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Summary. Worker ants of Camponotus socius employ multicomponent signals during group recruitment to food sources and nest emigrations. The chemical signals consist of trail orientation pheromones that originate from the hindgut. Two components that elicit trail orientation behavior were identified: (2S,4R,5S)-2,4-dimethyl-5-hexanolide and 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methylpyran-4-one. Although both compounds release trail following behavior, in choice tests the former compound is preferred significantly. The major recruitment signal appears to be formic acid discharged from the poison gland. Compounds identified in the Dufour gland secretions do not seem to be involved in the recruitment process.  相似文献   

Socially dominant males often signal their status to rival males and/or females. We tested the hypotheses that Lacerta monticola femoral gland secretions and copulatory plugs convey chemical information about male identity and dominance status. We estimated male dominance status by staging male–male agonistic encounters in a neutral arena. We then conducted two experiments to compare male tongue-flick behavior toward chemical stimuli consisting of cotton swabs bearing (1) deionized water (control), the lizard’s own femoral secretions, and the femoral secretions of another male and (2) phosphate-buffered saline solution (control), the lizard’s own plug products, and the plug products of another male. Results indicate that males discriminated their own femoral secretions and plugs from those of other males. They also discriminated morphological attributes of other males that were associated with dominance status based on chemical cues arising from femoral secretions and discriminated the dominance status of other males based on chemical cues arising from the plugs. Femoral secretions that convey information about male identity and dominance status may be hypothesized to function in the establishment of L. monticola dominance hierarchies through scent-marking of territories. We suggest that copulatory plugs and femoral secretions may allow males to scent-mark the female body and postulate that this behavior may influence male and female reproductive decisions under selective pressures of sperm competition.  相似文献   

The ability of the whiptail lizard Aspidoscelis marmorata (Teiidae) to detect and discriminate chemical stimuli associated with the integument of a sympatric saurophagous lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) was tested. Females of A. marmorata were presented with cotton swabs containing chemical cues from C. collaris and three species of nonsaurophagous lizards, as well as water and cologne (pungency control), and total number of tongue-flick (TF) recorded. Other responses were assessed including directed TF rate, time from initial presentation of the stimulus to first TF (latency), time spent fleeing from the stimulus, and number of flight bouts. The number of TFs, directed TF rate, and number of attempts at fleeing exhibited by were significantly greater when females were presented with swabs containing cues from C. collaris as compared to nonsaurophagous lizards and both control treatments. A. marmorata required significantly less time to elicit their first TF when presented with cues from C. collaris as compared to all other treatments. Most previous studies have focused on the responses of lizards to cues associated with snake predators. This study provides the first available data on responses of a teiid to cues associated with a saurophagous lizard.  相似文献   

Summary By means of gas chromatography, gas chromatographic coupled mass spectrometry, trail-following experiments and electrophysiological recordings from worker antennae, the major trail pheromone components from the hindgut of the formicine speciesCamponotus atriceps andC. floridanus were identified as 3,5-dimethyl-6-(1-methylpropyl)-tetrahydropyran-2-one and nerolic acid, respectively. The Dufour's gland contents of both species, investigated by gas chromatographic coupled mass spectrometry, show significant differences.Pheromones 104: Janssen E, Übler E, Bauriegel L, Kern F, Bestmann H-J, Attygalle AB, Steghaus-Kovacs S, Maschwitz U: Trail pheromone of the Ponerinae antLeptogenys peuqueti (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): a multicomponent mixture of related compounds  相似文献   

Summary Manipulations of population density, availability of oviposition substrate, and size of breeding habitat affected the proportion of pupfish (Cyprinodon pecosensis) males adopting territorial and satellite breeding tactics. Satellites occupied stations above breeding substrates defended by territorial males. Both territorial and satellite males developed a bright blue breeding coloration. A third breeding tactic, sneak-spawning, was occasionally observed. Sneak-spawning males retained the cryptic female coloration and occasionally spawned on territories. The lower reproductive success of satellites and sneak-spawning males suggested that both are conditional breeding tactics adopted by competitively inferior males. Satellites were present in all treatments that favored a territorial breeding system, but were absent when the breeding system was a dominance hierarchy. Satellites were associated with territorial males that had higher reproductive success and larger territories than males without satellites. Satellites functioned as parasites rather than as mutualists, since they disrupted spawnings and stole copulations from territorial males. The occurrence and frequency of the conditional breeding behaviours in pupfish represent facultative responses of males to changes in the intensity of competition for breeding sites and females.  相似文献   

Summary. Scent signals are the main source of information transmission in carnivores, being particularly important for those with nocturnal habits like the ringtail (Bassariscus astutus), a Procyonid widely distributed in Mexico. However, faecal marking behaviour of free-ranging ringtails has not been described previously. The aims of this study were to describe the use of latrines in ringtails and to test if single faeces and latrines have a marking function, based on the spatial characterisation of the defecation places and revisits to these sites. The study was conducted at an urban reserve within Mexico City in 2003, where 80 defecation points were analysed. The results showed that ringtails deposit faeces repeatedly in the same sites (latrines), which contain a variable number of faeces (between 2 and 19). The spatial distribution of latrines was not random, but a selection of substrates and zones that enhanced the effectiveness as faecal marks was observed. Latrines were preferentially placed on objects above ground level and at road margins. Latrines and single faeces that were in inconspicuous zones were generally deposited on conspicuous substrates and latrines and single faeces that were in conspicuous zones were deposited more frequently on inconspicuous substrates.  相似文献   

Summary We report aggressive spacing behavior in male dragonflies, Leucorrhinia intacta, that is characterized by variations in the probability of chasing conspecific male intruders within a defined area around a male's perch. The chase probability depends on the total intruder pressure and the behavior and distance of the intruder from the perched male (Fig. 2). This nonexclusive, site-fixed area has been called a dominion.We also examined the distribution of intruders among the various behavior-distance categories. Chase rates (per 15 min) were correlated mostly with number of intruders that hovered (rather than flew) close to the territorial male. Finally, we examined the impact of the changing chase probabilities on the variation in aggressive interactions as a function of intruder pressure. We conclude that, to some extent, territorial males stabilized defense costs across a variety of intruder pressures by maintaining dominions.  相似文献   

Bumblebees of the subgenus Psithyrus are obligate social parasites of Bombus colonies. Parasitic females enter host colonies and replace the host queen. The offspring of the parasite is reared by the host workers. Females locate host colonies by nest searching flights and recognition of species-specific nest odours at the entrance. We investigated inter- and intraspecific odour variation of 45 hydrocarbons of nests of potential hosts by coupled gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and tested the preferences of the parasite females of B. bohemicus and B. rupestris for these mixtures in Y-olfactometer choice tests. Interspecific and intracolonial differences in the odour bouquets of the host species were found to be predominantly due to different patterns of alkenes. Furthermore, we found intercolonial differences within the single species. In behavioural assays, females of the two species showed different preferences for the offered nest odours, implicating different host spectra. Bombus rupestris showed a clear preference for the scent of its host, B. lapidarius. Bombus bohemicus females were attracted by B. terrestris, B. lucorum, and B. cryptarum in a similar manner. The results show that volatile signals enable parasite females to discriminate between potential host species.  相似文献   

Summary Female Eumeces laticeps experience a substantial decrease in running speed (ca. 25%) and an even greater loss of endurance (slightly over 50%) while gravid. Because some widely foraging lizards, including E. laticeps, rely primarily on running to escape predators, the decreases in speed and stamina may contribute to an increased risk of predation. However, observations suggest that gravid females become less active or conspicuous on the surface. Ambush foraging lizards rely relatively more on crypsis associated with immobility to avoid predation and thus can have greater average relative clutch mass (RCM) than active foragers. Behavioral compensation for locomotor impairment by becoming less active or conspicuous may allow some species the advantages inherent in both high relative clutch mass when gravid and the increased energetic profitability of active foraging when not gravid. As females gain weight during the breeding season, they may forage actively until the risk due to increasing locomotor impairment becomes too great and then change defensive strategy to greater reliance on crypsis. Without such a shift, widely foraging squamate reptiles may be less able than ambush foragers to exploit life-historical strategies demanding high current investment in reproduction.  相似文献   

The effect of two components of male courtship, color and display behavior, on female choice of mates was investigated in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Computer-modified videos were constructed to determine the relative importance of a static trait, the presence or absence of carotenoid pigment (C and NC), and a dynamic trait, high and low display rate (HD and LD), on female response. Females were given a choice between all combinations of male display and color in a binary choice design. Preference was determined by the time females spent visually inspecting the animation. Females preferred animations with high display rates when both animations displayed color (CHD vs CLD), but not in the absence of color (NCHD vs NCLD). Equal numbers of females chose the color/low-display animation and the no-color/high-display animation when the two were paired. Conversely, color became a criterion of choice when both animations showed a low display rate (CLD vs NCLD), but not when both displayed at a high rate (CHD vs NCHD). These results suggest that females use both static and dynamic traits to evaluate males, but their rankings are affected by the choices available. Results of these experiments provide insights into how females use multiple traits to assess males.  相似文献   

Summary We develop a model to explain the evolution of nest raiding by female sticklebacks based on enhanced female reproductive success derived by creating mating opportunities with the male whose nest has been destroyed. Our model depends critically on the shape of the function relating percentage hatch success to the number of eggs in a male's nest, and the probability that the female will later mate with the male whose nest was raided. Raiding by females will be favoured when the number of eggs in the nest is high providing high egg numbers reduces the percentage hatch rate. High probabilities of mating with the male in question also favour raiding. A second model suggests that males cannot reduce the probability of being raided by limiting the number of eggs in the nest. Instead selection should favour their increasing the number of eggs in the nest. Tests of these models are suggested and their relation to other factors which may influence the evolution of cannibalism are discussed.  相似文献   

 Peculiar fertilization dynamics, with males releasing sperm in mucous trails lasting several hours, characterize some demersal spawning fish. The mating system was investigated in a natural population of one of these species: the grass goby Zosterisessor ophiocephalus (Pallas, 1814), a large coastal goby inhabiting seagrass meadows in shallow brackish water. Adult males ranged in size from 7.4 to 23 cm total length, but only larger ones were observed to dig and defend a burrow, where they performed parental care on eggs laid by one to several females. Field observations together with analyses of age, sperm production, trail sperm content and sperm competition tests indicated the occurrence of alternative male mating tactics, likely the expression of an ontogenetic gradient. Larger males are older than smaller ones, and while the former are territorial, the latter “sneak” territorial male spawns. The ejaculate characteristics indicate that grass goby males have functionally polymorphic spawns: in fact sperm trails of larger males last longer and release fewer sperm than those of smaller males. Sperm production over several days is more constant in larger than in smaller males, but the total number of sperm released is higher in the latter. The influence of seminal fluid in the functional intraspecific variability in sperm release in this species is discussed. Received: 30 December 1999 / Accepted: 31 July 2000  相似文献   

Male fertilisation success in relation to male size and the mating situation (ordinary pair formation with a single, nonvirgin female vs. take overs) was examined in the fly Dryomyza anilis. In ordinary matings, large males achieved higher fertilisation success than small ones when they were the second to mate with the female. Take overs differ from ordinary pair formation in that the second male experiences intensified sperm competition. This is because in take overs the female is not able to discharge any of the sperm inseminated by the first male as she usually does before a new mating. Compared with ordinary matings, take overs reduced the fertilisation success of the second male by 8–10%, whereas that of the first male was 7–14% higher in take overs. Even though the intruder was always larger than the paired male his superior fertilisation success did not compensate for the effect of the sperm already present in the female. In D. anilis, males can increase their fertilisation success by tapping the female's external genitalia with their claspers or having several copulation bouts per mating. Thus, in a take over, the intruder could respond to the intensified sperm competition by performing more tapping sequences per copulation bout or more copulation bouts per mating. In matings observed in the wild, males performed more tapping sequences after a take over than after pair formation with a single female, although the difference was not significant. The results show that there are differences in fertilisation success between males of different size. In addition, different mating situations can result in considerable variation in the fertilisation success of an individual male. Higher fertilisation success for the first male after a take over may be significant, in particular, for the reproductive success of small males, which frequently lose their females to large males.  相似文献   

Summary Female Enallagma hageni oviposit underwater where they are inaccessible to males. I demonstrate that males guard submerged females rather than perch sites, and are behaviorally distinct from lone males at the water. In contrast to lone males, which always attempt to copulate with females presented to them, guarding males exhibit a conditional latency to remating which corresponds closely to the time required by females to oviposit a complete clutch of eggs. By ovipositing underwater, females decrease the risk that their eggs become exposed. Risks associated with submerged oviposition favor both mate guarding, and multiple, within-clutch matings by females. Both guarding mates and lone males rescue females that float on the water surface as the result of improper resurfacing. Such behavior reduces the mortality risk to females from 0.06 to 0.02 per oviposition bout. By remating between bouts, females benefit from the additional vigilance of lone males, who rescue floating females 1.4 times as often as original mates. A second consequence of multiple mating is an increase in the selective advantage of vigilance by mates. Because receptive females become scarce by early afternoon, whereas male density remains high, a male has little (3%) chance of encountering a second receptive female that day. However, he incurs a 42% risk of losing fertilizations if he abandons a mate. For male E. hageni mate guarding functions in the context of both natural and sexual selection. It insures that a mate lives to lay a complete egg clutch in addition to protecting a male's sperm investment.  相似文献   

Summary Males of Hoplothrips karnyi (Hood) (Insecta: Thysanoptera), a colonial fungus-feeding thrips, fight each other in defense of communal egg mass sites, where they mate with females that come to oviposit. Fighting males stab each other with their enlarged, armed forelegs and hit each other with their abdomens. Escalated fights occur between large males of similar size. Fights are often lethal; males that died during observations fought more frequently than other males, were stabbed more often and more severely than other males, and were relatively large, but somewhat smaller than their opponents. Large males tend to win fights and guard egg masses, and they secure about 80% of last matings before ovipositions. Guarding males apparently assess female reproductive condition by putting their forelegs partially around females' abdomens; guarding males, but not nonguarding males, mate preferentially with females that have yet to oviposit. Non-guarding males mate with females away from egg masses, sneak matings at egg masses, and occasionally challenge guarding males. Challenges tend to follow matings by non-guarding males at egg masses. Each of four observed or inferred takeovers was followed by the death of the guarding male that lost. Male fighting strategies are discussed in terms of the consistency of lethal fighting with game theory models. Guardin males appear to pursue a classical hawk strategy of escalate until injured or victorious. This strategy may be advantageous because only large males become guarders, the mating success of guarders greatly exceeds that of non-guarders, and high population viscosity ensures that benefits from killing an opponent accrue directly to gaurders. The occurrence of challenges by large non-guarders implies that fighting ability and resource value asymmetries between males change over time; such changes may result from the energetic costs of guarding, injury to guarding males, or depletion of guarding males' supply of sperm.  相似文献   

In double mating experiments, we examined whether and to what extent various male and female behavioural traits influence the course of mating and fertilization success in the cellar spider. In males, we focussed on pre-copulatory behaviour and on the rhythmic twisting movements that the male performs with his pedipalps during copulation. In females, we investigated remating decisions and the effect of female termination of copulation. Second males fertilized a high proportion of the eggs (P 2: median 89%) despite much shorter second matings, with high variation in relative paternity success. The number of pedipalp movements (PPMs) of either male was a better predictor of paternity than copulation duration. Our results suggest that in second matings, PPMs help to remove sperm from previous males, whereas in first matings a high number of PPMs enhances fertilization success, either due to numerical sperm competition or cryptic female choice. Furthermore, we found a negative male age effect on paternity in second matings, implying that age-related deterioration of spermatozoa may promote variation in fertilization success. Female receptivity decreased significantly in second matings; only 70% of the females remated. Females that accepted a second copulation were found to terminate these much earlier and with higher probability than first matings. This suggests that the intensity of conflict between the sexes is higher in second matings. Increased intensity of sexual conflict may be responsible for stronger selection on male traits, as pre-copulatory behaviour and age only affected male copulatory performance and paternity in second matings. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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