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Allopatric populations of Mytilus species show distinct shell morphology which may be due to genetic and/or environmental effects. Sympatric populations of Mytilus species show similar shell morphology which may be due to hybridization eroding morphological differences and/or the influence of common environmental conditions. The present study examined shell morphology and shell shape from 16 sites in eastern Newfoundland where M. edulis L. and M. trossulus Gould coexist in common environments with limited hybridization. Shell morphology was based on measurements of eight characters, and shell shape was quantified by elliptic Fourier analysis of shell outlines. Significant differences were observed between species for both shell morphology and shell shape across 16 sites sampled. The relatively small differences in morphology and shape between the species were probably due to exposure to common environments rather than hybridization. Shell shape for M. edulis was more eccentric compared to M. trossulus which was more elongated. Shell shape analysis of a range of size classes at one site showed a change from an eccentric to an elongated shape going from the smaller to the larger size classes. Both species showed a similar trend, with the larger M. edulis more eccentric and the larger M. trossulus more elongated. Received: 17 July 1998 / Accepted: 6 January 1999  相似文献   

Mytilicola intestinalis was observed in the mussel Mytilus edulis in increasing numbers for the first time at Brighton (England), in October 1966; the populations here and at Whitstable were examined. Mussels exposed high in the littoral zone were less heavily infected than those lower down, the degree of infection being directly related to the duration of exposure in each tidal cycle. Silt in the intestine of the mussel is considered to act as a controlling factor in numbers of parasites present at Whitstable. Egg-bearing copepods were present in samples throughout the year, suggesting that breeding is not interrupted by the winter. Evidence indicates that juvenile stages of the parasite cause most damage to the host, due in part to their presence in the ramifications of the hepatopancreas. Recovery of the mussel from the effects of parasitation is rapid, following a reduction in parasite population density and number of juveniles. In the laboratory, M. edulis is more rapidly affected by lack of food at 10 °C than M. intestinalis. No dead parasites were seen during 4 months of laboratory storage. Juvenile parasites continned to mature, indicating that this period of time may be required for Mytilicola intestinalis to reach maturity at 10°C.  相似文献   

Davey  J. T.  Gee  J. M.  Moore  S. L. 《Marine Biology》1978,45(4):319-327
The population dynamics of Mytilicola intestinalis Steuer in mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) from the River Lynher, Cornwall, England, have been studied over 3 years. By transplanting uninfested mussels from the River Erme, South Devon, into the Lynher mussel bed, the study was extended to the growth and development of new infestations under natural conditions. Female Mytilicola intestinalis are shown to breed twice, and two generations of parasites coexist for most of the year, with recruitment taking place in summer and autumn. One generation contributes its first brood to the autumn recruits before overwintering and contributing its second brood to the following summer's recruits. The other generation overwinters as juvenile and immature stages to contribute its two broods successively to the summer and autumn recruits. Environmental temperatures are believed to control the rates of development at all stages rather than acting as triggers in the onset or cessation of breeding at specific times. There is no evidence to support the contention that heavily infested mussels are killed, and parasite mortality is shown to be density-independent.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic investigations of Mytilus edulis populations on the New York and Connecticut coasts of Long Island Sound (USA) revealed a cline in the frequency of the Lap 94-allele at a 20 km zone at the entrance to the estuary. Significant deficits of heterozygotes were found in the region of the cline and are discussed in terms of a model of mixing between oceanic mussel populations of high gene frequency and estuarine populations of low frequency. The pattern of estuarine circulation is assumed to provide a mechanical basis for isolation between oceanic and estuarine populations and to determine the position of the gene frequency cline.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation and emersion on the ammonia effluxes of Mytilus edulis L. were studied. Both fed and starved groups showed similar patterns of efflux during re-immersion, indicating no compensation for starvation during anaerobic catabolism; this is taken as evidence that carbohydrate or lipid is the predominant energy source at the outset of anaerobiosis. Instead of an overshoot of ammonia excreted during the 4 h following re-immersion, all groups showed significantly reduced efflux rates independent of emersion duration. Such results suggest some conversion of ammonia during the recovery period, as no significant drop in haemolymph ammonia occurred at this time. The level of ammonia accumulation in haemolymph and mantle cavity fluid decreased exponentially with emersion duration, implying the stabilisation, at a low rate, of ammonia production after a relatively long period of emersion (16 to 24 h). Oxygen levels of the mantle cavity fluid dropped rapidly during emersion but never attained anoxia over 24 h of emersion, which may indicate some oxygen uptake by emersed mussels. It has been concluded that the behaviour and physiological responses shown by M. edulis to emersion appear to reflect a need for respiratory gas exchange more than a response to desiccation – presumably in the interest of energy-conservation. The reductions in ammonia efflux rate during emersion and, to a certain extent, immediately after re-immersion have also been considered here to be energy-saving strategies that illustrate the importance of ammonia in restoring normal levels of some amino acids following re-immersion. Received: 26 August 1997 / Accepted: 27 May 1999  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and allozyme variation were analysed in samples of mussels collected in 1984 and 1985 from four localities in South West England and one locality in South Wales, a region of Britain where the common mussel (Mytilus edulis) occurs sympatrically and hybridises with the Mediterranean mussel (M. galloprovincialis). Significant differences in mtDNA genotype frequencies for three restriction enzymes (BstEII, XbaI, and EcoRI) were observed between mussels from M. galloprovincialis populations (Padstow and Bude) and those from an M. edulis population (Swansea). Some mtDNA genotypes at high-frequency in M. galloprovincialis were not observed in M. edulis, although there was no indication that mtDNA variation provides greater overall diagnostic power than allozyme variation in distinguishing between the two forms of mussel. Construction of a phylogenetic tree of multiple mtDNA genotypes revealed small mutational distances between the genotypes characterising M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis. The results were consistent with predominant mtDNA flow from M. edulis to M. galloprovincialis. This can be explained by the dispersal of larvae to South West England from M. edulis regions to the north and east, but little dispersal in the opposite directions. Samples from two hybrid populations (Whitsand and Croyde) were analysed. mtDNA genotype frequencies at Croyde were in line with predictions made on the basis of two partially diagnostic allozyme loci (Est-D and Odh), mtDNA frequencies at Whitsand were not. Frequencies of some mtDNA genotypes at Whitsand were characteristic of M. edulis, others of M. galloprovincialis. Differential selective mortality or flow of different mtDNA genotypes and allozyme variation are proposed as possible causes of these results.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among Mytilus populations throughout the North Atlantic region, including the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea, were studied using enzyme electrophoresis. Three distinct groups of populations, each of a remarkably wide distribution, can be recognised on the basis of their multilocus allelic composition: (1) M. galloprovincialis L. of the Mediterranean and western Europe; (2) a genetically distinct form of M. edulis Lmk. from both the Baltic Sea and some localities in the Canadian Maritime Provinces (here provisionally termed the trossulus type mussel); and (3) the traditional Atlantic M. edulis populations of northwestern European coasts and most of eastern North America. These groups are regarded as representing three relatively old evolutionary lineages, which all deserve separate and equal systematic status. The main part of the differentiation at most of the loci studied is accounted for by this major systematic pattern, but considerable geographical differentiation within each of the three principal groups was also detected. At single loci, different electromorphs were found to prevail in disjunct populations of M. galloprovincialis (Mediterranean/Britain) and of the trossulus-type mussel (Baltic/eastern Canada). Within the Atlantic M. edulis, a major part of the differentiation is transoceanic. At one locus (Ap), geographic differentiation appeared to be relatively independent of the systematic boundaries; the possible role of interlineage hybridisation in contact areas in regulating the pattern of geographical variation is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine seasonal variability in mineralization dynamics of mussel biodeposits, we applied a multiple-element approach measuring mineralization rates of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and silicate (Si) during three periods (March, August and November). The results of this study showed that mineralization rates vary between seasons and between elements and that mineralization dynamics were influenced by both temperature and biodeposit nutrient composition. Mineralization rates were 3.2 ± 0.4 mmol C, 0.17 ± 0.04 mmol N, 0.06 ± 0.02 mmol P and 3.91 ± 3.75 mmol Si per gram biodeposit (DW) per day, which represented 24 % of the particulate organic C and 17 % of the particulate organic N in mussel biodeposits. Seasonal variability was largest for Si mineralization with 60–80-fold higher rates measured in March compared to August and November. This difference is most likely related to the difference in biodeposit nutrient composition. It was furthermore shown that the labile fraction of biodeposits became mineralized after, respectively, 18, 9 and 13 days during the experimental periods in March, August and November. This indicates that temperature enhances biodeposit decomposition with approximately 2–3 times faster turnover at a 10 °C temperature interval (Q 10 ).  相似文献   

The combined effects of salinity and temperature on survival and growth of larvae of the mussel Mytilus edulis (L.) were studied. The effects of salinity and temperature are significantly related only as the limits of tolerance of either factor are approached. Survival of larvae at salinities from 15 to 40 is uniformly good (70% or better) at temperatures from 5° to 20°C, but is reduced drastically at 25 °C, particularly at high (40) and low (20) salinities. Larval growth is rapid at a temperature of 15 °C in salinities from 25 to 35, at 20 °C in salinities from 20 to 35. Optimum growth occurs at 20 °C in salinities from 25 to 30. Growth decreases both at 25° and 10 °C; the decline is most drastic at high (40) and low (20) salinities.Part of a study completed at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Biological Laboratory, Milford, Connecticut, USA, while on a UNESCO Fellowship.  相似文献   

Uptake and cellular distribution of cadmium in Mytilus edulis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cadmium uptake has been studied in starved and fed Mytilus edulis L. It is suggested that fairly elevated cadmium contents in fed mussels are not due to contaminated food, but to increased pumping rate when food is available. Highest concentration and main body burden are found in the mid-gut gland. Transport via haemolymph, and selective discrimination at the basement lamina of the mid-gut gland tubuli are regarded as mainly responsible for accumulation. Mercury seems to be processed in a similar way as cadmium. In the tubuli, both metals are immobilized in membrane-bound vesicles, which are finally defaecated.This work was financially supported by the German Research Council (DFG) (Sto 75/4 and Th 158/13).  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the balance between physiological mechanisms of feeding and digestion are considered among 45 to 57 mm shell length Mytilus edulis L. from southwest England. Mussels had been acclimated to standardised conditions of food availability in March, June and October, 1981. Results indicate that despite showing a negative relationship (P<0.001) with the efficiency of 15N absorption, coincident alterations of both ingestion rate (0.17 to 0.54 mg total Phaeodactylum tricornutum h-1) and organic gut content (1.00 to 1.80 mg) represent significant mechanisms effecting the seasonal regulation of nutrient acquisition. Concurrent changes in absorption efficiency alone clearly exerted a relatively minor influence upon seasonal rates of absorption. Associated gut residence times of 15N-labelled material varied between 4 and 10 h. Furthermore, despite the ensuing deleterious effects, together with increased gut contents, absorption efficiencies among mussels that had been starved throughout acclimation were consistently maintained equivalent to those among individuals feeding normally. Such constancy was at least partially achieved by an increased residence time of material within diverticulae, relative to the digestive system as a whole. Finally, comparison of isotopic absorption efficiencies with those recorded for total organics and organic nitrogen has demonstrated differences of as much as 30% between gross and net uptake due, we suggest, to excretion of metabolically derived material within the alimentary canal.  相似文献   

Mussels have been widely used as bioindicators of coastal contamination, and recent reports have demonstrated that metals are accumulated from both the dissolved phase and from ingested food. In the winter and spring of 1995, we examined the influence of the chemical composition of food (protein content, trace element concentrations and ratios in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudomana) on the assimilation of six trace elements (Ag, Am, Cd, Co, Se and Zn) in the mussel Mytilus edulis (L.). Differences of up to 38% in diatom protein content had no major influence on the assimilation of any trace element or carbon. Protein assimilation in M. edulis examined with a 35S radiotracer was also independent of protein content in the diatoms. Similarly, Se assimilation in mussels was not affected by the different Se concentrations in the diatoms. Cd assimilation increased with increasing Cd concentration, presumably due to higher desorption of Cd under acidic conditions typical of the mussel gut. Zn assimilation was inversely related to Zn concentration in the food particles, implying a partial regulation of this metal in the mussels. There was no evidence of any interaction of Cd and Zn in their assimilation by the mussels. These results suggest that mussels are highly responsive, in an element-specific way, to some components of ingested food (e.g., metal concentration), but other food components (such as the biochemical composition of the algae) have little effect on assimilation.  相似文献   

The distribution of Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, M. galloprovincialis Lamarck, and their hybrids was examined in mussel populations in southwest England in 1996 and 1998. This is a region where both parental taxa and populations containing large numbers of hybrids co-occur yet a fine-scale mapping of the hybrid populations has not been conducted. In this study the geographic distribution of hybrid populations was determined in southwest England over 360 km of coast from Tintagel Castle in north Cornwall to Beer in south Devon. Sample localities were spaced from 5 to 20 km apart. Genotypes for individual mussels were determined using PCR to amplify a size polymorphism at the Glu-5' locus that is completely differentiated between M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis. Hybrid populations, characterized by high frequencies of individuals with heterozygous genotypes and a pattern of decreasing frequency of M. edulis alleles with increasing shell length, were continuously distributed along 180 km of open coast in southwest England. This "hybrid patch" was bordered at one end by geographically extensive populations of pure M. edulis and at the other end by nearly pure populations of M. galloprovincialis. Strong natural selection in hybrid populations results in a decline in the frequency of M. edulis alleles with increasing size. Wave-exposure has previously been implicated as the agent producing this pattern of selection, but in the present study the relationship between allele frequency and body size was not correlated with variation in wave shock intensity among localities within the hybrid zone. The transition between hybrid populations and those containing pure populations of M. edulis or M. galloprovincialis is abrupt which suggests that coastal circulation patterns may provide strong barriers to larval dispersal which accounts for the position and maintenance of the hybrid zone.  相似文献   

D. Roberts 《Marine Biology》1972,16(2):119-125
The rate of uptake of Endosulfan by Mytilus edulis L. exposed to pesticide concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/l, and its subsequent elution on removal to clean sea water, was investigated. Higher residue levels were recorded for mussels exposed to higher concentrations of the pesticide, but concentration factors were reduced. There was a rapid initial fall in tissue residue levels on transfer to clean sea water due, it is suggested, to elution of Endosulfan adsorbed on particulate matter assimilated in the gut. The spawning period was prolonged at higher concentrations and, at 1.0 mg/l, the onset of spawning was delayed, possibly due to interference with gamonic action. At 0.1 mg/l, the minor protraction of the spawning period may reflect the effect of experimental tank conditions. No seasonal trend was obvious, and there was an exaggeration of the expected fall in condition in mussels exposed to higher concentrations of Endosulfan. In controls, the expected seasonal trend was reduced.  相似文献   

Accumulation rates of cadmium, the amount of food ingested and assimilated, the amount of oxygen consumed and changes in dry flesh weight have been measured in Mytilus edulis L. exposed to 0, 10 and 100 ppb cadmium for 17 d in aquaria with seawater flowing continously and at constant algal concentration. The accumulation rates were linear at 10 and 100 ppb, amounting to 0.58 and 8.89 ppm d-1, respectively. Body loads up to 150 ppm caused no effects on either clearance, ingestion, assimilation, respiration, or growth. High net growth efficiencies between 55–59% were obtained, indicating near optimal experimental conditions. It is suggested that the setup and experimental procedure provide an excellent tool in the study of accumulation and sublethal effects of environmental pollutants in suspension feeding bivalves.  相似文献   

The pattern of shell shape variation in populations of the mussel, Mytilus chilensis (Hupe 1854) from Southern Chile was analyzed as a function of sample origin (cultivated vs. wild) and latitude, using standard tools of geometric morphometrics for landmark data. Additionally, posterior adductor muscle index (PAMI), Freeman condition index and shell thickness were measured in each sample. Highly significant differences in shell shape components were found among mussel populations. These differences are related to the origin of samples (expansion of the posterior adductor muscle scar, elongation of the lateral ligament and of the ventral umbo position in non-cultivated samples) and to latitude (more elongated shells and more extended posterior adductor muscle scar in most southern samples when compared with the northernmost ones). PAMI and shell thickness were statistically higher in wild population, and Freeman condition index was higher in cultivated shells. It is suggested that in wild populations of M. chilensis, the mussels may face higher predator pressures and other environmental stress factors. Consequently, individuals may be using higher energy fraction to reinforce shells and to promote adductor muscle growth at the expense of somatic growth. In contrast, individuals found in calm aquaculture environments are relatively protected from predators and use most of their assimilated energy in somatic growth. In turn, this growth depends on changes that covariate with shell morphology.  相似文献   

We examined the temporal variation of lysosomal enzyme activities and lysosomal membrane stability in two stocks of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L., 1758) from the Magdalen Islands which differ in their susceptibility to summer mass-mortality. The activity of lysosomal enzymes reflects the autolytic capacity which could be used during the transfer of reserves between storage and reproductive tissues or for mobilisation of reserves for energy requirements. The peak of lysosomal enzyme activities in mantle tissue in June 1992 probably was related with autolysis of storage cells to support maturation of the developing gametes. A second peak of lysosomal enzyme activity which occurred in mid- August of 1992 and 1993 may help to cover energetic requirements of maintenance metabolism during this period of high temperatures and reduced food quality. Measures of the destabilization of lysosomal membranes in the digestive gland confirmed that mussels showed a significant stress response in mid-August. Mussels from the stock with a higher susceptibility to summer mortality underwent a longer period of stress and accumulated less glycogen between spawning and the stressful period in mid-August than mussels from the more resistant stock. In conclusion, our field observations demonstrate high activities of lysosomes not only in spawning periods but also during stressful periods of high temperatures and reduced food quality. Received: 23 September 1997 / Accepted: 11 June 1998  相似文献   

Individuals of Mytilus edulis were collected from two populations in easterm Long Island Sound, USA, at 6 wk intervals from January 1982 to February 1983, and the hypothesis that nutrient availability controls the timing of gametogenic events in this mussel was tested using genetic variants at the Lap locus. In eastern Long Island Sound, Lap genotypes differ in the net rate of nitrogen accumulation. A highly significant difference in reproductive cycle among genotypes occurred in a population of M. edulis where Lap genotypes differ in nitrogen budget. Genotypes with lower rates of nutrient accumulation delayed the reproductive cycle by approximately six weeks relative to genotypes with high rates of nutrient accumulation. No significant difference in reproductive cycle occurred at a locality where Lap genotypes do not differ in nitrogen budget. These data indicate that nutritional status can exert significant control over the timing of gametogenesis in M. edulis. Differences in reproductive cycle among Lap genotypes provide a mechanism of non-random mating among genotypes which may result in heterozygote deficiencies at this locus.  相似文献   

The use of functionalised metal sulphide nanoparticles (NPs) for nanoremediation and biomedical application is rapidly increasing, which could lead to significant inputs into the marine environment. The potential impact of some NPs on marine organisms is still poorly understood. In the present paper the genotoxic potential of Ag2S and CdS NPs on Mytilus edulis haemocytes was assessed. MPEG-SH (thiol-terminated methyl polyethylene glycol), was used as capping agent to avoid NPs agglomeration. TEM analysis showed that the Ag2S NPs size was 13±7 nm, whereas CdS quantum dots had an average diameter of 4±1 nm. DNA integrity was evaluated by Comet assay following exposure to increasing concentration series (0.01–10 mg/L). Both silver and cadmium NPs showed genotoxic effects at the highest dose. MPEG-SH was also found to exert a weak genotoxic activity, suggesting that at least part of the genotoxic potential of functionalised NPs on mussel cells might be attributable to the capping agent. These results confirm the genotoxic potential of Ag2S NPs for mussel cells and demonstrated, for the first time, that CdS NPs is genotoxic in a marine organism.  相似文献   

Brown  B. E.  Newell  R. C. 《Marine Biology》1972,16(2):108-118
The effects of copper and zinc on the metabolism of the mussel Mytilus edulis (L.) and its component tissues were studied. 500 ppm copper sodium citrate inhibited oxygen consumption of the whole animal and gill tissue, but no similar effect was observed on digestive gland tissue. 500 ppm zinc sodium citrate exerted no effect upon gill or digestive gland respiration, and neither metal salt affected the respiration of homogenates of gill, digestive gland or gonad. Direct observation of gill tissues during exposure to the metals revealed that 500 ppm copper sodium citrate caused inhibition of ciliary activity; exposure of tissues to 2 ppm Cu for 24 h resulted in only partial inhibition of the cilía. It is suggested that metabolic suppression noted in whole animals and gill tissues is due to the inhibition of an energy-consuming process such as ciliary activity rather than interference with respiratory enzyme systems.  相似文献   

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