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湖南省碳源与碳汇变化的时序分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球气候变暖的背景下,减少温室气体排放、发展低碳经济成为各地区在发展中的普遍共识。以湖南省为研究区域,以1995~2008年为研究时序,从能源消费、主要工业产品生产工艺过程、土地利用变化与牲畜管理、固体废弃物处理与废水处理和排放4个方面综合分析了碳源与碳汇的变化情况。研究表明:1995~2008年,湖南省温室气体排放总量约在220亿t(2000年)至399亿t(2008年)CO2当量之间,14 a间增长了6118%,年均增长374%;碳汇总量约在1754亿t(1995年)至2537亿t(2007年)CO2当量之间,14 a间增长了3607%,年均增长约240%;能源消费与农业部门是湖南省温室气体的主要来源,林地是湖南省碳汇的主要来源;综合碳源与碳汇变化的均衡结果,1995~2008年湖南省呈碳汇盈余状态,净碳汇在2001~2007年持续增加,14 a间增长了31.94%,年均增长2.15%  相似文献   

Exchanges of carbon and nitrogen between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems involve a complex set of interactions affected by both natural and management processes. Understanding these processes is important for managing ecosystem productivity and sustainability. Management processes also affect the net outcome of exchanges of greenhouse gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. In developing a national carbon accounting system (NCAS) for Australia to account for emissions and removal of greenhouse gases to and from the atmosphere, a carbon:nitrogen mass balance ecosystem model (FullCAM) was developed. The FullCAM model is a hybrid of empirical and process modelling. The approach enables application to a wide range of natural resource management issues, because it is at land-management-relevant spatial and temporal resolution and captures the main process and management drivers. The scenario-prediction capability can be used to determine the emissions consequences of different management activities. Because, in Australia, emissions of greenhouse gases are closely related to the retention of dead organic matter and the availability of nitrogen for plant growth, the carbon and nitrogen cycling as modelled are good indicators of ecosystem productivity and condition. The NCAS also emphasizes the advantages of a comprehensive and integrated approach to developing a continental scale ecosystem-modelling system that has relevance both to estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable management of natural resources.  相似文献   

Tropical forest conversion contributes as much as 25% of the net annual CO2 emissions and up to 10% of the N2O emissions to the atmosphere. The net effect on global warming potential (GWP) also depends on the net fluxes of greenhouse gases from land-use systems following deforestation. Efforts to mitigate these effects must take into account not only the greenhouse gas fluxes of alternative land-use systems but also the social and economic consequences that influence their widespread adoption. The global alternatives to slash-and-burn program (ASB) investigated the net greenhouse gas emissions and profitability of a range of land-use alternatives in the humid tropics. The analysis showed that many tree-based systems reduced net GWP compared to annual cropping and pasture systems. Some of these systems are also profitable in terms of returns to land and labor. The widespread adoption of these systems, however, can be limited by start-up costs, credit limitations, and number of years to positive cash flow, in addition to the higher labor requirements. Projects that offset carbon emissions through carbon sinks in land use in the tropics might be a means of overcoming these limitations. A synthesis of the findings from this program can provide guidelines for the selection and promotion of land-use practices that minimize net global warming effects of slash-and-burn.  相似文献   

Carbon emission from farm operations   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  

重庆市温室气体排放清单研究与核算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城市化进程所带来的大量能源消费和温室气体排放已成为制约城市健康快速发展的瓶颈因素,亟需进行定量核算和分析。开展温室气体清单研究对节能减排和低碳城市建设具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文以重庆市为案例,通过清单方法分析主要温室气体排放源和碳汇,考虑主要能源活动、工业、废弃物处置、农业、畜牧业、湿地过程和林业碳汇,核算排放总量和强度,剖析重庆温室气体排放结构和现状。结果显示:1997-2008年重庆市温室气体排放总量呈现出上升趋势,2008年比1997年增长了2.31倍,其中增长幅度较大的是一次能源消费过程、外购电力和工业非能源过程。此外,随着温室气体排放量的增加,单位产值温室气体排放量却呈现下降的趋势,反映重庆市温室气体排放控制取得了一定效果。最后根据重庆市温室气体排放结果进行分析,提出了改变能源结构和工业结构、提高能效和加强"森林重庆"建设等政策建议,为重庆市转型低碳经济发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Tropical soils are important sources and sinks of atmospheric methane (CH4) and major sources of oxides of nitrogen gases, nitrous oxide (NM2O) and NOx (NO+NO2). These gases are present in the atmosphere in trace amounts and are important to atmospheric chemistry and earth's radiative balance. Although nitric oxide (NO) does not directly contribute to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation, it contributes to climate forcing through its role in photochemistry of hydroxyl radicals and ozone (O3) and plays a key role in air quality issues. Agricultural soils are a primary source of anthropogenic trace gas emissions, and the tropics and subtropics contribute greatly, particularly since 51% of world soils are in these climate zones. The soil microbial processes responsible for the production and consumption of CH4 and production of N-oxides are the same in all parts of the globe, regardless of climate. Because of the ubiquitous nature of the basic enzymatic processes in the soil, the biological processes responsible for the production of NO, N2O and CH4, nitrification/denitrification and methanogenesis/methanotropy are discussed in general terms. Soil water content and nutrient availability are key controls for production, consumption and emission of these gases. Intensive studies of CH4 exchange in rice production systems made during the past decade reveal new insight. At the same time, there have been relatively few measurements of CH4, N2O or NOx fluxes in upland tropical crop production systems. There are even fewer studies in which simultaneous measurements of these gases are reported. Such measurements are necessary for determining total greenhouse gas emission budgets. While intensive agricultural systems are important global sources of N2O and CH4 recent studies are revealing that the impact of tropical land use change on trace gas emissions is not as great as first reports suggested. It is becoming apparent that although conversion of forests to grazing lands initially induces higher N-oxide emissions than observed from the primary forest, within a few years emissions of NO and N2O generally fall below those from the primary forest. On the other hand, CH4 oxidation is typically greatly reduced and grazing lands may even become net sources in situations where soil compaction from cattle traffic limits gas diffusion. Establishment of tree-based systems following slash-and-burn agriculture enhances N2O and NO emissions during and immediately following burning. These emissions soon decline to rates similar to those observed in secondary forest while CH4 consumption rates are slightly reduced. Conversion to intensive cropping systems, on the other hand, results in significant increases in N2O emissions, a loss of the CH4 sink, and a substantial increase in the global warming potential compared to the forest and tree-based systems. The increasing intensification of crop production in the tropics, in which N fertilization must increase for many crops to sustain production, will most certainly increase N-oxide emissions. The increase, however, may be on the same order as that expected in temperate crop production, thus smaller than some have predicted. In addition, increased attention to management of fertilizer and water may reduce trace gas emissions and simultaneously increase fertilizer use efficiency.  相似文献   

Global warming risks from emissions of green house gases (GHGs) by anthropogenic activities, and possible mitigation strategies of terrestrial carbon (C) sequestration have increased the need for the identification of ecosystems with high C sink capacity. Depleted soil organic C (SOC) pools of reclaimed mine soil (RMS) ecosystems can be restored through conversion to an appropriate land use and adoption of recommended management practices (RMPs). The objectives of this paper are to (1) synthesize available information on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from coal mining and combustion activities, (2) understand mechanisms of SOC sequestration and its protection, (3) identify factors affecting C sequestration potential in RMSs, (4) review available methods for the estimation of ecosystem C budget (ECB), and (5) identify knowledge gaps to enhance C sink capacity of RMS ecosystems and prioritize research issues. The drastic perturbations of soil by mining activities can accentuate CO2 emission through mineralization, erosion, leaching, changes in soil moisture and temperature regimes, and reduction in biomass returned to the soil. The reclamation of drastically disturbed soils leads to improvement in soil quality and development of soil pedogenic processes accruing the benefit of SOC sequestration and additional income from trading SOC credits. The SOC sequestration potential in RMS depends on amount of biomass production and return to soil, and mechanisms of C protection. The rate of SOC sequestration ranges from 0.1 to 3.1 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1) and 0.7 to 4 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1) in grass and forest RMS ecosystem, respectively. Proper land restoration alone could off-set 16 Tg CO2 in the U.S. annually. However, the factors affecting C sequestration and protection in RMS leading to increase in microbial activity, nutrient availability, soil aggregation, C build up, and soil profile development must be better understood in order to formulate guidelines for development of an holistic approach to sustainable management of these ecosystems. The ECBs of RMS ecosystems are not well understood. An ecosystem method of evaluating ECB of RMS ecosystems is proposed.  相似文献   

农业作为重要的产业部门,在满足人们基本的物质需求的同时具有重要的生态保障和碳汇功能,充分发掘农业的碳汇潜力对于农业绿色化发展和农民增收具有重要意义。本文量化测算了我国1993—2011年的农业源碳汇潜力,并构建农业源浄碳汇与农业经济发展的耦合模型,结果发现农业源碳汇量由1993年的52 318.70万t波动增加到2011年的66 073.77万t,年均增加1.38%,但是农业源的浄碳汇量却呈现波动递减趋势,由1993年的36 691.72万t减少到34 815.67万t,其中粮食作物的CO2吸收总量占据主要部分,经济作物CO2吸收量在农业总的CO2吸收量所占的比重虽小,但是增速较快,年均增幅达到4.15%;从影响因素来看,农业源碳汇和耕地面积关联度不大,农作物单位产量和农业源碳汇呈正相关;农业源浄碳汇与农业经济发展之间处于强负耦合状态,耦合状态不理想,农业产值与农业净碳汇关联度不强,这主要是由高投入、高消耗的农业生产方式引发农业碳排放增加和农业总产出效益提升等原因造成的。最后,本文针对性地提出促进我国农业减排增汇的对策建议:强化政府引导,从农业的规划、生产、消费等多领域进行引导;加大农业减排增汇的技术、资金和人力支持,为农业的减排增汇做好保障;通过林地增汇、农田增汇、草地增汇、综合增汇等多种手段,提升农地的碳汇能力;加快碳市场交易体系建设,以市场杠杆推进农业的减排增汇。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对碳排放的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大气中温室气体浓度增加是人类面临的严峻挑战.土地利用变化已成为仅次于化石能源燃烧的第二大温室气体排放源.本文在界定土地利用变化碳排放作用机制及内涵的基础上,从农用地向非农用地转换、农用地内部土地利用以及非农用地内部土地利用三个方面综述了土地利用变化对碳排放的影响.农用地向非农用地的转换会增加碳排放量.农用地内部土地利用变化方面,农田转换为森林或草地能够使土壤和植被碳储量增加,但是土壤碳汇集速率存在一定的差异;农田、森林和草地管理措施对生态系统碳循环的影响目前还存在争议,但基本观点是合理的管理措施能够减少碳排放置.非农用地内部土地利用变化方面,从能源消耗角度考虑,二产用地向三产用地转换会减少碳排放量.因此合理组织土地利用对帮助我国实现碳减排承诺,发展低碳经济有重要意义.  相似文献   

The Welsh Government is committed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural systems and combat the effects of future climate change. In this study, the ECOSSE model was applied spatially to estimate GHG and soil organic carbon (SOC) fluxes from three major land uses (grass, arable and forest) in Wales. The aims of the simulations were: (1) to estimate the annual net GHG balance for Wales; (2) to investigate the efficiency of the reduced nitrogen (N) fertilizer goal of the sustainable land management scheme (Glastir), through which the Welsh Government offers financial support to farmers and land managers on GHG flux reduction; and (3) to investigate the effects of future climate change on the emissions of GHG and plant net primary production (NPP). Three climate scenarios were studied: baseline (1961–1990) and low and high emission climate scenarios (2015–2050). Results reveal that grassland and cropland are the major nitrous oxide (N2O) emitters and consequently emit more GHG to the atmosphere than forests. The overall average simulated annual net GHG balance for Wales under baseline climate (1961–1990) is equivalent to 0.2 t CO2e ha?1 y?1 which gives an estimate of total annual net flux for Wales of 0.34 Mt CO2e y?1. Reducing N fertilizer by 20 and 40 % could reduce annual net GHG fluxes by 7 and 25 %, respectively. If the current N fertilizer application rate continues, predicted climate change by the year 2050 would not significantly affect GHG emissions or NPP from soils in Wales.  相似文献   

农田固碳措施对温室气体减排影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农田是CO2,CH4和N2O三种温室气体的重要排放源,在全球范围内农业生产活动贡献了约14%的人为温室气体排放量,以及58%的人为非CO2排放,不合理的农田管理措施强化了农田温室气体排放源特征,弱化了农田固碳作用。土壤碳库作为地球生态系统中最活跃的碳库之一,同时也是温室气体的重要源/汇。研究表明通过采取合理的农田管理措施,既可起到增加土壤碳库、减少温室气体排放的目的,又能提高土壤质量。农田土壤碳库除受温度、降水和植被类型的影响外,还在很大程度上受施肥量、肥料类型、秸秆还田量、耕作措施和灌溉等农田管理措施的影响。本文通过总结保护性耕作/免耕,秸秆还田,氮肥管理,水分管理,农学及土地利用变化等农田管理措施,探寻增强农田土壤固碳作用,减少农田温室气体排放的合理途径。农田碳库的稳定/增加,对于保证全球粮食安全与缓解气候变化趋势具有双重的积极意义。在我国许多有关土壤固碳与温室气体排放的研究尚不系统或仅限于短期研究,这也为正确评价各种固碳措施对温室气体排放的影响增加了不确定性。  相似文献   

城市是人类生产和生活的中心,超过75%的温室气体从城市产生,其中又以城市产业部门能源消费和工业过程非能源产生的CO2为主。本文基于投入产出模型,评价城市产业部门3个不同层次的CO2排放。以重庆为案例,核算其2002-2008年产业部门三个层次的CO2排放,包括能源消费直接排放、购买电力间接排放和全生命周期排放,并进行多层次对比。结果显示传统能源消耗和购买电力为对象的核算方法低估了产业部门CO2排放水平。2002-2008年,重庆各产业部门排放量逐年增加,碳排放强度整体呈现下降趋势。煤炭开采和洗选业、非金属矿采选业、非金属矿物制品业、电力、热力的生产和供应业,化学工业、金属冶炼及压延加工业、交通运输、仓储及邮电通讯业部门共7大行业是重庆碳排放的重点行业。部门交通设备制造业是重庆的优势产业,排放总量大,但是排放强度却相对较小,因此应大力发展该产业以促进重庆市低碳经济的发展。  相似文献   

‘Biochar’ represents an emerging technology that is increasingly being recognized for its potential role in carbon sequestration, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, renewable energy, soil improvement, crop productivity enhancement and environmental remediation. Published reviews have so far focused mainly on the above listed agronomic and environmental benefits of applying biochar, yet paid little or no attention to its harmful effects on the ecological system. This review highlights a balanced overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the pyrolysis process of biochar production, end-product quality and the benefits versus drawbacks of biochar on: (a) soil geochemistry and albedo, (b) microflora and fauna, (c) agrochemicals, (d) greenhouse gas efflux, (e) nutrients, (f) crop yield, and (g) contaminants (organic and inorganic). Future research should focus more on the unintended long-term consequences of biochar on biological organisms and their processes in the soil.  相似文献   

World crop residues production and implications of its use as a biofuel   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Reducing and off-setting anthropogenic emissions of CO(2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are important strategies of mitigating the greenhouse effect. Thus, the need for developing carbon (C) neutral and renewable sources of energy is more than ever before. Use of crop residue as a possible source of feedstock for bioenergy production must be critically and objectively assessed because of its positive impact on soil C sequestration, soil quality maintenance and ecosystem functions. The amount of crop residue produced in the US is estimated at 367x10(6) Mg/year for 9 cereal crops, 450x10(6) Mg/year for 14 cereals and legumes, and 488x10(6) Mg/year for 21 crops. The amount of crop residue produced in the world is estimated at 2802x10(6) Mg/year for cereal crops, 3107x10(6) Mg/year for 17 cereals and legumes, and 3758x10(6) Mg/year for 27 food crops. The fuel value of the total annual residue produced is estimated at 1.5x10(15) kcal, about 1 billion barrels (bbl) of diesel equivalent, or about 8 quads for the US; and 11.3x10(15) kcal, about 7.5 billion bbl of diesel or 60 quads for the world. However, even a partial removal (30-40%) of crop residue from land can exacerbate soil erosion hazard, deplete the SOC pool, accentuate emission of CO(2) and other GHGs from soil to the atmosphere, and exacerbate the risks of global climate change. Therefore, establishing bioenergy plantations of site-specific species with potential of producing 10-15 Mg biomass/year is an option that needs to be considered. This option will require 40-60 million hectares of land in the US and about 250 million hectares worldwide to establish bioenergy plantations.  相似文献   

African mixed crop–livestock systems are vulnerable to climate change and need to adapt in order to improve productivity and sustain people’s livelihoods. These smallholder systems are characterized by high greenhouse gas emission rates, but could play a role in their mitigation. Although the impact of climate change is projected to be large, many uncertainties persist, in particular with respect to impacts on livestock and grazing components, whole-farm dynamics and heterogeneous farm populations. We summarize the current understanding on impacts and vulnerability and highlight key knowledge gaps for the separate system components and the mixed farming systems as a whole. Numerous adaptation and mitigation options exist for crop–livestock systems. We provide an overview by distinguishing risk management, diversification and sustainable intensification strategies, and by focusing on the contribution to the three pillars of climate-smart agriculture. Despite the potential solutions, smallholders face major constraints at various scales, including small farm sizes, the lack of response to the proposed measures and the multi-functionality of the livestock herd. Major institutional barriers include poor access to markets and relevant knowledge, land tenure insecurity and the common property status of most grazing resources. These limit the adoption potential and hence the potential impact on resilience and mitigation. In order to effectively inform decision-making, we therefore call for integrated, system-oriented impact assessments and a realistic consideration of the adoption constraints in smallholder systems. Building on agricultural system model development, integrated impact assessments and scenario analyses can inform the co-design and implementation of adaptation and mitigation strategies.F  相似文献   

综合渔获量规模、作业方式结构、作业方式能耗强度和燃油排放系数等因素对温室气体排放的影响,在对2006~2011年海洋捕捞渔业温室气体排放核算和时序分析基础上,利用LMDI方法对温室气体排放进行了因素分解。结果表明:海洋捕捞渔业温室气体排放量呈现出稳定的增长趋势,平均每年温室气体排放量增长2666万t;拖网、刺网两种作业方式产生的温室气体占相应年份海洋捕捞渔业温室气体排放量的比重最大,约占80%,且温室效应最强。渔获量规模效应是驱动我国海洋捕捞渔业温室气体排放的最主要因素。建议通过采取“捕捞配额”或实施较长期的禁渔休渔制度来降低渔获量总量,不仅有利于保护海洋渔业资源,还能减少温室气体排放,也可以通过建立海洋捕捞生态补偿制度的方式来调整作业方式结构向低温室气体排放转变  相似文献   

基于文献资料,估算了2004-2009年中国晶硅光伏组件制造过程中的能源消耗和CO2排放强度。研究发现,2004-2009年,晶硅光伏组件制造过程中的能耗强度和CO2排放强度均逐年下降。2009年,单晶、多晶光伏组件制造过程中的能耗强度分别为2 629 kWh/kWp和2 242 kWh/kWp,碳排放强度分别为1 829 gCO2/Wp和1 559 gCO2/Wp。由于晶硅光伏组件的大量出口,中国不仅出口了大量的隐含碳,还损失了数量可观的、潜在的CO2减排能力。2004-2010年,中国的隐含碳净出口量由3万tCO2增加到852万tCO2;如果出口的晶硅电池全部用于国内,在其生命周期内累计可减排CO23.4亿t。除2004年和2010年外,国内安装的晶硅光伏组件在其生命周期内所能减少的CO2排放不足以抵消晶硅光伏行业的CO2排放,晶硅光伏行业对中国CO2减排的贡献为负。在多晶硅全部国产的情况下,中国若维持晶硅电池应用中的CO2减排量与全行业CO2排放量的平衡,至少应将晶硅组件制造的7.2%安装在国内使用。若多晶硅进口比例仍保持在50%左右,则至少应将晶硅组件制造的4.9%安装在国内使用。  相似文献   

The agriculture industry is significantly exposed to the impacts of climate change, and is also responsible for contributing extensive greenhouse gas emissions. As a way of responding to both adaptation and mitigation challenges within the industry, this article examines how community-based climate change adaptation initiatives might provide mitigation outcomes in the agriculture sector in Timor-Leste. Beginning with an exploration of nation-wide institutional responses to climate change, the study utilises interviews, field observations and document analysis to examine an extensive community-based adaptation program in two districts in Timor-Leste focused on increasing the resilience of the agriculture sector and the livelihoods of poor rural farmers. Analysis of this program reveals a largely synergistic relationship between adaptation measures focused on land and water management and agriculture and their corresponding greenhouse gas mitigation potential, including co-benefits such as soil/atmospheric carbon sequestration, reduced emissions, soil nitrification and reduced use of inorganic fertilisers. Community-based adaptation programs in the agriculture sector have a significant influence on mitigation outcomes, which is often overlooked in community-based programs. The adaptation program in Timor-Leste has provided useful insights into the inter-relationships between adaptation and mitigation at the community level, which could be further supported and scaled-up in other Southeast Asia countries and elsewhere.  相似文献   

The rice-wheat belt comprises nearly 24–27 million ha in South and East Asia. Rice is generally grown in flooded fields whereas the ensuing wheat crop requires well-drained soil conditions. Consequently, both crops differ markedly in nature and intensity of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes, namely emission of (1) methane (CH4) and (2) nitrous oxide (N2O) as well as the sequestration of (3) carbon dioxide. Wetland rice emits large quantities of CH4; strategies to CH4 emissions include proper management of organic inputs, temporary (mid-season) field drainage and direct seeding. As for the wheat crop, the major GHG is N2O that is emitted in short-term pulses after fertilization, heavy rainfall and irrigation events. However, N2O is also emitted in larger quantities during fallow periods and during the rice crop as long as episodic irrigation or rainfall result in aerobic-anaerobic cycles. Wetland rice ensures a relatively high content of soil organic matter in the rice-wheat system as compared to permanent upland conditions. In terms of global warming potential, baseline emissions of the rice-wheat system primarily depend on the management practices during the rice crop while emissions from the wheat crop remain less sensitive to different management practices. The antagonism between CH4 and N2O emissions is a major impediment for devising effective mitigation strategies in rice-wheat system - measures to reduce the emission of one GHG often intensify the emission of the other GHG.  相似文献   

施氮对稻麦轮作系统综合增温潜势的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用典型区域田间试验结合生物地球化学模型(DNDC模型),以上海市崇明岛为例对稻麦轮作系统作物产量和温室气体排放进行了模拟研究。结果表明:DNDC模型能较好地模拟田间实测到的稻麦轮作系统温室气体排放通量。在常规用量的80%~150%之间增施氮肥对作物产量无显著增加,但稻麦轮作系统综合温室效应呈递增趋势。东滩农业园区稻麦轮作系统最优施氮量为常规用量的6298%,此时单位产量增温潜势(Global Warming Potential,GWP)最小,作物产量为12 8775 kg/(hm2〖DK〗·a),综合温室效应较常规施氮降低3670%。长江下游地区稻麦两熟制农业生态系统能够通过合理控制农田氮肥用量减少温室气体排放净通量,降低作物单位产量GWP  相似文献   

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