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A proposed tracer diffusion test for the Exploratory Shaft Facility at Yucca Mountain, NV, is modeled. For the proposed test, a solution containing conservative tracers will be introduced into a borehole in the geologic medium of interest. The tracers will diffuse and advect from the saturated source region into the unsaturated matrix in the surrounding tuff. After some time, the borehole is to be overcored, and tracer concentrations in the fluid will be measured in the core as a function of distance from emplacement. The data will be used to evaluate diffusive behavior and to derive effective diffusion coefficients for the tracers in the specific tuff. Numerical simulations are used to study the effects of effective diffusion coefficient, porosity, saturation, and fracturing on tracer transport. Results are reported for numerical simulations of tests in the Topopah Spring Member and the Tuff of Calico Hills, which have significantly different porosities and saturations. The simulations make the following predictions: The spread of tracer during the test will be sensitive to the effective diffusion coefficient of the tracer. Tracer will diffuse farther in the Topopah Spring Member than in the Tuff of Calico Hills because of the former's lower porosity and saturation. Tracer transport by advection into the Topopah Spring Member will be greater than that into the Tuff of Calico Hills because of capillary effects. While advection will be a significant mechanism for tracer penetration into the Topopah Spring tuff, it will be less significant for tracer penetration into the Calico Hills tuff. The proximity of a single vertical fracture to the source region determines its effects on tracer transport, especially if the fracture diverts fluid flowing from the source region into the matrix.  相似文献   

Konz, M., Ackerer, P., Younes, A., Huggenberger, P., Zechner, E., 2009a. 2D Stable Layered Laboratory-scale Experiments for Testing Density-coupled Flow Models. Water Resources Research, 45. doi:10.1029/2008WR007118., a series of laboratory-scale 2D tank experiments were conducted and accurately simulated for density driven flow problems on homogeneous porous media. In the present work, we extended the numerical and experimental studies to heterogeneous problems. The heterogeneous porous medium was constructed with a low permeability zone in the centre of the tank and had well-defined parameters and boundary conditions. Concentration distributions were measured in high resolution using a photometric method and an image analysis technique. The numerical model used for the simulations was based on efficient advanced approximations for both spatial and temporal discretizations. The Method Of Lines (MOL) was used to allow higher-order temporal discretization. Three different boundary conditions, corresponding to different localizations of the inflow and the outflow openings at the opposite edges of the tank, were applied to investigate different flow scenarios in the heterogeneous porous medium flow tank. Simulation results of all three density coupled experiments revealed a density-dependent behavior of dispersion. Thus, a reduction of dispersivites was required to obtain a good matching of the experimental data. The high quality of the experiments enabled a detailed testing of numerical variable-density flow codes under heterogeneous conditions. Therefore, the experiments were considered to be reliable benchmark tests.  相似文献   

Diffusion-retarded partitioning of pesticides with aggregated soils results in a time-dependent partition coefficient (Kd') which is different at equilibrium from the partition coefficient derived from conventional 24-h batch studies (Kd) measured on dispersed soil. An experiment was undertaken to determine the importance of Kd' for the prediction of pesticide concentrations in solutions bathing artificial soil aggregates and to determine whether diffusion theory could accurately predict the concentrations. Two clay soils were mixed with polyacrylamide to create artificial aggregates of 0.8, 1.4 and 1.7 cm diameter when dry. After saturation, the aggregates were immersed in solutions containing isoproturon or a mixture of isoproturon, chlorotoluron and triasulfuron. The decline with time of the pesticide concentrations in the bathing solution was monitored and the results were compared with predictions from a diffusion-based model. The effective diffusion coefficients of the compounds were obtained by either fitting the non-linear diffusion model to the data (D(ef)) or by independent calculations based on the properties of the compounds and of the aggregates (D(ec)). The diffusion model was able to predict the temporal variation in pesticide concentrations in the bathing solution reasonably well whether D(ef) or D(ec) values were used. However, equilibrium concentrations in solution were sometimes overestimated due to increased sorption with time at the particle scale. Overall, the ratio between D(ef) and D(ec) ranged from 0.23 to 0.95 which was a reasonable variation when compared to the range of aggregate sizes used in the experiments and of the Kd values of the compounds.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The risks of environmental exposures of quantum dot (QD) nanoparticles are increasing, but these risks are difficult to assess because fundamental...  相似文献   

Matrix diffusion is an important transport process in geologic materials of low hydraulic conductivity. For predicting the fate and transport of contaminants, a detailed understanding of the diffusion processes in natural porous media is essential. In this study, diffusive tracer transport (iodide) was investigated in a variety of geologically different limestone and sandstone rocks. Porosity, structural and mineralogical composition, hydraulic conductivity, and other rock properties were determined. The effective diffusion coefficients were measured using the time-lag method. The results of the diffusion experiments indicate that there is a close relationship between total porosity and the effective diffusion coefficient of a rock (analogous to Archie's Law). Consequently, the tortousity factor can be expressed as a function of total porosity. The relationship fits best for thicker samples (> 1.0 cm) with high porosities (> 20%), because of the reduced influence of heterogeneity in larger samples. In general, these correlations appear to be a simple way to determine tortuosity and the effective diffusion coefficient from easy to determine rock porosity values.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This work comprehensively reviews the equations governing multicomponent flow and reactive transport in porous media on the pore-scale, mesoscale and...  相似文献   

Intermediate-scale laboratory experiments on heterogeneous porous media have been increasingly used for the study of saturated and unsaturated ground water systems. While the ability to reproduce field-scale heterogeneity in these experiments has advanced, the use of visualization or image analysis methods to characterize the spatial distribution of solute concentrations has largely remained at the homogeneous media level. To advance these imaging techniques we developed a generic image analysis package that, for the first time, automatically segments regions in photographic images that require unique concentration calibration curves due to varying porous media properties or lighting nonuniformities. As a robust test, our image analysis package was applied to an intermediate-scale flow tank experiment characterized by a correlated random permeability field with unprecedented resolution. Twenty-five distinct classes of porous media were developed and binned to the synthetic permeability field, creating an experimental field of 3456 rectangular cells and thereby ensuring the emplaced field closely matched the statistics of the original continuous distribution. Concentration distributions were determined for an experimental tracer run and the corresponding dispersion parameters were calculated. The closeness of the experimental, image-processed longitudinal dispersivity (4.6 x 10(-2) m) to that obtained from the field statistics (9.1 x 10(-2) m) verifies our image analysis technique.  相似文献   

Soil column experiments were conducted to study bacterial growth and transport in porous media under denitrifying conditions. The study used a denitrifying microbial consortium isolated from aquifer sediments sampled at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford site. One-dimensional, packed-column transport studies were conducted under two substrate loading conditions. A detailed numerical model was developed to predict the measured effluent cell and substrate concentration profiles. First-order attachment and detachment models described the interphase exchange processes between suspended and attached biomass. Insignificantly different detachment coefficient values of 0.32 and 0.43 day−1, respectively, were estimated for the high and low nitrate loading conditions (48 and 5 mg l−1 NO3, respectively). Comparison of these values with those calculated from published data for aerobically growing organisms shows that the denitrifying consortium had lower detachment rate coefficients. This suggests that, similar to detachment rates in reactor-grown biofilms, detachment in porous media may increase with microbial growth rate. However, available literature data are not sufficient to confirm a specific analytical model for predicting this growth dependence.  相似文献   

The effect of a biofilm on solute diffusion in fractured porous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At sites in fractured rock where contamination has been exposed to the rock matrix for extended periods of time, the amount of contaminant mass residing in the matrix can be considerable. Even though it may be possible to diminish concentrations by the advection of clean water through the fracture features, back diffusion from mass held in the matrix will lead to a continuing source of contamination. In such an event, the development of a biofilm (a thin film of microbial mass) on the wall of the fractures may act to limit or prevent the back diffusion process. The objective of this preliminary study is to explore the influence imparted by the presence of a biofilm on the process of matrix diffusion. The investigation was conducted using radial diffusion cells constructed from rock core in which biofilm growth was stimulated in a central reservoir. Once biofilms were developed, forward diffusion experiments were conducted in which a conservative solute migrated from the central reservoir into the intact rock sample. Diffusion experiments were performed in a total of 11 diffusion cell pairs where biofilm growth was stimulated in one member of the pair and inhibited in the other. The effect of the presence of a biofilm on tracer diffusion was determined by comparison of the diffusion curves produced by each cell pair. A semi-analytical model that accounts for the presence of a biofilm was used to investigate the effect of the biofilm on mass transfer due to changes in the effective porosity, effective diffusion coefficient, and the depth of penetration of the biofilm into the intact rock. The results show that the biofilm acted to plug the rock matrix, rather than forming a discrete layer on the reservoir surface. The reduction in effective porosity due to the biofilm ranged from 6% to 52% with the majority of the samples in the 30% to 50% range. Based on the present results, with more efficient biofilm stimulation, it is reasonable to assume that a more complete plugging of the microcrack porosity might be possible, leaving a much thicker and efficient barrier than could be achieved via a surface biofilm.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional flow and transport model was developed for simulating transient water flow and nonreactive solute transport in heterogeneous, unsaturated porous media containing air and water. The model is composed of a unique combination of robust and accurate numerical algorithms for solving the Richards', Darcy flux, and advection-dispersion equations. The mixed form of Richards' equation is solved using a finite-element formulation and a modified Picard iteration scheme. Mass lumping is employed to improve solution convergence and stability behavior. The flow algorithm accounts for hysteresis in the pressure head-water content relationship. Darcy fluxes are approximated with a Galerkin and Petrov-Galerkin finite-element method developed for random heterogeneous porous media. The transport equation is solved using an Eulerian-Lagrangian method. A multi-step, fourth-order Runge-Kutta, reverse particle tracking technique and a quadratic-linear interpolation scheme are shown to be superior for determining the advective concentration. A Galerkin finite-element method is used for approximating the dispersive flux. The unsaturated flow and transport model was applied to a variety of rigorous problems and was found to produce accurate, mass-conserving solutions when compared to analytical solutions and published numerical results.  相似文献   

The measurement of diffusive properties of low-permeability rocks is of interest to the nuclear power industry, which is considering the option of deep geologic repositories for management of radioactive waste. We present a simple, non-destructive, constant source in-diffusion method for estimating one-dimensional pore diffusion coefficients (D(p)) in geologic materials based on X-ray radiography. Changes in X-ray absorption coefficient (Deltamicro) are used to quantify changes in relative concentration (C/C(0)) of an X-ray attenuating iodide tracer as the tracer solution diffuses through the rock pores. Estimated values of D(p) are then obtained by fitting an analytical solution to the measured concentration profiles over time. Measurements on samples before and after saturation with iodide can also be used to determine iodide-accessible porosity (phi(I)). To evaluate the radiography method, results were compared with traditional steady-state through-diffusion measurements on two rock types: shale and limestone. Values of D(p) of (4.8+/-2.5)x10(-11) m(2).s(-1) (mean+/-standard deviation) were measured for samples of Queenston Formation shale and (2.6+/-1.0)x10(-11) m(2).s(-1) for samples of Cobourg Formation limestone using the radiography method. The range of results for each rock type agree well with D(p) values of (4.6+/-2.0)x10(-11) m(2).s(-1) for shale and (3.5+/-1.8)x10(-11) m(2).s(-1) for limestone, calculated from through-diffusion experiments on adjacent rock samples. Low porosity (0.01 to 0.03) and heterogeneous distribution of porosity in the Cobourg Formation may be responsible for the slightly poorer agreement between radiography and through-diffusion results for limestones. Mean values of phi(I) for shales (0.060) and limestones (0.028) were close to mean porosity measurements made on bulk samples by the independent water loss technique (0.062 and 0.020 for shales and limestones, respectively). Radiography measurements offer the advantage of time-saving for diffusion experiments because the experiment does not require steady-state conditions and also allows for visualization of the small-scale heterogeneities in diffusive properties within rocks at the mm to cm scale.  相似文献   

Diffusion cell experiments were conducted to measure nonsorbing solute matrix diffusion coefficients in forty-seven different volcanic rock matrix samples from eight different locations (with multiple depth intervals represented at several locations) at the Nevada Test Site. The solutes used in the experiments included bromide, iodide, pentafluorobenzoate (PFBA), and tritiated water ((3)HHO). The porosity and saturated permeability of most of the diffusion cell samples were measured to evaluate the correlation of these two variables with tracer matrix diffusion coefficients divided by the free-water diffusion coefficient (D(m)/D*). To investigate the influence of fracture coating minerals on matrix diffusion, ten of the diffusion cells represented paired samples from the same depth interval in which one sample contained a fracture surface with mineral coatings and the other sample consisted of only pure matrix. The log of (D(m)/D*) was found to be positively correlated with both the matrix porosity and the log of matrix permeability. A multiple linear regression analysis indicated that both parameters contributed significantly to the regression at the 95% confidence level. However, the log of the matrix diffusion coefficient was more highly-correlated with the log of matrix permeability than with matrix porosity, which suggests that matrix diffusion coefficients, like matrix permeabilities, have a greater dependence on the interconnectedness of matrix porosity than on the matrix porosity itself. The regression equation for the volcanic rocks was found to provide satisfactory predictions of log(D(m)/D*) for other types of rocks with similar ranges of matrix porosity and permeability as the volcanic rocks, but it did a poorer job predicting log(D(m)/D*) for rocks with lower porosities and/or permeabilities. The presence of mineral coatings on fracture walls did not appear to have a significant effect on matrix diffusion in the ten paired diffusion cell experiments.  相似文献   

Tracer tests were conducted in three laboratory columns to study changes in the hydraulic properties of a porous medium due to bioclogging. About 30 breakthrough curves (BTCs) for each column were obtained. The BTCs were analyzed using analytical equilibrium and dual-porosity models, and estimates of the hydrodynamic dispersion and mass transfer coefficients were obtained by curve fitting. The change in transport properties developed in three stages: an initial phase (I) with no significant changes in transport properties, phase II with growth of biomass near the inlet of the columns causing changes in dispersivity, and phase III with added growth of micro-colonies deeper in the columns causing mass transfer of solutes from the water phase to the biophase. Tracer transport changed from being uniform to more non-uniform with increase in mass transfer of the tracer between the mobile phase and the immobile biomass. An increase in the bulk dispersivity value of up to one order of magnitude was observed. Numerical simulations suggest that local dispersivity values may be as much as 40 times higher in the more severe clogged areas inside the column. The bulk hydraulic conductivities of the columns decreased by up to three orders of magnitude. The hydraulic conductivity and dispersivity parameters were almost recovered after disinfection of the columns. Different models relating the changes of the hydraulic conductivity to the changes in the mobile porosity due to bioclogging were reviewed, and the micro-colony relation of Thullner et al. [Thullner, M., Zeyer, J., Kinzelbach, W., 2002. Influence of microbial growth on hydraulic properties of pore networks, Transport in Porous Media, 49, 99-122.] was found to best describe the relation between the bulk hydraulic parameters.  相似文献   

In situ flushing groundwater remediation technologies, such as cosolvent flushing, rely on the stability of the interface between the resident and displacing fluids for efficient removal of contaminants. Contrasts in density and viscosity between the resident and displacing fluids can adversely affect the stability of the displacement front. Petroleum engineers have developed techniques to describe these types of processes; however, their findings do not necessarily translate directly to aquifer remediation. The purpose of this laboratory study was to investigate how density and viscosity contrasts affected cosolvent displacements in unconfined porous media characterized by the presence of a capillary fringe. Two-dimensional flow laboratory experiments, which were partially scaled to a cosolvent flushing field experiment, were conducted to determine potential implications of flow instabilities in homogeneous sand packs. Numerical simulations were also conducted to investigate the differential impact of fluid property contrasts in unconfined and confined systems. The results from these experiments and simulations indicated that the presence of a capillary fringe was an important factor in the displacement efficiency. Buoyant forces can act to carry a lighter-than-water cosolvent preferentially into the capillary fringe during displacement of the resident groundwater. During subsequent water flooding, buoyancy forces can act to effectively trap the cosolvent in the capillary fringe, contributing to the inefficient removal of cosolvent from the aquifer.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of organic contaminants in the subsurface has become a major focus of attention, in part, due to the tremendous interest in applying in situ biodegradation and natural attenuation approaches for site remediation. The biodegradation and transport of contaminants is influenced by a combination of microbial and physicochemical properties and processes. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of hydrodynamic residence time, substrate concentration, and growth-related factors on the simulation of contaminant biodegradation and transport, with a specific focus on potentially condition-dependent growth coefficients. Two sets of data from miscible-displacement experiments, performed with different residence times and initial solute concentrations, were simulated using a transport model that includes biodegradation described by the Monod nonlinear equations and which incorporates microbial growth and oxygen limitation. Two variations of the model were used, one wherein metabolic lag and cell transport are explicitly accounted for, and one wherein they are not. The magnitude of the maximum specific growth rates obtained from calibration of the column-experiment results using the simpler model exhibits dependency on pore-water velocity and initial substrate concentration (C0) for most cases. Specifically, the magnitude of micron generally increases with increasing pore-water velocity for a specific C0, and increases with decreasing C0 for a specific pore-water velocity. Conversely, use of the model wherein observed lag and cell elution are explicitly accounted for produces growth coefficients that are similar, both to each other and to the batch-measured value. These results illustrate the potential condition-dependency of calibrated coefficients obtained from the use of models that do not account explicitly for all pertinent processes influencing transport of reactive solutes.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of colloid transport in discretely fractured porous media were performed to investigate the importance of matrix diffusion of colloids as well as the filtration and remobilization of colloidal particles in both the fractures and porous matrix. To achieve this objective a finite element numerical code entitled COLDIFF was developed. The processes that COLDIFF takes into account include advective-dispersive transport of colloids, filtration and remobilization of colloidal particles in both fractures and porous matrix, and diffusive interactions of colloids between the fractures and porous matrix. Three sets of simulations were conducted to examine the importance of parameters and processes controlling colloid migration. First, a sensitivity analysis was performed using a porous block containing a single fracture to determine the relative importance of various phenomenological coefficients on colloid transport. The primary result of the analysis showed that the porosity of the matrix and the process of colloid filtration in fractures play important roles in controlling colloid migration. Second, simulations were performed to replicate and examine the results of a laboratory column study using a fractured shale saprolite. Results of this analysis showed that the filtration of colloidal particles in the porous matrix can greatly affect the tailing of colloid concentrations after the colloid source was removed. Finally, field-scale simulations were performed to examine the effect of matrix porosity, fracture filtration and fracture remobilization on long-term colloid concentration and migration distance. The field scale simulations indicated that matrix diffusion and fracture filtration can significantly reduce colloid migration distance. Results of all three analyses indicated that in environments where porosity is relatively high and colloidal particles are small enough to diffuse out of fractures, the characteristics of the porous matrix that affect colloid transport become more important than those of the fracture network. Because the properties of the fracture network tend to have greater uncertainty due to difficulties in their measurement relative to those of the porous matrix, prediction uncertainties associated with colloid transport in discretely fractured porous media may be reduced.  相似文献   

A fixed-volume release of 1,2-DCE, tracked in space and time with a light transmission/image analysis system, provided a data set for the infiltration, redistribution, and immobilisation of a dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) in a heterogeneous porous medium. The two-dimensional bench scale flow cell was packed with a spatially correlated, random heterogeneous distribution of six sand types. In order to provide the necessary modelling parameters, detailed constitutive relationships were measured at the local scale for the six sands. These experiments revealed that nonwetting phase (NWP) relative permeability-saturation (k(rN)-S(W)) relationships are strongly correlated to sand type. Trends in the best-fit k(rN)-S(W) parameters reflected a positive correlation between mean grain diameter and the maximum NWP relative permeability, k(rN)(max). Multiphase flow simulations of the bench scale experiment best reproduced the experimental observations, producing excellent matches in both time and space, when the measured, correlated local scale k(rN)-S(W) relationships were employed.  相似文献   

Selecting the proper primary variables is a critical step in efficiently modeling the highly nonlinear problem of multiphase subsurface flow in a heterogeneous porous-fractured media. Current simulation and ground modeling techniques consist of (1) spatial discretization of mass and/or heat conservation equations using finite difference or finite element methods; (2) fully implicit time discretization; (3) solving the nonlinear, discrete algebraic equations using a Newton iterative scheme. Previous modeling efforts indicate that the choice of primary variables for a Newton iteration not only impacts computational performance of a numerical code, but may also determine the feasibility of a numerical modeling study in many field applications. This paper presents an analysis and general recommendations for selecting primary variables in simulating multiphase, subsurface flow for one-active phase (Richards' equation), two-phase (gas and liquid) and three-phase (gas, water and nonaqueous phase liquid or NAPL) conditions. In many cases, a dynamic variable switching or variable substitution scheme may have to be used in order to achieve optimal numerical performance and robustness. The selection of primary variables depends in general on the sensitivity of the system of equations to the variables selected at given phase and flow conditions. We will present a series of numerical tests and large-scale field simulation examples, including modeling one (active)-phase, two-phase and three-phase flow problems in multi-dimensional, porous-fractured subsurface systems.  相似文献   

In order to predict the distribution of material emanating from a point-source with adequate spatial resolution, the model was based on discrete solutions for serially-released puffs. The “across-wind” distribution of each puff was resolved into its zeroth, first and second moments in a moving frame of reference. Numerical solution for these moments accounted for spatially- and temporally-variant velocity and diffusivity profiles. It was found that the interaction of wind-shear and vertical diffusion spread material over a much larger area than is suggested by the popular Gaussian distribution, especially when a change in wind direction induces shear in a second dimension. Data collected in a series of detailed field experiments showed that the model provided significantly better predictions than an equivalent Gaussian Puff Model.  相似文献   

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