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We studied 201 pregnancies that were established by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF–ET) and compared the frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities with that found in a large control population matched for indication group (advanced maternal age) and time of sampling. A total of 252 IVF–ET fetuses were cytogenetically analysed by either chorionic villus sampling (CVS; n = 80) or amniocentesis (n = 172). Eleven chromosome abnormalities were found in the CVS group (13·8 per cent); among them, a 45, X/46, X, dic(q11)/46, X, del(Y)(q11) mosaic that was found in an IVF pregnancy established by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), four cases of trisomy 21, and three cases of trisomy 7 confined to the placenta. The results indicate a statistically significant three-to five-fold increase in both confined placental abnormalities (P<0·008) and true fetal chromosome anomalies (P<0·04). In the amniocentesis group, identical rates (1·7 per cent) of chromosome abnormalities were found in the IVF–ET and control groups. It is concluded that late first trimester, but not early second trimester, IVF–ET pregnancies are characterized by an increased frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities found at prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

利用胰酶消化和机械分散相结合的方法对稀有鮈鲫和日本青鳉的肝细胞进行分离和培养,测定了不同培养时间下两种原代培养肝细胞的活力,研究了两种原代培养肝细胞受到2,3,7,8-TCDD暴露后EROD活力变化的时间-和浓度-效应关系.结果表明,稀有鮈鲫和日本青鳉的肝细胞产率分别达到2.0×107cells.g-1和1.5×107cells.g-1,稀有鮈鲫原代肝细胞的活力可以稳定地保持5d,日本青鳉原代肝细胞的活力至少可以稳定地保持1周;不同浓度TCDD暴露后,两种鱼的原代肝细胞EROD活力变化均显示良好的时间-浓度-效应关系,TCDD诱导稀有鮈鲫和日本青鳉原代肝细胞EROD活力的最低可观察效应浓度(LOEC)分别为4pg.mL-1和1pg.mL-1;TCDD诱导日本青鳉原代肝细胞EROD活力的EC50值低于稀有鮈鲫.就原代肝细胞培养操作和对毒物胁迫的敏感性而言,日本青鳉优于稀有鮈鲫.  相似文献   

张安迎  童昕  曾现来 《中国环境科学》2020,40(11):4821-4830
基于Gompertz模型预测中国2018~2050年民用汽车的社会保有量;在此基础上,采用物质流分析方法估算得出我国汽车高峰报废年限大约为9a.然后,通过市场供给A模型预测我国2018~2025年汽车报废量,结果显示,我国汽车报废量到2025年将达到2535.05万辆,并且地理空间分布极不均衡.基于上述汽车报废量的时空分布,测算不同技术发展情景下废汽车三元催化剂中的铂族金属回收潜力和需求量.结果显示:如果按照当前催化剂消耗水平,全国铂族金属的需求量均在2019年达到峰值,铂钯铑分别达到4.57,65.70,7.92t,有望实现行业内闭环供应;如果以欧盟汽车尾气治理标准为目标,而现有汽车技术不发生根本变化,需求量将大幅增加,铂钯铑分别在2020年达到峰值85.01,109.38,8.37t,存在严重的供需矛盾.为此,建议在汽车生产者责任延伸制度中,关注废催化剂的回收和再生利用,以促进前端生产环节在不同技术选择中考虑稀贵金属的供给限制.  相似文献   

张安迎  童昕  曾现来 《中国环境科学》2021,40(11):4821-4830
基于Gompertz模型预测中国2018~2050年民用汽车的社会保有量;在此基础上,采用物质流分析方法估算得出我国汽车高峰报废年限大约为9a.然后,通过市场供给A模型预测我国2018~2025年汽车报废量,结果显示,我国汽车报废量到2025年将达到2535.05万辆,并且地理空间分布极不均衡.基于上述汽车报废量的时空分布,测算不同技术发展情景下废汽车三元催化剂中的铂族金属回收潜力和需求量.结果显示:如果按照当前催化剂消耗水平,全国铂族金属的需求量均在2019年达到峰值,铂钯铑分别达到4.57,65.70,7.92t,有望实现行业内闭环供应;如果以欧盟汽车尾气治理标准为目标,而现有汽车技术不发生根本变化,需求量将大幅增加,铂钯铑分别在2020年达到峰值85.01,109.38,8.37t,存在严重的供需矛盾.为此,建议在汽车生产者责任延伸制度中,关注废催化剂的回收和再生利用,以促进前端生产环节在不同技术选择中考虑稀贵金属的供给限制.  相似文献   

Using land to produce biomass or to build infrastructure has adverse impacts on ecosystem quality or, more precisely, on attributes (biodiversity, ecological functions, natural resources) of ecosystem quality. However, there is no comprehensive assessment methodology that allows the assessment of different land-use activities in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). I have defined the safeguard subject ecosystem quality and have modelled land-use impacts on species diversity on both local and regional scales. The characterisation factor species-pool effect potential (SPEP) has been developed for weighting a wide range of land-use activities. Occupation of urban, built-up and arable land are found to negatively affect the species-pool. Mixed forests and fallow appear to have positive effects. Generic SPEP factors can be used to assess the potential effect of land-use interventions in the framework of LCIA.  相似文献   

After chorionic villus biopsy of human placenta, cell cultures were propagated with Ham's F10 medium or Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM). It was possible to study the morphology of the cells by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after a special culture of the cells in a collagen gel. The cells embedded in a collagen gel were able to contract the gel and to organize collagen fibres, as fibroblast cultures do. TEM showed vacuolization and well-developed cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum, especially in the case of MEM culture. The aim was to determine whether cells cultivated from early placenta were able to synthesize enough collagen for a metabolic study. A high level of collagen biosynthesis could be quantified. Types I and III collagen can be determined which is useful for studying the abnormalities of collagen synthesis in suspected cases of osteogenesis imperfecta or Ehlers–Danlos type IV syndrome. The hydroxylation of lysine can also be studied with respect to Ehlers–Danlos type VI syndrome. Moreover, these cells, in contrast to fibroblast cultures, made it possible to study the biosynthesis of type IV collagen.  相似文献   

源远流长的民间游戏,是我国文化宝库中的一支瑰丽奇葩,也是珍贵的文化遗产。民间游戏有一定的娱乐性、教育性、随意性。民间游戏内容丰富:有促进语言发展的,有反应传统文化的、有促进肢体动作的。只要简单材料,甚至没有材料都能随时随地组织玩。民间游戏组织形式灵活多样:有单独的,有多人的,还有能锻炼幼儿之间的协商、合作能力的。民间游戏有易学、易会、易传的特点,也符合幼儿好动、好学、好模仿、好游戏的心理特点。  相似文献   

五氯酚和双酚A联合作用对斑马鱼胚胎发育的毒性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
端正花  郑敏  朱琳 《中国环境科学》2006,26(Z1):121-124
采用斑马鱼胚胎技术和毒性11配比及不同毒性配比的方法,对环境雌激素类物质五氯酚(PCP)和双酚A(BPA)进行联合毒性测试.结果表明,PCP和BPA在0hpf染毒且毒性效应配比11时,24h死亡表现为协同作用,72h孵化抑制率表现为相加作用PCP和BPA不同毒性效应配比时,6hpf染毒的24h血流障碍有拮抗作用存在,而0hpf染毒的32h囊肿表现有协同作用存在.并且,6hpf的联合作用与0hpf联合作用相比,24h血流障碍、32h血流障碍和32h囊肿这3种毒性效应都有所降低.  相似文献   

在摇瓶试验中通过投加4种对应不同蛋白酶的抑制剂,研究了白腐真菌 Phanerochaete chrysosporium 固定化发酵过程中所产的胞外蛋白酶对其MnP的产生以及稳定性的影响.在培养1d后投加 Pepstatin A 可使MnP峰值提高且提前1d出现,而投加PMSF、EDTA后MnP峰值出现时间不变但峰值皆下降;培养4d后投加 PMSF 和Pepstatin A可使MnP酶活提高且稳定性增强;培养过程中投加 HgCl2 均会抑制菌体生长,使 MnP酶活水平较低.在培养1d后直接补人初级蛋白酶浓缩液.MnP 峰值酶活稍有提高.且第3d补入初级蛋白酶浓缩液会使MnP提前1d出现.在离体条件下,EDTA 和 HgCl2均可抑制MnP酶活;初级蛋白酶和次级蛋白酶均会导致MnP不稳定,但投加 PMSF 和 Pepstatin A 后,MnP稳定性增强.以上结果表明,在培养过程中初级蛋白酶部分组分对MnP的产生过程具有促进作用;初级蛋白酶和次级蛋白酶会导致离体MnP迅速失活,且证实其中2种组分--丝氨酸蛋白酶和天冬氨酸蛋白酶--可导致离体MnP不稳定.  相似文献   

采用分批培养试验和连续培养试验研究了基质性毒物(氨和亚硝酸)对厌氧氨氧化富集培养物的单独和联合抑制效应.试验结果表明,分批培养时,氨和亚硝酸对厌氧氨氧化富集培养物的半抑制浓度及95%可信限分别为1670.3(1518.3~1832.4)mg·L~(-1)和565.3(239.0~916.3)mg·L~(-1),亚硝酸毒性大于氨;氨和亚硝酸对厌氧氨氧化富集培养物的联合抑制效应为独立作用,二者各自对厌氧氨氧化富集培养物产生毒害.在中性环境和高浓度基质条件,高浓度的游离氨和游离亚硝酸会抑制厌氧氨氧化富集培养物,防止游离态基质浓度过高是解决基质自抑制的重要手段.连续培养时,随着氨浓度的上升,反应器效能和联氨含量基本稳定;随着亚硝酸浓度的上升,反应器效能急剧下降,联氨快速累积.基质亚硝酸对厌氧氨氧化富集培养物的抑制源于联氨脱氢步骤受阻,细胞能量代谢不畅,所积累的中间产物联氨作为抑制物可能会进一步加剧抑制效应.  相似文献   

Network-bound infrastructure systems as electricity, gas, water and telecommunications are currently undergoing transformations on various levels and dimensions. Liberalization, technological innovations and socio-cultural dynamics are part of this. For analyzing these ongoing transformation dynamics as well as exploring future developments of utility systems, a theoretical concept is necessary which spans production, consumption and governance, different levels, and also different sectors. This paper argues that the multi-level perspective is a fruitful starting point allowing the identification of interrelated transformation dynamics in production, consumption and governance, but that multi-regime dynamics need more emphasis, particularly in a future oriented analysis.  相似文献   

以TEOS为硅源的聚硅氯化铝中铝及硅形态分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以正硅酸乙酯 (TEOS)为硅源 ,合成了新型的聚硅氯化铝 (PASC) ,利用Al Ferron逐时络合比色法和Si Mo逐时络合比色法分别研究了其Al形态及Si形态分布 ,并与常规方法 (以硅酸钠为硅源 )合成的聚硅氯化铝做了比较 .实验结果表明 ,新方法合成的PASC具有铝硅分布均匀 ,分子量较大 ,产品重现性好的优点 .两种方法合成的PASC具有相同的Al形态分布规律 ,即高分子量Al形态含量随B值 (碱化度 )和Si Al摩尔比的增大而增加 ,Al形态随Si Al摩尔比的变化程度随B值的增大而增大 .另外通过新方法发现 ,Si形态分布也具有规律性并和Al形态具有相似的分布特征 ,但Si形态随Si Al摩尔比的变化程度随B值的增大而减小 .  相似文献   

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