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The results of studies on transformations of the floristic diversity of forest ecosystems under the effect of human activity in the southern and middle taiga subzones of the Komi Republic are reviewed. It is shown that the change of dominants in the tree layer leads to the formation of specific biotopes and, as a consequence, to changes in floristic complexes and the cenotic roles of species in the lower layers of forest communities. In the study region, the -diversity of forest communities is determined mainly by two environmental factors: soil fertility and acidity. The factor of illumination has only a slight effect on the -diversity of taiga forests, which is especially clear in the group of deciduous forest formations.__________Translated from Ekologiya, No. 3, 2005, pp. 180–185.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Degteva.  相似文献   

Quantitative parameters of cenopopulations of Lobaria pulmonaria, an endangered cyanolichen, have been studied in spruce phytocenoses of Karelia recovering after disturbance through the successional stage of aspen stands for a period ranging from 80 to 450 years. The results show that, as the time since disturbance increases, the total number of L. pulmonaria thalli and the number of colonized substrate units increase as well, with no stabilization of these parameters being observed in the series of communities studied. The total area of thalli in the phytocenoses is restored within approximately 200 years after the last disturbance. In old-growth forests (>400 years), L. pulmonaria thalli colonize a broad spectrum of tree species in different life states, including lower branches of young spruce trees. Even if they serve as temporary substrates, this can markedly strengthen the potential of the species for further expansion within the community in case of shortage in the main phorophyte (aspen). Thus, the proportion of regressive populations decreases, while that of colonizing populations increases, which is indicative of successful reproduction of the species.  相似文献   

Collection material (the Museum of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) on the common and green toads collected by L.Ya. Toporkova in 1976–1977 in the Middle and Southern Urals was analyzed. In addition to species-specific characteristics of mate selection, differences in the frequency and the pattern of topographic confinement were found. They were determined by different mating models and differences in the degree of ecological flexibility of the species studied.  相似文献   

The results of studies on European beaver population dynamics in Kurgan oblast are presented. Recommendations are given concerning rational management of beaver stock.  相似文献   

A study has been performed on the ecological, morphological, and genetic diversity of burbot (sample size n = 204 and n = 134, respectively) from eight localities of the Ob–Irtysh and Taz river basins, Western Siberia. Fish differentiation in body size and weight depending on the dominant type of migration behavior, foraging conditions, and physiographic features of habitats has been revealed. A high genetic diversity (854-bp mtDNA control region) and a low level of between-sample differentiation is evidence for high intergroup gene flow.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of moose, wild boar, and roe deer in the Middle Urals and changes in the proportion of females among the animals taken by hunters were analyzed. For all the three species, a tendency toward selective hunting for females was revealed. In this situation, the proportion of females in a population decreases with time, and its reproductive potential is impaired.  相似文献   

The dynamics of habitat distribution in two bird species differing in the level of site tenacity—willow warbler (relatively tenacious) and little bunting (more flexible)—were studied at the boundary of the northern taiga and forest–tundra zones over ten years. The distribution pattern proved to be more uniform in the willow warbler than in the little bunting. Both species occupied their habitats according to a well-known scheme: initially, the birds settled in their favorable floodplain habitats and later; when their abundance increased, in less preferable habitats (terraces above the floodplain, moss bogs, and the tundra). In the case of willow warbler, the process of occupying the floodplain was stepwise: bird density increased sharply, remained at the same level in the next year, then increased again, etc. In the case of little bunting, the degree of floodplain occupation by birds remained high, except for the years when high spring floods interfered with bird settling.  相似文献   

Long-term data sets on the population dynamics of forest voles in northern European Russia were analyzed. Eastward and northward trends in changes of the ratio between model species and the degree of their dominance were revealed. In virtually all sites studied, the numbers of the northern red-backed and bank voles changed synchronously; however, the population dynamics became less synchronous as the distance between study areas increased.  相似文献   

Individual, intra- and interpopulation, ecological, and geographic variation has been studied in G. conopsea populations on limestones of the Timan Range. The results show that the response of plants to deterioration of growing conditions manifests itself in a decrease in the values of individual morphometric characters and the strength of correlations between them. In the northeast of European Russia, this species is represented by two forms, G. conopsea (L.) R.Br. s. str. and G. conopsea var. alpina Rchb. f. ex Beck (?), with the latter being regarded as an extreme form of its ecological variation.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - The distance of spawning migrations of semianadromous burbot spawners is reconstructed based on long-term (2000–2017) records characterizing the contribution of...  相似文献   

The life form of G. conopsea (short-lived perennial with annual vegetative renewal) makes it possible to combine the long-term, complete ontogeny and polycarpy of the genet with the short life span and monocarpy of individual daughter ramets. Annual changes in the structural organization of daughter individuals allow the plants to adapt to changing environmental conditions and retain the territory they have occupied. Organismal mechanisms providing for the sustainable development of G. conopsea plants in marginal populations are considered in the context of the concept of multivariant plant ontogeny.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the abundance, structure, and dynamics of hemipopulations of G. conopsea protocorms and autotrophic individuals at the northern boundary of the species range. The dynamics of ontogenetic structure of G. conopsea cenopopulations have a fluctuating pattern. Their response to adverse weather conditions is manifested in short-term reduction of density and increase in cenopopulation ageness in subsequent years. Deterioration of growing conditions in a series of ecotopes is accompanied by an increase in the proportion of young individuals, which allows the species to level off the impact of adverse weather factors on population size.  相似文献   

A transient population outbreak of the Siberian larch casebearer, Coleophora sibiricella Flkv. (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae), in a protective forest strip and its consequences for the host tree species (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) have been studied for the first time. It has been shown that one-time complete defoliation by this pest and the following infestation by xylophagous insects result in tree death, while the productivity of surviving trees decreases significantly. The results of this study indicate that the Siberian larch casebearer is a major phyllophagous pest of larch and that its populations must be monitored by specialists in forest pathology.  相似文献   

The Model of Humus Balance was used to estimate the influence of climate effects and changing agricultural practices on carbon (C) levels in soddy–podzolic soils in the Russian Federation for the years 2000–2050. The model was linked with a spatial database containing soil, climate and farming management layers for identification of spatial change of C sequestration potential. Analysis of relationships between C, soil texture and climate indicated that compared with a business-as-usual scenario, adaptation measures could increase the number of polygons storing soil organic carbon (SOC) by 2010–2020. The rate of possible C loss is sensitive to the different climate scenarios, with a maximum potential for SOC accumulation expected in 2030–2040, thereafter decreasing to 2050. The effect is most pronounced for the arid part of the study area under the emission scenario with the highest rate of increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration, supporting findings from the dynamic SOC model, RothC. C sequestration during the study period was permanent for clay and clay loam soils with a C content of more than 2%, suggesting that C sequestration should be focused on highly fertile, fine-textured soils. We also show that spatial heterogeneity of soil texture can be a source of uncertainty for estimates of SOC dynamics at the regional scale. Figures in color are available at  相似文献   

Nine lakes in the Arkhangelsk oblast were analyzed with respect to their morphometry, hydrology, and hydrochemistry, and their zooplankton was studied for three years. The data on zooplankton abundance, biomass, the ratio of filter-feeders and predators, the Shannon index of species diversity, and average individual weight of zooplankters were obtained. Differences in the structure of zooplanktonic cenoses were revealed in lakes differing in morphometric parameters, prevailing ions (HCO3 , SO4 2–), and their concentration.  相似文献   

On the basis of studies on the ecology of boreal bat species in the Southern Urals (1997–2004), the first classification of their summer habitats has been made. It has been shown that spatial segregation of sex groups into areas of two types, designated wintering and breeding zones, takes place in populations in the period of offspring rearing. In females, seasonal migrations are guided by imprinting on sites providing sufficient food for offspring rearing and on wintering sites. In males, imprinting on wintering sites alone is observed.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of an ecological niche, the processes of segregation in the Lower Volga populations of great and little bustards (Otis tarda L. and Tetrax tetrax L). have been studied in the evolutionary and adaptive aspects. The results have shown that segregation of the ecological niches of the two species occurs mainly on a trophic basis, when bird specialization in the use of food resources provides the possibility of changing the nesting biotopes. Some trophic adaptations are temporary and do not modify a species-specific stereotype, whereas other adaptations lead to the development of new forms of behavior and their evolutionary stabilization. Spatial characteristics (biotopic preference, nest location, etc.) complement the identified hierarchical series of parameters characterizing the ecological niches of the species studied. In the Transvolga region of Saratov oblast, the total sizes of great and little bustard populations in the breeding season reach approximately 4100 and 5900 birds, respectively.  相似文献   

The population structure and biological parameters of the European whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), have been analyzed in a technogenically polluted water body. The biochemical state of the whitefish and the fauna and morphology of helminths parasitizing them have been assessed. It is shown that the species composition of the fish, plankton, benthos, and parasite faunas of this water body are depleted and the morphological parameters of common fish parasites are altered. It is noted that, in addition to adaptive rearrangements in biochemical metabolism, the whitefish from the transformed water body are characterized by a reduction in the level of protein synthesis in muscles and the rate of aerobic energy metabolism in the liver and muscles.  相似文献   

Three soil carbon models (RothC, CANDY and the Model of Humus Balance) were used to estimate the impacts of climate change on agricultural mineral soil carbon stocks in European Russia and the Ukraine using detailed spatial data on land-use, future land-use, cropping patterns, agricultural management, climate and soil type. Scenarios of climate were derived from the Hadley Centre climate Version 3 (HadCM3) model; future yields were determined using the Soil–Climate–Yield model, and land use was determined from regional agricultural and economic data and a model of agricultural economics. The models suggest that optimal management, which entails the replacement of row crops with other crops, and the use of extra years of grass in the rotation could reduce Soil organic carbon (SOC) loss in the croplands of European Russia and the Ukraine by 30–44% compared to the business-as-usual management. The environmentally sustainable management scenario (SUS), though applied for a limited area within the total region, suggests that much of this optimisation could be realised without damaging profitability for farmers.  相似文献   

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