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Dilution of indoor air contaminants with less contaminated outdoor air is the most common strategy for control of indoor air quality. Unfortunately this strategy frequently imposes a substantial energy burden. If the contaminants are associated with occupants and their activities, a ventilation control system based on the carbon dioxide level in the controlled space is shown to relieve this energy burden. A test was carried out in the Fridley, MN, Junior High School Music Department to obtain air quality, energy, and subjective response data on an Automatic Variable Ventilation System. A control system with both CO2 and temperature inputs was devised to control the use of outdoor air. Infiltration measurements lead to a quantitative measure of ventil3tion efficiency. This in turn led to recommendations for air circulation patterns in rooms. The measured ventilation efficiency enabled energy and CO2 models to fit measured data. Energy savings of approximately 20% were found for this application. Subjective response of the occupants also was measured. A special questionnaire, subjected to statistical analysis, showed that the subjects felt warmer with increased CO2 in the room air.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - This study provides the first quantitative assessment of seasonal variation in indoor PM2.5 in the high-air pollution risk and densely populated slums...  相似文献   

Comparative overview of indoor air quality in Antwerp, Belgium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This comprehensive study, a first in Belgium, aimed at characterizing the residential and school indoor air quality of subgroups that took part in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey and the International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood [Masoli M, Fabian D, Holt S, Beasley R. Global Burden of Asthma, Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, University of Southampton; 2004.] questionnaire-based asthma and related illnesses studies. The principal aim was to perform a base-line study to assess the indoor air quality in Antwerp in terms of various gaseous and particulate pollutants. Secondly, it aimed to establish correlations between these pollutants investigated, the pollutant levels in the indoor and outdoor micro-environments, findings of the previous questionnaire-based studies and an epidemiological study which ran in conjunction with this study. Lastly, these results were compared and evaluated with current indoor and ambient guidelines in various countries This paper presents selected results on PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations and elemental C estimates as black smoke, as well as gaseous NO(2), SO(2), O(3) and BTEX concentrations of 18 residences and 27 schools. These are related to current guidelines of Flanders, Germany, Norway, China and Canada and evaluated with reference to selected similar studies. It was found that indoor sources such as tobacco smoking and carpets, the latter causing re-suspension of dust, are responsible for elevated indoor respirable particulate matter and place school children and residents at risk. Both PM2.5 and PM10 equalled or exceeded the current guidelines adopted by Flanders, noting that 12-h and 24-h PM2.5 were compared with an annual limit value. Indoor and ambient NO(2) concentrations in the school campaign were higher than the annual EU ambient norm. The other studied pollutant levels were below the current guidelines.  相似文献   

Indoor air quality was examined for some gaseous pollutants and particulate matters. In a public library, the indoor/outdoor ratio of gaseous pollutants were found to be dependent on their reactivity, also on the outdoor concentrations and weather conditions. This ratio was 0.6 for SO2,and 1.3 for CO. The indoor/outdoor ratio of carbon monoxide was found to increase at the higher floors of the same building. Concentrations of indoor particulates was found to be influenced by the outdoor concentrations and the particle size. Analysis indicated that indoor suspended dust contained a significant high concentration of lead as compared with outdoor values. Indoor sources were found to pollute the premises of fossil-fuel equipped homes, thus having carbon monoxide concentrations more than the recognized threshold limit value for industry.  相似文献   

This report presents results of a review of available methods for control of environmental hazards applied to indoor air pollutants. Indoor air pollution originates from transport of ambient outdoor air contaminants into occupied spaces by natural infiltration ventilation, or by mechanical ventilation using outdoor makeup air, plus contributions from indoor emission sources. When air exchange with the external ambient environment is reduced to conserve energy, contributions from indoor emission sources may dominate indoor air pollutant levels. This paper identifies alternative methods available to control indoor air pollutant exposures. The performance characteristics of ventilation systems and of air cleaning devices used in mixed modes for ventilation of occupied spaces are described. Models for predicting effectiveness of several alternative modes are reviewed, with field trial validation results cited where available. Results of previous confined-space studies are briefly reviewed as points of departure for consideration of necessary air quality, ventilation, and air cleaning. Understanding of indoor air contaminant generation and controls is aided by examination of earlier studies of indoor air quality, using modern perspectives on occupational environmental health and hygiene.  相似文献   

A standardized questionnaire was used in a two-year follow-up study to test the effectiveness of non-regulatory recommendations to improve indoor air quality of 103 ice arenas in Finland. In addition, the performance of a state-of-the-art emission control technology (ECT) on propane-fueled resurfacers was evaluated by measuring the one-week average nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration in a small sample of arenas. The number of retrofitted ECT on propane-fueled resurfacers increased from 6 to 37 (8% to 37% of ice arenas) and the number of electric resurfacers from 7 to 9 (both 9% of arenas) in 1994–1996. At the same time, the prevalence of inadequate ventilation increased among the most susceptible small arenas (volume <30 000 m3) from 11 (31%) to 19 (38%). Combustion-powered resurfacers (88%) and inadequate ventilation (24%) were prevalent also among the 17 new arenas built in 1994–1996. ECT resurfacers significantly decreased the mean indoor NO2 concentration of eleven arenas from 650 μg/m3 to 147 μg/m3. Thus, retrofitting resurfacers with ECT seems to be a feasible mitigation option to improve indoor air quality in ice arenas, but the ultimate solution is an electric ice resurfacer. Non-regulatory recommendations seem to be partially effective in abatement against the air quality problems, but additional regulatory measures are needed for full compliance in all arenas.  相似文献   

Dry and irritated mucous membranes of the eyes and airways are common symptoms reported in office-like environments. Earlier studies suggested that indoor pollutants were responsible. We have re-evaluated, by review of the literature, how low relative humidity (RH) may influence the immediately perceived indoor air quality (IAQ), including odour, and cause irritation symptoms (i.e. longer-term perceived IAQ). "Relative humidity" were searched in major databases, and combined with: air quality, cabin air, dry eyes, formaldehyde, inflammation, mucous membranes, offices, ozone, pungency, sensory irritation, particles, precorneal tear film, sick building syndrome, stuffy air, and VOCs. The impact of RH on the immediately and longer-term perceived IAQ by VOCs, ozone, and particles is complex, because both the thermodynamic condition and the emission characteristics of building materials are influenced. Epidemiological, clinical, and human exposure studies indicate that low RH plays a role in the increase of reporting eye irritation symptoms and alteration of the precorneal tear film. These effects may be exacerbated during visual display unit work. The recommendation that IAQ should be "dry and cool" may be useful for evaluation of the immediately perceived IAQ in material emission testing, but should be considered cautiously about the development of irritation symptoms in eyes and upper airways during a workday. Studies indicate that RH about 40% is better for the eyes and upper airways than levels below 30%. The optimal RH may differ for the eyes and the airways regarding desiccation of the mucous membranes.  相似文献   

In contrast to a majority of reported damage-cost literature being focused on outdoor pollution, this paper describes the development of a protocol that links population exposure data with reported epidemiological concentration-response coefficients. A change in indoor particulate level is expressed as a change in total exposure levels, which is then linked with a corresponding change in ambient particulate concentrations before evaluating the associated health benefits. In this study, the development of protocol is illustrated by using a typical office building environment and daily time activity patterns of office occupants in Hong Kong. Our results indicate that some benefit gains for the owners-employers and the society would be anticipated if certain filter set configurations had been adopted. However, the amount of benefit gains for the owners-employers is shown to be increased with the average salary level of employees and the duration of their stay in offices.  相似文献   

The relationship between the odor strength of total air samples and the odor strengths of the constituents was investigated in three field experiments in an office building and a new preschool. The odor strength was scaled by magnitude estimation according to a master scale principle which results in comparable values for the total and the constituent odors. Between 60 and 120 chemical components were detected by GC/FID in the indoor air samples (N = 66). Most (81%) of the detected components in an air sample were odorous, even though most of them were of the low concentrations. By a method of pattern analysis, chemical as well as odor patterns of indoor air were found to be characteristics of different buildings. From the odor patterns (POG), the “odor print” of the outdoor air associated with the buildings was also recognized in the indoor air. Thus, the “odor print” of an air sample is different from its “chemical print”. A model was found that predicts the overall odor strength of an air sample from the number of FID-detected components most frequently reported to have a strong odor.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde, a highly reactive gas with a pungent odor, is released from a variety of sources including urea-formaldehyde foam insulation, particle board, and plywood, as well as various combustion processes. Concentrations of formaldehyde associated with the presence of these products are higher indoors than outdoors. Under controlled conditions, formaldehyde causes eye and nasal irritation at air concentrations of 0.24 mg/m3 and above. Exposure, residential or occupational, has been associated with eye, nose, and throat irritation, coughing, wheezing, skin rashes, nausea, and other symptoms. Formaldehyde is also a sensitizer; Individuals who are allergic to formaldehyde, or who suffer from respiratory diseases, are likely to suffer the effects of formaldehyde at even lower concentrations. Based on its known metabolism, reactivity with DNA and other marcomolecules, as well as its mutagenic effects in many test systems, formaldehyde is thought to be genotoxic. Recent studies have indicated that formaldehyde is also a carcinogen in rats and probably in mice. Epidemiological studies to date have been inadequate to determine whether or not formaldehyde is a human carcinogen. Formaldehyde seems to be a direct acting carcinogen and it is likely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of radon (222Rn)-bearing water to indoor 222Rn in thermal baths. The 222Rn concentrations in air were monitored in the bathroom and the bedroom. Particulate matter (PM, both PM10 and PM2.5) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were also monitored with portable analyzers. The bathrooms were supplied with hot spring water containing 66-260 kBq m−3 of 222Rn. The results show that the spray of hot spring water from the bath spouts is the dominant mechanism by which 222Rn is released into the air of the bathroom, and then it diffuses into the bedroom. Average 222Rn level was 110-410% higher in the bedrooms and 510-1200% higher in the bathrooms compared to the corresponding average levels when there was no use of hot spring water. The indoor 222Rn levels were influenced by the 222Rn concentrations in the hot spring water and the bathing times. The average 222Rn transfer coefficients from water to air were 6.2 × 10−4-4.1 × 10−3. The 24-h average levels of CO2 and PM10 in the hotel rooms were 89% and 22% higher than the present Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standard of China. The main particle pollutant in the hotel rooms was PM2.5. Radon and PM10 levels in some hotel rooms were at much higher concentrations than guideline levels, and thus the potential health risks to tourists and especially to the hotel workers should be of great concern, and measures should be taken to lower inhalation exposure to these air pollutants.  相似文献   

The indoor and outdoor air quality of two staff quarters of Hong Kong Polytechnic University at Tsim Sha Tsui East (TSTE) and Shatin (ST) were investigated. The air sampling was carried out in winter for about two months starting from January to February of 1996. Fifteen flats from each staff quarter were randomly selected for indoor/outdoor air pollutant measurements. The pollutants measured were NOx, NO, NO2, SO2, CO, and O3. The variations of pollutant concentrations between indoor and outdoor air were investigated on weekday mornings, weekday evenings, weekend mornings, and weekend evenings. All indoor/outdoor pollutant concentrations measured did not exceed the ASHRAE/NAAQS standard. The carbon monoxide concentrations indoors were systemically higher than those outdoors at the TSTE and the ST quarters, both on weekdays and Sunday, which indicates there are CO sources indoors. Except for CO, the indoor levels of other pollutants (NOx, NO, NO2, SO2, and O3) are lower than those outdoors. There was a significant correlation (P < 0.05) between indoor and outdoor concentrations for SO2 and O3 at both the TSTE and the ST quarters. Except for O3, the mean concentrations of all the pollutants in the TSTE quarters, both indoor and outdoor, were higher than that of the ST quarters in all sampling periods. All indoor and outdoor O3 levels were lower at the TSTE quarters than those at the ST quarters. The O3 ratios of TSTE/ST were 0.72 outdoor and 0.79 indoor. This can be explained by the NO titration reaction through NO conversion to NO2.  相似文献   

Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are large production volume chemicals used in a wide variety of commercial applications. They are ubiquitous in the environment and humans. Human exposure via the indoor environment has, however, been barely investigated. In the present study 44 indoor air and six dust samples from apartments in Stockholm, Sweden, were analyzed for CPs, and indoor air concentrations are reported for the first time. The sumCP concentration (short chain CPs (SCCPs) and medium chain CPs (MCCPs)) in air ranged from <5-210 ng m(-3) as quantified by gas chromatography coupled to electron ionization tandem mass spectrometry (GC/EI-MS/MS). Congener group patterns were studied using GC with electron capture negative ionization MS (GC/ECNI-MS). The air samples were dominated by the more volatile SCCPs compared to MCCPs. SumCPs were quantified by GC/EI-MS/MS in the dust samples at low μg g(-1) levels, with a chromatographic pattern suggesting the prevalence of longer chain CPs compared to air. The median exposure to sumCPs via the indoor environment was estimated to be ~1 μg day(-1) for both adults and toddlers. Adult exposure was dominated by inhalation, while dust ingestion was suggested to be more important for toddlers. Comparing these results to literature data on dietary intake indicates that human exposure to CPs from the indoor environment is not negligible.  相似文献   

Improper natural ventilation practices may deteriorate indoor air quality when in close proximity to roadways, although the intention is often to reduce energy consumption. In this study, we employed a CFD-based air quality model to quantify the impact of traffic-related air pollution on the indoor air quality of a naturally ventilated building. Our study found that the building envelope restricts dispersion and dilution of particulate matter. The indoor concentration in the baseline condition located 10 m away from the roadway is roughly 16–21% greater than that at the edge of the roadway. The indoor flow recirculation creates a well-mixed zone with little variation in fine particle concentration (i.e., 253 nm). For ultrafine particles (< 100 nm), a noticeable decrease in particle concentrations indoors with increasing distance from the road is observed due to Brownian and turbulent diffusion. In addition, the indoor concentration strongly depends on the distance between the roadway and building, particle size, wind condition, and window size and location. A break-even point is observed at D ~ 2.1 (normalized distance from the roadway by the width of the road). The indoor particle concentration is greater than that at the highway where D < 2.1, and vice versa. For new building planning, the distance from the roadway and the ambient wind condition need to be considered at the early design stage whereas the size and location of the window openings, the interior layout, and the placement of fresh air intakes are important to the indoor air quality of existing buildings adjacent to roadways.  相似文献   

A passive sampling device based on the principle of diffusion has been developed for the determination of formaldehyde in ambient air. The sampler consists of a capped glass tube (with approximate dimensions of 2.4 × 9 cm) containing a glass-fiber filter treated with NaHSO3. In the field, the device collects a sample by being uncapped for a specified sampling time. After being recapped and returned to the laboratory, the filter is analyzed by the chromotropic acid (CTA) method. Laboratory validation studies were conducted by exposing the sampling devices for 1 week to dry formaldehyde gas generated by passing trioxane vapor over an acid catalyst bed. In these tests, formaldehyde concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 0.80 mL/m3. Reproducibility was excellent, with relative standard deviations averaging 5.4% for five constant concentrations. The lower detection limit was determined to be 3.6 mL/m3 h. In an occupational environment an 8-h sample would be sufficient to detect compliance with the OSHA permissible exposure limit of 3 mL/m3; in a residential environment a 1-week sample would allow detection of 0.025 mL/m3 for indoor air quality audits.  相似文献   

Contrasting effects of the dilution of indoor generated pollutants and the energy efficiency of heating and ventilating air conditioning systems (HVAC) for indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort were studied for 10 Kuwaiti residences. The levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the calculated cooling load of the HVAC systems were used as indicators for the IAQ and for the energy consumption, respectively. Air exchange rates and VOCs levels (both indoor and outdoor) were measured. It was found that the outdoor VOC concentrations were always less than the indoor values. Therefore reduction of indoor VOC levels can be accomplished either by increasing the ratio of the makeup air to the recirculation air of the HVAC system or by increasing the infiltration airflow rate through openings. A single compartment IAQ model, modified by the authors, was used to test for the variation in the above two dilution modes and to test the performance sensitivity. Hence, the optimum parameters in terms of IAQ and energy consumption were determined. The results indicated that it was necessary to increase the ratio of the makeup air to the recirculation air from its typical design value of 0.5 to a range of 0.7-1.3 in order to reduce indoor VOC to acceptable levels.  相似文献   

Efforts to reduce the energy needs to heat or cool dwellings have the potential to create new health hazards. Increases in indoor levels of radon and its progeny from the reduction in air exchange rates add a substantial radioactive burden to the general population. Other indoor pollutants reaching critical concentrations in homes with low air exchange rates are CO and NO2 from unvented combustion in gas stoves and heaters, tobacco smoke, and asbestos fibers. In addition, insulation materials and certain types of furniture may contribute the toxicant formaldehyde diffusing from foam injected walls or chipboard. Risk estimations using linear dose-response relationships show risk factors per kWh saved which are orders of magnitude greater than for a kWh produced by large power plants using coal, oil, gas, or uranium.  相似文献   

Both the World Health Organization and the UK Expert Panel on Air Quality Standards (EPAQS) have considered benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) as a marker of the carcinogenic potency of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) mixture, when recommending their respective guidelines for PAHs in outdoor air. The aim of this research is to compare the concentrations and relative abundance of individual PAH and their contribution to the overall carcinogenic potential of the PAH mixture in indoor and outdoor environments to assess the suitability of the UK air quality standard derived for outdoor air for use as a guideline for indoor environments. Samples were collected onto filters using active sampling in different indoor and outdoor microenvironments. The ratio of individual compounds to BaP, the BaP equivalent concentrations and the percentage contribution of each individual compound to the total carcinogenic potential of the PAH mixture were calculated. Mean concentrations were generally lower indoors (BaP=0.10 ng/m(3)) than outdoors (BaP=0.19 ng/m(3)), with the exception of indoor environments with wood burners (BaP=2.4 ng/m(3)) or ETS (BaP=0.6 ng/m(3)). The ratio of individual PAHs to BaP showed no significant differences between indoors (e.g. DahA/BaP=0.27) and outdoors (DahA/BaP=0.31). The relative contribution of BaP to the PAH overall carcinogenic potency is similar indoors (49%), outdoors (54%) and in the smelter environment (48%) used by EPAQS to derive the UK Air Quality Standard for ambient air. These results suggest the suitability of BaP as a marker for the carcinogenic potential of the PAH mixture irrespective of the environment. Despite small differences in PAH mixture composition indoors and outdoors, the level of protection afforded by the present EPAQS standard is likely to be similar whether it is applied to indoor or outdoor air.  相似文献   

ObjectivesAn increasing number of complaints related to time spent in artificially ventilated buildings have been progressively reported and attributed, at least in part, to physical and chemical exposures in the office environment. The objective of this research was to investigate the association between the prevalence of work-related symptoms and the indoor air quality, comparing a sealed office building with a naturally ventilated one, considering, specially, the indoor concentration of TPM, TVOCs and the main individual VOCs.MethodsA cross-sectional study was performed to compare the prevalence of sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms among 1736 office workers of a sealed office building and 950 of a non-sealed one, both in Rio de Janeiro's downtown. The prevalence of symptoms was obtained by a SBS standardized questionnaire. The IAQ of the buildings was evaluated through specific methods, to determine the temperature, humidity, particulate matter and volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations.ResultsUpper airways and ophthalmic symptoms, tiredness and headache were highly prevalent in both buildings. Some symptoms were more prevalent in the sealed building: “eye dryness” 33.3% and 27.1% (p: 0.01); “runny nose” 37.3% and 31.3% (p: 0.03); “dry throat” 42% and 36% (p: 0.02); and “lethargy” 58.5% and 50.5% (p: 0.03) respectively. However, relative humidity and indoor total particulate matter (TPM) concentration as well as total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) were paradoxically greater in the non-sealed building, in which aromatic compounds had higher concentration, especially benzene. The analysis between measured exposure levels and resulting symptoms showed no association among its prevalence and TPM, TVOCs, benzene or toluene concentration in none of the buildings.ConclusionsOther disregarded factors, like undetected VOCs, mites, molds and endotoxin concentrations, may be associated to the greater prevalence of symptoms in the sealed building.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the published literature on the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in indoor air, settled house dust, and food, and highlights geographical and temporal trends in indoor PAH contamination. In both indoor air and dust, ΣPAH concentrations in North America have decreased over the past 30 years with a halving time of 6.7 ± 1.9 years in indoor air and 5.0 ± 2.3 years in indoor dust. In contrast, indoor PAH concentrations in Asia have remained steady. Concentrations of ΣPAH in indoor air are significantly (p < 0.01) higher in Asia than North America. In studies recording both vapor and particulate phases, the global average concentration in indoor air of ΣPAH excluding naphthalene is between 7 and 14,300 ng/m3. Over a similar period, the average ΣPAH concentration in house dust ranges between 127 to 115,817 ng/g. Indoor/outdoor ratios of atmospheric concentrations of ΣPAH have declined globally with a half-life of 6.3 ± 2.3 years. While indoor/outdoor ratios for benzo[a]pyrene toxicity equivalents (BaPeq) declined in North America with a half-life of 12.2 ± 3.2 years, no significant decline was observed when data from all regions were considered. Comparison of the global database, revealed that I/O ratios for ΣPAH (average = 4.3 ± 1.3), exceeded significantly those of BaPeq (average = 1.7 ± 0.4) in the same samples. The significant decline in global I/O ratios suggests that indoor sources of PAH have been controlled more effectively than outdoor sources. Moreover, the significantly higher I/O ratios for ΣPAH compared to BaPeq, imply that indoor sources of PAH emit proportionally more of the less carcinogenic PAH than outdoor sources. Dietary exposure to PAH ranges from 137 to 55,000 ng/day. Definitive spatiotemporal trends in dietary exposure were precluded due to relatively small number of relevant studies. However, although reported in only one study, PAH concentrations in Chinese diets exceeded those in diet from other parts of the world, a pattern consistent with the spatial trends observed for concentrations of PAH in indoor air. Evaluation of human exposure to ΣPAH via inhalation, dust and diet ingestion, suggests that while intake via diet and inhalation exceeds that via dust ingestion; all three pathways contribute and merit continued assessment.  相似文献   

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