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基于已有文献资料数据,以中国东部平原湖区(31个),蒙新湖区(4个),二龙湖,青海湖及抚仙湖共38个典型湖泊为研究对象,总结分析四大类常用抗生素(四环素类,磺胺类,喹诺酮类和大环内酯类)在湖泊水体和沉积物中的污染特征.结果表明,四大类抗生素污染在中国典型湖泊中普遍存在,其中水体中抗生素污染水平依次为磺胺类(2147ng/L) > 喹诺酮类(1458ng/L) > 四环素类(481ng/L) > 大环内酯类(205ng/L),沉积物中抗生素的分布具有垂向差异特征,表层沉积物抗生素浓度高于深层沉积物.抗生素检出浓度在不同湖区间存在较大差异,其中东部平原湖区水体和沉积物中抗生素浓度显著高于其他湖区.相比入湖河流,湖区(如太湖贡湖湾和青海湖)水体中抗生素污染相对较高,表明湖区可能作为抗生素的汇集地.湖泊水体中的抗生素浓度分布呈现季节性差异,如太湖水体中抗生素浓度在春,夏及冬季高于秋季,而鄱阳湖,白洋淀和二龙湖在旱季(4月)高于雨季(8月);而湖泊沉积物中抗生素季节性差异较不明显,这可能与抗生素在沉积物中的迁移性有关.  相似文献   

湖泊POPs污染空间分布和时间分布规律的研究对于了解湖泊POPs污染的现状及历史状况,控制POPs污染保护湖泊生态意义重大。近年来,通过对某些重点湖泊的调查和研究,环境科学家对湖泊POPs污染空间分布和时间分布趋势的认识不断加深。本文参考文献21篇,系统地对这方面的工作进行了较为详细的介绍,并在篇末就目前收集到的资料,对全球湖泊POPs污染的现状进行了统计和总结。  相似文献   

湖泊使用功能损害程度评价   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
提出了一处以水污染损失率为基础的对湖泊水体使用功能损害程度的评价方法。评价结果被岍予鲜明的物理意义。对东湖水体进行的表明:东湖水已不适合饮用和游泳水源(重损害,损失率分别为69%和56%),其主要污染物来自营养物质,且以磷为限制性因素;东湖水人体非直接饮用的旅游娱乐用水也已构成严重威胁(中损害,损失率20%);作为养殖、农灌及一般居住环境用水尚好(损失率〈8%);其综合损害程度为中损害(损失率36  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物重金属污染研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊的生态环境状况与人类生存环境和社会经济发展有着密切的关系。本文主要通过介绍东湖和太湖湖泊沉积物重金属污染阐释我国现在湖泊底泥重金属污染状况。  相似文献   

该译文介绍了自动检测设备的分析原理,各种自动检测装置的特性,以及野外试验的情况,对于开发和研制湖泊水体中营养盐类和相关污染物的自动检测技术有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

该译文介绍了自动检测设备的分析原理,各种自动检测装置的特性,以及野外试验的情况,对于开发和研制湖泊水体中营养盐类和相关污染物质的自动检测技术有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文论述了富含有机质、磷、氮等物质的工业废水排入湖泊的污染机理及其治理措施.  相似文献   

水是生命所需的重要物质,水资源也影响着社会的发展与国民的生活,但是在人类文明的发展过程中,人类的生产活动与生活给水资源环境带来了巨大的破坏,如果不能保护好水资源环境,不断恶化的水环境就会阻碍社会经济发展,影响人类的健康.尽管我国在经济发展过程中已经逐渐认识到了保护水资源的重要性,但许多地区的水环境已经遭到了严重污染,水...  相似文献   

湖泊水环境质量评价的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
湖泊水环境质量评价早期以综合指数法为主,此方法今后在评价标准和评价指标的选择将进一步完善;以数理统计为基础的模糊评价,灰色预测,层次分析等系统方法及其耦合近年来发展较快;地理信息系统,遥感和全球定位系统等高新技术与传统方法相结合应用于湖泊水环境评价及预测是今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

通过对2007年中国近海表层海水调查数据剔除异常值,进行态性检验后,确定了近海表层海水主要参数的环境基线,初步探讨了环境基线值的区域差异、时间变化趋势及近海海水中各参数的污染状况。结果表明:近海表层海水基线值存在明显的区域差异,总体呈现渤海最高,黄东海次之、南海最低的分布特征;与1997年调查结果相比,黄海、东海、南海表层海水基线普遍升高,近海海水污染加重;海水严重污染海区出现在渤海近岸、山东半岛两侧近岸、连云港-福州近岸、长江口杭州湾、雷州半岛及广西沿岸海域,由人类活动引起的陆源排污是我国近岸海水污染加重的主要原因。最后,对调查数据进行主成分分析,进一步验证表明,陆源工业排污是海水环境基线升高的最主要原因,农业排污、生活污水及大气沉降也是海水环境污染基线变化的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

The progress of biomonitoring on water pollution in recent years in China has been summarized in this paper.  相似文献   

Large-scale water environmental deterioration is one of the most prominent environmental issues in current China. Transjurisdictional water pollution is an important reason for water environmental deterioration of river basins, and currently there are some major defects that exist in China's management system related to transjurisdictional water pollution. With seven major river basins in China as an object of study, this paper is designed to perform a diagnosis of major problems about the transjurisdictional water pollution management in China from three aspects, i.e. institution, mechanism, and legislation. On the basis of this, it gives an overall train of thoughts on the reform of transjurisdictional water pollution management in China, and proposes specific recommendations from the aforesaid three aspects.  相似文献   

Water resource shortage and pollution has seriously threatened the survival and development of developing countries. Because of China’s specific economical and social circumstances, complete adoption of developed countries’ experience is unrealistic. At present, China needs to develop strategies and technologies in source water pollution control and municipal environmental remediation that embrace the country’s specific need to battle the water resource problem. Among them, efficient source water pretreatment is a critical step to ensure a safe municipal water supply. Unlike developed countries, it is not yet feasible in China to treat water supplied to the household and have it meet the standard of direct drinking; therefore, it is more appropriate to refer to it as service water. As a beneficial supplement, an additional community drinking water network and household drinking water apparatus can be considered.  相似文献   

ProgresintheresearchonaquaticenvironmentalnonpointsourcepolutioninChinaBaoQuansheng,MaoXianqiang,WangHuadongInstituteofEnviro...  相似文献   

Over 2 million tons of chromate residues as hazardous wastes have been accumulated from chromate production processes during the past more than 30 years in China. Some serious pollution problems have been caused due to no appropriate technology and management. Approaches are reviewed to pollution control of chromate residues by utilizing them as secondary resources in this paper. In addition to legislation for pollution control, chromate residues can be used as raw materials to produce a great diversity of useful industrial products. Strategies are also recommanded for the resourcefulization of chromate residues.  相似文献   

Effect of the pollution on the Chaohu Lake ecosystem has been described based on the results obtained by analysis of water samples and field survey. The environmental behavior of pollutants and their toxicity is discussed in relation to biological effects. Most of the chemicals identified by GC/MS are biodegradable in the water environment except for some organochlorinated hydrocarbons and PAHs. The pollution of the water body particularly cutrophication has led not only to disruption of natural scenic beauty, but also to changes of biotic communities and extinction of certain species. Deterioration of water quality, eutrophication in particular have certainly had an impact on aquatic organisms and on the human health in this region.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution in Tianjin Bohai Bay, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The contamination levels and distribution characters of heavy metals in coastal waters and sediments from Tianjin Bohai Bay,China were examined.Pb and Zn were found as the main heavy metal pollutants in the coastal waters of the bay.High levels of Pb and Zn appeared especially near the estuary,indicating that river discharge was the main pollution source.Moreover,atmospheric deposition resulted in Pb contamination in the middle of the embayment.Analysis of data for the period 1987-2004 indicated that Pb ...  相似文献   

Using China’s environmental statistical data set for the period 2001-2006, this paper presents an extensive empirical analysis of the relationships among citizens’ environmental complaints, pollution intensities, and socio-economic characteristics. We found that exposure to harmful pollutants significantly influence people’s complaint behaviors because higher densities of chemical oxygen demand and SO2 emissions are correlated with a higher incidence of citizen’s complaints of water pollution and air pollution, respectively. In terms of demographical variables, household income has significantly positive impacts on the likelihood of citizens lodging environmental complaints regarding air, water, and solid waste pollution. Citizens in municipality and coastal regions tend to complain more than those in interior regions. Our results support the view that environmental complaints can provide valuable information for regulators to efficiently allocate inspection resources; however, the information may be noisy since complaints are more likely to arise from wealthier and more-educated regions. In order to mitigate this problem, we argue that it may be helpful to strengthen basic education in poorer regions and to encourage environmental information disclosure for attracting more people’s attention to pollution problems. In addition, regular inspection capabilities in poor and seriously polluted regions must be enhanced for investigating regulatory violation.  相似文献   

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