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Aluminum sulfate (alum; Al(2)(SO(4))(3).14H(2)O) is used as a chemical treatment of poultry litter to reduce the solubility and release of phosphate, thereby minimizing the impacts on adjacent aquatic ecosystems when poultry litter is land applied as a crop fertilizer. The objective of this study was to determine, through the use of X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy and sequential extraction, how alum amendments alter P distribution and solid-state speciation within the poultry litter system. Our results indicate that traditional sequential fractionation procedures may not account for variability in P speciation in heterogeneous animal manures. Analysis shows that NaOH-extracted P in alum amended litters is predominantly organic ( approximately 80%), whereas in the control samples, >60% of NaOH-extracted P was inorganic P. Linear least squares fitting (LLSF) analysis of spectra collected of sequentially extracted litters showed that the P is present in inorganic (P sorbed on Al oxides, calcium phosphates) and organic forms (phytic acid, polyphosphates, and monoesters) in alum- and non-alum-amended poultry litter. When determining land application rates of poultry litter, all of these compounds must be considered, especially organic P. Results of the sequential extractions in conjunction with LLSF suggest that no P species is completely removed by a single extractant. Rather, there is a continuum of removal as extractant strength increases. Overall, alum-amended litters exhibited higher proportions of Al-bound P species and phytic acid, whereas untreated samples contained Ca-P minerals and organic P compounds. This study provides in situ information about P speciation in the poultry litter solid and about P availability in alum- and non-alum-treated poultry litter that will dictate P losses to ground and surface water systems.  相似文献   

Environmental concerns are driving manure management in many areas from a traditional nitrogen (N) basis toward phosphorus (P)-based nutrient management plans. We investigated how changing nutrient management from an N to a P basis affected crop yields and soil properties in high P soils over a 7-yr period. Three sites were established on farmers' fields, and at each site the same six treatments were applied for 6 or 7 yr. These treatments were (i) no P; (ii) poultry litter applied on an N basis; (iii) inorganic P, equal to the P applied in treatment 2; (iv) poultry litter applied on an estimated annual crop P removal basis; (v) inorganic P, equal to the P applied in treatment iv; and (vi) poultry litter applied once every 2 or 3 yr at a 2- or 3-yr crop removal P rate. All treatments received the same rate of plant-available N. Yields, P balance, soil pH, Mehlich 1 P, and water-soluble P (WSP) were monitored during the experiment. Over the course of the experiment, litter had the beneficial effect of raising soil pH relative to the inorganic treatments. After 7 yr, Mehlich 1 P and WSP were greatest in soils under the N-based treatments, smallest in the no P treatment, and intermediate in the P-based treatments. For example, at the Shenandoah site, Mehlich 1 P decreased by 35 mg kg(-1) under the no P treatment and increased by 36 mg kg(-1) under the inorganic N-based treatment. There were no significant differences between inorganic fertilizer and poultry litter nutrient sources. The results of this study show that soil test P can be decreased in high-P soils over a few years by changing from an N-based to a P-based nutrient management plan or stopping P applications without negatively affecting yields.  相似文献   

Transportation of poultry litter out of nutrient limited watersheds such as the Illinois River basin (eastern Oklahoma) is a logical solution for minimizing phosphorus (P) losses from soils to surface waters. Transportation costs are basedon mass of load and distance transported. This study investigated an alternative litter storage technique designed to promote carbon (C) degradation, thereby concentrating nutrients for the purpose of decreasing transportation costs through decreased mass. Poultry litter was stored in 0.90-Mg conical piles under semipermeable tarps and adjusted to 40% moisture content, tested with and without addition of alum (aluminum sulfate). additional study was conducted using 3.6-Mg piles under the same conditions, except tested with and without use of aeration pipes. Samples were analyzed before and after (8 wk) storage. Litter mass degradation (i.e., loss in mass due to organic matter decomposition) was estimated on the basis of changes in litter total P contents. Additional characterization included pH, total nutrients, moisture content, total C, and degree of humification. Litter storage significantly decreased litter mass (16 to 27%), concentrated nutrients such as P and potassium (K) and increased proportion of fulvic and humic acids. The addition of aeration pipes increased mass degradationrelative to piles without aeration pipes. Nitrogen volatilization losses were minimized with alum additions. Increases in P and K concentrations resulted in greater monetary value per unit mass compared with fresh litter. Such increases translate to increased litter shipping distance and cost savings of $17.2 million over 25 yr for litter movement out of eastern Oklahoma.  相似文献   

Poultry litter ash as a potential phosphorus source for agricultural crops   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maryland will impose restrictions on poultry litter application to soils with excessive P by the year 2005. Alternative uses for poultry litter are being considered, including burning as a fuel to generate electricity. The resulting ash contains high levels of total P, but the availability for crop uptake has not been reported. Our objective was to compare the effectiveness of poultry litter ash (PLA) and potassium phosphate (KP) as a P source for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in acidic soils, without and with limestone application. Two acidic soils (pH 4.25 and 4.48) were studied, unlimed or limed to pH 6.5 before cropping. The PLA and KP were applied at 0, 39, and 78 kg P ha(-1), after which wheat was grown. Limestone significantly increased wheat yield, but the P sources without limestone did not. The two P sources were not significantly different as P fertilizer. At the 78 kg P ha(-1) rate, wheat shoot-P concentrations were 1.10 and 1.12 g kg(-1) for the PLA treatment compared with 0.90 and 0.89 g kg(-1) for KP in the nonlimed and limed soils, respectively. Trace element concentrations in wheat shoots from the PLA treatment were less than or equal to KP and the control. The low levels of water-soluble P and metals in the soils and the low metal concentrations in wheat suggest that PLA is an effective P fertilizer. Further studies are needed to determine the optimum application rate of PLA as a P fertilizer.  相似文献   

Aluminum sulfate [alum; Al2(SO4)3] amendment of poultry litters has been suggested as a best management practice to help reduce the potential environmental effects of poultry production. Past research has shown that alum treatment reduced NH3 emissions from litters, decreased the loss in runoff of P and trace metals from litter-amended soils, improved poultry health, and reduced the costs of poultry production. We conducted a large scale, "on-farm" evaluation of alum as a poultry (broiler) litter amendment on the Delmarva peninsula to determine the effect of alum on (i) litter properties and elemental composition and (ii) the solubility of several elements in litter that are of particular concern for water quality (Al, As, Cu, P, and Zn). Alum was applied over a 16-mo period to 97 poultry houses on working poultry farms; 97 houses on other farms served as controls (no alum). Litter samples were analyzed initially and after approximately seven alum applications. We found that alum decreased litter pH and the water solubility of P, As, Cu, and Zn. Alum-treated houses also had higher litter total N, NH4-N, and total S concentrations and thus a greater overall fertilizer value than litters from the control houses. Higher litter NH4-N values also suggest that alum reduced NH3 losses from litters. Thus, alum appears to have promise as a best management practice (BMP) for poultry production. Future research should focus on the long-term transformations of P, Al, As, Cu, and Zn in soils amended with alum-treated litters.  相似文献   

Analytically, poultry litter contains nearly all essential micronutrients but the extent of phytoavailability of these nutrients and whether cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and other crop plants can receive adequate amounts of these nutrients from litter is not fully known. The objective of this research was to determine whether cotton receives sufficient amounts of Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn from litter and estimate the efficiency of cotton in extracting these metal nutrients from litter in the absence of any other source of the micronutrients. The greenhouse research used plastic pots filled with approximately 11 kg of a 2:1 (v/v) sand to vermiculite growing mix. Cotton (cv. Stoneville 474) was grown in the pots fertilized with broiler litter at rates of 30, 60, 90, or 120 g pot(-1) in a factorial combination with four supplemental nutrient solution (NS) treatments. The nutrient solutions consisted of full Hoagland's nutrient solution (NS-full); a solution of the macronutrients N, P, K, Ca, and Mg (NS-macro); a solution of the micronutrients Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B, and Mo (NS-micro); and water (NS-none). Based on tissue nutrient analysis, a one-time broiler litter application supplied adequate amounts of Fe, Cu, and Mn to bring the concentration of these nutrients in upper leaves within published sufficiency ranges. Zinc, with <17 mg kg(-1) concentration in the upper leaves, was the only micronutrient below the established sufficiency range regardless of the rate of applied litter. Cotton extracted Fe and Mn more efficiently than Cu or Zn, removing as much as 8.8% of Fe and 7.2% of Mn supplied by 30 g litter pot(-1). In contrast, the extraction efficiency was 1.7% for Cu and 1.9% for Zn. Roots accumulated 58% of the total absorbed Fe and 64% of Cu, and leaves accumulated 32% of the Fe and only 13% of the Cu supplied by litter. In contrast, only 16% of the total absorbed Mn and 23% of Zn accumulated in roots while leaves accumulated 64% of the total Mn and 37% of Zn. These results demonstrate that broiler litter is a valuable source of the metal nutrients supplying Fe, Cu, and Mn in full and Zn in part, but a very large fraction of the litter-supplied metal nutrients remained in the growing mix.  相似文献   

Beneficial effects of leaving residue at the soil surface are well documented for steep lands, but not for flat lands that are drained with surface inlets and tile lines. This study quantified the effects of tillage and nutrient source on tile line and surface inlet water quality under continuous corn (Zea mays L.) from relatively flat lands (<3%). Tillage treatments were either fall chisel or moldboard plow. Nutrient sources were either fall injected liquid hog manure or spring incorporated urea. The experiment was on a Webster-Canisteo clay loam (Typic Endoaquolls) at Lamberton, MN. Surface inlet runoff was analyzed for flow, total solids, NO(3)-N, NH(4)-N, dissolved P, and total P. Tile line effluent was analyzed for flow, NO(3)-N, and NH(4)-N. In four years of rainstorm and snowmelt events there were few significant differences (p < 0.10) in water quality of surface inlet or tile drainage between treatments. Residue cover minimally reduced soil erosion during both snowmelt and rainfall runoff events. There was a slight reduction in mineral N losses via surface inlets from manure treatments. There was also a slight decrease (p = 0.025) in corn grain yield from chisel-plow plots (9.7 Mg ha(-1)) compared with moldboard-plow plots (10.1 Mg ha(-1)). Chisel plowing (approximately 30% residue cover) alone is not sufficient to reduce nonpoint source sediment pollution from these poorly drained flat lands to the extent (40% reduction) desired by regulatory agencies.  相似文献   

Environmental pressure to reduce nutrient losses from agricultural fields has increased in recent years. To abate this nutrient loss to the environment, better management practices and new technologies need to be developed. Thus, research was conducted to evaluate if subsurface banding poultry litter (PL) would reduce nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loss in surface water runoff using a four-row prototype implement. Rainfall simulations were conducted to create a 40-min runoff event in an established bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) pasture on soil types common to the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions. The Coastal Plain soil type was a Marvyn loamy sand (fine-loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults) and the Piedmont soil type was a Hard Labor loamy sand (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Oxyaquic Kanhapludults). Treatments consisted of surface- and subsurface-applied PL at a rate of 9 Mg ha(-1), surface broadcast-applied commercial fertilizer (CF; urea and triple superphosphate blend) at the equivalent N (330 kg N ha(-1)) and P (315 kg N ha(-1)) content of PL, and a nonfertilized control. The greatest loss for inorganic N, total N, dissolved reactive P (DRP), and total P occurred with the surface broadcast treatments, with CF contributing to the greatest loss. Nutrient losses from the subsurface banded treatment reduced N and P in surface water runoff to levels of the control. Subsurface banding of PL reduced concentrations of inorganic N 91%, total N 90%, DRP 86%, and total P 86% in runoff water compared with surface broadcasted PL. These results show that subsurface band-applied PL can greatly reduce the impact of N and P loss to the environment compared with conventional surface-applied PL and CF practices.  相似文献   

This study quantified the effects of tillage (moldboard plowing [MP], ridge tillage [RT]) and nutrient source (manure and commercial fertilizer [urea and triple superphosphate]) on sediment, NH4+ -N, NO3- -N, total P, particulate P, and soluble P losses in surface runoff and subsurface tile drainage from a clay loam soil. Treatment effects were evaluated using simulated rainfall immediately after corn (Zea mays L.) planting, the most vulnerable period for soil erosion and water quality degradation. Sediment, total P, soluble P, and NH4+ -N losses mainly occurred in surface runoff. The NO3- -N losses primarily occurred in subsurface tile drainage. In combined (surface and subsurface) flow, the MP treatment resulted in nearly two times greater sediment loss than RT (P < 0.01). Ridge tillage with urea lost at least 11 times more NH4+ -N than any other treatment (P < 0.01). Ridge tillage with manure also had the most total and soluble P losses of all treatments (P < 0.01). If all water quality parameters were equally important, then moldboard plow with manure would result in least water quality degradation of the combined flow followed by moldboard plow with urea or ridge tillage with urea (equivalent losses) and ridge tillage with manure. Tillage systems that do not incorporate surface residue and amendments appear to be more vulnerable to soluble nutrient losses mainly in surface runoff but also in subsurface drainage (due to macropore flow). Tillage systems that thoroughly mix residue and amendments in surface soil appear to be more prone to sediment and sediment-associated nutrient (particulate P) losses via surface runoff.  相似文献   

When improperly managed, land application of animal manures can harm the environment; however, limited watershed-scale runoff water quality data are available to research and address this issue. The water quality impacts of conversion to poultry litter fertilization on cultivated and pasture watersheds in the Texas Blackland Prairie were evaluated in this three-year study. Edge-of-field N and P concentrations and loads in surface runoff from new litter application sites were compared with losses under inorganic fertilization. The impact on downstream nutrient loss was also examined. In the fallow year with no fertilizer application, nutrient losses averaged 3 kg N ha(-1) and 0.9 kg P ha(-1) for the cultivated watersheds and were below 0.1 kg ha(-1) for the pasture watersheds. Following litter application, PO(4)-P concentrations in runoff were positively correlated to litter application rate and Mehlich-3 soil P levels. Following litter application, NO(3)-N and NH(4)-N concentrations in runoff were typically greater from cultivated watersheds, but PO(4)-P concentrations were greater for the pasture watersheds. Total N and P loads from the pasture watersheds (0.2 kg N ha(-1) and 0.7 kg P ha(-1)) were significantly lower than from the cultivated watersheds (32 kg N ha(-1) and 5 kg P ha(-1)) partly due to lower runoff volumes from the pasture watersheds. Downstream N and P concentrations and per-area loads were much lower than from edge-of-field watersheds. Results demonstrate that a properly managed annual litter application (4.5 Mg ha(-1) or less depending on litter N and P content) with supplemental N should supply necessary nutrients without detrimental water quality impacts.  相似文献   

Acid weathered soils often require lime and fertilizer application to overcome nutrient deficiencies and metal toxicity to increase soil productivity. Slow-pyrolysis chicken manure biochars, produced at 350 and 700°C with and without subsequent steam activation, were evaluated in an incubation study as soil amendments for a representative acid and highly weathered soil from Appalachia. Biochars were mixed at 5, 10, 20, and 40 g kg into a Gilpin soil (fine-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Typic Hapludult) and incubated in a climate-controlled chamber for 8 wk, along with a nonamended control and soil amended with agronomic dolomitic lime (AgLime). At the end of the incubation, soil pH, nutrient availability (by Mehlich-3 and ammonium bicarbonate diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid [AB-DTPA] extractions), and soil leachate composition were evaluated. Biochar effect on soil pH was process- and rate-dependent. Biochar increased soil pH from 4.8 to 6.6 at the high application rate (40 g kg), but was less effective than AgLime. Biochar produced at 350°C without activation had the least effect on soil pH. Biochar increased soil Mehlich-3 extractable micro- and macronutrients. On the basis of unit element applied, increase in pyrolysis temperature and biochar activation decreased availability of K, P, and S compared to nonactivated biochar produced at 350°C. Activated biochars reduced AB-DTPA extractable Al and Cd more than AgLime. Biochar did not increase NO in leachate, but increased dissolved organic carbon, total N and P, PO, SO, and K at high application rate (40 g kg). Risks of elevated levels of dissolved P may limit chicken manure biochar application rate. Applied at low rates, these biochars provide added nutritional value with low adverse impact on leachate composition.  相似文献   

The use of spectroscopic techniques (especially phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance [(31)P-NMR] and X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy) has recently advanced the analysis of the speciation of P in poultry litter (PL) and greatly enhanced our understanding of changes in P pools in PL that receive alum (aluminum sulfate) to reduce water-soluble P and control ammonia emissions from poultry houses. Questions remain concerning changes of P species during long-term storage, drying, or after application of PL to cropland or for other uses, such as turfgrass. In this study, we investigated a set of six PL samples (of which three were alum-amended and three were unamended) that had been characterized previously. The P speciation was analyzed using solid-state (31)P-NMR spectroscopy, and the mineralogy was analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) after storing the samples moist and dried for up to 5 yr under controlled conditions. The magnesium ammonium phosphate mineral struvite was identified in all but one PL samples. Struvite concentrations were generally lower in dried samples (< or = 14%) than in samples stored moist (23 and 26%). The moist samples also had higher concentrations of phosphate bound to aluminum hydroxides. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy was in general more sensitive than XRD in detecting and quantifying P species. Although phosphate associated with calcium and aluminum made up a large proportion of P species, they were not detected by XRD.  相似文献   

There is a proactive interest in recovering water, nutrients and energy from waste streams with the increase in municipal wastewater volumes and innovations in resource recovery. Based on the synthesis of wastewater data, this study provides insights into the global and regional “potential” of wastewater as water, nutrient and energy sources while acknowledging the limitations of current resource recovery opportunities and promoting efforts to fast-track high-efficiency returns. The study estimates suggest that, currently, 380 billion m3 (m3 = 1,000 L) of wastewater are produced annually across the world which is a volume five-fold the volume of water passing through Niagara Falls annually. Wastewater production globally is expected to increase by 24% by 2030 and 51% by 2050 over the current level. Among major nutrients, 16.6 Tg (Tg = million metric ton) of nitrogen are embedded in wastewater produced worldwide annually; phosphorus stands at 3.0 Tg and potassium at 6.3 Tg. The full nutrient recovery from wastewater would offset 13.4% of the global demand for these nutrients in agriculture. Beyond nutrient recovery and economic gains, there are critical environmental benefits, such as minimizing eutrophication. At the energy front, the energy embedded in wastewater would be enough to provide electricity to 158 million households. These estimates and projections are based on the maximum theoretical amounts of water, nutrients and energy that exist in the reported municipal wastewater produced worldwide annually. Supporting resource recovery from wastewater will need a step-wise approach to address a range of constraints to deliver a high rate of return in direct support of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 6, 7 and 12, but also other Goals, including adaptation to climate change and efforts in advancing “net-zero” energy processes towards a green economy.  相似文献   

Poultry litter is known to be an excellent organic fertilizer, but the common practice of spreading litter on the surface of pastures has raised serious water-quality concerns and may limit potential benefits of litter applications. Because surface-applied litter is completely exposed to the atmosphere, runoff can transport nutrients into nearby streams and lakes, and much of the ammonium nitrogen volatilizes before it can enter the soil. Our previous research showed that a manual knifing technique to apply dry litter under a perennial pasture surface effectively prevented about 90% of nutrient loss with runoff from surface-applied litter, and tended to increase forage yield. However, this technique (known as subsurface banding) cannot become a practical management option for producers until it is mechanized. To begin that process, we tested an experimental single-shank, tractor-drawn implement designed to apply poultry litter in subsurface bands. Our objective was to compare this mechanized subsurface-banding method against conventional surface application to determine effects on nutrient loss with runoff from a perennial grassland treated with dry poultry litter. Early in the growing season, broiler litter was applied (6.7 dry-weight Mg ha−1) to each plot (except three control plots) using one of two application methods: surface broadcast manually or subsurface banded using the tractor-drawn implement. Simulated rainfall (5 cm h−1) generated 20 min of runoff from each plot for volume and analytical measurements. Results showed that subsurface-banded litter increased forage yield while decreasing nutrient (e.g. N and P) loss in runoff by at least 90% compared to surface-broadcast litter.  相似文献   

Poultry litter provides a rich nutrient source for crops, but the usual practice of surface-applying litter can degrade water quality by allowing nutrients to be transported from fields in surface runoff while much of the ammonia (NH3)-N escapes into the atmosphere. Our goal was to improve on conventional titter application methods to decrease associated nutrient losses to air and water while increasing soil productivity. We developed and tested a knifing technique to directly apply dry poultry litter beneath the surface of pastures. Results showed that subsurface litter application decreased NH3-N volatilization and nutrient losses in runoff more than 90% (compared with surface-applied litter) to levels statistically as low as those from control (no litter) plots. Given this success, two advanced tractor-drawn prototypes were developed to subsurface apply poultry litter in field research. The two prototypes have been tested in pasture and no-till experiments and are both effective in improving nutrient-use efficiency compared with surface-applied litter, increasing crop yields (possibly by retaining more nitrogen in the soil), and decreasing nutrient losses, often to near background (control plot) levels. A paired-watershed study showed that cumulative phosphorus losses in runoff from continuously grazed perennial pastures were decreased by 55% over a 3-yr period if the annual poultry litter applications were subsurface applied rather than surface broadcast. Results highlight opportunities and challenges for commercial adoption of subsurface poultry litter application in pasture and no-till systems.  相似文献   

While the poultry industry is a major economic benefit to several areas in the USA, land application of poultry litter to recycle nutrients can lead to impaired surface and ground water quality. Amending poultry litter with alum [Al3(SO4)2 x 14H2O] has received considerable attention as a method of economically reducing ammonia volatilization in the poultry house and soluble phosphorus in runoff waters. The objective of this study was to characterize the effect of alum on broiler litter decomposition and N dynamics under laboratory conditions. Litter that had been amended with alum in the poultry house after each of the first four of five flock cycles (Experiment I) and litter that had been amended with alum after removal from a poultry house after the third flock cycle (Experiment II) were compared with unamended litter in separate studies. The litters in Experiment I were surface-applied to simulate application to grasslands, while the litters in Experiment II were incorporated to simulate application to conventionally tilled crops. The only statistically significant differences in decomposition due to alum occurred early in Experiment II and the differences were small. The only statistically significant differences in net N mineralization, soil inorganic N, and soil NH4+-N in either experiment was found in Experiment I after 70 d of incubation where soil inorganic N was significantly greater for the alum treatment. Thus, alum had little effect on decomposition or N dynamics. Results of many of the studies on litter not amended with alum should be applicable to litters amended with alum to reduce P availability.  相似文献   

Research has shown that alum [Al(2)(SO(4))(3).14H(2)O] applications to poultry litter can greatly reduce phosphorus (P) runoff, as well as decrease ammonia (NH(3)) volatilization. However, the long-term effects of fertilizing with alum-treated litter are unknown. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the long-term effects of normal poultry litter, alum-treated litter, and ammonium nitrate (NH(4)NO(3)) on aluminum (Al) availability in soils, Al uptake by tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), and tall fescue yields. A long-term study was initiated in April of 1995. There were 13 treatments (unfertilized control, four rates of normal litter, four rates of alum-treated litter, and four rates of NH(4)NO(3)) in a randomized block design. All fertilizers were broadcast applied to 52 small plots (3.05 x 1.52 m) cropped to tall fescue annually in the spring. Litter application rates were 2.24, 4.49, 6.73, and 8.98 Mg ha(-1) (1, 2, 3, and 4 tons acre(-1)); NH(4)NO(3) rates were 65, 130, 195, and 260 kg N ha(-1) and were based on the amount of N applied with alum-treated litter. Soil pH, exchangeable Al (extracted with potassium chloride), Al uptake by fescue, and fescue yields were monitored periodically over time. Ammonium nitrate applications resulted in reductions in soil pH beginning in Year 3, causing exchangeable Al values to increase from less than 1 mg Al kg(-1) soil in Year 2 to over 100 mg Al kg(-1) soil in Year 7 for many of the NH(4)NO(3) plots. In contrast, normal and alum-treated litter resulted in an increase in soil pH, which decreased exchangeable Al when compared to unfertilized controls. Severe yield reductions were observed with NH(4)NO(3) beginning in Year 6, which were due to high levels of acidity and exchangeable Al. Aluminum uptake by forage and Al runoff from the plots were not affected by treatment. Fescue yields were highest with alum-treated litter (annual average = 7.36 Mg ha(-1)), followed by normal litter (6.93 Mg ha(-1)), NH(4)NO(3) (6.16 Mg ha(-1)), and the control (2.89 Mg ha(-1)). These data indicate that poultry litter, particularly alum-treated litter, may be a more sustainable fertilizer than NH(4)NO(3).  相似文献   

Alum (Al2(SO4)(3).14H2O) additions to poultry litter result in lower ammonia (NH3) volatilization and phosphorus (P) runoff; however, the long-term effects of alum on soil P behavior have been unknown. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the long-term effects of poultry litter, alum-treated litter, and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) on P availability in soils and P runoff. Two studies were initiated in 1995: a small plot (1.5x3.0 m) study and a paired watershed (0.405 ha) study. In the small plot study 13 treatments (control, four rates of normal litter, four rates of alum-treated litter, and four rates of NH4NO3) were applied to tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) plots. Results show that after 7 yr water-extractable P (WEP) in surface soil samples was greater with normal litter, but Mehlich III P was greater in surface soils fertilized with alum-treated litter. When soil samples were taken at depth intervals to 50 cm in Year 7, Mehlich III P was only greater in the surface 5 cm for soils fertilized with alum-treated litter. At lower depths Mehlich III P was greater with normal litter, and WEP was up to 288% greater when normal litter was used, indicating that alum significantly reduced P leaching. Uptake of P by fescue was not affected by alum. Results from the paired watershed study showed P loss in runoff was 340% greater for normal litter than for alum-treated litter. This research, combined with earlier work that shows alum use improves air and soil quality, supports the use of alum as a long-term solution to reducing P runoff and leaching.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature reports 3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid (roxarsone) degradation in poultry litter (PL) to the more toxic inorganic arsenic (As). Aluminum-based drinking-water treatment residuals (WTR) present a low-cost amendment technology to reduce As availability in PL, similar to the use of alum to reduce phosphorus availability. Batch experiments investigated the effectiveness of WTR in removing roxarsone and inorganic As species from PL aqueous suspensions. Incubation experiments with WTR-amended PL evaluated the effects of WTR application rates (2.5-15% by weight) and incubation time (up to 32 d) at two incubation temperatures (23 and 35 degrees C) on As availability in PL. Batch PL aqueous experiments showed the high affinity of As(V), As(III), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), and roxarsone for the WTR. The 10% WTR amendment rate decreased As availability in PL by half of that of the unamended (no WTR) PL-incubated samples. The reduction in dissolved As concentrations during incubation of WTR-amended PL samples was kinetically limited, being complete within 13 d. Parallel reductions in roxarsone, As(V), and DMA concentrations were observed with liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, whereas As(III) and MMA concentrations were always <5% of dissolved As. Incubation temperature did not significantly (p > 0.05) influence dissolved As concentrations in the WTR-amended PL. Potential formation of a copper-containing roxarsone metabolite was considered in PL aqueous suspensions with the aid of electrospray mass spectrometry. Further experiments in the field are necessary to ensure that sorbed As is stable in WTR-amended PL.  相似文献   

A field and two container experiments were conducted to assess uncomposted wool and hair wastes as a nutrient source for crops and to evaluate their potential to improve soil biological and chemical properties. Overall, addition of wool or hair waste to soil increased yields of basil (Ocimum basilicum L. 'Trakia'), thorn apple (Datura innoxia Mill. 'Inka'), peppermint (Mentha x piperita L. 'Black Mitchum'), and garden sage (Salvia officinalis L. 'Desislava'), increased NH(4)-N and NO(3)-N in soil, increased total N (and protein) content in plant tissue, stimulated soil microbial biomass, and decreased mycorrhizae colonization of plant roots of thorn apple but not in basil. Wool and hair waste additions to soil altered slightly the content and composition of plant secondary metabolites (essential oils or alkaloids); however, overall the constituents remained within the "typical" range for the respective crops. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis demonstrated that wool and hair wastes decompose slowly under field or greenhouse conditions, and act as a slow release S, N, P, and K fertilizer. These results, along with the measured concentrations of NO(3)-N in soil at harvest, suggest that the addition of wool or hair waste of only 3.3 g kg(-1) of soil may support two to five harvests or crops under greenhouse conditions and two to four field seasons in field production systems, and would improve soil biological and chemical characteristics. Further research is needed to optimize the rate of application of these waste materials to the nutrient requirements of specific crops to avoid nitrate leaching into the ground water. In addition, the effect of wool and hair waste on other environmental end points should also be further investigated before specific recommendations for growers are provided.  相似文献   

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