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We consider the impact of recent molecular phylogenetic analyses on conservation issues for shiitake mushrooms. Bused on mating compatibility, shiitake has been considered a single species, Lentinula edodes sensu lato . Phylogenetic analyses of ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacers (Hibbett et al. 1995), however, suggest that shiitake is composed of four distinct lineages. Thus, under a phylogenetic species concept, four species of shiitake should be recognized. A classification of shiitake based on a phylogenetic species concept would convey information about evolutionary relationships and distribution of genetic variation, whereas a classification based on a biological species concept would lack such information. This is a clear case in which new insights into phylogenetic relationships can be used to target areas for conservation action and formulate international agricultural policies. At the heart of our argument is the belief that the basic units of both taxonomy and conservation should be unique evolutionary lineages of organisms identified through phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Household Location Choices: Implications for Biodiversity Conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Successful conservation efforts require understanding human behaviors that directly affect biodiversity. Choice of household location represents an observable behavior that has direct effects on biodiversity conservation, but no one has examined the sociocultural predictors of this choice relative to its environmental impacts. We conducted a case study of the Teton Valley of Idaho and Wyoming (U.S.A.) that (1) explored relationships between sociodemographic variables, environmental attitudes, and the environmental impact of household location choices, (2) assessed the potential for small household sizes in natural areas to multiply the environmental impacts of household location decisions, and (3) evaluated how length of residency predicted the environmental attitudes of people living in natural areas. We collected sociodemographic data, spatial coordinates, and land‐cover information in a survey of 416 households drawn from a random sample of Teton Valley residents (95% compliance rate). Immigrants (respondents not born in the study area) with the lowest education levels and least environmentally oriented attitudes lived in previously established residential areas in disproportionately high numbers, and older and more educated immigrants with the most environmentally oriented attitudes lived in natural areas in disproportionately high numbers. Income was not a significant predictor of household location decisions. Those living in natural areas had more environmental impact per person because of the location and because small households (<3 people/household) were 4 times as likely in natural areas as large households. Longer residency in natural areas predicted less environmentally oriented attitudes, suggesting that living in natural areas does not foster more concern for nature. Because populaces are rapidly aging, growing more educated, and potentially growing more environmentally oriented, these patterns are troubling for biodiversity conservation. Our results demonstrate a need for environmentalists to make household location decisions that reflect their environmental attitudes and future research to address how interactions between education level, environmental attitudes, population aging, and household location choices influence biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Natural Die-Offs of Large Mammals: Implications for Conservation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The viability of populations is a central concern of biological conservation. The occurrence of catastrophic die-offs may greatly reduce the long-term viability of populations. Theoretical extinction models and viability analyses require information on the frequency of die-offs and on the distribution of die-off severities. A review of literature identified 96 natural die-offs in large mammal populations, with a die-off being defined as a peak-to-trough decline in estimated population numbers of at least 25%. If such die-offs are common, population viability analyses that ignore them may be overly optimistic. The severities of the natural die-offs of large mammals presented here are not uniformly distributed. There is a relative overabundance of die-offs in the 70–90% range, and an underabundance of die-offs greater than 90%. This may indicate the presence of buffers against population extinction. The reported causes of large mammal die-offs were significantly related to trophic level: herbivore die-offs were more often attributed to starvation, while carnivore die-offs were more often attributed to disease. Populations subject to large-scale phenomena such as drought and severe winters may not be protected from die-offs by population subdivision. On the other hand, populations subject to catastrophic disease epidemics may be protected by subdivision, and threatened by corridors between conservation areas and by translocation efforts.  相似文献   

Conservation Implications of Host Use for Rare Parasitic Plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Both the study and management of parasites have historically focused on the control, and even elimination, of parasite populations. In contrast, rare parasitic plants represent an uncommon challenge for conservation biologists and managers who often wish to bolster populations of these parasites. Although parasitic plants may suffer any of the maladies known to affect small populations of plants, parasitic plants may also be limited by the additional suite of factors of host availability, host quality, host resistance to parasitism, and parasite preference. We describe studies that have examined parasite growth and reproductive performance with a variety of host species to argue that consideration of the host needs of parasitic plants is necessary for successful conservation of rare species using this mode of resource acquisition. Although it is clear that parasite performance varies greatly with the availability of different host species, little is known about the host requirements of most parasitic plants, and the relative importance of particular host species may not immediately be obvious. Further, because published host lists generally do not distinguish minor hosts from those that sustain parasite populations, such lists may be misleading for conservation efforts. We argue that successful conservation and restoration of parasitic plants may necessitate the management of thoughtfully selected host populations.  相似文献   

Disturbance, Diversity, and Invasion: Implications for Conservation   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
Disturbance is an important component of many ecosystems, and variations in disturbance regime can affect ecosystem and community structure and functioning. The "intermediate disturbance hypothesis" suggests that species diversity should be highest at moderate levels of disturbance. However, disturbance is also known to increase the invasibility of communities. Disturbance therefore poses an important problem for conservation management, Here, we review the effects of disturbances such as fire grazing, soil disturbance and nutrient addition on plant species diversity and invasion with particular emphasis on grassland vegetation. Individual components of the disturbance regime can have marked effects on species diversity, but it is often modifications of the existing regime that have the largest influence. Similarly, disturbance can enhance invasion of natural communities, but frequently it is the interaction between different disturbances that has the largest effect. The natural disturbance regime is now unlikely to persist within conservation areas since fragmentation and human intervention have usually modified physical and biotic conditions. Active management decisions must now be made on what disturbance regime is required and this requires decisions on what species are to be encouraged or discouraged.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is environmentally dependent, such that a population may suffer from inbreeding depression in one environment but not another. We examined the phenotypic responses of 35 inbred ( F = 0.672) lineages of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum in two different climatic environments. We found a significant environmental effect on males but not females. More important, we found that the rank fitness order of lineages differs between environments; lineages of high fitness in one environment may have low fitness in another environment. This change in rank is evident in a significant genotype-by-environment interaction for inbreeding depression for both females and males. These results suggest that even if we know the average environmental effect of inbreeding depression in a population, for any particular lineage measurements of inbreeding depression in one environment may not predict the level of inbreeding depression in another environment. Conservation biologists need to be aware of the environmental dependency of inbreeding depression when planning wildlife refuges or captive propagation programs for small populations. Ideally, captive propagation programs should maintain separate lineages for release efforts. Refuge design programs should consider maintaining a range of habitat types.  相似文献   

At least fifteen marine and coastal animal species have become extinct since the end of the Pleistocene. Analyses of the number of marine biogeographical provinces occupied by these species show that, contrary to the prevailing view that extinction is usually associated with a small range, at least five species (33%) had large ranges encompassing parts of two or more provinces. At least eight species occurred in areas that served as geographical refuges for taxa during the Pliocene and early Pleistocene. These refuges, in which primary planktonic productivity is generally very high, include the northwestern Atlantic and North Pacific. Extinctions in the northwestern Atlantic (four species) may be partly responsible for the subsequent success of human-introduced species in subtidal and open-coast intertidal habitats. Regions of high productivity deserve priority among marine areas to be protected from overexploitation and habitat destruction.  相似文献   

Abstract: New species conservation strategies, including the EDGE of Existence (EDGE) program, have expanded threatened species assessments by integrating information about species' phylogenetic distinctiveness. Distinctiveness has been measured through simple scores that assign shared credit among species for evolutionary heritage represented by the deeper phylogenetic branches. A species with a high score combined with a high extinction probability receives high priority for conservation efforts. Simple hypothetical scenarios for phylogenetic trees and extinction probabilities demonstrate how such scoring approaches can provide inefficient priorities for conservation. An existing probabilistic framework derived from the phylogenetic diversity measure (PD) properly captures the idea of shared responsibility for the persistence of evolutionary history. It avoids static scores, takes into account the status of close relatives through their extinction probabilities, and allows for the necessary updating of priorities in light of changes in species threat status. A hypothetical phylogenetic tree illustrates how changes in extinction probabilities of one or more species translate into changes in expected PD. The probabilistic PD framework provided a range of strategies that moved beyond expected PD to better consider worst‐case PD losses. In another example, risk aversion gave higher priority to a conservation program that provided a smaller, but less risky, gain in expected PD. The EDGE program could continue to promote a list of top species conservation priorities through application of probabilistic PD and simple estimates of current extinction probability. The list might be a dynamic one, with all the priority scores updated as extinction probabilities change. Results of recent studies suggest that estimation of extinction probabilities derived from the red list criteria linked to changes in species range sizes may provide estimated probabilities for many different species. Probabilistic PD provides a framework for single‐species assessment that is well‐integrated with a broader measurement of impacts on PD owing to climate change and other factors.  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat fragmentation and the division of populations into spatially separated units have led to the increasing use of metapopulation models to characterize these populations. One prominent model that has served as a heuristic tool was introduced by Levins and is based on a collection of simplifying assumptions that exclude information on the dynamics and spatial distribution of local populations. Levins's and similar models predict the proportion of occupied habitat patches at equilibrium and the conditions needed to avoid total extinction. There are many obvious concerns about using such models, including how realistic alterations might change the predictions and whether occupancy has any relationship to population-level processes. Although many of the assumptions of these simple models are known to be unrealistic, we do not know how the assumptions affect model predictions. We simulated a metapopulation, and our results show that assumptions such as homogeneity of habitat patches, random migration among patches, equivalent extinction probabilities in all patches, and a large number of patches can lead to large overestimations of habitat occupancy. But when we explicitly modeled the underlying population dynamics within each patch, we found (1) that there was a strong correlation between proportion of occupied patches and total metapopulation size and (2) that the distribution of individuals among patches was relatively insensitive to model assumptions. Thus, our results show that although realistic modifications will change model predictions for occupancy, occupancy and population trends will be correlated. These correlations between occupancy and population size suggest that occupancy models may have some utility in conservation applications.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In the first comprehensive reviews since 1969, two high-level reports on the status of U.S. marine ecosystems and resources have been released: that of the nongovernmental Pew Oceans Commission in 2003 and that of the congressionally mandated U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy in 2004 . Although the two commissions differed in the breadth and depth of their mandates, their findings on the state of our oceans and need for new management approaches are similar, and their major recommendations for science, governance, management and conservation, and education echo and reinforce each other. The history behind the two commissions and the structure and objectives of each remind us of the crucial roles conservation practitioners and scientists must play in the implementation of report recommendations. The reports suggest priorities for conservation practitioners to improve science, management, conservation, governance, and education to better manage and protect ocean resources and ecosystems. To redirect activities affecting the state of global marine resources, integrated research; education and outreach by terrestrial, aquatic, and marine conservation practitioners; and a clear definition of their roles in the implementation of recommendations is essential. Marine ecosystems provide a test case of society's ability to manage complexity in human and natural systems in an integrated manner, with extensive opportunities for participation by conservation practitioners from all disciplines.  相似文献   

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