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找准文本的切入点,可以激发学生学习语文的兴趣,深入文本,自主探究,陶冶情操,让语文课堂魅力四射,反之则会使语文课堂枯燥无味,让学生厌恶阅读,甚至讨厌语文课,那么,如何选择合适的切入点,激发学生自主阅读文本的兴趣,文本的切入途径有很多,可以根据不同的课文选择不同的切入点。  相似文献   

我喜欢各种各样的小动物,昆虫,天上的飞鸟,以及四季的更替,无论刮风,下雨,晴天,雪天,只要在自然的环境里,我就会感到很幸福。 这与我的童年有关,那时候没有玩伴,一切不会讲话的事物都是我的朋友,他们教给我许多做人的道理,他们很忠诚,如果让我选择,我更喜欢他们。  相似文献   

available在英语中相当活跃,用法也颇为多样,在地质地球化学等科技文献中经常遇到,在日常生活、社会科学中也比较常见。这里根据手头掌握的资料,将available的主要用法及其汉译加以整理,以供参考。 available是由avail派生而来的形容词。其基本意思是可以得到的;可以利用的;有效的。在这些基本意思的基础上,扩大、引伸、转意,中文还可译为:1.可以获得的,可以买到的,可以提供的,可以达到的;2.可用的,自由的,可采用的,合用的,适合于……的,有希望当选的,有可能……的,有能力……的;3.通用的,  相似文献   

青山孕绿水,绿水生奇景。从拥挤烦嚣的大都市步入三水云东海,一种绿的色彩,绿的空气,绿的气氛向我们袭来,浑身顿觉清爽和快慰,一种自得其乐的心情油然而生,使我们感到绿的温馨,绿的情怀,绿的快感。踏羊肠小道,穿深山密林,我们置身于“曲径通幽”的诗境中,抬头望天,天高云淡;举目远眺,群山逶迤,古木参天;俯视碧湖,清澈见底。一畦畦桑林,一间间茅舍。一派田园风光,一片诗情画意。攀树枝,跨小溪,翻小丘,终于,“大塱涡之水天上来”美景呈现在我们面前。大塱涡舒展柔情,以妩媚、清丽、温柔、纯朴的姿容展示着大自然的神功造化。湖里的水剔透玲珑,纤尘不染,湖中倒影,树影婆娑相映成趣。碧水上欢游的小鸭,“呷呷呷”地唱着自己的歌,  相似文献   

<正>历史是人生的圭臬,回放往昔,荟萃文明,昭示不朽,鉴往知来,掌握做人处事的真谛,懂得自己与社会的关系,达到学习历史的目的。然而,传统的历史教学往往被学生忽视其价值,知识得不到应有的巩固。因此,教师必须知机识变,教学生面别开。下面略述心得,期待同仁指正。一、利用历史人物教给学生为人处世讲解历史,教师照本宣科,必然枯燥干瘪。教学中,教师要根据青少年的特点,结合教材内容,找到最佳的教学方法,必使传  相似文献   

<正> 解放以来,我国基本建设事业突飞猛进,为国民经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,以及环境面貌的改善,创造了良好的物质条件,同时为今后完成四个现代化的目标,奠定了坚实的基础。目前,对于如何在基本建设中搞好环境保护,维护自然界生态系统的平衡,达到经济效果与环境效果的统一,并且在环境保护工作中,加速对旧城的改建,污染严重企业的改造,以及工业“三废”治  相似文献   

浦东新区的开发目标,是“面向世界,面向21世纪,面向现代化”,将新区建设成世界一流的社会主义现代化城市。因而,浦东新区的环境保护,也应以这一目标为基础,在发展经济的同时,保持良好的自然生态环境,使之成为布局合理,基础设施完善,空气新鲜,水清质优,安静舒适,绿树成荫的花园式新城。为此,必须根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》和国务院颁发的《对外经济开放地区环境管理暂行规定》,以及党中央关于浦东开发一开始就要注意生态环境保护的重要指示,设定浦东新区的环境保护政策。  相似文献   

语文教师要克服传统语文阅读教学的弊端,确立全新的阅读观念,引导学生学会阅读的方法,逐步提高自己的阅读能力,因势利导,利用学生的特点和爱好,引发学生兴趣点,让学生自主阅读,感知作者的情感,在阅读中寻求读书的快乐和体验,拓宽阅读渠道,开阔阅读视野,提升语文素养。  相似文献   

一朵花,漂亮。一辆车,精密。那一朵花就不精密吗?它的每一片花瓣,每一叶花萼,花瓣上的条条纹络,花蕊上襄的粉球,不精密吗?雪花,六角的,均匀的,细致的,  相似文献   

生物降解的研究,始于20世纪40年代,起初人们认为,生物降解是指土壤、水体和废水生物处理系统中需氧微生物对天然和合成有机物质的破坏或者矿化作用。但是,在长久的研究和总结中,发现生物降解的目的,是为了更好的处理各种污染物质,以此来实现自然界的良性循环,避免造成更大的问题。在现阶段的污染中,农药污染引起了社会上的注意。目前,我国的农业发展迅速,农药污染在很大程度上,对土地、水源、空气等,都造成了极大的影响,因此,今后必须在农药污染的生物降解与生物修复分析上努力,减少对自然界造成的损害,为我国的可持续发展,做出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

The main objective of this project was to evaluate the possibility of reducing the quantity of fibre wasted at one of many hydrocyclone (centrifugal) cleaning processes in a paper mill. It was found that the application of elutriation water to both the tertiary and quaternary cleaners was essential to minimise the fibre discharged to the sewer, and the pressure of this elutriation water had a dramatic effect of reducing the fibre wastage. Accordingly, it has been shown that 150–160 kPa as the optimum pressure range to apply elutriation water to minimise the product grade fibre wasted whilst sending undesired shive fibre to the sewer. Also, monitoring of the press uhle box wastewater revealed that the paper mill has the potential to make substantial cost savings by reducing the waste stream. Further investigation is necessary to determine the types of fibre that are being wasted, and the viability of a screen to recycle the wasted fibre to the process. However, these fibres may be unsuitable to reuse in the process and alternative uses must be found.  相似文献   

论我国用汞总量的削减   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
分析比较了我国的用汞数量、世界汞的产量及用量的统计数据,从汞本身的污染危害性,我国用汞和污染现状及发展趋势,以及应对全球限汞、禁汞趋势等方面论述了我国用汞总量亟待削减和削减的可行性。并以体温计行业为例,提出了我国削减用汞总量的具体建议:控制生产规模,慎批新建涉汞加工利用的生产项目,并逐渐淘汰生产规模过小的企业;充分运用法律和行政管理手段,逐渐提升对涉汞企业的要求,将最低环保门槛与择优审批相结合;严格限制某些含汞产品的销售和使用;大力推广替代产品和技术;组织对废弃产品中的汞进行集中回收和处置;修订和制订相关涉汞标准;制订我国涉汞行业的用汞削减规划和相应的产业调整计划,逐步限汞,最终禁汞。   相似文献   

How conservation messages are framed will impact the success of our efforts to engage people in conservation action. This is highly relevant in the private land conservation (PLC) sector given the low participation rates of landholders. Using a case study of PLC schemes targeted at Australian landholders, we present the first systematic analysis of communication strategies used by organisations and government departments delivering those schemes to engage the public. We develop a novel approach for analysing the framing of conservation messages that codes the stated benefits of schemes according to value orientation. We categorised the benefits as flowing to either the landholder, to society, or to the environment, corresponding to the egoistic, altruistic and biospheric value orientations that have been shown to influence human behaviour. We find that messages are biased towards environmental benefits. Surprisingly, this is the case even for market-based schemes that have the explicit objective of appealing to production-focussed landholders and those who are not already involved in conservation. The risk is that PLC schemes framed in this way will fail to engage more egoistically oriented landholders and are only likely to appeal to those likely to already be conservation-minded. By understanding the frame in which PLC benefits are communicated, we can begin to understand the types of people who may be engaged by these messages, and who may not be. Results suggest that the framing of the communications for many schemes could be broadened to appeal to a more diverse group (and thus ultimately to a larger group) of landholders.  相似文献   

突发环境污染事件的舆论引导,是政府特别是环保部门应对突发环境污染事件,降低其对环境造成严重污染和破坏,减少对人身和财产造成重大损失的重要举措。本文全面分析了突发环境污染事件舆论引导工作的现实意义、基本要求,并提出建立突发环境污染事件的舆论引导机制。  相似文献   

生态系统对酸沉降相对敏感性评价原理与方法   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
介绍了敏感性及生态系统对酸沉降的绝对敏感性和相对敏感性的概念,概念了水体和土壤对酸沉降绝对敏感性评价的方法。通过分析比较生态系统中各生态子对酸沉降的缓冲能力,担子同建立生态系统对酸沉降相对敏感性评价的基本原理,并介绍了建立的评价才近期的发展。  相似文献   

随着对排污许可固定污染源全覆盖的理解逐步深化,排污许可在实践中不断深入推进。一是突破"片面覆盖",不再仅仅服务于总量控制和仅适用于部分地区;二是关注点从"排放"转移到"控制",实现污染物"全覆盖",从水、大气扩展到其他污染物;三是关注点从"许可"到"许可制",名录增加了登记管理类别,实现排污单位"全覆盖";四是关注点从"发证"到"监管",实现排污许可要求从纸面到实际的"全覆盖"。  相似文献   

Sustainability issues in sheet metal forming processes: an overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental sustainability in manufacturing is nowadays an urgent and remarkable issue and the main concerns are related to more efficient use of materials and energy.In sheet metal forming processes there is still a lack of knowledge in this field mainly due to the need of a proper modelling of sustainability issues and factors to be taken into account. The aim of this paper is mainly to underline the state of the art from a forming point of view about the sustainability contributions offered in any phase of a product life cycle. Actually, a lack in terms of comprehensive contributions is present in the technical literature, thus, the authors try to give a sort of holistic vision aimed to provide basic guidelines in order to help in identifying the possible solutions with regard to all the phases of a forming product life cycle. The main attention was paid to sheet metal forming technologies. The paper gives an overview of the main topics concerning sheet metal forming problems related to energy and resource efficiency with the aim to stress the principal contributions which may derive from such processes to environmental performances of manufacturing.  相似文献   

Water quality in rivers is vital to humans and to maintenance of biotic and ecological integrity. During the Four Major Rivers restoration of South Korea, remarkable attempts have been made to decrease external nutrient loads and moveable weirs were designed to discharge silt that may deposit in pools. However, recently eutrophication of the Nakdong River, which was limited to the lower reaches, is seen to be spreading upstream. The reduction of external nutrient loads to rivers is a long-term goal that is unlikely to lead to reductions in algal blooms for many years because of the time required to implement effective land management strategies. It would therefore be desirable to implement complementary strategies. Regulating the amount of water released is effective at preventing algae blooms in weir pools; so, the relationship between discharge, stratification and bloom formation should be understood in this regard. However, pollutants are likely to accumulate in the riverbed upstream from release points. Thus, to control phosphorus levels, total phosphorus density should be lowered by applying in-river techniques as well. As many ecosystem properties are controlled by multiple processes, simultaneous river bottom improvement techniques, such as combined dissolved oxygen supply and nutrient inactivation, are likely to be effective. The purpose of this review is to present a series of technological approaches that can be used to improve the river bottom area and hence sediment nutrient release, and to illustrate the application of these techniques to the Nakdong River.  相似文献   

结合鞍山市在创建国家环保模范城市工作过程中建设环境噪声达标区的工作实际,针对鞍山市区(建成区)的噪声达标区的划分、监测布点、监测方法和验收等创建过程中遇到的具体问题进行了分析,提出了相应的解决方法,并就创建过程中的不成功经验进行了总结.鞍山市的噪声达标区建设基本上符合国家和省关于环境噪声达标区的技术要求,虽然达标区的划分、现状调查、各种噪声数据监测和分析、噪声污染源的治理以及达标区的验收和噪声源的抽测等工作较为复杂,但仍可以为其他城市噪声达标区的创建提供借鉴.  相似文献   

生态文明是继农业、工业文明之后,适应新形势而提出的.以直接解决与人类生存相关的生态问题为己任,用于指引人们实现可持续发展为目标.在内蒙古地区,草原是最具内蒙古特色和开发价值的资源,然而在近几十年的开发中严重违反了生态文明理念,以致出现草场退化、生物生存危机等状况.在当前内蒙古草原出现的严重问题的情况下,很有必要去探寻生态文明理念的重要价值.结合中国传统文化中天时地利人和的重要思想,实现在“因时制宜、因地制宜、以人为本及各方因素协调共促”理念下新的草原开发.  相似文献   

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