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Catalytic pyrolysis of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) was investigated using various fly ash-derived silica–alumina catalysts (FSAs). FSAs were prepared by a simple activation method that basically includes NaOH treatment of fly ash by a fusion method, followed by an aging process. A series of LDPE pyrolysis experiments was conducted and the catalytic performance of FSAs was assessed in terms of the degradation temperature and the simulated boiling point distribution of the liquid products. The effects of synthesis conditions such as NaOH/fly ash weight ratio and aging time were examined by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analyzer, and scanning electron microscope to clarify the controlling factors affecting the catalytic activity. To obtain catalyst with high activity, it is necessary to produce sufficient silica and alumina species that can be easily co-precipitated into solid acid catalyst by destruction of the fly ash structure and to optimize the activation time for catalyst synthesis to prevent the transformation into inactive phases. The catalytic performance of FSA obtained from optimal conditions was equivalent to that of commercial catalysts, demonstrating the effectiveness of the catalyst.  相似文献   

燃煤电站锅炉烟气中含有大量的水分,如能将其回收利用对我国水资源节约具有重要意义.综述了气体膜分离技术在空气、天然气脱水领域的应用,重点介绍了膜法烟气水分捕集技术研究进展,提出了烟气膜法水分捕集技术的研究关键点,指出膜法水分捕集技术发展前景.  相似文献   

以某火电厂2×660MW机组循环流化床干法脱硫气流模拟试验为研究对象,采用速度分布不均匀度的概念,详细研究各种工况下入口烟道导流形式对脱硫塔文丘里速度场分布的影响。研究表明。通过合理设置入口烟道的导流装置,可满足各种工况下CFB-FGD脱硫塔的文丘里管段和反应器段的气流均布,为干法脱硫大型化的气流分布试验研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

将平板陶瓷膜组成膜组件对烟气水分和余热进行回收,考察了烟气的温度、相对湿度、流速和冷却水温度等参数对膜组件水热回收性能的影响。在实验工况下,水通量和水回收效率随着烟气温度、烟气相对湿度的增加和冷却水温度的降低而上升;水通量随着烟气流速的加快而上升,水回收效率随着烟气流速的加快先上升后降低;膜组件的水通量和水回收效率最高分别可达22.0 kg/(m2·h)和36.3%。平板陶瓷膜回收的热量主要来自烟气潜热,烟气潜热换热量与水通量呈正相关变化趋势。在实验工况下,平板陶瓷膜组件的总传热系数最高为412 W/(m2·℃),高于多通道管式陶瓷膜和单通道管式陶瓷膜。  相似文献   

烟气联合脱硫脱硝一体化吸收/催化剂   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
燃烧等带来的SO2、NOx是酸雨的主要来源,开发能联合控制SO2与NOx污染的技术具有广阔的前景。回顾了金属氧化物烟气联合脱硫、脱硝技术的发展史,对目前国内外的研究现状进行了总结,指出了其存在的问题及其发展前景。  相似文献   

作为主要的温室气体,CO2减排问题引起全球范围的广泛关注。阐述了燃煤烟气中CO2脱除的多种方法,分析比较了CO2的吸收法、吸附法、膜分离法等的特点及各自的优缺点,侧重介绍了有机胺和氨水脱除的技术进展,并介绍了氨水烟气脱碳的部分试验结果。  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This paper shows a composite material fabricated from plastic waste of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyurethane as binder, in a ratio of...  相似文献   

燃煤电厂电改袋式除尘器气流分布数值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用CFD方法对燃煤电厂电改袋式除尘器气流分布进行数值分析,给出了袋式除尘器箱体流量分配,每个滤袋单元处理风量、滤袋迎面气流速度大小和分布.数值分析结果与模型试验、现场测试结果基本吻合,可作为除尘器结构设计优化的依据.  相似文献   

研究了化学沉淀法和氨基膦酸型螯合树脂吸附法对催化裂化钠碱脱硫液中Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+)的去除效果。实验结果表明:NaOH沉淀法可有效去除钠碱脱硫液中的Mg~(2+),当溶液pH为12、反应时间为15 min时,Mg~(2+)去除率达91.6%;NaOH-Na_2CO_3联合沉淀法无法去除钠碱脱硫液中的Ca~(2+);经过NaOH溶液有效除Mg~(2+)后的脱硫液再采用氨基膦酸型螯合树脂吸附柱去除其中的Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+),可使出水硬度小于2 mg/L。提高进水pH、降低进水流量、降低进水硬度均可提高单位体积树脂的处理水量。  相似文献   

氨法烟气脱硫脱硝的技术特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氨法烟气脱硫脱硝具有显著的技术优势:脱硫效率高。脱硫脱硝一举两得,不耗费热量不产生废渣,脱硫刺利用充分用量小,不损害设备有节能功效。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish a fuel process for an advanced power generation system in which hydrogen-rich synthesis gas, as the fuel for the molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), can be extracted from biomass via gasification and reforming technologies. Experiments on waste wood gasification were performed using a bench-scale gasification system. The main factors influencing hydrogen generation in the noncatalytic process and in the catalytic process were investigated, and temperature was identified as the most important factor. At 950°C, without employing a catalyst, hydrogen-rich synthesis gas containing about 54 vol% hydrogen was extracted from feedstock with appropriately designed operation parameters for the steam/carbon ratio and the equivalence ratio. However, by employing a commercial steam reforming catalyst in the reforming process, similar results were obtained at 750°C.  相似文献   

The amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted due to waste management in the cities of developing countries is predicted to rise considerably in the near future; however, these countries have a series of problems in accounting and reporting these gases. Some of these problems are related to the status quo of waste management in the developing world and some to the lack of a coherent framework for accounting and reporting of greenhouse gases from waste at municipal level. This review summarizes and compares GHG emissions from individual waste management processes which make up a municipal waste management system, with an emphasis on developing countries and, in particular, Africa. It should be seen as a first step towards developing a more holistic GHG accounting model for municipalities. The comparison between these emissions from developed and developing countries at process level, reveals that there is agreement on the magnitude of the emissions expected from each process (generation of waste, collection and transport, disposal and recycling). The highest GHG savings are achieved through recycling, and these savings would be even higher in developing countries which rely on coal for energy production (e.g. South Africa, India and China) and where non-motorized collection and transport is used. The highest emissions are due to the methane released by dumpsites and landfills, and these emissions are predicted to increase significantly, unless more of the methane is captured and either flared or used for energy generation. The clean development mechanism (CDM) projects implemented in the developing world have made some progress in this field; however, African countries lag behind.  相似文献   

Due to their broad industrial production and use as PVC-stabilisers, agro-chemicals and anti-fouling agents, organo-metal compounds are widely distributed throughout the terrestrial and marine biogeosphere. Here, we focused on the emission dynamics of various organo-metal compounds (e.g., di,- tri-, tetra-methyl tin, di-methyl mercury, tetra-methyl lead) from two different kinds of pre-treated mass waste, namely mechanically-biologically pre-treated municipal solid waste (MBP MSW) and municipal waste incineration ash (MWIA). In landfill simulation reactors, the emission of the organo-metal compounds via the leachate and gas pathway was observed over a period of 5 months simulating different environmental conditions (anaerobic with underlying soil layer/aerated/anaerobic). Both waste materials differ significantly in their initial amounts of organo-metal compounds and their environmental behaviour with regard to the accumulation and depletion rates within the solid material during incubation. For tri-methyl tin, the highest release rates in leachates were found in the incineration ash treatments, where anaerobic conditions in combination with underlying soil material significantly promoted its formation. Concerning the gas pathway, anaerobic conditions considerably favour the emission of organo-metal compounds (tetra-methyl tin, di-methyl mercury, tetra-methyl lead) in both the MBP material and especially in the incineration ash.  相似文献   

The impacts of the aeration and the agitation on the composting process of synthetic food wastes made of dog food were studied in a laboratory-scale reactor. Two major peaks of CO(2) evolution rate were observed. Each peak represented an independent stage of composting associated with the activities of thermophilic bacteria. CO(2) evolutions known to correlate well with microbial activities and reactor temperatures were fitted successfully to a modified Gompertz equation, which incorporated three biokinetic parameters, namely, CO(2) evolution potential, specific CO(2) evolution rate, and lag phase time. No parameters that describe the impact of operating variables are involved. The model is only valid for the specified experimental conditions and may look different with others. The effects of operating parameters such as aeration and agitation were studied statistically with multivariate regression technique. Contour plots were constructed using regression equations for the examination of the dependence of CO(2) evolution potentials on aeration and agitation. In the first stage, a maximum CO(2) evolution potential was found when the aeration rate and the agitation parameter were set at 1.75 l/kg solids-min and 0.35, respectively. In the second stage, a maximum existed when the aeration rate and the agitation parameter were set at 1.8 l/kg solids-min and 0.5, respectively. The methods presented here can also be applied for the optimization of large-scale composting facilities that are operated differently and take longer time.  相似文献   

The issue of municipal solid waste (MSW) management has been highlighted in China due to the continually increasing MSW volumes being generated and the limited capacity of waste treatment facilities. This article presents a quantitative eco-efficiency (E/E) analysis on MSW management in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation. A methodology for E/E analysis has been proposed, with an emphasis on the consistent integration of life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC). The environmental and economic impacts derived from LCA and LCC have been normalized and defined as a quantitative E/E indicator. The proposed method was applied in a case study of Tianjin, China. The study assessed the current MSW management system, as well as a set of alternative scenarios, to investigate trade-offs between economy and GHG emissions mitigation. Additionally, contribution analysis was conducted on both LCA and LCC to identify key issues driving environmental and economic impacts. The results show that the current Tianjin’s MSW management system emits the highest GHG and costs the least, whereas the situation reverses in the integrated scenario. The key issues identified by the contribution analysis show no linear relationship between the global warming impact and the cost impact in MSW management system. The landfill gas utilization scenario is indicated as a potential optimum scenario by the proposed E/E analysis, given the characteristics of MSW, technology levels, and chosen methodologies. The E/E analysis provides an attractive direction towards sustainable waste management, though some questions with respect to uncertainty need to be discussed further.  相似文献   

The ability to grow in heavy metal contaminated areas and absorb heavy metals from the environment make fungi a potentially viable biological‐based technology for remediating hazardous heavy metals in soil. In this study, 10 fungi from a copper (Cu)‐polluted area in Malaysia were isolated, with the four highest growth fungi identified as Simplicillium subtropicum, Fusarium solani, Aspergillus tamari, and Aspergillus niger. Results from toxicity and biosorption testing showed that A. niger and F. solani grew the fastest in the presence of Cu, but exhibited lower Cu uptake per unit of biomoass. In contrast, A. tamarii and S. subtropicum had lower growth rates, but showed better uptake of Cu per unit of biomass. S. subtropicum was identified as the best species for bioremediation because it had the highest Cu uptake and positive growth measured in the presence of Cu at concentrations below 100 mg/L. A niger proved to be most suitable for bioremediation if the concentration of Cu exceeds 100 mg/L.  相似文献   

采用生物滴滤工艺对某药厂硫代纯化车间的高浓度丙酮废气进行中试规模的处理运行。现场风量在3000~4000 m^3/h范围波动,丙酮质量浓度在0~2278 mg/m^3范围波动。在39 d的运行期间,丙酮的平均脱除效率为78%,最高可达100%;系统的平均单位去除负荷为139.2 g/(h·m^3),最高可达482.1 g/(h·m^3)。在高浓度高波动的进气工况条件下,单位生物矿化量可以保持相对稳定的水平,波动范围为11.5~27.3 g/(h·m^3),生物系统的稳定性和鲁棒性较好。循环液COD与进气负荷具有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

In this study, a very promising way of treating and recycling spent nickel catalysts of fertilizer plants in Vietnam was proposed. Firstly, nickel was recovered from spent catalyst using HNO3—leaching process. Results show that nickel recovery of over 90% with a purity of over 90% can be achieved with HNO3 2.1–2.5 M at 100?°C in 75 min. The residue after leaching is not considered as a hazardous waste according to the Vietnamese regulations. Then, the leachate solution was used as a precursor to prepare a model catalyst for exhaust gas (CO, HC, NOx) treatment. In comparison with the catalyst prepared from the commercial nickel nitrate solution, the catalyst synthesized from recovered nickel exhibits similar properties and activities. The influence of Ni loading of Ni/alumina catalyst as well as the modification of active phase by some metals addition (Mn, Ba, Ce) was also investigated. It is feasible to modify active phase by transition metals such as Mn, Ba, and Ce for complete oxidation of CO and HC at 270?°C and a reduction of NOx below 350?°C at high volumetric flow condition (GHSV?=?110.000 h?1).  相似文献   

It is necessary to develop technical systems for controlling and monitoring dioxins in stack gas from waste incineration facilities. However, it required much labor, high technical skill and extreme cost to measure dioxins for obtaining the toxic equivalent quantity (TEQ) values. In this study, the positive correlations of the WHO-TEQ values of PCDDs/PCDFs/Co-PCBs or PCDDs/PCDFs with the conventional I-TEQ values of PCDDs/PCDFs were confirmed beforehand for a large number of incineration facilities in a wide concentration range of a hundred thousand times. The relationships between the TEQ values and the concentrations of total PCDDs/PCDFs, each toxic isomer of PCDDs/PCDFs, total Cl4-6BZs, or each homologue of Cl4-6BZs were investigated for various incineration facilities. And it was found that positive correlations of the TEQ values with the concentrations of total PCDDs/PCDFs, 2,3,4,7,8-P5CDF, or Cl5BZ for a large number of different incineration facilities and in a wide concentration range. Consequently, the concentrations of total PCDDs/PCDFs, 2,3,4,7,8-P5CDF and Cl5BZ, whose measuring methods are much easier than that of obtaining the TEQ values, could be used as convenient substitute indices to the TEQ values for controlling and monitoring dioxins in stack gas from various waste incineration facilities.  相似文献   

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