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A photoperiod regime 6 mo out of phase between December 1978 and August 1980 resulted in gametogenesis, gonadal growth, and spawning in laboratory-maintained sea stars [Pisaster ochraceus (Brandt)] 6 mo out of phase with individuals in the field or laboratory on normal celestial photoperiods at Santa Cruz, California (USA). The seasonal fluctuation of pyloric cecum size also was shifted when the sea stars were held on the out-of-phase photoperiod regime. Phase shift of all these events was evident within 6 to 9 mo. Long daylengths (or short nightlengths) in spring and summer apparently synchronize or entrain the initiaion of gametogenesis and gonadal growth in fall.  相似文献   

The euryalinid snake star Astrobrachion constrictum (Farquhar), a normally deep-water species, exists within SCUBA diving range in New Zealand flords, and thus presents a unique opportunity for study. A population of A. constrictum in Doubtful Sound was investigated from February 1990 to July 1994 to determine the reproductive cycle. Unlike most ophiuroids, the gonads of A. constrictum are positioned along the aboral coelom in the proximal portion of the arms. The proximal 2 to 3 cm of the arms of individuals were thus removed on an approximately monthly basis for histological examination of the gonads. Image analysis was used to determine oocyte size-frequency distributions. A gonad index was calculated for each individual based on the ratio of cross-sectional area of the gonads to cross-sectional area of the arm. Maturity indices were calculated based on stage of development of the gonads of each individual. A. constrictum has a period of enhanced breeding activity in April–June, after which both the gonad and maturity indices decline. The increase in gametogenic activity during these months was correlated with rising sea temperature within the fiord. Although the females showed an annual pattern of gonad development, oogenesis was continuous throughout the year, with oocytes at different stages of development present in the gonads. Males also showed continuous spermatogenesis and, although the same annual pattern of gonad development was evident as seen in the females, it was less marked. The presence of females with large oocytes and ripe males throughout the study indicates that breeding in the Doubtful Sound population is prolonged, and possibly continuous, as found in many deep-sea ophiuroids.  相似文献   

New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) are threatened by incidental bycatch in the trawl fishery for southern arrow squid (Nototodarus sloanii). An overlap between the fishery and foraging sea lions has previously been interpreted as one piece of evidence supporting resource competition for squid. However, there is currently no consensus about the importance of squid in the diet of New Zealand sea lions. Therefore, we investigated this importance independently of spatial and temporal differences in squid availability through a simultaneous study with sympatric New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri), a species known to target arrow squid. Diet sampling at The Snares (48°01′S 166°32′E), subantarctic New Zealand, in February 2012 coincided with peak annual catch in the nearby squid fishery. Diets were deduced by analyses of diagnostic prey remains from scats (faeces) and casts (regurgitations). The contribution of each prey species to the diet was quantified using the per cent index of relative importance (% IRI) that combined frequency of occurrence, mass and number of prey items. Arrow squid was a minor component in sea lion scats (2 % IRI), and none was found in their casts. In contrast, arrow squid was the major component in fur seal scats and casts (93 and 99 % IRI, respectively). This study found that New Zealand sea lions ate minimal squid at a time when squid was clearly available as evidenced by the diet of New Zealand fur seals; hence, there was no indication of resource competition between sea lions and the squid fishery.  相似文献   

Temperature and salinity are important environmental factors affecting the normal functioning of marine animals, particularly animals such as sea urchins living in shallow waters and tide pools. Here, we evaluated the effect of different combinations of temperature and salinity on early embryos of the endemic New Zealand sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus. Animals were collected at Matheson’s Bay (36º18′17′′S; 174º47′51′′E) in north-eastern New Zealand in February 2013. Embryos were exposed to five salinities (29, 31, 34, 35 and 37 ppt) and two temperatures (18 and 21 °C) during the first 24 h of development. Low salinity (29 ppt) affected all parameters (fertilization, development rate, gastrulation and normal development), with ca. 50 % of embryos surviving at 29 ppt, whereas seawater temperature only affected development rate and gastrulation. An increase in temperature from 18 to 21 °C minimized the negative effect of low salinity (≤31 ppt) on development rate and gastrulation of E. chloroticus. Overall, the results of this study suggest that early embryos of E. chloroticus have developmental plasticity to withstand reductions in salinity up to 29 ppt; however, it is still unknown whether the surviving embryos will be able to complete larval development at low salinities, particularly whether the embryos and larvae are carried into extreme environments such as estuaries where salinity is even lower. Multistressor studies are very important for climate change research as multiple environmental factors will act together in the wild, having major consequences for development and recruitment of marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Oceans are warming and becoming more acidic. While higher temperature and lower pH can have negative effects on fertilisation and development of marine invertebrates, warming may partially ameliorate the negative effect of lower pH. This study determined the effect of warming (3 °C) and decreased pH (0.3, 0.5, 1.1 units below ambient) on fertilisation and development in two populations of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii, one at its northern range limit (Coffs Harbour, New South Wales NSW, 30°27′S, 153°14′E) and the other one in New Zealand where the species may be a recent arrival (Mokohinau Islands, 35°56′S, 175°9′E). Both populations were sampled in August 2011. The two populations exhibited a differential response to temperature, while pH affected them similarly. Fertilisation was robust to pH levels forecast for 2100, and it was only slightly reduced at pH values forecast for 2300 (i.e. ≈5 and ≈8 % for the northern NSW and the New Zealand populations, respectively). Decreased pH (pH = 7.6) reduced the percentage of succeeding developmental stages. Progression through cleavage and hatching stages was faster at +3 °C in the New Zealand population but not in northern NSW urchins, while for the NSW population, there was a positive interaction between temperature and pH at hatching. Gastrulation was negatively affected by an extreme pH 7.0 treatment (60–80 % reduction) and least affected by increased temperature. The percentage of abnormal embryos at gastrulation increased significantly at +3 °C treatment in the northern NSW population. Predicted future increases in temperature may facilitate further expansion of the geographical range of C. rodgersii in New Zealand, with a minimal effect of concurrent reduced pH.  相似文献   

Length is the most precise (and the most practical) linear measurement for predicting total weight (r>0.98 at P=0.001) in the green-lipped mussel Perna canaliculus Gmelin. The allometry varies with the environmental conditions under which the mussels grow, resulting in morphologically distinct forms of raft- and shore-grown mussels. Mussels grown intertidally are wider, less high and heavier than mussels of similar length grown in suspension. Increase in length and total weight of P. canaliculus grown in suspended cultivation was recorded at 8 experimental sites around New Zealand, during 1973–1975. Comparisons are drawn with growth on an intertidal mussel bed, where length increase was less than half that in the same period in suspension. The growth rate of mussels transferred from intertidal to suspended conditions depends on the size at transfer. Close similarity in growth rate occurred at the majority of sites in spite of a direct correlation between water temperature and length increment and substantial, differences in temperature between sites. Reasons for the uniformity are suggested. Average values for growth at sites over the northern half of New Zealand were 73 mm length (32.5 g weight) after 12 months, 113 mm (110 g) after 2 years. Growth continued throughout the year, highest growth rates corresponding to highest water temperatures. Variation due to depth was not significant. Larger mussels grew more slowly. P. canaliculus can be grown in suspended cultivation in New Zealand at a rate comparable to that in other commercial mussel-farming areas.  相似文献   

Seasonal growth of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera in New Zealand   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The seasonal growth pattern of Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh in New Zealand was determined from measurements of blade-elongation rates between March 1986 and December 1987. Growth rates remained relatively constant throughout most of the year, but declined significantly during the summer months. Seawater nitrate levels had a marked seasonal cycle, with concentrations of 0.3 μM detected in summer. The timing of the decline in internal nitrogen concentrations varied for different-aged blades, but occurred ∼1 mo after the decrease in seawater nitrate concentrations. Sufficiently high irradiance levels and seawater nutrient concentrations support active growth for most of the year, but growth is nutrient-limited during summer. No carbon accumulation during summer was observed. Between March and August 1988, growth estimates were also derived from node-initiation rates and stipe-elongation rates to permit comparisons with previous studies from the northern and southern hemispheres. Direct comparisons of the three growth parameters determined for non-terminated canopy and sub-surface fronds were used to assess possible differential resource allocation in the two frond classes. Received: 16 May 1997 / Accepted: 28 May 1997  相似文献   

A mass synchronous spawning of the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes) was observed in situ in Doubtful Sound, a large New Zealand fiord. Spawning occurred between 17:30 hrs and 18:30 hrs on 27 January 1994 and coincided with a full moon, spring tides and a period of decreasing sea temperatures. During spawning, the sea urchins formed a dense spawning aggregation of both sexes, with >90% of the urchins observed spawning at the time. Spawned gametes clouded the water column, and some were eaten by small labrid fish species. The spawning, which may have been as widespread as 40 km, marked a 42 to 50% decrease in gonad indices and resulted in a widespread, dense cohort of  E. chloroticus larvae within the fiord. Received: 25 September 1997 / Accepted: 6 March 1998  相似文献   

J. M. Kain 《Marine Biology》1982,67(2):143-157
At three sites (Papanui Inlet, Aquarium Point and Seacliff) on the Otago coast of New Zealand and at one site (Point Loma) off southern California, morphometric and shortterm growth measurements were made of single fronds of plants of Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag. near the time of the autumn equinox, in 1977. Near the apex, internodes and laminae were shorter in wave-exposed Seacliff and California populations than in those of Papanui Inlet and Aquarium Point in strong currents, although lamina thickness was similar. In the immature region near the apex, linear relationships were apparent from double logarithmic plots of stipe distance from apex vs node number, internode fresh weight vs length (different in the two areas), lamina width vs length, fresh weight vs lamina area and immature lamina, pneumatocyst and internode fresh weight vs node number. Morphologically, Seacliff plants resembled those in California more closely than those in the other New Zealand populations. The relative growth rate in length of stipe internodes decreased linearly with the logarithm of the distance from the apex, but was less closely related to node number. Extrapolation gave zero growth at 1.6 m at Aquarium Point and 2.9 m in California, where the internode lengths coincided with a change in their weight/length relationship. Slow relative growth proximal to these points indicated a different type (mainly elongation). It is suggested that the first, apical, type of growth, being apparently unrelated to frond length, would be a useful measure of activity over short time-periods. The relative growth rate in lamina area (and probably volume), while also related to distance from the apex, showed a very different pattern, increasing slightly to a peak at 100 to 200 mm and declining to nil by 1 m at Aquarium Point and 2 m in California. Maximal lamina size was maintained for only 10 to 15 nodes at Aquarium Point. Calculated node initiation frequencies were 2.7 d at Papanui Inlet, 2 d at Aquarium Point, and 1 d in California. At the latter sites it took about 2 mo for laminae and 21/2 mo for stipe internodes to mature. Deduced relative growth rates in stipe tissue and pneumatocyst fresh weight decreased from 0.24 (loge units per day) at the apex to 0.11 at 200 mm, where basal lamina tissue had a rate of 0.29, a doubling in just over 2 d. The production of tissue per frond was estimated as 25 and 36 g fresh wt d-1 at Aquarium Point and in California, respectively.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance, and resistance adaptations to higher temperature and desiccation of three species of intertidal mussels (Mytilus edulis aoteanus, Perna canaliculus and Aulacomya maoriana) were studied in New Zealand. M. edulis aoteanus generally was more abundant upshore, with P. canaliculus dominating downshore. M. edulis aoteanus was more common than P. canaliculus on the outside of mixed-species clumps. Abundance of A. maoriana was variable, with individuals favouring damp habitats such as inside mussel clumps. In moving air at 75% relative humidity and at 20°C or 30°C, median lethal levels of water loss were similar for P. canaliculus and M. edulis aoteanus but lower for A. maoriana. Rates of desiccation varied inversely with size and were higher for P. canaliculus, due mainly to valve gaping with resultant loss of water from the mantle cavity. M. edulis aoteanus was more tolerant of higher water temperatures than were the other species. Success in colonizing upshore or more aerially exposed habitats seems to be related to ability of small mussels to tolerate desiccation, especially during hot, windy weather.  相似文献   

 The endemic New Zealand echinoid, Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes), was sampled approximately monthly from September 1990 to October 1994 at three sites in Tory Channel, Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand. These channel sites (outer, mid and inner) were up to 20 km from the open ocean and differed in their shore type, exposure to wave action and macrophyte abundance. E. chloroticus showed an annual reproductive cycle at each site, with gametogenesis commencing in the late austral winter and spawning in summer. Maximum gonad indices (reproductive potential) varied spatially, with the outer site generally having higher maximum gonad indices than the inner site, and temporally, with maximum gonad indices occurring earlier in 3 of the 4 seasons at the outer site than the inner site. The mid and inner sites showed much greater variation in maximum gonad indices (range 15.83 to 26.99% and 11.87 to 20.90%, respectively) than the outer site (range 19.31 to 22.95%). Reproductive output (weight of gametes released per gram echinoid) also varied, with the different sites showing significantly different outputs in the different years. A regression of maximum reproductive potential against reproductive output was significant ( p < 0.001), and had a positive slope with an r 2 of 0.79. While, the initiation of gametogenesis was relatively synchronous between sites and years, and is possibly cued by increasing daylength, it progressed at different rates among populations. Spawning did show spatial and temporal variability, occurring near the time of highest sea-surface temperatures (∼15 °C). The observed variations in reproductive cycle may be related to small-scale variability in diet and environmental conditions. Furthermore, asynchronous spawning, variable spawning duration, and variable reproductive output are likely to strongly influence annual recruitment variability in E. chloroticus, with different larval subpopulations contributing unequally in different years. The ecological consequences of this, both for the ability of E. chloroticus to propagate itself in space and time and for the management of the developing E. chloroticus fishery in New Zealand, are discussed. Received: 9 December 1998 / Accepted: 13 June 2000  相似文献   

Captive rearing for release back into the wild is considered a useful management tool for endangered species because it can potentially increase the rate of recruitment by bypassing the early, high-risk stages in an individual's life history. In evaluating the benefits of captive rearing to conservation, it is important to monitor the survival rate of animals after release, to be sure that they have the skills necessary for survival in the wild. Using radio telemetry, we compared the movement and survival of captive-reared Takahe (  Porphyrio mantelli), a large flightless rail endemic to New Zealand, to wild-reared Takahe in the rugged mountains of Fiordland over a 5–year period. The results indicated that captive-reared birds survived at least as well as wild-reared birds. Survival of wild-reared Takahe up to 1 year of age, which is prior to the release of captive-reared birds, was poor over two winters marked by particularly cold temperatures, which made the benefits of captive rearing more pronounced. Differences in post-release movements and habitat selection of the two groups did not have a detrimental effect on survival rate of captive-reared birds. Although there was no difference in the survival rate of captive-reared females versus males, eight out of nine (89%) surviving females have formed pairs since their release compared with only two of eight (25%) males. This unexpected result suggests there may be a shortage of females in the wild population. We conclude that captive rearing for release back into the wild increases the adult Takahe population in Fiordland.  相似文献   

The euryalinid brittle-star (snake star) Astrobrachion constrictum (Farquhar) lives coiled around the branches of black coral (Antipathes fiordensis) colonies. Twenty-two vertical transects, 10 m wide by 30 m deep, were swum in Doubtful Sound over a 2.5 yr period from 1993 to 1995. Numbers, disc diameters and colour morphotypes of brittle-stars inhabiting coral colonies were recorded. 36.3% of the coral colonies >200 mm tall (n = 292) hosted ≥1 Astrobrachion constrictum (range 0 to 12). Overall, the population was patchily distributed on the available coral habitat. The dark red colour morphotype of A. constrictum was most common (87%, n = 279) followed by the yellow, striped, and then spotted varieties. The population was comprised mainly of large (≥10 mm disc diam) individuals, and juveniles were rarely encountered, indicating low rates of recruitment or a high mortality of recruits. Disc-diameter data gathered from this and previous studies indicated that growth in A. constrictum is initially rapid, with individuals reaching a disc diameter of 15 mm in ≃2.5 yr; growth decreases with age, as in other deep-sea ophiuroids. Growth rate within years, however, was not constant, with faster growth in the spring/summer. Maximum size for A. constrictum is reached in ≃8 yr at ˜23 mm disc diam. Anecdotal evidence indicates that A. constrictum may not be confined solely to black coral colonies. Received: 25 September 1996 / Accepted: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

Y. Achituv 《Marine Biology》1973,18(4):333-336
The distribution of the Mediterranean populations of Asterina wega Perrier is described. Four populations were found to differ in size of animals and regeneration rate. The possible migratory pattern is duscussed.  相似文献   

Individuals and populations of Odontaster validus Koehler differed markedly among different habitats, as revealed in a study from October 1984 through January 1986 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. At McMurdo Station, individual sizes (wet weight) and population biomass (g wet wt m-2 and kJ m-2) decreased significantly with increasing depth. Individuals from shallow (10 to 20 m) habitats were in superior nutritional condition to those from deeper water (30 and 165 m), as shown by higher gonad and pyloric cecum indexes, and by higher lipid and energetic levels in the pyloric ceca. Moreover, gonadal output (reproductive output) was higher in shallow-water individuals. Higher levels of chlorophyll in the pyloric ceca and richer yellow to red coloration of the body wall in the shallow-water individuals indicate that they utilize the higher levels of primary production at shallow depths. At East Cape Armitage, where nearly permanent, thick, snow-covered ice most of the year resulted in very low levels of benthic primary production, the lowdensity sea stars were all very small and nutritionally similar to the deep-water individuals at McMurdo Station. At Cape Evans, where the generally snow-free sea-ice that broke up in mid-summer resulted in a luxurient benthic cover of diatoms and macroalgae, the sea stars were smaller than at McMurdo Station at comparable depths, but population densities were higher, resulting in 4 to 9 times greater biomass. Growth rates of sea stars fed in the laboratory were very low, especially compared to laboratory-reared temperate and tropical species; well-fed individuals need about 9 yr to reach 30 g wet weight, near the mean size of shallowwater individuals at McMurdo Station. No growth was detected in individuals caged at McMurdo Station for one year, suggesting even lower growth rates in the field. The stable size-frequency distributions at the different sites and depths throughout the year-long study suggest highly stable populations with low temporal variability in recruitment, migration and mortality. These data indicate that individuals and populations of O. validus quantitatively and qualitatively reflect the general level of productivity of a habitat. Differences noted in size, coloration, nutrition, and reproductive effort may be the result of long-term integration of local levels of primary production. These ubiquitous sea stars may serve as a biotic indicator of productivity in localized habitats around the continental shelf of Antarctica.  相似文献   

I. Bosch  M. Slattery 《Marine Biology》1999,134(3):449-459
Changes in size, morphology, and biochemical composition in adults and embryos of a brooding sea star, Neosmilaster georgianus (Sladen), were studied in a population adjacent to Anvers Island, Antarctic Peninsula (64°46′S; 64°04′W) during the austral spring, 1991. Five morphological stages of development were designated in 24 broods, and for each the weight and biochemical composition of the brooding adults and their embryos were determined. Between Stage 1 and 2, the dry weight (dw) and organic weight (ow) of the embryo did not change. From Stage 2 to 3, the dw and ow increased significantly by 10%. Stage 2 and 3 embryos were in clusters of a few (2 to 10) to as many as 40 individuals. In the smaller clusters, individual embryos were attached by tissue cords to another, sometimes atrophied, brood member. In the larger clusters, they were attached to a central mass of tissue containing remnants of embryos. We interpret these interactions as a form of cannibalism which may account for the weight gains between Stage 2 and 3. During Stages 4 and 5, as juvenile form was approached, the dw and ash weight of the young increased significantly and the ow decreased significantly. The calculated energy content for the juvenile (Stage 5) was not significantly different from the energy content of the earliest undifferentiated stage (Stage 1), an indication that most of the organic matter in the egg is the primary contribution to the large juvenile. In brooding females, pyloric caeca indices declined by 52% from Stage 1 to Stage 5 and pyloric energy stores declined by 63% due to proportionately equivalent declines in protein and lipid. The ovary index was low and increased only slightly during brood protection, while the size of the largest oocytes remained approximately 23% that of ova. Energy stores in the pyloric caeca of brooding N. georgianus thus become depleted over a long period of incubation during which the adults apparently starve. This may delay oocyte development and ultimately limit the frequency of individual reproduction. Received: 15 September 1998 / Accepted: 9 March 1999  相似文献   

Embryonic development of the northeastern Pacific feather star Florometra serratissima takes place within a ridged fertilization membrane. Cleavage is radial, resulting in a coeloblastula, and gastrulations is by invagination. Cilia are swollen terminally during ciliogenesis whereas fully grown cilia possess several swellings along the length of their shafts. Young doliolaria larvae begin to hatch from the fertilization membranes 35 h after fertilization (9.5° to 11.5°C); by 4 d the doliolaria has acquired ciliated bands, a vestibular invagination and an antero-ventral adhesive pit. The surface of the larva is covered with a delicate glycocalyx supported by microvilli. Larvae swim along a vertical sinusoidal path just below the water surface; they begin to explore the substratum at 4.5 d and settlement begins as early as 4.6 d, but can be delayed for up to 9 more days. Larvae settle gregariously in culture and it is suggested that gregarious settlement plays a role in the formation and maintenance of adult aggregations of F. serratissima. Metamorphosis into a stalked cystidean following settlement is rapid. Major changes at this period include: loss of cilia; withdrawal of ectoderm from the glycocalyx; covering over of the vestibular invagination; and a 90 degree rotation of the vestibule to the former posterior end of the doliolaria. Transformation from cystidean to pentacrinoid includes the opening of the 5 oral plates, the extension of the 15 papillate tube feet and further elongation of the stalk. The pentacrinoid is able to feed on small food particles. Rudiments of all 10 adult arms are present by 4 months; at 6 months the pentacrinoid has an arm span of 6.5 mm but cirri and pinnules are not yet present.  相似文献   

The epibenthic megafauna of the high-Arctic Northeast Greenland shelf was investigated by means of seafloor photography and Agassiz trawl catches. At 54 stations in water depths between 40 and 770 m, sequences of color slides, each depicting about 1 m2 of the seafloor, were obtained along photographic transects of about 100 to 600 m length. The photographs were quantitatively analyzed for abundance of epibenthic organisms identified by comparison with specimens collected from trawl catches. Megabenthic biomass was estimated by multiplying density values with averge body mass figures. For five dominant brittle star species, the population oxygen uptake and, thus, organic carbon mineralization potential were approximated by applying individual respiration rates of average-sized specimens to density figures. Multivariate analyses of the megabenthic species distribution revealed a distinct depth zonation. Shallow shelf banks (<150 m), characterized by coarse sediments, many stones and boulders as well as negative bottom water temperatures, housed a rich epifauna (30 to 340 ind m–2, 1.8 to 10.5 g AFDW m–2), strongly dominated (80 to 98% by numbers) by the brittle stars Ophiocten sericeum and Ophiura robusta. The oxygen uptake by brittle stars ranged from 0.4 to 95 mol O2 m–2 h–1 (i.e., assuming a respiratory quotient of 0.8, an organic carbon mineralization of 0.1 to 21.9 mg C m–2 d–1). At the bank flanks sloping to the shelf troughs (100 to 580 m), finer sediments prevailed, stones were rare, and bottom water temperatures were positive due to the inflow of Atlantic water. Compared to bank sites, total epibenthic abundances as well as carbon mineralization by brittle stars were roughly ten times and total biomass about four times smaller. In deep shelf depressions as well as at the continental slope (200 to 770 m), stones were completely lacking, and sediments very fine. Epibenthic standing stock and carbon mineralization were one to two orders of magnitude lower than on the banks. The estimation of brittle star oxygen uptake indicates that a considerable portion of the organic carbon produced in the polynya and partitioned to the benthos may be remineralized by epibenthic bank assemblages.  相似文献   

The relationship between somatic growth and incremental growth of otoliths of Pacific saury, Cololabis saira (Brevoort), larvae under different temperature conditions was studied in the laboratory for three age groups (0 to 9, 10 to 20 and 20 to 30 d posthatch). Larvae were incubated from hatching to 9 d at 24, 20, and 16 °C. Further, larvae initially reared at an ambient temperature of 21.7 °C were transferred to experimental temperatures of 22, 18, and 14 °C on Day 10 and reared to Day 20 and similarly from Day 20 and reared to Day 30 posthatch. Growth trajectories of larvae sampled at the end of the three experiments were back-calculated using the biological intercept method and compared to the measured values 0 and 5 d after the start of each experiment. Back-calculated knob length at the different temperatures indicated no significant difference to the measured knob lengths except for the cases at 20 °C from hatching to 9-d-old larvae and at 14 °C from 20- to 30-d-old larvae. The close correlation between somatic and otolith growth shown in this study indicated the feasibility of estimating the growth history of Pacific saury larvae using otolith readings. Received: 14 April 1999 / Accepted: 27 October 1999  相似文献   

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