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Recreational uses of unsurfaced trails inevitably result in their degradation, with the type and extent of resource impact influenced by factors such as soil texture, topography, climate, trail design and maintenance, and type and amount of use. Of particular concern, the loss of soil through erosion is generally considered a significant and irreversible form of trail impact. This research investigated the influence of several use-related, environmental, and managerial factors on soil loss on recreational trails and roads at Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, a unit of the U.S. National Park Service. Regression modeling revealed that trail position, trail slope alignment angle, grade, water drainage, and type of use are significant determinants of soil loss. The introduction of individual and groups of variables into a series of regression models provides improved understanding and insights regarding the relative influence of these variables, informing the selection of more effective trail management actions. Study results suggest that trail erosion can be minimized by avoiding “fall-line” alignments, steep grades, and valley-bottom alignments near streams, installing and maintaining adequate densities of tread drainage features, applying gravel to harden treads, and reducing horse and all-terrain vehicle use or restricting them to more resistant routes.  相似文献   

Effects of landfill gas on subtropical woody plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An account is given of the influence of landfill gas on tree growth in the field at Gin Drinkers' Bay (GDB) landfill, Hong Kong, and in the laboratory. Ten species (Acacia confusa, Albizzia lebbek, Aporusa chinensis, Bombax malabaricum, Castanopsis fissa, Liquidambar formosana, Litsea glutinosa, Machilus breviflora, Pinus elliottii, andTristania conferta), belonging to eight families, were transplanted to two sites, one with a high concentration of landfill gas in the cover soil (high-gas site, HGS) and the other with a relatively low concentration of gas (low-gas site, LGS). Apart from the gaseous composition, the general soil properties were similar. A strong negative correlation between tree growth and landfill gas concentration was observed. A laboratory study using the simulated landfill gas to fumigate seedlings of the above species showed that the adventitious root growth ofAporusa chinensis, Bombax malabaricum, Machilus breviflora, andTristania confera was stimulated by the gas, with shallow root systems being induced.Acacia confusa, Albizzia lebbek, andLitsea glutinosa were gas-tolerant, while root growth ofCastanopsis fissa, Liquidambar formosana, andPinus elliottii was inhibited. In most cases, shoot growth was not affected, exceptions beingBombax malabaricum, Liquidambar formosana, andTristania conferta, where stunted growth and/or reduced foliation was observed. A very high CO2 concentration in cover soil limits the depth of the root system. Trees with a shallow root system become very susceptible to water stress. The effects of low O2 concentration in soil are less important than the effects of high CO2 concentration.Acacia confusa, Albizzia lebbek, andTristania conferta are suited for growth on subtropical completed landfills mainly due to their gas tolerance and/or drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Studies of irrigation drainage in the Western United States have documented some of the effects of irrigating land without first understanding and then considering implications from the interdependent relationships of hydrology, geology, geochemistry, biology, climatology, land use and socio-economic issues. In studies completed in 26 areas, selenium is the trace element found most often at elevated concentrations in water, bottom material and biota. Boron, arsenic, mercury and pesticide residues have also been found at elevated levels in some areas. Bioaccumulation of constituents associated with irrigation drainage is common. As the world experiences an explosive population growth, particularly in poorer countries, demands for food production from marginal, submarginal and newly irrigated soils are likely to cause severe adverse environmental impacts from allocation of limited water resources and contamination from irrigation drainwater. Cultivated marginal land is highly susceptible to degradation from soil erosion, salinization and waterlogging, not withstanding release of contaminants from application of irrigation water.  相似文献   

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