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Alternative occupations are frequently promoted as a means to reduce the number of people exploiting declining fisheries. However, there is little evidence that alternative occupations reduce fisher numbers. Seaweed farming is frequently promoted as a lucrative alternative occupation for artisanal fishers in Southeast Asia. We examined how the introduction of seaweed farming has affected village-level changes in the number of fishers on Danajon Bank, central Philippines, where unsustainable fishing has led to declining fishery yields. To determine how fisher numbers had changed since seaweed farming started, we interviewed the heads of household from 300 households in 10 villages to examine their perceptions of how fisher numbers had changed in their village and the reasons they associated with these changes. We then asked key informants (people with detailed knowledge of village members) to estimate fisher numbers in these villages before seaweed farming began and at the time of the survey. We compared the results of how fisher numbers had changed in each village with the wealth, education, seaweed farm sizes, and other attributes of households in these villages, which we collected through interviews, and with village-level factors such as distance to markets. We also asked people why they either continued to engage in or ceased fishing. In four villages, respondents thought seaweed farming and low fish catches had reduced fisher numbers, at least temporarily. In one of these villages, there was a recent return to fishing due to declines in the price of seaweed and increased theft of seaweed. In another four villages, fisher numbers increased as human population increased, despite the widespread uptake of seaweed farming. Seaweed farming failed for technical reasons in two other villages. Our results suggest seaweed farming has reduced fisher numbers in some villages, a result that may be correlated with socioeconomic status, but the heterogeneity of outcomes is consistent with suggestions that alternative occupations are not a substitute for more direct forms of resource management.  相似文献   

Kendall BE  Fox GA  Fujiwara M  Nogeire TM 《Ecology》2011,92(10):1985-1993
Demographic heterogeneity--variation among individuals in survival and reproduction--is ubiquitous in natural populations. Structured population models address heterogeneity due to age, size, or major developmental stages. However, other important sources of demographic heterogeneity, such as genetic variation, spatial heterogeneity in the environment, maternal effects, and differential exposure to stressors, are often not easily measured and hence are modeled as stochasticity. Recent research has elucidated the role of demographic heterogeneity in changing the magnitude of demographic stochasticity in small populations. Here we demonstrate a previously unrecognized effect: heterogeneous survival in long-lived species can increase the long-term growth rate in populations of any size. We illustrate this result using simple models in which each individual's annual survival rate is independent of age but survival may differ among individuals within a cohort. Similar models, but with nonoverlapping generations, have been extensively studied by demographers, who showed that, because the more "frail" individuals are more likely to die at a young age, the average survival rate of the cohort increases with age. Within ecology and evolution, this phenomenon of "cohort selection" is increasingly appreciated as a confounding factor in studies of senescence. We show that, when placed in a population model with overlapping generations, this heterogeneity also causes the asymptotic population growth rate lambda to increase, relative to a homogeneous population with the same mean survival rate at birth. The increase occurs because, even integrating over all the cohorts in the population, the population becomes increasingly dominated by the more robust individuals. The growth rate increases monotonically with the variance in survival rates, and the effect can be substantial, easily doubling the growth rate of slow-growing populations. Correlations between parent and offspring phenotype change the magnitude of the increase in lambda, but the increase occurs even for negative parent-offspring correlations. The effect of heterogeneity in reproductive rate on lambda is quite different: growth rate increases with reproductive heterogeneity for positive parent-offspring correlation but decreases for negative parent-offspring correlation. These effects of demographic heterogeneity on lambda have important implications for population dynamics, population viability analysis, and evolution.  相似文献   

The invasive mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the indigenous mussel Perna perna coexist intertidally on the south coast of South Africa through partial vertical habitat segregation: M. galloprovincialis dominates the upper shore and P. perna the lower shore. Recruitment patterns can explain the zonation of P. perna, but not the invasive species. We examined the role of post-recruitment interactions by measuring spatial and temporal differences in adult growth and mortality rates of the two species. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that interspecific differences in growth and mortality reflect adult distribution patterns. The two study locations, Plettenberg Bay and Tsitsikamma, are 70 km apart with two sites (separated by 300–400 m) per location, each divided into three vertical zones. Growth was measured seasonally using different marking methods in 2001 and 2003. Cumulative adult mortality was measured through summer in 2003/2004. Both species generally grew more slowly upshore, but they showed different effects of season. For P. perna, growth was significantly reduced in winter in the low zone, but unaffected by season in the high zone. For M. galloprovincialis, growth was either unaffected by season or increased in winter, even in the high zone. Thus, growth of P. perna and M. galloprovincialis was reduced under cool winter and warm summer temperatures, respectively; and while growth was more similar between species in summer, M. galloprovincialis grew much faster than P. perna in winter. Mortality of P. perna increased upshore. For M. galloprovincialis, mortality was not zone-dependent and was significantly greater than for P. perna on the low-shore and (generally) across the shore in Tsitsikamma. Both species had higher growth and mortality rates in Plettenberg Bay than in Tsitsikamma. Thus, P. perna seems able to maintain spatial dominance on the low-shore and at certain sites because of higher mortality of M. galloprovincialis. We conclude that seasonality in growth of the two species reflects their biogeographic affinities and that coexistence is possible through pre-recruitment effects that limit the vertical distribution of P. perna and post-recruitment effects that limit M. galloprovincialis.  相似文献   

Gagnon PR  Platt WJ 《Ecology》2008,89(3):612-618
Organisms capable of rapid clonal growth sometimes monopolize newly freed space and resources. We hypothesize that sequential disturbances might change short-term clonal demography of these organisms in ways that promote formation of monotypic stands. We examined this hypothesis by studying the clonal response of Arundinaria gigantea (giant cane, a bamboo) to windstorm and fire. We studied giant cane growing in both a large tornado-blowdown gap and under forest canopy, in burned and unburned plots, using a split-block design. We measured density of giant cane ramets (culms) and calculated finite rates of increase (lamda) for populations of ramets over three years. Ramet density nearly doubled in stands subjected to both windstorm and fire; the high ramet densities that resulted could inhibit growth in other plants. In comparison, ramet density increased more slowly after windstorm alone, decreased after fire alone, and remained in stasis in controls. We predict that small, sparse stands of giant cane could spread and amalgamate to form dense, monotypic stands (called "canebrakes") that might influence fire return intervals and act as an alternative state to bottomland forest. Other clonal species may similarly form monotypic stands following successive disturbances via rapid clonal growth.  相似文献   

Stricker KB  Stiling P 《Ecology》2012,93(8):1902-1911
The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) is often cited to explain why some plants successfully invade natural communities while others do not. This hypothesis maintains that plant populations are regulated by coevolved enemies in their native range but are relieved of this pressure where their enemies have not been co-introduced. Some studies have shown that invasive plants sustain lower levels of herbivore damage when compared to native species, but how damage affects fitness and population dynamics remains unclear. We used a system of co-occurring native and invasive Eugenia congeners in south Florida (USA) to experimentally test the ERH, addressing deficiencies in our understanding of the role of natural enemies in plant invasion at the population level. Insecticide was used to experimentally exclude insect herbivores from invasive Eugenia uniflora and its native co-occurring congeners in the field for two years. Herbivore damage, plant growth, survival, and population growth rates for the three species were then compared for control and insecticide-treated plants. Our results contradict the ERH, indicating that E. uniflora sustains more herbivore damage than its native congeners and that this damage negatively impacts stem height, survival, and population growth. In addition, most damage to E. uniflora, a native of Brazil, is carried out by Myllocerus undatus, a recently introduced weevil from Sri Lanka, and M. undatus attacks a significantly greater proportion of E. uniflora leaves than those of its native congeners. This interaction is particularly interesting because M. undatus and E. uniflora share no coevolutionary history, having arisen on two separate continents and come into contact on a third. Our study is the first to document negative population-level effects for an invasive plant as a result of the introduction of a novel herbivore. Such inhibitory interactions are likely to become more prevalent as suites of previously noninteracting species continue to accumulate and new communities assemble worldwide.  相似文献   

Although the genetic structure of many populations of marine organisms show little deviation from panmixia, in those marine species with limited larval dispersal, patterns of microgeographic genetic differentiation may be common. The octocoral Briareum asbestinum should show local population differentiation because colonies reproduce asexually by fragmentation, most matings occur between colonies in very close proximity, and the sexually produced larvae and sperm appear to disperse only short distances. Variability in secondary chemistry of individual B. asbestinum colonies from different populations in close proximity also suggests local population differentiation. We determined the genetic composition of local populations by surveying allozyme variation of three shallow and two deep populations within a 300 m2 area at San Salvador Island, Bahamas and at a site 161 km away on Little San Salvador, Bahamas in July 1990. As B. asbestinum occurs as either an erect branching form or an encrusting mat often at the same sites, we sampled both morphs to examine the extent of genetic exchange between them. Five of 21 loci were polymorphic and most populations showed a deficit of heterozygotes. Allele frequencies differed significantly between morphs at each site where they occurred together. The mean genetic distance (D=0.065) between morphs is consistent with the interpretation that the two morphs are genetically isolated. Despite the close spatial proximity of the San Salvador populations, both the branching and encrusting morphs showed significant genetic heterogeneity among neighboring populations. Similarly, pooled allelic frequencies for samples collected from the islands of San Salvador and Little San Salvador differed significantly at 1 locus for the branching morph and at 3 out of 5 loci for the encrusting morph.  相似文献   

The tropical and subtropical marine green alga Caulerpa taxifolia has invaded several temperate regions throughout the world, including southeastern Australia. In this study, I examined how invasive C. taxifolia from temperate southeastern Australia differed from native C. taxifolia from subtropical Moreton Bay, Australia, in the traits proposed as being important to its invasion success: thallus size and density, levels of asexual reproduction (fragmentation) and total biomass. Against the prediction of a large size for invasive C. taxifolia, native populations from Moreton Bay had larger stolons and fronds than invasive populations. However, invasive populations consistently had much higher densities of stolons, fronds and fragmented fronds; and a greater biomass compared to native populations. Average densities at invasive sites exceeded 4,700 stolons and 9,000 fronds/m2 and were as high as 27,000 stolons and 95,000 fronds/m2, which are the highest reported for C. taxifolia anywhere. Average densities of fragmented fronds at invasive sites were as high as 6,000/m2 and up to 45% of all stolons at invasive sites could be directly linked to asexual recruitment via fragmented fronds. Importantly, at invasive locations there was a strong association between asexual reproduction and abundance demonstrated by positive correlations between the density of fragmented fronds and total biomass. These findings are the first to describe quantitative differences between native and invasive C. taxifolia and to demonstrate a link between the high levels of asexual reproduction and high abundance in invasive populations. Although the causes and consequences of high levels of asexual reproduction remain to be explored, this study suggests that changes in demographic and life-history traits during the invasion by C. taxifolia into temperate habitats may contribute to its success there.Communicated by M. S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   

We conducted a study to determine the contribution of lethal and nonlethal effects to a predator's net effect on a prey's population growth rate in a natural setting. We focused on the effects of an invasive invertebrate predator, Bythotrephes longimanus, on zooplankton prey populations in Lakes Michigan and Erie. Field data taken at multiple dates and locations in both systems indicated that the prey species Daphnia mendotae, Daphnia retrocurva, and Bosmina longirostris inhabited deeper portions of the water column as Bythotrephes biomass increased, possibly as an avoidance response to predation. This induced migration reduces predation risk but also can reduce birth rate due to exposure to cooler temperatures. We estimated the nonlethal (i.e., resulting from reduced birth rate) and lethal (i.e., consumptive) effects of Bythotrephes on D. mendotae and Bosmina longirostris. These estimates used diel field survey data of the vertical gradient of zooplankton prey density, Bythotrephes density, light intensity, and temperature with growth and predation rate models derived from laboratory studies. Results indicate that nonlethal effects played a substantial role in the net effect of Bythotrephes on several prey population growth rates in the field, with nonlethal effects on the same order of magnitude as or greater (up to 10-fold) than lethal effects. Our results further indicate that invasive species can have strong nonlethal, behaviorally based effects, despite short evolutionary coexistence with prey species.  相似文献   

The mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis is highly invasive worldwide, but displays varying degrees of local and regional coexistence with indigenous mussels through spatial habitat segregation. We investigated the roles of settlement, post-settlement mortality, juvenile growth and recruitment in partial habitat segregation between the invasive M. galloprovincialis and the indigenous mussel Perna perna on the south coast of South Africa. We used two study locations, Plettenberg Bay and Tsitsikamma, 70 km apart, with two sites (separated by 300–400 m) per location, each divided into three vertical zones. There were no significant effects in Tsitsikamma, where daily settlement and monthly recruitment were significantly lower than in Plettenberg Bay. In Plettenberg Bay, settlement (primary and secondary) and recruitment of both species decreased upshore. Post-settlement mortality was measured over two consecutive 6-day periods during a spring tide and a neap tide. For both species mortality was low on the low-shore. High-shore mortality was consistently low for M. galloprovincialis, but increased dramatically for P. perna during spring tide. No data were obtained for growth of P. perna, but juvenile M. galloprovincialis grew more slowly farther upshore. P. perna recruited mainly in spring and summer, with a peak in summer far greater than for M. galloprovincialis. Recruitment of M. galloprovincialis was more protracted, continuing through autumn and winter. Thus local coexistence is due to a combination of pre- and post-recruitment factors differing in importance for each species. P. perna is excluded from the high-shore by recruitment failure (low settlement, high mortality). High survival and slow growth in juveniles may allow large densities of M. galloprovincialis to accumulate there, despite low settlement rates. With no differences between species in settlement or mortality on the low-shore, exclusion of M. galloprovincialis from that zone is likely to be by post-recruitment processes, possibly strengthened by periodic heavy recruitments of P. perna. At larger scales, larval retention and protracted recruitment contribute to the success of M. galloprovincialis at Plettenberg Bay, while recruitment limitation may explain why M. galloprovincialis is less successful at other sites.  相似文献   

Invasions by non-indigenous species have the potential to alter the biodiversity of recipient systems. The magnitude of this effect often depends on the nature of the invaded communities and the ecology of the invader. We investigated the impacts of the Japanese seaweed Sargassum muticum (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) on biodiversity in a rocky and sedimentary environment on two islands in the North Sea. In each case, we compared the epibiota of non-indigenous S. muticum with epibiota communities on taxonomically related and structurally similar native seaweed hosts. Total and average species richness on S. muticum were similar on the rocky shore (60 species and 22±6 species, respectively) and the sandy shore (64 species and 20±3 species, respectively). However, community structure and species composition differed significantly between the environments. On the rocky shore, another native fucoid seaweed, Halidrys siliquosa, supported an epibiota community very similar to that of the invader. On the sandy shore, the only other abundant native habitat-providing algal species was Fucus vesiculosus. This species supported a different and less diverse assemblage of associated taxa. We conclude that S. muticum enhances epibiota diversity in the sedimentary environment, probably by increasing the substratum availability and habitat heterogeneity. In contrast, it has negligible impacts on epibiota diversity in the rocky shore environment, where it does not represent a fundamentally new habitat component. We conclude that even within the same region, the consequences of non-indigenous species on biodiversity cannot be generalised but depend on the composition and structural complexity of the species in the recipient community. This paper is dedicated to Udo Schilling, Chief Diving Officer, Alfred Wegener Institute who trained all of the authors in the waters off Helgoland to be scientific divers. The work reported here and in previous publications has been made possible through Udo’s training and support. We remain grateful for his enthusiasm, effort and patience.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The morphodynamic evolution of river deltas is intimately tied to flow and sediment partitioning at bifurcations. In this work, the long-term equilibrium...  相似文献   

Abstract: Hundreds of epiphytic bromeliads species are harvested from the wild for trade and for cultural uses, but little is known about the effects of this harvest. We assessed the potential demographic effects of harvesting from the wild on 2 epiphytic bromeliads: Tillandsia macdougallii, an atmospheric bromeliad (adsorbs water and nutrients directly from the atmosphere), and T. violaceae, a tank bromeliad (accumulates water and organic material between its leaves). We also examined an alternative to harvesting bromeliads from trees—the collection of fallen bromeliads from the forest floor. We censused populations of T. macdougallii each year from 2005 to 2010 and of T. violaceae from 2005 to 2008, in Oaxaca, Mexico. We also measured monthly fall rates of bromeliads over 1 year and monitored the survival of fallen bromeliads on the forest floor. The tank bromeliad had significantly higher rates of survival, reproduction, and stochastic population growth rates (λs) than the atmospheric bromeliad, but λs for both species were <1, which suggests that the populations will decline even without harvest. Elasticity patterns differed between species, but in both, survival of large individuals had high elasticity values. No fallen bromeliads survived more than 1.5 years on the forest floor and the rate of bromeliad fall was comparable to current harvest rates. Low rates of population growth recorded for the species we studied and other epiphytic bromeliads and high elasticity values for the vital rates that were most affected by harvest suggest that commercial harvesting in the wild of these species is not sustainable. We propose the collection of fallen bromeliads as an ecologically and, potentially, economically viable alternative.  相似文献   

Hilbish  T. J. 《Marine Biology》1985,85(2):163-169
Feeding rates, patterns of prey selection, and starvation tolerance were investigated for adult males and females of the cyclopoid copepod Corycaeus anglicus collected from the waters of Friday Harbor, Washington, USA. Selection by C. anglicus was determined largely by prey body-size, but was also affected by species and developmental stage. Small developmental stages of all prey species were fed upon at relatively low rates. The small calanoid species Acartia clausii was increasingly vulnerable to predation by C. anglicus as it progressed through successive developmental stages. Larger prey species, Pseudocalanus sp. and Calanus pacificus, were more vulnerable in intermediate stages, the C3 and N6 stages, respectively. Larger and smaller prey were characteristically attacked at different sites on their bodies; however, attack sites fell within a similar range of body widths, 130 to 170 m. Males of Corycaeus anglicus killed a maximum of 1.4 prey d-1 when feeding on the optimally-sized adult females of Acartia clausii, which are approximately equivalent to its own body length. Males fed at approximately double the rates of females. Despite its small size and apparent lack of metabolic stores, this cyclopoid is highly tolerant of starvation conditions. Median survival time without food is at least 2 wk for both males and females. In its predatory behavior, C. anglicus employs an ambush-type strategy and seems to be adapted for infrequent encounters with relatively large prey.Contribution No. 1412 from the School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle  相似文献   

I. Bosch 《Marine Biology》1992,114(3):495-502
Bacteria were present in the majority of clonal sea star bipinnariae (Luidia sp.) collected between June 1987 and August 1990 from oceanic populations in the subtropical western North Atlantic Ocean. Light and electron microscopy revealed dense aggregations of bacteria within lobes of the epidermal cuticle in the gastric region of larvae. Gram-negative rods and less-common elongate spiral bacteria were observed, always in close association with branching epidermal microvilli. Intact and partially digested bacteria occurred in vesicles and phagosomes within epidermal cells, a probable indication of phagocytotic activity by the host. The association of larvae of Luidia sp. and bacteria ranged widely on both geographical and temporal scales. During July and August 1988, larvae were abundant (1.6 to 11.1 m3) in the mixed surface layer (<10 to 100 m) of stations in the Gulf Stream, the Sargasso Sea and the North Equatorial Drift, and 96% (mean of 5 stations, n=8 to 10 larvae in each station) of the individuals surveyed harbored bacteria beneath their cuticle. In a single station on the Florida Current sampled during winter, spring, and summer months between 1989 and 1991, 79 to 90% of the larvae harbored bacteria. The incidence of symbiosis was higher in actively cloning larvae than in non-cloning larvae. This is the first documentation of a symbiosis in field populations of echinoderm larvae.  相似文献   

The little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata, constitutes one clonal supercolony throughout Israel, providing an opportunity to examine the effects of genotype versus environment on nestmate recognition. Intraspecific encounters among field-collected or among laboratory-maintained colonies were nonaggressive, but encounters between freshly collected and laboratory-maintained colonies were highly aggressive. Analyses of cuticular hydrocarbons revealed that freshly field-collected colonies had distinguishable profiles. Moreover, freshly collected colonies had profiles disparate from those of the same colonies after 4 months in the laboratory. These results indicate a strong interplay between genetic-based and environmentally based effects on the recognition cues. We propose that in the field the ants’ diet breadth is broad and consequently the incorporation of diet-borne substances is insufficient to mask the genetically determined cues. In the laboratory, however, the restricted diet promoted the incorporation of alien hydrocarbons at high levels, thus altering the genetically based cues to the point of alienation. These results shed a new light on the mechanisms by which environmental cues may affect label and/or template formation in ants. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Roads remove habitat, alter adjacent areas, and interrupt and redirect ecological flows. They subdivide wildlife populations, foster invasive species spread, change the hydrologic network, and increase human use of adjacent areas. At broad scales, these impacts cumulate and define landscape patterns. The goal of this study was to improve our understanding of the dynamics of road networks over time, and their effects on landscape patterns, and identify significant relationships between road changes and other land-use changes. We mapped roads from aerial photographs from five dates between 1937 and 1999 in 17 townships in predominantly forested landscapes in northern Wisconsin, U.S.A. Patch-level landscape metrics were calculated on terrestrial area outside of a 15-m road-effect zone. We used generalized least-squares regression models to relate changes in road density and landscape pattern to concurrent changes in housing density. Rates of change and relationships were compared among three ecological regions. Our results showed substantial increases in both road density and landscape fragmentation during the study period. Road density more than doubled, and median, mean, and largest patch size were reduced by a factor of four, while patch shape became more regular. Increases in road density varied significantly among ecological subsections and were positively related to increases in housing density. Fragmentation was largely driven by increases in road density, but housing density had a significantly positive relationship with largest patch area and patch shape. Without protection of roadless areas, our results suggest road development is likely to continue in the future, even in areas where road construction is constrained by the physical environment. Recognizing the dynamic nature of road networks is important for understanding and predicting their ecological impacts over time and understanding where other types of development are likely to occur in the future. Historical perspectives of development can provide guidance in prioritizing management efforts to defragment landscapes and mitigate the ecological impacts of past road development.  相似文献   

This paper reveals a substantial capacity for herbivory of seaweeds in the gammarid amphipod Aora typica, adults eating seven of ten taxonomically and morphologically diverse seaweed species offered to them in a no-choice assay. The green algae Ulva spathulata and Enteromorpha intestinalis were consumed at the highest rates in both no-choice (2.3–2.5 mg blotted weight individual−1 day−1) and multiple-choice assays (0.5–1.3 mg blotted weight individual−1 day−1). Adult A. typica collected from two different species of brown seaweeds had very similar feeding preferences to each other. Juvenile A. typica grew to reproductive maturity on the green algae E. intestinalis and U. spathulata, and the brown algae Carpophyllum maschalocarpum and Ecklonia radiata. In common with previous studies on members of other amphipod families, survivorship of juvenile amphipods was positively correlated with feeding preferences of adults across seaweed species (r 2=0.43, P=0.04). However, densities of A. typica on seaweeds in the field (excluding the intertidal E. intestinalis and U. spathulata) were not significantly correlated with feeding preferences of adults (r 2=0.07, P=0.5) or survivorship of juveniles (r 2=0.17, P=0.31). This suggests that either host seaweeds are not a major dietary component of these amphipods in nature, or that the host’s value as a food source is overridden by other properties such as the degree of shelter it affords from larger consumers. This study provides the first demonstration that a member of the cosmopolitan amphipod family Aoridae is capable of consuming a diverse range of seaweeds.  相似文献   

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