were applied by local companies, heavy metals have been completely eliminated from effluents discharged to municipal sewers, which represent a significant benefit to the urban environment. This benefit was accompanied by significant reduction in the use of chemicals, with a concomitant cost saving and competitive advantage to the companies concerned.A Danish environmental aid initiative promoted cleaner production in the South African metal finishing industry. Local consultants were trained by Danish experts in this field. The general methodology was to conduct an audit of the chemical, water, human resource and environment aspects of the company and compare it to best available practice. Once the review was completed, a detailed feasibility was performed on systems and equipment required to reduce chemical consumption, water consumption, human resources and environmental impact. Applied to a number of South African companies, these methods have typically achieved reductions of the order of 90% in water use and 50–60% in the use of chemicals.There were difficulties in applying the Danish methodology to South African metal finishing companies, as it makes use of quantitative indices derived from the process operations. The companies are often small and technically unsophisticated, and do not have ready access to the process data that are needed. An alternate system is required to simplify the evaluation and optimization process. This paper proposes a case study on a fuzzy-logic operator based evaluation system that outputs the cleaner production status of the company. The model is compared to an established cleaner production tool.  相似文献   

在对某电解铝企业进行清洁生产审核过程中,通过对比中国电解铝行业清洁生产水平指标,运用清洁生产审核的方法,发掘企业清洁生产潜力,针对性的提出并实施了四项中高费方案和26项无低费方案。这些方案实施后,提升了电解生产的控制水平,增加了电流效率;优化了阳极配方工艺,降低了阳极的吨铝消耗;阳极生产改用天然气燃料,减少了大气污染;优化了电解槽工艺,降低了铝电解能耗,取得了良好的环境和经济效益,为今后电解铝企业的清洁生产审核积累了经验。  相似文献   

环境影响评价的清洁生产分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从清洁生产的基本概念出发,提出以生产工艺的资源消耗和污染物排放为评价指标进行洁洁生产分析,并举实例分析。  相似文献   

薛百良  于宏兵 《环境工程》2017,35(9):160-163
清洁生产审核是港口实现绿色发展的有效方法。以天津某散货港口公司的清洁生产审核为例,分析了港口在能源消耗、废弃物产生、装卸工艺设备等方面的清洁生产潜力,进而提出了切合港口企业自身情况的清洁生产方案,对清洁生产工作在港口行业的开展可起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Industrial production of hydrogen peroxide by anthraquinone (AO) process in China was briefly introduced. The pathways for cleaner production of hydrogen peroxide were discussed in detail from the viewpoint of process development and design, these included the replacement of Raney-Ni catalyst by highly active and highly selective Pd/Al2O3 catalyst, the reduction of raw materials, steam and power consumption, the usage of high boiling point, low water-soluble and low toxic solvents, the regeneration of degradations, the proper treatment of waste gas, water and solids. Because of these innovations and improvements, the AO process with Pd/Al2O3 catalyst for producing hydrogen peroxide was certified as a cleaner production technology by the Chinese government.  相似文献   

染料生产是高耗能、高污染行业,探索染料行业的节能减排途径是当前非常重要、紧迫的任务。以某偶氮染料生产企业为例,通过对其推行清洁生产审核,发现企业节能减排空间。从清洁生产工艺、设备改造、废物回收利用、余热回收、能源管理5方面来实现企业的节能减排,促进企业的可持续发展,对我国染料行业的节能减排工作有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This paper reports on research that investigated and implemented benchmarking as a trigger for cleaner production in the drycleaning industry in Western Australia and applies this knowledge to the small business sector. The critical success factors for environmental benchmarking are: identifying cleaner production gaps in areas important to the long-term future of the businesses, promoting the drivers to close the performance gaps, and ensuring managers possess the correct skills to close these gaps. The participants accepted the benchmarks as suitable targets and committed their businesses to achieving these targets in their action plans. Economic benefits and maintaining their licence to operate were found to be the important drivers. Program participants on average reduced hazardous waste generation by 48%, perchlorethylene consumption by 30% and improved their energy efficiency by 9%. Furthermore, managers involved in the program had a significantly higher uptake of cleaner production than the general small business community in Western Australia.  相似文献   

火电行业清洁生产水平分析与评价——以M火电企业为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火电行业在能源消耗中占有重要的地位,如果在火电行业中有效地实施清洁生产,将改变目前采取"末端治理"为主的被动污染控制模式。以M电力企业为例,分析了其典型的清洁生产措施,并与火电行业清洁生产主要指标进行对比,评价该企业在火电行业的清洁生产水平,其成功的清洁生产措施可以为行业开展清洁生产工作提供经验。  相似文献   

介绍了饮料制造业实施清洁生产的途径和措施,提出了清洁生产的实施要体现"开源节流"的战略思想;以清洁生产理论为依据,制定和实施了36条清洁生产方案,最大限度地提高原物料的利用率,降低了能耗,提高了产品质量,减少了污染;获取了额外的成本降低,增强了产品市场竞争力,实现了企业经济效益和环境效益的统一。  相似文献   

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