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ABSTRACT: Pollutants in urban storm water runoff, a significant and increasing fraction of pollutants in some waters of the U.S., originate from multiple activities. The industrial sector, one source category, is subject to federal and state-level storm water pollution prevention regulations, primarily General NPDES Permits that rely heavily on facility operators to identify themselves and develop appropriate site-specific pollutant controls. Degree of compliance is not readily determined and enforcement is inhibited because no publicly-available inventories contain data necessary to comprehensively identify facilities required to comply. This research evaluates the first stage of compliance, facility self-identification, concentrating on the motor-vehicle, transportation industry category using data at three scales: statewide, regional, and local or watershed. Data for California statewide and for the Los Angeles region show about 8 percent to 15 percent of motor-vehicle transportation facilities have complied with first-stage requirements. However, facility-specific evaluation in one Los Angeles County watershed suggests less than 50 percent of facilities in the industry conduct industrial activities of the kind covered by regulations; others need not comply. Results show strong variation by industry category. Second-stage compliance, follow-up reporting, is also evaluated for the Los Angeles region. About 17 percent to 34 percent of facilities completing first-stage requirements have also completed second-stage requirements.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Federal and state storm water pollutant control regulations for industry require facilities to identify themselves and to implement appropriate controls specifically developed for each facility by its operators. Compliance is not directly observable from publicly reported information, and is believed to be low. Compliance requirements are divided into three stages: determination and notification of duty to comply; preparation of public reports and site-specific planning documents; and implementation of pollution prevention activities. Aggregate data show about 25 percent to 35 percent of metal plating facilities in California, and about 35 percent to 40 percent of facilities in the Los Angeles region, have recognized the need for first-stage compliance; the number required but failing to do so is not known. For second-stage compliance, between 77 percent and 88 percent of facilities submitted required annual reports from 1993 to 1995, while on-site water quality monitoring reports were submitted by about 60 percent of required facilities. Site investigations of ten Los Angeles area facilities showed variation in compliance with site-specific documentation and implementation requirements. Most facilities inadequately evaluated activities for potential storm water pollutants, and most prepared incomplete plans for storm water sampling and inspection procedures. Evaluation of third-stage compliance by evaluating quantitative effects of facility actions, beyond the scope of this research, is recommended.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the Continuous Stormwater Pollution Simulation System (CSPSS) as well as a site-specific application of CSPSS to the Philadelphia urban area and its receiving water, the Delaware Estuary. Conceptually, CSPSS simulates the quantity and quality or urban stormwater runoff, combined sewer overflow, municipal and industrial waste water effuent, and upstream flow on a continuous basis for each time step in the simulation period. In addition, receiving water dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, and lead concentrations resulting from these pollutant sources may be simulated. However, only rceiving water dissolved oxygen (DO) response is considered in this paper. The continuous Do receiving water response model was calibrated to existing conditions usinv observed data at Chester, Pennsylvnia, located on the Delaware Estuary approximately 10 miles down stream from the study area. Average annual pollutant loads to the receiving water were estimated for all major sources and receiving water quality improvements resulting from removal of various portions of these pollutant loads were estimated by application of the calibrated stimultion model. It was found that the removal of oxygen-demanding pollutants from combined sewer overflow and urban stormwater runoff would result in relatively minor improvements in the overall dissoved oxygen resources of the Delaware Estuary; whereas. removal of oxygen demanding pollutants from waste water treatment plant effluent would result in greater improvemens. The results of this investigation can be used along with appropriate economic techniques to identify the most cost-effective mix of point and nonpoint source pollution control measures.  相似文献   

US environmental controls for industry include numerous regulations that rely on the regulated community to self-identify, monitor, report, or complete other requirements on their own recognizance. These include state- and federal-issued general permits for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities, effective in 1992, with known incomplete compliance by 2004. Results demonstrate highly incomplete compliance with variation in effectiveness among studied states and urbanized regions. Texas and Oklahoma, administered by US EPA during the research period, have attained higher compliance rates than California, administered by a state agency, or Florida, also administered by US EPA. Specific program designs and implementation strategies employed by states are evaluated for impacts on states' compliance effectiveness.  相似文献   

The development of Watershed Management Plans (WMPs) in urban areas aids municipalities in allocating resources, engaging the public and stakeholders, addressing water quality regulations, and mitigating issues related to stormwater runoff and flooding. In this study, 124 urban WMPs across the United States were reviewed to characterize historic approaches and identify emerging trends in watershed planning. Planning methods and tools were qualitatively evaluated, followed by statistical analyses of a subset of 63 WMPs to identify relationships between planning factors. Plans developed by a municipality or consultant were associated with more occurrences of hydrologic modeling and site‐specific recommendations, and fewer occurrences of characterizing social watershed factors, than plans authored by agencies, organizations, or universities. WMPs in the past decade exhibited greater frequency in the use of pollutant load models and spatially explicit hydrologic and hydraulic models. Project prioritization was found to increasingly focus on feasibility to implement proposed strategies. More recent plans additionally exhibited greater consideration for water quality, ecological health, and public participation. Innovation in planning methods and consideration of future watershed conditions are primary areas that were found to be deficient in the study WMPs, although analysis methods and tools continue to improve in the wake of advancing technology and data availability.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nonstorm water discharges to municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) are notable for spatial and temporal variability in volume, pollutant type, pollutant concentration, and activity of origin. The objective of this paper was to determine whether current technical knowledge and existing U.S. policy support an improved regulatory approach. The proposed policy would use type of discharge as a regulatory basis, merging the concepts of allowability of de minimis discharges and type-based statewide consistent rules. Specific research objectives were to comprehensively identify discharge types, characterize their prevalence in California, analyze relevant local and regional regulatory guidelines, and systematically evaluate opinions of experts about potential water quality impacts. Results demonstrate nonstorm water discharges were widespread in at least one sector, industrial facilities subject to a state permit; one discharge for every four facilities was reported in 1995, even though the permit explicitly prohibits such discharges. Clear consensus exists for minimal water quality concern for some discharge types when considering both municipal guidelines and experts’ opinions. In particular, condensate from a wide range of equipment and discharges from fire fighting equipment testing were found to be of low concern. Discharge types with consensus high concern were largely limited to discharges prohibited under other regulations, such as wastewater and hazardous waste management controls. Some discharge types where no consensus was identified, such as landscape irrigation, nevertheless generated concern for water quality impacts and appear to be relatively widespread. Available information supports technical feasibility of the proposed policy because at least some discharge types show strong consensus for de minimis impacts among regulatory guidelines and opinions of technical experts.  相似文献   

Sound is considered as a pollutant when it exceeds undesirable limits for the recipient. One of the significant environmental problems associated with industries is noise pollution generated by machinery. The main objectives of this study were to measure noise levels generated by machinery that the workers were exposed to at five industrial facilities in the State of Kuwait. Also, to assess if these levels were within acceptable standards, for Kuwait lacks environmental standards for such a pollutant. To achieve the objectives of the study two food manufacturing companies, a cement-brick making plant, a furniture factory and a car washing facility were selected for the purpose of the research.The study showed that workers operating machinery at the five facilities were exposed to high noise levels without any kind of ear protection. Noise levels recorded during the study were very high and exceeded the British Noise at Work Regulations of 1989. In Kuwait there are no regulations to abate noise in the working environment and workers are not required to wear ear protective muffs. The results of the study indicate that, the concerned environmental and health organisations in Kuwait should be compelled to establish noise level standards and controls to safeguard the health of workers and the public at large.  相似文献   

As point sources of pollution in the United States, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are subject to the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permitting system requirements. Changes to federal regulations in 2003 and a 2005 court decision have increased the governmental oversight of CAFOs. Manure application to fields from “large CAFOs” that results in unpermitted discharges can be regulated under the Clean Water Act. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s interpretation of agricultural stormwater discharges was approved so that unpermitted discharges may arise if an owner or operator of a CAFO fails to apply manure correctly. Owners and operators do not, however, have a duty to secure governmental permits in the absence of a discharge. Turning to the federal provisions regarding nutrient management plans, a court found that they were deficient. Moreover, the federal government needs to reconsider requirements that would reduce pathogens from entering surface waters. Although these developments should assist in reducing the impairment of U.S. waters, concern still exists. Greater oversight of nutrient management plans and enhanced enforcement efforts offer opportunities to provide greater assurance that CAFO owners and operators will not allow a discharge of pollutants to enter surface waters.  相似文献   

我国自2018年1月1日起开征环境保护税,《中华人民共和国环境保护税法》授予地方政府适用税额和应税污染物项目数的调整权限。为推动地方环境保护税政策制定和出台,本文在对工业企业生产运营、污染物排放、污染治理设施运行数据调查分析的基础上,构建了一套"边际治理成本+调整系数"的地方环境保护税税政制定方法,用该方法计算了某地区水污染物环境保护税适用税额,并对环境保护税应税污染物项目数增加的必要性展开了探讨。计算结果显示,该地区工业企业水污染物边际治理成本为2.36元/污染当量,可制定水污染物环境保护税额为2.8元/污染当量,应税污染物项目数按照一类水污染物前五项、二类水污染物前三项征收为宜。  相似文献   

Urban/rural stormwater quantity modelling has been well-researched and has achieved sufficient accuracy benchmark. However, modelling stormwater runoff quality (i.e. pollutants transport associated with stormwater) are relatively difficult and largely depends on catchment characteristics/land-uses; these can be estimated with acceptable accuracy provided pollutants transport equations are established through extensive field measurements. To ensure ecologically sustainable development, several stormwater treatment systems have been proposed. Model of Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) developed and widely used in Australia, estimates pollutant transport from catchments and stormwater treatment through different systems. This paper presents a study on the accuracy of MUSIC estimations for different stormwater treatment options used in Australia and abroad. Data on several field measurements on different constructed stormwater treatment systems (bioretention, grass swale and porus pavement) in Australia, Sweden, New Zealand and Scotland was collected from literatures. The experimental results were compared with MUSIC's estimations under similar conditions. In general, it has been found that MUSIC can simulate flow conditions with good accuracy, however MUSIC's predictions on the removal efficiencies of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Phosphorus (TP) and Total Nitrogen (TN) are varying. Potential reasons for these discrepancies are discussed. Also, a summary table showing MUSIC's overall capability on simulating stormwater treatment efficiencies for different treatment measures has been presented.  相似文献   

Crumb rubber can be produced from scrap tires in a wide range of particle sizes and quality levels. Ideally, the revenue stream includes tipping fees paid to receive the raw materials; sales of variously-sized crumb products to different end-user markets; and potential sales of scrap metal and fiber contained within the tires. General demand has been increasing, and submarkets for crumb products are growing in size and variety. However, the optimistic expectations of potential investors and government agencies contrast sharply with the experiences of many current and former producers. Production planning and operation is complex, real-dollar crumb prices have fallen, and many producers recount difficulties finding stable markets and competing against newer, state-subsidized competitors. This paper examines the engineering economics of crumb rubber facilities. Following a literature review and interviews with producers, a financial model of a nominal processing operation was created to aid the analysis of different market, crumb size, and production scenarios. The profitability of a crumb facility appears to be particularly sensitive to crumb rubber prices, operating costs, and raw material availability. Better analysis of market and production impacts on financial viability for proposed processing facilities would aid overall market efficiency.  相似文献   

《环境保护税法(草案)》已经初次审议并公布草案全文征求意见,本文对草案中有关问题进行了探讨,期望这些建议能为修改法律草案条文提供参考。关于水污染物环境保护税的纳税人,建议按照直接向环境排放污水的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者、城镇污水集中处理设施、园区污水集中处理设施等三类区分;关于大气污染物、水污染物的征税范围与方法,建议近期将大气污染物中的重金属项目也纳入应税污染物,与水污染物征税范围保持一致,远期考虑与排放标准脱钩,重新审视、确定应税污染物的范围、筛选原则与当量值;关于综合利用固体废物征收环境保护税问题,建议对综合利用过程在满足环保标准要求条件下,免征环境保护税,而综合利用形成的原材料或产品则不适用本法。另外本文还提出了未来环境保护税应覆盖产品全生命周期的生产、使用、废弃等环节的观点。  相似文献   

This study assessed volatile organic compound (VOC) emission characteristics from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in five Taiwanese industrial districts engaged in numerous manufacturing processes, including petrochemical, science-based industry (primarily semiconductors, photo-electronics, electronic products and biological technology), as well as multiple manufacturing processes (primarily pharmaceuticals and paint manufacturing). The most aqueous hydrocarbons dissolved in the wastewater of Taiwanese WWTPs were acetone, acrylonitrile, methylene chloride, and chloroform for the petrochemical districts; acetone, chloroform, and toluene for the science-based districts; and chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons for the multiple industrial districts. The aqueous pollutants in the united WWTPs were closely related to the characteristics of the manufacturing plants in the districts. To effectively prevent VOC emissions from the primary treatment section of petrochemical WWTPs, the updated regulations governing VOC emissions were issued by the Taiwanese Environmental Protection Administration in September 2005, legally mandating a seal cover system incorporating venting and air purification equipment. Cost analysis indicates that incinerators with regenerative heat recovery are optimal for treating high VOC concentrations, exceeding 10,000ppm as CH(4), from the oil separation basins. However, the emission concentrations, ranging from 100 to 1000ppm as CH(4) from the other primary treatment facilities and bio-treatment stages, should be collected and then injected into the biological oxidation basins via existing or new blowers. The additional capital and operating costs required to treat the VOC emissions of 1000ppm as CH(4) from primary treatment facilities are less than US$0.1 for perm(3) wastewater treatment capacity.  相似文献   

In urban and suburban areas, stormwater runoff is a primary stressor on surface waters. Conventional urban stormwater drainage systems often route runoff directly to streams and rivers, thus exacerbating pollutant inputs and hydrologic disturbance, and resulting in the degradation of ecosystem structure and function. Decentralized stormwater management tools, such as low impact development (LID) or water sensitive urban design (WSUD), may offer a more sustainable solution to stormwater management if implemented at a watershed scale. These tools are designed to pond, infiltrate, and harvest water at the source, encouraging evaporation, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, and re-use of stormwater. While there are numerous demonstrations of WSUD practices, there are few examples of widespread implementation at a watershed scale with the explicit objective of protecting or restoring a receiving stream. This article identifies seven major impediments to sustainable urban stormwater management: (1) uncertainties in performance and cost, (2) insufficient engineering standards and guidelines, (3) fragmented responsibilities, (4) lack of institutional capacity, (5) lack of legislative mandate, (6) lack of funding and effective market incentives, and (7) resistance to change. By comparing experiences from Australia and the United States, two developed countries with existing conventional stormwater infrastructure and escalating stream ecosystem degradation, we highlight challenges facing sustainable urban stormwater management and offer several examples of successful, regional WSUD implementation. We conclude by identifying solutions to each of the seven impediments that, when employed separately or in combination, should encourage widespread implementation of WSUD with watershed-based goals to protect human health and safety, and stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

A newly installed combined detention/wetland stormwater treatment facility upstream from Lake McCarrons, Roseville, Minnesota, was monitored for 21 months to evaluate its effectiveness and the response of the lake to decreased phosphorus loads. The treatment facility consists of a 1.0-ha detention pond that discharges into a series of six constructed wetland “chambers.” Data from snowmelt and rainfall events are presented for several pollutants. Results show good reductions for most pollutants. Discussion on the facets of the system's operation are presented. Data from the lake show very little change in its water quality from three years prior to restoration (1984–1986) to three years following restoration (1987–1989): the lake's phosphorus and chlorophyll has actually increased.  相似文献   

Stormwater runoff and associated pollutants from urban areas in the greater Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW) impair local streams and downstream ecosystems, despite urbanized land comprising only 7% of the CBW area. More recently, stormwater best management practices (BMPs) have been implemented in a low impact development (LID) manner to treat stormwater runoff closer to its source. This approach included the development of a novel BMP model to compare traditional and LID design, pioneering the use of comprehensively digitized storm sewer infrastructure and BMP design connectivity with spatial patterns in a geographic information system at the watershed scale. The goal was to compare total watershed pollutant removal efficiency in two study watersheds with differing spatial patterns of BMP design (traditional and LID), by quantifying the improved water quality benefit of LID BMP design. An estimate of uncertainty was included in the modeling framework by using ranges for BMP pollutant removal efficiencies that were based on the literature. Our model, using Monte Carlo analysis, predicted that the LID watershed removed approximately 78 kg more nitrogen, 3 kg more phosphorus, and 1,592 kg more sediment per square kilometer as compared with the traditional watershed on an annual basis. Our research provides planners a valuable model to prioritize watersheds for BMP design based on model results or in optimizing BMP selection.  相似文献   

Governmental agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and agricultural organizations promote water quality trading programs as an innovative policy to engage agricultural producers in conservation activities. Cost analyses suggest regulated sources can reduce compliance costs by purchasing agricultural nonpoint source credits. Yet, such “point‐nonpoint” trades are rare. This article assesses the demand for agricultural nonpoint sources in well‐developed nutrient trading programs in Virginia for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants, municipal stormwater programs, and land developers. Evidence suggests nutrient trading programs in Virginia will not stimulate investments in pollutant reduction practices on working agricultural lands. The lack of demand for agricultural nonpoint source credits can be attributed to a substantial degree to the design features and incentives present in multiple overlapping regulatory programs. The legal setting that dampens regulated source demand for nonpoint source credits in Virginia is broadly representative of conditions found elsewhere in the United States.  相似文献   

Lack of technology and efficient management of solid waste coupled with poverty have motivated most developing countries to sort for cheap waste disposal methods with negative consequences on the environment. Open burning at waste dumps causes serious toxicological impacts. Most organic solid waste excluding plastics when burned cause considerably little environmental pollution. However, non-stoichiometric combustion of waste plastics produces significant amounts of various aliphatic and aromatic compounds, acidic gases, dust and smoke. These products pollute the air, water and soil generating significant health problems with related socioeconomic impacts on human, animals and plants. Some of these pollutants are toxic and/or carcinogenic, form acid-rain and influence climate change. Critical discourse and research on environmental toxicology resulting from air pollution with related health risk and impacts have been catalysed by the enactment of major environmental regulations and increased awareness. The new clean air act amendment of 1990 is estimated to require about $25billion annually for its implementation in the United States, indicating the gravity of the pollution problem. Understanding, controlling and mitigating the impacts of chemical pollution from multiple sources related to open burning of plastics is complex. This paper uses content analysis of relevant literature and field observations to analyse, evaluate and identify characteristic pollutants including their transmission potentials, sources and impacts on human health with the assessment, prevention and management of related risk. An affordable technology-based approach applied within a bottom-up management strategy to prevent and control pollution offers a sustainable solution underpinned by resource and energy recovery from waste.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests a novel optimization method for optimally selecting and sizing stormwater control measures (SCMs) in urban landscapes for selected design storms. The developed methodology yields SCMs that capture and retain stormwater via onsite percolation, remove stormwater pollutants, and minimize stormwater control expenditures. The resulting environmental optimization problem involves integer and real variables imbedded in an objective function that is subjected to multiple constraints. This study's methodology aims at practicality and ease of implementation in the solution of the SCM sizing and selection optimization problem while taking into account the main factors that govern stormwater management in urban landscapes. The near‐optimal global solution of the SCM selection and design problem is obtained with nonlinear programming and verified with the average of multiple solutions calculated with multiple runs of an optimization evolutionary algorithm. The developed methodology is illustrated with one stormwater project in the City of Los Angeles, California.  相似文献   

Sustainable use of stormwater for irrigation case study: Manly Golf Course   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sustainability has become an increasingly used term, but what does it mean in terms of practice. This research will look at the harvesting of captured stormwater for the irrigation of urban playing fields and what the implications are for catchment hydrology, local community, and local council. This research aims to identify, understand and determine the catchment conditions that may hinder the stormwater quality and quantity for capture and reuse, as well as determining whether the stormwater harvesting will be sustainable. Research methods for this project will include systemic analysis in order to further investigate the assumptions being made in the study. Manly Golf Club has relied on groundwater extraction supplemented by potable supplies for irrigation, however potable supplies are no longer available. It has been proposed to provide irrigation supplies from stormwater via onsite storage and groundwater recharge. Monitored stormwater entering the Golf Course from the adjacent Cemetery Creek sub-catchment for pollutants, have indicated that it may be suitable for irrigation with treatment and may reduce problems generated by overuse of groundwater. The proposal will provide environmental benefit through reduced pollution loads being discharged directly to receiving waters and cessation of use of potable supplies by the Club. Social and economic benefits are expected to be gained and will be monitored as part of an ongoing research program.  相似文献   

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