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论资源生态经济系统阈值与资源的可持续利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述了资源生态经济系统的生态经济阈值的基本概念及其内涵,并对资源开发利用与同资源生态经济系统的阈值相协调的理论问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

基于土地供应动态价格存在不确定性和期末土地资源的市场推广具有灵活性,土地资源的储备开发价值包括初始投资和期末看涨期权价值。根据欧式多资产期权方法,通过把收益的算术平均近似表达为几何平均的形式,多维问题可以转换为一维问题。参照一篮子期权的几何平均B-S期权定价模型,给出了基于实物期权的多项土地资源储备与开发的算术平均收益的夏普比率优化目标函数。数值计算表明,土地资源配置比例越是均匀,土地储备的期权价值越小。期权价值与配置比例反映为非线性关系。  相似文献   

流域开发的外部性及其内部化   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
流域是地表水的集水区域。流域问题的本质是水。水是可持续发展的基础和条件,是环境与发展问题的核心。流域开发是以水资源为先导和主体的综合资源开发。实现流域经济可持续发展实质就是实现流域水资源可持续开发和利用。外部性是流域开发的基本特征,水资源的特性决定了流域开发的外部性。实现流域开发的外部性内部化是流域经济可持续发展的关键。实现流域开发外部性内部化,必须界定流域资源产权,明确流域开发主体;建立税收-补贴体系,对水资源合理定价;坚持“排污者付费原则”;建立流域水资源市场,实现水资源资产化管理。同时,政府要加强流域的管理;建立健全水资源保护与流域开发的法律体系;普及保护环境和水资源的教育,建立节水观念;支持和鼓励流域开发企业实行外部成本内部化措施;调整产业结构,深化国有企业改革。  相似文献   

简要论述了湖州市笋竹资源的特征和开发潜力,对笋竹资源开发现状予以评价,并对合理开发与保护,促进竹资源持续发展提出了对策。  相似文献   

长江流域陆生植物资源的类型与开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江流域范围广大,大部分地区处于湿润,半湿润的亚热带区域,蕴藏着丰富的陆生植物资源。本文重点探讨了植物资源的类型,开发价值的评价,开发中存在的问题及其对策。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区药用植物资源及开发利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报道洞庭湖区有药用植物155科492属905种,其中水生药用植物有35科69属103种。对该区药用植物资源,尤其是水生药用植物资源的特点进行了分析,探讨了当前资源开发中存在的若干问题,同时针对其现状提出了有关的开发对策。  相似文献   

江河流域综合开发应以土地资源,水资源的利用保护为基础,与其他资源的开发相结合,从深度和广度两方面进行,而且必须与环境保护相协调。  相似文献   

汉江流域资源开发型产业发展刍论   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
汉江流域地处我国中西部结合与过渡地带,经济地理位置重要,是我国重要的待开发区域之一,也是需以资源市场导向开发先行的区域。其资源开发型产业的发展,宜突出优势资源利用,进行系统综合开发,建立商品生产基地,实施集约规模经营,原料商品生产相对分散以物尽其用和加快山区农村脱贫致富,资源加工工业发展适度集中以构筑起规模经济效益发展格局。  相似文献   

略论旅游资源的可持续利用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
随着旅游活动的大力开展和旅游业的蓬勃发展,当前我国旅游资源的开发利用在取得很大成绩的同时也出现了只顾眼前利益,忽视旅游资源的可持续利用;只顾局部利益,而忽视旅游资源开发的整体性;只注重经济利益,而忽视旅游资源的社会、环境效益等问题。如不对这些问题加以重视,必将影响旅游资源的开发和可持续性利用,使旅游资源的舒适性、完整性、历史性等特征遭到损害。这不仅殃及当代,更会愧对后人。因此,加强旅游资源可持续利用的意识,是人类文明演替的必然要求。一、旅游资源可持续利用的意义(一)旅游资源可持续利用的环境意义旅…  相似文献   

资源型城市转型与旅游资源开发 --以铜川市为例   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
资源型城市的共性问题是产业结构重型化、经济结构单一,经济发展相对停滞,居民收入水平下降和生态环境严重恶化。特别是我国加入WTO后,经济结构调整与转型成为资源型城市实现经济社会可持续发展的必然选择。开发旅游资源、着力发展旅游业是资源型城市经济结构调整的重要措施之一。本文在分析旅游业对资源型城市经济发展作用的基础上,以铜川市为例,提出了资源型城市发展特色旅游业的对策。  相似文献   

围绕民用核电的发展,核能利用的产业链存在着很大的发展空间。江西省是全国最大的铀矿资源基地,有较齐备的核技术产业体系、国内核学科门类最全的高校、丰富的核电厂址资源等优势,其应加深认识,充分发挥该省铀矿基地优势,通过积极与国家有关涉核单位协作、完善促进核产业链形成的政策措施、加大核领域人才培养力度、加强核技术在农业及农产品加工中的运用、适当发展核供热产业等具体措施培育和发展核产业链,为该省经济增长提供能源支持,实现江西经济的跨越式发展,并能改变该省目前以煤炭为主的能源消费结构,降低碳排放,保护其清洁环境,实现低碳目标  相似文献   

Measurements of ambient radiation doses and determination of radionuclide concentrations in mining waste and soils were performed in 60 areas of former radium and uranium mining. In several places, mining waste and low-grade uranium ore left on the surface contain radioactivity above regional background. Most of the former mining sites present no enhanced radionuclide concentrations. However, in the mining facilities where the radioactive ore was chemically extracted, mill tailings contain materials with elevated levels of radioactivity, up to 200 times the levels in unaffected soils of the region. Mud from neutralization ponds used to treat acid mine waters contains also elevated radionuclide concentrations. Furthermore, depending on the type of waste, the radioelement composition varies. Environmental rehabilitation measures shall take these differences into account in order to prevent in the long term the radioactive contamination of agriculture soils and water resources, and to ensure adequate radiological protection to the public and to the environment.  相似文献   

Two former uranium mines and a uranium reprocessing factory in the city of Aktau, Kazakhstan, may represent a risk of contaminating the surrounding areas by uranium and its daughter elements. One of the possible fingerprinting tools for studying the environmental contamination is using plant samples, collected in the surroundings of this city in 2007 and 2008. The distribution pattern of environmental pollution by uranium and thorium was evaluated by determining the thorium and uranium concentrations in plant samples (Artemisia austriaca) from the city of Aktau and comparing these results with those obtained for the same species of plants from an unpolluted area (town of Kurchatov). The determination of the uranium and thorium concentrations in different parts of A. austriaca plants collected from the analyzed areas demonstrated that the main contamination of the flora in areas surrounding the city of Aktau was due to dust transported by the wind from the uranium mines. The results obtained demonstrate that all the areas surrounding Aktau have a higher pollution level due to thorium and uranium than the control area (Kurchatov). A few “hot points” with high concentrations of uranium and thorium were found near the uranium reprocessing factory and the uranium mines.  相似文献   

长江中游矿产资源跨世纪开发布局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长江中游地区矿产资源丰富,分相布对集中,配套程度较好。主要矿产资源绝大部分可保证跨世纪供需,作者提出利用三峡枢纽工程跨世纪建设,发挥中心枢纽地位和区内外资源及水运优势,依托现有磷矿开发及磷化工和钢铁,盐,磷化工和石油化工基地及建材工业基地,并指出了矿产资源开发的一具体对策。  相似文献   

Hydroponicaly cultivated plants were grown on medium containing uranium. The appropriate concentrations of uranium for the experiments were selected on the basis of a standard ecotoxicity test. The most sensitive plant species was determined to be Lactuca sativa with an EC50 value about 0.1 mM. Cucumis sativa represented the most resistant plant to uranium (EC50 = 0.71 mM). Therefore, we used the uranium in a concentration range from 0.1 to 1 mM.Twenty different plant species were tested in hydroponic solution supplemented by 0.1 mM or 0.5 mM uranium concentration. The uranium accumulation of these plants varied from 0.16 mg/g DW to 0.011 mg/g DW. The highest uranium uptake was determined for Zea mays and the lowest for Arabidopsis thaliana. The amount of accumulated uranium was strongly influenced by uranium concentration in the cultivation medium. Autoradiography showed that uranium is mainly localized in the root system of the plants tested. Additional experiments demonstrated the possibility of influencing the uranium uptake from the cultivation medium by amendments. Tartaric acid was able to increase uranium uptake by Brassica oleracea and Sinapis alba up to 2.8 times or 1.9 times, respectively. Phosphate deficiency increased uranium uptake up to 4.5 times or 3.9 times, respectively, by Brassica oleracea and S. alba. In the case of deficiency of iron or presence of cadmium ions we did not find any increase in uranium accumulation.  相似文献   

中国经济的“阿基米德支点”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源是经济发展的“阿基米德支点”:世界十大经济国每年能源的生产占全球的62.1%,消费为71.0%。重要矿产资源的生产多排在世界前10名生产国之,外面是消费则多排在10名之内,且对这些矿产资源的消费量多在95%以上。  相似文献   

The usefulness of uranium concentration in soil solution or recovered by selective extraction as unequivocal bioavailability indices for uranium uptake by plants is still unclear. The aim of the present study was to test if the uranium concentration measured by the diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) technique is a relevant substitute for plant uranium availability in comparison to uranium concentration in the soil solution or uranium recovered by ammonium acetate. Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. var. Melvina) is grown in greenhouse on a range of uranium spiked soils. The DGT-recovered uranium concentration (CDGT) was correlated with uranium concentration in the soil solution or with uranium recovered by ammonium acetate extraction. Plant uptake was better predicted by the summed soil solution concentrations of UO22+, uranyl carbonate complexes and UO2PO4. The DGT technique did not provide significant advantages over conventional methods to predict uranium uptake by plants.  相似文献   

近年来随着全球气候的变化,“低碳经济”概念应运而生,并备受国际社会关注。核电以其高效、清洁及供能的稳定性而成为各国追求“低碳经济”的必然选择。江西省位于长江中游,改革开放以来其经济发展长期落后于东部沿海地区,自“十五”后江西有了快速发展,但随之也带来了巨大的电力能源缺口及环境污染的加重。江西省尚未发现油气资源,煤炭及水能资源产量严重不足,一次能源主要靠外省调入,但江西有着较为稳定的地质构造、较为发达的水系和充沛的雨水、丰富的铀矿资源、以及象东华理工大学这样的核工业人才储备基地,因此,江西既有发展核电的必要性也有其可行性,发展核电既能为江西经济发展提供稳定的能源后盾又能保护环境、减少环境污染,从而实现江西省经济的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

本文研究分析了世界资源、尤其是矿产资源的供需形势,以及全球资源紧张与危机的状况和发展趋势。结合我国资源状况和国情,从经济、社会长期发展战略角度,论述了客观分析、参与研究国际及我国社会基础资源问题的重要性、紧迫性,并提出建立我国资源供需持续、稳定、协调发展的方略对策。  相似文献   

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