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中低产田对潜力分析方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以资源报酬变动原理为依据,通过中低产田相对潜力分析参照系的建立、不同耕地产量水平现状的调查、中低相对潜力计算与分级,合理确定出中低产田重点开发区。并将该方法运用到山西省汾阳县中低产田的开发研究中,收到了满意的效果。  相似文献   

借助于中国知网(www.cnki.net),在收集、整理大量文献资料的基础上,从工程、生物、化学、生物培肥和综合五个方面系统梳理和总结了自21世纪以来中国中低产田改造技术的类型、特点及其适用范围。结果表明:包括工程技术和土壤培肥技术等在内的传统技术仍然是目前中国治理各种中低产田的基础技术,新的中低产田改造技术在不断诞生,特别是在生物技术和化学技术领域,中低产田改造逐步由单一技术向多种技术融合转变;今后研究的重点应放在中低产田治和防的平衡问题,增施有机肥与土壤面源污染问题,中低产田改造技术的大范围推广问题和中低产田改造与农村土地综合整治的联动问题。  相似文献   

该文就常熟市农业资源的实际出发,从改造中低产田、开发长江滩地、复耕零星废弃地、利用庭园空间、立体利用水面、开发杂草资源、加工植物蛋白饲料及发展棉田套作等8个方面的途径,评价了农业开发潜力,说明在经济发达地区的农业开发是大有可为的。文章提出了相应的实施对策。  相似文献   

借助于中国知网(www.cnki.net),在收集、整理大量文献资料的基础上,从工程、生物、化学、生物培肥和综合五个方面系统梳理和总结了自21世纪以来中国中低产田改造技术的类型、特点及其适用范围。结果表明:包括工程技术和土壤培肥技术等在内的传统技术仍然是目前中国治理各种中低产田的基础技术,新的中低产田改造技术在不断诞生,特别是在生物技术和化学技术领域,中低产田改造逐步由单一技术向多种技术融合转变;今后研究的重点应放在中低产田治和防的平衡问题,增施有机肥与土壤面源污染问题,中低产田改造技术的大范围推广问题和中低产田改造与农村土地综合整治的联动问题。  相似文献   

粉煤灰在安徽土壤改良上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1安徽土壤及面临的问题安徽省可耕地面积4333万ha,其中80%是中低产田,对它们进行改造使其成为高产田是粮食增产的潜力,但大面积的土壤改良面临着许多问题,其中之一便是改良剂的问题。安徽因其所处的地理位置,耕地遍及淮河及长江两岸、大别山区和皖南山区...  相似文献   

土地整理潜力分析方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在指出我国土地整理潜力分析中存在的问题基础上,提出了待整理土地面积及界限确定的方案,并采用因素追加法构建了5种土地整理潜力系数计算方法,分别是相对系数法、绝对系数法、绝对系数修正法、多因素加权法、投资能力系数法。  相似文献   

湖南零陵地区是湘南三地市最有开发潜力的地区。全区现有可垦荒地300多万亩,其中坡度在15°以下的宜农荒地142万亩;在现有440万亩耕地中有增产潜力的中低产田290万亩,宜林宜牧荒山800多万亩。但目前存在的主要问题是水利条件不适应农业综合开发的需要。主要表现在:①降雨时空分布不均。零陵地区土地肥沃、日照充足,年温高,积温多,无霜期长,适宜多种农作物生长。一般年降雨量为1500mm 左右,是全省降  相似文献   

根据成都市第二次土壤普查,全市共有中低产田540万亩(低产田209万亩),占耕地的70%,粮食产量比高产田低75~100kg/亩.如能将成都市中低产田的亩产量提高到高产田的水平,全市人均可增加粮食50~75kg。成都市中低产田的类型可划分为:①平原积水型.面积238.6万亩,占中低产田的44%,各区、县均有分布.该类型的主要障碍因素是土壤排水不良,积水时间长,导致土粒分散、水气矛盾突出,水稻易坐蔸、小麦易烂根死苗.②丘陵雨养型.面积  相似文献   

本文通过对涟水县第二期黄淮海农业开发中低产田改造项目的实施,计算了该实施项目的经济效益,并对工程进行了经济评估。结果表明,该工程效益十分显著,开发项目切实可行。  相似文献   

本文通过对涟水县第二期黄淮海农业开发中低产田改造项目的实施,计算了该实施项目的经济效益,并对工程进行了经济评估,结果表明,该工程效益十分显著,开发项目切实可行。  相似文献   

We used statistical models to provide the first empirical estimates of riparian buffer effects on the cropland nitrate load to streams throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. For each of 1,964 subbasins, we quantified the 1990 prevalence of cropland and riparian buffers. Cropland was considered buffered if the topographic flow path connecting it to a stream traversed a streamside forest or wetland. We applied a model that predicts stream nitrate concentration based on physiographic province and the watershed proportions of unbuffered and buffered cropland. We used another model to predict annual streamflow based on precipitation and temperature, and then multiplied the predicted flows and concentrations to estimate 1990 annual nitrate loads. Across the entire Chesapeake watershed, croplands released 92.3 Gg of nitrate nitrogen, but 19.8 Gg of that was removed by riparian buffers. At most, 29.4 Gg more might have been removed if buffer gaps were restored so that all cropland was buffered. The other 43.1 Gg of cropland load cannot be addressed with riparian buffers. The Coastal Plain physiographic province provided 52% of the existing buffer reduction of Bay‐wide nitrate loads and 36% of potential additional removal from buffer restoration in cropland buffer gaps. Existing and restorable nitrate removal in buffers were lower in the other three major provinces because of less cropland, lower buffer prevalence, and lower average buffer nitrate removal efficiency.  相似文献   

Land-cover change has significant influence on carbon storage and fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. The southern United States is thought to be the largest carbon sink across the conterminous United States. However, the spatial and temporary variability of carbon storage and fluxes due to land-cover change in the southern United States remains unclear. In this study, we first reconstructed the annual data set of land-cover of the southern United States from 1860 to 2003 with a spatial resolution of 8 km. Then we used a spatially explicit process-based biogeochemical model (Terrestrial Ecosystem Model [TEM] 4.3) to simulate the effects of cropland expansion and forest regrowth on the carbon dynamics in this region. The pattern of land-cover change in the southern United States was primarily driven by the change of cropland, including cropland expansion and forest regrowth on abandoned cropland. The TEM simulation estimated that total carbon storage in the southern United States in 1860 was 36.8 Pg C, which likely was overestimated, including 10.8 Pg C in the southeast and 26 Pg C in the south-central. During 1860-2003, a total of 9.4 Pg C, including 6.5 Pg C of vegetation and 2.9 Pg C of soil C pool, was released to the atmosphere in the southern United States. The net carbon flux due to cropland expansion and forest regrowth on abandoned cropland was approximately zero in the entire southern region between 1980 and 2003. The temporal and spatial variability of regional net carbon exchange was influenced by land-cover pattern, especially the distribution of cropland. The land-use analysis in this study is incomplete and preliminary. Finally, the limitations, improvements, and future research needs of this study were discussed.  相似文献   

A laboratory study on risk assessment of microcystin-RR in cropland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The persistence time and risk of microcystin-RR (MC-RR) in cropland via irrigation were investigated under laboratory conditions. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the potential adsorption and biodegradation of MC-RR in cropland and the persistence time of MC-RR for crop irrigation, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to quantify the amount of MC-RR in solutions. Our study indicated that MC-RR could be adsorbed and biodegraded in cropland soils. MC-RR at 6.5mg/L could be completely degraded within 6 days with a lag phase of 1-2 days. In the presence of humic acid, the same amount of MC-RR could be degraded within 4 days without a lag phase. Accordingly, the persistence time of MC-RR in cropland soils should be about 6 days. This result also suggested the beneficial effects of the organic fertilizer utilization for the biodegradation of MC-RR in cropland soils. Our studies also demonstrated that MC-RR at low concentration (<10microg/L) could accelerate the growth of plants, while high concentration of MC-RR (>100microg/L) significantly inhibited the growth of plants. High sensitivity of the sprouting stage plants to MC-RR treatments as well as the strong inhibitory effects resulting from prolonged irrigation further indicated that this MC-RR growth-inhibition may vary with the duration of irrigation and life stage of the plants.  相似文献   

Several biofuel cropping scenarios were evaluated with an improved version of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) as part of the CenUSA Bioenergy consortium for the Boone River Watershed (BRW), which drains about 2,370 km2 in north central Iowa. The adoption of corn stover removal, switchgrass, and/or Miscanthus biofuel cropping systems was simulated to assess the impact of cellulosic biofuel production on pollutant losses. The stover removal results indicate removal of 20 or 50% of corn stover in the BRW would have negligible effects on streamflow and relatively minor or negligible effects on sediment and nutrient losses, even on higher sloped cropland. Complete cropland conversion into switchgrass or Miscanthus, resulted in reductions of streamflow, sediment, nitrate, and other pollutants ranging between 23‐99%. The predicted nitrate reductions due to Miscanthus adoption were over two times greater compared to switchgrass, with the largest impacts occurring for tile‐drained cropland. Targeting of switchgrass or Miscanthus on cropland ≥2% slope or ≥7% slope revealed a disproportionate amount of sediment and sediment‐bound nutrient reductions could be obtained by protecting these relatively small areas of higher sloped cropland. Overall, the results indicate that all biofuel cropping systems could be effectively implemented in the BRW, with the most robust approach being corn stover removal adopted on tile‐drained cropland in combination with a perennial biofuel crop on higher sloped landscapes. Editor's note : This paper is part of the featured series on SWAT Applications for Emerging Hydrologic and Water Quality Challenges. See the February 2017 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   

The subsidence caused by coal mining in areas where cropland and coal resources overlap in the eastern plains of China with high ground water levels has caused large amounts of water to collect in cropland, significant damage to cropland, and a sharp contradiction between people and land distribution within this region. Systematic analysis and calculation were conducted on these areas by using GIS spatial overlay analysis technology, subsidence and occupied cropland estimation models, and crop yield reduction prediction model to reveal the overlapped characteristics and extent of farmland damage, as well as to evaluate the effects of farmland damage to grain yield, farmland landscape, agricultural population, and dynamical equilibrium of the total cultivated land. Results showed that the overlapped areas of cropland and coal resources on the eastern plains of China occupied an area covering 1.33 × 105 km2, which accounted for 31.93% of the total cropland area. In 2020, the accumulative total area of destroyed cropland reached 3.83 × 103 km2, thus reducing grain yield by 9.63 × 108 kg, and increasing the number of landless farmers to 1.91 × 106. Furthermore, the quality and production capacity of cultivated land decreased, farmland landscape patterns changed, land patterns and structures were adjusted, the dynamical equilibrium of the total cultivated land was difficult to guarantee, and social instability increased in coal mining subsidence areas. These findings provided a scientific basis for relevant government departments to enact countermeasures for the coordinative production of coal and grain.  相似文献   

With urban areas responsible for a significant share of total anthropogenic emissions, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to land-use change (LUC) induced by peri-urban (PU) development have the potential to be considerable. Despite this, there is little research into the transition from PU cropland to housing in terms of contribution to global warming. This paper presents a cross-sectoral integrative method for prospective climate change evaluation of PU LUC. Specifically, direct LUC (dLUC) GHG emissions from converting PU cropland to greenfield housing were examined. Additionally, GHG emissions due to displaced crop production inducing indirect LUC (iLUC) elsewhere were assessed. GHG impacts of dLUC and iLUC were each determined to be approximately 8 per cent of total GHG emissions due to a greenfield housing development displacing PU cropland. This magnitude of dLUC and iLUC emissions suggests that both have importance in future land-use decision making with respect to PU environments.  相似文献   

化肥是中国农业生产中最基础的物质投入要素,而化肥的过施滥施则是造成和加重农业面源污染的重要原因。农户作为化肥施用行为的主体,引导其科学施肥对农业可持续发展具有重要意义。本文基于洞庭湖区农业面源污染综合治理试点项目区353份农户问卷调查数据,依托社会嵌入理论,运用二元Logistic模型分析农业面源污染治理中农户减施化肥意愿及其影响因素。结果表明:研究区域农户减施化肥意愿不强;农户减施化肥意愿不仅受到经济利益因素的驱动,还受到社会背景特征、农户自身特征等因素的影响;政府支持、农户认知及社会关系等社会嵌入因素对农户减施化肥意愿存在显著正向影响。基于此,政府应加强对科学施肥行为的支持力度,因地制宜构建科学施肥的社会嵌入环境,提高农户关于减施化肥方面的认知水平,充分发挥社会关系在科学施肥中的引导和示范作用。  相似文献   

Atrazine is a herbicide frequently detected in both surface and groundwater in the United States (U.S.), but its spatiotemporal distribution and concentration trends have only been analyzed recently at regional or local scales. We employed a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach to assess spatial and seasonal variation in atrazine concentration trends between 1990 and 2010 for the contiguous U.S. A Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation algorithm was used to address the problem of left‐censored data (i.e., atrazine concentration values below method reporting levels). We observed opposing temporal trends in the northern (flat or decreasing) and southern (increasing) regions of the U.S. This spatial variation in temporal trends can be partially explained by the relative amount of cropland in the region. Flat or decreasing trends in the north are more likely in regions with high cropland coverage while positive trends in the south are more likely in regions with low cropland coverage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Spatial distributions of nitrogen and phosphorus in water were related to environmental setting as part of a regional water-quality assessment of the Central Nebraska Basins. The environmental settings (Sandhills, Loess Hills, Glaciated Area, and Platte Valley) were characterized by different concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in ground water and stream water. Statistically significant differences in nitrate concentrations in both ground-water and stream-water samples were related to regional distributions of cropland and rangeland. Nitrate concentrations were larger, especially in shallow ground water, in environmental settings dominated by cropland and associated fertilizer use than in settings dominated by rangeland. Similarly, total-nitrogen and nitrate concentrations were relatively large in selected streams draining primarily cropland. Comparative concentrations of phosphorus in stream water on the basis of environmental setting were similar to those of nitrogen, although the largest phosphorus concentrations probably relate to wastewater discharge into small streams. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in much of the Platte River apparently reflected the quality of water entering the study unit from upstream and limited base-flow contributions from within the Platte Valley itself.  相似文献   

The soil erodibility index (EI) of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands, which was the major criterion for CRP enrollment, was assessed for six counties in southwestern Kansas using USGS seamless digital elevation model data and Geographical Informational System techniques. The proportion of land areas with EI values of 8 or lower was less than 1% of the entire study area and most of the land areas (72.5%) were concentrated on EI values between 8 and 24. Although land acreage with EI values of 24 or higher decreased dramatically, the proportion of CRP lands to the other land-use types did not change much from low to high EI levels. The soil EI and physical soil characteristics of the CRP lands were compared to those of other land-use types. In general, the mean EI values of the land-use types were strongly correlated with physical soil properties, including organic matter content, clay content, available water capacity, permeability, and texture. CRP lands were compared in detail with cropland in terms of their soil characteristics to infer the pivotal cause of the land transformation. Although there was no significant statistical difference in EI between cropland and CRP soils, soil texture, soil family, and permeability were statistically different between the two. Statistical analyses of these three variables showed that CRP soils had coarser texture and higher permeability on average than cropland soils, indicating that CRP lands in the study area are drier than cropland soils. Therefore, soil moisture characteristics, not necessarily soil erosion potential, might have been the key factor for CRP enrollment in the study area.  相似文献   

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