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Evolutionarily stable strategies of age-dependent sexual advertisement   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In various models of sexual selection mediated by the viability indicator (“good genes”) mechanism, a sexually selected trait will truly reflect male quality if its expression is costly for the male. However, in long-lived species, the expression of a trait often increases with age while the genotype of the male remains unchanged. This fact may obscure the indicator mechanism. Hitherto, game theory models of honesty in sexual advertisement have not taken life-history effects into account, whereas life-history models of reproductive effort have only seldom considered the dependence of mating success on the actions of other individuals. Here, the two approaches are combined, and I examine whether honesty is maintained if males can divide their advertisement effort over their lifetime. The model shows that an increase in the expression of the sexually selected trait over several years is an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) under a wide range of situations, so that a correlated preference for old age can emerge through a viability indicator mechanism. Honesty in the strict sense is not preserved: an optimally behaving low-quality male will in some cases advertise more than a high-quality male of equal age, to the extent that the strongest advertisement found in the population can be associated with a low-quality male. Due to life-history trade-offs, however, honesty in an average sense holds true over the lifetime of individuals: “cheater” age classes will remain small enough, that a female will obtain a higher expected mate quality if she trusts in the trait as an indicator of viability. Received: 25 June 1996 / Accepted after revision: 15 April 1997  相似文献   

It is widely believed that exhaustible resource monopolies do not enjoy as much market power as standard non-resource monopolies, and may even produce in a socially optimal way. We argue that this paradoxical result arises from an inappropriate comparison methodology. When similar assumptions are applied to the resource, and the conventional cases, we show that the resource monopoly behaves as expected, i.e., restricts supply.  相似文献   

Population-wide mating patterns can select for equal parental investment in both sexes, but limiting resources, such as mates or developmental substrates, can increase competition leading to biased sex ratios in favor of either sex. Such competition for resources typically occurs in spatially structured populations, where dispersal is limited. In this laboratory study, we investigate if and how resource competition affects sex allocation, discriminative behaviors and competitive interactions of the wingless hyperparasitoid Gelis acororum, which exploits patchily distributed hosts. We show that G. acororum sex ratios are male-biased and that this is not a consequence of constrained reproduction by virgin females. Our results suggest that this pattern of reproductive investment, which is only rarely observed in parasitoids, is a consequence of resource limitation, in terms of hosts rather than mates. Further, G. acororum appears not to respond to intrinsic host quality or to prior oviposition in its host. When competing inter-specifically for host resources, G. acororum outcompetes its congener Gelis agilis, but does so mainly when ovipositing on the host first. Overall, our results suggest that host resource limitation could be an important environmental factor shaping sex allocation in G. acororum, with competition taking place both intra- and inter-specifically.  相似文献   

A discrete spatial simulation model is developed to investigate the type and intensity of biological and physical factors influencing the structure of coral communities. The model represents reproduction, growth, and interspecific competition by coral colonies in terms of “ownership” of space in a plot of reef habitat. Using data for several eastern Pacific coral species, the model reproduces observed changes in species composition and diversity during coral community development. Model results suggest that during early successional stages, or in areas that are frequently disturbed, larval colonization and rapid growth are more important than dominance achieved by extracoelenteric digestion or by growing over another coral in acquiring and maintaining possession of reef substrate. In mature communities that remain undisturbed, dominance is the best competitive strategy. Although the model was developed to study natural and man-induced changes in the community dynamics of coral reefs, it could be adapted to study other sessile organisms where spatial pattern is an important influence on the frequency and outcome of biological interactions.  相似文献   

Buckmoths ( Hemileuca spp.) are day-flying saturniid moths with diverse ecologies and host plants. Populations that feed on Menyanthes trifoliata , known commonly as Cryan's buckmoths, have been found in only a few bogs and fens near eastern Lake Ontario in New York and near Ottawa in Ontario, Canada. Because of their unique ecological traits, geographic isolation from other Hemileuca populations, and the small number of sites they occupy, there is concern that the Cryan's buckmoth populations are phylogenetically distinct and should be protected. The Cryan's buckmoths have not yet been taxonomically described and do not appear to have clear distinguishing morphological characters. Both molecular genetic traits (allozymes and mitochondrial DNA sequences) and an ecologically based character (host performance) were investigated to determine whether these populations possess fixed diagnostic characters signifying genetic differentiation from other eastern Hemileuca populations. Such differences would merit separate conservation management as an evolutionarily significant unit. Our studies showed that the Cryan's buckmoths clearly belong to the Hemileuca maia species group, but they could not be readily distinguished from other members of that group by means of molecular genetic techniques. There were no fixed differences in alleles or haplotypes distinguishing any of the populations or species, suggesting recent divergence. Nonetheless, in the host-plant performance experiment only the Cryan's buckmoth larvae were able to develop on M. trifoliata , a significant difference from other Hemileuca larvae tested. The Cryan's buckmoth appears to be unique in host performance and warrants protection and management us an evolutionarily significant unit. In cases such as this where groups appear to have recently diverged, investigations into ecologically significant traits may provide indicators of conservation significance as reliable as molecular genetic markers.  相似文献   

Embryo success was studied in the paternally brooding pipefish Syngnathus typhle. During brooding, which lasts about a month, males provide embryos in their brood pouch with nutrients and oxygen via a placenta-like structure. Egg size depends on female size. In aquaria, males were mated with differently sized females to give the following treatments: M, mixed-egg-size broods of approximately half large and half small eggs; L, single-egg-size broods of large eggs; S, single-egg-size broods of small eggs; and F, field mated males. All males were kept in aquaria for a full brooding period. For each egg-size category, the number of newborn was compared with the number of eggs the male initially fertilized in his brood pouch. Within mixed-egg-size broods, a higher proportion of large eggs survived and large eggs resulted in heavier newborn than small eggs. Indeed, small eggs from a mixed-egg-size brood had significantly lower relative success (proportion of embryos surviving to birth) than those from a brood entirely composed of small eggs. The implication is that embryos compete for resources within the brood pouch, and that competitive success depends on egg size. Given that females produce eggs corresponding in size to their body size, and that females are known to compete indirectly for access to mates (i.e., the sex-roles are reversed), this intrabrood competition could be seen as an extension of female-female competition, but alternative explanations are discussed. Received: 28 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 28 October 1995  相似文献   

Teplitsky C  Laurila A 《Ecology》2007,88(7):1641-1646
Competition is predicted to affect the expression of inducible defenses, but because costs of behavioral and morphological antipredator defenses differ along resource gradients, its effects on defenses may depend on the traits considered. We tested the predictions from different defense models in tadpoles of the common frog Rana temporaria, which exhibit both types of defenses. In an outdoor experiment, we exposed the tadpoles to nonlethal predators (Aeshna dragonfly larvae) and to a gradient of intraspecific competition. Morphological responses did not follow any of the expected patterns, since investment in defense was not affected by resource level. Instead, tail depth decreased in the absence of predators. Behavioral defenses followed a state-dependent model. Overall, the defense strategy of the tadpoles revealed a shift from morphological and behavioral defenses at low tadpole density to morphological defense only at high density. This difference probably reflects the different efficiency of the defenses. Hiding is an effective means of defense, but it is unsustainable when resources are scarce. Morphological responses become more important with increasing density to compensate for the increase in behavioral risk-taking. Our results indicate that competition can strongly affect reaction norms of inducible defenses and highlight the importance of integrating ecological parameters that affect the cost-benefit balance of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition is a pervasive phenomenon with important ecological and evolutionary consequences, yet its effect in natural populations remains controversial. Although numerous studies suggest that in many cases populations across all organisms are limited by density-dependent processes, this conclusion often relies on correlative data. Here, using an experimental approach, we examined the effect of intraspecific competition on population regulation of the ant Aphaenogaster senilis. In this species females are philopatric while males disperse by flying over relatively long distances. All colonies were removed from 15 experimental plots, except for one focal colony in each plot, while 15 other plots remained unmanipulated. After the first reproductive season, nest density in the experimental plots returned to a level nonsignificantly different from that in the control plots, which was not expected if the populations were indeed regulated by density-independent phenomena. In both the control plots and the experimental plots colonies remained overdispersed throughout the experiment, suggesting colony mutual exclusion. Nests outside the plots rapidly extended their foraging span, but we did not detect any significant inward migration into the experimental plots. Experimental reduction in density did not significantly affect the focal colonies' biomass, measured just before the first reproductive season. However, the ratio of males to workers-pupae biomasses was smaller in experimental plots, suggesting that colonies there had redirected part of the resources normally allocated to male production to the production instead of new workers. Microsatellite analysis indicated that, after the reproductive season, many colonies in the experimental plots were headed by a young queen that was the mother of the brood but not of the old workers, indicating that reduction in colony density stimulated fission of the remaining colonies. Finally, at the end of the experiment, 14 months after experimental reduction in density, colonies that derived from fission were smaller in the experimental than in the control plots, suggesting that the former had undergone fission at a smaller size than in control plots, which presumably allowed them to colonize the emptied areas. We conclude that colonies adjust resource allocation and colony fission to the degree of intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

It is often necessary to estimate the weight that an individual may be capable of gaining depending on its degree of activity. A simple individual-based model was developed for studying the dynamics of weight in terms of daily behavior and ingestion rate. It was based on the balance between the individual's energy intake and the cost of its daily activities. Costs depend on the weight of the individual and the photoperiod, as well as on the time spent on each activity. Different combinations of ingestion rate, individual's weight, photoperiod length, and time assigned to different activities were used for simulating the weight dynamics, taking the species Rhea americana as a study case. Estimations of energetic costs of the activities were obtained from specialized literature. Using different photoperiods and individual behaviors, the model yields field metabolic rate (FMR) values in agreement with those obtained from direct measurements for other omnivorous bird species.  相似文献   

Fortin D 《Ecology》2006,87(7):1861-1866
The distance that mammalian herbivores can travel without interrupting food processing corresponds to a distance threshold (d*) in plant spacing where change occurs in the mechanisms regulating the functional response. The instantaneous rate of food consumption is controlled by food encounter rate when plant spacing exceeds d*. Below this threshold, food processing in the mouth controls instantaneous intake rate. The distance threshold provides a mechanistic definition of the scale of heterogeneity of the food resource. Recent work indicates that d* should scale positively with the body mass of mammalian herbivores. Here I evaluated the empirical evidence for this positive scaling by investigating (1) herbivores consuming only alfalfa (Medicago sativa), (2) grazers, and (3) herbivores consuming any kind of vegetation. Overall, I found greater evidence for a negative than for a positive scaling of d*. Out of the three groups, only herbivores consuming alfalfa could yield a positive covariation between d* and body mass. However, even this positive scaling became negative when herbivores consumed bites of alfalfa that were only a fraction of their maximum size. Finally, d* also scaled negatively among herbivores foraging in similar food patches. Overall, differences in foraging decisions among mammalian herbivores seem more likely to have been shaped by a negative than a positive scaling of d*.  相似文献   

The effect of aggressive competition over food resources on energy intake rate is analyzed for individuals of three groups of 25–35 white-faced capuchin monkeys, Cebus capucinus, living in and near Lomas Barbudal Biological Reserve, Costa Rica. An individuals energy intake rate on a given food species was affected by its rank and the number of agonistic interactions within the feeding tree. Dominant group members had higher energy intake rates relative to subordinate group members whether or not there was agonism within the feeding tree. Low- and mid-ranked individuals had lower energy intake rates in trees with higher amounts of aggression, while energy intake rate of high-ranked individuals was not affected by the amount of aggression in the feeding tree. Energy intake was not influenced by the sex of the individual when rank was held constant statistically. Energy intake was positively correlated with total crown energy (measured in kilojoules) within the feeding tree for two of three study groups. This difference may be explained by the quality of each groups territory. Finally, high-ranked individuals are responsible for the majority of agonism within feeding trees and target middle- and low-ranked individuals equally. These findings fit the predictions of current socioecological models for within-group contest competition over food resources. The results of this study suggest that within-group competition affects energy intake rate in white-faced capuchin monkeys.  相似文献   

To determine the habitat and resource use of Dosidicus gigas in the Northern Humboldt Current System, we analysed carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of 234 individuals collected during 2008–2010. Large variations in mantle stable isotope ratios were recorded, with values ranging from −19.1 to −15.1 ‰ (δ13C) and from 7.4 to 20.5 ‰ (δ15N). Most of the variation was explained by latitude, followed by distance to shelf break for carbon and by squid size for nitrogen. Latitudinal variations with increasing values from north to south were also found in zooplankton samples and were related to changes in isotope baseline values probably due to oxygen minimum zones that occur off Peru. This similar latitudinal trend in both zooplankton and D. gigas samples reveals that D. gigas is a relatively resident species at the scale of its isotopic turnover rate (i.e. a few weeks), even if this is not necessarily the case at the scale of its life. A small but significant size effect on δ13C values suggests that jumbo squid perform offshore–onshore ontogenic migration, with juveniles distributed offshore. For nitrogen, the high inter-individual variability observed with mantle length indicates that D. gigas can prey on a high variety of resources at any stage of their life cycle. This large-scale study off the coast of Peru provides further evidence that D. gigas have the capability to explore a wide range of habitats and resources at any stage of their life.  相似文献   

Male velvet swimming crabs [Necora puber (L.)] were observed to engage in long and vigorous agonistic interactions to gain possession of a sexually receptive female. The role of agonistic behaviour in male mate competition in this species was examined by investigating the effect of the perceived presence of sexually receptive females on interactions between males. Exposing male crabs to water conditioned by sexually receptive females resulted in prolonged interactions, with a greater incidence of potentially injurious behaviour than interactions between control crabs, exposed only to sea water. Maleconditioned water also resulted in more offensive behaviour, but these interactions were of shorter duration and not significantly different from sea water controls. Agonistic superiority was strongly correlated with contestant relative size when males were exposed to male-conditioned water or sea water, but not when exposed to female-conditioned water. Overall, the results conformed with the general predictions of game theoretic models in relation to the influence of resource value on agonistic behaviour. Crabs were more persistent and probably incurred greater fitness costs in the perceived presence of a sexually receptive female, when interactions may have been resolved on the basis of factors more closely related to actual fighting ability than the relative body sizes of contestants.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to construct some theoretical tools that can be used to examine formally the equity issues raised in the use of pricing as a means to conserve scarce resources, in particular, the criteria that can be used to judge the equity of such a price change and the special problem raised by differences in elasticity of demand of different customer groups are considered. Toward this end the concept of a “superfair” distribution (a distribution under which each and every participant obtains a share of the total which is equal to or greater than that individuars pro-rata share, in his own estimation) is introduced and discussed.  相似文献   

Theoretical approaches, such as the Lotka-Volterra framework, enable predictions about long term species coexistence based on stability criteria, but generally assume temporal constancy of system equations and parameters. In real world systems, temporal variability may interfere with the attainment of stable states. Managed grassland ecosystems in Northwestern Europe experience structural periodic fluctuations in environmental conditions: the seasons. In addition, periodic disturbances such as cutting are very common. Here we show, using a Lotka-Volterra system applied to grassland species with empirically derived parameters, that seasonal variability can result in a time dependent equilibrium and redirection of displacement processes.Parameter estimates differed between species and - in most cases - between the seasons. As a result, five of the fifteen tested species combinations had different outcomes of species interactions between seasons. This indicates that systems remain in dynamic transience over the year as the equilibrium changes and the species composition of the system follows the equilibrium without ever attaining it. The non-attainment of the steady state enables coexistence of species even if there is competitive exclusion in one of the seasons. For three of the fifteen species combinations, cutting frequency affected the long-term coexistence patterns. Cutting resets the biomass of competing species and favours during regrowth those species that have a high growth rate, which can alter species coexistence in comparison to a Lotka-Volterra model without cutting. The Lotka-Volterra framework with seasonally changing empirical parameters predicts coexistence as a possible outcome of systems that in component seasons are characterised by exclusion, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Hancock PA  Milner-Gulland EJ 《Ecology》2006,87(8):2094-2102
Spatial movement models often base movement decision rules on traditional optimal foraging theories, including ideal free distribution (IFD) theory, more recently generalized as density-dependent habitat selection (DDHS) theory, and the marginal value theorem (MVT). Thus optimal patch departure times are predicted on the basis of the density-dependent resource level in the patch. Recently, alternatives to density as a habitat selection criterion, such as individual knowledge of the resource distribution, conspecific attraction, and site fidelity, have been recognized as important influences on movement behavior in environments with an uncertain resource distribution. For foraging processes incorporating these influences, it is not clear whether simple optimal foraging theories provide a reasonable approximation to animal behavior or whether they may be misleading. This study compares patch departure strategies predicted by DDHS theory and the MVT with evolutionarily optimal patch departure strategies for a wide range of foraging scenarios. The level of accuracy with which individuals can navigate toward local food sources is varied, and individual tendency for conspecific attraction or repulsion is optimized over a continuous spectrum. We find that DDHS theory and the MVT accurately predict the evolutionarily optimal patch departure strategy for foragers with high navigational accuracy for a wide range of resource distributions. As navigational accuracy is reduced, the patch departure strategy cannot be accurately predicted by these theories for environments with a heterogeneous resource distribution. In these situations, social forces improve foraging success and have a strong influence on optimal patch departure strategies, causing individuals to stay longer in patches than the optimal foraging theories predict.  相似文献   

Environmental site assessments are frequently executed for monitoring and remediation performance evaluation purposes, especially in total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH)-contaminated areas, such as gas stations. As a key issue, reproducibility of the assessment results must be ensured, especially if attempts are made to compare results between different institutions. Although it is widely known that uncertainties associated with soil sampling are much higher than those with chemical analyses, field guides or protocols to deal with these uncertainties are not stipulated in detail in the relevant regulations, causing serious errors and distortion of the reliability of environmental site assessments. In this research, uncertainties associated with soil sampling and sample reduction for chemical analysis were quantified using laboratory-scale experiments and the theory of sampling. The research results showed that the TPH mass assessed by sampling tends to be overestimated and sampling errors are high, especially for the low range of TPH concentrations. Homogenization of soil was found to be an efficient method to suppress uncertainty, but high-resolution sampling could be an essential way to minimize this.  相似文献   

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