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An analysis of the distribution and chemical forms of selected metals: cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb) in subtidal sediments of Qua Iboe Estuary and adjourning creeks, collected between June 2000 and January 2001, were studied using a sequential chemical extraction method. The concentration of metals in each extracted fraction was determined using inductively coupled plasma spectrometer (ICP-AES). Pb, Cd and Cu appear to be the most abundant metal in the sediments of the systems, and are predominantly associated with the residual, organic and oxidisable phases. Results indicate that there are also insignificant components that are bound to both the exchangeable and carbonates fractions. Ni is largely associated with bioavailable phases with insignificant bound to organic matter and residual fractions. In general, an insignificant component of Cd and Pb are bound to organic matter phase. Moreover, speciation results indicate that metal contamination in the ecosystems investigated primarily comes from human-mediated sources. Thus, based on index of geoaccumulation calculated, sediments of these ecosystems have been classified as uncontaminated by Cr, Cu and Ni, strongly contaminated by Pb and extremely contaminated by Cd.  相似文献   

Based on spatial variation in tidal mud salinity, direct gradient analysis procedures were adopted to relate the productivity and distribution of epipellic microalgae along salinity gradients in mangrove swamp of the Qua Iboe Estuary. Variations in mud salinities were due to distance from the coast, tidal incursions and freshwater input. The dilution effect of fresh water input from rainfall, urban runoff and associated freshwater creeks was most severe during the rainy season month of July, with much lower salinity levels recorded, in comparison to higher salinity values, recorded for same sampling locations during the drier month of December. In the dry season, all the microalgae species but Closterium (a genus of soft, green algae) and Oscillatoria (a cyanobacterium) species encountered in the tidal mud flats showed statistically significant negative correlations with salinity, while most microalgae species excluding Oscillatoria and Closterium species were positively correlated with the same factor during the wet season. Four Ecological Groups of microalgae, were established in the dry season month of December as against two Ecological Groups in the wet season month of July. However no microalgae species was found to occur on the highest values of mud salinity and there were overlapping range of occurrences and ecological optima for most species along the gradients.  相似文献   

于2019年10月,对江苏省(连云港、盐城和南通3市)近岸海域6个站位进行了1个航次的表层海水微塑料采样,监测分析了微塑料的粒径、丰度和组分分布情况.结果表明,江苏省近岸海域表层海水中微塑料污染广泛存在,监测站位检出率100%.微塑料粒径分布为0.02~4.80 mm,微米级微塑料占比最高(总体粒径占比83.4%),6...  相似文献   

珠江口表层水中多环芳烃的分布特征及健康风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别于2015年2、5、8、11月在珠江八大入海口采集表层水体样品,应用固相萃取富集法对该区域表层水体中16种USEPA优控多环芳烃(PAHs)的时空分布特征进行分析,并利用终生致癌风险增量模型(ILCR)对该区域的饮水健康风险进行评价。结果表明:珠江口4个季度所采集的水样中,∑15PAHs的浓度范围为18.0~50.3 ng/L,含量处于中等水平。其中7种强致癌性∑7PAHs的浓度范围为1.53~3.73 ng/L,占∑15PAHs的5.89%~11.1%,∑15PAHs和∑7PAHs在枯水期(2、11月)样品中明显高于丰水期(5、8月)。就组成特征而言,各采样点PAHs以3、4环为主。珠江口表层水中非致癌类PAHs的危害商数值为0.99×10~(-5)~2.73×10~(-5),远低于USEPA规定的阈值(1);致癌类PAHs产生的健康风险为6.50×10~(-8)~2.37×10~(-7),其中Ba P导致的饮水途径健康风险最高,所有点位致癌类PAHs的健康风险均低于USEPA推荐的对致癌物质最大可接受风险水平(10~(-6)),表明珠江口表层水中PAHs尚不具备严重的致癌风险,但是仍然存在潜在的健康风险,需要重点控制和管理。  相似文献   

The changes of the chemical composition in Latvianinland waters over the last twenty years weredetermined, based on data of the National MonitoringProgramme. Relationships between the water compositionwere studied. The chemical composition and seasonalchange pattern depend a lot on hydrological factorswhich differed between eastern and western Latvia.Different pattern of long-term changes is found forsubstances which have different sources andsinks, at first for nutrients (decrease only in the lastfew years) and inorganic ingredients (commonlyincreasing trend). An attempt was made to identify themain sources of the major water ingredients and linkchanges of their concentrations with changes inloading to waters.  相似文献   

根据2011—2020年云南辐射环境质量土壤国省控点238U、232Th、226Ra、40K、137Cs、90Sr的监测结果,给出云南环境土壤放射性水平,得出云南环境土壤放射性水平总体平稳;云南环境土壤国省控点238U、232Th、226Ra、40K的监测结果与云南省环境天然放射性水平调查结果相近,与云南土壤238U、232Th、226Ra、40K分布趋势基本吻合;云南土壤238U、232Th、226Ra活度浓度略低于全国平均水平;由于大气迁移、沉降作用,早期核试验、核事故释放的核素137Cs、90Sr在云南环境土壤均有不同程度的检出。云南属伴生放射性矿产资源大省,滇西南某地...  相似文献   

The inputs of atrazine and alachlor herbicides to surface and ground waters from irrigated areas dedicated to corn cultivation in the Castilla-León (C-L) region (Spain) as related to the application of both herbicides were studied. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were used for monitoring the atrazine and alachlor concentrations in 98 water samples taken from these areas. Seventy-nine of the samples were of ground waters and 19 were of surface waters. The concentration ranges of the herbicides detected in the study period (October 1997–October 1998) were 0.04–25.3 g L–1 in the surface waters and 0.04–3.45 g L–1 in the ground waters for atrazine, and 0.06–31.9 g L–1 in the surface waters and 0.05–4.85 g L–1 in the ground waters in the case of alachlor. The highly significant correlation observed between the concentrations of both herbicides in the surface waters (r = 0.89, p < 0.001) pointed to a parallel transport of atrazine and alachlor to these waters. A study was made of the temporal evolution of the concentrations of both herbicides, and it was found a maximum recharge of atrazine in the ground waters for April 1998 and of alachlor in October 1997 and October 1998. The temporal evolution of the concentrations of both herbicides in surface waters was parallel. The highly significant correlations observed between atrazine concentrations determined by ELISA and by HPLC (r = 0.92, p < 0.001) and between alachlor concentrations also determined by both methods (r = 0.96, p < 0.001) confirmed the usefulness of ELISA for monitoring both herbicides in an elevated number of samples. Using HPLC, the presence in some waters of the alachlor ethanesulfonate (ESA) metabolite was found at a concentration range of 0.52–4.01 g L–1. However the interference of ESA in the determination of alachlor by ELISA was negligible. The inputs of atrazine and alachlor to waters found in this study, especially the inputs to ground waters, could pose a risk for human health considering that some waters, though sporadically, are even used for human consumption.  相似文献   

为了解灌河口工业区表层土壤中多环芳烃的污染水平及健康风险。于2017年4月份在灌河口化工园区、火力发电厂和钢铁工业园区采集30个表层土壤样品,利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对16种优控ω(PAH)进行了检测。结果表明,30个采样点16种PAH的ω(T-PAHs)总为1 212.8~12 264.5 ng/g,平均值为3 504.8 ng/g。其中单体PAH以Fl为主,平均比例高达19.4%,其次为Pyr(16.7%)和B[a]P(9.6%)。单体PAH相关性分析表明了污染物来源的一致性,主要来源于本地工业区原油、生物质和煤的燃烧过程。根据加拿大土壤环境质量标准,灌河口工业区87%的土壤PAHs污染超过了安全值,存在潜在的生态风险。  相似文献   

以西安城市表层土壤和地表灰尘为研究对象,分析其基本理化指标。结果表明,西安市表层土壤pH值的变化范围是7.65~8.54,属弱碱性。地表灰尘pH值的变化范围是6.59~11.19,属碱性。表层土壤的低频磁化率和高频磁化率均值分别为1.55×10^-6 m^3/kg和1.46×10^-6 m^3/kg,频率磁化率均值为6.7%。地表灰尘的低频磁化率和高频磁化率均值分别为5.50×10^-6 m^3/kg和4.84×10^-6 m^3/kg,频率磁化率均值为1.88%。表层土壤和地表灰尘中总有机碳均值分别为1.31%和3.97%。西安城市表层土壤和地表灰尘均主要以粉粒为主,且二者各理化性质之间均有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

对珠江口四大口门虎门、蕉门、洪奇沥、横门及近滩为主的水域进行浮游藻类发生与关键水质因子 (溶解氧(DO)、活性磷 (PO3- 4-P)、硝酸盐 (NO- 3-N) )的监测与总结 ,得出二者间具有较高相关性。为珠江口水域水质、浮游藻类生态及赤潮研究做些基础工作与贡献。  相似文献   

Cadmium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc concentrations were analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in surface soil and tree bark from different districts of Abuja, Nigeria, in order to determine the atmospheric trace metal input in the area.Elevated concentrations of some of the studied metals were observed in the soil and tree bark samples from the commercial/high traffic areas of the city compared to backgroundvalues. In soil samples, the average concentration of the metals were 0.6±0.4, 18.0±4.0, 281±39, 16±4 and66±23 g g-1 dry weight for Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn, respectively, whilst the average concentrations in tree bark were 0.3±0.2, 12±4, 133±32, 13±3 and 61±10 g g-1 dry weight for Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn, respectively. The trend in trace metal levels suggested that automobile emissions are a major source of these metals as the highest concentrations of Pb and Zn were recorded in the commercial areas of the city known for their high traffic densities. The levels of metal in the study area were relativelylow compared to levels found in some larger and older cities in various countries worldwide.  相似文献   

江苏某县乡镇饮用水中挥发性有机物的检测及其风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在江苏某癌症高发县5个乡镇10个村进行布点取样,采集深层地下水与浅层地下水共计20个水样。采用吹扫捕集与气相色谱-质谱联用方法测定水样中14种挥发性有机物(VOCs),检出二氯甲烷、1,3-二氯丙烷、三氯甲烷、苯和四氯化碳5种VOCs,其质量浓度分别为0.14~1.71、ND~50.98、0.29~90.02、0.09~2.35、0.18~3.45μg/L。2个水样中的三氯甲烷和6个水样中四氯化碳超过《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)规定的限值。采用优化的美国环保局风险评价模型进行人体健康风险评价,其非致癌风险指数为0.000 7~0.072,致癌风险水平1.70×10-7~2.03×10-5,70%水样的致癌风险水平超过10-6水质监控值,2个浅层地下水的致癌风险水平较高。四氯化碳和三氯甲烷对非致癌风险指数和致癌风险水平贡献较大。  相似文献   

珠江口黄茅海表层海水和沉积物中重金属的分布及评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2014年4月对珠江口黄茅海海域表层海水和沉积物中重金属分布的调查监测,采用单因子指数法、内梅罗指数法和生态危害指数法对其重金属污染水平进行评价。结果显示:该海域表层海水中部分站位的Pb、Cu、Zn和Hg超出第一类海水水质标准,内梅罗指数评价表明其整体处于轻污染水平。表层沉积物中部分站位的Hg、As和Cu超出第一类海洋沉积物质量标准,内梅罗指数评价表明其整体处于重污染水平,生态危害指数评价表明其整体可能面临中度风险,Hg为主要风险因子。表层海水中Pb、Cu、Zn具有同源性,表层沉积物中Pb、As、Zn和Cu具有同源性。  相似文献   

The Reconquista river is one of the most polluted watercourses in Argentina. More than 3 million people and over 10,000 industries are settled on its basin. The available data show that pollution is mainly related to the discharge of domestic and industrial liquid wastes that are poured into the river almost untreated. At present no site of the river can be characterized as free of pollutants. Samples were taken monthly from 5 sites of the river; some 18–20 physicochemical parameters were determined in each sample. Analyses revealed significant differences in the degree of deterioration between sites. Two of them, close to the source of the river (Cascallares-S1 and Paso del Rey-S2) resulted less polluted than the two points located close to the mouth of the river (San Martin-S4 and Bancalari-S5). The worsening of the water quality in S4–S5 was attributed to the discharges of the Moron stream, a tributary that flows into the main course of the river a complex mixture of non treated waste waters. PCA was used in the ordination of samples (sites, season and physicochemical parameters). In the PCA performed using all variables, the first principal component showed positive correlation with N-NH4 +, conductivity, orthophosphate, BOD5, COD and alkalinity, and negative correlation with DO. The second principal component was positively correlated with pH, temperature and chlorophyll a and negatively with phenols and hardness. In respect to the spatial distribution, the plot of the scores for the first two components of samples taken in each sampling station showed S1 and S2 values displayed farthest at the left side of the X axis with high DO. In contrast, S4 and S5 values stayed at the right side of this axis with high N-NH4 +, conductivity, orthophosphate, BOD5, COD and alkalinity; data of S3 were “intermediate". In order to identify seasonal trends in the concentration of contaminants scores of cases labeled by season were plotted. The line drawn on the ordination plane showed that summer samples tended to converge to the upper right portion of the graph where pollution variables had more importance on the first axis, and along the second axis with high correlation with pH, temperature and chlorophyll a. Winter scores were settled in the left lower part of the plot with minor contribution of pollution parameters and more importance of DO on the first axis. Samples of autumn and spring did not fit a clear cut pattern. Deceased  相似文献   

地表水中TOC与COD换算关系研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
总有机碳(TOC)相对于化学需氧量(COD) 能够更全面地反映水体中有机物的污染程度,且TOC测定仪操作简单,数据准确。通过18个地表水水质自动监测站对水中有机污染物的COD与TOC监测数据的相关性研究,建立了TOC与COD之间的线性回归方程,为地表水的TOC监测代替COD监测提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

根据2011—2018年河北省近岸海域海水、入海河流、降水中氮和磷的监测数据,分析了海水中氮和磷的变化趋势及其影响因素。结果表明:2011—2018年,河北省近岸海域海水中无机氮(DIN)和无机磷(DIP)的平均浓度均低于第二类海水水质标准,海域富营养化状况以贫营养和轻度富营养为主,超标(第二类海水水质标准限值)点位和中度、重富营养区域主要集中在沧州市近岸海域。河北省近岸海域海水中DIN的平均浓度在2011—2014年、2015—2017年呈现阶段性上升趋势,2018年大幅下降; DIP的平均浓度在2011—2013年无明显波动,2014年陡增后开始逐年下降; N/P在2011—2014年无明显变化,2015—2018年呈逐年上升趋势。自2016年起,入海河流中氨氮和总磷的平均浓度、降水中氨氮的平均浓度均呈逐年下降趋势。近岸海域海水、入海河流、降水中的氮和磷表现出一定的相关性和协同性,陆源污染输入总量降低是海水中氮磷浓度降低的主要原因。应警惕污染物控制力度的不同所导致的海水中生源要素结构的改变,及其引发的潜在海洋生态风险。  相似文献   

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recommends the use of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and enterococci as indicators of enteric pathogens in fresh waters; however, fecal coliform analyses will remain important by virtue of the large amount of historic data collected in prior years. In this study, we attempted, in a real-world situation (i.e., a rural inland watershed in the Piedmont of South Carolina) to compare different bacterial indicators and methods to one another. We compared fecal coliforms, enumerated by membrane filtration with E. coli, enumerated by a commercialized enzyme substrate method and observed E. coli/fecal coliform ratios of 1.63 and 1.2 for two separate tests. In the same watershed, we observed an E. coli/fecal coliform ratio of 0.84 when we used the commercialized enzyme substrate method for both enumerations. Given these results, users of such data should exercise care when they make comparisons between historic membrane filtration data and data acquired through the use of the more modern enzymatic methods. Some sampling and side-by-side testing between methods in a specific watershed may be prudent before any conversion factors between old and new datasets are applied.  相似文献   

同时对海河流域东北部6个水库型地表水水源地开展了藻类及微囊藻毒素(MC-LR和MC-RR)相关研究工作。研究结果表明:海河流域东北部6个水库型地表水水源地中水体富营养化程度有明显改善,但于桥水库、洋河水库水体仍呈富营养化状态并检出MC-LR和MC-RR。另外,富营养化程度高的水体中蓝藻占明显优势,并且微囊藻毒素浓度与其成正相关关系。虽然检出的MC-RR和MC-LR浓度均低于《生活饮用水卫生规范》标准限制,但是在蓝藻暴发期间(特别是暴发后期)应加密监测,确保微囊藻毒素浓度不会对供水人群健康造成危害。  相似文献   

利用重组双杂交酵母快速检测技术分析了东江下游两个污水厂、8个工业废水排放口和6条受纳河流水体共16个样品中的雌激素效应物质浓度,并按照雌二醇当量(EEQ)计算了水中雌激素效应水平。在被检测废水样品中,排水的EEQ值处于0.3~2.8ng/L之间,其中造纸厂与纸制品厂排水具有明显雌激素效应。采自河涌的6个样品有4个样品检出雌激素活性,雌激素效应水平在1.9~8.8ng EEQ/L之间。结果表明,东江下游行业废水处理厂出水中的EEQ浓度应与河涌水体中的EEQ在相同数量级, 与国内报道的其他地区河流及工厂排水污染水平类似。污染较为严重的河涌水体雌激素水平明显高于污水处理厂及工厂排水,推断污染河涌水体中的雌激素效应物质应来自未经处理的污染源。  相似文献   

The condition of 25 stream sites in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, were assessed by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program. Multimetric condition indices were developed and used to rank sites on the basis of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. These indices showed that sites in the Cascades and Eastern Cascades ecoregions were largely unimpaired. In contrast, all but two sites in the Columbia Basin ecoregion were impaired, some severely. Agriculture (nutrients and pesticides) was the primary factor associated with impairment and all impaired sites were characterized by multiple indicators of impairment. All indices of biological condition (fish, invertebrates, and algae) declined as agricultural intensity increased. The response exhibited by invertebrates and algae suggested a threshold response with conditions declining precipitously at relatively low levels of agricultural intensity and little response at moderate to high levels of agricultural intensity. This pattern of response suggests that the success of mitigation will vary depending upon where on the response curve the mitigation is undertaken. Because the form of the community condition response is critical to effective water-quality management, the National Water-Quality Assessment Program is conducting studies to examine the response of biota to gradients of land-use intensity and the relevance of these responses to water-quality management. These land-use gradient pilot studies will be conducted in several urban areas starting in 1999.  相似文献   

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