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Biological hydrogen production by a sequential operation of dark and photofermentation is a promising route to produce hydrogen. The possibility of using renewable resources, like biomass and agro-industrial wastes, provides a dual effect of sustainability in biohydrogen production and simultaneous waste removal. In this study, photofermentative hydrogen production on effluents of thermophilic dark fermentations on glucose, potato steam peels (PSP) hydrolysate and molasses was investigated in indoor, batch operated bioreactors. An extreme thermophile Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus was used in the dark fermentation step, and Rhodobacter capsulatus (DSM1710) was used in the photofermentation step. Addition of buffer, Fe and Mo to dark fermentor effluents (DFEs) improved the overall efficiency of hydrogen production. The initial acetate concentration in the DFE needed to be adjusted to 30–40 mM by dilution to increase the yield of hydrogen in batch light-supported fermentations. The thermophilic DFEs are suitable for photofermentative hydrogen production, provided that they are supplemented with buffer and nutrients. The overall hydrogen yield of the two-step fermentations was higher than the yield of single step dark fermentations.  相似文献   

中国化石能源生命周期清单分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
丁宁  杨建新 《中国环境科学》2015,35(5):1592-1600
利用生命周期评价方法,建立了我国化石能源的生命周期清单模型,详述了模型相关因子的确定方法,计算了原煤、原油、天然气等初级能源及汽油、焦炭等几类主要次级能源的生命周期清单,揭示了我国能源生产的环境负荷,为工业系统分析和材料、产品的生命周期评价提供基础数据.清单分析表明我国化石能源清单的主要特点为能源消耗的97%以上主要来自生产过程,运输占到3%左右的比例;通过与2002年清单相比,我国化石能源生产的总能耗和排放出现不同程度变化;通过与国外能源清单相比,我国能源投入及排放整体处于较高水平.  相似文献   

The Chinese government is developing biomass ethanol as one of its automobile fuels for energy security and environmental improvement reasons. The cassava is an alternative feedstock to produce this ethanol fuel. Its performance of environmental impacts and energy efficiency is the critical issue. Life cycle assessment has been used to identify and quantify the environment emissions, energy consumption and energy efficiency of the system throughout the life cycle. This study investigates the entire life cycle from cassava plantation, ethanol conversion, transport, Fuel ethanol blending and distribution to its end-use. Product system of cassava-based ethanol fuel is described and it is divided into six unit processes. The environmental impacts and energy consumption of each unit process are quantified and some of the potential effects are assessed.  相似文献   

从生命周期的角度出发,以1m2房屋每日的供热量为基准,对散煤采暖,电锅炉,低温空气源热泵,燃气壁挂炉,热电联产集中供热,燃气锅炉集中供热,洁净型煤等7种采暖方式的生命周期污染物排放和能源利用效率进行对比分析.结果发现:相比散煤取暖,清洁采暖方式可有效地降低大气污染物排放量,尤其是PM10和PM2.5.其中,以天然气为热源的燃气锅炉集中供热和燃气壁挂炉最为清洁,可减排SO2和NOx 85%左右,减排PM10和PM2.5 99%左右;洁净型煤和电锅炉的减排效率相对较低.低温空气源热泵和热电联产集中供热对能源利用效率最高,可达到80%以上,而电锅炉仅30%左右.此外,改善建筑围护结构保温性能可有效降低农村地区采暖的大气污染物排放.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrate on fermentative hydrogen production and soluble metabolites from mixed cultures were investigated by varying nitrate concentrations from 0 to 10 g N/L at 35°C with an initial pH of 7.0. The results showed that the substrate degradation rate, hydrogen production potential, hydrogen yield, and average hydrogen production rate initially increased with increasing nitrate concentrations from 0 to 0.1 g N/L, while they decreased with increasing nitrate concentrations from 0.1 to 10 g N/L. The maximum hydrogen production potential of 305.0 mL, maximum hydrogen yield of 313.1 mL/g glucose, and maximum average hydrogen production rate of 13.3 mL/h were obtained at a nitrate concentration of 0.1 g N/L. The soluble metabolites produced by the mixed cultures contained only ethanol and acetic acid (HAc) without propionic acid (HPr) and butyric acid (HBu). This study used the Modified Logistic model to describe the progress of cumulative hydrogen production in batch tests. A concise model was proposed to describe the effects of nitrate concentration on average hydrogen production rate.  相似文献   

鸡粪中高温厌氧甲烷发酵产气潜能与动力学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用富含氮素的鸡粪为原料,包括原料鸡粪、鸡粪固相部分和鸡粪液相部分,选取以鸡粪为原料连续稳定运行超过90d的中高温厌氧反应器新鲜出料为接种污泥,在中温(35℃)和高温(55℃)条件下开展动力学和产甲烷潜能试验.采用Gompertz模型、一级动力学模型和两阶段模型对鸡粪中高温累积产甲烷量进行拟合.结果表明,鸡粪中高温甲烷发酵均呈现明显的快速产气期和慢速产气期两阶段特征,快速产气期的动力学常数K1分别为0.4174和0.2104d-1,快速产气分别在4.5和6.5d结束,快速产气量占到总产气量的69%和58%.原料鸡粪和液相部分的中温发酵动力学常数(K1)分别为0.4177和0.2330d-1,均高于高温的0.1721,0.2214d-1,发酵产气速率较快.鸡粪固相部分中温发酵的动力学常数为0.1960d-1,低于液相中温发酵的0.2330d-1和固相高温的0.2310d-1,中温条件下,水解过程是限制鸡粪甲烷发酵速率的主要因素之一.鸡粪固体和鸡粪液体高温发酵的动力学常数K分别为0.2310,0.22214d-1,鸡粪固体发酵产甲烷的速率快于液相部分,水解过程不是限制鸡粪高温发酵产甲烷速率的最主要因素.产甲烷潜能试验表明鸡粪在中温和高温下产甲烷潜能分别为212,177mL/gTS.因此,仅从发酵效率的角度考虑,鸡粪中温发酵比高温发酵的产甲烷潜能更高,产甲烷速率更快.  相似文献   

ABR发酵产氢系统的控制运行及产氢效能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以稀释糖蜜为原料,通过分阶段提高进水COD的方法,考察了四格式、总有效容积为28.75L厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)的发酵产氢效能和运行特性.结果表明,以好氧和厌氧活性污泥的混合物接种,在水力停留时间(HRT)24h、进水pH为5.3~6.8和35℃等条件下,进水COD从500mg.L-1逐渐提高到6000mg.L-1左右,ABR可在63d内培育出具有产甲烷功能的微生物群落体系,并达到稳定运行状态.此时,4个格室中的液相末端产物以乙酸和丁酸为主,均呈现丁酸型发酵特征,系统的COD平均去除率为37.6%,平均产氢量为3.2L.d-1,去除单位COD的比产氢率平均为45.29L.kg-1(以COD计).随着进水COD的提高,ABR及各格室的运行特征也随之发生变化,在进水COD提高到8000mg.L-1并达到运行稳定状态时,后3个格室中仍有产甲烷活性的残留;前3个格室表现为乙醇型发酵,而最后1个格室的丁酸型发酵特征则得到加强;系统对COD的平均去除率降低为15.4%,平均产氢量和去除单位COD的产氢能力分别提高到12.85L.d-1和360.22L.kg-1(以COD计);由于诸如产甲烷菌和同型产乙酸菌的耗氢活性未被有效抑制,ABR的产氢效能受到了严重影响,虽然总产气速率和活性污泥的比产气率分别达到了61.54L.d-1和232L.kg-.1d-1(以MLVSS计),但总产氢速率和活性污泥的比产氢率分别仅为12.85L.d-1和48L.kg-1.d-1(以MLVSS计).  相似文献   

Numerous different bioreactor systems are applied for hydrogen production by dark fermentation. Thermophilic fermentations are gaining an increased interest due to the high hydrogen yields associated with them. In order to reach the best thermophilic fermentation system, 2 types of bioreactors, a trickling bed and a fluidized bed system, were constructed and operated under similar conditions. Both systems were designed to meet the requirements of thermophilic fermentations, such as reduction of hydrogen partial pressure, system immanence as its best as well as increasing cell densities. For comparing the 2 systems, the extreme thermophilic organism Caldicellulosiruptor owensensis OLT and a glucose-containing medium were employed. Parameters like hydraulic retention time, glucose concentration and stripping gas amount were varied. Each bioreactor system exhibited certain advantages; the trickling bed system enabled yields close to 3 mol-H2 (mol-glucose)?1 and productivities of 0.2 L L?1 h?1, but the application of stripping gas seemed to be obligatory. The fermentations in the fluidized bed system were characterized by slightly higher productivities (0.25 L L?1 h?1), but generally lower yields. However, operation of this system without stripping gas was possible.  相似文献   

Biological hydrogen production by dark fermentation is an important part of biological hydrogen production technologies. China is a typical developing country that heavily relies on fossil fuels; thus, new, clean, and sustainable energy development turns quite urgent. It is delightful that Chinese government has already drawn up several H2 development policies since 1990s and provided financial aid to launch some H2 development projects. In this paper, the research status on dark fermentative hydrogen production in China was summarized and analyzed. Subsequently, several new findings and achievements, with some of which transformed into scale-up tests, were highlighted. Moreover, some prospecting coupling processes with dark fermentation of hydrogen production were also proposed to attract more research interests in the future.  相似文献   

Uncertainty assessment in LCAs is an important aspect for decision-makers to judge the significance of differences in product or process options.Stochastic models (e.g., Monte Carlo) are tools used in Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) to compute the uncertainty of cumulative emissions and resource requirements. However, one main problem when applying such models is the large number of unit processes that make up a product system. In this paper a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches in uncertainty assessment is proposed for an efficient assessment of uncertainty. The qualitative assessment of data quality relies on data quality indicators, whereas the quantitative assessment uses Monte Carlo simulation.The effort to select accurate probability functions concentrates on data with a significant contribution to the cumulative results1 and/or with a high uncertainty. The probability function of selected data is estimated using different techniques, depending on the amount of information available.Some results are presented by applying the method on selected French coal-based electricity.  相似文献   

从湖南大学花园土壤中采集样品,用稀释涂布法分离和纯化适于污泥溶解的典型嗜热菌菌株,从中选出一株高效菌进行形态观察,并对其进行生理生化鉴定.结果表明,该菌株的革兰氏染色为阳性,呈细杆状,产芽孢,为好氧或兼性需氧细菌,最适生长温度为65℃,最适生长pH值为6.8~7.5.通过16SrDNA碱基测序和对比证实,该菌株是目前尚未报道过的一株嗜热菌,GenBank中注册命名为Bacillus thermophilic bacteria AT071(注册号:FJ231108).同时,将其纯种菌用于嗜热酶溶解(solubilization by thermophilic enzyme,S-TE)污泥稳定化处理,接种该嗜热菌可促进污泥中悬浮固体的溶解,2.5d时接种试验挥发性悬浮固体 (volatile suspended solid,VSS)溶解率达到59.41%,比不接种试验同期提高了25.58%,达到了EPA规定的污泥稳定化要求.进一步对经AT071预处理的污泥厌氧产氢效果进行研究,试验结果显示,接种处理后污泥发酵产氢效果良好,高出未接种处理(65℃热处理)污泥26.4%,发酵气体中只含有H2和CO2.  相似文献   

以淀粉生产废水为原料制备微生物絮凝剂,考察了外加磷酸盐、氮源对微生物絮凝剂产量和絮凝活性的影响,分析了絮凝菌的生长与代谢特征,检测了发酵过程中pH值、COD、氨氮、及总磷的变化规律,分别利用Logistic和Luedeking-Piret模型对絮凝菌生长和代谢产物生成的动力学过程进行了拟合,并探索了微生物絮凝剂对淀粉废水的絮凝沉降性能.结果表明,外加6g/L的磷酸盐(K2HPO4:KH2PO4=2:1,w/w)和2g/L的尿素,所制备微生物絮凝剂的产量和絮凝活性分别显著提高至0.96g/L和92.8%.在对数生长期,菌体干重、细胞浓度OD600和菌落数分别迅速增加至1.58g/L、0.86和5.3×107cfu/mL,淀粉废水培养基的COD、氨氮、总磷分别由7836、975、712mg/L迅速降低至1736、188、146mg/L. 絮凝菌发酵结束后,发酵培养基的pH值由6.8略降至6.5.絮凝菌代谢获得的微生物絮凝剂中多糖含量为96.2%,基本不含蛋白质.Logistic和Luedeking-Piret模型的拟合结果能够较好地描述絮凝菌生长和代谢产物生成的动力学过程.此外,本实验制备的微生物絮凝剂在投加量为30mg/L时,能够去除淀粉废水中48.6%的COD和71.9%的浊度.  相似文献   

为解决连续流搅拌槽式反应器(CSTR)发酵制氢系统存在的不足,如单位基质氢气转化率低、因搅拌带来的耗能,抗负荷冲击能力不强等问题,开展了厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)发酵产氢的研究.结果表明,在35℃和进水COD 5000mg/L等条件下,ABR系统可在26d达到乙醇型发酵,其比产氢速率为0.13L/(gMLVSS·d),而在同样条件下, CSTR达到乙醇型发酵后,比产氢速率仅为0.06L/(gMLVSS·d).ABR通过生物相的分离,使产氢系统梯级利用有机物并达到深度产氢的目的.与CSTR相比,ABR具有较高的产氢活性、较低能源消耗等优点,是一种较为理想的有机废水发酵制氢反应设备.  相似文献   

以喹啉为处理目标物,采用Fe2+活化K2S2O8(PS)的高级氧化体系在不同环境因素下降解喹啉.结果表明:与单一PS体系和Fe2+体系相比,Fe2+/PS体系可以有效降解喹啉.在初始喹啉浓度为250mg/L,喹啉/PS物质的量比为1:10,PS/Fe2+物质的量比为3,初始pH3,反应温度为45℃,反应时间为80min的条件下,喹啉降解率可达100%.提高PS和Fe2+浓度均能有效提高喹啉降解率,但超过一定限值后对喹啉去除效果不明显.Fe2+/PS去除喹啉的过程符合一级反应动力学.溶液初始pH值越高,喹啉去除率越低;反应温度越高,喹啉去除率越高.自由基淬灭实验证实,Fe2+活化PS体系中有SO4-·和OH·的存在,其中由SO4-·产生的OH·对喹啉的降解占主导地位.通过GC/MS检测到2种中间产物8-羟基喹啉和2(1H)-喹啉酮,据此推测基于硫酸根自由基强化喹啉降解的可能路径.大肠杆菌急性毒性实验结果证实,虽然Fe2+/PS体系去除喹啉过程中产生了毒性更强的中间产物,但酸性条件和较高的反应温度有利于体系脱毒.  相似文献   

以喹啉为处理目标物,采用Fe2+活化K2S2O8(PS)的高级氧化体系在不同环境因素下降解喹啉.结果表明:与单一PS体系和Fe2+体系相比,Fe2+/PS体系可以有效降解喹啉.在初始喹啉浓度为250mg/L,喹啉/PS物质的量比为1:10,PS/Fe2+物质的量比为3,初始pH3,反应温度为45℃,反应时间为80min的条件下,喹啉降解率可达100%.提高PS和Fe2+浓度均能有效提高喹啉降解率,但超过一定限值后对喹啉去除效果不明显.Fe2+/PS去除喹啉的过程符合一级反应动力学.溶液初始pH值越高,喹啉去除率越低;反应温度越高,喹啉去除率越高.自由基淬灭实验证实,Fe2+活化PS体系中有SO4-·和OH·的存在,其中由SO4-·产生的OH·对喹啉的降解占主导地位.通过GC/MS检测到2种中间产物8-羟基喹啉和2(1H)-喹啉酮,据此推测基于硫酸根自由基强化喹啉降解的可能路径.大肠杆菌急性毒性实验结果证实,虽然Fe2+/PS体系去除喹啉过程中产生了毒性更强的中间产物,但酸性条件和较高的反应温度有利于体系脱毒.  相似文献   

This paper aims to evaluate the environmental burdens associated with spray dried soluble coffee over its entire life cycle and compare it with drip filter coffee and capsule espresso coffee. It particularly aims to identify critical environmental issues and responsibilities along the whole life cycle chain of spray dried coffee. This life cycle assessment (LCA) specifically uses foreground data obtained directly from coffee manufacturers and suppliers. Aside from energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions, water footprint is also studied in detail, including regionalization of water impacts based on the ecological scarcity method 2006. Other impact categories are screened using the IMPACT 2002+ impact assessment method.The overall LCA results for a 1 dl cup of spray dried soluble coffee amounts approximately to 1 MJ of primary non-renewable energy consumption, to emissions of 0.07 kg of CO2-eq, and between 3 and 10 l of non-turbined water use, depending on whether or not the coffee cultivation is irrigated and wet treated. When considering turbined water, use can be up to 400 l of water per cup. Pouch – and to a lesser extent metal can packaging alternatives – show lower environmental burdens than glass or sticks.On average, about one half of the environmental footprint occurs at a life cycle stage under the control of the coffee producer or its suppliers (i.e., during cultivation, treatment, processing, packaging up to distribution, along with advertising) and the other half at a stage controlled by the user (shopping, appliances manufacturing, use and waste disposal). Key environmental parameters of spray dried soluble coffee are the amount of extra water boiled and the efficiency of cup cleaning during use phase, whether the coffee is irrigated or not, as well as the type and amount of fertilizer used in the coffee field. The packaging contributes to 10% of the overall life cycle impacts.Compared to other coffee alternatives, spray dried soluble coffee uses less energy and has a lower environmental footprint than capsule espresso coffee or drip filter coffee, the latter having the highest environmental impacts on a per cup basis. This study shows that a broad LCA approach is needed to help industry to minimize the environmental burdens directly related to their products. Including all processes of the entire system is necessary i) to get a comprehensive environmental footprint of the product system with respect to sustainable production and consumption, ii) to share stakeholders responsibility along the entire product life cycle, and iii) to avoid problem shifting between different life cycle stages.  相似文献   

生态农业建设中的水资源生命周期及系统功能响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文从生命周期角度,对原先自然环境恶劣、通过生态农业建设取得了良好效果的3个生态农业县的水资源利用进行了全过程研究。结果表明,水资源生命周期过程的进展情况受多种因素影响。目前,各生态农业县水资源生命周期过程仍处在发育的初级阶段。这一过程的完整性与系统生态、经济和社会功能的提高成正比。  相似文献   

ε-聚赖氨酸生产废菌体对六价铬吸附影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
曹玉娟  张扬  夏军  徐虹  冯小海 《环境科学》2012,33(2):499-504
以ε-聚赖氨酸(ε-PL)发酵生产废菌体小白链霉菌(Streptomyces albulus)PD-1为研究对象,探讨了其对吸附Cr(Ⅵ)的影响.实验过程中,对预处理方式、pH、初始Cr(Ⅵ)浓度、吸附时间和温度等因素进行了考察.结果表明,HCl预处理的菌体具有较好的吸附能力,Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附增加率达到22.7%,最佳pH为2.0左右,温度对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附影响不大.实验过程中分别采取Langmuir和Freundlich 2种吸附等温模型对实验数据进行了拟合,得到2个模型的线性相关系数R2分别为0.979 4和0.979 8,这表明吸附过程中既存在单层吸附同时也存在复杂的多层吸附,小白链霉菌对Cr(Ⅵ)的最大理论吸附量为23.92mg.g-1.通过傅里叶变换红外光谱分析,酰胺基和羟基等基团在吸附过程中起主要作用.  相似文献   

以柠檬酸废水厌氧颗粒污泥为接种物,在不同pH值调控条件下开展柠檬酸生产废水剩余活性污泥厌氧发酵产酸研究.通过对发酵液挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)、有机质、氮磷和污泥脱水性能的分析,探讨了柠檬酸污泥厌氧产酸机制.结果表明,pH≥10的碱性条件更有利于有机质的溶出从而促进VFAs的产生.三维荧光光谱分析发现在恒定pH值下腐殖酸(HA)和富里酸(FA)会大量溶出降低VFAs的产量.初始pH=10是柠檬酸污泥厌氧产酸的最佳p H值,发酵4d的VFAs浓度最高达(6681.47±126.82)mgCOD/L,是文献报道中市政污泥产酸量的近2倍,其中乙酸占比49.8%,发酵后产酸功能菌Chloroflexi、Bacteroidota的相对丰度分别由初始的9.52%、10.87%增至16.84%、14.39%,污泥归一化毛细吸水时间(nCST)为(11.34±0.27)s·L/g,脱水性能良好,发酵液TP浓度为(20.45±0.33) mg/L.研究表明,利用柠檬酸剩余活性污泥碱性厌氧发酵产酸作为污水处理过程中的外加碳源具有较大潜力.  相似文献   

Road transport produces significant amounts of emissions by using crude oil as the primary energy source. A reduction of emissions can be achieved by implementing alternative fuel chains. The objective of this study is to carry out an economic, environmental and energy (EEE) life cycle study on natural gas-based automotive fuels with conventional gasoline in an abundant region of China. A set of indices of four fuels/vehicle systems on the basis of life cycle are assessed in terms of impact of EEE, in which natural gas produces compressed natural gas (CNG), methanol, dimethylether (DME) and Fischer Tropsch diesel (FTD). The study included fuel production, vehicle production, vehicle operation, infrastructure and vehicle end of life as a system for each fuel/vehicle system. A generic gasoline fueled car is used as a baseline. Data have been reviewed and modified based on the best knowledge available to Chongqing local sources. Results indicated that when we could not change electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles into commercial vehicles on a large scale, direct use of CNG in a dedicated or bi-fuel vehicle is an economical choice for the region which is most energy efficient and more environmental friendly. The study can be used to support decisions on how natural gas resources can best be utilized as a fuel/energy resource for automobiles, and what issues need to be resolved in Chongqing. The models and approaches for this study can be applied to other regions of China as long as all the assumptions are well defined and modified to find a substitute automotive energy source and establish an energy policy in a specific region.  相似文献   

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