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The effectiveness of methane fermentation treatment used in food waste processing is currently limited by solubilization and acidogenesis. In efforts to improve the treatment process, this study examined the effects of temperature on solubilization and acidogenesis. The solubilization rate of food waste, which was based on suspended solid removal, was 47.5%, 62.2%, 70.0%, 72.7%, 56.1% and 45.9% at 15 °C, 25 °C, 35 °C, 45 °C, 55 °C and 65 °C, respectively. Solubilization rate was accelerated from the middle to late experimental periods under mesophilic (35 °C and 45 °C) conditions. In contrast, overall solubilization rate was significantly lower under thermophilic (55 °C and 65 °C) conditions than under mesophilic conditions, although solubilization occurred rapidly in the early experimental period. The production of biogas was high under mesophilic conditions of 35 °C and 45 °C, at 64.7 and 62.7 mL/g-VS, respectively, while it was scarce under thermophilic conditions. Solubilization of food waste was accelerated under both mesophilic and thermophilic conditions; however, solubilization rate was observed to be particularly high under mesophilic conditions, and a shortening of the hydraulic retention time is expected under thermophilic conditions.  相似文献   

The presence in waste of emerging pollutants (EPs), whose behaviours and effects are not well understood, may present unexpected health and environmental risks and risks for the treatment processes themselves. EP may include substances that are newly detected in the environment, substances already identified as risky and whose use in items is prohibited (but which may be present in old or imported product waste) or substances already known but whose recent use in products can cause problems during their future treatment as waste. Several scientific studies have been conducted to assess the presence of EP in waste, but they are mostly dedicated to a single category of substance or one particular waste treatment. In the absence of a comprehensive review focused on the impact of the presence of EP on waste treatment schemes, the authors present a review of the key issues associated with the treatment of waste containing emerging pollutants. This review presents the typologies of emerging pollutants that are potentially present in waste along with the major challenges for each treatment scheme (recycling, composting, digestion, incineration, landfilling and wastewater treatment). All conventional treatment processes are affected by these new pollutants, and they were almost never originally designed to consider these substances. In addition to these general aspects, a comprehensive review of available data, projects and future R&D needs related to the impact of nanoparticles on waste treatment is presented as a case study.  相似文献   

A severe threat was posed due to improper and inefficient recycling of waste batteries in China. The present work considered the fundamental aspects of the recycling of cadmium from waste nickel–cadmium batteries by means of vacuum metallurgy separation in scale-up. In the first stage of this work, the characterization of waste nickel–cadmium batteries was carried out. Five types of batteries from different brands and models were selected and their components were characterized in relation to their elemental chemical composition and main phase. In the second stage of this work, the parameters affecting the recycling of cadmium by means of vacuum metallurgy separation were investigated and a L16 (44) orthogonal design was applied to optimize the parameters. With the thermodynamics theory and numerical analysis, it can be seen that the orthogonal design is an effective tool for investigating the parameters affecting the recycling of cadmium. The optimum operating parameters for the recycling of cadmium obtained by orthogonal design and verification test were 1073 K (temperature), 2.5 h (heating time), 2 wt.% (the addition of carbon powder), and 30 mm (the loaded height), respectively, with recycling efficiency approaching 99.98%. The XRD and ICP-AES analyzed results show that the condensed product was characterized as metallic cadmium, and cadmium purity was 99.99% under the optimum condition.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This paper has outlined the measures and challenges facing Thailand, which was forced to address a surge in imports of plastic waste and e-waste...  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Human and livestock waste, i.e., excreta, were intensively used in crop cultivation in Asia over the years. However, rapid economic growth induced...  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze problems concerning household waste disposal and material flow by means of a Leontief–Sraffa–von Neumann framework. We treat household residuals as if they were traded and valued in a daily market transaction. Thus, we can calculate the shadow price of waste, making a value system compatible with a quantity system. We show the theoretical existence of an equilibrium solution between a value system and a quantity system. This means that if there is a well-organized market for waste treatment, the flow of waste is smoothly regulated by a price adjustment mechanism. Household residuals are shown to be negatively valued if a certain constraint is satisfied. Thus, those residuals are bads instead of goods. Interestingly enough, household waste treatment in the market does not affect the price formation of normal commodities, since waste treatment services or recycling services are nonbasics in Sraffa's sense. Partly due to this character, the Hawkins–Simon condition is required only for normal production sectors, and not for recycling sectors. In the final section, we have dropped the assumption that household residuals are always treated as waste, since some residuals may be traded as normal commodities. Applying the Gale–Nikaido–Debreu lemma to a newly defined excess demand function, we have proved that our model can accommodate such a situation. By this analysis, we have shown that the goods/bads (waste) relationship is a relative matter, being dependent upon economic conditions. The changes in demand for, or supply of, residuals may turn some goods into bads, and vice versa. Received: October 5, 1999 / Accepted: October 18, 1999  相似文献   

In some areas of Sub-Saharan Africa appropriate organic waste management technology could address development issues such as soil degradation, unemployment and energy scarcity, while at the same time reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. This paper investigates the role that carbon markets could have in facilitating the implementation of composting, anaerobic digestion and biochar production, in the city of Tamale, in the North of Ghana. Through a life cycle assessment of implementation scenarios for low-tech, small scale variants of the above mentioned three technologies, the potential contribution they could give to climate change mitigation was assessed. Furthermore an economic assessment was carried out to study their viability and the impact thereon of accessing carbon markets. It was found that substantial climate benefits can be achieved by avoiding landfilling of organic waste, producing electricity and substituting the use of chemical fertilizer. Biochar production could result in a net carbon sequestration. These technologies were however found not to be economically viable without external subsidies, and access to carbon markets at the considered carbon price of 7 EUR/ton of carbon would not change the situation significantly. Carbon markets could help the realization of the considered composting and anaerobic digestion systems only if the carbon price will rise above 75–84 EUR/t of carbon (respectively for anaerobic digestion and composting). Biochar production could achieve large climate benefits and, if approved as a land based climate mitigation mechanism in carbon markets, it would become economically viable at the lower carbon price of 30 EUR/t of carbon.  相似文献   

The global gaseous emissions produced by landfilling the Mechanically Sorted Organic Fraction (MSOF) with different weeks of Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) was evaluated for an existing waste management system. One MBT facility and a landfill with internal combustion engines fuelled by the landfill gas for electrical energy production operate in the waste management system considered. An experimental apparatus was used to simulate 0, 4, 8 and 16 weeks of aerobic stabilization and the consequent biogas potential (Nl/kg) of a large sample of MSOF withdrawn from the full-scale MBT. Stabilization achieved by the waste was evaluated by dynamic oxygen uptake and fermentation tests. Good correlation coefficients (R2), ranging from 0.7668 to 0.9772, were found between oxygen uptake, fermentation and anaerobic test values. On the basis of the results of several anaerobic tests, the methane production rate k (year?1) was evaluated. k ranged from 0.436 to 0.308 year?1 and the bio-methane potential from 37 to 12 N m3/tonne, respectively, for the MSOF with 0 and 16 weeks of treatment. Energy recovery from landfill gas ranged from about 11 to 90 kW h per tonne of disposed MSOF depending on the different scenario investigated. Life cycle analysis showed that the scenario with 0 weeks of pre-treatment has the highest weighted global impact even if opposite results were obtained with respect to the single impact criteria. MSOF pre-treatment periods longer than 4 weeks showed rather negligible variation in the global impact of system emissions.  相似文献   

A water extraction process can remove the soluble salts present in municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly ash, which will help to increase the stability of the synthetic materials produced from the MSWI fly ash. A milling process can be used to stabilize the heavy metals found in the extracted MSWI fly ash (EA) leading to the formation of a non-hazardous material. This milled extracted MSWI fly ash (MEA) was added to an ordinary Portland cement (OPC) paste to induce pozzolanic reactions. The experimental parameters included the milling time (96 h), water to binder ratios (0.38, 0.45, and 0.55), and curing time (1, 3, 7 and 28 days). The analysis procedures included inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP/AES), BET, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. The results of the analyses indicate that the milling process helped to stabilize the heavy metals in the MEA, with an increase in the specific surface area of about 50 times over that of OPC. The addition of the MEA to the OPC paste decreased the amount of Ca(OH)2 and led to the generation of calcium–silicate–hydrates (C–S–H) which in turned increased the amount of gel pores and middle sized pores in the cement. Furthermore, a comparison shows an increase in the early and later strength over that of OPC paste without the addition of the milled extracted ash. In other words, the milling process could stabilize the heavy metals in the MEA and had an activating effect on the MEA, allowing it to partly substitute OPC in OPC paste.  相似文献   

PCDDs/DF and Co-PCB (dioxin) formations were studied with ash from a newly developed gasification and melting process for municipal solid waste. Ash samples were heated in a laboratory-scale fixed-bed reactor. Emphasis was placed on the effects of the type and composition of ash, temperatures, gas residence time, and gaseous organic precursors. Investigations using macroscopic and homologue distribution analyses led to the following conclusion. The ash from the gasification–melting process had the ability to generate dioxins in flue gas. A possible carbon source is unburned carbon in the ash samples, although this was very low (less than 0.01%). An experimental result that the level of dioxins generated from preheated fly ash obtained from a conventional incinerator was much lower than that from nonheated fly ash supported this conclusion. Dioxin concentrations obviously showed temperature dependence and peaked at 350°C. Dioxins formed in a gasification–melting process ash were readily desorbed from the surface, probably because of the low carbon content of the ash. There was no experimental evidence that gaseous organic precursors fed to the reactor generated dioxins. Therefore, an organic precursor was not essential for the formation of dioxins. A good linear relationship obtained between PCDDs/DFs and gas residence time also supported the assumption. Received: February 14, 2000 / Accepted: June 30, 2000  相似文献   

This study reports on the effects of direct pulse sonication and the type of alcohol (methanol and ethanol) on the transesterification reaction of waste vegetable oil without any external heating or mechanical mixing. Biodiesel yields and optimum process conditions for the transesterification reaction involving ethanol, methanol, and ethanol–methanol mixtures were evaluated. The effects of ultrasonic power densities (by varying sample volumes), power output rates (in W), and ultrasonic intensities (by varying the reactor size) were studied for transesterification reaction with ethanol, methanol and ethanol–methanol (50%-50%) mixtures. The optimum process conditions for ethanol or methanol based transesterification reaction of waste vegetable oil were determined as: 9:1 alcohol to oil ratio, 1% wt. catalyst amount, 1–2 min reaction time at a power output rate between 75 and 150 W. It was shown that the transesterification reactions using ethanol–methanol mixtures resulted in biodiesel yields as high as >99% at lower power density and ultrasound intensity when compared to ethanol or methanol based transesterification reactions.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Predicting municipal solid waste (MSW) generation is fundamental in choosing and scaling the processes involved in municipal management. The...  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess boundaries and potential for implementation of waste-to-energy projects in developing and transition countries in order to give realistic future directions for waste-to-energy initiatives. For this purpose, Serbia is taken as an example. In order to highlight the most important issues, which hinder the feasibility of waste-to-energy projects, analysis of the status quo of Serbian municipal solid waste management is performed. In addition, based on the current political and social status of the country, the most important factors that need to be solved as a precondition to waste-to-energy projects are defined. This analysis revealed that aside from technical factors, sociopolitical and cultural obstacles must be eliminated as a prerequisite for successful implementation of waste-to-energy projects. We define the most sustainable pathway for waste-to-energy initiatives in Serbia as well as other similar developing and transition countries, which can complement development of the entire waste management system.  相似文献   

This work validated a burial protocol for in situ testing and presents a robust, repeatable and time-saving technique to measure degraded areas in the sample, i.e. an image analysis method. 1440 specimens of degraded samples have been compiled in a data base. To this end, twenty samples presenting different levels of biodegradability (i.e. PHBV/HV, PLA, PCL, PCL-Starch, paper, PE, PE-Starch) were buried at 4 different locations and then disinterred at 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24-month intervals. The biodegradation levels of these samples were determined by computing weight and area loss. Weight loss was measured after careful cleaning, whereas area loss was quantified using image analysis. Image analysis gives reliable information on visual pollution while only requiring a rudimentary and thus quicker cleaning of the samples.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste treatment facilities are generally faced with odorous nuisance problems. Characterizing and determining the odorous charge of indoor air through odour units (OU) is an advantageous approach to evaluate indoor air quality and discomfort. The assessment of the OU can be done through the determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentrations and the knowledge of their odour thresholds. The evaluation of the presented methodology was done in a mechanical–biological waste treatment plant with a processing capacity of 245.000 tons year?1 of municipal residues. The sampling was carried out in five indoor selected locations of the plant (Platform of Rotating Biostabilizers, Shipping warehouse, Composting tunnels, Digest centrifugals, and Humid pre-treatment) during the month of July 2011. VOC and volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) were sampled using multi-sorbent bed (Carbotrap, Carbopack X, Carboxen 569) and Tenax TA tubes, respectively, with SKC AirCheck 2000 pumps. The analysis was performed by automatic thermal desorption (ATD) coupled with a capillary gas chromatography (GC)/mass spectrometry detector (MSD). One hundred and thirty chemical compounds were determined qualitatively in all the studied points (mainly alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, and terpenes), from which 86 were quantified due to their odorous characteristics as well as their potentiality of having negative health effects. The application of the present methodology in a municipal solid waste treatment facility has proven to be useful in order to determine which type of VOC contribute substantially to the indoor air odorous charge, and thus it can be a helpful method to prevent the generation of these compounds during the treatment process, as well as to find a solution in order to suppress them.  相似文献   

Against the background of increasing concerns about climate change, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions has become an integral part of processes in both the waste management and the energy industries. This is reflected in the development of new waste treatment concepts, in which domestic and commercial waste is treated with the aim of utilizing its energy content, while at the same time recycling as much of its material content as possible. Life cycle assessment (LCA) represents a method of assessing the environmental relevance of a waste management system, the basis of which is a material flow analysis of the system in question. GHG emissions from different options for thermal treatment and energy recovery from waste as applied to a region in Northern Germany have been analyzed by the LCA approach and an indicative LCA, which only considers those emissions resulting from operating stages of the system. Operating stages have the main share of emissions compared to pre-processing stages. Results show that through specific separation of waste material flows and highly efficient energy recovery, thermal treatment and energy generation from waste can be optimized resulting in reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases. There are also other areas of waste utilization, currently given little attention, such as the solar drying of sewage sludge, which can considerably contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

A four-stage systematic tracking survey of 240 households was conducted from the summer of 2011 to the spring of 2012 in a Chinese city of Suzhou to determine the characteristics of household hazardous waste (HHW) generated by the city. Factor analysis and a regression model were used to study the major driving forces of HHW generation. The results indicate that the rate of HHW generation was 6.16 (0.16–31.74, 95% CI) g/person/day, which accounted for 2.23% of the household solid waste stream. The major waste categories contributing to total HHW were home cleaning products (21.33%), medicines (17.67%) and personal care products (15.19%). Packaging and containers (one-way) and products (single-use) accounted for over 80% of total HHW generation, implying a considerable potential to mitigate HHW generation by changing the packaging design and materials used by manufacturing enterprises. Strong correlations were observed between HHW generation (g/person/day) and the driving forces group of “household structure” and “consumer preferences” (among which the educational level of the household financial manager has the greatest impact). Furthermore, the HHW generation stream in Suzhou suggested the influence of another set of variables, such as local customs and culture, consumption patterns, and urban residential life-style. This study emphasizes that HHW should be categorized at its source (residential households) as an important step toward controlling the HHW hazards of Chinese cities.  相似文献   

Parameters that affect the degree of humification for humic substances (HSs) are deeply related to the maturity of the compost. In general, the matured composts contain HSs with a higher degree of humification. In addition, microbial activities during composting are also one of the indices for compost maturation. Branched-chain fatty acids are metabolites as the result of microbial activities in a soil environment. Such branched-chain fatty acids, regarded as humic precursors, are incorporated into HSs during the composting process. To determine whether branched-chain fatty acids in HSs can be used as biomarkers during composting processes or not, HSs were extracted from three types of composts with the different maturation, and the branched-chain fatty acids in the HSs were analyzed by pyrolysis–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH-py–GC/MS). HSs with a higher degree of humification (higher aromaticity and lower molecular weight) contained higher levels of branched-chain fatty acids. These results show that branched-chain fatty acids in HSs from matured compost samples can be used as biomarkers, which indicate the history of microbial activities during overall composting process.  相似文献   

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