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In situ incubation methods may help provide site-specific estimates of N mineralization from land-applied wastes. However, there are concerns about the reliability of the data generated by the various methods due to containment artifacts. We amended a sandy soil with either poultry manure, biosolids, or yard-waste compost and incubated the mixtures using four in situ methods (buried bags, covered cylinders, standard resin traps, and "new" soil-resin traps) and a conventional laboratory technique in plastic bags. Each incubation device was destructively sampled at 45-d intervals for 180 d and net N mineralization was determined by measuring the amount of inorganic N that accumulated in the soil or soil plus resin traps. Containment effects were evaluated by comparing water content of the containerized soil to a field-reference soil column. In situ incubation methods provided reasonable estimates of short-term (< 45 d) N mineralization, but long-term (> 45 d) mineralization data were not accurate due to a variety of problems specific to each technique. Buried bags and covered cylinders did not retain mineralized N due to water movement into and out of the containers. Neither resin method captured all of the mineralized N that leached through the soil columns, but the new soil-resin trap method tracked field soil water content better than all other in situ methods evaluated. With further refinement and validation, the new soil-resin trap method may be a useful in situ incubation technique for measuring net N mineralization rates of organic soil amendments.  相似文献   

Ammonia volatilization from the mineralization of uric acid and urea has a major impact on the poultry industry and the environment. Dry acids are commonly used to reduce ammonia emissions from poultry houses; however, little is known about how acidification affects the litter biologically. The goal of this laboratory incubation was to compare the microbiological and physiochemical effects of dry acid amendments (Al+Clear, Poultry Litter Treatment, Poultry Guard) on poultry litter to an untreated control litter and to specifically correlate uric acid and urea contents of these litters to the microbes responsible for their mineralization. Although all three acidifiers eventually produced similar effects within the litter, there was at least a 2-wk delay in the microbiological responses using Poultry Litter Treatment. Acidification of the poultry litter resulted in >3 log increases in total fungal concentrations, with both uricolytic (uric acid degrading) and ureolytic (urea degrading) fungi increasing by >2 logs within the first 2 to 4 wk of the incubation. Conversely, total, uricolytic, and ureolytic bacterial populations all significantly declined during this same time period. While uric acid and urea mineralization occurred within the first 2 wk in the untreated control litter, acidification resulted in delayed mineralization events for both uric acid and urea (2 and 4 wk delay, respectively) once fungal cell concentrations exceeded a threshold level. Therefore, fungi, and especially uricolytic fungi, appear to have a vital role in the mineralization of organic N in low-pH, high-N environments, and the activity of these fungi should be considered in best management practices to reduce ammonia volatilization from acidified poultry litter.  相似文献   

The use of mining substrates for recultivation purposes is limited due to their low organic matter (OM) contents. In a 1-yr laboratory experiment we evaluated the stabilization of biowaste compost added to a humus-free sandy mining soil to examine the suitability of compost amendment for the formation of stable soil organic matter (SOM). The stabilization process was characterized by measuring enrichment of OM and nitrogen in particle size fractions obtained after dispersion with different amounts of energy (ultrasonication and shaking in water), carbon mineralization, and amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). During the experiment, 17.1% of the organic carbon (OC) was mineralized. Organic carbon enrichment in the < 20-micron particle size fraction at the beginning of the experiment was in the range of natural soils with similar texture. Within 12 mo, a distinct OC redistribution from coarse into fine fractions was found with both dispersion methods. The accumulation of OC was more pronounced for the size separates obtained by ultrasonication, where the carbon distribution between 0.45- to 20-micron particle size fractions increased from 30% at the beginning to 71% at the end of the experiment. Dissolved organic carbon contents ranged between 50 and 68 g kg-1 OC and decreased during the incubation. In conclusion, the exponential decrease of carbon mineralization and the OC enrichment in the fine particle size fractions both indicated a distinct OM stabilization in the mining soil.  相似文献   

The use of composted manures and of legumes in crop rotations may control the quality and quantity of soil organic matter and may affect nutrient retention and recycling. We studied soil organic C and N stocks and N mineralization in organically and conventionally managed dryland arable soils. We selected 13 extensive organic fields managed organically for 10 yr or more as well as adjacent fields managed conventionally. Organic farmers applied composted manures ranging from 0 to 1380 kg C ha yr and incorporated legumes in crop rotations. In contrast, conventional farmers applied fresh manures combined with slurries and/or mineral fertilizers ranging from 200 to 1900 kg C ha yr and practiced a cereal monoculture. Despite the fact that the application of organic C was similar in both farming systems, organically managed soils showed higher C and similar N content and lower bulk density than conventionally managed soils. Moreover, organic C stocks responded to the inputs of organic C in manures and to the presence of legumes only in organically managed soils. In contrast, stocks of organic N increased with the inputs of N or C in both farming systems. In organically managed soils, organic N stocks were less mineralizable than in conventional soils. However, N mineralization in organic soils was sensitive to the N fixation rates of legumes and to application rate and C/N ratio of the organic fertilizers.  相似文献   

One method for recovering degraded soils in semiarid regions is to add organic matter to improve soil characteristics, thereby enhancing biogeochemical nutrient cycling. In this paper, we studied the changes in soil biological properties as a result of adding a crushed cotton gin compost (CCGC) and a poultry manure (PM) for 4 yr to restore a Xerollic Calciorthid located near Seville (Guadalquivir Valley, Andalusia, Spain). Organic wastes were applied at rates of 5, 7.5, and 10 Mg organic matter ha(-1). One year after the assay began, spontaneous vegetation had appeared in the treated plots, particularly in that receiving a high PM and CCGC dose. After 4 yr, the plant cover in these treated plots was around 88 and 79%, respectively, compared with 5% for the control. The effects on soil microbial biomass and six soil enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, urease, BBA-protease, beta-glucosidase, arylsulfatase, and alkaline phosphatase activities) were ascertained. Both added organic wastes had a positive effect on the biological properties of the soil, although at the end of the experimental period and at high dosage, soil microbial biomass and soil enzyme activities were generally higher in the PM-amended soils compared to the CCGC-amended soils. Enzyme activity from the PM-amended soil was 5, 15, 13, 19, 22, 30, and 6% greater than CCGC-amended soil for soil microbial biomass, urease, BBA-protease, beta-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, and dehydrogenase activities, respectively. After 4 yr, the percentage of plant cover was > 48% in all treated plots and 5% in the control.  相似文献   

In this study, seven organic amendments (biosolid compost, farm yard manure, fish manure, horse manure, spent mushroom, pig manure, and poultry manure) were investigated for their effects on the reduction of hexavalent chromium [chromate, Cr(VI)] in a mineral soil (Manawatu sandy soil) low in organic matter content. Addition of organic amendments enhanced the rate of reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) in the soil. At the same level of total organic carbon addition, there was a significant difference in the extent of Cr(VI) reduction among the soils treated with organic amendments. There was, however, a significant positive linear relationship between the extent of Cr(VI) reduction and the amount of dissolved organic carbon in the soil. The effect of biosolid compost on the uptake of Cr(VI) from the soil, treated with various levels of Cr(VI) (0-1200 mg Cr kg(-1) soil), was examined with mustard (Brassica juncea L.) plants. Increasing addition of Cr(VI) increased Cr concentration in plants, resulting in decreased plant growth (i.e., phytotoxicity). Addition of the biosolid compost was effective in reducing the phytotoxicity of Cr(VI). The redistribution of Cr(VI) in various soil components was evaluated by a sequential fractionation scheme. In the unamended soil, the concentration of Cr was higher in the organic-bound, oxide-bound, and residual fractions than in the soluble and exchangeable fractions. Addition of organic amendments also decreased the concentration of the soluble and exchangeable fractions but especially increased the organic-bound fraction in soil.  相似文献   

Biosolids are effective forest fertilizers. In order to facilitate their use it is important that one be able to predict the amount and rate of mineralization of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, and the relationship between substrate chemistry and N release. We examined the relationships between substrate quality and nitrogen release in a variety of organic materials. Rates of decomposition and net N mineralization from four biosolids, wheat straw, paper fines, and Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] needle litter were measured during 391-d incubations in a greenhouse, and at two field sites in wet coastal and dry interior forests. Decomposition rates were best predicted by a model incorporating the ratio of carbon to organic matter. The decomposition model extrapolated well to the field when site-specific correction factors were applied. There was a weak relationship between rates of decomposition and net N mineralization. Rates of net N mineralization were best predicted by a model incorporating the initial organic N concentration and the proportion of phenolic C determined from solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The mineralization model extrapolated less well to the field, but the effect of substrate chemistry was still apparent. Among the four biosolids there was a strong correlation between organic N concentration and indices or protein determined from 13C NMR, suggesting that these protein indices may be useful for predicting N mineralization from biosolids. There was some evidence that the protein content and N mineralization in biosolids may be predictable from the sewage treatment process employed.  相似文献   

Seventeen different wastewater sludges were characterized using both chemical and organic matter fractionation methods (water extraction, Van Soest method, and acid hydrolysis) and 6-mo incubation studies to assess their decomposition in soil. Simple correlation and multiple factor analysis (MFA) were then performed to establish relationships between composition and C and N mineralization of sludges. Carbon and N concentrations covered a wide range of values, but organic carbon (C(o)) to organic nitrogen (N(o)) ratios were relatively low (from 5 to 19). Carbon and N were mainly distributed in the most soluble fractions of the Van Soest method and in the water-insoluble fraction at 100 degrees C. Carbon mineralization varied from 180 to 661 g C kg(-1) organic C added during the 168-d incubation. The addition of sludges led to different inorganic N dynamics: from -3.3 to +120.0 g N kg(-1) sludge organic C mineralized after the 168-d incubation. Fractionation studies showed that the most discriminating method was acid hydrolysis. Carbon mineralization was linked with the proportion of sludge N and C present in the lignin-like fraction (r = -0.68 and -0.65, respectively). Significant relationships were established between N mineralization and N(o) to C(o) ratio (0.88 < r < 0.95) and the C(o) to N(o) ratio of sludges, the C to N ratio of the soluble fraction obtained by the Van Soest method, the water-soluble fraction at 100 degrees C, and the C and N present in the acid-hydrolyzable fraction. Finally, multiple factor analysis also enabled establishing a sludge typology using five clusters based on composition and mineralization characteristics.  相似文献   

The use of various animal manures for nitrogen (N) fertilization is often viewed as a viable replacement for mineral N fertilizers. However, the impacts of amendment type on NO production may vary. In this study, NO emissions were measured for 2 yr on two soil types with contrasting texture and carbon (C) content under a cool, humid climate. Treatments consisted of a no-N control, calcium ammonium nitrate, poultry manure, liquid cattle manure, or liquid swine manure. The N sources were surface applied and immediately incorporated at 90 kg N ha before seeding of spring wheat ( L.). Cumulative NO-N emissions from the silty clay ranged from 2.2 to 8.3 kg ha yr and were slightly lower in the control than in the fertilized plots ( = 0.067). The 2-yr mean NO emission factors ranged from 2.0 to 4.4% of added N, with no difference among N sources. Emissions of NO from the sandy loam soil ranged from 0.3 to 2.2 kg NO-N ha yr, with higher emissions with organic than mineral N sources ( = 0.015) and the greatest emissions with poultry manure ( < 0.001). The NO emission factor from plots amended with poultry manure was 1.8%, more than double that of the other treatments (0.3-0.9%), likely because of its high C content. On the silty clay, the yield-based NO emissions (g NO-N kg grain yield N) were similar between treatments, whereas on the sandy loam, they were greatest when amended with poultry manure. Our findings suggest that, compared with mineral N sources, manure application only increases soil NO flux in soils with low C content.  相似文献   

Seven-day batch equilibrium experiments were conducted to measure the efficacy of four phosphate amendments (trisodium trimetaphosphate [TP3], dodecasodium phytate [Na-IP6], precipitated calcium phytate [Ca-IP6], and hydroxyapatite [HA]) for immobilizing Ni and U in organic-rich sediment. Using the eight-step modified Miller's sequential extraction procedure and the USEPA's Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, the effect of these amendments on the distribution of Ni and U was assessed. Relative to unamended controls, equilibrium aqueous-phase U concentrations were lower following HA and Ca-IP6 additions but higher following TP3 and Na-IP6 amendments, whereas aqueous Ni concentrations were not decreased only in the Na-IP6 amended treatment relative to the control. The poor rates of contaminant immobilization following TP3 and Na-IP6 amendments correlate with the dispersion of organic matter and organo-mineral colloids, which probably contain sorbed U and Ni. While all amendments shifted the U distribution toward more recalcitrant soil fractions, Ni was redistributed to more labile soil fractions. This study cautions that the addition of orthophosphates and organophosphates as contaminant immobilizing amendments may in fact have adverse effects, especially in high-organic soils. Particular attention is warranted at sites with mixed contaminants with varying geochemical behaviors.  相似文献   

Permanent grass vegetation on sloping soils is an option to protect fields from erosion, but decaying grass may liberate considerable amounts of dissolved reactive P (DRP) in springtime runoff. We studied the effects of freezing and thawing of grassed soil on surface runoff P concentrations by indoor rainfall simulations and tested whether the peak P concentrations could be reduced by amending the soil with P-binding materials containing Ca or Fe. Forty grass-vegetated soil blocks (surface area 0.045 m, depth 0.07 m) were retrieved from two permanent buffer zones on a clay and loam soil in southwest Finland. Four replicates were amended with either: (i) gypsum from phosphoric acid processing (CaSO × 2HO, 6 t ha), (ii) chalk powder (CaCO, 3.3 t ha), (iii) Fe-gypsum (6 t ha) from TiO processing, or (iv) granulated ferric sulfate (Fe[SO], 0.7 t ha), with four replicates serving as untreated controls. Rainfall (3.3 h × 5 mm h) was applied on presaturated samples set at a slope of 5% and the surface runoff was analyzed for DRP, total dissolved P (TDP), total P (TP), and suspended solids. Rainfall simulation was repeated twice after the samples were frozen. Freezing and thawing of the samples increased the surface runoff DRP concentration of the control treatment from 0.19 to 0.46 mg L, up to 2.6-3.7 mg L, with DRP being the main P form in surface runoff. Compared with the controls, surface runoff from soils amended with Fe compounds had 57 to 80% and 47 to 72% lower concentrations of DRP and TP, respectively, but the gypsum and chalk powder did not affect the P concentrations. Thus, amendments containing Fe might be an option to improve DRP retention in, e.g., buffer zones.  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine the forms of P and to examine the influence of oven-drying on P forms in different organic amendments. Samples of biosolids, beef and dairy cattle manures, and hog manures from sow and nursery barns were used in this study. Both fresh and oven-dried amendments were analyzed for inorganic (Pi), organic (Po), and total phosphorus using a modified Hedley fractionation technique. Water extracted about 10% of total biosolids P and 30 to 40% of total hog and cattle manure P. The amount of P extracted by NaHCO3 ranged from 21 to 32% of total P in all organic amendments except in the dairy cattle manure with 45% of total P. The labile P fraction (sum of H2O- and NaHCO3-extractable P) was 24% of biosolids P, 60% of hog manure P, and 70% of dairy cattle manure P. The residual P was about 10% in biosolids and cattle manures and 5 to 8% in hog manures. Oven-drying caused a transformation in forms of P in the organic amendments. In hog manures, H2O-extractable Po was transformed to Pi, while in the dairy manure NaHCO3-extractable P was converted to H2O-extractable Pi with oven-drying. Therefore, caution should be exercised in using oven-drying for studies that evaluate forms of P in organic amendments. Overall, these results indicate that biosolids P may be less susceptible to loss by water when added to agricultural land.  相似文献   

Organic wastes are considered to be a source for the potentially pathogenic microorganisms found in surface and sub-surface water resources. Following their release from the organic waste matrix, bacteria often infiltrate into soil and may be transported to significant depths contaminating aquifers. We investigated the influence of soil texture and structure and most importantly the organic waste properties on the transport and filtration coefficients of Escherichia coli and total bacteria in undisturbed soil columns. Intact soil columns (diameter 16 cm and height 25 cm) were collected from two soils: sandy clay loam (SCL) and loamy sand (LS) in Hamadan, western Iran. The cores were amended with cow manure, poultry manure and sewage sludge at a rate of 10 Mg ha(-1) (dry basis). The amended soil cores were leached at a steady-state flux of 4.8 cm h(-1) (i.e. 0.12 of saturated hydraulic conductivity of the SCL) to a total volume of up to 4 times the pore volume of the columns. The influent (C(0)) and effluent (C) were sampled at similar time intervals during the experiments and bacterial concentrations were measured by the plate count method. Cumulative numbers of the leached bacteria, filtration coefficient (lambda(f)), and relative adsorption index (S(R)) were calculated. The preferential pathways and stable structure of the SCL facilitated the rapid transport and early appearance of the bacteria in the effluent. The LS filtered more bacteria when compared with the SCL. The effluent contamination of poultry manure-treated columns was greater than the cow manure- and sewage sludge-treated ones. The difference between cow manure and sewage sludge was negligible. The lambda(f) and S(R) values for E. coli and total bacteria were greater in the LS than in the SCL. This indicates a predominant role for the physical pore-obstruction filtration mechanisms as present in the poorly structured LS vs. the retention at adsorptive sites (chemical filtration) more likely in the better structured SCL. While the results confirmed the significant role of soil structure and preferential (macroporous) pathways, manure type was proven to have a major role in determining the maximum penetration risk of bacteria by governing filtration of bacteria. Thus while the numbers of bacteria in waste may be of significance for shallow aquifers, the type of waste may determine the risk for microbial contamination of deep aquifers.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution of soil has been recognized as a major factor impeding soil microbial processes. From this perspective, we studied responses of the soil biological activities to metal stress simulated by soil amendment with Zn, Pb, and Cd chlorides. The amounts of heavy metal salts added to five metal-polluted soils and four nonpolluted soils were selected to match the total metal concentrations typically found in polluted soils of the Silesia region of Poland. From the perspective of soil quality, metal mobility in amended soils could not be described by simple functions of pH or organic matter. Reaction of Pb with the soil caused strong immobilization with less than 1% of the Pb amendment recovered by 0.01 M CaCl2 extractions. Immobilization of Cd was also significant, whereas immobilization of the Zn amendment was much weaker than that of Cd or Pb. The Zn amendment had substantial inhibitory effect on soil dehydrogenase, acid and alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, urease, and nitrification potential. Generally, Cd and Pb had limited or stimulatory effect on most of these biological activities, with an exception of Pb strongly inhibiting soil urease. The effect of the metal amendments on biological activities could not be satisfactorily accounted for by metal toxicity because no strong relationship was observed between extractable metal content and the degree of inhibition. The Zn amendment had a significant effect on soil pH, resulting in confounding effects of pH and Zn toxicity on activities. Metal amendment experiments seem to be of limited utility for meaningful assessment of metal contamination effects on soil quality.  相似文献   

Fly ash samples from five power stations in Western Australia and Queensland, and two soils used for horticulture in Western Australia, were evaluated for a series of physical and chemical properties. Soils were comprised primarily of coarse sand-sized particles, whereas most of the fly ashes were primarily fine sand- and silt-sized particles. Hydraulic conductivities in the fly ashes were 105- to 248-fold slower than in the soils. The water-holding capacities of fly ashes at "field capacity" were three times higher than those of the soils. Extractable P in the fly ashes (except Tarong and Callide) were 20- to 88-fold higher than in the soils. The pH showed considerable variation among the different sources of fly ash, with samples from Muja being the most acidic (pH = 3.8; 1:5 in CaCl2 extract) and from Gladstone the most alkaline (pH = 9.9). The toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) values indicate that the potential for release of trace elements from the fly ashes was well below regulatory levels. When applied at sufficient rates (e.g., to achieve 10% w/w in surface layers) to sandy soils, fly ash altered texture and increased water-holding capacity. Depending on the source of fly ash used, such amendments could also provide P and aid nutrient retention by increasing the phosphorus retention index (PRI) and/or cation exchange capacity (CEC). The considerable variability in physical and chemical properties among the fly ash samples evaluated in the present study supports the notion that field trials are essential to the future development of soil amendment strategies making use of any particular source of fly ash.  相似文献   

Utilization of biosolids through land application is becoming increasingly popular among wastewater managers. To minimize the potential contamination of receiving waters from biosolids-derived nitrogen (N), it is important to understand the availability of N after land application of biosolids. In this study, four secondary biosolids (two municipal and two pulp and paper industrial biosolids) were used in a laboratory incubation experiment to simulate N mineralization and transformation after land application. Municipal biosolids were from either aerobically or anaerobically digested sources, while pulp and paper industrial biosolids were from aerated wastewater stabilization lagoons. These biosolids were mixed with two New Zealand forest soils (top 100 mm of a volcanic soil and a brown soil) and incubated at two temperatures (10 and 20 degrees C) for 26 wk. During incubation, mineralized N was periodically leached from the soil-biosolids mixture with 0.01 M CaCl2 solution and concentrations of NH4 and NO3 in leachate were determined. Mineralization of N from aerobically digested municipal biosolids (32.1%) was significantly more than that from anaerobically digested biosolids (15.2%). Among the two pulp and paper industrial biosolids, little N leached from one, while as much as 18.0% of total organic N was leached from the other. As expected, mineralization of N was significantly greater at 20 degrees C (average 22.8%) than at 10 degrees C (average 9.7%). It was observed that more N in municipal biosolids was mineralized in the brown soil, whereas more N in pulp and paper industrial biosolids mineralized in the volcanic soil. Transformation of NH4 to NO3 was affected by soil type and temperature.  相似文献   

Experiments to document the long-term effects of clipping management on N requirements, soil organic carbon (SOC), and soil organic nitrogen (SON) are difficult and costly and therefore few. The CENTURY ecosystem model offers an opportunity to study long-term effects of turfgrass clipping management on biomass production, N requirements, SOC and SON, and N leaching through computer simulation. In this study, the model was verified by comparing CENTURY-predicted Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) clipping yields with field-measured clipping yields. Long-term simulations were run for Kentucky bluegrass grown under home lawn conditions on a clay loam soil in Colorado. The model predicted that compared with clipping-removed management, returning clippings for 10 to 50 yr would increase soil C sequestration by 11 to 25% and nitrogen sequestration by 12 to 28% under a high (150 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) nitrogen (N) fertilization regime, and increase soil carbon sequestration by 11 to 59% and N sequestration by 14 to 78% under a low (75 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)) N fertilization regime. The CENTURY model was further used as a management supporting system to generate optimal N fertilization rates as a function of turfgrass age. Returning grass clippings to the turf-soil ecosystem can reduce N requirements by 25% from 1 to 10 yr after turf establishment, by 33% 11 to 25 yr after establishment, by 50% 25 to 50 yr after establishment, and by 60% thereafter. The CENTURY model shows potential for use as a decision-supporting tool for maintaining turf quality and minimizing negative environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Computer models have been widely used to evaluate the impact of agronomic management on nitrogen (N) dynamics in subsurface drained fields. However, they have not been evaluated as to their ability to capture the variability of nitrate-nitrogen (NO(3)-N) concentration in subsurface drainage at a wide range of N application rates due to possible errors in the simulation of other system components. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of Root Zone Water Quality Model2 (RZWQM2) in simulating the response of NO(3)-N concentration in subsurface drainage to N application rate. A 16-yr field study conducted in Iowa at nine N rates (0-252 kg N ha(-1)) from 1989 to 2004 was used to evaluate the model, based on a previous calibration with data from 2005 to 2009 at this site. The results showed that the RZWQM2 model performed "satisfactorily" in simulating the response of NO(3)-N concentration in subsurface drainage to N fertilizer rate with 0.76, 0.49, and -3% for the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, the ratio of the root mean square error to the standard deviation, and percent bias, respectively. The simulation also identified that the N application rate required to achieve the maximum contaminant level for the annual average NO(3)-N concentration was similar to field-observed data. This study supports the use of RZWQM2 to predict NO(3)-N concentration in subsurface drainage at various N application rates once it is calibrated for the local condition.  相似文献   

The Summitville Mine was a high-elevation (3500 m) gold mine in southwestern Colorado. The mine was abandoned in 1992, leaving approximately 200 ha of disturbance comprised partially of an open pit, a cyanide heap leach pad, and two large waste rock piles. Reclamation of these mine facilities is challenging due to extreme climatic conditions in conjunction with high acid-production potential and low organic matter content of waste materials on site. In addition, stockpiled topsoil at the site is acidic and biologically inactive due to long-term storage, and may not be suitable for plant growth. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of organic amendments (mushroom compost vs. biosolids) and topsoil (stockpiled vs. nonstockpiled) on aboveground biomass and plant trace element uptake. An on-site field study was established in 1995 to identify the most effective combination of treatments for successful reclamation of on-site waste rock materials. Incorporation of organic matter significantly increased aboveground biomass, with mushroom compost being more effective than biosolids, but did not significantly influence trace element uptake. Conversely, the use of topsoil did not affect aboveground biomass, but did influence trace element uptake. Treatments that received topsoil supported plant growth with significantly higher trace element tissue concentrations than treatments that did not receive topsoil. In general, it was found that waste rock could be directly revegetated when properly neutralized, fertilized, and amended with organic matter. Additionally, stockpiled topsoil, when neutralized with lime, supported plant growth equivalent to that on nonstockpiled topsoil.  相似文献   

The amount of biosolids recycled in agriculture has steadily increased during the last decades. However, few models are available to predict the accompanying risks, mainly due to the presence of trace element and organic contaminants, and benefits for soil fertility of their application. This paper deals with using data mining to assess the benefits and risks of biosolids application in agriculture. The analyzed data come from a 10-yr field experiment in northeast France focusing on the effects of biosolid application and mineral fertilization on soil fertility and contamination. Biosolids were applied at agriculturally recommended rates. Biosolids had a significant effect on soil fertility, causing in particular a persistent increase in plant-available phosphorus (P) relative to plots receiving mineral fertilizer. However, soil fertility at seeding and crop management method had greater effects than biosolid application on soil fertility at harvest, especially soil nitrogen (N) content. Levels of trace elements and organic contaminants in soils remained below legal threshold values. Levels of extractable metals correlated more strongly than total metal levels with other factors. Levels of organic contaminants, particularly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, were linked to total metal levels in biosolids and treated soil. This study confirmed that biosolid application at rates recommended for agriculture is a safe option for increasing soil fertility. However, the quality of the biosolids selected has to be taken into account. The results also indicate the power of data mining in examining links between parameters in complex data sets.  相似文献   

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