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Airborne fine particle mass concentrations in Southern California have declined in recent years. Trends in sulfate and elemental carbon (EC) particle concentrations over the period 1982-1993 are consistent with this overall improvement in air quality and help to confirm some of the reasons for the changes that are seen. Fine particle sulfate concentrations have declined as a strict sulfur oxides (SOx) emission control program adopted in 1978 was implemented over time. Fine particle elemental (black) carbon concentrations have declined over a period when newer diesel engines and improved diesel fuels have been introduced into the vehicle fleet. Organic aerosol concentrations have not declined as rapidly as the EC particle concentrations, despite the fact that catalyst-equipped cars having lower particle emission rates were introduced into the vehicle fleet alongside the diesel engine improvements mentioned above. This situation is consistent with the growth in population and vehicle miles traveled in the air basin over time. Fine particle ammonium nitrate in the Los Angeles area atmosphere contributes more than half of the fine aerosol mass concentration on the highest concentration days of the year, emphasizing both the need for accurate aerosol nitrate measurements and the likely importance of deliberate control of aerosol nitrate as a part of any serious further fine particle control program for the Los Angeles area.  相似文献   

上海市机动车尾气VOCs组成及其化学反应活性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用钢罐采样-气相色谱/质谱法,采集并分析了上海市主要交通干道和隧道废气样品中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的污染水平。分析结果表明,交通干道和隧道废气样品的总挥发性有机污染物(TVOC)质量浓度分别为(227.1±40.9)、(2209.9±1228.0)μg/m3;隧道废气样品中的TVOC浓度是交通干道平均浓度的4.3~15.2倍;交通干道废气样品中VOCs主要组分与隧道废气样品中VOCs主要组分非常类似,说明交通干道废气样品中VOCs主要来源于机动车尾气排放。交通干道废气样品中TVOC的.OH消耗速率为(17.21±4.49)s-1,延安东路隧道和打浦路隧道废气样品中TVOC的.OH消耗速率分别为(300.37±120.78)、(138.09±25.30)s-1,烯烃对TVOC的.OH消耗速率贡献最大,其对废气化学反应活性贡献率在70%以上。交通干道和隧道废气样品中关键活性组分是C2~C5的烯烃组分,这些组分也是机动车尾气中的特征污染物,因此可以判断机动车尾气是上海市大气化学反应活性的最大贡献者。  相似文献   

Total element determination and chemical fractionation were carried out in airborne particulate matter (PM10) from the Cerrillos monitoring station in Santiago, Chile, sampled in July (winter), 1997–2003.Element concentration in the period under study (1997–2003) was statistically analyzed through cluster analysis in order to identify groups of elements having similar behavior along time. Elements such as Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, As and Mg show a clear decrease in concentration with time. On the contrary, chromium increases its concentration almost linearly during the period.In order to estimate whether the presence of a certain element in PM10 matrix is mainly due to anthropogenic or natural processes, the enrichment factor of each element was determined.According to their behavior in the sequential extraction procedure, the elements were grouped by multivariate analysis in three clusters: (a) those mobile elements (Pb, Cd, Zn, Mn, Cu and As) which are weakly bound to the matrix (fractions 1 and 2) (b) those elements (V, Ti, and Cr) mainly bound to carbonates and oxides (fraction 3) and (c) the most immobile elements (Ni, Mo, Ca, Mg, Ba and Al), mainly bound to silicates and organic matter (fraction 4). A source of great concern is the fact that elements of such high toxicity as Pb, Cd and As are highly concentrated in both mobile fractions, indicating that these elements have a direct impact on the environment and on the health of the exposed population.  相似文献   

原位化学氧化法在土壤和地下水修复中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了原位化学氧化法修复污染土壤及地下水的最新进展 ,着重介绍了几种氧化剂 ,如二氧化氯、双氧水及Fenton试剂、高锰酸钾和臭氧在土壤修复中的应用、不足及改进 ,并对化学氧化修复技术的发展前景进行了展望  相似文献   

Two-week average concentrations of ozone (O3), nitric acid vapor (HNO3) and ammonia (NH3) were measured with passive samplers during the 2002 summer season across the central Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, along the San Joaquin River drainage. Elevated concentrations of the pollutants were determined with seasonal means for individual sites ranging between 62 and 88 ppb for O3, 1.0-3.8 μg m−3 for HNO3, and 2.6-5.2 μg m−3 for NH3. Calculated O3 exposure indices were very high, reaching SUM00-191 ppm h, SUM60-151 ppm h, and W126-124 ppm h. Calculated nitrogen (N) dry deposition ranged from 1.4 to 15 kg N ha−1 for maximum values, and 0.4-8 kg N ha−1 for minimum values; potentially exceeding Critical Loads (CL) for nutritional N. The U.S., California, and European 8 h O3 human health standards were exceeded during 104, 108, and 114 days respectively, indicating high risk to humans from ambient O3.  相似文献   

A three-part study was conducted to quantify the impact of landscaped vegetation on air quality in a rapidly expanding urban area in the arid southeastern United States. The study combines in situ, plant-level measurements, a spatial emissions inventory, and a photochemical box model. Maximum plant-level basal emission rates were moderate: 18.1 μgC gdw?1 h?1 (Washingtonia spp., palms) for isoprene and 9.56 μgC gdw?1 h?1 (Fraxinus velutina, Arizona ash) for monoterpenes. Sesquiterpene emission rates were low for plant species selected in this study, with no measurement exceeding 0.1 μgC gdw?1 h?1. The high ambient temperatures combined with moderate plant-level emission factors resulted in landscape emission factors that were low (250–640 μgC m?2 h?1) compared to more mesic environments (e.g., the southeastern United States). The Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism (RACM) was modified to include a new reaction pathway for ocimene. Using measured concentrations of anthropogenic hydrocarbons and other reactive air pollutants (NOx, ozone), the box model employing the RACM mechanism revealed that these modest emissions could have a significant impact on air quality. For a suburban location that was downwind of the urban core (high NOx; low anthropogenic hydrocarbons), biogenic terpenes increased time-dependent ozone production rates by a factor of 50. Our study demonstrates that low-biomass density landscapes emit sufficient biogenic terpenes to have a significant impact on regional air quality.  相似文献   

Atmospheric elemental, reactive and particulate mercury (Hg) concentrations were measured north of downtown Reno, Nevada, USA from November 2004 to November 2007. Three-year mean and median concentrations for gaseous elemental Hg (Hg0) were 1.6 and 1.5 ng m−3 (respectively), similar to global mean Hg0 concentrations. The three-year mean reactive gaseous Hg (RGM) concentration (26 pg m−3) was higher than values reported for rural sites across the western United States. Well defined seasonal and daily patterns in Hg0 and RGM concentrations were observed, with the highest Hg0 concentrations measured in winter and early morning, and RGM concentrations being greatest in the summer and mid-afternoon. Elevated Hg0 concentrations in winter were associated with periods of cold, stagnant air; while a regularly observed early morning increase in concentration was due to local source and surface emissions. The observed afternoon increase and high summer values of RGM can be explained by in situ oxidation of gaseous Hg0 or mixing of RGM derived from the free troposphere to the surface. Because both of these processes are correlated with the same environmental conditions it is difficult to assess their overall contribution to the observed trends.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The microbial community plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycle in coastal groundwater ecosystems. However, the composition and...  相似文献   

In January 1999, wastewater influent and effluent from the pretreatment plant at the Stringfellow hazardous waste disposal site were sampled along with groundwater at six locations along the groundwater contaminant plume. The objectives of this sampling and study were to identify at the compound class level the unidentified 40-60% of wastewater organic contaminants, and to determine what organic compound classes were being removed by the wastewater pretreatment plant, and what organic compound classes persisted during subsurface waste migration. The unidentified organic wastes are primarily chlorinated aromatic sulfonic acids derived from wastes from DDT manufacture. Trace amounts of EDTA and NTA organic complexing agents were discovered along with carboxylate metabolites of the common alkylphenolpolyethoxylate plasticizers and nonionic surfactants. The wastewater pretreatment plant removed most of the aromatic chlorinated sulfonic acids that have hydrophobic neutral properties, but the p-chlorobenzene-sulfonic acid which is the primary waste constituent passed through the pretreatment plant and was discharged in the treated wastewaters transported to an industrial sewer. During migration in groundwater, p-chlorobenzenesulfonic acid is removed by natural remediation processes. Wastewater organic contaminants have decreased 3- to 45-fold in the groundwater from 1985 to 1999 as a result of site remediation and natural remediation processes. The chlorinated aromatic sulfonic acids with hydrophobic neutral properties persist and have migrated into groundwater that underlies the adjacent residential community.  相似文献   

Water, soil, vegetation, and rodents were collected from three areas along the Las Vegas Wash, a watershed heavily contaminated with perchlorate. Perchlorate was detected at elevated concentrations in water, soil, and vegetation, but was not frequently detected in rodent liver or kidney tissues. Broadleaf weeds contained the highest concentrations of perchlorate among all plant types examined. Perchlorate in rodent tissues and vegetation was correlated with perchlorate concentrations in soil as expected, however rodent residues were not highly correlated with plant perchlorate concentrations. This indicates that soil may be a greater source, or a more constant source of perchlorate exposure in rodents than vegetation.  相似文献   

The influence of PAH chemical structure and concentration, added in either single (75 or 300 mg kg−1) or multiple (2 × 75, 2 × 150 or 4 × 75 mg kg−1) applications as single- or multiple-contaminant systems, on the development of PAH biodegradation in a pristine soil was investigated. Development in microbial catabolic ability was assessed at 0, 28, 56 and 84 d by monitoring 14C-naphthalene, 14C-phenanthrene and 14C-pyrene mineralisation over 14 d in respirometric assays. The presence of other contaminants influenced the ability of the indigenous microflora to mineralise structurally different contaminants over time. 14C-Naphthalene mineralisation was inhibited by the presence of other contaminants; whereas the presence of naphthalene significantly enhanced rates of mineralisation in multiple-contaminant systems containing 14C-phenanthrene and 14C-pyrene. Generally, increasing the number of contaminant applications has implications for catabolic activity of soil microbes. It is suggested the toxic nature of PAHs retarded mineralisation at increased contaminant concentrations.  相似文献   

BAM (2,6-dichlorobenzamide) is a metabolite of pesticide dichlobenil and a common groundwater contaminant. Dichlobenil and BAM half-lives were determined in five Finnish subsurface deposits and in topsoil. Aerobic and anaerobic conditions with sterilized controls were included in this 1.4-year incubation experiment. In subsurface deposits, dichlobenil half-life varied from 157 days to no degradation and that of BAM from 314 days to no degradation. Microbes and oxygen enhanced dichlobenil and BAM dissipation rates in some deposits. However, dichlobenil and BAM concentrations were most significantly affected by deposit characteristics, especially carbon and nitrogen amounts. Also low pH, cadmium, iron, zinc, manganese and lead correlated with low dichlobenil and/or BAM concentrations. In mineral topsoil, dissipation was faster with half-lives of 41–54 days for dichlobenil, and 182–261 days for BAM. Dichlobenil was depleted completely in surface soil, but BAM was not dissipated below 55–81 % of the initial concentration. Generally, dichlobenil and BAM dissipation in samples from the northern boreal region was similar to that reported for the temperate region. BAM was persistent in topsoil and subsurface deposits, indicating long-term persistence problems in groundwater also within the northern boreal region.  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Mn) and macroelements (K, Na, Ca and Mg) were determined in green alga Enteromorpha sp. from the coastal zone of the southern Baltic including Gulf of Gdańsk and Vistula Lagoon in 2000-2003. In order to estimate the degree of accumulation of each element by the green alga, concentration and discrimination factors (CFs) with respect to seawater were calculated. The results of factor analysis (FA) and ANOVA clearly indicate geographical differences between concentrations of chemical elements. Enteromorpha sp. from Vistula Lagoon and the southern Baltic exhibited higher levels of Mn and Ni, and Na and K, respectively. Anthropogenic impact of Cu, Pb and Zn, possibly originated from municipal sewage, was identified in alga samples collected in the Gulf of Gdańsk, especially in the vicinity of Gdynia. From comparison our data with those published earlier results that Pb content in Enteromorpha sp. from the Gulf of Gdańsk decreased within 1978-2003 reflecting reducing use of leaded petrol in Baltic countries in this period. The alga Enteromorpha sp. can be used for biomonitoring surveys of metal contaminants in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Seven soils which had been polluted with heavy metals from a zinc smelter were sequentially extracted so that Cd, Zn, and Pb could be partitioned into five operationally defined geochemical fractions: exchangeable, carbonate, Fe-Mn oxide, organic, and residual fractions. Kidney beans were planted in the soils to examine the effect of concentration and chemical form of the metals in soil on the growth and metal uptake of the plants. The growth of kidney bean was restricted in heavy metal polluted soils compared with controls. Metal concentration and metal uptake by plants were correlated. The highest relationship was found between amount of metal uptake and the metal concentration in exchangeable + carbonate forms. The uptake of metals was according to their solubility sequence, i.e. Cd > Zn > Pb. The uptake rate of exchangeable + carbonate forms was the same for the three elements.  相似文献   

针对一种高硬度富锶地下水,分别采用石灰和石灰-碳酸钠两种方法,利用药剂软化/超滤膜工艺对其进行软化处理,同时考察了药剂投量对出水锶含量的影响。结果表明,采用石灰软化/超滤膜法,Ca(OH)2最佳投加量为270 mg/L时,出水总硬度(以CaCO3计)由287.12 mg/L降低到96.44 mg/L,硬度去除率为66.41%,出水锶含量也由原水中的0.37 mg/L下降为0.21 mg/L;而采用石灰-碳酸钠软化/超滤膜法,Ca(OH)2和Na2CO3最佳投加量分别为270 mg/L、160mg/L时,出水总硬度降低到60.34 mg/L,硬度去除率达78.98%,锶含量仅为0.02 mg/L。2种处理方法出水总硬度均达到预期目标,石灰软化/超滤膜法可使出水锶含量满足富锶水的要求,而石灰-碳酸钠软化/超滤膜法则造成了对人体有益微量元素锶的大量损失。  相似文献   

In this second paper of a series on groundwater seepage from uranium tailings, the general geochemical behavior of radionuclides is described and then applied to data from the field site, Seepage Area A of the Nordic Main impoundment near Elliot Lake, Ontario. The delineation of radionuclide behavior requires (1) the calculation of total element concentration by the summation of concentrations of each element's isotopes (the isotopic concentrations are calculated from the isotopes' radioactivities), (2) the evaluation of solid-liquid interactions using total element concentrations, and (3), for particular isotopes, the evaluation of the extent to which parental geochemical behavior causes a deviation in the isotope's behavior from that of its total element. A computerized speciation program, WATRAD, is used to evaluate aqueous complexation and mineral saturation indices of radium, actinium, thorium, and uranium. Data from Seepage Area A on isotopes of these four elements plus 210Pb show that the geochemical behavior of radionuclides can be best defined on an individual isotopic basis rather than on an elemental basis.  相似文献   

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