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Urinary tract anomalies are common. Prenatal diagnosis is important and enables either special obstetric management or termination of pregnancy and probably in the future, intrauterine intervention. Transvaginal sonography (TVS) allows visualization of the normal and anomalous fetal urinary tract at an early stage. One thousand nine hundred and forty women were examined via TVS at an early stage of pregnancy between 10 and 16 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP) and 35 anomalies (1·8 per cent) were clearly identified: 29 cases of low urinary tract obstruction, 2 cases of multicystic dysplastic kidney, 2 cases of polycystic kidney (infantile type), 1 case of double collecting system, and 1 case of horseshoe kidney. Potter syndrome could be ruled out in three patients who had delivered fetuses suffering from this anomaly in previous pregnancies. The concise and early identification of anomalies makes TVS an important aid in the hands of the obstetrician, ultrasonographer, and neonatologist.  相似文献   

We report the detection of 42 cases of musculoskeletal anomalies routinely screened by transvaginal sonography at 12-16 weeks of gestation out of 7325 examined pregnant women (incidence of 0·57 per cent).  相似文献   

Over a 4-year period, 14 dyskaryotic fetuses were diagnosed by amniocentesis, performed after early detection of malformations using transvaginal sonography (TVS). These 14 dyskaryotic fetuses were detected out of 4878 sonographic screenings performed by TVS between 9 and 16 weeks' gestation. Twenty-eight per cent of the referrals were at high risk and 72 per cent were at low risk for fetal malformations. Two hundred and twenty-nine fetuses (4.7 per cent) of the screened population had 265 anomalies, 39 per cent of them being transient. In 7 of the 14 dyskaryotic fetuses (50 per cent), the sonographically detected anomalies were transient, being undetected by follow-up sonographic screenings at later gestational ages (⩾18 weeks). Postponing the first sonographic scan aimed at malformation detection to a later gestational age may lead to transient anomalies and their associated dyskaryosis being missed.  相似文献   

Two fetuses with heart abnormalities were detected by transvaginal sonography at 14 weeks of gestation. In the first fetus, a ventricular septal defect and an overriding aorta were detected and a diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot was suggested. In addition, cystic hygroma and omphalocoele were visualized and the cytogenetic study revealed trisomy 18. In the second fetus, ventricular septal defect, pericardial effusion, and omphalocoele were detected.  相似文献   

Four cases of multiple gestation with second trimester death of one fetus and subsequent damage to a survivor are reported. Monochorionic placentation was documented in three of the cases. Central nervous system lesions occurred in all cases, and bowel injury was noted in two of the damaged fetuses. Although rare maternal clotting problems have been reported in similar situations, none was noted in any of these four cases. Prior reports have indicated that losses in the first half of gestation were of no consequence to the surviving fetuses. These four cases contradict this suggestion, and indicate that close sonographic observation of the survivors is important in any multiple gestation where one fetus has died.  相似文献   

The sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern has been described in association with severe fetal anaemia, with fetal hypoxaemia, and with the administration of parenteral narcotics. Here, we report a case of decreased fetal movement in which a sinusoidal tracing was recorded. The sonographic diagnosis of a massive fetal intracranial haemorrhage was made. A non-interventive approach was taken and the fetus died soon after in utero. We review 28 previous cases in which the prenatal sonographic diagnosis of fetal intracranial haemorrhage was made, including the underlying maternal and fetal factors and neonatal outcomes. We propose that the sinusoidal tracing in this case was due to the intracranial bleed and suggest that fetal intracranial haemorrhage be considered in the sonographic evaluation of the fetus with a sinusoidal pattern.  相似文献   

付柏淋  吕阳 《中国环境科学》2014,34(11):2917-2921
为研究中央空调系统真菌繁殖扩散机理及控制空气微生物污染问题,通过温热控制手段,探究不同温热环境下真菌菌落、菌丝生长繁殖规律.以某体育馆中央空调系统过滤器表面真菌为研究对象,通过分离、生理生化实验和分子生物学鉴定确认空调系统过滤器表面的优势菌属种类及数量.对分离鉴定的优势菌属做温热控制实验,分别在25℃恒温及22℃~28℃变温条件下观察菌落和菌丝的生长规律.结果显示,该空调系统过滤器表面真菌优势菌属为青霉属(Penicillium spp.)和枝孢属(Cladosporium spp.),菌落形成单位分别为600, 140cfu/cm2.温热控制研究表明,无论25℃恒温或22~28℃变温条件,青霉属生长速度都要快于枝孢菌,且菌落直径变化和时间成线性关系;温热控制对青霉属和枝孢菌的生长繁殖具有明显的抑制作用,温热控制技术在抑制空调系统真菌生长上可行.  相似文献   

Tillage practices affect the fate of fertilizer nitrogen (N) through influencing transformations of N, but few studies have examined N2O and NH3 emissions, and N leaching from different rice tillage systems. Thus the objective of this study was to assess N2O emission, NH3 volatilization and N leaching from direct seeded rice in conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) production systems in the subtropical region of China during the 2008 and 2009 rice growing seasons. Treatments were established following a split-plot design of a randomized complete block with tillage practices as the main plot and N fertilizer level as the sub-plot treatment, and there were four treatments: NT + no fertilizer (NT0), CT + no fertilizer (CT0), NT + compound fertilizer (NTC) and CT + compound fertilizer (CTC), respectively. Results showed that N fertilization significantly increased (p < 0.01) N2O emissions, NH3 volatilization and N leaching from rice fields in both years. In general, there was no significant difference in N2O emissions and NH3 volatilization between NT0 and CT0 in both years, while NTC had significantly higher (p < 0.05) N2O emissions and NH3 volatilization compared to CTC. Over the two rice growing seasons, NTC showed 32% and 47% higher N2O emissions, and 29% and 52% higher NH3 losses than CTC. Higher (p < 0.05) N2O emissions from NTC than CTC were presumably due to higher soil organic C and greater denitrification. Total N and NO3? concentrations were higher (p < 0.05) in CTC than NTC, but larger volumes of percolation water in NTC than CTC resulted in no significant difference in leakage of total N and NO3?. Hence, application of N fertilizer in combination with NT appeared to be ineffective in reducing N losses from N fertilizer in paddy fields.  相似文献   

In the last 40 years, a large area of savanna vegetation in Central Brazil (Cerrado) has been converted to agriculture, with intensive use of fertilizers, irrigation and management practices. Currently, the Cerrado is the main region for beef and grain production in Brazil. However, the consequences of these agricultural practices on NO, N2O and CO2 emissions from soil to atmosphere are still poorly investigated. The objectives of this study were to quantify soil emissions of NO-N, N2O-N and CO2-C in different no-till cultivation systems in comparison with native savanna vegetation. The agricultural areas included: (a) the maize and Brachiaria ruzizienses intercropping system followed by irrigated bean in rotation; (b) soybean followed by natural fallow; and (c) cotton planting over B. ruzizienses straw. The study was performed from August 2003 to October 2005 and fluxes were measured before and after planting, after fertilizations, during the growing season, before and after harvesting. NO-N fluxes in the soybean field were similar to those measured in the native vegetation. In the cornfield, higher NO-N fluxes were measured before planting than after planting and pulses were observed after broadcast fertilizations. During Brachiaria cultivation NO-N fluxes were lower than in native vegetation. In the irrigated area (bean cultivation), NO-N fluxes were also significantly higher after broadcast fertilizations. Most of the soil N2O-N fluxes measured under cultivated and native vegetation were very low (<0.6 ng N2O-N cm−2 h−1) except during bean cultivation when N2O-N fluxes increased after the first and second broadcast fertilization with irrigation and during nodule senescence in the soybean field. Soil respiration values from the soybean field were similar to those in native vegetation. The CO2-C fluxes during cultivation of maize and irrigated bean were twice as high as in the native vegetation. During bean cultivation with irrigation, an increase in CO2-C fluxes was observed after broadcast fertilization followed by a decrease after the harvest. Significantly lower soil C stocks (0-30 cm depth) were determined under no-tillage agricultural systems in comparison with the stocks under savanna vegetation. Fertilizer-induced emission factors of N oxides calculated from the data were lower than those indicated by the IPCC as default.  相似文献   

Central ventilation and air conditioner systems are widely utilized nowadays in public places for air exchange and temperature control,which significantly influences the transfer of pollutants between indoors and outdoors.To study the effect of central ventilation and air conditioner systems on the concentration and health risk from airborne pollutants,a spatial and temporal survey was carried out using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as agent pollutants.During the period when the central ventilation system operated without air conditioning (AC-off period),concentrations of 2-4 ring PAHs in the model supermarket were dominated by outdoor levels,due to the good linearity between indoor air and outdoor air (rp>0.769,p<0.05),and the slopes (1.2-4.54) indicated that ventilating like the model supermarket increased the potential health risks from low molecular weight PAHs.During the period when the central ventilation and air conditioner systems were working simultaneously (AC-on period),although the total levels of PAHs were increased,the concentrations and percentage of the particulate PAHs indoors declined significantly.The BaP equivalency (BaPeq) concentration indicated that utilization of air conditioning reduced the health risks from PAHs in the model supermarket.  相似文献   

会仙岩溶湿地丰平枯水期地表水污染及灌溉适用性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国典型的亚热带低海拔岩溶湿地为研究区,对该区丰水期、平水期和枯水期共采集的27组地表水样品进行12种常规离子和10种金属元素检测,在分析地表水主要离子化学特征基础上,分别运用内梅罗污染指数法以及钠吸附比法(SAR)、钠含量法(SC)、渗透指数法(PI)和残余碳酸钠法(RSC)这4种评价体系对不同时期地表水进行污染评价和灌溉适用性评价.结果表明,研究区内地表水主要为弱碱性水,Ca2+和HCO3-为优势离子.常规指标中仅NH4+超过生活饮用水卫生标准限值,超标率为25.93%,金属元素中超标组分为Al(11.11%)、Mn(44.44%)和Hg(37.04%).常规指标浓度受时空尺度影响程度整体低于金属元素,两者均具有丰水期 > 平水期 > 枯水期的时期分布特征.据污染评价结果,区内地表水总体水质尚可,内梅罗综合污染指数介于0.75~2.69,主要污染指标为NH4+、Mn、Al和Hg,部分样点存在季节性污染,污染级别为轻度~中度,丰水期污染程度最高,污染点多分布于湿地核心区.综合农田灌溉水质标准和地表水环境质量标准限值以及SAR、SC、PI和RSC灌溉适用性评价结果,会仙岩溶湿地地表水总体适合灌溉,枯水期灌溉适用性优于丰水期和平水期,平水期PH1(Hg浓度1.91 μg·L-1)和丰水期FH8(NH4+浓度13.70 mg·L-1)地表水已不适用于农业灌溉.  相似文献   

四川桤柏混交林土壤N2O排放的实测与模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用静态箱-气相色谱法对川中丘陵区桤柏混交林土壤N2O排放进行了连续两年的测定.通过与Forest-DNDC模型模拟进行对比分析,结果表明,模型能够较好地模拟林地土壤N2O排放.2005和2006年模型模拟的土壤N2O年平均排放速率为15.02,14.03mg/(m2×h),分别为实际观测值的85.7%和87.5%.2005和2006年的实际观测值与模型模拟值之间差异均不显著(P>0.05),模拟有效系数分别为0.56和0.51.以2005年降雨量和气温为基准利用模型进行情景分析,结果表明,本地区降雨量在±30%范围内变化时,林地土壤N2O排放量的变化幅度不超过25%;气温在±3℃范围内变化时,林地土壤N2O排放量的变化幅度不超过10%.  相似文献   

从环评体制、机制及管理等层面上挖掘环评质量不高的原因,提出开展协作化环评、环评招投标、环境影响后评价、严格环评审批及建立环评责任追究机制等改进对策,力求从根本上提高环评质量。  相似文献   

冬季猪粪固体堆放过程中NH3、N2O和NO排放特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对农村猪粪典型处理方式中的固体堆放管理,研究猪粪在冬季(2012年11月~2013年2月)固体堆放过程中NH3、N2O和NO排放特征.实验共设两个处理——无覆盖(non-covered,NC)和水稻秸秆覆盖(covered,C),堆放时间为73 d,期间进行了3次翻堆操作.实验观测了3种含氮气体(NH3、N2O和NO)的排放通量和堆体剖面N2O浓度变化.结果表明,猪粪固体堆放过程中NH3、N2O和NO排放累积量(以N计)分别占初始TN的比例为2.1%~2.6%、0.02%和~0.000 25%.两个处理的含氮气体排放通量变化趋势基本一致,且有覆盖堆体的含氮气体的排放量略低于无覆盖堆体.在堆放初期,NH3排放量最先出现峰值,之后N2O和NO排放开始增加.NH3和NO在固体堆放的中前期呈现互为消长的变化趋势;到堆放后期,N2O开始出现比前期高出两倍的排放高峰,而NH3和NO出现小幅增长.翻堆前后,NH3的排放无明显变化,而N2O排放在翻堆后均出现降低的变化,NO排放却出现升高的变化.  相似文献   

针对含NO3--N与较高浓度SO42-实际工业废水处理较难的问题,考察了不同水力停留时间(HRT)下连续运行的CO2-氢基质膜生物膜反应器(CO2-MBfR)处理模拟废水和实际工业废水的性能,结果表明,2种废水的出水NO3--N浓度均随着HRT的减小而增大,模拟废水中NO3--N的处理效果和电子通量分配比例均优于实际废水,但其电子通量分配的格局基本不变:NO3--N和SO42-的电子通量分别在90.09%~97.49%和2.51%~9.91%左右.要实现实际废水总氮达到15mg/L的排放标准,需维持HRT不少于10.4h.  相似文献   

In order to obtain a large set of normal control values, the activities of three cytosolic enzymes of purine metabolism and seven lysosomal enzymes were determined in homogenates of chorionic villi derived from induced abortions of normal pregnancies (7th–12th week) in about 100 individual cases. Possible reasons for the rather wide ranges of normal distributions of enzyme activities are discussed. The values are compared: (1) with available data in the literature; (2) with activities determined in decidual homogenates prepared from the same samples; (3) with activities of cells of cultures established and grown from villi in the same samples; and (4) with enzyme activities measured in chorionic biopsies using the same methods. Implications for the prenatal diagnosis of the associated metabolic diseases are considered.  相似文献   

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