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A wetland restoration demonstration project examined the effects of a permanently flooded wetland on subsidence of peat soils. The project, started in 1997, was done on Twitchell Island, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California. Conversion of agricultural land to a wetland has changed many of the biogeochemical processes controlling dissolved organic carbon (DOC) release from the peat soils, relative to the previous land use. Dissolved organic C in delta waters is a concern because it reacts with chlorine, added as a disinfectant in municipal drinking waters, to form carcinogenic disinfection byproducts (DBPs), including trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). This study explores the effects of peat soil biogeochemistry on DOC and DBP release under agricultural and wetland management. Results indicate that organic matter source, extent of soil organic matter decomposition, and decomposition pathways all are factors in THM formation. The results show that historical management practices dominate the release of DOC and THM precursors. However, within-site differences indicate that recent management decisions can contribute to changes in DOC quality and THM precursor formation. Not all aromatic forms of carbon are highly reactive and certain environmental conditions produce the specific carbon structures that form THMs. Both HAA and THM precursors are elevated in the DOC released under wetland conditions. The findings of this study emphasize the need to further investigate the roles of organic matter sources, microbial decomposition pathways, and decomposition status of soil organic matter in the release of DOC and DBP precursors from delta soils under varying land-use practices.  相似文献   

Certain organic C moieties of soil origin in drinking source waters of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) can react with chlorine to form trihalomethanes (THMs) during the disinfection process. Isolation and characterization of them and quantitation of their THM formation potential (THMFP) is necessary for developing effective strategies to reduce their influxes in Delta waters and for removing them during drinking water treatment. In this study, organic C from two Delta soils was extracted using deionized H(2)O and four Na- or Ca-based electrolytes of varying electrical conductivity values. Extracts were filtered into particulate, colloidal, fine colloidal, and soluble organic C for quantitation and THMFP determination. Results suggested that <1.5% of soil organic C was electrolyte-extractable. The soluble organic C fraction from both soils dominated in quantity and THMFP. Electrolyte effects were cation dependent. Sodium-based electrolytes at either conductivity level did not significantly decrease extractable organic C (EOC) or THMFP compared with deionized H(2)O. In contrast, Ca-based electrolytes reduced EOC and THMFP by >50% even at 1 dS m(-1). Further increase in Ca concentration did not significantly decrease EOC or THMFP. Most reduction in EOC and THMFP by Ca-based electrolytes occurred with the fractions other than the soluble organic C. Results suggested that under natural soil leaching and runoff conditions, the majority of THMFP is associated with organic C of <0.025 mum in diameter. Further molecular characterization of the fractions with high THMFP may help understand the nature of chlorine-reactive organic C from Delta soils.  相似文献   

Seven mixtures from four organic residues—an aerobic sewage sludge, a city refuse, a peat residue, and a grape debris—were composted, and the changes undergone by their different carbon fractions during their composting and maturation were studied. In most cases a decrease in carbon fractions during the composting and maturation processes was observed. The extractable carbon, however, increased during maturation. Organic matter mineralization was greater in the composts with city refuse than in those with sewage sludge. The samples with peat residue showed the lowest decreases in carbon fractions. During maturation, an increase of humiclike fraction was observed, which was reflected by a decrease in the soluble carbon-precipitated carbon ratio at pH 2. Water-soluble carbon was the carbon fraction most easily degradable by microorganisms, and its amount correlated significantly with composting time in all the samples.  相似文献   

Some soils develop severe and persistent water repellency following contamination with crude oil. This study was conducted to characterize and compare the spatial distribution of soil water repellency and residual oil contamination at 12 such sites. The molarity of ethanol droplet (MED) test was used to assess soil water repellency and the content of dichloromethane-extractable organics (DEO) was used to quantify residual oil in soil. We found a relatively strong positive correlation between MED and DEO in soil (r2 = 0.74). Both variables tended to decrease abruptly with depth at 11 of the 12 study sites. Dichloromethane-extractable organics similarly decreased with depth in control adjacent soil (MED = 0 M), but from an average concentration one to two orders of magnitude lower than in water-repellent soil. Using data from corresponding control adjacent and water-repellent soils, we determined that approximately 29 and 10% of measured total organic carbon in water-repellent A- and B-horizon soil, respectively, consists of dichloromethane-insoluble organic carbon of petroleum origin. We propose that this fraction contains most of the causative agents of soil water repellency at the studied sites.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effect of compost application on soil respiration and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) output of nutrient-depleted forest soils. An amount of 6.3 kg m(-2) mature compost was applied to the forest floor of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.), and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands at Soiling and Unterlüss, Germany. Cumulative soil respiration significantly increased by 499 g C m(-2) in the spruce stand at Unterlüss and by 274 g C m(-2) in the beech stand at Soiling following compost application whereas soil respiration of the other four stands was not affected. The increases in soil respiration of the two stands were explained by improved microbial decomposition of soil organic matter. The DOC concentrations and fluxes in throughfall and seepage water at 10- and 100-cm depths were determined from August 1997 to March 2000. In the control plots, cumulative DOC outputs at 10 cm ranged between 57 and 95 g C m(-2), with the highest rates in the pine stands. Compost treatment significantly increased cumulative DOC outputs by 31 to 69 g C m(-2) at 10 cm and by 0.3 to 6.6 g C m(-2) at 100 cm. The mineral soils between the 10- and 100-cm depths acted as significant sinks for DOC, as shown by much lower cumulative outputs at 100 cm of 3 to 11 g C m(-2) in the control and 6 to 16 g C m(-2) in the compost plots. Our results suggest that a single, moderate application of mature compost to nutrient-depleted forest soils has little effect on C losses to the atmosphere and ground water.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) affect long-term heavy metal solubility in biosolids-amended soils, but their role needs to be further studied under Mediterranean climatic conditions. We investigated Zn solubility, as assessed by water extraction, in two typical Greek soils amended with biosolids at 0, 20, and 100 Mg ha(-1) during a 310-d incubation period. It was found that SOC decreased by nearly 30% over time in the 100 Mg ha(-1) treatment. There was evidence that DOC affected Zn solubility, because DOC increased significantly on Day 23, probably due to a flush in microbial activity, and water-extractable Zn followed the same trend. After that, both DOC and water-extractable Zn decreased back to values similar to those of the unamended soils. Although Zn solubility did not increase overall even at high biosolids application rates, this study shows that time-limited fluctuations in Zn solubility due to sudden DOC flushes, can be significant, and need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Soil samples from column studies using five soil types and from a field site were analyzed to assess the ability of soil aquifer treatment to sustain removal of organic carbon. The soil types used in the column studies were chosen to represent a wide range of soil properties that might be used for soil aquifer treatment. Soil samples were analyzed for total organic matter, and a subset of samples was sequentially extracted to determine the effects of soil aquifer treatment. For both column studies and the field site, no accumulation of organic matter was observed below a depth of 8 cm. Near the surface, biological activity at the soil-water interface resulted in an accumulation of biomass and associated organic matter. For the column studies, the accumulation of organic matter in the top 8 cm of soil was <20% of the total organic matter applied to the columns. Soils at depths greater than 8 cm had total organic matter levels less than the original soils before soil aquifer treatment. Significant changes in extractable iron and manganese oxides were observed at the field site, which had been in operation for >10 yr with extended periods of low redox conditions. However, these changes had no apparent effect on the removal of organic carbon in the system. This study provides evidence that soil aquifer treatment can remove organic carbon without accumulation from adsorption that might eventually lead to breakthrough.  相似文献   

The risk of P loss from manured soils is more related to P fractions than total P concentration in manure. This study examined the impact of manure P fractions on P losses from liquid swine manure- (LSM), solid cattle manure- (SCM), and monoammonium phosphate- (MAP) treated soils. Manure or fertilizer was applied at 50 mg P kg soil, mixed, and incubated at 20°C for 6 wk to simulate the interaction between applied P and soil when P is applied well in advance of a high risk period for runoff. Phosphorus fractions in manure were determined using the modified Hedley fractionation scheme. We used simulated rainfall (75 mm h?1 for 1 h) to quantify P losses in runoff from two soils (sand and clay loam). The proportion of total labile P (total P in water+NaHCO fractions) in manure was significantly greater in LSM (70%) than SCM (44%). Mean dissolved reactive P (DRP) load in runoff over 60 min was greatest from MAP-treated soil (18.1 mg tray?1), followed by LSM- (14.0 mg tray?1) and SCM- (11.0 mg tray?1) treated soils, all of which were greater than mean DRP load from the check (5.2 mg tray?1). Total labile P (water+NaHCO) in manure was a more accurate predictor of runoff DRP loads than water extractable P, alone, for these two soils. Therefore, NaHCO extraction of manure P may be a useful tool for managing the risk of manure P runoff losses when manure is applied outside a high risk period for runoff loss.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of intensive cropping of tropical lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) and the associated long-term soil submergence on chemical properties of soil organic matter, we used solid-state 13C and 15N and solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to analyze the labile mobile humic acid (MHA) and the more recalcitrant calcium humate (CaHA) fractions extracted from a series of soils supporting several long-term field experiments in the Philippines. The soils varied mainly in degree of submergence and cropping intensity, ranging from a rainfed rice field without soil submergence to irrigated double- and triple-cropped fields in which soil remains submerged almost all year long. As reported previously, all analyses associated increasing intensity of rice cropping with larger proportions of less humified material in the MHA and CaHA, such as diester phosphorus (P), amide nitrogen (N), and phenolic carbon (C). We established significant correlations between proportions of various spectral areas as well as between some spectral areas and other humic acid (HA) properties such as visible light absorption and free radical concentration (positive indices of humification) and hydrogen (H) concentration (negative index of humification). For example, spectral proportions of heterocyclic N were positively, and proportions of amide N and phenolic C negatively, correlated with visible light absorption and free radical concentration, and each of these spectral proportions had an opposite sign when correlated with H concentration. The correlations of N-alkyl C proportions were the strongest with these properties and with other functional group proportions.  相似文献   

A batch reactor was used to determine sorption kinetic parameters (k2, F, and K*) and the equilibrium sorption coefficient (K). The two-site nonequilibrium (TSNE) batch sorption kinetics model was used to calculate the kinetic parameters. Two probe organic pesticides, atrazine [2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine] and diuron [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea] were studied using three carbonatic soils from South Florida (Chekika, Perrine, and Krome), one noncarbonatic soil from Iowa (Webster), and one organic soil (Lauderhill) from South Florida. Carbonatic soils contained more than 600 g kg(-1) CaCO3. Sorption is initially very fast up to 3 h and then slowly reaches equilibrium. All soil-chemical combinations reached sorption equilibrium after about 24 h and all sorption isotherms were linear. The sorption kinetics data were well described by the TSNE model for all soil-chemical combinations except for the marl soil data (Perrine-Atrazine), which were better described by the one-site nonequilibrium (OSNE) model. Diuron, with higher K, undergoes slower sorption kinetics than atrazine. The Lauderhill soil containing organic carbon (OC) of 450 g kg(-1) exhibited slowest sorption kinetics for both pesticides. An inverse relationship between k3 and K was observed for atrazine and diuron separately in Chekika, Webster, and Lauderhill soils but not in Perrine and Krome soils. The sorption kinetic parameters were used to distinguish the sorption behavior between atrazine and diuron and to identify differences between soils. Normalizing the sorption coefficient (K) to OC showed that atrazine and diuron had K oc values in carbonatic soils that were a third of reported literature values for noncarbonatic soils. Using existing literature K oc values in solute transport models will most likely underestimate the mobility of atrazine, diuron, and other neutral organic chemicals in carbonatic soils.  相似文献   

To evaluate the importance of both the inorganic and organic fractions in biosolids on Cd chemistry, a series of Cd sorption and desorption batch experiments (at pH 5.5) were conducted on different fractions of soils from a long-term field experimental site. The slope of the Cd sorption isotherm increased with rate of biosolids and was different for the different biosolids. Removal of organic carbon (OC) reduced the slope of the Cd sorption isotherm but did not account for the observed differences between biosolids-amended soils and a control soil, indicating that the increased adsorption associated with biosolids application was not limited to the increased OC from the addition of biosolids. Removal of both OC and Fe/Mn further reduced the slopes of Cd sorption isotherms and the sorption isotherm of the biosolids-amended soil was the same as that of the control, indicating both OC and Fe/Mn fractions added by the biosolids were important to the increased sorption observed for the biosolids-amended soil samples. Desorption experiments failed to remove from 60 to 90% of the sorbed Cd. This "apparent hysteresis" was higher for biosolids-amended soil than the control soil. Removal of both OC and Fe/Mn fractions was more effective in removing the observed differences between the biosolids-amended soil and the control than either alone. Results show that Cd added to biosolids-amended soil behaves differently than Cd added to soils without biosolids and support the hypothesis that the addition of Fe and Mn in the biosolids increased the retention of Cd in biosolids-amended soils.  相似文献   

Chromium has become an important soil contaminant at many sites, and facilitating in situ reduction of toxic Cr(VI) to nontoxic Cr(III) is becoming an attractive remediation strategy. Acceleration of Cr(VI) reduction in soils by addition of organic carbon was tested in columns pretreated with solutions containing 1000 and 10 000 mg L(-1) Cr(VI) to evaluate potential in situ remediation of highly contaminated soils. Solutions containing 0,800, or 4000 mg L(-1) organic carbon in the form of tryptic soy broth or lactate were diffused into the Cr(VI)-contaminated soils. Changes in Cr oxidation state were monitored through periodic micro-XANES analyses of soil columns. Effective first-order reduction rate constants ranged from 1.4 x 10(-8) to 1.5 x 10(-7) s(-1), with higher values obtained for lower levels of initial Cr(VI) and higher levels of organic carbon. Comparisons with sterile soils showed that microbially dependent processes were largely responsible for Cr(VI) reduction, except in the soils initially exposed to 10 000 mg L(-1) Cr(VI) solutions that receive little (800 mg L(-1)) or no organic carbon. However, the microbial populations (< or = 2.1 x 10(5) g(-1)) in the viable soils are probably too low for direct enzymatic Cr(VI) reduction to be important. Thus, synergistic effects sustained in whole soil systems may have accounted for most of the observed reduction. These results show that acceleration of in situ Cr(VI) reduction with addition of organic carbon is possible in even heavily contaminated soils and suggest that microbially dependent reduction pathways can be dominant.  相似文献   

Residues of pharmaceutical antibiotics are found in the environment, whose fate and effects are governed by sorption. Thus, the extent and mechanisms of the soil sorption of p-aminobenzoic acid and five sulfonamide antibiotics (sulfanilamide, sulfadimidine, sulfadiazine, sulfadimethoxine, and sulfapyridine) were investigated using topsoils of fertilized and unfertilized Chernozem and their organic-mineral particle-size fractions. Freundlich adsorption coefficients (K(f)) ranged from 0.5 to 6.5. Adsorption increased with aromaticity and electronegativity of functional groups attached to the sulfonyl-phenylamine core. Adsorption to soil and particle-size fractions increased in the sequence: coarse silt < whole soil < medium silt < sand < clay < fine silt and was influenced by pH. Sorption nonlinearity (1/n 相似文献   

This study examines the effect of soil organic matter heterogeneity on equilibrium sorption and desorption of phenanthrene, naphthalene, 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (1,3,5-TCB), and 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB) by soils and sediments. Two estuary sediments, a Pahokee peat (PP; Euic, hyperthermic Lithic Haplosaprist), and two subsamples (base- and acid-treated peat [TP] and acid-treated peat [FP]) of the peat were used as the sorbents. The contents of black carbon particles were quantified with a chemical extraction method. Petrographical examinations revealed the presence of the condensed soil and sediment organic matter (SOM) in Pahokee peat. The Freundlich isotherm model in two different forms was used to fit both sorption and desorption data. The results show that the sorption and desorption isotherms are generally nonlinear and that the apparent sorption-desorption hysteresis is present for phenanthrene and TCB. Detailed analysis of sorption data for the tested sorbent-sorbate systems indicates that black carbon is probably responsible for sorption isotherm nonlinearity for the two sediments, whereas the humic substances and kerogen may play the dominant role in nonlinear sorption by the peat. This investigation suggests that the microporosity of SOM is important for the hydrophobic organic contaminant (HOC) sorption capacity on the peat.  相似文献   

The agricultural practice of amending soils with composted municipal solid waste (MSW) adds significant amounts of organic matter and trace metals, including Cd. Under these conditions, soluble organic complexes of Cd formed in the compost may be more significant than previously thought, due to Cd bioavailability and mobility in the soil environment. To study the relative importance of different types of organic ligands in MSW compost for the binding of Cd, six fractions of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in addition to humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) were extracted and their complexation of Cd quantified at pH 7 using an ion-selective electrode (ISE). The highest complexing capacities (CC) for Cd were found for the most humified ligands: HA (2386 micromol Cd g(-1) C of ligand), predialyzed FA (2468 micromol Cd g(-1) C), and HoA, a fulvic-type, easily soluble fraction (1042 micromol Cd g(-1) C). The differences in CC for Cd of the various organic ligands were not directly related to total acid-titratable or carboxylic groups, indicating the importance of sterical issues and other functional groups. The strength of association between Cd and the organic ligands was characterized by calculating stability constants for binding at the strongest sites (pK(int)) and modeling the distribution of binding site strengths. The pK(int) values of the DOM fractions ranged between 6.93 (HiN: polysaccharides) and 8.11 (HiB: proteins and aminosugars), compared with 10.05 for HA and 7.98 for FA. Hence, the highly complex and only partially soluble organic molecules from compost such as HA and FA demonstrated the highest capacity to sequester Cd. However, strong Cd binding of organic ligands containing N-functional groups (HiB) in addition to a high CC of soluble, humified ligands like HoA indicated the relevance of these fractions for the organic complexation of Cd in solution.  相似文献   

The role of structural fractions of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from wastewater in the sorption process of hydrophobic organic compounds is still not clear. In this study, DOM from two wastewater treatment plants (Lachish and Netanya, Israel) was fractionated to hydrophobic acid (HoA) and hydrophobic neutral (HoN) fractions. The fractions were characterized and their sorptive capabilities for s-triazine herbicides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied. For all sorbates, the binding to the HoN fractions was much higher than to HoA fractions. The HoA fractions were more polar than the HoN fractions, containing a higher level of carboxylic functionalities. However the higher binding coefficients of atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamine-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine) and ametryn [2-(ethylamino)-4-isopropylamino-6-methyl-thio-s-triazine] obtained for the HoN fractions suggest that their sorption is governed by hydrophobic-like interactions rather than H bonding. The values of binding coefficients of PAHs measured for the HoN fractions were within the range reported for humic acids and much higher than other fractions, suggesting that this fraction plays an important role in the overall sorption of these compounds by DOM. Higher sorption coefficients were measured for the Netanya DOM sample containing higher level of hydrophobic fractions (HoA + HoN) than the Lachish DOM, suggesting that the sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds by DOM is governed by the level of these structural substances. The evaluation of mobility of organic pollutants by wastewater irrigation requires not only assessment of the total carbon concentration but also, more importantly, the content of the hydrophobic fractions.  相似文献   

Soil monoliths from an area exposed to acid precipitation and from an unpolluted area were used in a lysimeter experiment to study effects of different rain qualities on the chemical composition of the leachate from shallow soils rich in organic matter. The vegetation was either dominated by moorgrass [Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench] or heather [Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull]. The lysimeters received either "acid rain" (pH 4.3) or "normal rain" (pH 5.3). High concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were characteristic of the leachate. The different "rain" qualities had no significant influence on the DOC concentration. More DOC was, however, leached from lysimeters with heather vegetation. Roughly 50% of the aluminum (Al) was in complex with organic material and the Al charge was calculated to be between +1.4 and +2.0. Sulfate (SO4(2-)) was the only component that was significantly influenced by the treatment, as more was leached from lysimeters receiving "acid rain." Sulfate was poorly correlated with pH, suggesting that reduced SO4(2-) input would not necessarily lead to reduced acidity. Differences in the pH of the leachate due to the treatments were less than 0.15 pH units. Nitrate (NO3-) was only leached in very low concentrations and of little consequence for the leachate acidity. Some observations do, however, suggest that NO3- may contribute to acidification in episodes with high precipitation. High concentrations of Cl- in the leachate and a significant positive correlation between Cl-, H+, and base cations indicate that sea salt episodes may be important for soil acidification and acidity of the leachate.  相似文献   

The increased use of animal waste-derived effluents for irrigation could result in the enhanced movement of pesticides through complexation with dissolved organic materials. Batch equilibrium studies were conducted to measure the interaction among soil, chlorpyrifos [O,O-diethyl O-(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl) phosphorothioate], and dissolved organic matter (DOM) from poultry, swine, and cow waste-derived lagoon effluents. All DOM was found to have a strong affinity for chlorpyrifos, resulting in reduced sorption of chlorpyrifos by soil, thus the potential for DOM-enhanced mobility. Effluent DOM was observed to sorb to soils. Thus, for increasingly higher soil mass to solution volume ratios, the effect of chlorpyrifos association with water-borne DOM on sorption decreases significantly. For high soil mass to solution volume ratios typical of soil profiles in the landscape, the potential for DOM-enhanced transport will be greatly attenuated. Dissolved organic matter concentration and the nonpolar nature of DOM in the lagoon effluent decreased with increasing residence time in the cells of the lagoon system, thus reducing the potential for DOM-enhanced transport.  相似文献   

Soil organic phosphorus (SOP) can greatly contribute to plant-available P and P nutrition. The study was conducted to determine the effects of organic amendments on organic P fractions and microbiological activities in paddy soils. Samples were collected at the Changshu Agro-ecological Experiment Station in Tahu Lake Basin, China, from an experiment that has been performed from 1999 to 2004, on a paddy soil (Gleysols). Treatments consisted of swine manure (SM), wheat straw (WS), swine manure plus wheat straw (SM + WS), and a control (chemical fertilization alone). Organic amendments markedly increased soil total organic phosphorus (TOP) and total organic carbon (TOC), especially in continuously flooded conditions. Based on the fractionation of SOP, organic amendments significantly increased soil labile organic phosphorus (LOP), moderately labile organic phosphorus (MLOP), and moderately stable organic phosphorus (MSOP) compared with the control. For SM and SM + WS treatments, LOP in continuously flooded soils decreased by 30.1 and 36.4%, respectively, compared to intermittently flooded soils. In organically amended soils, continuous flooding showed significantly lower microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP) and alkaline phosphatase activities (APA) than intermittent flooding. In intermittently flooded conditions, incorporating organic amendments into soil resulted in greater P uptake and biomass yield of rice than the control. In the intermittently flooded soils, APA (P < 0.05) and MBP (P < 0.01) were significantly and positively related to TOP, LOP, MLOP, and MSOP, whereas in continuously flooded soils, there was a significant (P < 0.05) negative relationship between MBP, TOP, and MSOP. Based on soil organic P fractions and soil enzymatic and microbiological activities, continuous flooding applied to paddy soils should be avoided, especially when swine manure is incorporated into paddy soil.  相似文献   

Establishing a simple yet reliable compost stability test is essential for a better compost quality control and utilization efficiency. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between extractable organic carbon (OC) and compost stability based on 18 compost samples from five composting facilities. The compost samples were extracted sequentially with water for 2 h [water(2h)] and 0.1 M NaOH for 2 and 24 h [NaOH(2h) and NaOH(24h), respectively]. The extractable OC was further separated into fulvic acid (FA) and humic acid (HA) fractions by adjusting the pH to <2. The mass specific absorbance (MSA) of OC in the six fractions was measured. Compost stability was estimated with a CO2 evolution method. The extractable OC concentration was influenced by the total volatile solids and decreased with curing time for compost with a high level of extractable OC. The OC levels in each fraction were significantly correlated (p < 0.05) to each other except for the water(2h)-extractable HA. In addition, all the FA and HA fractions except for water(2h)-extractable HA were highly (P < 0.01) and linearly correlated to CO2 evolution, but multiple regression showed that NaOH(24h)-extractable OC was insignificant for CO2 evolution. The relatively high slope of NaOH(2h)-extractable FA versus CO2 evolution suggests that this fraction may contribute the most to compost CO2 evolution. The water(2h)- and/or NaOH(2h)-extractable FA tests are recommended for measuring compost stability because of their high correlation with CO2 evolution. This estimation can be obtained through a simple photometric method covering a wide range of carbon concentrations up to 4,000 mg L(-1).  相似文献   

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