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混合燃料中含氧量对柴油机有害物质排放量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过柴油机试验,研究了混合燃料中含氧量对柴油机有害物质排放量的影响.试验结果显示,在混合燃料中含氧量低于10.4%(质量分数,下同)时,CO和HC排放量随含氧量增加而减少;但随着混合燃料中乙醇所占比例增加,当混合燃料中含氧量达25.3%时,CO和HC排放量均增加到含氧量为10.4%时的2.5倍左右;当混合燃料中含氧量低于10.4%时,NOx排放量随其增加而少量增加.但当混合燃料中含氧量达25.3%时,NOx排放量较燃用柴油时减少50%以上;碳烟排放量则随着混合燃料中含氧量增加而不断减少.  相似文献   

陈娴  陆金  殷燕  程洁红 《环境工程学报》2014,8(9):4012-4016
焙烧-酸浸法可有效回收电镀污泥中的有价金属,而污泥的热处理特性是决定能否采用焙烧预处理的重要因素。研究了氧化焙烧和还原焙烧对污泥成分和金属浸出性的影响,并对焙烧前后的污泥进行了金属形态分析和X射线衍射(XRD)分析。结果表明,焙烧预处理实现了污泥减量和金属富集;ES1经氧化焙烧后金属浸出率接近原泥,Cu的浸出率达99%;ES2的还原焙烧效果优于氧化焙烧,特别是Cu的浸出率超过97%,XRD分析发现,还原焙烧过程中金属Cu被还原为铁铜合金;2种焙烧均造成了ES3中目标金属Ni的浸出率的降低;金属浸出性的下降与残渣态的形成有关。  相似文献   

热处理对脱水污泥溶解特性及厌氧消化性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别对脱水污泥在100、130和170℃条件下进行热处理,研究热处理对脱水污泥溶解特性的影响。此外,在半连续式完全混合反应器中进行厌氧消化实验研究不同热处理污泥的厌氧消化性能。实验结果表明,在100、130和170℃条件下,污泥COD溶解率由处理前的5.23%分别提高至20.08%、22.50%和27.20%,脱水污泥热处理规律和效果与高含水率污泥(总固体含量<5%)基本一致。经130℃2 h和170℃30 min高温热处理后污泥甲烷产率显著提高,较原泥分别提高24.64%和38.61%,沼气中甲烷含量稍有降低。  相似文献   

为降低砖瓦隧道窑烟气含氧量,使烟气中的污染物稳定达标排放,设计了正交实验并应用数值模拟方法对影响砖瓦隧道窑烟气含氧量的因素进行了分析;在此基础上,调整了相关参数并进行了现场运行测试及数值模拟方法的实测验证。结果表明:现场测试结果与数值模拟结果具有良好的一致性;降低排烟风机入口压力、急冷风机风量和冷却风机风量有利于降低烟气含氧量;以标况排烟风量为评价指标,各因素对烟气含氧量的影响程度依次为:排烟风机入口压力>急冷风机风量>余热风机入口压力>冷却风机风量。在隧道窑稳定运行情况下,仅通过调整排烟风机运行状态进行烟气含氧量控制实验,结果表明,烟气含氧量由调控前的18.24%降低至16.57%~17.12%,标准状态下烟气量由24 000 m3·h−1降至19 000~20 000 m3·h−1。在该隧道窑排烟风机运行状态优化调整后,已稳定运行6个月,且烟气含氧量稳定控制在18%以下。本研究结果可为隧道窑烟气含氧量控制及烟热分离系统的调控提供参考。  相似文献   

石油烃(TPHs)在土壤中难以降解,并具有生物毒性,异位热脱附(ESTD)在修复石油烃污染土壤方面极具应用潜力。采用实验室模拟异位热脱附装置,研究了热脱附载气含氧量及土壤石油烃污染浓度对可萃取石油烃(EPHs)中柴油段(DRO)和重油段(ORO)的5种组分去除率的影响。结果表明:在初始浓度为5 000~20 000 mg·kg−1时,在20 min内的脱附率均不超过50%;当初始浓度增加到40 000 mg·kg−1、脱附时间为20 min时脱附率可以达到68.2%。热脱附时间为50 min时,40 000 mg·kg−1污染土壤的残余浓度为407.1 mg·kg−1。DOR组分相同时间的脱附率随污染浓度的升高而升高,ORO组分在50 min之内不能完全脱附,脱附率随着污染物浓度上升会出现先增大后减小的趋势。在250 ℃时,DRO中3个组分的去除率均随着气氛含氧量的增加而呈现明显的增长趋势。在400 ℃条件下,ORO中2个组分分别在含氧量为12%和15%时达到最高的去除率。本研究结果可为ESTD技术修复不同浓度的石油烃污染土壤的工程设计参数提供参考。  相似文献   

飞灰热处理过程中基本特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对不同粒径飞灰中重金属的分布情况进行了研究,并采用高温熔融管式电炉试验装置,对垃圾焚烧飞灰进行了高温热处理研究,探讨了热处理过程中飞灰减重率和重金属挥发率的变化规律,并对飞灰热处理后的收集物进行XRD实验。结果表明,Cd和Pb在小粒径飞灰中含量较高,Zn和Cu的分布与飞灰的粒径分布相似,Cr富集于相对较大粒径的飞灰中。热处理过程中,1 150 ℃和1 350 ℃时飞灰减重率增长快,而在650~1 050 ℃之间减重率增长缓慢,仅从8%增加至17%。飞灰中重金属经热处理后,挥发率依次为Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn。XRD实验结果表明,Pb主要以双金属氯化物(KPb2Cl5)形式挥发。  相似文献   

为探究土壤热修复后的土壤重金属形态以及健康风险的变化,以退役电镀企业地块的污染土壤为研究目标,分别在200、400和600℃下处理土壤15 min,以分析热处理对土壤重金属Cu、Pb、Ni和Cd赋存形态的影响、生物可给性变化以及重金属人体健康风险的差异.结果 表明,经热处理后,土壤Cu、Pb和Ni的酸可提取态增加,增加...  相似文献   

对城市生活垃圾焚烧过程中Ni、Cd、Cu、Pb、Cr和Zn 6种重金属在不同气氛中的挥发率进行了研究,同时比较了氧化性气氛和还原性气氛、中性气氛和酸性气氛以及在混合气氛中各重金属的挥发率。结果表明,氧化性和还原性气氛对Ni、Cu和Cr挥发影响较大,Cr、Cd、Pb和Zn在还原气氛下挥发率比在氧化气氛下高,而Ni和Cu则...  相似文献   

不同热处理温度对污泥厌氧发酵产氢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
污水处理厂污泥产生量日益增加,对环境的影响倍受关注。污泥除了含有大量的葡萄糖、蛋白质等有机物外,还包括大量的微生物,具有厌氧发酵产氢的潜能。通过批式实验系统研究了热处理污泥厌氧发酵产氢情况。研究结果表明,经过适当热处理,可以抑制耗氢菌,同时能保持产氢菌的活性,另外,对污泥还有一定的融胞作用,使污泥中溶解性的糖和蛋白质的含量增加,提高预处理污泥的产氢效率;最佳的热处理温度为75℃,处理后污泥进行厌氧发酵产氢的最大累积产氢量为18.32 mL,比产氢率3.49 mL/g VS。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the levels of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) in the blood of children living in the southeastern region of Mexico. In this study, we found high levels of DDT and its principal metabolite (DDE) in the blood of children residing in the communities studied. The levels of total DDT found in our study ranged from 4,676.4 ng/g lipid to 64,245.2 ng/g lipid. All of the children in the study had detectable levels of DDT and/or DDE. In conclusion, our data indicate that children living within the study areas are exposed to high levels of DDT and DDE. Moreover, these results can be used as a trigger to revisit local policies on environmental exposures.  相似文献   


Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effect of DDT, fauna and flooding on microbial growth in a sandy loam. Results indicated that soil microorganisms can tolerate the presence of DDT. Earthworms singly or in combination with springtails affected the average population of fungi in the DDT‐untreated samples and of aerobic bacteria in the DDT‐treated soils. Soil animals did not appear to have any effect on the populations of anaerobic bacteria. However, waterlogging brought about a decrease in aerobic bacteria and fungal populations, and an increase in anaerobic bacteria in both soils.  相似文献   

热解气化是固体废弃物能源化处置技术发展的主要方向,针对未分选混合生活垃圾,提出了一种新型两段式移动床固体废弃物控氧热转化反应装置。该反应器由两段结构组成:前段往复炉排作为垃圾的干燥热解段,后段旋转流化床作为物料燃尽段。实验研究发现,控制气化室过量空气系数对城市生活垃圾的热转化过程以及二恶英的产生、垃圾中重金属迁移转化等污染物的行为影响显著。气化室过量空气系数在0.5~0.7之间有利于提高二燃室和炉膛出口温度。从污染物的控制来讲,一次风过量空气系数在0.5,总的过量空气系数1.52左右对燃烧常规污染物和二恶英的控制最有利。从底渣和飞灰毒性上考虑,低的ER有利于底渣中的重金属浸出量,当ER≤0.3,底渣的浸出毒性均低于危险废弃物的浸出值,可作为一般废弃物处理。  相似文献   

INTENTION, GOAL, SCOPE, BACKGROUND: Identifying different sources and following reaction pathways of chlorinated organic contaminants in the environment can be challenging, especially when only their concentrations are available. Compound-specific stable chlorine measurements of some contaminants have recently been shown to provide additional information and an increased understanding of their biogeochemistry. These studies, however, have been generally limited to volatile molecules. OBJECTIVE: Here, the stable chlorine isotope ratios of the semi-volatile pesticide, 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) were investigated. Specifically, the intramolecular stable chlorine isotopic compositions of DDT and the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) for the abiotic dehydrochlorination of DDT to 2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethene (DDE) were determined. METHODS: Selective chemical oxidation of DDT to dichlorobenzophenone (DCBP) and analysis of each compound was used to calculate the stable chlorine isotope ratios of the alkyl and aromatic chlorines in DDT. To determine the KIE for dehydrochlorination, DDT was reacted in a basic solution to yield DDE at 52 degrees C, 60 degrees C, and 72 degrees C for 3, 5, and 5 days, respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Significant intramolecular stable chlorine isotopic differences were observed in one sample of DDT where the alkyl and aromatic delta 37Cl values were -5.76 +/- 0.45 and -2.21 +/- 0.24%@1000, respectively. Dehydrochlorination of DDT to DDE in basic solutions at 52, 60, and 70 degrees C resulted in a substantial intramolecular KIE where the alkyl chlorines of DDE shifted by approximately 3%@1000 relative to the alkyl chlorines in DDT. However, no temperature dependence was observed. The KIE, calculated by an iterative program, was 1.009. CONCLUSIONS: Intramolecular differences in the stable chlorine isotope ratios were observed in DDT and this is the first such finding. Dehydrochlorination of DDT yields a measurable and distinct intramolecular stable chlorine KIE. RECOMMENDATION AND OUTLOOK: The results of this study demonstrate the existence of significant intramolecular differences in chlorinated organic compounds. Many other chlorinated semi-volatile and volatile organic contaminants are synthesized from multiple sources of chlorine, and we recommend that similar studies be performed on many such molecules in order to attain a clear understanding of their intramolecular chlorine isotopic differences. The existence of a measurable KIE for the dehydrochlorination of DDT to DDE shows the potential strength of using isotopic measurements to investigate the biogeochemistry of these important compounds. For example, the isotopically depleted aqueous chloride produced by dehydrochlorination of DDT to DDE may be a useful tracer of these reactions in freshwater environments.  相似文献   

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is one of the persistent organic pollutants (POPs) widely found in the environment and in the general population. In this study, a direct competitive enzyme immunoassay (EIA) has been developed for the quantitative analysis of DDT. To generate a specific polyclonal antibody for EIA, p, p′-DDT was conjugated to porcine thyroglobulin for rabbit immunization. At optimized EIA conditions, the standard curves ranged from 0.137 to 100 ng/mL with the quantification limit of 0.41 ng/mL. The coefficients of variation (CV%) were 5.42–10.53% for intra-assay and 6.04–7.26% for inter-assay. Cross-reactivities with DDT metabolites (DDTs, including o, p′-DDT, p, p′-DDD, o, p′-DDD, p, p′-DDE, o, p′-DDE, p, p′-dichlorobenzophenone (DCBP), o, p′-DCBP) were investigated. The polyclonal antibody showed relatively low and/or no cross-reactivity with these compounds, and the assay was seen to be highly selective for p, p′-DDT. Moreover, the DDTs could be ranked by their reactivity: DDT > DDD > DDE > DCBP. In addition, the characterization of the polyclonal antibody indicated that the antiserum possesses a high specificity for p, p′-isomers. The results indicated that the developed EIA using this antibody could be a convenient and supplemental analytical tool for monitoring DDT.  相似文献   


Experiments were conducted on adsorption, volatilization and UV‐degradation of p,p'‐DDT on soil surface, and leaching and degradation in sand columns. p,p'‐DDT was shown to adsorb stronger to soils with higher organic content. UV irradiation at 290 nm for 10 hours mineralized less than 0.1% of DDT in soil.

Results show that only 0.1% of DDT volatilized in a sun‐exposed semi‐closed quartz system. Polar compounds accounted from 1.4% after 55 days. The rate of volatilization and degradation in an open system was much higher; only 15% DDT and 7% DDE were recovered after 6 weeks in the organic extract. p,p'‐DDT was adsorbed to a great extent on the top layers of sand columns; 86% in the top 8 cm.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the distribution of exogenous HCB and DDT among different soil organic matter fractions were studied under sterile and non-sterile conditions, different soil water contents, and different concentrations of added Cu(2+). The residence time was 311days. Soil organic matter was fractionated into fulvic acid (FA), humic acid (HA), bound-humic acid (BHA), lipid, and insoluble residue (IR) fractions by a methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) method. Results revealed that there is a mass transfer tendency of DDT and HCB from FA, HA and BHA to IR and lipid fractions with increasing residence time. Microbial activity accelerated the mass transfer, while the addition of Cu(2+) slowed it down. The HCB and DDT transfer rate decreased as the soil moisture increased from 1.9% to 60%, but increased when soil moisture increased further to 90%. A two-compartment first order kinetic model was used to describe the mass transfer from FA, HA and BHA.  相似文献   

通过测定上海某医疗废弃物处置公司设定燃烧工况条件下某时间段内烟气中HC l的平均排放速率,估算出上海地区医疗垃圾废物中的可燃烧转化氯含量在2.33%~2.64%左右;通过测定各较小采样时间段(2 m in)的烟气HC l浓度测定发现批次进料造成烟气中HC l浓度近4倍的波动,通过初步的热平衡估算得到医疗废弃物的热值大致在21.8 M J/kg,得到的结果可为我国医疗废弃物的焚烧工艺设计提供基础依据。  相似文献   

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