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This study applied the theoretical framework based on expectancy and discrepancy theories to examine how the elements of total compensation might influence work motivation and job satisfaction. The principal dimensions of total compensation that give rise to distinct reactions among employees were examined. Two samples of employees, 269 exempt employees and 297 nonexempt employees, were studied separately in order to identify the differences of reaction between these two groups. The relationships between the elements of total compensation, work motivation and job satisfaction were analysed by a structural equations model with LISREL VII. Proposals were developed to predict the conditions of compensation efficiency on work motivation and job satisfaction in the cultural context of employment in France. The three principal conclusions of the study were: (1) under certain conditions, individualized compensation of exempt employees can be a factor of work motivation; (2) flexible pay of nonexempt employees neither motivates nor increases job satisfaction; (3) benefits of exempt and nonexempt employees neither motivate nor increase job satisfaction. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cognitive evaluation theory, which explains the effects of extrinsic motivators on intrinsic motivation, received some initial attention in the organizational literature. However, the simple dichotomy between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation made the theory difficult to apply to work settings. Differentiating extrinsic motivation into types that differ in their degree of autonomy led to self‐determination theory, which has received widespread attention in the education, health care, and sport domains. This article describes self‐determination theory as a theory of work motivation and shows its relevance to theories of organizational behavior. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study sought for national characteristics that moderate the individual‐level relationship between job characteristics and job satisfaction. Data from two distinct questionnaire surveys administered to 107,292 employees in 49 countries was analyzed by employing multilevel modeling. Results showed that the link between intrinsic job characteristics and job satisfaction is stronger in richer countries, countries with better governmental social welfare programs, more individualistic countries, and smaller power distance countries. By contrast, extrinsic job characteristics are strongly and positively related to job satisfaction in all countries. In addition, we found that intrinsic job characteristics tend to produce motivating satisfaction in countries with good governmental social welfare programs irrespective of the degree of power distance, while they do not tend to work so in countries with poor governmental social welfare programs as well as a large power distance culture. Socio‐economic and cultural approaches to explaining cross‐national variation in work motivation are discussed. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we offer a theoretical modification to the Hackman and Oldham (1975) Job Characteristics Model by integrating research on the psychological aspects of job design with emerging theory on psychological ownership. We develop the connection between job design and (a) the motives facilitating psychological ownership, (b) the routes through which psychological ownership emerges, and (c) the individual‐level outcomes (e.g., emotional, attitudinal, motivational, and behavioral) that result from an employee's psychological ownership of his or her job. Our work covers several previously ignored positive and negative effects. We conclude by positioning psychological ownership as a plausible substitute for other proposed mediating psychological states in the job design–employee response relationship. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Models of occupational stress have often failed to make explicit the variable of control over the environment, as well as the role of job socialization in shaping personality characteristics and coping behaviours. This neglect has helped maintain the focus of stress reduction interventions on the individual. A new model of occupational stress developed by Robert Karasek incorporates control and socialization effects and has successfully predicted the development of heart disease and psychological strain. A survey instrument derived from the model was distributed to 771 hospital and nursing home employees in New Jersey, and 289 (37.5 per cent) were returned. Respondents did not significantly differ from non-respondents by age, sex, job tenure, union membership status, job satisfaction, job perceptions and attitude towards employer and union. The results support the hypothesis that reported job strain (job dissatisfaction, depression, psychosomatic symptoms) and burnout is significantly higher in jobs that combine high workload demands with low decision latitude. This association remained significant after controlling for age, sex, education, marital status, children, hours worked per week and shift worked. Other job characteristics (job insecurity, physical exertion, social support, hazard exposure) were also associated with strain and burnout. The survey instrument also identified high strain jobtitles in the surveyed workplaces. The results are discussed in relation to directions for future research, research on stress in nursing, and approaches to stress reduction.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the mediating role played by five key job characteristics in the relationship between employee participation in a job redesign intervention and employee well‐being. In studies of job redesign interventions, it has been assumed that any effects of employee participation in job redesign on well‐being are a result of changes in job characteristics rather than participation in change per se. It is therefore important to statistically test for mediation in job redesign intervention studies to help establish that the change in job characteristics is the mechanism through which job redesign interventions work. However, this has rarely been tested directly, either because data to allow tests of mediation have not been collected (e.g. assessments of job characteristics) or because data have been collected but mediation has not been tested using accepted procedures. This makes it unclear whether changes in job characteristics explain the effects. Results from multilevel analyses of a longitudinal 9‐month long serendipitous quasi‐experimental participative job redesign intervention showed that changes in job control, participation, skill utilization and feedback, but not task obstacles, were sufficient to account for the relationship between the intervention and employee well‐being. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two field studies were undertaken to investigate the nature of the relationships between job security, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and withdrawal cognitions. Study 1 was conducted in an organization immediately following its acquisition by another company (N=137). Study 2 was conducted in an organization that had experienced a number of layoffs and expected more in the future (N=188). Covariance structure analysis was used to test for direct, complete mediating, and partial mediating effects. Study 2 was used to cross-validate the findings from study 1. Results from both studies provide strong support for the proposition that job satisfaction and organizational commitment mediate the effects of job security on withdrawal cognitions. The two studies diverge when explicating the nature of the relations between job security, satisfaction, and commitment. Study 1 suggests job satisfaction completely mediates the effects of job security on commitment. Study 2 suggests that both satisfaction and commitment mediate the relationship between job security and withdrawal cognitions. Contextual differences that may have contributed to these findings are discussed. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The research reported here adopted a multidimensional approach to studying job insecurity, using Israeli teachers as a case in point. Based on two determinants of job insecurity—unionization and kibbutz affiliation—four distinct employment types were identified: unionized city teachers, unionized kibbutz members, unionized kibbutz hirees, and non-unionized personal contract teachers. The a priori job insecurity status of the four employment types matched the subjective reports of these teachers, supporting the external validity of the job insecurity scale used. The study explored the effect of job insecurity on work attitudes. Results indicated that job insecurity had an adverse effect on organizational commitment, perceived performance, perceived organizational support, intention to quit and resistance to change, supporting predictions in related literature. The results of this study have implications on the management of job insecurity in changing environments.  相似文献   

Engineers and scientists have been compared in previous research on their work attitudes. Conceivably the interest in comparing these two groups of professionals was a result of the joint work they often do in research and development departments. The present framework suggests that engineers who work in production departments would have work values and attitudes which would be more similar to those of managers. Survey data was collected from 432 employees in two industrial corporations in Israel. Profile analysis showed that the work values of engineers were similar to those of managers and different from those of production and clerical workers. Furthermore, work values were also related to behavioral outcomes such as performance and tardiness. Implications regarding the study of engineering as a profession and the use of work values in organizational research are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that dispositional negative affect (NA) is associated with lower levels of job satisfaction. Little research has been conducted, however, on other organizational implications of negative affect or on the potential effects of dispositional positive affect (PA). The present studies examined the relationship of both positive and negative affectivity to organizational commitment, turnover intentions, global job satisfaction and performance. In the first study both NA and PA were associated with organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Additionally, commitment mediated the relationship between dispositional affectivity and turnover. Finally, PA and tenure interacted to predict job performance, such that PA and job performance were positively related, but only for high tenure employees. In Study 2 the findings were generally similar, but not identical. Both NA and PA were related to global job satisfaction and turnover intentions. However, only PA was related to affective organizational commitment. Moreover, both job satisfaction and affective commitment mediated the relationship between dispositional affectivity and turnover intentions. Finally, unlike Study 1, PA was not related to job performance. Rather, NA and tenure interacted such that when individuals were lower in tenure, NA was negatively related to performance.  相似文献   

In this study, we used a within‐person daily research paradigm to examine the relationship between daily family–work conflict (FWC) and daily job performance. On the basis of theory on dynamic behavior, we hypothesized that concentration serves as a mechanism through which daily FWC impairs daily job performance. We further predicted that psychological detachment from work during time‐off (i.e., mentally switching off) buffers the negative relationship between daily FWC and daily job performance. Ninety‐five employees completed daily surveys over one workweek. Multilevel modeling results showed that daily FWC was negatively associated with daily job performance and that concentration mediated this relationship. Furthermore, general psychological detachment, but not daily psychological detachment, buffered the negative relationship between daily FWC and daily job performance. The current findings suggest that daily FWC has negative performance implications and that the general level rather than the daily level of psychological detachment from work helps alleviate the negative implications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于工作不安全感的视角,分析员工不安全行为的影响因素。围绕这一中心问题,设计了包含工作不安全感、工作生活质量和安全行为的调查问卷,并向大型施工企业(集团)发放。利用回收问卷的数据,采用中介效应法对工作不安全感、工作生活质量和不安全行为之间的相关关系进行了实证分析。问卷结果显示:员工的工作不安全感越高,对工作生活质量的感知越低,对个体安全行为的影响作用也就越大。该结论丰富了员工安全行为的研究视角,为施工企业安全生产管理实践提供了参考。  相似文献   

论安全生产检测检验体系建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从保障安全生产的重要基础性技术工作、规范不同行业安全生产检测检验工作、深化安全生产综合监督管理、消除安全生产事故隐患、落实<安全生产法>等法规等方面简要论述了建立安全生产检测检验技术支撑体系的重要意义.从法律依据、被检测对象、关注目标、评审准则等方面提出了安全生产检测检验体系与其他检测检验的重要区别,从充分利用社会现有资源、提高安全生产检测检验机构能力、规范安全生产检测检验机构行为等方面阐述了如何建设具有公信力的安全生产检测检验体系.  相似文献   

Deutsch's theory of cooperation and competition or goal linkage has been developed by considerable experimental research, but is little used to study interdependence in organizations. Organizational members were interviewed in depth on a specific interaction and completed a questionnaire to describe their relationships with their co-workers and supervisors. Positive linkage, in contrast to negative linkage, was related to effective negotiations and the development of feelings of success and satisfaction. Positive linkage compared to negative linkage was also found to stengthen work relationshps and facilitate productivity. Independent linkage had dynamics similar to negative linkage, but was positively related to productivity. Questionnaire results also support the theory of goal linkage. Goal linkage, dynamics, and outcomes appear to be self-sealing and mutually causal. Results suggest that goal linkage theory has considerable potential to describe and influence actual organizational work relationships.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to contribute to understanding of the crucial role of emotion in work motivation by testing a conceptual model developed by Seo, Barrett, and Bartunek (2004) that predicted the impacts of core affect on three behavioral outcomes of work motivation, generative-defensive orientation, effort, and persistence. We tested the model using an Internet-based investment simulation combined with an experience sampling procedure. Consistent with the predictions of the model, pleasantness was positively related to all three of the predicted indices. For the most part, these effects occurred indirectly via its relationships with expectancy, valence, and progress judgment components. Also as predicted by the model, activation was directly and positively related to effort.  相似文献   

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