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Tannery waste is categorized as toxic and hazardous in Malaysia due to its high content of Cr (in excess of 500 mg/kg) and other heavy metals. Heavy metals, when in high enough concentrations, have the potential to be both phytotoxic and zootoxic. Heavy metals are found as contaminants in tannery sludge. This investigation aimed to identify the fate of chromium, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc concentrations in tannery sludge throughout a 50-day composting cycle. The results of this study showed a general increase in the removal of Cr, Cd, Pb, and to a much smaller extent Zn and Cu, manifested by a decrease in their overall concentrations within the solid fraction of the final product (the decreases were likely the result of leaching). Furthermore, in using a sequential extraction method for sludge composting at different phases of treatment, a large proportion of the heavy metals were found to be associated to the residual fraction (70-80%) and fractions more resistant to extraction, X-NaOH, X-EDTA, X-HNO3 (12-29%). Less than 2% of the metals were bound to bioavailable fractions X-(KNO3+H2O).  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the viability of reducing landfill requirements to satisfy EC Landfill Directive requirements by applying composting/bioremediation techniques to the construction and demolition (C&D) industry waste stream at laboratory scale. The experimental study was carried out in nine test rigs to examine different wood mixtures; untreated timber, creosote treated timber and chromated copper arsenate (CCA) treated timber. Several experimental variables affecting the process were characterised and optimised. These include the best nitrogen additive and optimum moisture content required for composting. Poultry manure was found to be the best nitrogen additive. The optimum moisture content was decreased after the addition of poultry manure. The composting/bioremediation process was evaluated through monitoring the microbial activity, carbon dioxide emissions and toxicity examination of the composted product. A typical temperature profile suggested that untreated and CCA treated mix could be classified as hot composting whereas creosote treated mix could be classified as cold composting. The paper reports on the results obtained during this investigation.  相似文献   

Nowadays the composting process has shown itself to be an alternative in the treatment of municipal solid wastes by composting plants. However, although more than 50% of the waste generated by the Brazilian population is composed of matter susceptible to organic composting, this process is, still today, insufficiently developed in Brazil, due to low compost quality and lack of investments in the sector. The objective of this work was to use physical analyses to evaluate the quality of the compost produced at 14 operative composting plants in the Sao Paulo State in Brazil. For this purpose, size distribution and total inert content tests were done. The results were analyzed by grouping the plants according to their productive processes: plants with a rotating drum, plants with shredders or mills, and plants without treatment after the sorting conveyor belt. Compost quality was analyzed considering the limits imposed by the Brazilian Legislation and the European standards for inert contents. The size distribution tests showed the influence of the machinery after the sorting conveyer on the granule sizes as well as the inert content, which contributes to the presence of materials that reduce the quality of the final product.  相似文献   

This research classifies the physical morphology (form and structure) of bioaerosols emitted from open windrow composting. Aggregation state, shape and size of the particles captured are reported alongside the implications for bioaerosol dispersal after release. Bioaerosol sampling took place at a composting facility using personal air filter samplers. Samples were analysed using scanning electron microscopy. Particles were released mainly as small (<1 μm) single, spherical cells, followed by larger (>1 μm) single cells, with aggregates occurring in smaller proportions. Most aggregates consisted of clusters of 2–3 particles as opposed to chains, and were <10 μm in size. No cells were attached to soil debris or wood particles. These small single cells or small aggregates are more likely to disperse further downwind from source, and cell viability may be reduced due to increased exposure to environmental factors.  相似文献   

Stability is one of the most important properties of compost obtained from the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes. This property is essential for the application of compost to land to avoid further field degradation and emissions of odors, among others. In this study, a massive characterization of compost samples from both home producers and industrial facilities is presented. Results are analyzed in terms of chemical and respiration characterizations, the latter representing the stability of the compost. Results are also analyzed in terms of statistical validation. The main conclusion from this work is that home composting, when properly conducted, can achieve excellent levels of stability, whereas industrial compost produced in the studied facilities can also present a high stability, although an important dispersion is found in these composts. The study also highlights the importance of respiration techniques to have a reliable characterization of compost quality, while the chemical characterization does not provide enough information to have a complete picture of a compost sample.  相似文献   

The emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) is a potential environmental disadvantage of home composting. Because of a lack of reliable GHG emission data, a comprehensive experimental home composting system was set up. The system consisted of six composting units, and a static flux chamber method was used to measure and quantify the GHG emissions for one year composting of organic household waste (OHW). The average OHW input in the six composting units was 2.6–3.5 kg week?1 and the temperature inside the composting units was in all cases only a few degrees (2–10 °C) higher than the ambient temperature. The emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) were quantified as 0.4–4.2 kg CH4 Mg?1 input wet waste (ww) and 0.30–0.55 kg N2O Mg?1 ww, depending on the mixing frequency. This corresponds to emission factors (EFs) (including only CH4 and N2O emissions) of 100–239 kg CO2-eq. Mg?1 ww. Composting units exposed to weekly mixing had the highest EFs, whereas the units with no mixing during the entire year had the lowest emissions. In addition to the higher emission from the frequently mixed units, there was also an instant release of CH4 during mixing which was estimated to 8–12% of the total CH4 emissions. Experiments with higher loads of OHW (up to 20 kg every fortnight) entailed a higher emission and significantly increased overall EFs (in kg substance per Mg?1 ww). However, the temperature development did not change significantly. The GHG emissions (in kg CO2-eq. Mg?1 ww) from home composting of OHW were found to be in the same order of magnitude as for centralised composting plants.  相似文献   

The odour impact of a composting plant situated in an urbanized area was evaluated by continuously monitoring the ambient air close to the plant during a period of about 4 days using two electronic noses. One electronic nose was installed in a nearby house, and the other one inside the perimeter of the composting plant in order to compare the response of both instruments. The results of the monitoring are represented by tables that report the olfactory class and the odour concentration value attributed to the analyzed air for each of the 370 measurements carried out during the monitoring period. The electronic nose installed at the house detected the presence of odours coming from the composting plant for about 7.8% of the monitoring total duration. Of the odour detections, 86% (25 of 29 measurements) were classified as belonging to the olfactory class corresponding to the open air storage of the waste screening overflows heaps, which was therefore identified to be the major odour source of the monitored composting plant. In correspondence of the measurements during which the electronic nose inside the house detected the presence of odours from the composting plant, the olfactory classes recognized by both instruments coincide. Moreover, the electronic nose at the house detected the presence of odours from the composting plant at issue in correspondence of each odour perception of the house occupants. The results of the study show the possibility of using an electronic nose for environmental odours monitoring, which enables the classification of the quality of the air and to quantify the olfactory nuisance from an industrial source in terms of duration and odour concentration.  相似文献   

Based on pre-experimentation, three ornamental plants, Mirabilis jalapa, Impatiens Balsamin (I. Balsamin) and Tagetes erecta L., were selected as target plants to study the phytoextraction of chromium (Cr) in tannery sludge irrigated with four treatments according to Cr concentration gradient [Control (CK); 20.50 × 103 mg kg?1 (T1); 51.25 × 103 mg kg?1 (T2); 102.50 × 103 mg kg?1 (T3)]. Results of pot experiments showed that the biomass of Mirabilis jalapa and Tagetes erecta L. had no significant differences among the four treatments, while I. Balsamin showed a decline trend in the biomass with the increase of Cr concentration, probably due to some extent to the poisoning effect of Cr under treatment T2 or T3. Mirabilis jalapa accumulated Cr concentration, with 408.97, 124.97, 630.16 and 57.30 mg kg?1 in its roots, stems, leaves and inflorescence, respectively. The translocation factor and the bioaccumulation coefficient of Mirabilis jalapa are each greater than 1, indicating that Mirabilis jalapa has the strong ability to tolerate and enrich Cr by biological processes. Comparing accumulation properties of the three ornamental plants, in the amount and allocation, Mirabilis jalapa showed the highest phytoextraction efficiency and could grow well at the high Cr concentration. Our experiments suggest that Mirabilis jalapa is the expected flower species for Cr removal from tannery sludge.  相似文献   

In-vessel composting of household wastes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The process of composting has been studied using five different types of reactors, each simulating a different condition for the formation of compost; one of which was designed as a dynamic complete-mix type household compost reactor. A lab-scale study was conducted first using the compost accelerators culture (Trichoderma viridae, Trichoderma harzianum, Trichorus spirallis, Aspergillus sp., Paecilomyces fusisporus, Chaetomium globosum) grown on jowar (Sorghum vulgare) grains as the inoculum mixed with cow-dung slurry, and then by using the mulch/compost formed in the respective reactors as the inoculum. The reactors were loaded with raw as well as cooked vegetable waste for a period of 4 weeks and then the mulch formed was allowed to maturate. The mulch was analysed at various stages for the compost and other environmental parameters. The compost from the designed aerobic reactor provides good humus to build up a poor physical soil and some basic plant nutrients. This proves to be an efficient, eco-friendly, cost-effective, and nuisance-free solution for the management of household solid wastes.  相似文献   

Biodegradability under composting conditions is assessed by test methods, such as ASTM D 5338-92, based on the measurement of CO2 released by test materials when mixed with mature compost and maintained in a controlled composting environment. However, in real composting, biodegradation occurs in fresh waste. To clarify this point, the biodegradation of paper and of a starch-based biodegradable thermoplastic material, Mater-Bi ZI01U, was followed by measuring the weight loss of samples introduced either into a mature compost or into a synthetic waste. The weight loss in mature compost was higher at the beginning but tended to decrease; in synthetic waste a first lag phase was followed by an exponential phase. Complete degradation of paper was noticed simultaneously in the two substrates (after 25 days). The bulkier Mater-Bi samples were fully degraded after 20 days in fresh waste, but after 45 days in mature compost. Therefore, the test methods using mature compost as a substrate can possibly underestimate the biodegradation rate occurring in fresh waste, i.e., in real composting plants, and have to be considered as conservative test methods. The test procedure described in this paper seems very suitable as a screening method to verify the compostability of plastic materials in a composting environment.  相似文献   

In order to carry out life-cycle assessments as a basis for far-reaching decisions about environmentally sustainable waste treatment, it is important that the input data be reliable and sound. A comparison of the potential greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with each solid waste treatment option is essential. This paper addresses GHG emissions from controlled composting processes. Some important methodological prerequisites for proper measurement and data interpretation are described, and a common scale and dimension of emission data are proposed so that data from different studies can be compared. A range of emission factors associated with home composting, open windrow composting, encapsulated composting systems with waste air treatment and mechanical biological waste treatment (MBT) are presented from our own investigations as well as from the literature. The composition of source materials along with process management issues such as aeration, mechanical agitation, moisture control and temperature regime are the most important factors controlling methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammoniac (NH3) emissions. If ammoniac is not stripped during the initial rotting phase or eliminated by acid scrubber systems, biofiltration of waste air provides only limited GHG mitigation, since additional N2O may be synthesized during the oxidation of NH3, and only a small amount of CH4 degradation occurs in the biofilter. It is estimated that composting contributes very little to national GHG inventories generating only 0.01-0.06% of global emissions. This analysis does not include emissions from preceding or post-treatment activities (such as collection, transport, energy consumption during processing and land spreading), so that for a full emissions account, emissions from these activities would need to be added to an analysis.  相似文献   

Windrow composting of source-separated biowaste was studied in a pilot plant in Crete, with regard to abiotic factors, gas concentration in the pile and succession of functional microbial groups. The pH, C/N ratio and VS content, as well as the O2 and CO2 concentration, correlated well with composting time, indicating typical composting behaviour. Most of the microbial groups examined exhibited their highest counts towards the end of the thermophilic phase, with declining trends thereafter. The population of total mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria increased during the mild thermophilic phase and followed the temperature decline thereafter. Results on these microbial groups and fungi indicate that the timing of the thermophilic stage in the composting process, in addition to the peak temperature and duration of the stage, affects the microbial succession. Escherichia coli were detected for over 2 months of processing, in spite of the high temperatures achieved; only after about 3 months of composting did its population decline below the detection limit.  相似文献   

In this study, anaerobic co-digestion of the tannery waste water (TWW) and tannery solid waste (TSW) with four TWW to TSW mixing ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50 and 25:75) was carried out using semi-continuous two-phase anaerobic sequencing batch reactor system under mesophilic temperature (38?±?2 °C). During the experimental study, effluents resulted from previously optimized acidogenic reactors were used to feed subsequent methanogenic reactors and then operated at hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 20, 15 and 10 days and equivalent organic loading rate. The findings revealed that methanogenic reactor of 50:50 (TWW:TSW) treating the effluent from previously optimized acidogenic step exhibits best process performances in terms of daily biogas (415 ml/day), methane production (251 ml/day), methane content (60.5%) and COD removal efficiency (75%) when operated at HRT of 20 days. Process stability of methanogenic step also evaluated and the obtained results showed suitable pH (6.8), no VFA accumulation, i.e., VFA/Alkalinity (0.305), alkalinity (3210 mgCaCO3/l) and ammonia (246 mg/l with in optimum operating range). In general, improved process stability as well as performance was achieved during anaerobic co-digestion of TWW with TSW compared to mono-digestion of TWW.  相似文献   

In this paper an original energy recovery method from composting is analyzed. The integrated system exploits the heat available from the aerobic biochemical process in order to support the drying of sewage sludge, using a specific solar greenhouse. The aim is to tackle the problem of organic waste treatment, with specific regard to food waste. This is done by optimizing the energy consumption of the aerobic process of composting, using the heat produced to solve a second important waste management problem such as the sewage waste treatment. Energy and mass balances are presented in a preliminary feasibility study. Referring to a composting plant with a capacity of 15,000 t/y of food waste, the estimation of the power from recovered heat for the entire plant resulted about 42 kW. The results demonstrated that the energy recoverable can cover part of the heat necessary for the treatment of sludge generated by the population served by the composting plant (in terms of food waste and green waste collection). The addition of a renewable source such as solar energy could cover the residual energy demand. The approach is presented in detail in order for it to be replicated in other case studies or at full scale applications.  相似文献   

The systems of aeration control currently available for “Aerated Static Pile” composting are reviewed. These systems are fixed rate, variable rate and automated rate of aeration control. It is concluded that only the automated aeration system can actually cater for the dynamic nature of the composting process. Advantages such as a means of monitoring aeration effectiveness, and an indication of the end of active composting can be incorporated into the system.  相似文献   

A by-product of the construction aggregate industry is fines or dust that contain trace elements such as zinc and copper and significant amounts of iron, aluminum, silica and potassium. Beneficial uses for these materials have been proposed such as replenishing depleted soils and amendment in mixtures of organic byproducts prior to composting. To evaluate the beneficial uses in composting, outdoor bin studies were conducted using a beef cattle manure, straw and wood chip mixture amended with and without basaltic mineral fines. Temperature differences in composting mixtures of equal volumes, equal moisture and relatively equal material content are considered an indication of differing biological activities [Haug, Compost Engineering Principles and Practice. Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI. (1980)]. Temperatures were lower in the mineral fine-treated manure mixture initially. After turning the piles at six weeks, temperatures tended to be higher in the mineral fine amended mixture. Overall, temperatures were not significantly different suggesting that mineral fines amendment does not significantly increase temperature and activity in composting mixtures.  相似文献   

The effect of various operational conditions on the decomposition of organic material during the composting of night-soil treatment sludge was quantitatively examined. The optimum composting conditions were found to be a temperature of ca. 60 °C and an initial pH value of 8. Rapid decomposition of organic matter ceased by the sixth day of composting under these optimum conditions, and the final value of the cumulative emission of carbon (EC), which represents the degree of organic matter decomposition, was less than 40%, indicating that the sludge contained only a small amount of easily degradable organic material. A plant growth assay using Komatsuna (Brassica campestris L. var. rapiferafroug) in a 1/5000a standard cultivation pot was then conducted for the compost at various degrees of organic matter decomposition: the raw composting material, the final compost obtained on day 6, and the 2 intermediate compost products (i.e., EC = 10% and 20%). It was found that the larger the EC, the greater the yield of Komatsuna growth. It was also found that 6 days of composting is sufficient to promote Komatsuna growth at the standard loading level, which is equivalent to a 1.5 g N/pot, since the promotion effect was as high as that obtained using chemical fertilizer. It can therefore be concluded that well-matured compost could be obtained in a short period of time (i.e., as early as 6 days), when night-soil sludge is composted under optimum conditions.  相似文献   

Due to high content of heavy metals such as chromium, tannery sewage sludge is a material which is difficult to be biologically treated as it is in the case of organic waste. Consequently, a common practice in managing tannery sewage sludge is landfilling. This poses a potential threat to both soil and water environments and it additionally generates costs of construction of landfills that meet specific environment protection requirements. Vitrification of this kind of sewage sludge with the addition of mineral wastes can represent an alternative to landfilling.The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of obtaining an environmentally safe product by means of vitrification of tannery sewage sludge from a flotation wastewater treatment process and chemical precipitation in order to address the upcoming issue of dealing with sewage sludge from the tannery industry which will be prohibited to be landfilled in Poland after 2016. The focus was set on determining mixtures of tannery sewage sludge with additives which would result in the lowest possible heavy metal leaching levels and highest hardness rating of the products obtained from their vitrification.The plasma vitrification process was carried out for mixtures with various amounts of additives depending on the type of sewage sludge used. Only the materials of waste character were used as additives.One finding of the study was an optimum content of mineral additives in vitrified mixture of 30% v/v waste molding sands with 20% v/v carbonate flotation waste from the zinc and lead industry for the formulations with flotation sewage sludge, and 45% v/v and 5% v/v, respectively, for precipitation sewage sludge. These combinations allowed for obtaining products with negligible heavy metal leaching levels and hardness similar to commercial glass, which suggests they could be potentially used as construction aggregate substitutes. Incineration of sewage sludge before the vitrification process lead to increased hardness of the vitrificates and reduced leaching of some heavy metals.  相似文献   

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