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城市固体废弃物管理系统是产生温室气体的一个不可忽视的排放源。随着社会经济的快速发展和城市化水平的提高,城市固体废弃物排放量逐年增多,如何准确地核算城市固体废弃物管理系统温室气体排放已成为国内外关注的热点问题之一。本文概述了城市固体废弃物管理系统的演进与优化研究进展,重点对城市固体废弃物管理系统温室气体排放核算规范和标准及其影响因素的研究进行了综述,指出了研究中存在的问题。并进一步建议今后在城市不同类别的固体废弃物管理系统演进过程及其影响、温室气体排放的核算方法、温室气体排放的校正系数、城市固体废弃物管理系统的优化模式及温室气体减排机制等方面加强研究。  相似文献   

废物原料主要是指经初加工再生、边角料、残次品等可以作为再生利用原料的废物。加强进口废物原料管理就显得尤为重要。本文首先分析了进口废物原料管理中存在的问题,其次,就如何加强进口废物原料管理进行了较为深入的探讨。  相似文献   

正The water is the most important component in the ecosystems responsible for energy flow and mass transport.The water also plays an important role for human existence.However,the constructed infrastructures such as roads,buildings,railways,drainage systems,etc.give negative impacts to the ecosystem such as deteriorating the water quality and  相似文献   

中、小型企业缺乏有关企业社会责任活动的参与。尽管单独的中、小型企业对环境的影响不大,但中、小型企业集合起来对环境的影响还是很明显的。企业所有者-管理者的管理方式和道德观念会影响到企业的决策。因此,会对企业的环境行为有直接的影响。虽然,倡导利用环境保护建立企业竞争优势,但许多企业的实施成本是不可能转移给消费者的。本文简要的综述了有关文献后,报告了对这一问题的探索性调查,结果表明无论小企业的管理者怎样表达出对环境问题的关心,都不能转化为较好的废弃物管理。  相似文献   

介绍了韩国固体废物的管理中针对包装废物的管理体制和制度。韩国固体废物的主要监管执行部门是环境资源公社。韩国固体废物管理制度按照循环经济3R原则,制订了生产者责任延伸制度、废物付费制度、押金返还制度、分类排放标识制度及事业场废物减量化制度,在控制韩国包装废物产量和提高回收中起到了很好的作用。  相似文献   

The significance of waste management systems in recent years increased due to the growing problems of waste management chains affecting the daily lives of millions of people and the impact on the environment. Several promising approaches have been developed in the past few years. One of them is the waste management system modelling using reliability, availability, maintainability and safety software. This paper analyses and evaluates this approach. The main goal is to provide quantitative forecasts for various performance measures of waste management systems. They include availability, downtimes, number of failures, and cost. Evaluation of these measures is important for optimal decision making. The system design should both maximise the system performance leading to cleaner processing and minimise the overall cost within the allowable constraints. The effectiveness of this methodology is demonstrated through a case study.  相似文献   

Anoveralldescriptionofindustrialwastewasgivenfromgeneration;treatment,disposalandemissionandcomprehensiveutilization.Inspiteo...  相似文献   

Resource use and waste management in Vietnam hotel industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hotel industry of Vietnam is expanding rapidly with increasing international arrivals and domestic tourists. At the same time, mounting costs of resources and impacts of waste could affect the income, environmental performance and public image of the hotel sector. The hotel industry’s resource management (energy and water) would contribute to the long-term sustainability of the tourism sector. This paper reports the results of a study conducted to assess the resource use and management in the hotel industry in Vietnam. This was obtained by carrying out a survey in 50 hotels on energy and water consumption, and waste generation. The energy and water use, as well as the waste generated in the various hotel categories have been estimated and compared with those in other countries. The current practices in the hotels to address these issues are highlighted, and benchmarks for efficient use of resources in Vietnamese hotels are presented.  相似文献   

为减少固体废物对环境污染,促进循环经济的发展,本文论述了固体废物污染防治现状,介绍了循环经济在固体废物治理中的应用。针对固体废物循环利用中产生的问题提出了可行的建议。  相似文献   

Water and wastewater management constitutes a practical problem for the food and beverage industry including the brewing industry. In spite of significant improvement over the last 20 years, water consumption and disposal remain critical from an environmental and economic standpoint. This paper gives an overview of the world beer market in order to highlight the heterogeneity in capacity of global beer production. From a synthesis of existing literature, water consumption is analysed and the most common treatments and the associated costs are reported. Finally, biological and technical alternatives including membrane operation processes and economic reality are described.  相似文献   

报道了对长沙市5所医院为期一个月的研究结果,内容包括:医疗垃圾管理处置现状;医疗垃圾类型及产量;门诊人数、住院人数及垃圾量的变化规律;住院病人和门诊病人的垃圾产率及中药渣产率;传染性垃圾与生活垃圾的比例及医疗垃圾的组成,指出了现行医疗垃圾管理处置需要改进和提高之处,为建立长沙市医疗垃圾集中处理示范工程提供了依据。  相似文献   

德国是城市生活垃圾管理最为成功的国家之一。从德国垃圾处理的发展过程、法律法规框架、管理体系、管理措施及实施成果等方面介绍了德国城市生活垃圾的管理现状,从而为解决我国现有的城市垃圾管理问题提供管理思路和方法。  相似文献   

电子废弃物管理立法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
我国是世界上最大的家用电器生产和消费国之一,如今面临着越来越严重的电子废弃物处理的压力。而我国电子废弃物管理方面还存在着思想障碍、体制障碍、机制障碍、政策障碍以及法制障碍等问题,急需立法给予解决。我国电子废弃物管理立法应当着重建立如下法律制度:电子废弃物的管理体制制度、生产者责任延伸制度、押金制度、产品成分标识制度、新鲜材料税或垃圾填埋税等税收制度、资源价格制度、电子废弃物中介组织和服务制度、电子废弃物的科技支撑和示范制度、绿色消费和绿色采购制度。  相似文献   

This paper deals briefly with the pollution caused by hazardous wastes in China, the hazardous waste management at present and the strategy that should be taken for hazardous waste management in the future. Hazardous waste problem has become one of the important environmental concerns in China. Hazardous waste have resulted in ecological and environmental destruction, caused damage to human health, and restricted economic development. Although a great effort has been devoted to the management of hazardous wastes, there remain many issues in legislation, experience, technology and finance to be solved. Some recommendations are made on the strategic measures for improving the hazardous waste management in China, particularly relating to legislation, technical development and international cooperation.  相似文献   

我国电镀行业危险废物环境管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文系统研究分析了我国电镀行业危险废物产生、利用处置现状及主流的电镀污泥利用处置技术,从技术和管理角度探讨了电镀行业危险废物管理存在的堵点和盲点。2017年我国电镀行业共产生226万吨电镀污泥,除黑龙江和天津外,其他各省区市电镀行业危险废物利用处置能力充足。针对电镀行业危险废物管理存在的问题,提出了加强对非法转移倾倒行为的打击力度、建立产生者责任延伸制、鼓励电镀行业危险废物源头减量、推进危险废物精细化以及物联网智能化过程管控、完善危险废物利用处置标准体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

Waste minimization is slowly being adopted in the wine industry, owing to a combination of powerful drivers, which are either internally or externally motivated. However, these waste minimization practices in the wine industry are still carried out in an ad hoc fashion and have proven to be inefficient in many cases. The lack of a systematic methodology of synthesizing and targeting specific waste streams by the industry has been identified as a major cause of failure in realizing the full potential of waste minimization in the wine industry. This paper discusses a systems approach framework based on three fundamental concepts, viz. the identification of waste sources, detailed causative analysis of the wastes, as well as the derivation of feasible waste minimization alternatives based on the qualitative data and information obtained during process flowsheet evaluations. The application of the qualitative waste minimization methodology described in this study, led to the identification of 90 waste minimization strategies. Approximately 48% of the total number of strategies targeting intrinsic and extrinsic wastes falls in the category of process execution and management (operating practices). On the basis of these findings, waste minimization can yield considerable benefits to the wine industry on condition that it is incorporated as an integral part of the entire vinification process.  相似文献   

The paper presents a generic process synthesis and optimisation tool suitable to take up applications in the design of waste treatment systems and in pollution prevention. The main component of the technology is a generalized process synthesis representation for simultaneous consideration of reaction and separation in multiphase systems that is amenable for stochastic optimisation. The flexibility of the representation allows applications to overall process synthesis problems as well as to decomposed reactor, reactive separation and mass exchange network design problems. Applications of the synthesis framework to waste water treatments processes using activated sludge and to natural gas sweetening in hybrid membrane-adsorption processes are presented. The paper highlights the use of the systematic technology in environmental systems design and shows how novel designs of improved performance as well as optimal design knowledge can be revealed using the systematic design framework. Context abstract: Environmental process systems for waste treatment and pollution prevention become increasingly complicated to design. There is a strong need for technology that provides systematic decision support to the process synthesis team in order to enable the timely selection of processes that operate close to the performance limits of the system under consideration. Conventional, optimisation-based process design technology is severely limited by the number of design decisions they can support simultaneously as well as by the increasingly complex process models required for the meaningful mathematical representation of environmental process systems. We have devised an optimisation-based process design methodology for integrated reaction and separation systems that overcomes major limitations of existing tools. This paper illustrates the use of this technology to provide systematic decision-support to the environmental process systems designer.  相似文献   

自2006年青岛市工业产业结构调整以来,城市经济快速发展与人民生活水平日益提高,商品消费量不断增加,由此导致工业危险废物的产生量与排放量加速增长,且废物种类繁多、性质复杂、产生源数量分布广泛.管理难度大,因而带来了极大的环境安全隐患。在调查和分析2005—2007年青岛市工业危险废物产生现状的基础上,指出:(1)产生量最大危险废物类别为无机氰化物、无机氟化物、含铬废物和染料涂料等4大类;(2)产生量大小排序依次为平度市、莱西市和李沧区。同时,在分析废物产生特性和污染特性的基础上,提出青岛市在工业危险废物管理过程中存在的问题已成为青岛绿色经济发展的严重壁垒。针对工业经济发展规划和废物产生特征,提出了相关的管理对策和建议,对青岛市工业危险废物的有效管理和促进循环经济的发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

调查分析青岛市废有机溶剂产生现状、污染特性、处置流向及回收利用的概况。结合青岛市产业结构特点,遵循资源化、减量化、无害化处置原则,提出废有机溶剂管理的对策和建议。研究结果对危险废物的有效管理和促进循环经济发展具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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