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Frequent dust storms and recent environmental changes were found to affect the human health especially in residents of arid countries. Investigations on the PM2.5 fugitive dust in six Kuwait Governorate areas using dispersion Gaussian plume modeling revealed significant relationship between low rate of pollutant emission, low wind velocity, and stable weather conditions’ matrix causing high rate of dust deposition in summer than in winter. The rate of dust deposition and trace metals levels in PM2.5 were in the sequence of G-VI > G-I > G-II > G-V > G-III > G-IV. Trace metals were observed in the sequence of Al > Fe > Zn > Ni > Pb > Cd irrespective of the Governorate areas and the two seasons. The high rate of dust deposition and trace metals in PM2.5 was reflected by the vast open area, wind velocity, and rapid industrialization besides natural and anthropogenic sources. A combination of air dispersion modeling and nephalometric and gravimetric studies of this kind not only determines the seasonal qualitative and quantitative analyses on the PM2.5 dust deposition besides trace metals apportionment in six Kuwait Governorate areas, but also characterizes air pollution factors that could be used by environmentalist to deduce preventive measures.  相似文献   

Passive samplers provide an excellent opportunity to perform indicative measurements or establish a dense network of measuring sites. A drawback compared with conventional active measuring methods is the larger spread of results. This variation can, to a large extent, be attributed to the influence of temperature, sampler geometry and wind on sampling results. A proper design of sampler geometry and optimum choice of draught shield can reduce the influence of wind velocity on a badge type sampler to less than 10%. Wire mesh screens prove to be inadequate in damping turbulence. Filters give good results. Attention should be paid to the size and isolation value of the walls of the sampler to prevent thermal updrafts occurring within the sampler. Tube type samplers are less influenced by wind, provided that turbulence is prevented from influencing diffusion within the sampler.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 56 volatile organic hydrocarbons (VOCs) were measured simultaneously in the southbound bore, the northbound bore and the exhaust air shafts of the Hsuehshan tunnel near Yilan, Taiwan during 2007 and 2008. A total of 60 integrated air samples were collected using stainless steel canisters and analyzed using GC/FID and GC/MS. The highest temperature and lowest relative humidity were observed at the exit of the tunnel owing to the accumulation in the tunnel of waste heat that was exhausted from vehicles. The five most abundant species in all samples were ethylene, acetylene, isopentane, propylene, and toluene. The exit/entrance ratios of total non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) concentration were 7.8 and 4.8 for the southbound and northbound bores, respectively. Furthermore, the most abundant species of emission rate (ER) is toluene (21.93-42.89 mg s(-1)), followed by isopentane, ethylene, propylene and 1-butene, with ER ranging from 2.50 to 9.31 mg s(-1) for the three shafts. The ozone formation potential (OFP)/total NMHC ratios in three exhaust air shafts show that the reactivities of these emissions are similar to those of vehicle emissions.  相似文献   

Gaseous emissions from the fluidised bed combustion of chickenlitter were monitored and recorded. Emission data was used tocreate a dispersion model for a proposed site on a poultry farmin Limerick, Ireland. Variables within the combustion unit notonly influenced combustion but also emission levels ofpollutants such as SO2 and NOx. CO emissions decreased withuse of the correct ratio between fluidising and secondary air,the staging of secondary air and the degree of turbulence withwhich the secondary air is introduced. Dispersion modelling ofactual combustion at a proposed poultry unit predicted thatground level concentrations for the set of emissions data wouldbe below the limits and guidelines set by air quality standards.This was true for both and line source. Line sourceconcentration levels were less than those for point source.  相似文献   

Acetone extracts of engine exhaust particulate matter (PM) and of vapor-phase semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) collected from a set of 1998-2000 model year normal emitter diesel engine automobile or light trucks and from a set of 1982-1996 normal emitter gasoline engine automobiles or light trucks operated on the California Unified Driving Cycle at 22 [degree]C were assayed for in vitro genotoxic activities. Gasoline and diesel PM were comparably positive mutagens for Salmonella typhimurium strains YG1024 and YG1029 on a mass of PM extract basis with diesel higher on a mileage basis; gasoline SVOC was more active than diesel on an extracted-mass basis, with diesel SVOC more active on a mileage basis. For chromosomal damage indicated by micronucleus induction in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts (V79 cells), diesel PM expressed about one-tenth that of gasoline PM on a mass of extract basis, but was comparably active on a mileage basis; diesel SVOC was inactive. For DNA damage in V79 cells indicated by the single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay, gasoline PM was positive while diesel PM was active at the higher doses; gasoline SVOC was active with toxicity preventing measurement at high doses, while diesel SVOC was inactive at all but the highest dose.  相似文献   

Heavy Metals Monitoring using Bivalves from Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pd and Zn) were measured in the Bivalves (Modiolus auriculatus and Donax trunculus) collected from the Egyptian coasts of Mediterranean Sea and Brachiodonates sp. from the Egyptian coasts of Red Sea. The average concentrations of the heavy metals analyzed exhibited the following decreasing order: Fe > Zn > Cu > Mn > Ni > Co > Pb > Cd for both Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea. The analyses of Cd, Co, Ni, Pb, and Zn showed higher average concentrations for samples collected from Red Sea than that collected from Mediterranean Sea, while Fe, Cu and Mn showed the reverse results. Fe was used as a normalizing agent for all studied metals and exhibited presence of two locations from each of Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea have anthropogenic inputs of heavy metals. These results suggest that the coastal area in both Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea of Egypt might be considered relatively unpolluted with heavy metal.  相似文献   

This paper concludes a five-year program on research into the use of a portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer for analyzing lead in air sampling filters from different industrial environments, including mining, manufacturing and recycling. The results from four of these environments have already been reported. The results from two additional metal processes are presented here. At both of these sites, lead was a minor component of the total airborne metals and interferences from other elements were minimal. Nevertheless, only results from the three sites where lead was the most abundant metal were used in the overall calculation of method accuracy. The XRF analyzer was used to interrogate the filters, which were then subjected to acid digestion and analysis by inductively-coupled plasma optical-emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The filter samples were collected using different filter-holders or "samplers" where the size (diameter), depth and homogeneity of aerosol deposit varied from sampler to sampler. The aerosol collection efficiencies of the samplers were expected to differ, especially for larger particles. The distribution of particles once having entered the sampler was also expected to differ between samplers. Samplers were paired to allow the between-sampler variability to be addressed, and, in some cases, internal sampler wall deposits were evaluated and compared to the filter catch. It was found, rather surprisingly, that analysis of the filter deposits (by ICP-OES) of all the samplers gave equivalent results. It was also found that deposits on some of the sampler walls, which in some protocols are considered part of the sample, could be significant in comparison to the filter deposit. If it is concluded that wall-deposits should be analyzed, then XRF analysis of the filter can only give a minimum estimate of the concentration. Techniques for the statistical analysis of field data were also developed as part of this program and have been reported elsewhere. The results, based on data from the three workplaces where lead was the major element present in the samples, are summarized here. A limit of detection and a limit of quantitation are provided. Analysis of some samples using a second analyzer with a different X-ray source technology indicated reasonable agreement for some metals (but this was not evaluated for lead). Provided it is only necessary to analyze the filters, most personal samplers will provide acceptable results when used with portable XRF analysis for lead around applicable limit values.  相似文献   

Complementary studies on the inorganic chemical composition of Nerium oleander leaves collected in the town of Messina (Sicily, Italy) and seven grain-size fractions of local roadway dust have been carried out. Data and maps are presented to show that the particulate matter present in the air of Messina contains trace elements significantly in excess with respect to the average continental earth crust. The anomalies follow the outline of the urban area, the highest concentrations of trace elements being observed where traffic density is highest. Chemical and isotopic analyses of both road dust and Nerium oleander leaves indicate that Pb contamination still characterizes roads with heavy traffic. In addition to Pb, other metals such as Pt, Pd, Sb, Au, Br, Zn, Cu, Mo, and Cd are significantly enriched in roadway dust, indicating their common anthropogenic origin, especially from traffic. SEM/EDS study of some roadway dust particles has shown the presence of gypsum probably of secondary origin, mixed particles formed by coagulation or gas-to-particle conversion, and porous spherical particles apparently emanating from combustion processes.  相似文献   

This paper presents the assessment of gaseous and particulate emissions from thermal power plants operating on different combustion technologies. Four thermal power plants operating on heavy furnace oil were selected for the study, among which three were based on diesel engine technology, while the fourth plant was based on oil-fired steam turbine technology. The stack emissions were monitored for critical air pollutants carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, lead, and mercury. The pollutant emissions were measured at optimum load conditions for a period of 6 months with an interval of 1 month. The results of stack emissions were compared with National Environmental Quality Standards of Pakistan and World Bank guidelines for thermal power plants, and few parameters were found higher than the permissible limits of emissions. It was observed that the emissions carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and particulate matters from diesel engine-based power plants were comparatively higher than the turbine-based power plants. The emissions of sulfur dioxide were high in all the plants, even the plants with different technologies, which was mainly due to high sulfur contents in fuel.  相似文献   

Portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technology may provide faster turn-around without compromising accuracy when assessing personal exposures to metals such as lead, but it has only been tested in limited field environments. This study is part of a series, where different sampler types are used to collect airborne lead in different environments for presentation to a portable XRF analyzer. In this case personal samples were taken at a bronze foundry where lead is added to an alloy of copper, zinc and iron to improve casting, using the closed-face 37 mm cassette, the 37 mm GSP or "cone" sampler, the 25 mm Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) inhalable sampler, the 25 mm Button sampler, and the open-face 25 mm cassette. Mixed cellulose-ester filters were used in all samplers. Following XRF analysis the samples were extracted with acid and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP). For lead, all five samplers gave correlations (r(2)) greater than 0.9 between the two analytical methods over the entire range of found lead mass, which encompassed both the action level and the permissible exposure limit enforced in the USA by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). However, a correction was required to adjust linear regression trendlines to give a 1 : 1 correlation for the average of three readings across the GSP sampler, and a similar correction was required for the single readings from the IOM sampler and the 25 mm filter cassette. The bias possibly is due to interference from other metals, possibly copper which can absorb the fluorescent radiation of lead. In the case of the Button sampler, the bias is larger, indicating a further source of error, perhaps due to the thickness of the deposit. However, in all cases, correction of the lead results did not greatly affect the overall percentage of samples where the XRF result was within 25% of the ICP result, although it did improve the overall accuracy of the results. The GSP, IOM and Button samplers are suitable candidates for further evaluation as compatible with on-site XRF analysis for lead and other metals. It is important to check carefully factory pre-set instrument calibrations, as a bias in the calibration for copper was observed.  相似文献   

A few studies have suggested that the precision and accuracy of measurement of NO(2) by Palmes-type passive diffusion tube (PDT) are affected by the method of preparation of the triethanolamine (TEA) absorbent coating on the grids. Theses studies have been quite limited in extent and have tended to evaluate PDT accuracy as zero bias between PDT NO(2) value and the exposure-averaged NO(2) determined by co-located chemiluminescence analyser. This ignores the well-documented intrinsic systematic biases on PDT-derived NO(2), such as within-tube chemistry and exposure-duration nitrite loss, which may lead to non-zero bias values irrespective of effects of TEA absorbent preparation method on PDT accuracy. This paper reports on a statistical analysis of a large dataset comprising 680 duplicated PDT exposures spanning 146 separate exposure periods, spread over five urban exposure locations and a number of years. In each exposure period, PDTs prepared by between four and six different grid preparation methods were simultaneously compared. The preparation methods used combinations of the following: acetone or water as the TEA solvent; 20% or 50% as %TEA in the solution; and application of TEA solution by dipping grids for several minutes in the solution before drying and tube assembly, or by pipetting 50 microL of solution directly onto grids already placed in the PDT cap. These represent the range of preparation procedures typically used. Accuracy was evaluated as maximised nitrite capture within an exposure. Data were analysed by general linear modelling including examination of interaction between different aspects of grid preparation method. PDT precision and accuracy were both significantly better, on average, when the PDT grids were prepared by dipping in TEA solution, and neither solvent or %TEA used for the dipping solution were important. Where PDT preparation by pipetting TEA solution onto grids is to be used, better performance was obtained using 20% TEA in water. A systematic positive bias in PDT measure of NO(2), consistent with within-tube oxidation of NO to NO(2) and independent of preparation method, was again evident in this work.  相似文献   

Portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technology may provide faster turn-around without compromising accuracy when assessing personal exposures to metals such as lead, but it has only been tested in limited field environments. This study is part of a series, where various types of sampler are used to collect airborne lead in different environments for presentation to a portable XRF analyzer. In this case personal samples were taken at a manufacturer of solder alloys consisting mainly of lead and tin, using the closed-face 37 mm cassette (CFC), the 37 mm GSP or "cone" sampler, the 25 mm Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) inhalable sampler, the 25 mm button sampler, and the open-face 25 mm cassette. Mixed cellulose-ester filters were used in all samplers. Following XRF analysis the samples were extracted with acid and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP). The internal surfaces of CFC's and 25 mm open-face cassettes were also wiped, and the wipes analyzed for lead to assess wall-losses in these two samplers. Analysis of all elements present is useful to ascertain contributions to matrix interference effects. In addition to lead, other metals such as tin, copper, iron, silver, cadmium and antimony were also detected in some or all of the samples by ICP analysis, but only copper and iron could be determined using the XRF analyzer under test. After the removal of a few outliers, all five samplers gave good correlations (r(2) > 0.9) between the two analytical methods over the entire range of found lead mass, which encompassed both the action level and the permissible exposure limit enforced in the USA by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Linear regression on the results from most samplers gave almost 1 ratio 1 correlations without additional correction, indicating an absence of matrix effects, particularly from tin, which was the most common element after lead. The average of three XRF readings across filters from the GSP samplers gave the best results with 96.7% of results within +/-25% and 100% within +/-30% of the associated ICP values. Using the center reading only was almost as good with 90.0% of results within +/-25% and 96.7% within +/-30% of the associated ICP values, and results can be obtained faster with a single reading. The use of an algorithm developed by OSHA for three readings from the CFC filter samples gave the next best results with 93.3% of XRF results within +/-25% of the corresponding ICP values. However, analysis of wipes from the interior of the cassettes indicated a substantial loss of sample to the walls, and even larger wall-losses were encountered in the 25 mm open-face cassette. Neither this latter sampler nor the IOM or button sampler met the 95% criterion, even for +/-30% accuracy.  相似文献   

Given the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China, environmental problems have gradually become major constraints that hinder its sustainable economic development. Moreover, China's pollution abatement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have been severely affected by pressures coming from domestic environmental appeals and international environmental diplomacy. By using integrated data from the Chinese Industrial Enterprise and the Chinese Enterprise Environmental Survey and Reporting databases, this study constructs comprehensive indicators of pollutant discharge intensity and carbon emissions index at the enterprise level and uses the panel fixed effect model, Kaya identity, and mediation effect model to assess the effects of environmental regulations on pollution abatement and collaborative emissions reduction from the micro-perspective. Results show that these regulations can abate the pollution emissions of Chinese industrial enterprises and verify the effectiveness of environmental policies. These regulations can also efficiently reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of enterprises through pollution abatement. In other words, environmental regulations facilitate a collaborative emissions reduction of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from enterprises. Such collaborative emissions reduction effect is also influenced by the energy structure and consumption of enterprises. This paper presents empirical evidence and policy basis for further improving China's environmental regulation policy system and achieving coordinated progress in China's economic development and environmental governance.  相似文献   

简述了固定源颗粒物监测技术的国内外现状,建议从规范现有方法和研发新方法入手,对低浓度颗粒物监测方法加以研究和改进。  相似文献   

Agricultural NH3 emissions affect air quality and influence the nitrogen cycle. In the subject study, NH3 emissions from a broiler farm and the resulting atmospheric concentrations in the immediate vicinity during three growing cycles have been quantified. Additionally, vegetation along a transect in an adjacent woodland was analysed. The emissions were as high as 10 kg NH3 h−1 and the atmospheric concentrations ranged between 33 and 124 μg NH3 m−3 per week in the immediate vicinity. Measurements of the atmospheric concentrations over 7 weeks showed a substantial decline of mean concentrations (based on a 3-week average) from ∼13 to <3 μg NH3 m−3, at 45- and 415-m distance from the farm. Vegetation surveys showed that nitrophilous species flourished when they grew closest to the farm (their occurrence sank proportionately with distance). A clearly visible damage of pine trees was observed within 200 m of the farm; this illustrated the significant impact of NH3 emissions from agricultural sources on the sensitive ecosystem.  相似文献   

Coastline mapping and coastline change detection are critical issues for safe navigation, coastal resource management, coastal environmental protection, and sustainable coastal development and planning. Changes in the shape of coastline may fundamentally affect the environment of the coastal zone. This may be caused by natural processes and/or human activities. Over the past 30 years, the coastal sites in Turkey have been under an intensive restraint associated with a population press due to the internal and external touristic demand. In addition, urbanization on the filled up areas, settlements, and the highways constructed to overcome the traffic problems and the other applications in the coastal region clearly confirm an intensive restraint. Aerial photos with medium spatial resolution and high resolution satellite imagery are ideal data sources for mapping coastal land use and monitoring their changes for a large area. This study introduces an efficient method to monitor coastline and coastal land use changes using time series aerial photos (1973 and 2002) and satellite imagery (2005) covering the same geographical area. Results show the effectiveness of the use of digital photogrammetry and remote sensing data on monitoring large area of coastal land use status. This study also showed that over 161 ha areas were filled up in the research area and along the coastal land 12.2 ha of coastal erosion is determined for the period of 1973 to 2005. Consequently, monitoring of coastal land use is thus necessary for coastal area planning in order to protecting the coastal areas from climate changes and other coastal processes.  相似文献   

燃煤锅炉烟气中CPM与水溶性离子监测方法及应用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立燃煤锅炉烟气可凝聚颗粒物(CPM)与水溶性离子监测采样方法,并应用于北京市典型烟气净化工艺燃煤锅炉排放监测。结果表明,北京市燃煤锅炉烟气中总颗粒物(TPM)基准排放质量浓度最高达82.4 mg/m3,最低14.0 mg/m3,其中CPM占TPM的43.5%~92.2%,水溶性离子对TPM的贡献水平为31.4%~62.2%。烟温对水溶性离子的分布形态有显著影响,进而影响TPM中可过滤颗粒物(FPM)和CPM的分配比例。颗粒物和水溶性离子的排放与烟气含湿量之间无显著相关性,而与燃煤锅炉烟气脱硫除尘净化工艺和脱硫产物的溶解度及其脱除方式密切相关。  相似文献   

利用温度反演和数值模拟的方法,对田湾核电站航天遥感测量和数值模拟结果作对比分析。结果显示:遥感监测和数值模拟结果在田湾核电站附近海域的海面温度场羽迹展布方向、不同季节大小潮型、潮态规律上都是相似的,只是在规模和数量上存在着一定差异,两者可以相互验证。  相似文献   

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