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针对城镇污水处理厂的污染物与温室气体如何实现协同减排核算问题,该研究提出了城镇污水处理厂污染物去除协同控制温室气体的核算边界、协同机制和核算方法,并通过实例进行验证分析,给出了如何核算污染物去除的协同控制效应和协同程度.结果表明:①污水处理厂污染物去除与温室气体排放之间存在关联机制,厌氧环境去除CODCr会产生CH4,污泥厌氧消化过程也可产生大量CH4,硝化和反硝化过程中去除TN会产生N2O.②城镇污水处理厂污染物去除协同控制温室气体核算可分为确定核算边界、选择核算方法、收集活动水平数据与确定排放因子、质量控制、形成核算报告等步骤.一方面构建了污染物去除量计算公式,去除量涵盖CH4回收量、CODCr和TN去除量、污泥处理量;另一方面构建了温室气体排放量计算公式,排放量涵盖回收CH4产生的温室气体减排量、去除CODCr产生的温室气体排放量、处理污泥产生的温室气体排放量、去除TN产生的温室气体排放量.③案例分析结果表明,该污水处理厂污染物去除并没有协同减排温室气体排放量,从温室气体排放强度来看,单位CODCr去除量、单位TN去除量和单位污泥处理量产生的温室气体排放量分别为0.051 3、2.435 6和0.546 0 t,单位TN去除量产生的温室气体量(2.435 6 t)最大,其次为污泥处理(0.546 0 t);从温室气体排放总量来看,该污水处理厂使用电力间接排放的温室气体量(1 362.68 t)最大.研究提出的城镇污水处理厂污染物去除协同控制温室气体核算方法可行,能够根据污水处理厂相关数据判定污水处理不同环节污染物去除和温室气体减排二者间的关系.针对核算过程中存在的数据不确定性问题、质量控制问题以及如何实现减污降碳协同增效等方面提出了相应的完善方法,如在质量控制中可通过制定核算方案、监测方案与计划,开展核算人员业务培训,进行数据核验,测量仪器校准和调整等提高核算质量.研究显示,在碳达峰碳中和的“双碳”目标约束下,城镇污水处理厂在进行污水处理时需要全面考虑各种因素,建立协同控制的治理体系,实现减污降碳协同增效的最大化.   相似文献   

论述了我国铁矿企业加快发展循环经济的重要性和紧迫性,通过对国家循环经济试点单位的调研,提出铁矿企业发展循环经济可以采取“两提高、三综合、一恢复”的模式,即提高采矿回采率和出矿品位,提高选矿金属回收率和精矿品位;矿产资源综合利用;恢复矿山生态环境。并就铁矿企业如何大力发展循环经济提出建议。  相似文献   

人为活动产生温室气体的来源之一是城市废弃物处理。参考《省级温室气体清单编制指南(试行)》,结合城市废弃物处置状况,研究新疆2010年废弃物处理的温室气体排放。结果表明:2010年新疆城市废弃物处置过程温室气体总排放量为3 570 230.74 t(eq.CO2),其中固体废物填埋处置是重点排放源,排放量约为2 744 006.79 t,废弃物焚烧处置过程排放量最少,仅为179.67 t,废水处置过程排放量为826 044.28 t。研究结果为新疆碳减排工作提供依据,并为其他城市的碳排放清单核算提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The mining of gold has been and continues to be an important aspect of Australian industry. Gold mining moved quickly from fossicking and alluvial sources in the 1850's to hard rock mining. This paper presents, arguably for the first time, a detailed historical compilation of Australian gold mining production data. This data is then analysed in the context of sustainability, focussing particularly on mineral resource sustainability and the broader aspects of environmental impacts now commonly reported by some mining companies in annual sustainability performance reports. The key trends which are demonstrated by the data include a long-term decline in ore grade, increased open cut mining, substantive increases in tailings and waste rock production, as well as showing the impact of new technologies and economics on available gold resources. The available environmental data on material and energy inputs to and pollutant emissions from gold production is also presented, showing a clear sensitivity to ore grade. In terms of sustainability, these relationships raise significant issues such as increasing greenhouse footprint per unit gold produced, potential impacts on energy and water consumption, as well as overall gold resource sustainability. The paper presents a unique case study of the resource and environmental sustainability of the Australian gold mining sector with major implications for sustainability policy and reporting.  相似文献   

This article analyses the impact of waste recovery on climate change mitigation on a regional scale. We focus on the EU End of Waste (EoW) policy, which aims at reducing negative impacts on the environment through the minimization of generated waste. At the same time, the EU climate objectives set challenging goals for the industry to lower greenhouse gas emissions. We argue that the goals of these two policies are conflicting: under certain circumstances, the EoW will lead into increased greenhouse gas emissions because of a number of negative feedback effects that function on multiple spatial and temporal scales.To assess the effects of waste recovery on greenhouse gas emissions, we carry out a consequential life-cycle inventory on a proposed industrial ecosystem around the Gulf of Bothnia between Finland and Sweden. The system recovers currently unutilized steelmaking dust and slag from four steel mills in Finland and Sweden and converts them into iron and zinc raw materials in a novel rotary hearth furnace. The recovered iron is led back into the blast furnace of one of the steel mills and zinc is treated in an existing zinc plant. In the European scale, the model system is significant in size, serving thus as a model for integrated EoW and carbon footprint assessments in other similar cases within the EU.The analysis reveals the relative greenhouse gas emissions from raw material extraction and production, heat and power generation, transport and the production process itself, in comparison to the present system with limited material recovery. To test the model viability, we conduct a sensitivity analysis with respect to increasing energy and production capacity. Our analysis shows that from the point of view of a single operator, material recovery may bring noteworthy reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. If the scale of the assessment is expanded beyond the confines of a single plant, however, we find limited potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through further recovery of steelmaking residues. In conclusion, we provide policy recommendations with which the EoW paradigm can provide better support for climate change mitigation on a regional scale.  相似文献   

The iron and steel production process is one of the predominant anthropogenic sources of atmospheric mercury emissions worldwide. In this study, field tests were conducted to study mercury emission characteristics and mass flows at two iron and steel plants in China. It was found that low-sulfur flue gas from sintering machines could contribute up to41% of the total atmospheric mercury emissions, and desulfurization devices could remarkably help reduce the emissions. Coal gas burning accounted for 17%–49% of the total mercury emissions, and therefore the mercury control of coal gas burning, specifically for the power plant burning coal gas to generate electricity, was significantly important. The emissions from limestone and dolomite production and electric furnaces can contribute29.3% and 4.2% of the total mercury emissions from iron and steel production. More attention should be paid to mercury emissions from these two processes. Blast furnace dust accounted for 27%–36% of the total mercury output for the whole iron and steel production process. The recycling of blast furnace dust could greatly increase the atmospheric mercury emissions and should not be conducted. The mercury emission factors for the coke oven,sintering machine and blast furnace were 0.039–0.047 g Hg/ton steel, and for the electric furnace it was 0.021 g Hg/ton steel. The predominant emission species was oxidized mercury, accounting for 59%–73% of total mercury emissions to air.  相似文献   

2015年中国地区大气甲烷排放估计及空间分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CH4是仅次于CO2的重要温室气体,也是重要的化学活性气体.定量估算我国甲烷的排放量及分析其空间分布特征,对于控制温室气体排放,减缓温室效应具有重要意义.本文以2015年中国官方统计年鉴资料为基础,利用IPCC排放清单指南、国内外排放因子研究结果及动力学模型方法,从能源活动(煤炭开采和油气系统)、农业活动(反刍动物、稻田排放和秸秆露天燃烧)、自然源排放(自然湿地和植被排放)、废弃物处理(固体废弃物、工业污水和生活污水)和人工湿地等几个主要方面,对中国地区的CH4排放进行定量估计.结果表明:中国地区2015年CH4排放总量为61.59 Tg,其中以农业活动和能源活动为主要排放源,排放量分别达到20.42 Tg和20.39 Tg,占总排放量比例分别约为33.2%和33.1%.CH4自然源考虑了植被和自然湿地排放,排放量为11.77 Tg,占比为19.1%;废弃物处理产生的CH4排放量为8.64 Tg,占比为14.0%;人工湿地排放量为0.37 Tg,占比为0.6%.从空间分布来看,CH4排放具有较明显的不均匀性,大值区主要集中在华北、西南及东南地区,而西北地区的排放量则相对较低,主要与各地的资源环境、人口密度和经济情况密切相关.  相似文献   

Consumer's choice of food can influence the environment. In Sweden, in common with many other countries, consumers need to be given information so they can make environmentally informed shopping choices. However, what is the most advantageous dietary choice to lower greenhouse emissions? This study investigates the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food production for food consumed in Sweden annually. Specifically, this study compares greenhouse gas emissions associated with a nutritionally and environmentally sustainable diet with the average consumption of food in Sweden 1999. The study concludes that the change in energy use and greenhouse gas emission associated with this change of diet is negligible. Lowering greenhouse gas emissions by changing food production processes results in more profound changes than teaching consumers to make environmentally correct choices. There is a basic need for a reduction or a replacement of the use of fossil fuels to produce and distribute our food in order to reach any significant reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. Swedish agricultural policy does not provide ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In Sweden therefore there is an immediate need to design policy instruments with the primary aim of reducing the greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

铁矿采选项目环境影响评价中清洁生产标准的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦煜民 《环境工程》2010,28(5):118-120
针对我国铁矿开发利用特点以及对环境影响,分析了我国铁矿采选项目环境影响评价中清洁生产标准存在的一些问题,提出了完善清洁生产相应标准的建议。  相似文献   

我国矿产资源开采中的损失贫化浅析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
矿产资源开采中的损失与贫化问题直接关系到国家矿产资源的综合利用程度和可持续发展的问题。我国矿产资源开采中损失贫化大的问题 ,加速了资源枯竭的速度 ,缩短了矿井服务年限 ,加剧了矿产资源供求矛盾 ,造成金属大量流失、开采成本提高、经济效益差并严重阻碍了矿山的发展。文章分析了我国矿产资源开采中的损失贫化大的根源 ,并提出了解决矿石损失贫化的有效途径和低贫损开采模式。  相似文献   

利用IVE模型和对杭州市机动车排放管理数据库大数据的分析,得到杭州市2015年各类机动车主要温室气体高分辨率排放清单,分析了排放分担情况及时间变化特征,并利用Arc GIS及杭州市路网信息建立了1 km×1 km网格化空间分布.结果表明,杭州市道路移动源温室气体排放中CO_2、CH_4和N_2O的年排放量分别为818.11×10~4、0.85×10~4和0.07×10~4t,合计856.79×10~4t(以CO2当量计).从温室气体种类来看,CO_2占道路移动源温室气体排放总量的绝大部分,为95.5%;从机动车类型来看,小微型客车对道路移动源温室气体排放的贡献率最大,占72.8%;从道路类型的排放情况来看,杭州市市中心、城区、城郊和郊区中温室气体合计CO_2当量贡献率最高的均为主干路,分别为43.4%、61.8%、58.0%和42.4%.杭州市道路移动源温室气体排放强度均呈现由城市中心向城市边缘递减的趋势,同时温室气体排放量日变化特征明显,均出现弱双峰现象.  相似文献   

广西隆华铝土矿是一水硬铝石型铝土矿 ,该矿的矿物组成主要为硬水铝石 ,其次有三水铝石、软水铝石、高岭石、伊利石、鲕绿泥石、锐钛矿、金红石、铝赤铁矿及锂硬锰矿等。硬水矿石中主要元素为铝 ,且分布较均匀 ,适应于高压拜耳法溶矿。本矿床的底泥中发现有一未知矿物 ,经X射线衍射分析及格林 -凯利 (Greene-Kelly,1 95 3 )方法鉴别 ,该矿物为贝得石 ;经蒙脱石 -贝得石系列的蒙脱石群定量法 (Jones,1 964 )测定 ,该矿物的含量为 1 5 .4 5 %。  相似文献   

李海萍  任帅  靳敏 《环境工程》2022,40(10):183-191
开发城市矿产资源对补充原生矿产资源的不足具有重要意义,准确估算城市矿产资源储量也成为研究重点。针对城市住宅建筑,在社区尺度上进行住宅建筑的矿产资源储量估算,通过定量评估北京市回龙观21个小区662栋住宅建筑的在用存量,基于我国住宅建筑的生命周期,在对住宅建筑矿产资源储量进行估算的基础上,计算未来的资源可采量,同时对现有住宅1年的温室气体排放进行预估。结果表明:1)城市住宅建筑中的矿产资源循环利用潜力巨大,21个小区矿产资源储量达到729.3万t; 2)研究区562栋框架和70栋剪刀墙结构住宅占95.48%,框架、剪刀墙结构住宅温室气体排放量远高于砖混结构,随着新建住宅中框架和剪刀墙结构不断增加,未来的环境压力也随之增大;3)研究区预计可回收利用的建材365.8万t,通过对建筑垃圾分类处理和循环利用带来积极的资源、环境和经济效益。  相似文献   

半城市化地区已成为城市化研究的热点,但其生活垃圾管理问题常被忽视.以典型半城市化地区——厦门市集美区为例,通过问卷调查与实地采样两种方法,分析不同住区家庭生活垃圾产生的特征,并通过生命周期分析法,对比混合填埋、混合堆肥、混合焚烧以及分类处理4种垃圾处理方案的温室气体排放,提出相应的垃圾管理对策.结果表明:半城市化地区可...  相似文献   

人类活动引起的大气温室气体浓度增加是气候变暖的主要原因,全球变暖已经成为了当今人类社会所面临的严峻挑战,应对气候变暖的关键是减少温室气体排放和增加生态系统碳汇,由于生物炭特有的理化和生物学特性,将其施入土壤被认为是一种有前景的减排增汇措施.因此进行生物炭对土壤温室气体排放的影响研究对于减缓温室效应和实现“碳中和”具有重要意义.通过综述生物炭对土壤温室气体排放影响的长短期效应及其影响机制,发现生物炭添加对土壤温室气体排放的影响因生物炭原料类型、热解温度、添加量、土壤和植被类型的不同而不同.此外,因老化时间、老化方式和培养方法的不同,老化生物炭对土壤温室气体的减排效应可能增强或减弱甚至消失.同时,在总结现有研究不足的基础上,对未来生物炭影响土壤温室气体排放研究的方向和重点进行了分析和展望,提出了今后应加强CO2、 N2O和CH4排放影响的同步研究、减排与固碳效应的同步研究、不同老化方式生物炭和不同培养方法的联合研究和利用13C和15N示踪技术从过程层次上揭示影响机制.  相似文献   

我国典型露地蔬菜生产中的温室气体排放   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张芬  程泰鸿  陈新平  王孝忠 《环境科学》2020,41(7):3410-3417
基于国家农业统计数据,以露地番茄、黄瓜、大白菜和萝卜为研究对象,应用生命周期评价(life cycle assessment,LCA)方法,定量化我国4种典型露地蔬菜生产中的净温室气体排放(net greenhouse gas emission,NGHGE),并比较蔬菜种类间、省域间净温室气体排放差异和分析减排措施.结果表明:我国典型露地蔬菜生产系统温室气体排放量远高于其带来的碳固定量,是净温室气体排放系统,生产单位面积露地番茄、黄瓜、大白菜和萝卜净温室气体排放(以CO_2-eq计)分别为4 149、 3 718、 3 780和2 427 kg·hm~(-2),不同种类露地蔬菜净温室气体排放差异大;我国典型露地蔬菜净温室气体排放空间差异大,其中,海南、云南、陕西和山东等省份番茄、黄瓜、大白菜和萝卜净温室气体排放高;肥料生产运输和施用是露地蔬菜温室气体排放的主要贡献因子,贡献率为86.8%~90.8%,因此改善肥料生产工艺降低肥料生产运输过程中的温室气体排放和根据露地蔬菜种类及种植地区优化肥料施用量是实现我国露地蔬菜可持续发展的重要措施.  相似文献   

为分析气体燃料发动机的温室气体减排能力,应用生命周期分析方法计算了不同燃料的生命周期温室气体排放量,并据此计算了不同发动机的温室气体排放量.建立了气体燃料发动机“最大限度发展”和“不发展”两种情形.据此预测了2020年中国气体燃料发动机的温室气体减排效果,估算了2020年气体燃料发动机的耗气量占气体供应量的比重.结果显示,在最大限度发展情形下,气体燃料发动机将分别为城市公共交通、船舶动力和火力发电领域减少约7.47, 18.25, 450.1Mt CO2e的温室气体,减排量占全国减排目标的5.3%.气体燃料发动机将分别消耗15%的天然气、18.5%的煤层气和50%的垃圾填埋气供应量.考虑我国气体燃料资源结构情况及供应形势,推广气体燃料发动机是切实可行的.  相似文献   

中国畜牧业全生命周期温室气体排放时空特征分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用生命周期评价方法,选取家畜胃肠道发酵、粪便管理系统、畜禽饲养环节耗能、饲料粮种植、饲料粮运输加工和畜禽产品屠宰加工6大环节,采用面板数据测算和分析1990~2011年中国及2011年国内各地区畜牧业温室气体排放特征.研究表明,22年间,中国畜牧业全生命周期及各个环节的CO2当量排放量均呈现上升趋势,尤其是畜禽饲养耗能、饲料粮种植、饲料粮运输加工和畜禽屠宰加工环节的增长更为显著,但历年饲料粮运输加工和畜禽屠宰加工环节占畜牧业全生命周期CO2当量排放总量的比重均低于1%和0.05%;家畜胃肠道发酵和粪便管理系统环节占畜牧业全生命周期CO2当量排放总量的比重呈下降趋势;22年间,反刍家畜的CO2当量排放量占55.25%,非反刍畜禽占44.75%.2011年,国内省域间内蒙古、辽宁和云南的畜牧业全生命周期CO2排放当量和排放强度均位居全国前10位;西部地区畜牧业全生命周期CO2当量排放量所占比重最大,并且西部地区的排放强度最高;农区畜牧业全生命周期CO2当量排放量占63.88%,牧区占14.07%,但牧区的排放强度最高,农区最低.  相似文献   

Industrial symbiosis (IS) studies the physical flows of materials and energy in local industrial systems using a systems approach. In this study the total fuel and energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions are calculated for an ‘industrial park’ operating in the same manner as an IS. Moreover the relevance of industrial symbiosis, particularly one centred on pulp and paper manufacturing, in moving towards more sustainable fuel consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions is discussed. The system is compared to hypothetical stand-alone production. Moreover, possibilities to reduce the energy use and total greenhouse gas emissions of the park are identified.  相似文献   

Climate change, population growth and socio-structural changes will make meeting future food demands extremely challenging. As wheat is a globally traded food commodity central to the food security of many nations, this paper uses it as an example to explore the impact of climate change on global food supply and quantify the resulting greenhouse gas emissions. Published data on projected wheat production is used to analyse how global production can be increased to match projected demand. The results show that the largest projected wheat demand increases are in areas most likely to suffer severe climate change impacts, but that global demand could be met if northern hemisphere producers exploit climate change benefits to increase production and narrow their yield gaps. Life cycle assessment of different climate change scenarios shows that in the case of one of the most important wheat producers (the UK) it may be possible to improve yields with an increase of only 0.6% in the emission intensity per unit of wheat produced in a 2 °C scenario. However, UK production would need to rise substantially, increasing total UK wheat production emissions by 26%. This demonstrates how national emission inventories and associated targets do not incentivise minimisation of global greenhouse gas emissions while meeting increased food demands, highlighting a triad of challenges: meeting the rising demand for food, adapting to climate change and reducing emissions.  相似文献   

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