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This paper presents the results of radon concentration measurements in the drinking water from the municipal water supply system and private wells located in the north-eastern part of Poland. The measurements were carried out on 643 samples using a liquid scintillation method. The mean value was found to be 5262 Bq m-3 with a maximum of 38347 Bq m-3. The samples were obtained from different water-bearing levels, i.e. surface water, deep borehole water and well water and have respective mean values of 3398, 5178 and 6155 Bq m-3. In 57 water samples, a guideline maximum level of 11,000 Bq m-3 was found to be exceeded. The observed radon concentration in water can contribute to a 2% increase in indoor radon concentration.  相似文献   

Radon-222 was measured in groundwater sources of Extremadura (Spain), analyzing 350 samples from private and public springs, wells, and spas by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) and gamma spectrometry. The (222)Rn activity concentrations ranged from 0.24 to 1168BqL(-1). The statistical analysis showed a log-normal distribution with a mean of (111+/-7)BqL(-1) and a median of (36+/-3)BqL(-1). A hydrogeological study revealed correlations between the activity concentration and the aquifer material's characteristics. A map of (222)Rn in groundwater was elaborated and compared with the natural gamma radiation map for this region. About 35% of the samples showed (222)Rn activity concentrations above the Euratom recommended limit of 100BqL(-1). Three uranium series radionuclides ((238)U, (234)U, and (226)Ra) were also assayed by alpha-particle spectrometry, estimating the annual effective dose due to the presence of these natural radionuclides in drinking water.  相似文献   

Radon gas emanating from underground can spread to adjoining closed areas. It can concentrate and reach levels which represent a risk to people's health. It is well known that radon presence in most areas depends mainly on the area's geological features. Indoor radon concentrations further depend on the type of structure, construction materials and the technology used for the building. Therefore, indoor radon monitoring is of primary importance for deciding whether remedial measures are to be adopted for reducing harmful concentrations. This approach has been tried by measuring radon concentration in an experimental building situated in Milan (Italy). This building situated in a geological area that is considered at low radon risk. The results were obtained after analysing radon concentration in indoor rooms, crawl spaces, soil gas and in the atmosphere outside and by measuring before and after adoption of remedial measures. The study shows that improper building design can give rise to higher indoor radon accumulation even in an area of poor radon exhalation. Furthermore, the results enable quantification of the effectiveness of the remedial measures.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of 222Rn concentrations in the air of tunnels constructed during World War II at Nagano City has been investigated. The determination of 222Rn concentrations in tunnel air was performed using a solid-state nuclear track detector technique. The monthly radon concentrations changed smoothly, decreasing towards winter and increasing towards summer, and it was found that the concentrations strongly correlate with the temperature difference between the inside and the outside of the tunnel. In the innermost areas of the tunnel, the maximum concentration was observed in July, its value being about 6500 Bq m (-3). The concentrations of radon in the tunnel air decrease exponentially towards the openings of the tunnel, which indicates that the radon concentration in the tunnel is basically governed by diffusion and mixing of radon gas with air. These observations lead to the conclusion that the seasonal variation of the radon concentration in the tunnel air is mainly caused by a convection current due to a stack effect induced by the temperature difference between the tunnel air and the outside air.  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum board is a popular construction material used for housing panels in Korea. Phosphogypsum often contains (226)Ra which decays into (222)Rn through an alpha transformation. (222)Rn emanated from the (226)Ra-bearing phosphogypsum board has drawn the public concern due to its potential radiological impacts to indoor occupants. The emanation rate of (222)Rn from the board is estimated in this paper. A mathematical model of the emanation rate of (222)Rn from the board is presented and validated through a series of experiments. The back diffusion effect due to accumulation of (222)Rn-laden air was incorporated in the model and found to have a strong impact on the (222)Rn emanation characteristics.  相似文献   

The concentrations and the concentration ratios of individual short-lived (222)Rn decay products ((214)Pb and (214)Bi) in rainwater were measured at Kumatori village (34.39 degrees N, 135.35 degrees E, approximately 70 m above sea level) in Osaka, Japan, by gamma-ray spectrometry using a low-background Ge detector. The dependence of the time variations of the concentrations and their ratios on rainfall rate was investigated. It was observed that the concentrations were negatively correlated with the rainfall rate in some rainfall events, and that there was no clear correlation in other rainfall events. The changes in the dependence of the concentration on the rainfall rate occurred after the passage of a cold front during a single rainfall event. The concentration ratios showed a weak negative correlation with the rainfall rate for most of the observed rainfall events. A scavenging model was designed in this study in order to explain the observation results. Based on the relationship between the concentrations of (214)Pb and (214)Bi in the rainwater and the rainfall rate for an individual rainfall event, the increase in the environmental gamma-ray dose rate from (214)Pb and (214)Bi deposited on the ground was calculated, and the calculated increase agreed well with that observed by the in situ measurement on flat ground.  相似文献   

The Syabru-Bensi hydrothermal zone, Langtang region (Nepal), is characterized by high radon-222 and CO2 discharge. Seasonal variations of gas fluxes were studied on a reference transect in a newly discovered gas discharge zone. Radon-222 and CO2 fluxes were measured with the accumulation chamber technique, coupled with the scintillation flask method for radon. In the reference transect, fluxes reach exceptional mean values, as high as 8700 ± 1500 g m−2 d−1 for CO2 and 3400 ± 100 × 10−3 Bq m−2 s−1 for radon. Gases fluxes were measured in September 2007 during the monsoon and during the dry winter season, in December 2007 to January 2008 and in December 2008 to January 2009. Contrary to expectations, radon and its carrier gas fluxes were similar during both seasons. The integrated flux along this transect was approximately the same for radon, with a small increase of 11 ± 4% during the wet season, whereas it was reduced by 38 ± 5% during the monsoon for CO2. In order to account for the persistence of the high gas emissions during monsoon, watering experiments have been performed at selected radon measurement points. After watering, radon flux decreased within 5 min by a factor of 2–7 depending on the point. Subsequently, it returned to its original value, firstly, by an initial partial recovery within 3–4 h, followed by a slow relaxation, lasting around 10 h and possibly superimposed by diurnal variations. Monsoon, in this part of the Himalayas, proceeds generally by brutal rainfall events separated by two- or three-day lapses. Thus, the recovery ability shown in the watering experiments accounts for the observed long-term persistence of gas discharge. This persistence is an important asset for long-term monitoring, for example to study possible temporal variations associated with stress accumulation and release.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), which includes fresh groundwater and recycled seawater, has been recognized as a widespread phenomenon that can provide important chemical elements to the ocean. Several studies have demonstrated that SGD may approach or even exceed freshwater sources in supplying nutrients to coastal zones. This work reports preliminary results of a study carried out in a series of small embayments of Ubatuba, S?o Paulo State, Brazil, covering latitudes between 23 degrees 26'S and 23 degrees 46'S and longitudes between 45 degrees 02'W and 45 degrees 11'W. The main aims of this research were to set up an analytical method to assess 222Rn and 226Ra activities in seawater samples and to apply the excess 222Rn inventories obtained to estimate SGD. Measurements made during the summer of 2001 included 222Rn and 226Ra in seawater, 226Ra in sediment, seawater and sediment physical properties, nutrients and seepage rates. A continuous 222Rn monitor was also used to determine in situ collection of data to study short-term changes at one location. All methods indicated significant inflow of subsurface fluids at rates in excess of several cm per day.  相似文献   

Solid-state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs) have been widely applied for measurements of environmental concentrations of 222Rn and its progeny. The V function for an SSNTD is important for understanding the track development in the SSNTD as well as for real life applications. The partial sensitivity rhoi of the LR 115 detector applied in the bare mode to 222Rn and its short-lived progeny is related to the equilibrium factor F through the proxy equilibrium factor Fp. On the other hand, rhoi is also dependent on the removed active layer thickness during chemical etching, which is related to the V function for the LR 115 detector. In the present paper, the experimentally obtained rhoi values of the LR 115 detector for different removed active layer thickness are used to derive the V function for the LR 115 SSNTD, which took the form of the Durrani--Green's function, i.e., [formula: see text] , with the best-fitted constants as a1=14.23; a2=0.48; a3=5.9 and a4=0.077 (a5=1).  相似文献   

Based on the different levels of solubility of radon gas in organic solvents and water, a bubbling system has been developed to transfer radon gas, dissolving naturally in water samples, to an organic solvent, i.e. olive oil, which is known to be a good solvent of radon gas. The system features the application of a fixed volume of bubbling air by introducing a fixed volume of water into a flask mounted above the system, to displace an identical volume of air from an air cylinder. Thus a gravitational flow of water is provided without the need for pumping. Then, the flushing air (radon-enriched air) is directed through a vial containing olive oil, to achieve deposition of the radon gas by another bubbling process. Following this, the vial (containing olive oil) is measured by direct use of gamma ray spectrometry, without the need of any chemical or physical processing of the samples. Using a standard solution of 226Ra/222Rn, a lowest measurable concentration (LMC) of radon in water samples of 9.4 Bq L(-1) has been achieved (below the maximum contaminant level of 11 Bq L(-1)).  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of year-long measurements of radon (222Rn) concentration inside 129 buildings in Poland in relation to the geological conditions of their foundation. The authors took into account the division of the country into tectonic units, as well as the lithology of the rocks forming the bedrock of these buildings. As expected, the highest value of mean annual 222Rn concentration (845 Bq/m3) was recorded in a building situated in the area of the Sudetes, while the highest geometric mean (characteristic of the expected log-normal data distribution) was calculated based on measurements from buildings located within the East-European craton, in the area of Mazury-Podlasie monocline, where it reached 231 Bq/m3. Such results reflect geological conditions - the occurrence of crystalline rocks (especially U- and Ra-enriched granites and orthogneisses) on the surface in the Sudetes, and of young post-glacial sediments containing fragments of Scandinavian crystalline rocks, also enriched with U and Ra, in the area of Mazury-Podlasie monocline. However, the least expected result of the investigations was finding out that, contrary to the hitherto widespread belief, none of the major tectonic units of Poland can be excluded from the list of those containing buildings with mean annual 222Rn concentration exceeding 200 Bq/m3. The mean annual concentration of radon for all the buildings were much higher than the mean concentration value (49.1 Bq/m3) of indoor radon in Poland quoted so far. These results cast a completely new light on the necessity to perform measurements of radon concentration in residential buildings in Poland, no more with reference to small areas with outcrops of crystalline rocks (especially the Sudetes, being the Polish fragment of the European Variscan belt), but for all the major tectonic units within Poland.  相似文献   

222Rn, 226Ra, 228Ra and U were determined in a total of 552 groundwater samples collected throughout Fujian Province of China. The geometric mean concentrations of 222Rn, 226Ra, 228Ra and total U in the groundwater were 147.8 kBq m-3, 12.7 Bq m-3, 30.2 Bq m-3 and 0.54 microgram kg-1, respectively. High groundwater 222Rn was explained by the predominantly granitic rock aquifers in Fujian. A lifetime risk of 1.7 x 10(-3) was estimated for the ingestion of groundwater 222Rn. High ratios of 228Ra to 226Ra contents (geometric mean of 2.4) and their disproportion suggest that 228Ra should also be measured in the assessment of population doses from drinking water in the regions of high rock or soil 232Th. No significant correlation between the 222Rn concentrations in groundwater and air was found.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the short- and long-term effects of radon ((222)Rn) released from water on the progeny exposure in a thermal spa. For the purposes of this work, the Polichnitos spa was used as a case study. The bathroom was supplied with water containing 110-210 kBq m(-3) of (222)Rn. The (222)Rn concentration in air and the short-lived (222)Rn progenies in attached and unattached form were monitored into the bathroom and the surrounding premises. The equilibrium factor (F-factor) and the unattached fraction were estimated. The results of this study show that water flow during bath filling is by far the dominant mechanism by which (222)Rn is released in the air of the bathroom. The progeny exposure was correlated linearly with the (222)Rn concentration in the entering water. The annual effective dose received by a worker was found to be below the lower limit value of 3 mSv recommended by ICRP 65. The dose limit was exceeded only for water containing more than 300 kBq m(-3).  相似文献   

These investigations present qualitative and quantitative assessments of the 222Rn contributing potential of the technologically modified sources, e.g. mine exhausts and tailings piles, arising due to the mining and processing of uraniferous minerals at Jaduguda, India. The overall geometric mean of the 222Rn flux from low-grade uranium (U) mill tailings being 1.19 Bq m-2 s-1, requisite attenuation of 37.8% to the recommended limit of 0.74 Bq m-2 s-1 can be attained by a typical clay coverage of 20 cm. Theoretically, feasible options for selection of overburden materials for stabilisation of the tailings piles are examined. Extrapolation studies with a turbulent diffusion model yield an atmospheric dispersion pattern of 222Rn in reasonable correspondence with the prevailing concentrations, especially for locations beyond a 4 km radius. The overall 222Rn contribution of the U complex to the ambient air is the same as that contributed by the adjoining land mass of 2.75 km radius in this mineralised terrain.  相似文献   

It is possible to estimate radon exposure to man retrospectively by the in vivo measurement of the decay product (210)Pb, which accumulates in the bones. For in vivo methods, knowledge of the distribution of (210)Pb in the skeleton is needed to determine the optimal site for measurement, the skull or the knee. In this study the activity of (210)Pb in a variety of bone samples from 3 individuals have been measured in vitro using underground gamma-ray spectrometry. The individuals were unlikely to have had elevated intakes of Rn. These measurements give baseline data on the bone massic activity of (210)Pb. They show that the massic activity is similar for each of these people and there are similar massic activities of (210)Pb in the skull and the knee of the 2 individuals for which the skull was measured. Additionally for 2 of the individuals trabecular and cortical bone were separated and massic activities were found to be strongly correlated indicating that the (210)Pb is associated with the hydroxyapatite.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of radon (222Rn)-bearing water to indoor 222Rn in thermal baths. The 222Rn concentrations in air were monitored in the bathroom and the bedroom. Particulate matter (PM, both PM10 and PM2.5) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were also monitored with portable analyzers. The bathrooms were supplied with hot spring water containing 66-260 kBq m−3 of 222Rn. The results show that the spray of hot spring water from the bath spouts is the dominant mechanism by which 222Rn is released into the air of the bathroom, and then it diffuses into the bedroom. Average 222Rn level was 110-410% higher in the bedrooms and 510-1200% higher in the bathrooms compared to the corresponding average levels when there was no use of hot spring water. The indoor 222Rn levels were influenced by the 222Rn concentrations in the hot spring water and the bathing times. The average 222Rn transfer coefficients from water to air were 6.2 × 10−4-4.1 × 10−3. The 24-h average levels of CO2 and PM10 in the hotel rooms were 89% and 22% higher than the present Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standard of China. The main particle pollutant in the hotel rooms was PM2.5. Radon and PM10 levels in some hotel rooms were at much higher concentrations than guideline levels, and thus the potential health risks to tourists and especially to the hotel workers should be of great concern, and measures should be taken to lower inhalation exposure to these air pollutants.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of 222Rn concentrations in the air of tunnels constructed during World War II at Nagano City has been investigated. The determination of 222Rn concentrations in tunnel air was performed using a solid-state nuclear track detector technique. The monthly radon concentrations changed smoothly, decreasing towards winter and increasing towards summer, and it was found that the concentrations strongly correlate with the temperature difference between the inside and the outside of the tunnel. In the innermost areas of the tunnel, the maximum concentration was observed in July, its value being about 6500 Bq m (-3). The concentrations of radon in the tunnel air decrease exponentially towards the openings of the tunnel, which indicates that the radon concentration in the tunnel is basically governed by diffusion and mixing of radon gas with air. These observations lead to the conclusion that the seasonal variation of the radon concentration in the tunnel air is mainly caused by a convection current due to a stack effect induced by the temperature difference between the tunnel air and the outside air.  相似文献   

Soil erosion in many parts of the developing world poses a threat to rural livelihoods, to the sustainbility of the agricultural sector, and to the environment. Most erosion prediction models are mechanistic and unsuited to quantify the severity of soil erosion in a data-limited developing world context. The model developed in this paper for Negros Island, in the central Philippines, is based on the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, but contains important innovations such as the movement of eroded soil over the landscape, simulating deposition on lower slopes and in waterways. It also includes a term describing farmer strategies to reduce soil erosion, which are typically ignored in erosion prediction models. A two-sample t-test found that model-predicted sediment loading values were not significantly different from field-measured sediment loading values when corrected for watershed size (P = 0.857). The model predicts an annual loss of 2.7 million cubic meters of sediment to waterways such that by 2050 more than 416,000 ha of agricultural land will be rendered unproductive due to erosion. Farmer behavior conserves soil, but on the steepest slopes soil conservation practices are not adequate to prevent erosion. Of two proposed strategies to control soil erosion in the rural Philippines, the model suggests that a complete switch to tree crops would conserve more soil than universal terrace adoption. However, even under these conservation scenarios, erosion threatens the areal extent of upland agriculture on Negros, and hence the sustainability of the island’s food supply.
Laura K. SchmittEmail:

A case study of the regional transport ( approximately 3000 km) of radon-222 ((222)Rn) from continental North-East Asia to the Japanese islands was performed by numerical analysis using five separate source areas (South, Middle and North China, Russia and Korea), while a seasonal northwest wind blew over the Japan Sea. The results for three periods (Term I: 16-18, Term II: 22-25 and Term III: 27-28 in December 1990) were compared with concentrations measured at the Kanazawa site (near the coast of the Japan Sea facing the seasonal wind) and the Nagoya site (overland and downwind on the shores of the Pacific Ocean). Most of the (222)Rn at the Kanazawa site was calculated to come from North China and Korea in Term I, Middle China, North China, and Korea in Term II, and Russia and Korea in Term III. The considerable differences in the origins of (222)Rn emanated from the continent were estimated between Terms I, II and III, even though the similar northwest wind was dominant over the Japan Sea. A contour line analysis indicated movement of (222)Rn emanated from Middle China in a northerly direction first and then a southeasterly direction, resulting from low pressure. The results suggest that the low-pressure systems play an important role in the transport of (222)Rn in North-East Asia.  相似文献   

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