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 Adult talitrid amphipods often display a nocturnal activity pattern, which has been shown in a number of cases to be partly controlled by an endogenous rhythm of circadian period. Juvenile talitrids have been little studied in the past, but evidence from field studies indicates that they may display a different diel pattern of locomotor activity from that of adults. This study presents evidence from the field in south–central Chile that juvenile Orchestoidea tuberculata Nicolet show crepuscular activity peaks, contrasting with the nocturnal peaks shown by adult conspecifics. Under constant conditions in the laboratory, both juveniles and adults exhibit endogenous rhythms of circadian periodicity. However, the phasing of activity differs in juveniles and adults, corresponding to the differences observed in the field. It is suggested that differing phasing of peak locomotor activity may be a mechanism to reduce contact between juvenile and adult talitrids. Experimental evidence indicates a significant negative influence on survival of juveniles in the presence of adult conspecifics by intraspecific predation. Other factors influencing the timing of surface activity are also discussed. Received: 3 August 1999 / Accepted: 26 May 2000  相似文献   

Among nonhuman primates, male reproductive skew (i.e., the distribution of reproductive success across males) appears to be affected primarily by receptive synchrony and the number of males per group. These factors have been assumed to depend on reproductive seasonality, with strong seasonality increasing receptive synchrony, which in turn reduces the strength of male monopolization associated with more males and lower skew. Here we tested the importance of reproductive seasonality for 26 populations representing 15 species living in multimale groups. We obtained data from the literature on paternity, number of males per group, receptive synchrony, and three measures of seasonality of reproduction. We analyzed these data using bivariate regressions and hierarchical regression by sets and controlled for the effect of evolutionary relationships using phylogenetic generalized least squares. As expected, alpha male paternity decreased as the number of males per group increased as well as with increasing female receptive synchrony. Reproductive seasonality did not explain variation in reproductive skew over and above the variation explained by synchrony and the number of males. Reproductive seasonality alone only explained a small proportion of the variation in skew, and there was no strong association between reproductive seasonality and synchrony. The effects of receptive synchrony and reproductive seasonality as well as their link were reduced if we excluded captive populations. These results indicate that across primates male reproductive skew is related to the number of competitors in a group and that seasonality does not reliably predict synchrony or male reproductive skew.  相似文献   

The complex ritualized displays of males in many territorial species suggest that selection has shaped male behaviors in ways that affect fitness. In this study, we evaluated the link between display behavior during male–male interactions and reproductive success in the Australian jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus), a lizard species that uses a complex series of movement patterns for communication. We quantified variation in male display behaviors by using video playback experiments in the laboratory, and subsequently assessed variation in male reproductive success by paternity analyses of offspring. Because the lizards used in this study came from eggs incubated under three thermal environments, we also could evaluate the impact of developmental temperature on adult behavior and reproductive success. Incubation temperature had a strong effect on male reproductive success; males produced under intermediate temperatures sired more offspring than those produced under extreme developmental temperatures. However, incubation temperature did not affect male display behavior, nor was male behavior associated with reproductive success. Our findings do not support the common assumption that display behaviors used during male–male interactions affect reproductive success.  相似文献   

Summary I present the results of experiments designed to measure the effects of spermatophores produced by male monarch butterflies on male and female reproductive success. There was wide variation in the number of matings by captive males, suggesting the potential for strong sexual selection on males. Male lifespan was not affected by total number of matings, nor did it differ between males that were allowed to mate and those not exposed to females. Two effects of spermatophores on female behavior or fecundity are reported; (1) Females that received large spermatophores delayed remating longer than those receiving small ones. (2) Females allowed to mate several times laid more eggs than singly-mated females. The relative importance of these effects is discussed in relation to monarch mating patterns.  相似文献   

This study shows that population structure affects guarding time in the amphipod Eogammarus oclairi Bousfield. In the laboratory, mean guarding time depended on the male weight-frequency distribution, operational sex ratio, and male density. It was longer when the male population encompassed a broad range of weights than when the weight distribution was narrower; however, guarding time did not differ when the population's weight distribution was narrow and composed of either small or large males. Mean guarding time varied between a few hours when the operational sex ratio (male:female) was 1:3 to>7 d when the sex ratio was 2:1. It was also affected by male density, increasing as male density increased. The results suggest that the stimulus to guard depends on the intensity of male-male competition.  相似文献   

Courtship and mating occur in Squilla holoschista in the following sequences: (1) antennule contact, (2) spreading of raptorial meri by the male, (3) male moving over the female, (4) grasping by the male, (5) erection of intromittent organ and thrusting movements by the male, (6) release of the male by the female. In the laboratory such a mating process is found to occur repeatedly. S. holoschista possesses a well defined male accessory gland with a separate duct leading into an intromittent organ. An acrylamide gel electrophoretic investigation on the blood of mated and unmated females indicates the appearance of new proteins in the blood of the mated female; interestingly the protein pattern of the ovary in the mated and unmated female has also shown augmentation of additional protein fractions after mating, suggesting that there may be a translocation of some of the proteins of the accessory gland secretion into the ovary. Injections of the accessory gland extracts into the unmated female have adduced further evidence. Multiple inseminations observed in the present study may be necessary for concentrating the accessory gland proteins entering the ovary.  相似文献   

The pesticides are one of the most potentially harmful chemicals liberated in the environment in an unplanned manner Malathion is widely used as a potent pesticide in many countries and has been shown to produce some adverse health effects. A study was conducted to asses the effects of malathion on the male reproductive system of wistar rats. The pesticide was administered to rats orally at dose levels of 50, 150 and 250 mg/kg/body wt/day for 60 days. In comparison to the control rats, there was a significant reduction in the weight of testes, epididymis, seminal vesicle and ventral prostate. Testicular and epididymal sperm density were decreased in the animals treated with malathion. Pre and post fertility test showed 80% negative results after treatment Biochemical profile of the testis revealed a significant decline in the contents of sialic acid and glycogen. Whereas a significant increase in the protein content of testis and testicular cholesterol was observed. The activity of testicular enzyme acid phosphatase increased significantly while decreased alkaline phosphatase activity was found. Malathion also suppressed the level of testosterone significantly Results of the present study clearly suggest that malathion induce toxic effects on the male reproductive system of rats.  相似文献   

Summary The behavior of male bison during the rut was studied, to test the prediction that reproductive effort should increase with age. Because bull bison do not show parental care, the major component of reproductive effort is competition with other bulls to obtain copulations with estrous females. Data were collected on activity budgets during the pre-rut and rut seasons, on interactions with other bulls, and on proximity to tended females during the rut. Participation in the rut started at ages 5–6. Older bulls showed greater percent time active and less percent time eating than younger bulls. The older bulls also had higher counts of dominance and fight-related interactions and lower counts for behavior associated with submission than did the younger bulls. Risk taken seemed to increase with age since bulls aged 6 to 12 participated more frequently in dangerous activities associated with fighting. Within the 6 to 12 year old group, activity patterns changed little with age. However, from the interaction information, peak ages of 8 to 11 years appeared. For the activities: back up, chase, clash, head nod, jump away, move away, run away, run toward, push heads, dominant, and risk, 11 and 12 year olds more closely resembled younger bulls. This suggests a reproductive effort curve that is flat at zero until about age 6, increases to age 8, flattens out again to around age 10, and then decreases somewhat. Reproductive effort in male bison thus generally conforms with life-history theory predictions.  相似文献   

Toxicity of 4 components of petroleum oils to the marine amphipod Elasmopus pectenicrus (Bate) has been assessed. Two ephemeral aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene (A) and 1, 2, 4-trimethylbenzene (B) were more toxic than two persistent aromatics, o-cresol (C) and o-toluidine (D). The acute toxicity concentrations obtained for individual aromatic compounds were always greater than the actual concentrations found in the water-soluble fractions (WSF) of fuel oils. Results from mixtures of 2 or more components indicated that the LC50 levels were primarily determined by the more toxic substances, A and B. Naphthalene and 1, 2, 4-trimethylbenzene became more toxic to the E. pectenicrus when present in a mixture of more than 2 components, and the toxicity increased with increasing numbers of components present. Synergistic effects, therefore, possibly occur in the whole WSF. No antagonistic effects were observed among the 4 petroleum aromatics.University of Texas, Marine Science Institute Contribution No. 290  相似文献   

We determined annual male reproductive success in black bears (Ursus americanus) using DNA and field data from two populations in New Mexico. We identified the likely father for 78 of 120 genotyped cubs born during 1994–2000 and calculated reproductive success for 102 males known or presumed present within designated mating regions. Age was a strong determinant of reproductive success. The observed peak in reproductive success occurred at roughly the same intermediate age (10 years) as milder peaks in body size characteristics (11–12 years) and frequency of bear-inflicted wounds (13 years), suggesting body size and fighting might be important for mating. Success was negatively associated with the distance between home range centers of males and mothers. Success of young males (<7 years old) was also negatively associated with mature male (≥7 years old) density, and increasing density shifted the peak age of reproduction higher. The dispersed distribution of females likely limited the capacity of large mature males to dominate reproduction; therefore, success was determined by a complex set of variables.  相似文献   

Importance of monogamous male birds in determining reproductive success   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Several recent studies have questioned whether the presence and activities of monogamous male birds are of value to their young during the nesting attempt. We addressed this issue in house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) by removing males early in the nestling stage. In one of four periods survivorship among experimental nestlings was 63% lower than among control nestlings. In the other periods survivorship was about equal in experimental and control nests indicating that in this species the male's activities may only benefit his nestlings during unfavorable periods. We summarize the results of 15 other male removal studies, concluding that when males appear to be helping, their absence usually results in decreased survival of young whereas when the males render little apparent care their absence does not decrease survival of the young. A possible exception to this generalization, illustrated by our study and others, is that during the nestling stage of many altricial species, the female appears able to raise the young about as well without the male as with him, except in poor periods. A male caring for his nestlings during good periods may benefit by maintaining his mate's health for the next nesting attempt or by insuring her willingness to mate with him again. Alternatively, it may cost males so little to help during good periods, and benefit them so much during poor periods, that there has been little selective pressure for them to assess conditions and vary their level of care accordingly. A series of more specific predictions about which males are likely to be of greatest, and least, value to their nestlings is presented. Male care after young leave the nest has not been well studied, but is probably substantial in many species, and warrants attention in future studies.  相似文献   

S. Einarson 《Marine Biology》1993,117(4):599-606
Seasonal variations of oxygen consumption rate, haemolymph osmolality and the concentrations of the inorganic ions potassium and sodium in the haemolymph were measured in the littoral amphipod Gammarus oceanicus collected from the Trondheimsfjorden, Norway in 1987. For each season comparisons were made of amphipods acclimated for 1 wk to 0.5, 4.5, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0°C, in combination with seawater osmolalities of 100, 500 and 1200 mOsm and to the seawater osmolality corresponding to that of the collecting site. The oxygen consumption rate showed a temperature insensitivity when the amphipods were acclimated to low temperatures in winter and high temperatures in summer. Significant differences were found in oxygen consumption between individuals acclimated to various medium osmolalities, possibly indicating higher energy requirements for osmotic and ionic regulation at low seawater osmolalities. Oxygen consumption rate was significantly higher in summer than in other seasons. Haemolymph osmolality and the concentration of the inorganic ions sodium and potassium were not influenced by temperature or season. Determination of haemolymph osmolalities and concentrations of inorganic ions revealed that G. oceanicus is a strong hyper-osmotic and hyper-ionic regulator in dilute seawater. The concentration of potassium in the haemolymph is less influenced by seawater osmolality than haemolymph osmolality and the haemolymph concentration of sodium.  相似文献   

The ever-increasing use of pesticides in the agricultural and public health has become a major cause of sterility in human and various other animals particularly in males. This study was sought to screen the toxic impacts of cypermethrin (synthetic pyrethroid) on reproduction and development. Twenty-four Wistar male rats divided into four groups were orally administered cypermethrin of daily doses 50, 75, or 100 mg?kg?1 bwt per day for 45 days; and for developmental toxicity, 12 female rats were separated into two groups. Maternal rats (experimental) were administered cypermethrin (100?mg?kg?1) by gavage daily from 6th to 17th day of gestation, and the control group was dosed only vehicle (olive oil). The body weights, fertility index, biochemical, enzymatic, hormonal, and histopathological parameters were the criteria used to evaluate the toxicity of cypermethrin. Study showed significant decline in the weight of testes, epididymises, seminal vesicles, and ventral prostate, and reduction in sperm counts both in epididymises and testes in chemical-treated animals. Pre- and post- fertility test showed 50%, 80%, and 100% negative results after treatment. A significant degenerative reduction in testicular glycogen and sialic acid was also noted. In contrast, protein and cholesterol levels of testes were significantly increased. In addition, acid phosphatase activity was significantly increased, while alkaline phosphatase, testosterone, leutinizing hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were diminished. Histology of testes showed degenerative changes in seminiferous tubules. Cypermethrin exposure during gestation produced adverse effects markedly in females and fetuses.  相似文献   

4种改良剂对土壤-黑麦草系统中镉行为的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)作为修复植物,开展了石灰、磷灰石、木炭、猪粪4种改良剂对重金属Cd污染土壤的田间原位修复试验研究。结果表明:改良剂提高了土壤pH值并促进土壤Cd从生物可利用性高的形态向迟效态转化,降低对生物和环境的直接毒害作用,促进黑麦草的生长。以黑麦草生物量和Cd富集量的增加作为评价指标,4种改良剂修复Cd污染土壤效果依次为:石灰〉磷灰石〉木炭〉猪粪。石灰处理中黑麦草Cd富集量为13.11 mg,与其他处理均呈现显著差异。污染土壤重金属Cd的化学形态与黑麦草对Cd的吸收密切相关。黑麦草地上部分Cd质量分数,与土壤B-2态Cd呈极显著正相关关系,相关系数为0.730。黑麦草地下部分Cd质量分数,与B-2、B-3态Cd均呈极显著正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.756、0.786;黑麦草地上部分和地下部分Cd质量分数均与B-4态Cd呈极显著负相关关系,相关系数分别为0.757和0.708。  相似文献   

Variance in male reproductive success is expected to be high in sexually dimorphic mammals, even when it is modulated by the costs and benefits of group living. Here, we investigate the variance in reproductive success of male western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), a highly dimorphic primate with long-term male–female associations, using 12.5 years of data collected at Mbeli Bai in northern Congo. Access to mates and offspring survival were both major sources of variance in male reproductive success. Males with larger harems had lower offspring mortality with no apparent reduction in female fertility or observed tenure length, so the size of harems did not seem to be limited by female feeding competition or by the risk of takeovers and infanticide by outsider males. The lower mortality in larger harems may reflect improved vigilance against predators, and females may cluster around males that enhance offspring survival. Thus, this study illustrates how a detailed analysis of the components of male reproductive success can shed light on the interrelated social and ecological aspects that affect it.  相似文献   

In old, spruce-dominated forests of central Finland, Eurasian treecreepers Certhia familiaris divide their territories spatially during the breeding season. Females forage primarily on the upper parts of the tree trunks, while males use the lower parts of the tree trunks. In this study we removed males from eight territories in the early nestling period to see if the mate's absence would change the foraging patterns of the resident female. Widowed females foraged at lower heights, thus behaving more like paired males. These females also spent less time on each tree and on each foraging bout than did paired females. We conclude that male removal facilitated the change in a female's foraging niche and foraging time at the trees. Females may re-optimize their foraging site selection owing to the absence of dominant males and a consequent need to increase their parental care. Behavioral plasticity may be the mechanism of niche partitioning between the sexes in this species. Received: 28 June 1996 / Accepted after revision: 27 March 1997  相似文献   

Testosterone has been proposed to serve as the mediator that controls the relative effort that an individual male bird will devote to mating effort versus parental effort. Here, we demonstrate a testosterone-influenced trade-off between parental and mating efforts in male house finches. Male house finches with experimentally elevated testosterone fed nestlings at a significantly lower rate, but sang at a higher rate than males without manipulated testosterone levels. Females mated to testosterone-implanted males fed nestlings at a significantly higher rate than females mated to males without testosterone implants, resulting in similar feeding rates for both treated and untreated pairs. The effects of testosterone on male house finches, however, were not as dramatic as the effects of testosterone observed in some other socially monogamous species of birds. Because extra-pair copulations are uncommon in house finches and males provide substantial amounts of parental care, these more modest effects may be due to differences in how the allocation of reproductive effort affects the costs and benefits of different reproductive behaviors. Received: 6 June 2000 / Accepted: 17 July 2000  相似文献   

Dittoral and sublittoral hermit crabs (Coenobita clypeatus, Clibanarius tricolor, Calcinus dibicen, Petrochirus diogenes, Paguristes grayi, Pagurus miamensis, Paguristes tortugae, Paguristes cadenati and Pagurus sp.) were studied on Lighthouse Atoll, Belize. The Clibanarius tricolor population differed markedly in mean clutch size from congeneric populations at temperate latitudes and from conspecific populations in the Florida Keys. These differences can be attributed primarily to variation in shell utilization pattern, overlap with competitors, and breeding season. Regression analyses indicate that shell weight but not internal shell volume affects the clutch size of C. tricolor in Belize, probably due to selection for optimum volume resulting in the use of broken and encrusted shells with high weight: volume ratios. Both egg size and clutch size differed significantly among egg developmental stages in C. tricolor, Calcinus tibicen, and Pagurus miamensis.  相似文献   

In many organisms, mating behavior occurs at a particular time of day, which may be important for avoiding mate competition or interspecific mating. Crickets of the Hawaiian genus Laupala exhibit an unusually protracted courtship in which males produce a series of nuptial gifts prior to the species-typical time of mating. Mating time is one of several rhythmic behaviors that have diverged among closely related Laupala species, which exhibit an extremely high speciation rate. Mating rhythm may reflect direct selection on male and/or female sexual receptivity or the pleiotropic consequence of selection on other rhythmic behaviors. To examine the role of sexual rhythmicity in Laupala cerasina, we characterized the time boundaries or “circadian gate” of courtship and mating, as well as female phonotactic response to male song. We also examined which sex is responsible for mating rhythmicity by phase-shifting males relative to the female photophase. Our results demonstrate that mating behavior is gated by the end of the light phase. Time limits to female mating receptivity were not observed and thus male rhythm alone appears to be responsible for the timing of mating. Furthermore, when courtship is initiated later in the day, males produce fewer nuptial gifts and increase nuptial gift production rate while delaying mating, suggesting that the number of gifts a female receives is important to male reproductive success.  相似文献   

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