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This paper investigates the operational issues surrounding the open windrow composting of degradable polyethylene sacks. Areas for consideration were the impact of degradable polyethylene sacks on the composting process, the quality of the finished compost product, and how the use of sacks influenced the on-site processing. These factors were investigated through determining the amount of polymer residue and chemical contaminants in the finished compost product and the daily monitoring of windrow temperature profiles. Site and practical handling considerations of accepting an organic waste contained within PE sacks are also discussed. Statistical analysis of the windrow temperature profiles has led to the development of a model that can help to predict the expected trends in the temperature profiles of open compost windrows where the organic waste is kerbside collected using a degradable PE sack.  相似文献   

Composting is the biological degradation and transformation of organic materials under controlled conditions to promote aerobic decomposition. To find effective ways to accelerate composting and improve compost quality, numerous methods including additive addition, inoculation of microorganisms, and the use of biosurfactants have been explored. Studies have shown that biosurfactant addition provides more favorable conditions for microorganism growth, thereby accelerating the composting process. However, biosurfactants have limited applications because they are expensive and their use in composting and microbial fertilizers is prohibited. Meanwhile, alkyl polyglycoside (APG) is considered a “green” surfactant. This study aims to determine whether APG addition into a compost reaction vessel during 28-day composting can enhance the organic matter degradation and composting process of dairy manure. Samples were periodically taken from different reactor depths at 0, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. pH levels, electrical conductivity (EC), ammonium and nitrate nitrogen, seed germination indices, and microbial population were determined. Organic matter and total nitrogen were also measured.Compared with the untreated control, the sample with APG exhibited slightly increased microbial populations, such as bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes. APG addition increased temperatures without substantially affecting compost pH and EC throughout the process. After 28 days, APG addition increased nitrate nitrogen concentrations, promoted matter degradation, and increased seed germination indices. The results of this study suggest that the addition of APG provides more favorable conditions for microorganism growth, slightly enhancing organic matter decomposition and accelerating the composting process, improving the compost quality to a certain extent.  相似文献   

Fruit-vegetable and fish wastes were evaluated as potential feedstuffs for growing-finishing pigs. Wastes were collected from shops in the city of Salamanca (Spain) and their nutritional composition, mineral content and digestibility were determined. The dry matter of the wastes under study was relatively low (12% for fruit-vegetable waste and 26% for fish waste), but they presented all of the nutrient requirements for swine diets. The fish waste contained 58% crude protein, 22% ash, 19% ether extract and 1% crude fibre, whereas the fruit-vegetable waste contained 65% nitrogen free extract, 13% crude fibre, 12% crude protein, 8% ash and 2% ether extract. Waste digestibility decreased with temperature, and hence temperatures over 65 degrees C for fruit-vegetable waste and 105 degrees C for fish waste should not be used in the treatment to reduce the moisture and to ensure the microbiology quality. Therefore, two diets were formulated using linear programming. The analysed waste was included in approximately 20% of one of the diets, while another diet was formulated without any type of waste. These data showed that this part of biodegradable municipal waste could be managed as alternative feedstuffs in swine diets, reducing the amount of biodegradable municipal waste going to landfills.  相似文献   

Deinking by-products (DBP) have been used as alternative cover material for landfills and mine tailings. Since DBP is biodegradable because of its high cellulose and hemicellulose content, a laboratory experimental program was performed to monitor the evolution of biodegradation and changes in the physico-chemical and geotechnical properties of DBP samples submitted to accelerated biodegradation for 1460 days at 38 degrees C. The evolution of gas and leachate production was monitored in terms of both quality and quantity, which allowed for the calculation of mass loss with time. Under the conditions of the tests (no load applied), 19.6% of the mass was lost as gas, whereas 6.1% was leached out. The results show that biodegradation did not significantly alter the compaction behavior of DBP. The void ratio and water content increased significantly, while the volume of the samples slightly decreased. This seem to indicate that the porous structure of the samples was no longer the same after 1460 d of accelerated biodegradation. A slight increase in the relative density indicates that the organic/inorganic matter ratio increased. The results of permeability tests performed with samples at various stages of biodegradation and at various confining stresses show that the saturated hydraulic conductivity of recompacted biodegraded DBP decreased from 7 x 10(-7)cm/s to approximately 2 x 10(-7)cm/s, as biodegradation advanced.  相似文献   

Although several reports are available concerning the composition and dynamics of the microflora during the composting of municipal solid wastes, little is known about the microbial diversity during the composting of agro-industrial refuse. For this reason, the first parts of this study included the quantification of microbial generic groups and of the main functional groups of C and N cycle during composting of agro-industrial refuse. After a generalized decrease observed during the initial phases, a new bacterial growth was observed in the final phase of the process. Ammonifiers and (N2)-fixing aerobic groups predominated outside of the piles whereas, nitrate-reducing group increased inside the piles during the first 23 days of composting. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB), showed an opposite trend of growth since ammonia oxidation decreased with the increase of the nitrite oxidation activity. Pectinolytics, amylolytics and aerobic cellulolytic were present in greater quantities and showed an upward trend in both the internal and external part of the heaps.Several free-living (N2)-fixing bacteria were molecularly identify as belonging especially to uncommon genera of nitrogen-fixing bacteria as Stenotrophomonas, Xanthomonas, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Alcaligenes, Achromobacter and Caulobacter. They were investigated for their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen to employ as improvers of quality of compost. Some strains of Azotobacter chrococcum and Azotobacter salinestris were also tested. When different diazotrophic bacterial species were added in compost, the increase of total N ranged from 16% to 27% depending on the selected microbial strain being used. Such microorganisms may be used alone or in mixtures to provide an allocation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in soil.  相似文献   

This article presents a mathematical model which describes the sodium chromate (VI) production process with the use of chromic waste as a substitution of natural raw materials. This model is a function of selected process parameters common for all of the examined alternatives and based on equations of material balance. Optimization of the elaborated technological alternatives of the production process with use of recycling of chromic waste has been evaluated by determining the extreme value of the quality indicator WJ. This indicator defines the quantity of waste created in the process. Optimization results enabled the selection of the optimal technological solution from all of the alternatives possible for use in industrial practice. Negative values of the indicator prove that there is the possibility of introducing to the process a larger quantity of waste than the one obtained in the process and transported to the storage heaps.  相似文献   

Environmental impacts and gaseous emissions associated to home and industrial composting of the source-separated organic fraction of municipal solid waste have been evaluated using the environmental tool of life cycle assessment (LCA). Experimental data of both scenarios were experimentally collected. The functional unit used was one ton of organic waste. Ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide released from home composting (HC) were more than five times higher than those of industrial composting (IC) but the latter involved within 2 and 53 times more consumption or generation of transport, energy, water, infrastructures, waste and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emissions than HC. Therefore, results indicated that IC was more impacting than HC for four of the impact categories considered (abiotic depletion, ozone layer depletion, photochemical oxidation and cumulative energy demand) and less impacting for the other three (acidification, eutrophication and global warming). Production of composting bin and gaseous emissions are the main responsible for the HC impacts, whereas for IC the main contributions come from collection and transportation of organic waste, electricity consumption, dumped waste and VOCs emission. These results suggest that HC may be an interesting alternative or complement to IC in low density areas of population.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential effects of a geotextile layer used in a lysimeter pan experiment conducted in a monolithic (evapotranspiration) soil cover trial on its resulting water balance performance. The geotextile was added to the base of the lysimeter to serve as a plant root barrier in order to delineate the root zone depth. Both laboratory data and numerical modelling results indicated that the geotextile creates a capillary barrier under certain conditions and retains more water in the soil above the soil/geotextile interface than occurs without a geotextile. The numerical modelling results also suggested that the water balance of the soil cover could be affected by an increase in plant transpiration taking up this extra water retained above the soil/geotextile interface. This finding has a practical implication on the full-scale monolithic cover design, as the absence of the geotextile in the full-scale cover may affect the associated water balance and hence cover performance. Proper consideration is therefore required to assess the final monolithic cover water balance performance if its design is based on the lysimeter results.  相似文献   

Prior to composting, the composition of palm oil mill wastes were analyzed. Palm empty fruit bunches (PEFB) contained the highest total organic carbon (52.83 % dry weight) while palm oil mill biogas sludge (POMS) and decanter cake (DC) contained higher total nitrogen (3.6 and 2.37 % dry weight, respectively) than the others. In addition, palm oil fuel ash (POFA) had a high amount of phosphorus and potassium (2.17 and 1.93 % dry weight, respectively). The effect of mixture ratio of POMS and other palm oil mill wastes for composting was studied using the mixed culture Super LDD1 as an inoculum. All compost piles turned dark brown and attained an ambient temperature after 40 days incubation. The pH values were stable in the range of 6.9–7.8 throughout the process whereas the moisture content tended to decrease till the end with the final value around 30 %. After 60 days incubation, the mixture ratio of POMS:PEFB:DC at 2:1:1 with the addition of biogas effluent gave the highest quality of the compost. Its nitrogen content was 31.75 % higher than the other treatments that may be a result of growth of ink cap mushroom (Coprinus sp.). This is the first report on the occurrence of this mushroom during composting. In addition, its nutrients (3.26 % N, 0.84 % P and 2.03 % K) were higher than the level of the Organic Fertilizer Standard. The mixed culture Super LDD1 produced the highest activity of CMCase (6.18 Unit/g) and xylanase (11.68 Unit/g) at 9 days fermentation. Therefore, this solid-state fermentation could be employed for production of compost as well as enzymes.  相似文献   

Brazil is the largest worldwide producer of alcohol and sugar from sugar-cane and has an extensive alternative program for car fuel which is unique. The objective of this work is to offer one management option of a solid residue produced by this industrial segment. The pressed sugar-cane bagasse is burned to produce steam and electricity by cogeneration. The combustion yields both bottom and fly ashes which contain high amounts of silicon oxide as a major component. Fly ash which contains a high volume (>30% by weight) of charcoal was used in this work. The ash was sieved to separate the thick charcoal from inorganic materials which are concentrated in the thinner fraction. The briquettes were hand pressed using charcoal mixed with a binder (starch) obtained from cassava flour (a tropical root). The results (density, mechanical resistance) obtained with 8% by weight of starch binder are presented here. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to characterize the ashes and the briquettes. The results show that sugar-cane bagasse fly ash (SCBFA) can be used to produce briquettes with an average density of 1.12 g cm?3 and an average calorific value of 25,551 kJ/kg.  相似文献   

Cylindrical cyclone media separators using a suspended calcite separation media simulating industrial scale operations are demonstrated to effectively separate a wide variety of forms and a greater range of particle sizes of plastics by density than presently recycled. Purities of plastic products and recoveries obtained from mixed plastic wastes are comparable to those reported for established separations. Products of ≈100% purity with recoveries of >99% were obtained for high density fractions and >98% purities and recoveries for the low density fractions. Cyclonic centrifugal forces and/or the fine particle size of the separation media appear to minimize hydroscopic and particle shape effects.A mathematical model is proposed for defining plastic waste feed rates and treatable particle size ranges for the LARCODEMS media separator.Waste plastic separations yielded Ecart probable (Ep) values ?0.024 for a water only separation media. The Ep for 1.1 g cm?3 separation medias was <0.032 with minimal to no variation in values for 1–8 mm particle sizes. Variation in the quality of separations is shown to be minimal with <72 μm, <45 μm and <2 μm media particle sizes. Media density offset created varied according to particle size.  相似文献   

Waste to energy conversion is based on the classification of waste. In-flight catering wastes resulting from Egypt Airlines economy class passengers were classified. The solid waste stream generated contains plastic, paper, left-over waste food and aluminum. The type of meal served varies according to the period of flight and so the quantity and content of the waste stream. It was found that the waste generation rate varied from 61.3 to 265 g according to the meal type. Breakfast snack meal generates the highest weight of waste which recorded an average of 265 g. Plastic waste generated varied from 39.6% to 64.6% by weight for the various types of meals served. A total amount of 725 tons were generated annually from organic waste (paper, plastic and food waste) among which a non combustible 39.4 tons of aluminum. The calorific value for each generated item is calculated and the total energy potential reached up to 14.3 TJ annually.  相似文献   

The microbial oxidation of methane in engineered cover soils is considered a potent option for the mitigation of emissions from old landfills or sites containing wastes of low methane generation rates. A laboratory column study was conducted in order to derive design criteria that enable construction of an effective methane oxidising cover from the range of soils that are available to the landfill operator. Therefore, the methane oxidation capacity of different soils was assessed under simulated landfill conditions. Five sandy potential landfill top cover materials with varying contents of silt and clay were investigated with respect to methane oxidation and corresponding soil gas composition over a period of four months. The soils were compacted to 95% of their specific proctor density, resulting in bulk densities of 1.4-1.7 g cm−3, reflecting considerably unfavourable conditions for methane oxidation due to reduced air-filled porosity. The soil water content was adjusted to field capacity, resulting in water contents ranging from 16.2 to 48.5 vol.%. The investigated inlet fluxes ranged from 25 to about 100 g CH4 m−2 d−1, covering the methane load proposed to allow for complete oxidation in landfill covers under Western European climate conditions and hence being suggested as a criterion for release from aftercare. The vertical distribution of gas concentrations, methane flux balances as well as stable carbon isotope studies allowed for clear process identifications. Higher inlet fluxes led to a reduction of the aerated zone, an increase in the absolute methane oxidation rate and a decline of the relative proportion of oxidized methane. For each material, a specific maximum oxidation rate was determined, which varied between 20 and 95 g CH4 m−2 d−1 and which was positively correlated to the air-filled porosity of the soil. Methane oxidation efficiencies and gas profile data imply a strong link between oxidation capacity and diffusive ingress of atmospheric air. For one material with elevated levels of fine particles and high organic matter content, methane production impeded the quantification of methane oxidation potentials. Regarding the design of landfill cover layers it was concluded that the magnitude of the expected methane load, the texture and expected compaction of the cover material are key variables that need to be known. Based on these, a column study can serve as an appropriate testing system to determine the methane oxidation capacity of a soil intended as landfill cover material.  相似文献   

Innovative separation and beneficiation techniques of various materials encountered in electrical and electronic equipment wastes (WEEE) is a major improvement for its recycling. Mechanical separation-oriented characterisation of WEEE was conducted in an attempt to evaluate the amenability of mechanical separation processes. Properties such as liberation degree of fractions (plastics, metals ferrous and non-ferrous), which are essential for mechanical separation, are analysed by means of a grain counting approach. Two different samples from different recycling industries were characterised in this work. The first sample is a heterogeneous material containing different types of plastics, metals (ferrous and non-ferrous), printed circuit board (PCB), rubber and wood. The second sample contains a mixture of mainly plastics. It is found for the first sample that all aluminium particles are free (100%) in all investigated size fractions. Between 92% and 95% of plastics are present as free particles; however, 67% in average of ferromagnetic particles are liberated. It can be observed that only 42% of ferromagnetic particles are free in the size fraction larger than 20 mm. Particle shapes were also quantified manually particle by particle. The results show that the particle shapes as a result of shredding, turn out to be heterogeneous, thereby complicating mechanical separation processes. In addition, the separability of various materials was ascertained by a sink–float analysis and eddy current separation. The second sample was separated by automatic sensor sorting in four different products: ABS, PC–ABS, PS and rest product. The fractions were characterised by using the methodology described in this paper. The results show that the grade and liberation degree of the plastic products ABS, PC–ABS and PS are close to 100%. Sink–float separation and infrared plastic identification equipment confirms the high plastic quality. On the basis of these findings, a global separation flow sheet is proposed to improve the plastic separation of WEEE.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that including food waste as a co-digestion substrate in the anaerobic digestion of livestock manure can increase energy production. However, the type and inclusion rate of food waste used for co-digestion need to be carefully considered in order to prevent adverse conditions in the digestion environment. This study determined the effect of increasing the concentration (2%, 5%, 15% and 30%, by volume) of four food-processing wastes (meatball, chicken, cranberry and ice cream processing wastes) on methane production. Anaerobic toxicity assay (ATA) and specific methanogenic activity (SMA) tests were conducted to determine the concentration at which each food waste became toxic to the digestion environment. Decreases in methane production were observed at concentrations above 5% for all four food waste substrates, with up to 99% decreases in methane production at 30% food processing wastes (by volume).  相似文献   

The main physicochemical characteristics of the volcanic soil of Southern Chile, with allophane as the main pedogenic mineral phase were analysed and compared with common zeolites (clinoptilolite) of the European market. The ultimate goal of this study was to test volcanic soil for the use as mineral landfill liner. The main results indicated that the clay and silt fractions together of the volcanic soil were between 38 and 54%. The buffering capacity of the volcanic soil was higher compared with the studied zeolites, whereas the cationic exchange capacity of the volcanic soil (between 5.2 and 6.5 cmol + kg(-1)) is of the same order of magnitude of the studied zeolites (between 9.7 and 11.4 cmol + kg(-1)). Moreover, the anionic exchange capacity of the volcanic soil was higher compared to the zeolites analysed. The hydraulic conductivity of the volcanic soil, measured in the laboratory at maximum proctor density, ranges between 5.16 x 10(-9) and 6.48 x 10(-9) m s(-1), a range that is comparable to the value of 4.51 x 10(-9) m s(-1) of the studied zeolite. The Proctor densities of the volcanic soil are in a lower range (between 1.11 and 1.15 g ml(-1)) compared with zeolites (between 1.19 and 1.34 g ml(-1)). The volcanic soil physicochemical characteristics are comparable to all the requirements established in the Austrian landfill directive (DVO, 2000). Therefore, the use as mineral landfill basal sealing of the analysed volcanic soil appears reasonable, having a pollutant adsorption capacity comparable to zeolites. It is of special interest for Southern Chile, because there are no alternative mineral raw materials for basal liners of landfills.  相似文献   

Volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) are the main source for malodor from composting plants. In this study, the VSCs generated from composting of 15–80 mm municipal solid waste (T0), kitchen waste (T1) and kitchen waste mixed dry cornstalks (T2) were measured in 60 L reactors with forced aeration for a period of 30 days. The VSCs detected in all treatments were hydrogen sulfide (H2S), methyl mercaptan (MM), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), carbon bisulfide (CS2) and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS). Over 90% of the VSCs emissions occurred during the first 15 days, and reached their peak values at days 4–7. The emission profiles of five VSCs species were significantly correlated with internal materials temperature and outlet O2 concentration (p < 0.05). Total emissions of the VSCs were 216.1, 379.3 and 126.0 mg kg?1 (dry matter) for T0, T1 and T2, respectively. Among the five VSCs, H2S was the most abundant compound with 39.0–43.0% of total VSCs released. Composting of kitchen waste from separate collection posed a negative influence on the VSC and leachate production because of its high moisture content. An addition of dry cornstalks at a mixing ratio of 4:1 (wet weight) could significantly reduce the VSCs emissions and avoid leachate. Compared to pure kitchen waste, VSCs were reduced 66.8%.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the evaluation of potential environmental impacts of food waste management practices by material flow analysis (MFA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) during different life cycle stages toward the environmentally sustainable options for Daejeon Metropolitan City (DMC) in Korea. The MFA and LCA studies were conducted to examine different recycling facilities of food waste. The results of the LCA study indicate that, among the different recycling methodologies currently in practice in DMC, Scenario 4 (wet and dry feed site) conduced to higher global warming potential (GWP) and higher acidification potential (AP), whereas Scenarios 2 (wet feed site 1) and 3 (wet feed site 2) resulted in the lowest impact. This is mainly due to the emission caused during the treatment stage. For eutrophication potential (EP), Scenario 1 (composting site) contributed to higher environmental impacts due to the emission of ammonia generated during the treatment process, while in case of photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP), the collection stage for all recycling facilities led to higher impacts to the environment due to the combustion of fossil fuels. This study indicates that the proper disposal of the final residues, such as solid sludge and screened materials, could aid in reducing environmental burdens.  相似文献   

Solid adsorbent materials, prepared from waste cement powder and concrete sludge were assessed for removal of arsenic in the form of arsenic (As(V)) from water. All the materials exhibited arsenic removal capacity when added to distilled water containing 10–700 mg/L arsenic. The arsenic removal isotherms were expressed by the Langmuir type equations, and the highest removal capacity was observed for the adsorbent prepared from concrete sludge with heat treatment at 105 °C, the maximum removal capacity being 175 mg-As(V)/g. Based on changes in arsenic and calcium ion concentrations, and solution pH, the removal mechanism for arsenic was considered to involve the precipitation of calcium arsenate, Ca3(AsO4)2. The enhanced removal of arsenic for the adsorbent prepared from concrete sludge with heat treatment was thought to reflect ion exchange by ettringite. The prepared adsorbents, derived from waste cement and concrete using simple procedures, may offer a cost effective approach for arsenic removal and clean-up of contaminated waters, especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

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