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Evaluating field-scale methane oxidation in landfill cover soils using numerical models is gaining interest in the solid waste industry as research has made it clear that methane oxidation in the field is a complex function of climatic conditions, soil type, cover design, and incoming flux of landfill gas from the waste mass. Numerical models can account for these parameters as they change with time and space under field conditions. In this study, we developed temperature, and water content correction factors for methane oxidation parameters. We also introduced a possible correction to account for the different soil structure under field conditions. These parameters were defined in laboratory incubation experiments performed on homogenized soil specimens and were used to predict the actual methane oxidation rates to be expected under field conditions. Water content and temperature corrections factors were obtained for the methane oxidation rate parameter to be used when modeling methane oxidation in the field. To predict in situ measured rates of methane with the model it was necessary to set the half saturation constant of methane and oxygen, Km, to 5%, approximately five times larger than laboratory measured values. We hypothesize that this discrepancy reflects differences in soil structure between homogenized soil conditions in the lab and actual aggregated soil structure in the field. When all of these correction factors were re-introduced into the oxidation module of our model, it was able to reproduce surface emissions (as measured by static flux chambers) and percent oxidation (as measured by stable isotope techniques) within the range measured in the field.  相似文献   

Contaminant transport through the clay liner and the underIying secondary leachate drain layer (SLDL) in landfills was studied through a laboratory test, and analysis method on the transport of K+ in a two-layer soil system. The soils used for this study were Ariake clay and the underlying layer, Shirasu soil from the Kyushu region of Japan, representing the clay liner material and SLDL material, respectively. The effective diffusion coefficients (De) of the selected target chemical species, potassium (K+) for the Ariake clay and Shirasu soil were back-calculated using a computer program, and it was found that values of De derived from this study were consistent with those previously published. The hypothesis that the mechanical dispersion process can be negligible has been proved to be reasonable based on both the observation that the predicted values fit the experimental data and the analyses of two dimensionless parameters. Parametric analysis showed the transport of K+ through the soils is controlled by advection-diffusion rather than diffusion only, whereas at low Darcy velocity (i.e. < or = 10(-9) m s(-1)), transport of K+ would be controlled by diffusion. The test results and parametric analysis may be applied in design of landfill liners and SLDLs, particularly in coastal areas.  相似文献   

The self-sealing/self-healing (SS/SH) barrier concept is based on the principle that two or more parent materials placed in vertical or horizontal layers will react at their interfaces to form insoluble reaction products. These products constitute a seamless impermeable seal, which is resistant to the transmission of leachate and contaminants. A SS/SH liner formulation was developed in the laboratory and demonstrated at the Sudokwon landfill site in South Korea. Laboratory testing results indicated that a seal with a hydraulic conductivity less than 10(-9) m/s formed after two to four weeks of curing at room temperature, and the seal healed itself after it was fractured. The use of the soil from the Sudokwon landfill site instead of sand as the matrix of the parent materials in the SS/SH liner retarded the sealing and healing of the seal, but did not show an obvious effect on the overall sealing and healing capacity of the seal at early stages. The construction and installation of the field demonstration SS/SH liner were carried out in the same way as for a soil cement liner. The quality of the liner was ensured by the enforcement of quality analysis/quality control procedures during installation. A single sealed ring infiltration test was performed on the field demonstration liner 36 days after the installation was completed. The measurement of water infiltration rate indicated that the liner healed after it was fractured. However, the long-term sealing and healing capacity needs to be further investigated.  相似文献   

This study investigates the feasibility of using a silty soil excavated in highway construction as landfill liner material. The tests were conducted both at laboratory and in situ scales, and the soil was tested in pure and lime treated forms. Different levels of compaction energy were used. For the field study, a test pad was constructed and in situ hydraulic conductivity experiments were conducted by sealed double ring infiltrometers (SDRI). Laboratory testing revealed that while lime treatment improved the shear strength, it resulted in higher hydraulic conductivity values compared to pure soil. It was observed that leachate permeation did not change the hydraulic conductivity of the pure and lime treated samples. Laboratory hydraulic conductivities were on the order of 10(-9) m/s and met the 1.0E-08 m/s criterion in the Turkish regulations, which is one order of magnitude higher than the value allowed in most developed countries. SDRI testing, which lasted for 6 mo, indicated that lime treatment increased the hydraulic conductivity of pure soil significantly in the field scale tests. In situ hydraulic conductivities were on the order of 1E-08 and 1E-07 m/s, and exceeded the allowable value in the Turkish regulations. Undisturbed samples collected from the test pad were not representative of field hydraulic conductivities. Contrary to laboratory findings, higher compaction efforts did not result in lower hydraulic conductivities in field scales. The study verified the importance of in situ hydraulic conductivity testing in compacted liners.  相似文献   

The shredder residues from automobiles, home appliances and other metal-containing products are often disposed in landfills, as recycling technologies for these materials are not common in many countries. Shredder waste contains rigid and soft foams from cushions and insulation panels blown with fluorocarbons. The objective of this study was to use laboratory experiments to estimate fluorocarbon release and attenuation processes in a monofill shredder residue (SR) landfill cell. Waste from the open SR landfill cell at the AV Miljø landfill in Denmark was sampled at three locations. The waste contained 1–3% metal and a relatively low fraction of rigid polyurethane (PUR) foam particles. The PUR waste contained less blowing agent (CFC-11) than predicted from a release model. However, CFC-11 was steadily released in an aerobic bench scale experiment. Anaerobic waste incubation bench tests showed that SRSR produced significant methane (CH4), but at rates that were in the low end of the range observed for municipal solid waste. Aerobic and anaerobic batch experiments showed that processes in SRSR potentially can attenuate the fluorocarbons released from the SRSR itself: CFC-11 is degraded under anaerobic conditions with the formation of degradation products, which are being degraded under CH4 oxidation conditions prevailing in the upper layers of the SR.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) diffuse emissions from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) landfills represent one of the most important anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gas. CH4 is produced by anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter in landfilled MSW and constitutes a major component of landfill gas (LFG). Gas recovery is a suitable method to effectively control CH4 emissions from landfill sites and the quantification of CH4 emissions represents a good tool to evaluate the effectiveness of a gas recovery system in reducing LFG emissions. In particular, LFG emissions can indirectly be evaluated from mass balance equations between LFG production, recovery and oxidation in the landfill, as well as by a direct approach based on LFG emission measurements from the landfill surface. However, up to now few direct measurements of landfill CH4 diffuse emissions have been reported in the technical literature. In the present study, both modeling and direct emission measuring methodologies have been applied to the case study of Bellolampo landfill located in Palermo, Italy. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate CH4 diffuse emissions, based on direct measurements carried out with the flux accumulation chamber (static, non-stationary) method, as well as to obtain the CH4 contoured flux map of the landfill. Such emissions were compared with the estimate achieved by means of CH4 mass balance equations. The results showed that the emissions obtained by applying the flux chamber method are in good agreement with the ones derived by the application of the mass balance equation, and that the evaluated contoured flux maps represent a reliable tool to locate areas with abnormal emissions in order to optimize the gas recovery system efficiency.  相似文献   

A 2-year study is underway to evaluate the expected growth in stiffness in layers of crushed concrete from demolished structures. This growth is said to be a result of self-cementing properties. The study consists of repeated load triaxial tests on manufactured specimens after different storing time together with falling weight deflectometer, FWD, measurements on test sections. Results so far show a clear increase with time in resilient modulus and in back-calculated layer modulus for all concrete materials. The increase is the largest in the first months and then diminishes. The field measurements show a more considerable growth in stiffness than the laboratory tests, with a doubled value two years after construction. Comparative investigations on natural aggregates, mostly crushed granite do not show any growth in stiffness, neither in the laboratory nor in the field. Consequences for the choice of design modulus are discussed.  相似文献   

The release and charge-based fractionation of As, Cr, Mo, Sb, Se and V were evaluated in leachates generated from recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) in a laboratory and at a field site. The leachates, covering the pH range 8.4-12.6, were generated from non-carbonated, and artificially and naturally carbonated crushed concrete samples. Comparison between the release of the elements from the non-carbonated and carbonated samples indicated higher solubility of the elements from the latter. The laboratory leaching tests also revealed that the solubility of the elements is low at the “natural pH” of the non-carbonated materials and show enhancement when the pH is decreased. The charge-based fractionation of the elements was determined by ion-exchange solid phase extraction (SPE); it was found that all the target elements predominantly existed as anions in both the laboratory and field leachates. The high fraction of the anionic species of the elements in the leachates from the carbonated RCA materials verified the enhanced solubility of the oxyanionic species of the elements as a result of carbonation. The concentrations of the elements in the leachates and SPE effluents were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).  相似文献   

Leachate accumulated at the Nakazono Landfill in Asahikawa, Japan due to an inadequate leachate collection and drainage system. To reduce the level of leachate in the landfill and promote the stabilization of waste, many passive gas vents were installed in addition to leachate collection vaults. This study evaluated the distribution and movement of leachate in the landfill by measuring leachate levels and conducting tracer tests in the gas vents.Water levels varied widely among gas vents and depended mainly on the vent’s original ground level and depth. Leachate velocity varied greatly; it was high in the upper layers of the saturated zone in a gas vent, but this was only a superficial velocity caused by inflow from unsaturated layers. A sharp decrease in total organic carbon observed in most gas vents after installation was likely due to the effect of aerobic biodegradation in the unsaturated waste layer. This effect was limited to a small aerobic zone around the gas vent.  相似文献   

The results from three long-term field manipulation studies of the impacts of increased nitrogen deposition (0–120 kg N ha–1 yr–1) on lowland and upland heathlands in the UK were compared, to test if common responses are observed. Consistent increases in Calluna foliar N content and decreases in litter C:N ratios were found across all sites, while increases in N leaching were not observed at any site over the range 0–80 kg ha–1 yr–1. However, the response of Calluna biomass did vary between sites, possibly reflecting site differences in nutrient status and management histories. Five versions of a simulation model of heathland responses to N were developed, each reflecting different assumptions about the fate and turnover of soil N. Model outputs supported the deduction from mass balance calculations at two of the field sites that N additions have resulted in an increase in immobilisation; the latter was needed to prevent the model overestimating measured N leaching. However, this version of the model significantly underestimated Calluna biomass. Model versions, which included uptake of organic N by Callunaand re-mobilisation of N from the soil organic store provided some improvement in the fit between modelled and field biomass data, but re-mobilisation also led to an overestimation of N leaching. Quantification of these processes and their response to increased N deposition are therefore critical to interpreting experimental data and predicting the long-term impacts of atmospheric deposition on heathlands and moorlands.  相似文献   

The results from three long-term field manipulation studies of the impacts of increased nitrogen deposition (0–120 kg N ha?1 yr?1) on lowland and upland heathlands in the UK were compared, to test if common responses are observed. Consistent increases in Calluna foliar N content and decreases in litter C:N ratios were found across all sites, while increases in N leaching were not observed at any site over the range 0–80 kg ha?1 yr?1. However, the response of Calluna biomass did vary between sites, possibly reflecting site differences in nutrient status and management histories. Five versions of a simulation model of heathland responses to N were developed, each reflecting different assumptions about the fate and turnover of soil N. Model outputs supported the deduction from mass balance calculations at two of the field sites that N additions have resulted in an increase in immobilisation; the latter was needed to prevent the model overestimating measured N leaching. However, this version of the model significantly underestimated Calluna biomass. Model versions, which included uptake of organic N by Callunaand re-mobilisation of N from the soil organic store provided some improvement in the fit between modelled and field biomass data, but re-mobilisation also led to an overestimation of N leaching. Quantification of these processes and their response to increased N deposition are therefore critical to interpreting experimental data and predicting the long-term impacts of atmospheric deposition on heathlands and moorlands.  相似文献   

The removal of nitrogen and organics from municipal landfill leachate in sequencing batch reactors (SBR) was investigated in the present study. The influence of hydraulic retention time (HRT), sludge age, manner of leachate dosage (short filling period of SBR and filling during the reaction period), and operational conditions with and without a mixing phase in the SBR cycle was explored. Four series were performed. In each series, the HRT used in the four SBRs was 12, 6, 3 and 2 days, respectively. Series 1 and 2 were characterized by a short leachate filling period, whereas series 3 and 4 were characterized by filling during the 4 h duration of the reaction in the SBR cycle. In series 1-3 SBR reactors worked with mixing and aeration phases, whereas in series 4 they worked only with an aeration phase. The effectiveness of the removal of organics increased with the extension of the HRT of leachate, particularly under operational conditions with the mixing and aeration phases in the SBR cycle. At 12 days HRT, the SBRs with the mixing and aeration phases in the cycle (series 1-3) showed better results than those with only an aeration phase (series 4). However, at 2 days HRT the operational conditions in SBR reactors with leachate filling over the reaction period (series 3 and 4) were more suitable. The highest efficiency of ammonium removal was obtained in series 1 with a short leachate filling period. In this series, at an HRT of 3-12 days, the ammonium concentration in the effluent did not exceed 1 mg NNH4 L(-1). Nitrogen removal proceeded mainly in the aeration phase as a result of ammonium losses and, to a lesser extent, dissimilative nitrate reduction over the mixing phase. The highest percentage of nitrogen removal as a result of ammonium losses was observed in series with a short filling period and long sludge age (series 1) and also in series without a mixing phase and filling over the aeration phase (series 4), whereas the highest nitrogen consumption for biomass production occurred in series 3 with filling during the reaction period and mixing phase of the cycle.  相似文献   

Micrometeorological measurements of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were made at the decommissioned Park Road Landfill in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada between June and August 2002. The influence of precipitation, air temperature, wind speed and barometric pressure on the temporal variability of landfill biogas emissions was assessed. Gas flux measurements were obtained using a micrometeorological mass balance measurement technique [integrated horizontal flux (IHF)] in conjunction with two tunable diode laser trace gas analyser (TDLTGA) systems. This method allows for continuous, non-intrusive measurements of gas flux at high temporal resolution. Mean fluxes of N2O were negligible over the duration of the study (-0.23 to 0.02 microg m(-2) s(-1)). In contrast, mean emissions of CH4 were much greater (80.4 to 450.8 microg m(-2) s(-1)) and varied both spatially and temporally. Spatial variations in CH4 fluxes were observed between grass kill areas (biogas 'hot spots') and the densely grass-covered areas of the landfill. Temporal variations in CH4 fluxes were also observed, due at least in part to barometric pressure, wind speed and precipitation effects.  相似文献   

The effects of residues from municipal solid waste landfill, Khon Kaen Municipality, Thailand, on corn (Zea mays L.) yield and heavy metal content were studied. Field experiments with randomized complete block design with five treatments (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80% v/v of residues and soil) and four replications were carried out. Corn yield and heavy metal contents in corn grain were analyzed. Corn yield increased by 50, 72, 85 and 71% at 20, 40, 60 and 80% treatments as compared to the control, respectively. All heavy metals content, except cadmium, nickel and zinc, in corn grain were not significantly different from the control. Arsenic, cadmium and zinc in corn grain were strongly positively correlated with concentrations in soil. The heavy metal content in corn grain was within regulated limits for human consumption.  相似文献   

针对老燃煤发电厂贮灰场回水逐年减少的状况,采取了在贮灰场水面上安装可移动式漂浮筏的措施,作为灰场回水取水的漂浮泵站,增加了灰场回水流量,解决了因回水不足而使用水库水作补水的问题。  相似文献   

The lifespan of electric and electronic equipment is becoming shorter and the amount of related waste is increasing. This study aimed to contribute to the knowledge about qualitative and quantitative characteristics of such wastes in Greece. Specifically, results are presented from a field survey, which took place in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece, during the year 2002. The survey was conducted with suitable questionnaires in department stores and in households of various municipalities. Household appliances were grouped as follows: (A) large (refrigerator, freezer, washing machine, clothes dryer, electric cooker, microwave oven, electric heater), (B) small (vacuum cleaner, electric iron, hair dryer), (C) information technology and telecommunication equipment (PC, laptop, printer, phone) and (D) consumer equipment (radio, TV, video, DVD, console). The analysis indicated that the lifespan of all new goods is gradually reducing (apart from refrigerators, for which the lifespan was surprisingly found to be increasing) and provided linearized functions for predicting the lifespan, according to the year of manufacture, for certain large appliances.  相似文献   

To elucidate the influence of landfill gas (LFG) emission on environmental factors, an ecological investigation that was primarily concerned with the characteristics of vegetation, cover soil, and solid waste in the landfill was carried out. Temporal and spatial variations in vegetation diversity and coverage and their effects on reducing the emission of methane in the landfill were investigated. The results showed that both vegetation coverage and diversity increased with elapsed landfill closure time. The transition trend of the vegetation species was from perennial plant (Phragmites australis) to annual plants. Perennial vegetation was the dominant type of vegetation during the early closure period, and annual vegetation coverage increased with closure time. Vegetation preferentially appeared in areas of comparatively high depth of cover soil, which was characterized by high moisture retentiveness that enabled vegetation growth. The concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide in the cover soil significantly decreased with increasing closure time. The concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide from bare cover soil were higher than those from vegetated cover soil whereas the CO2 flux of bare cover soil was less than that of vegetated cover soil.  相似文献   

Construction and demolition wastes are suitable for use in road construction. However, leaching characterization of recycled materials is required to determine their pollutant potential and the consequence of their application in different scenarios. The motivation of this paper is derived from the increasing use of different leaching test methods. In Europe, the confusion resulting from the wide variety of tests used to evaluate environmental properties of construction materials implies that an evaluation of the current practices and the attempt to consolidate the approaches are required.Two equilibrium-based leaching tests (the Dutch test and the European standard) were conducted to assess the environmental impact of four recycled aggregates. Three natural limestone aggregates were used as controls. Both tests measure the potential release of hazardous elements under extreme conditions using different leaching parameters (L/S ratio, pH value and contact time). The results proved that pH is the most relevant factor on the assessment of the differences between leaching methods due to its strong control on the pollutant release.To classify the materials according to their environmental effects, the concentration limit values of the metals imposed by Council Decision 2003/33/EC were used as a reference. The comparison allowed the classification of the recycled aggregates as inert wastes, with the exception of the MR-2 aggregate, which was classified as non-hazardous material.  相似文献   

Suspended solids, colour and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are among the main pollutants in landfill leachate. Application of physical or biological processes alone is normally not sufficient to remove these constituents, especially for leachate with a lower biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)/ COD ratio. The main objective of this research was to investigate the efficiency of coagulation and flocculation processes for removing suspended solids, colour and COD from leachate produced in a semi-aerobic landfill in Penang, Malaysia. A 12-month characterization study of the leachate indicated that it had a mean annual BOD/COD ratio of 0.15 and was partially stabilized, with little further biological degradation likely to occur. Particle size analysis of the raw leachate indicated that its 50th percentile (d50) was 11.68 microm. Three types of coagulants were examined in bench scale jar test studies: aluminium sulphate (alum), ferric chloride (FeCl3) and ferrous sulphate (FeSO4). The effects of agitation speed, settling time, pH, coagulant dosages and temperature were examined. At 300 rpm of rapid mixing, 50 rpm of slow mixing, and 60 min settling time, higher removals of suspended solids (over 95%), colour (90%) and COD (43%) were achieved at pH 4 and 12. FeCl3 was found to be superior to other coagulants tested. At pH 4 and 12, fair removal of suspended solids was observed at a reasonably low coagulant dose, i.e., 600 mg L(-1); hHowever, about 2500 mg L(-1) of coagulant was required to achieve good removals at pH 6. Better removals were achieved at higher temperature. The d50 of sludge after coagulation at pH 4 with a 2500 mg L(-1) FeCl3 dose was 60.16 microm, which indicated that the particles had been removed effectively from the leachate. The results indicate that coagulation and flocculation processes can be used effectively in integrated semi-aerobic leachate treatment systems, especially for removing suspended solids, colour and COD.  相似文献   

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