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One of the main environmental pollution sources related to machine building industry is the huge amount of cutting fluids which are supplied during the machining processes. In order to avoid the problems induced by cutting fluids' usage, considerable progress has been recently made in the field of near-dry machining (NDM). Converting conventional processes to minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) methods imposes new tasks' classification within the tribiological system in order to guarantee the process safety and product quality. This paper gives an overview on some requirements to be considered for a successful MQL application into industrial practice. Its last part is focused on the evaluation of NDM effects on the gear milling process efficiency, with respect to hob wear, surface quality, cooling effect, and environment protection.  相似文献   

CLAD® process (Direct additive laser manufacturing, Construction Laser Additive Directe in French) allows the direct manufacturing of small parts, and especially in case of complex shapes, giving equivalent properties with traditional processes such as conventional machining or casting techniques. Present environmental considerations are very important for updates in legislation or in order to make economic allowances. A specified mechanical Ti6Al4V part is used as a support and SimaPro software allows to perform Life Cycle Assessment. This study suggests that the absence of chips production, which represents up to 80% of the titanium consumption, provides to CLAD® process an unquestionable advantage. This process requires longer times of execution, which increase additional energy consumptions, and the comparison of this process with conventional machining demonstrates that damages to resources and to human health are highly reduced. In both cases a large part of the environmental impacts are due to the powder elaboration. Finally, CLAD® process can add shapes on machined/casted parts and it is possible to consider the manufacture of a mechanical part via a hybrid process.  相似文献   

尖点突变模型在研究洪水引起环境突变中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以1998年霍林河特大洪水为例,在进行洪水对环境影响作用分析的基础上,将洪水发生的危险系数、地面高程、地形坡度、降雨影响程度、土地盐碱率和草地开垦率6个控制变量划分为两个主分量。由于洪水引起的环境突变可以归纳为一种耦合突变,我们采用尖点突变模型进行求解,得出各主分量的数学表达式和水环境突变区域边界,绘制了该流域环境突变分区图,论证了应用尖点突变模型研究环境突变的合理性。  相似文献   

前后对比分析法在战略环境评价中应用初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
分析战略环境评价基本内涵,提出战略环境评价实施框架,并重点分析了评价战略筛选与评价者确定、战略分析、战略环境影响识另与建立评价指标体系、战略环境影响预测与综合评价以及制定战略环境影响减缓措施等关键问题;初步研究了战略环境评价方法,重点研究前后对比 政策评价方法类型、特点及其在战略环境评价中的应用。最后以长春经济技术开发区战略为例进行实证分析。  相似文献   

Risk-based insurance is a commonly proposed and discussed flood risk adaptation mechanism in policy debates across the world such as in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. However, both risk-based premiums and growing risk pose increasing difficulties for insurance to remain affordable. An empirical concept of affordability is required as the affordability of adaption strategies is an important concern for policymakers, yet such a concept is not often examined. Therefore, a robust metric with a commonly acceptable affordability threshold is required. A robust metric allows for a previously normative concept to be quantified in monetary terms, and in this way, the metric is rendered more suitable for integration into public policy debates. This paper investigates the degree to which risk-based flood insurance premiums are unaffordable in Europe. In addition, this paper compares the outcomes generated by three different definitions of unaffordability in order to investigate the most robust definition. In doing so, the residual income definition was found to be the least sensitive to changes in the threshold. While this paper focuses on Europe, the selected definition can be employed elsewhere in the world and across adaption measures in order to develop a common metric for indicating the potential unaffordability problem.  相似文献   

采用AERMOD和估算模式两种预测模式对同一生活垃圾填埋场进行了预测。比较两种预测结果可以看出,在污染源、预测范围、运行周期相同的情况下,敏感点处的落地浓度均与排放源强呈正比,与距离呈反比。预测结果同时说明,估算模式是一种保守的预测模式,其预测结果比AERMOD模式大,可作为进一步预测模式的有效补充。  相似文献   

This study compares multiple criteria analysis (MCA) assisted decisions and unaided decisions in an environmental management context. It involved 55 decision makers in Queensland, Australia, who used MCA techniques to evaluate environmental projects alongside their own intuitive approaches under the Australian Natural Heritage Trust (NHT) program. The NHT is Australia's largest environmental program funded over A$ 2.5 billion over 10 years. The study assessed decision maker learning and perceptions of MCA's overall usefulness. It was found that MCA produced markedly different results to unaided evaluations. Feedback from decision makers typically showed that unaided decisions did not make explicit use of evaluation criteria. Even though most decision makers were unwilling to change their choices following the use of MCA, they found it a helpful input to their decision procedure. The majority of decision makers supported the adoption of MCA to make future investment decisions under the NHT program.  相似文献   

通过对中国和韩国的海洋环境行政管理的特征、海洋环境管理法律的特征以及海洋环境政策的特征的分析和比对,认为较之韩国的海洋综合管理而言中国的海洋环境管理过于分散,而与中国的海洋环境管理政策的协调性相比韩国的海洋环境政策过于独立.尽管中韩海洋环境管理都存在着一定的缺陷,但两国都意识到世界发展趋势和新的秩序变革,并为建立先进的海洋环境管理体制积极地进行相关调整和改革.  相似文献   

为证明采用秸秆压块燃料替代煤炭进行供热的可持续性,对秸秆压块和燃煤供热系统的生命周期环境排放进行了对比分析.基于我国2012年投入产出表,构建了投入产出生命周期评价(IO-LCA)和过程生命周期评价(PLCA)相结合的混合生命周期评价(Hybrid-LCA)模型,核算了玉米秸秆压块和燃煤供热系统供应1 GJ热的生命周期CO2、SO2、NOx和PM2.5排放.结果显示,秸秆压块供热系统的生命周期CO2排放量为7 kg·GJ-1热,比燃煤供热排放减少121 kg.此外,秸秆压块供热系统比燃煤供热系统可以分别减少SO2排放98%、NOx排放76%和PM2.5排放58%.控制原料水分,通过减少原料收集和能源转化过程中的耗损,减少能源转化过程的电力消耗以及控制原料收集半径等可以有效改进秸秆压块供热系统环境表现.  相似文献   

Orthogonal machining of single-crystal and coarse-grained (i.e., grain size considerably larger than the uncut chip thickness) materials has been a subject to many studies in the literature. The first part of this paper presents background on machining single-crystal materials, including experimental and modeling attempts. The second part briefly describes more recent modeling results from the authors, and presents new experimental results on planing and plunge-turning of single-crystal and coarse-grained aluminum using diamond tools. The experiments indicate that (1) cutting across grains of a coarse-grained aluminum workpiece produces distinctly varying forces and surface roughness from one grain to another, (2) plunge-turning and planing of single crystal aluminum provide equivalent force data for large rake angles, (3) forces alter between two distinct levels while cutting single crystals with small rake angles, and (4) with small rake angles, subsurface damage on single-crystal aluminum is extensive, reaching depths comparable to the uncut chip thickness.  相似文献   

Three- dimensional laser machining of structural ceramics such as alumina (Al2O3), silicon nitride (Si3N4), silicon carbide (SiC) and magnesia (MgO) was carried out using a 1.06 μm wavelength pulsed Nd:YAG laser. The rate of machining predicted in terms of material removed per unit time (mg/s) increased with an increase in heating rate (K/s). A thermal model based on temperature dependent absorptivity and thermophysical properties, in addition to conduction, convection and radiation based heat transfer, was developed to predict material removal rate. Predicted values were compared with actual measurements made from machined cavities. Such a study would enable advance predictions of the laser processing conditions required to machine cavities of desired dimensions.  相似文献   

战略环境评价与项目环境影响评价   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了战略环境评价(SEA)的概念,论述了SEA产生的原因是单个项目环境影响评价(EIA)的局限性和实行可持续发展战略的要求:通过分析SEA与EIA之间的层次关系,相似之处与不同之处,说明了SEA在程序上和方法上的显著特点。指出了开展SEA研究和应用的迫切性与重要意义。  相似文献   

典型环境微界面及其对污染物环境行为的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
环境微界面是影响污染物转移转化的最基本要素之一,污染物的非均相微界面作用过程也是认识和解决环境问题的重要基础.因此,对环境微界面及其作用机制的深入研究与探索,对环境科学与技术的发展具有重要意义.本文以已有相关研究为基础,初步总结和归纳了典型环境微界面所涉及的主要内容、基本过程及其对污染物环境行为的影响.从典型微界面的交互作用、污染物在微界面间的转移、污染物在微界面的反应等方面,阐述了污染物的微界面环境行为,介绍了基于环境微界面过程的污染控制与净化原理及技术特征.同时,对环境界面问题的研究重点和方向作了简要展望.  相似文献   

1IntroductionChinahasalongcoastalline.Since1980’,economyincoastalareashasbeendevelopingfast,alongwiththeincreasingpopulation....  相似文献   

环境对装备的影响及装备环境工程标准分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
阐述了环境及影响对装备的重要性,研究了MIL-STD-810F、DEFSTAN00-35、NATOSTANG4370、GJB4239等装备环境工程标准的特点,提出了我国开展环境工程的建议。  相似文献   

特别选题:环境微界面过程与污染控制序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,人们主要关注的是污染物的均相环境过程,这一点在大气污染化学和水污染化学的研究中尤其明显。然而近年来,人们开始关注环境中的非均相反应过程,从相对微观的尺度思考和探索环境的微界面问题,并从不同的视角不断认识和揭示这一过程在环境污染及其控制中的作用和意义。1997年,由荷兰科学家L.K.Koopal教授发起设立了Interfaces Against Pollution两年一次的系列国际会议,形成了全球范围内有关科学研究组织和科学家探讨和交流环境界面问题的重要平台。中国科学院生态环境研究中心汤鸿霄院士在我国首次提出环境微界面的概念,并于2003年主编了《环境科学学报》之“环境微界面过程研究论文专辑”,为该专辑作序并发表了“环境纳米污染物与微界面水质过程”的研究论文,对环境纳米微界面问题给出了全面和准确的内涵,进而开启了我国在此方面的系统性研究工作。基于汤鸿霄院士提出的环境微界面内涵和思想,2006年中国科学院生态环境研究中心组织了“环境微界面过程与污染控制”创新研究群体,得到国家自然科学基金委员会的资助。群体的研究目标是深入探索污染物在环境微界面的转移转化机制与控制原理,力争在复杂条件下微界面的定量化表征、污染物在环境微界面的转移转化规律及复合效应、基于微界面原理的环境过程调控等方面取得科学与技术突破。该研究群体的建立及深入开展相关的研究工作,将有力推动我国环境微界面理论和技术的研究进展,也将不断培养本研究方向的专业化高级人才。在过去的2年里,该研究群体在不同环境微界面特征及过程表达、污染物在典型介质和界面变化行为的原位观测、水/气/土/生物微界面上污染物的转移转化规律、基于微界面过程的水、气、固等环境的污染控制等方面取得预期研究进展。本专栏所组织的稿件,即试图从不同角度反映我们所关注的环境微界面研究领域,并通过前期研究所获得的一些具体的科学数据和结果,对环境微界面过程给出进一步的认识。然而,由于本群体的研究工作还不够深入,这样一个专栏所发表的内容不论是对环境微界面的概念与内涵,还是在探索与创新上,都还是初步的和不成熟的。或者说,本专栏所反映的只是一个有待发展和完善的科学思路。由于本专栏作者水平有限,这些论文定有不少谬误之处,敬请读者批评指正。 衷心感谢《环境科学学报》编辑部为我们提供这样一个重要的平台和机会,感谢他们为本专栏组稿、编辑和出版所做出的辛苦努力!  相似文献   

<正>国际上,最早对环境教育进行专门立法的国家是美国,它早在1970年就已公布了《环境教育法》,后又在1990年重新出台了《国家环境教育法》。环境教育是人类社会进步的重要标志之一。实施环境教育,可以提高公众的环境意识,更好地凝聚全社会加强环境保护、建设生态文明的强大力量,是解决环境问题的根本途径。近年我国的环境教育事业取得了长足的进步,但同时也呈现出了诸如公众参与不够、偏重学校教育、缺  相似文献   

环境监测是环境保护的基础,环境监测为环保工作提供了科学依据和技术支持,环境监测技术使人们能够更为及时、有效地监测、判断环境状况,进而探究环境保护的方法和途径,明确环保工作的方向和目标,制定科学、正确的环保制度和政策。在环境问题日益严重的现代社会,环境监测技术已经成为一项不可或缺的现代科学技术。本文首先分析了环境监测的涵义和发展过程,然后分析了环境监测技术的发展概况以及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

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