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我国人口众多,国土面积广阔,地质结构、地理环境、气候条件复杂多样,加之以,住很孝年堕三弹牛态环磊的保护和人为的因素,致使多种自然灾害频发,给人民生命财产造成惨重损失,也严重阻碍了社会经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

Energy demands of gestation and lactation represent a severe challenge for small mammals. Therefore, additional energetic burdens may compromise successful breeding. In small rodents, food restriction, cold exposure (also in combination) and wheel running to obtain food have been shown to diminish reproductive outcome. Although exhibited responses such as lower incidence of pregnancy, extended lactation periods and maternal infanticide were species dependent, their common function is to adjust energetic costs to the metabolic state reflecting the trade-off between maternal investment and self-maintenance. In the present study, we sought to examine whether voluntary exercise affects reproduction in Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus), which are known for their high motivation to run in a wheel. Voluntary exercise resulted in two different effects on reproduction; in addition to increased infanticide and cannibalism, which was evident across all experiments, the results of one experiment provided evidence that free access to a running wheel may prevent successful pregnancy. It seems likely that the impact of voluntary wheel running on reproduction was associated with a reduction of internal energy resources evoked by extensive exercise. Since the hamsters were neither food-restricted nor forced to run in the present study, an energetic deficit as reason for infanticide in exercising dams would emphasise the particularly high motivation to run in a wheel.  相似文献   

分析了我国农村生活污水及有机固体废物的特点和治理现状,结合当前国家有关政策和国外先进经验,提出了基于柔性悬浮填料移动床生物膜反应器(SC-MBBR)污水处理工艺和好氧发酵有机固体废物处理工艺组合的分布式村镇有机污染物处理技术途径和建设模式,旨在实现对生活污水、剩余污泥、秸秆、餐厨垃圾和畜禽粪便的协同处理和资源化利用;针对村镇有机污染物处置项目的建设与运营维护,从总体规划、统筹建设和统一管理3个方面,结合国家政策、现代金融创新手段及网络化、智能化应用等提出了将县域项目整体打包、分散和集中处理、优化管理相结合的三级联治模式。  相似文献   

借鉴国外土地复垦投资的经验,总结我国土地复垦投资实践以及我们的研究成果,提出土地复垦投资机制的基本思想以及与其相适应的主要制度,为土地复垦投资服务。  相似文献   

沿海地区水产养殖废水直排导致滨海红树林内抗生素富集.本研究在广东省湛江市高桥红树林自然保护区展开,采用高效液相色谱法对两种优势红树植物群落—红海榄(Rhizophorastylosa)、白骨壤(Avicennia marina)根际沉积物及植物根、枝、叶中环丙沙星(Ciprofloxacin,CIP)的残留进行定量分析,同时分析红树植物根系含脂率(Lipid ratio,LR)与根系中CIP累积的相关性.结果表明,红海榄、白骨壤根际沉积物中CIP残留无显著差异(p0.05),含量分别为(69.0±5.9)、(63.0±6.2)μg·kg~(-1),高于国内外其它湿地沉积物中CIP残留水平;植物体内CIP累积表现为白骨壤((1306.3±234.8)μg·kg~(-1))红海榄((366.6±52.0)μg·kg~(-1))(p0.05),且均呈现地上部(枝、叶)根部的特征,转移因子(Transfer Factors,TF)分别为3.5±1.7、1.4±0.5.两种红树植物对环境中CIP均具有净化潜力,其中,以白骨壤净化能力更强.研究同时发现,含脂率不是影响根系吸收累积CIP的关键因子.本研究对抗生素在红树林湿地内的迁移和吸附特征研究具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

从环境工程角度.详细介绍了自然环境试验的内涵和基本工作。结合自然环境对装备影响的实例、美军环境工程作法等,阐述了自然环境试验与武器装备发展的关系及在高新技术装备研制中的地位和在武器装备全寿命周期管理工作中的作用。总结了装备自然环境试验的发展历史,介绍了国防科技工业自然环境试验的现状等,紧扣其重点发展方向和对装备环境工程的支撑.提出了对目前国防科技工业自然环境试验的发展设想和建议。  相似文献   

Demographic factors such as operational sex ratio (OSR) and local population density (LPD) are temporally and spatially dynamic in the natural environment but the influence of these variables on male mating success and the mechanisms behind it are still poorly understood and highly controversial. Here, we manipulated the OSR and LPD of a seed bug, Nysius huttoni, and carried out a series of mating trials to test how these variables affected male mating success. The two demographic factors had no significant interactions, suggesting that they affect male mating success independently in N. huttoni. In this species male mating success was significantly higher in both male- and female-biased OSR than in even OSR. It is suggested that, in male-biased OSR, the increased intensity of competition and interference does not result in lower male mating success; rather, males may make more effort in courting and females may have more chance to encounter better males, resulting in higher male mating success. In female-biased OSR, females may become less choosy and less likely to reject male mating attempt, leading to the higher male mating success. Lower male mating success in N. huttoni in high LPD may be due to increased interference between males and/or delayed female receptiveness for mating. OSR had a stronger effect on male mating success than LPD in N. huttoni, suggesting that OSR and LPD affect mating success in different ways and intensities.  相似文献   

Unicoloniality emerges as a feature that characterizes successful invasive species. Its underlying mechanism is reduced intraspecific aggression while keeping interspecific competitiveness. To that effect, we present here a comparative behavioural and chemical study of the invasive ant Wasmannia auropunctata in parts of its native and introduced ranges. We tested the hypothesis that introduced populations (New Caledonia archipelago) have reduced intraspecific aggression relative to native populations (e.g., Ilhéus area, Brazil) and that this correlates with reduced variability in cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). As predicted, there was high intraspecific aggression in the Brazilian populations, but no intraspecific aggression among the New Caledonian populations. However, New Caledonian worker W. auropunctata remained highly aggressive towards ants of other invasive species. The chemical data corresponded with the behaviour. While CHCs of ants from the regions of Brazil diverged, the profiles of ants from various localities in New Caledonia showed high uniformity. We suggest that in New Caledonia W. auropunctata appears to behave as a single supercolony, whereas in its native range it acts as a multicolonial species. The uniformity of recognition cues in the New Caledonia ants may reflect a process whereby recognition alleles became fixed in the population, but may also be the consequence of a single introduction event and subsequent aggressive invasion of the ecosystem. Chemical uniformity coupled with low intraspecific but high interspecific aggression, lend credence to the latter hypothesis.  相似文献   

Annual reproductive success (ARS) is one of the main components of lifetime reproductive success, a reliable measure of individual fitness. Previous studies often dealt with ARS and variables potentially affecting it. Among them, long-term studies that consider multiple factors at the same time are particularly important in understanding the adaptive value of different phenotypes. Here, we used an 18-year dataset to quantify the ARS of male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) on the basis of recruited offspring. We simultaneously assessed the effect of start of breeding, age, polygyny, body size and the expression of forehead patch (a sexually selected trait). The success of early breeding individuals was appreciably higher than late birds; however, breeding too early was also disadvantaged, and males that bred around the yearly median breeding date had the highest ARS. Polygynous males were more successful in years with good food supply, while in years with low food availability, they did not produce more recruits than monogamous males. The age of males, their forehead patch size and body size did not affect the number of recruits. Our findings support the importance of breeding date and suggest stabilizing selection on it in the long term. We also show that polygyny is not always advantageous for males, and its fitness pay-off may depend on environmental quality.  相似文献   

介绍了垃圾填埋气的产生及目前国内填埋气的减排与收集利用技术现状,分析了清洁发展机制(CDM)在我国运用的前景;探索实施CDM项目引进资金和先进技术,利用垃圾填埋气发电的方案可行性。  相似文献   

The development and pathogenicity of Entomophthora muscae from infected onion maggot adults originally collected from Keswick Marsh, Ontario, are described. Morphological examination of the fungal growth, fruiting bodies and development of the disease is reported.  相似文献   

总结了近几年来我国在大气腐蚀方面的研究现状和进展,包括国产、常用、量大、面广的4大类材料在我国9类主要典型大气环境下的腐蚀数据积累:各类典型材料在典型环境下的大气腐蚀行为规律:大气环境因素对材料大气腐蚀的影响;碳钢、低合金钢大气腐蚀行为预测,特别是根据8年试验结果所总结出的大气腐蚀速度与试验时间之间具有幂函数关系的基础上.又进一步建立了腐蚀速度与合金元素之间的数学模型关系;探讨了采用ACM技术评估大气腐蚀严酷性;初步建立了大气腐蚀数据库,并正进一步采用计算机发展网络查询服务系统,实现科学数据共享。经20余年之研究,撰写了并出版中国材料自然环境腐蚀专著中大气腐蚀篇.还研制和生产了经济耐候钢。  相似文献   

以苹果枝和葡萄枝为原料,制备了苹果枝生物质炭和葡萄枝生物质炭,并采用化学改性方法处理两种生物质炭,分别得到表面键合了四乙烯五胺的改性苹果枝生物质炭和改性葡萄枝生物质炭.采用红外光谱、扫描电镜等对两种生物质炭及其化学改性产品分别进行了表征,比较了两种生物质炭及其改性产品对水中Zn~(2+)的吸附性能,并分析了吸附动力学和等温吸附特性.结果表明,改性生物质炭增加了表面吸附位点,最大吸附量明显增加,相同吸附量所用吸附时间大大缩短,吸附效果显著提高.4种吸附剂的吸附行为均符合准二级动力学模型及Langmuir方程.生物质炭吸附重金属的机理初步判定是以离子交换和阳离子-π键的作用为主,改性生物质炭对Zn~(2+)吸附量和吸附速度的显著提升主要与键合基团的螯合作用有关.  相似文献   

Glutaric aciduria type I (GA I) is an autosomal recessively inherited inborn error with a defect of the enzyme glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH), which has never been diagnosed prenatally in Taiwanese patients. We present the prenatal sonographic findings and mutational analysis data of three children in two Taiwanese families. One patient from each family was diagnosed postnatally due to macrocephaly and neurological deterioration at 4 months and 10 months, respectively. The third child, sister of the first patient, was diagnosed prenatally at 11 weeks' gestation through chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Molecular analysis revealed that the fetus and child in Family 1 were homozygous for a common mutation, IVS10 -2A>C, which has not been reported in the Caucasian population. The patient in Family 2 was a compound heterozygote for IVS10 -2A>C and a novel mutation 749T>C (L238P). After genetic counseling, the couple decided to continue the second pregnancy. However, dilatation of quadrigeminal cistern (QC) and suspicious macrocephaly were noted at 30 weeks. Progressive dilatation of the QC associated with macrocephaly, fronto-temporal atrophy and wide space of perisylvian fissure were found in the follow-up scans. The affected girl was delivered at 37 weeks' gestation by cesarean section. Postnatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies confirmed the prenatal sonographic findings. With prenatal sonographic findings and mutational analysis presented in the present cases, the feasibility of prenatal diagnosis of GA I in high-risk pregnancy can not be overlooked. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the anatomical and physiological differences between two Leymus chinensis ecotypes coexisted in semi-humid meadow and semi-arid steppe. The study addressed the hypothesis that, at same habitat, the two ecotypes exhibit remarkable divergences in adaptive strategies under drought and salinity, and the function of these strategies is compensatory. Leaf samples were collected from each type at the two sites in field. Sections of 2 cm × 2 cm were cut from the middle of fully expanded leaves and fixed in FAA. Leaf anatomical traits (e.g. stomatal density, leaf thickness and vessel diameters) were examined, and leaf mass per area (LMA), relative water content (RWC), proline, K+ and Na+ were measured. Compared with the gray green type (GG), the yellow green type (YG) with relative greater LMA and leaf thickness, lower stomatal density and index exhibited more obvious xerophil-liked anatomical traits, while higher RWC, proline, K+ and K+/Na+ for the GG type suggested that the ability of osmotic adjustment and salt tolerance of the GG type were stronger than the YG type. Stronger xerophytic anatomical traits were the supplementary strategies of the YG type for its low ability of osmotic adjustment and salt tolerance to drought and salinity.Concluding, there exist significant differences in anatomical and physiological strategies between the two ecotypes and the compensatory effects of these strategies enable the two ecotypes coexist at similar habitat.  相似文献   

IntroductionThediversityamonginsectlifehistoriesmakesitdifficulttocomparetheeffectofachemical(orfactor)onthedevelopmentoftheseorganisms.Thediversityofbioassaysrangesfromthepopulationleveltothemolecularlevelandfrominvivotoinvitrostudies(Zhang ,1 993 ) .Differentparametershavebeenusedtostudyinsectgrowthinhibitionofmanychemicals.Forexample ,LD50 (thedosewhichcauses50 %mortalityinapopulation)iscommonlyusedtodeterminetheactivityofchemicalsthathaveacutetoxicity .Itcannotbeusedtothosechemicalsthatd…  相似文献   

Several species of Tenebrionidae are stored-grain pests. Since they belong to a specious family, the systematics of these beetles is still in doubt. In insects, spermatogenesis and the spermatozoa exhibit great diversity, and are therefore commonly used in phylogenetic and taxonomic analyses. During the spermatogenetic process in these organisms, the cells originating from a single spermatogonium develop synchronically in groups referred to as cysts. At the end of this process, there is usually only one sperm bundle per cyst, with all the cells in the same orientation. This paper details the spermiogenesis of the tenebrionid beetles Tenebrio molitor, Zophobas confusa, Tribolium castaneum and Palembus dermestoides using whole mount and histological sections of the cysts. In these species, spermatogenesis is similar to that which occurs in most insects. However, during spermiogenesis, the nuclei of the spermatids migrate to two opposite regions at the periphery of the cyst, leading to the uncommon formation of two bundles of spermatozoa per cyst. This feature is possibly an apomorphy for Tenebrionidae.  相似文献   

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