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The use of birds as indicators for ‘biological qualities’ is not without risks, and should always be based on a sound knowledge of population dynamics and ecological requirements of the species involved. Meadow birds form a comparatively well-studied group of waders, which breed in Dutch grasslands, heavily influenced by agricultural management. The individual species show different tolerances to intensity levels of management, and can therefore be used as indicators for these levels.  相似文献   

Indication depends on the existence of a known relationship between the possibilities for existence of the lichens and the quality of their surroundings. These possibilities may be read from the parameters such as: distribution patterns of species, species numbers, physiological and morphological aspects. This is illustrated by examples with emphasis on: choice of parameters, interaction between several factors, comparison of lichens with other organisms and evaluation of the use of lichens as indicators.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) concentrations in 398 samples of dog whole blood were determined by atomic absorption method. All samples were within the normal range of values reported in literature, 95% of the samples had <8.0 g/100 ml lead. The correlation between blood lead level and the volume of traffic was highly significant. About 11% of the variability in concentration can be explained by the traffic flows near the animal's home. The findings confirm that traffic contributes a significant portion of the total inhaled lead. The use of dogs as environmental lead monitors is discussed. It is concluded that in non-occupational situations a survey of lead in blood of dogs may serve as a feasible, low-cost alternative to large-scale surveys of humans.  相似文献   

The impact of liquid wastes from a paper mill on the benthic diatoms in flowing waters has been studied for a period of two years. Water and algal samples were analysed at monthly intervals at three sites along the course of the river, along with raw effluents. The water before the confluence of effluents was well oxygenated with an alkaline pH. Organic matter, NH3 and nutrients were recorded at low concentrations. At the entry of effluents, the water showed considerable decline in dissolved oxygen content, increase in organic matter, hardness, Cl, HCO3 and total dissolved solids. Diatoms constituted 61% by numerical abundance and were reduced to 25% of total algae at the entry of effluents. Multiple regression analysis was employed to discover the relative importance of various physicochemical variables on the abundance and distribution of diatoms at various sampling stations. Mathematical equations were derived involving the physicochemical variables for better prediction of algal number.  相似文献   

The requirements for treated wastewater are becoming increasingly more stringent, and therefore the improved efficiency of biological treatment processes is indispensable at industrial effluent treatment plants (ETPs). Microorganisms such as bacteria play an important role in the natural cycling of materials and particularly in the decomposition of organic wastes. The knowledge of the interactions among these microbial populations needs to be harnessed for optimum evaluation and functioning of effluent treatment plants. Modern molecular techniques have revolutionized the methods of assessing these microbial populations. The combination of the results of these microbial assessments along with the on-site parameters at ETPs would favor an efficient treatment. In this review, the various approaches and importance of correlating the microbial population dynamics and treatment of wastewater at industrial ETPs has been elaborated.  相似文献   

Diatom bioassessment of streams/rivers does not distinguish between live (cells with intact chloroplasts) and dead (empty cells) individuals, even though most diatom samples collected from the field will be composed of a mixture of both. This study aimed to evaluate whether percentage of live diatoms (PLD), live diatom density and chlorophyll a, and diatom species compositions can be used as indicators of hydrologic disturbance in an urban stream. We deployed artificial substrates on a monthly basis and collected periphyton samples weekly over the course of one calendar year (n = 182) in three tributaries of urbanized Ruddiman Creek (Michigan, USA). We also collected samples before and after six major storm events (>0.5 cm rain). We found no temporal patterns in PLD (Mann-Kendall test p > 0.05) or species composition (non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination), which may be explained by a diatom composition already tolerant to frequent disturbance. There was no difference in PLD before and after storm events, which might partially be explained by their disturbance resistance due to different assemblage ages (1, 2, and 4 weeks old) before the storms. High flow had differential effects on diatom species; loosely attached Navicula and Nitzschia species were more easily removed compared to stalk-forming Gomphonema parvulum. The most important environmental variable that was found to affect live diatom density and chlorophyll was stream width, which has an indirect effect (as a measure of discharge) on periphyton assemblages. In conclusion, PLD was found to be unsuitable metric for assessing stormwater runoff in urban streams where periphyton may not have enough time to form mature communities.  相似文献   

Water quality indices as indicators of ecosystem change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The operational management of water quality requires a methodology that can provide precise information on cycles and trends in water quality in an objective and reproducible manner. Such information can be provided by the adoption of a water quality indexing system. The continuous scale afforded by a water quality index allows changes in river water quality to be highlighted. At the same time the sub-division of this scale into a series of water quality and water use categories provides an easy means of relating information to government and public.The development of four independent water quality indices (WQIs) is outlined. These have been applied to data for a number of UK river reaches. The results of these applications indicate the utility of these indices in the classification of water quality and the monitoring of ecosystem change.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper and zinc were measured in individuals of Arianta arbustorum from different urban sampling sites. In comparison to snails from a reference site, the animals collected in the city showed higher concentrations of cadmium, lead, and copper, indicating elevated levels of metal pollution. The most pronounced difference in tissue concentrations between control animals and contaminated snails was observed for lead. Within the city, metal levels in snails differed significantly, even between adjacent populations. Arianta arbustorum is a suitable species for biomonitoring, because it is widespread, resident and easy to collect; it has a high capacity for metal accumulation and shows different concentrations depending on metal contamination of the sampling area. An interspecific comparison of metal concentrations in terrestrial gastropods was conducted to define background levels and classes of burden. Three pollution levels are distinguished on the basis of the snails' metal burden: no pollution (class 1: reference sites), moderate (class 2: traffic and other human activities in urban areas), and high pollution (class 3: mining and heavy industry).  相似文献   

Detection of soil element deficiencies is time consuming, requiring a major commitment for field work and analysis. Bees concentrate some elements in their honey which could allow soil element concentrations to be predicted without having to take large numbers of soil samples. We measured 14 element concentrations in soil, sunflower, acacia flower and honey samples from two different regions of Hungary. Across sites, the elements with significant correlation coefficients between honey and soil concentrations, in descending order of probability, were Cu > Ba >Sr = Ni > Zn > Mn = Pb >As. Bioconcentration from soil to honey was similar for areas with acacia and sunflower flowers. In the macroelements, it was the greatest for K, S and P and least for Mg and Na, and in the microelements, greatest for B, then Zn, then Cu, then As, Mo and Sr and least for Fe, Ba, Mn and Pb. It is concluded that in acacia and sunflower-growing regions, honey can give an accurate estimate of soil element concentrations for Cu and Ba and provides relevant information for Sr, Ni, Zn, Mn, Pb and As.  相似文献   

A classification of the microspecies of the genus Taraxacum was made in a range from low to highly dynamic habitats based on qualitative inventories of grasslands under different management conditions. After several years of constant management, a characteristic species composition occurs. Under mowing (hayfield) conditions, dandelions disappear over a period of about twenty years in a sequence where the low-dynamic species T. adamii and T. nordstedtii are the last to vanish. Different microspecies in the section Vulgaria in one field can show small differences in response to environmental conditions, even where no other directly visible indication exists. New appearance of highly dynamic species can indicate disturbance of some kind or other within a relatively short period. The classification adopted seems to be correlated with the phosphate content of the soil. Differences in two easily perceptible morphological characteristics, namely position of the outer bracts and colour of the leaf-stem, fit into the established sequence. Small changes in these characteristics indicate conditions in the field that are improving or worsening from a nature-conservation point of view. A system is introduced in which merely these two morphological characters, without further taxonomical knowledge, can be used for an evaluation of grasslands and the impact of management practice.  相似文献   

The existing data on the species composition of zooplankton and grazing intensities of crustacean plankton are discussed in the light of trophic status, particularly in the Dutch lakes of varying trophy. Several species of rotifers in northern Europe and North America are considered to indicate eutrophic environments. However, unanimity is less regarding crustacean zooplankton, since several species are encountered in lakes varying widely in trophic degree. The zooplankton to seston (33 μm) biomass ratio may provide information about the ecological transfer efficiency and trophic status. In the Dutch lakes the ratio decreases sharply with increase in food concentration during eutrophication, namely from ca 0.4 in oligotrophic lakes to about 0.05 in the hypertrophic ones. The zooplankton community grazing is high and variable in lakes of low trophy but low and relatively constant in lakes of high trophy. The fluctuations in the filtering rates of Daphnia sp. (e.g. D. magna) may provide information both on trophic degree as well as dissolved substances in lake waters. The dominance of small cladocerans in lakes may be due to quality of food and trophic level, besides fish predation. The recurrent clear-water phase in lakes would indicate oligo-mesotrophic situations in which the zooplankton plays an important role in the phytoplankton wax and wane.  相似文献   

Disturbance by military maneuvers over short and long time scales may have differential effects on grassland communities. We assessed small mammals as indicators of disturbance by military maneuvers in a mixed prairie in southern Oklahoma USA. We examined sites on two soil series, Foard and Lawton, across a gradient of disturbance intensity. A MANOVA showed that abundance of small mammals was associated (p = 0.03) with short-term (cover of vehicle tracks) disturbance but was not associated (p = 0.12) with long-term (loss of soil organic carbon, SOC) disturbance intensity. At the individual species level, Sigmodon hispidus (cotton rat) and Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mouse) occurred across all levels of disturbance and in both soil types. Only P. maniculatus abundance changed (p < 0.01) with short-term disturbance and increased by about one individual per 5% of additional track-cover. Abundance of P. maniculatus also increased (p = 0.04) by about three individuals per 1% increase in soil carbon. Chaetodipus hispidus (hispid pocket mouse) and Reithrodontomys fulvescens (fulvous harvest mouse) only occurred in single soil types limiting their potential as more general indicators. Abundance of P. maniculatus was positively related to shifts in plant species composition and likely reflected changes in vegetation structure (i.e. litter depth) and forage availability resulting from disturbance. Peromyscus maniculatus may be a useful biological indicator of ecosystem change because it responded predictably to both long-term and short-term disturbance and, when coupled with soil, plant, and disturbance history variables, can reveal land condition trends.  相似文献   

Two sets of samples from Lake Päijänne and one from Lake Ladoga were used to examine the relations between the meiofauna and environmental variables. The most obvious indicators of an unpolluted environment were, in order of importance, the true meiofauna/total meiofauna ratio, the proportion of Aeolosomatidae, the proportion of Harpacticoida (excluding C. staphylinus), the meiofauna/macrofauna biomass ratio, the proportion of Naididae and the A. crassa + P. schmeili/true meiofauna ratio. Conversely, the clearest indicators of a polluted environment were the proportion of resting stages of Cyclopinae, the Nematoda/non-resting Copepoda ratio, and the proportions of Tubificidae, Oligochaeta, Cladocera, C. staphylinus and benthic Eucyclopinae. Oxygen saturation exercised a highly significant effect on the meiofauna variables, and the next in order of importance were sedimentation, sediment chlorophenols originating from the chlorobleaching of pulp, total phosphorus, COD and phytoplankton biomass. The dependence of the meiofauna on environmental variables was somewhat more pronounced in the deepest areas of Lake Päijänne than in the epiprofundal zone, and largely similar in the two lakes.  相似文献   

Some higher plant species or varieties are very sensitive to certain gaseous air pollutants, and the resulting effects show sometimes more or less specific, well-visible and measurable symptoms.On this basis several species and varieties of natural and cultivated plants have been selected to serve as biological indicators for the possible presence of certain air polluting substances. But these indicator plants may also be used for the quantitative determination of the effect intensities of the air pollutants involved.Besides, some plant species or varieties may accumulate certain components of air pollution, without changing these substances, in such a way that after accumulation in the plants these substances may be analyzed physicochemically (qualitatively and quantitatively).Definitions are proposed and examples are given of both indicator and accumulator plants. Also information is displayed on the methods for the use of plants as indicators and accumulators of air pollutants (standardized system of plant cultivation and exposure). Some applications of biomonitoring the effects of air pollution with plants are discussed and illustrated with data from The Netherlands.Paper presented at a Symposium held on 14 and 15 October 1982, in Utrecht, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

A model representing the predator‐prey interactions between two copepod species, Euterpina acutifrons and Temora stylifera, with unlimited resources was used to study effects of exploitation. Exploitation is modeled by harvesting strategies characterized through three parameters: the selectivity of gear, the frequency of harvest, and the intensity of harvest effort. Simulations of different harvesting strategies suggest that interactions between species influence the dynamic behaviors of the populations as well as harvesting yields.  相似文献   

Research on biological indicators of soil pollution is hampered by soil variability and temporal and spatial fluctuations of numbers of soil animals. These characters on the other hand promote a high biological diversity in the soil. A high diversity combined with persistent soil pollutants increases the chance to select good indicators. However research on these topics is still limited. Examples of specific indicators are the changed arthropod species patterns due to pesticide influence and the changed soil enzyme activity under the influence of specific heavy metals. Another approach is to look for organisms that give a general indication of soil pollution. In this respect the earthworm species Allolobophora caliginosa proved to be sensitive for different types of manure especially pig manure with copper, for sewage sludge, for municipal waste compost and for fly ash. A third way of indication is by organisms accumulating pollutants. For some heavy metals (Cd, Zn), earthworms are very efficient accumulators. More research is needed especially on the specific relation between biological responses and abiotic soil characteristics.  相似文献   

A water quality assessment was conducted on three Appalachian streams polluted by coal mining at the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Tennessee and Kentucky. Results showed that sulfate was an excellent parameter for detecting the effects of coal mining and that sulfate analyses used in conjunction with conductivity readings provided the best detection index. Acidity and pH readings were relatively insensitive indicators, reflecting the mining pollution only after sulfate concentrations already indicated severe pollution levels.Hydrologist, Big South Fork NRRA, during the study; presently at Cape Lookout National SeashoreHydrologist, NPS, during the study; presently with USDA-Forest Service, Washington, DC.  相似文献   

We studied the response of benthic diatoms to recent metal contamination in littoral cores collected at 25 sites in 11 lakes situated at different distances from a smelter in the Rouyn-Noranda mining region (Quebec). Diatom response was described in terms of density, diversity, and taxonomic composition of the entire assemblages and as abundance of individual indicator taxa. Metal concentrations were measured in sediment and in the overlying water (as total dissolved and as free-ions). Sediment metal contamination was significantly higher in lakes located <10 km from the smelters than in lakes farther away. Such difference was not significant when metal concentrations in the overlying water were considered. Metal contamination did not affect diatom density, which indeed was highest in the most contaminated lake. Diversity (either measured as number of taxa or as Shannon and evenness indices) was instead significantly higher in lakes close to the smelter than elsewhere. Redundancy analysis indicated that diatom composition changed along a gradient in alkalinity (CO?) and one in sediment metal contamination (Cd, Hg, Cu). We identified three diatom taxa (Fragilaria construens var. venter, F. construens var. pumila, and Brachysira vitrea) that increased in relative and absolute abundance with metal contamination. Benthic diatom responses at the community (density, diversity, assemblage composition) and population levels (abundance of selected benthic taxa) were stronger to the sediment metal contamination than to the contamination of overlying water. Comparisons with available literature indicated that, for monitoring recent sediment contamination, diatoms in littoral sediments are preferable to invertebrates that mostly respond to overlying water. Diatoms in littoral cores are therefore unique as tools for monitoring recent contamination of lake sediments.  相似文献   

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