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Recognition has grown among policy-makers that early in the decision-making process, there is a need for an environmental assessment of the effects of the policy, plan, and program (PPP) and their alternatives. Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is widely recognized as a supporting tool that systematically integrates environmental aspects into strategic decision-making processes, thereby contributing to sustainable development. In this study, SEA was applied for an integrated assessment of environmental, social, and economic impacts of a wide range of scenarios for transport-related air quality policies to help decision-makers in identifying the most sustainable scenario with the purpose of reducing carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations from transport emissions in Hanoi City, Vietnam. In conducting SEA process, the urban air dispersion model MUAIR was used as a quantitative tool in prediction of CO concentrations. To evaluate the predicted impacts of scenarios, the SEA objectives concerning sustainability and the corresponding sustainable indicators were identified. Based on the likely significant predicted impacts on landscape, biodiversity, and health benefits, mitigation measures were proposed. These included planning in infrastructure development and implementation of public education campaign. The results of predicted and evaluated impacts of scenarios as well as proposed mitigation measures were taken into account for supporting sound decision-making that is consistent with the principles of sustainable development. Considering sustainable impacts of the scenarios, the SEA result clearly indicates that a combination of policy for public transport development and policy for installation of oxidation catalytic converter for motorcycles is the most sustainable scenario for reducing CO concentrations from transport emissions.  相似文献   

在可持续发展和扶贫框架下发展绿色经济与国际可持续发展制度建设及改革是当前世界可持续发展的核心和关键,也是"里约+20"峰会的两个主题。首先,绿色经济是体现经济社会与资源环境相协调和可持续发展的根本途径。绿色经济的核心是以低的自然资源消费、低排放、低污染,达到高的自然资源利用效益,实现高的经济社会发展水平,提供高的生活水平和优良的生活环境。全球绿色经济的发展潮流,将引发社会形态由"工业文明"向"生态文明"转变。虽然经济发展和消除贫困是发展中国家当前首要和压倒一切的优先任务,但也必须探索新型的绿色低碳工业化和现代化道路,在实现工业文明的过程中,努力建设生态文明,实现跨越式发展。同时积极应对全球绿色低碳转型中新的经济、贸易、技术竞争规则和格局的变动,加强先进技术创新,提升自身的低碳竞争力。其次,公平获取可持续发展的理念,应成为国际可持续发展制度建设和改革的基本原则。可持续发展要求既要促进经济社会发展与资源环境相协调,促进"代际公平",又要关注欠发达地区消除贫困,提高生活质量,改善生态环境,实现"国别公平"、"人际公平"。因此,国际可持续发展制度框架的建设和改革,要体现世界各国公平获取可持续发展的理念和原则,全面均衡地反映不同国情和发展阶段国家的利益诉求。主要表现在公平享有全球环境空间、公平获得现代优质能源服务、公平适应全球环境变化、公平承担责任义务及公平的国际制度和机制。中国需要统筹国内外两个大局,走中国特色的绿色低碳发展之路。最后,中国的国情和发展阶段特征,在可持续发展领域又面临比发达国家更多的困难和更严峻的挑战。在全球发展绿色经济,努力实现可持续发展的大背景下,中国要统筹国际国内两个大局,协调推进。在国际上积极参与国际制度的建设和改革,在促进全球经济发展,社会进步和环境保护等方面发挥积极的建设性的作用。在国内加强可持续发展战略的实施,走绿色、低碳和可持续发展的路径。主要战略对策包括加速转变发展方式,强化节能优先,控制能源消费总量和CO2排放总量的过快增长;加强能源结构的低碳化,逐步建立并形成以新能源和可再生能源为主体的可持续能源体系;加强城乡统筹,地区平衡,促进生态城市建设;适应国际可持续发展制度改革的趋势,加强绿色低碳和可持续发展的制度建设;抓住机遇,顺应世界绿色低碳发展潮流,自主实现发展方式的转变,把传统的资源依赖型、粗放扩张的发展方式转变到新型的技术创新型、内涵提高的发展方式上来,基本走上绿色低碳和可持续发展的轨道。  相似文献   

可持续旅游是80年代中期以后提出的关于旅游业发展的新思想,经过十多年的不断拓展深化,已经得到世界各国的广泛认同,并作为跨世纪旅游业发展的战略指导思想。从可持续旅游的由来和对可持续旅游内涵实质的界定角度出发,结合可持续旅游实现途径的探讨,以井冈山风景名胜区为例,对风景区旅游业可持续发展进行了深入的探讨,为景区的发展规划提出了战略性构想,以期能对井冈山风景名胜区旅游资源的可持续利用和旅游业的可持续发展起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

制定《中国21世纪议程》是中国发展必然的战略选择,是中国履行环发大会精神的重要举措。近20年来,我国立足基本国情,积极推进《中国21世纪议程》的实施,探索实践中国特色的可持续发展道路,做出了巨大努力,在发展经济、消除贫困、节约资源、保护环境等领域取得了举世瞩目的成就,对全球可持续发展做出了重要贡献。随着世情国情的深刻变化,我国进一步实施可持续发展战略面临着新的挑战,发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题依然严峻,发展的任务仍然十分艰巨。我们应该坚持以科学发展观为统领,坚定不移地走中国特色的可持续发展之路,充分把握全球绿色技术创新迸发的历史机遇,切实加快经济发展方式的转变;坚持共同但有区别责任的原则和合作共赢的理念,积极参与全球可持续发展治理,促进世界的可持续发展、和谐发展。  相似文献   

论生态优先与城区环境保护规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面向可持续发展的环境保护规划要求先进的原则和理念作指导,而应用生态优先原则指导环境保护规划对实现城市可持续发展具有重要意义,本文全面,系统分析了生态优先原则特点和内涵,并结合了广州市南沙地区,对生态优先原则指导下的环境保护规划进行了深入研究和探索,与传统环境保护规划相比,基于生态优先原则的城区环境保护规划更加强调生态保护规划,在水环境保护规划中优先考虑生态用水,在大气环境保护中注重清洁能源使用,而固体废防治规划中则重视物质的循环再生。  相似文献   

可持续发展实验区总体规划是区域规划的一种特殊类型。通过对可持续发展实验区及其总体规划的理解和认识,文章指出地方可持续发展实验区总体规划的编制思路应当回归到问题指向型的出发点上来。规划编制思路应当紧密结合宏观经济发展环境、社会事业新要求以及全球环境变化压力等背景,从地区人地关系的突出问题入手,制定实验区可持续发展战略,并通过重点项目落实到规划实施中,使可持续发展实验区总体规划体现实验、探索、示范、创新的作用。文章以福建龙岩可持续发展实验区总体规划编制的实践经验为例,对规划编制思路进行探讨。  相似文献   

基于WTP-DEA方法的中国工业经济-环境效率评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章为了全面分析评价中国工业近年来的效率发展情况,在经济效率评价的基础上,将工业的环境影响引入到评价体系中,采用超效率DEA评价方法,利用中国工业的基础经济与环境数据,结合社会支付意愿理论,对2000-2008年的中国工业进行了经济-环境效率测算,揭示了中国工业经济-环境效率的总体情况和发展趋势。文章在DEA效率评价过程中提出了新的解决环境非期望产出的方法,利用社会支付意愿理论将工业的环境排放和资源消耗货币化,并将货币化后的环境影响作为DEA模型中的工业环境投入,以此消除了DEA方法在工业经济-环境效率评价中存在的局限性;此外文章以社会支付意愿作为各环境影响的权重,可以更合理地反映工业的环境影响程度,提高效率评价的准确性。文章通过对比不同模型的评价结果,一方面反映出2000-2008年中国工业的经济-环境效率呈现逐年提高的良好态势,另一方面也反映出虽然中国工业的环境影响逐年恶化,但相对于经济因素其对中国工业效率的影响程度尚不十分显著,且近年来在正面影响与负面影响间波动。  相似文献   

This paper puts forward sustainable development indicators and an index appropriate for monitoring and guiding development planning in the villages of rural Egypt, as an improvement on the current approach which is informed by locally calculated Human Development Indices (HDI). This has two principal weaknesses. Firstly many of the issues of importance to villagers are not covered by the economic and social scope of the HDI. Secondly the HDI, along with international sustainable development indicator sets, fails to identify problems which are of importance in specific national or sub-national contexts. We have therefore worked from a simplified but holistic model of the socio-economic-environmental system of a rural Egyptian village, informed by the outputs of a participatory planning process. An indicator set based on a one-to-one correspondence between system components and indicators was created. This comprehensive set is detailed but consequently rather unwieldy, and a core set is selected and compared with the HDI indicators for a sample of villages to demonstrate the impact of considering environmental and institutional factors on establishing priority areas for government intervention. We conclude that a combination of a locally relevant index and an easily comprehended diagrammatic approach to presenting a small indicator set offers advantages to decision makers in comparison to local application of the HDI.  相似文献   

基于熵值法的湖南省农业可持续发展能力动态评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
农业可持续发展的核心思想是农业发展应建立在生态可持续、社会可持续和资源环境可持续的基础上。通过建立农业可持续发展的层次模型,运用熵值法对湖南2001~2010年农业可持续发展的评价表明:湖南省农业可持续发展总体水平不断提高,人口、社会、经济、资源和环境各子系统的可持续发展水平也呈现上升态势。但是,各子系统可持续发展水平变化存在明显差异,经济子系统发展水平最快,资源和社会子系统次之,环境子系统最慢,湖南省农业可持续发展状态总体处于不协调状态。根据各子系统可持续发展的影响因素,结合各因素之间的相互影响,采取有效的经济政策和调控措施,增强整个系统的有序性和协调性,是提升湖南省农业可持续发展整体水平的必然选择  相似文献   

长江经济带是当前中国经济发展与环境保护矛盾最为尖锐的地区之一,实现区域经济与环境系统间的动态协调,是该区域未来可持续发展过程中亟需解决的关键问题。分别构建经济“规模-结构-效率”以及环境“压力-状态-响应”的分析框架,采用熵值法、GIS、耦合协调度评价模型等方法系统考察2007~2016年长江经济带经济与环境动态协调发展的时空格局,并对协调发展的问题区域进行分类和识别。结果表明:(1)2007~2016年长江经济带经济水平几乎实现了翻倍增长,验证了将其作为中国经济发展主支撑带的合理性。同时,经济水平“东高西低”的格局稳固且路径依赖特性明显。(2)2007~2016年长江经济带环境水平及其提升速率仍相对较低,验证了长江环境保护的重要性。同时,环境水平在空间分布上未呈现明显的规律而是具有“随机”性特征。(3)2007~2016年长江经济带经济与环境间的协调发展程度呈稳步上升态势,协调发展指数由0.446 8上升至0.602 3,由濒临失调阶段进入初级协调阶段,并在空间上呈现出东部地区>中部地区>西部地区的整体格局。(4)基于经济、环境、耦合协调度3类数据间的组合情况,将协调发展问题区域划分为6种基本类型并进行识别,发现各研究年份均有超过30个问题区域,并且与经济滞后相关的问题区域数量占据绝对比重。  相似文献   

CHALLENGE OF URBANIZATION IN CHINAAccording to the forecast, the proportion of urbanpopulation in China will increase from about 35% todayto more than 50% in the next two decades. Due to thisprocess, huge areas of former agricultural and natural landare currently turned into build-up-areas and traffic-ways.Approximately 40-50% of this area will be developed forindustrial use. Further more, large sites occupied by oldindustry ("brownfields") will be redeveloped. Thisdevelopment of …  相似文献   

This article challenges the application of the sustainability triangle to conceptualise sustainable development by looking at how weak sustainability can be obtained via the reinforcing increase in social capital and natural capital. Sustainable development is often visualised as a triangle consisting of social, environmental, and economic aspects. Would it be possible to conceive a flattened system, with diminishing economic resources or without refilling financial resources? The possibility involves mutual reinforcement between social capital and natural capital. The consideration of the diminishing economic dimension relates to the concept of development without economic growth, such as degrowth, zero-growth, and sustainable growth, that has been revived in the face of the recent economic crisis. Several countries have imposed extreme budget cuts in development collaboration and in other government expenditures. When the economic resource is not at a satisfactory level, can we rely on the reinforcement between social and environmental aspects for sustainability? Although it is not new to acknowledge the contribution of social capital to environmental conservation, research has long ignored the reinforcing relationship between environmental and social dimensions. This article provides a prototype model to demonstrate how social capital and natural capital can reinforce each other. The prototype is studied and verified at the community level using a comparative method. This article concludes with principles and practices that may encourage sustainability with merely the reinforcement between social capital and natural capital.  相似文献   

区域持续发展与地理信息系统的协调作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境与发展是当今人类社会所面临的两大主题,已引起各国政府和国际社会的广泛关注。持续发展代表了一种新的发展战略和我们从事经济活动的新方法。地理信息系统技术具有综合各种社会、经济和环境因素的能力,为科学决策和实现区域持续发展提供了一种强有力的工具。同时,地理信息系统为在区域持续发展中利用生态学方法、时序分析和科学决策提供了强有力的技术支持。在我国,区域持续发展已引起了越来越多的研究机构与政府部门的重视。应该注意到,实现这一目标离不开地理信息系统技术的支持。本文主要讨论地理信息系统对区域持续发展的作用和探讨建立区域持续发展的地理信息系统的理论模式。  相似文献   

开展城市总体规划的战略环境评价可以将环境问题纳入到规划中进行综合分析,使规划遵循可持续发展的原则,并根据可持续发展的目标,协调各部门发展的关系。本文基于开发的评价程序,结合黄各庄镇总体规划的战略环境评价。尝试在规划层次上对城镇总体规划的战略环境评价进行探讨。  相似文献   

The Pitons Management Area (PMA) World Heritage Site is one of the most visited tourist attractions in St. Lucia. Given the magnitude of the tourism industry in St. Lucia in general, coupled with the expanding growth of tourism in the PMA, the need to adopt a sustainable approach to tourism development is imperative. Identifying visitors as a key stakeholder group in sustainable tourism development, this study examined their perspectives and support for sustainable tourism development in the PMA. More specifically, it examined visitors’ environmental, economic, and social attitudes based on a sustainable tourism development framework and explored the effect and best predictive validity of attitudes on support for sustainable tourism development. Results indicated that attitudes were generally positive, and as each of the respective attitudes increased, visitors’ level of support for sustainable tourism development at the PMA also increased. The Economic Attitudinal Index had the highest predictive power, followed by the Social Attitudinal Index. The Environmental Attitudinal Index was not significant although it was strongly correlated in the bivariate analysis. Implications of the findings for the sustainable development of tourism in the PMA are discussed.  相似文献   

Strategic environmental assessment in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review examines the development and application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process in the planning framework of Hong Kong. Two strategic planning case studies are evaluated within the context of SEA, namely the Territorial Development Strategy Review (TDS Review) and the Third Comprehensive Transport Study (CTS-3). Rapid population growth and urbanisation in Hong Kong, coupled with a historic lack of planning controls and inherent conflicts between government departments have been major obstacles to achieving sustainable development in the territory. Despite these challenges, Hong Kong was one of the first Asian countries to apply SEA to major development plans, where the implementation of the 'SUSDEV 21' study on sustainable development has demonstrated the government's commitment towards integrated environmental protection. The application of SEA has provided decision-makers with key information on potential environment impacts arising from proposed developments, resulting in greater accountability and transparency in the decision-making process. SEA in Hong Kong has also prompted an increased level of environmental awareness and co-operation between government departments and agencies responsible for the management of Hong Kong's natural and urban environments. However, the application of SEA in Hong Kong continues to have notable limitations. SEA needs to evolve beyond its current sectoral application to examine ways in which development decisions can not only pre-empt and prevent environmental damage, but also positively enhance and restore existing natural resources. Current land use plans and transportation strategies still largely determine the pattern of development in the near future without adequate longer-term environmental cost-benefit analysis. Sustainable development includes environmental, social and economic considerations, and these inter-related elements need be suitably balanced. SEA is not a means to obstruct development in Hong Kong, but should be recognised for its inherent socio-economic and ecological value, and fully integrated with the decision-making process. Whilst it is admirable that Hong Kong has taken positive steps in this direction, it is now an opportune moment for the government to have the foresight and tenacity to create a sustainable development framework for Hong Kong into the future.  相似文献   


新农保扩大内需的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新农保制度是新推出保障农村老年居民基本生活为目标的社会政策,为评估新农保对扩大内需的作用,运用湖北省50个县域经济数据,遵循有效性和简约性的变量筛选原则,选取GDP为控制变量,构建倍差法模型,采用固定效应估计,发现新农保有扩大内需的显著效应。根据扩大内需的内在机制,这一实证结果表明:农民对新农保制度有较好的预期与较大的信心,即新农保制度增强了农民的安全感;农民具有一定的缴费能力,即新农保没有挤出消费;中国农村存在较为普遍的谨慎防备的消费心理,即安全感的增强提振了农民的消费;新农保缩小了收入差距,即新农保扩大了边际消费。新农保扩大内需的效应说明经济政策与社会政策、公平与效率在中国当前可以统一,为保持经济健康可持续发展,中国应逐步摆脱过分强调经济建设和经济政策的发展战略,逐渐转到更加重视社会建设和社会政策的发展轨道上来。但新农保扩大内需的效果没有在整体经济中充分凸显出来,因此需要进一步地扩大新农保覆盖面。  相似文献   

都市农业发展的功能定位体系研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
中国城市化进程加速迫切需要人们重新认识农业发展的特点与作用。20世纪80年兴起的都市农业变传统农业单一生产模式向多功能化发展。它有助于在城市社会来临之际,重新对农业进行定位,为城乡协调发展提供途径。鉴于我国都市农业发展急需理论指导,本文从都市农业相关的学科背景出发,详细评述和总结了各学科对都市农业价值功能的认识,提出了要从社会、经济、环境和空间的综合系统对都市农业发展进行定位。并建议应遵循整体功能的阶段性和适宜的发展形式,推动我国都市农业的发展。要注意发挥和协调各功能间的相互作用与演进,将都市农业纳入到城乡统筹规划之中。  相似文献   

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