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Summary Sexual selection through female mate choice was investigated in the lekking Jackson's widowbird by applying multivariate selection analysis to observational data from four leks. Males perform a stereotyped jump display on small display courts (dance rings) constructed by the males in open grassland. Females visit the lek solely for mating and nest on their own, away from the lek area. Few cases of interference during courtship and absence of position effects on mating success indicated that female choice within the leks was not pre-empted by male-male competition. In a set of 11 male traits with mating success as the dependent fitness measure, significant selection differentials (covariances) were found for the length of the conspicuous tail and the rate of the jump display, suggesting sexual selection of these traits. They also showed the largest selection gradients (partial effects) and thereby seem to be the cues on which females base their choice. The success of males in obtaining copulations appears to depend on two components: display rate and lek attendance affect the number of female visits, whereas tail length seems to primarily influence the chance of copulating with a visiting female. Tail length was positively related to a measure of body condition, which is of interest with regard to the suggestions that sexual ornaments may serve as indicators of male viability.  相似文献   

Male traits and behaviours acting in mate choice and intrasexual competition are expected to be congruent. When studying their evolution, this often makes it difficult to differentiate between these two components of sexual selection. Studies are therefore needed on mate choice in conjunction with the role of displays and dominance. We present the results from two experiments conducted to investigate the effects of male dominance and courtship displays on female choice in the ring-necked pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, controlling for differences in morphological male traits. We found: (1) different courtship behaviours had different effects on female choice: females were mainly attracted by the feeding courtship behaviour, while another courtship display (the lateral display) was effective in producing the copulation-acceptance response by the females; (2) subordinate males performed the courtship behaviour before females less frequently than dominant males, and females reinforced intrasexual selection by choosing dominant males, and (3) subordinate males in visual contact with a dominant became less attractive to females. The results support the idea (armament-ornament model) that female pheasants may benefit from using traits selected in male-male competition as clues for mate choice. Received: 23 October 1997 / Accepted after revision: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

In birds, colourful and elaborate feathers are important traits in mate choice. Distinct tail white patches are present in many species of birds, but they remain little studied. Tail markings may indeed have a signal function because in many species males spread the tail offering a good view of these markings to females during courtship behaviour. Here, we investigated whether white tail spots in male rock sparrow, Petronia petronia, play a role in mate choice. In a free-living population of rock sparrows, we found a reduction in white tail spots size as the breeding season progressed due to abrasion, which was expected if tail spots act as a reliable quality indicator (i.e. a handicap). The same reduction was found under captive conditions, and males in worse condition (individuals that lost more weight) abraded a bigger part of white. This suggests that white tail markings are an indicator of male quality. In captivity, we measured female preference for males differing in white patch size in a mate choice experiment. The experimental reduction of the size of the males’ white spots resulted in a lower sexual interest by females. During courtship display, male rock sparrow shows a yellow breast patch (a carotenoid-based, sexually selected ornament) together with the white spots in the tail. The sizes of these two traits are positively correlated, but only the abraded white area in the tail correlates with a surrogate of individual quality (lost of weight). In conclusion, we can assert that the size of the white spots is preferred by female rock sparrows and it is a part of a multiple signal system.  相似文献   

Competition among males to mate is generally associated with male-biased size dimorphism. In this study we examine mating behavior in the northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon), a species in which males are much smaller than females despite substantial competition among males to mate. Competition among males was a consequence of a male-biased operational sex ratio due to slightly higher female mortality from a birth sex ratio of 1 : 1, and, in 1 year, more synchronous and longer mating activity by males. Approximately one-third of both males and females appeared not to mate in a given year. Larger males were generally more likely to attempt mating, but size did not explain the variance in the number of aggregations in which individual males participated. Within aggregations, males that were successful at achieving intromission were larger than unsuccessful males in 1 of 2 years. Variation in condition (mass relative to length) and relative tail length were not generally useful predictors of either mating effort or success in males. Because large size was often advantageous to males, sexual size dimorphism appeared not to be a consequence of sexual selection favoring smaller males. Because sexual dimorphism was evident at birth, and both males and females matured sexually at about 4 years, sexual dimorphism was not simply a consequence of one sex growing at the maximum rate for longer. Female fecundity increased with size, and sex differences in size-fecundity relations may underly the pattern of sexual size dimorphism. However, because multiple mating by females is common, sperm competition is likely to be important in determining male reproductive success. Therefore, allocation of energy to sperm rather than growth may also prove to be an important influence on male growth rates and sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

The effect of predation risk and male-male competition on male courtship behaviour and attractiveness to females was studied in the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) by presenting dummy or live females to solitary and competing males under different predation risks. In the presence of a predator, males decreased courtship activity. Different courtship components were, however, adjusted to different extents and in opposing directions to predation risk, probably because the single components may have varied in riskiness. The presence of a competing male decreased overall courtship activity, but increased the frequency of zigzags, suggesting zigzagging to be a competitive strategy against other males. In the presence of a predator male courtship activity was not affected by a competitor. Female mate choice correlated with the males' previous frequency of zigzags towards a dummy female. However, when a live female paid attention to a male, the male decreased zigzagging and instead increased leading and fanning behaviours, probably trying to attract the female to the nest to mate. Predation risk affected the attractiveness of males as females reduced their attention to a male when he faced a predator and reduced his courtship activity. As females instead increased their attention to a competing male that had increased his courtship activity, due to decreased competition, males clearly are balancing mating opportunities against predator avoidance. When males vary in their susceptibility to predators, predation risk may thus affect mating success of competing males. Received: 31 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 15 April 1997  相似文献   

Summary Approximately 50% of marked peahens (Pavo cristatus) mate more than once with lek males. Some females mate with more than one male, others copulate repeatedly with the same male. The frequency of courtship also shows marked variation. Some females repeatedly engage males in courtship interactions after they have succesfully copulated with them. The likelihood of mating with more than one male increases if a female first mates with a non-preferred (unsuccessful male). There is a non-significant tendency for females to copulate with a more successful male when remating. Peahens may mate with a non-preferred male first if they do not encounter a successful male during their initial period of choice, perhaps because the most successful male on a lek was courting another female and/or was defended by another female. There are more aggressive interactions between females in front of preferred males. Preferred males receive more repetitive courtship behaviour and repeated matings. Dominant females are more likely to engage in repetitive courtship and matings. The number of times a female initiates courtship on any one day increases with the number of other females actively courting males at a lek site on that day. We suggest that there is competition amongst females for access to preferred males and that dominant females try to monopolise these males by repeatedly engaging them in courtship interactions. We discuss the implications of these observations for the idea that female may gain directly from mate choice in a species where males contribute nothing but gametes to their offspring. Correspondence to: M. Petrie at the present address  相似文献   

Determining the factors that affect male mating success is essential to understanding how sexual selection operates, including explanations of the adaptive value of female preferences and how variation in male traits is maintained in a population. Although females may appear to choose males based on a single parameter, female mate choice is often a complex series of assessments of male quality that can only be revealed through manipulation of multiple male traits. In the moth Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), females have been shown to judge males primarily on their production of a courtship pheromone, hydroxydanaidal, derived from defensive chemicals acquired as larvae. Recent work, however, suggested that other factors, including prior mating experience by males, may also influence the outcome of precopulatory interactions with females. I ran mating trials with one female and two males to determine whether there were any differences in male mating success based on their prior exposure to females, mating experience, and time between matings. Previously mated males were favored over virgins when both males lacked the pheromone, but courting experience and mating interval did not explain these differences in male mating success. Furthermore, multiply mated males lacking the pheromone were favored over virgin males that produced the pheromone, thus reversing the commonly observed trend of female precopulatory bias towards males with higher levels of the pheromone. These results demonstrate that males with mating experience can secure copulations despite deficiencies in the pheromone, and I provide possible mechanisms and discuss their implications regarding sexual selection.  相似文献   

Males of some territorial calopterygid damselflies show an elaborate courtship display that involves high-frequency wing-beats directed toward an incoming female. Although it has been suggested that female mate preference is based on some characteristics of male’s courtship display, it is unclear whether the courtship display varies between males or is influenced by environmental conditions. We combined two recent technologies, thermographic imaging and high-speed digital videography, to show that the wing-beat frequency during courtship (i.e., courtship intensity) in a damselfly, Mnais costalis, is correlated with thorax temperature. Our data indicated that (1) male thorax temperature was associated with solar exposure in his territory, (2) environmentally derived thermal gain enhanced courtship intensity, (3) hotter males were more likely to copulate than others, and (4) female thorax temperature during oviposition within a territory was associated with solar exposure. Males with territories that have longer exposure to sun spots are expected to attain higher thorax temperatures for longer and so are able to successfully court more females. We suggest that females benefit from mating with hot males because they will be on a warmer territory while ovipositing. Hot males might also have greater mate guarding ability, and/or eggs may develop faster in warmer territories.  相似文献   

Sexual selection via female choice can afford preferred males comparably higher mating success than those males that lack preferred traits. In addition, many models of sexual selection assume that both male traits and female preferences are heritable. In this study we test whether females of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, have repeatable pre-copulatory preferences for larger males. We also test whether female pre-copulatory preferences are always reliable indicators of male mating success. When given a choice between a large and a small male, females prefer larger males, and the repeatability of this preference is high. Although there are no overall differences in male mating success between large and small males, large males have a higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they are the second to mate. Likewise, preferred males also have higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they mate second. Therefore, the repeatable female preferences observed in this study only predict male mating success when the preferred male mates first. These results illustrate that even significantly repeatable female preferences do not translate into male mating success, which is an assumption of many examinations of the importance of female choice in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs, Uca paradussumieri, mate underground during a 4- to 7-day period each full and new moon. As soon as the tide recedes, males enter the burrows of females that will ovulate the following day ('pre-ovigerous' females). Males copulate with and guard these females until they ovulate. When interrupted by an intruding male, the first male to reach the female is usually able to defend her and successfully mate with her. In fiddler crabs, females mate multiply and there is last male sperm precedence. Before each semi-lunar mating period, male U. paradussumieri were more likely to court females with whom they would later mate than other nearby females with whom they did not mate. This suggests that males collect information on female reproductive state prior to the females becoming ovigerous. In this species, aggression was common between males that courted the same female. When previously courted females were approached by other males, the initial courter attempted to forcefully disrupt the courtship. This behavior may allow males the exclusive use of information on female reproductive condition. It also suggests a type of scramble competition between males over females. Furthermore, it indicates that males are able to locate receptive females prior to their becoming ovigerous. The shorter guarding period observed in this species, as compared with other fiddler crabs, is caused by females rejecting longer guarding periods. Male ability to assess female reproductive status may therefore be advantageous because it increases male mating success within a scramble type of competitive polygyny.  相似文献   

Summary Examples of positive assortative mating by body size are abundant but its causes remain controversial. I show that size-assortative mating occurs in the chrysomelid beetle Trirhabda canadensis and I test a series of alternative hypotheses to explain how this mating pattern comes about. Results suggest that assortative mating in this beetle is due to the greater ease with which size-matched pairs can achieve intromission, and not due to size-biased skews in the availability of mates or mate choice favoring large individuals. There was no correlation between male and female elytron length (a measure of body size) at the initiation of courtship, but pairs assorted positively by size at the onset of intromission. Moreover, in the laboratory, there was a negative correlation between male and female size for pairs engaged in courtship that terminated without mating. Assortative mating was not associated with a large-male mating advantage and there was no evidence of female choice of large males. Nor was there unequivocal evidence for male choice of large females; although mating females were slightly larger and considerably heavier than solitary females, males did not differ in the frequency with which they rejected large and small females. Assortative mating in T. canadensis appeared to be caused by the lower ability of mismatched pairs to achieve intromission after an encounter, both when males were larger and when they were smaller than the female.  相似文献   

In experiments that comprised of three phases (fight, choice, and mating) under “seen” and “unseen” conditions, we examined the effects of the outcomes of male–male contests and female eavesdropping on female mate choice and male mating success in the fighting spider, Thiania bhamoensis (Salticidae). The results revealed female eavesdropping on agonistic interactions. Females that had watched an aggressive interaction showed no distinctive preference for the winner over the loser, but they preferred the loser when they had not observed a fight. Winners, however, achieved a greater mating success than did losers during the mating phase. Gaining access to females was based on the insistence of the winners in courtship in terms of the number of quivers, rather than on the fighting behavior of the males. Hence, the outcome of male–male contests may not be an important determinant of a male’s mating success in T. bhamoensis. Instead, courtship display plays an important role in determining the success of male mating in this species. This study also suggests that female mate preference may not be a good indicator of eventual female mate choice and male mating success. Thus, a causal relationship between female mate preference and male mating success cannot be inferred. Joanna P. Y. Chan, Pei Rong Lau, and Ai Jie Tham contributed equally.  相似文献   

We investigated male mate preferences in relation to the perceived risk of sperm competition in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a freshwater fish with a promiscuous mating system. Our laboratory experiments revealed that male mate choice behaviour is not influenced by the presence of rival males that are merely in close proximity to a potential mate, as there was no significant difference in the amount of time that males spent with females that were recently either alone or in close proximity to four rival males. Male mate choice behaviour was, however, strongly influenced by the presence of rival males in a second experiment, where those rivals were permitted to copulate with one of the females. In that situation, males spent significantly more time with, and directed significantly more sigmoid courtship displays toward, females that they had recently seen alone compared to females they had seen receiving forced copulations from up to four rival males. Our results therefore indicate that male guppies are sensitive to the risk of sperm competition and alter their mate choice behaviour in an adaptive fashion.Communicated by K. Lindström  相似文献   

Summary I experimentally examined the relative importance of social dominance, color patterns, and courtship behavior in male mating and reproductive success in the guppy Poecilia reticulata. Female choice of males is based on a complex set of behavioral and morphological traits. The results of 59 paired-male one-female visual choice and mating trials showed that male mating success was positively correlated with dominance, courtship intensity, and male coloration. Only dominant males engaged in full copoulations, and they sired two-thirds of the broods. An analysis of the paternity of broods and results of mating trials showed that a female's visual response when the sexes are separated by a glass partition is a good predictor of a male's reproductive success when the partition is removed and they are allowed to mate. A canonical correlation analysis of male behavioral and morphological traits indicated that female visual response and male mating success were positively correlated with male courtship and with agonistic behavior. However, the relative importance of color varied. Carotenoid and iridescent spots were important both in attracting the female's attention and in enhancing male mating success. Melanins were not correlated with either mating success or female response. There was a relatively low correlation (48%) between male behavioral and morphological variables and female response variables (full copulation and female visual response). These results suggest that female choice is subtle, and is based on a complex suite of male behavioral and morphological traits as well as on competitive interactions among males.  相似文献   

In many species, males and females actively participate in courtship, and the outcome of pre-mating interactions influences the mating success of both sexes. Female blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, mate soon after their final molt to maturity; thus female molt stage dictates the timing of mating. In a field experiment, we manipulated female molt stage and sex ratio to test their effects on the courtship behavior of both sexes, if female behavior influences the behavior and pairing success of males, and if male courtship influences male pairing-success. Early-molt-stage females avoided males during courtship, whereas late-molt-stage females sought out males. As a result, males had to pursue and capture early-molt-stage females whereas males displayed to late-molt-stage females and more easily physically controlled them. Males sometimes abandoned late-molt-stage females, but this occurred more often when females were abundant. The rate at which females avoided males was positively correlated with that of males abandoning females, and males that were unsuccessful at pairing met with higher rates of female resistance than successful males, suggesting that female behavior influences male pairing-success. Unlike unsuccessful males, successful males more often made the transition between display and maintaining physical control of the female. At high male sex ratios, males initiated courtship more readily; thus both sexual competition and female behavior influence male courtship in this species. Received: 7 July 1996 / Accepted: 10 January 1998  相似文献   

Cues that females use to select potential mates have attracted substantial research effort, but the criteria for male mate choice remain very poorly known. Red-sided garter snakes ( Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) court and mate in large aggregations around overwintering dens in southern Manitoba, Canada. Both courtship and mating are size-assortative: small male snakes court small as well as large females, whereas larger males court only large females. This system provides a unique opportunity to assess the cues that males use in selecting mates, and in particular the mechanisms that generate a size-related shift in mate preference. Experiments in which we manipulated body sizes and scents showed that both vision and scent (sex pheromones) were important. Large males directed intense courtship only when the stimulus provided both visual and chemical (skin lipid) evidence of large body size. Small males were much less discriminating in both respects. Thus, size-assortative mating in this system is generated not by larger males excluding their smaller rivals from the largest females (as has been reported in other reptile species), but by a size-related shift in the visual and pheromonal cues that elicit courtship. Males of some species may thus show complex patterns of mate choice, with the cues that stimulate courtship differing even among males within a single population based on traits such as age or body size.  相似文献   

We studied female guppies from two populations (Trinidad and Jemez Springs, New Mexico) to determine their mating preferences, the degree of consensus among females for particular male phenotypes, and the variation among females for the types of traits they prefer. We recorded the visual responses of 68 Trinidad and 10 Jemez females in paired male trials. The three sexually-selected male traits quantified were the area of orange color and iridescence on the body, and display behavior. Females from the Trinidad population agreed in their choice of males in three of the eight replicates, and this agreement was based on display rate rather than male color patterns. Females from the Jemez population showed no agreement in their preferences of males. Mating preferences of females varied both between populations and among females of a population. In both populations, female preferences were based primarily on courtship intensity and only secondarily on color pattern. However, females from both populations differed in the relative importance of orange color and iridescence. The fact that females differ in criteria for evaluating males has important implications for selection and maintenance of color polymorphisms and for the interactions among multiple secondary sexual traits of males in the guppy. Received: 5 December 1995/Accepted after revision: 7 June 1996  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation in male genitalia may affect copulation behaviour, which can have important fitness consequences for males. Male genitalia commonly possess traits that increase male control over copulation, but in species where females control mating, a poor functional understanding often prevents insight into the processes responsible for such effects. Here, I investigate the effect of male genital length on copulation behaviour in the earwig Euborellia brunneri, where both sexes exhibit extremely elongated genitalia that correspond in shape. This model system is particularly suitable because pairs mate repeatedly and females can limit both the number and duration of copulations. I used both virgin and mated males and females in a double-mating design because longer male genitalia confer benefits in sperm competition. Consistent with a greater predicted male mating effort in mated females, the duration of individual copulations increased, but this traded off against mating frequency as cumulative mating duration remained unchanged. In contrast, male genital length increased both individual and cumulative mating duration, regardless of mating status. This difference suggests that, while males may modify copulation duration in response to mating status, females facultatively adjust mating frequency to prevent mating excessively or express preferences for increased male genital length. Notably, this study demonstrates that male genital phenotypes that are successful in sperm competition also enjoy female-mediated mating benefits.  相似文献   

We examined multiple mate choice criteria in Cophixalus ornatus, a terrestrial breeding, microhylid frog. Mate choice consisted of three stages: mate attraction (male calling), courtship (male behavior between the call site and the nest), and nest site selection by the female. For male C. ornatus, the possession of a call with low dominant frequency relative to calling neighbors increased the probability that they would attract females. Dominant frequency was negatively correlated with age independent of male mass and snout vent length. When escorting the female from the call site to their nest, males traveled along more convoluted paths than when returning to the nest alone. The convolution of the path was, therefore, considered an aspect of courtship. Females released eggs into nests with structural characteristics typical of nests constructed by older males. Thus, females increased their chances of locating an acceptable nest by preferentially approaching males with lower dominant frequencies. This study is the first to demonstrate that age, independent of mass or snout-vent length, can influence call characteristics in anurans, and it is also the first to demonstrate the importance of male age to female mate choice in an amphibian.  相似文献   

To father offspring, a male must succeed at two processes of sexual selection: (1) mate with a female and (2) fertilize her eggs. We investigated the relationships between pre- and post-copulatory male traits and female mating responses in wild-captured and laboratory-reared spring field crickets, Gryllus veletis. The phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis suggests that females may receive a direct benefit, enhanced fertilization efficiency, by mating with males that signal attractively. We measured fine-scale components of male acoustic mate attraction signals as well as how much time males spent signalling, measured female preference for males in mating trials and then quantified sperm number and viability. We found no relationship between male signalling traits and male fertility or female preference, providing no evidence for the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis. We also found no difference in sperm metrics between wild-captured and laboratory-reared males. While female crickets may receive benefits by choosing males based on acoustic signal characteristics, whether the benefits are a result of genetic quality, seminal fluid contents or some other male trait remains unknown.  相似文献   

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