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Knowledge about the distribution of resources can lead to the development of spatial preferences and long-term site fidelity. Individuals are expected to choose sites that best suit their needs. However, dominant individuals restrict movements of less competitive ones. Accordingly, one may expect spatial preferences to differ with regard to individual characteristics and to change over time. We investigated lifetime changes of site fidelity patterns with regard to reproductive success in male Galápagos sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki). Showing a high degree of natal philopatry in the first 2 years of life, non-territorial males pass through a stage of fidelity to their natal colony where they develop preferences for areas outside prime breeding areas. Variation in the degree of spatial preferences was not associated with age or size, characteristics linked to an individual’s dominance status. For non-territorial males, roaming proved to be an adequate strategy to gain reproductive success. Only the most competitive males established territories in areas preferentially visited by females. They had a high probability to return to breeding areas where they successfully reproduced in previous seasons. Overall, the results reveal lifetime changes in site fidelity with regard to male status. The degree of site fidelity observed within the colony suggests familiarity and thus a high degree of tolerance among individuals using the same areas. This seems to facilitate attendance in the colony and thus the possibility to prospect for oestrus females.  相似文献   

Sonnenholzner JI  Lafferty KD  Ladah LB 《Ecology》2011,92(12):2276-2284
In the Galápagos Islands, two eulimid snails parasitize the common pencil sea urchin, Eucidaris galapagensis. Past work in the Galápagos suggests that fishing reduces lobster and fish densities and, due to this relaxation of predation pressure, indirectly increases urchin densities, creating the potential for complex indirect interactions between fishing and parasitic snails. To measure indirect effects of fishing on these parasitic snails, we investigated the spatial relationships among urchins, parasitic snails, commensal crabs, and large urchin predators (hogfish and lobsters). Parasitic snails had higher densities at sites where urchins were abundant, probably due to increased resource availability. Commensal crabs that shelter under urchin spines, particularly the endemic Mithrax nodosus, preyed on the parasitic snails in aquaria, and snails were less abundant at field sites where these crabs were common. In aquaria, hogfish and lobsters readily ate crabs, but crabs were protected from predation under urchin spines, leading to a facultative mutualism between commensal crabs and urchins. In the field, fishing appeared to indirectly increase the abundance of urchins and their commensal crabs by reducing predation pressure from fish and lobsters. Fished sites had fewer snails per urchin, probably due to increased predation from commensal crabs. However, because fished sites also tended to have more urchins, there was no significant net effect of fishing on the number of snails per square meter. These results suggest that fishing can have complex indirect effects on parasites by altering food webs.  相似文献   

Behavioural research on domestic pigs has included parent–offspring conflict, sibling competition, and the use of signals which influence resource allocation. In this paper, we review key sow–piglet behavioural studies and discuss their relevance to resource allocation theory. Sibling competition begins in the uterus and continues after birth, as piglets compete directly for access to the sow’s teats. This competition is made more severe by a unique dentition, which newborn piglets use to lacerate the faces of siblings during teat disputes. Competition often leads to the death of some littermates, especially those of low birth weight. Piglets also compete indirectly for milk, apparently by stimulating milk production at the teats that they habitually use at the expense of milk production by other teats. The complex nursing behavior of the sow appears designed to prevent the more vigorous piglets from monopolizing the milk. Sows give vocal signals which both attract piglets to suckle and synchronize their behavior during nursing episodes. Piglets give loud vocal signals when separated from the sow; calls which vary in intensity and appear to be honest signals of need. Udder massage by piglets may also serve as an honest signal of need. Parent–offspring conflict has been demonstrated experimentally in pigs. Specifically, when given the opportunity to control contact with their piglets, sows nurse less frequently, provide less milk, and lose less weight during lactation than sows that cannot control their level of contact. Because of this interesting natural history and because they are so amenable to experimentation, domestic pigs provide a rich system for testing ideas drawn from resource allocation theory. This contribution is part of the special issue “Sibling competition and cooperation in mammals” (guest editors: Robyn Hudson and Fritz Trillmich).  相似文献   

Harris DB  Macdonald DW 《Ecology》2007,88(9):2330-2344
Replicated field experiments were used to quantify and to describe the mechanism of competition between the introduced black rat Rattus rattus and the endemic Santiago rice rat Nesoryzomys swarthi on Santiago Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. The removal of R. rattus significantly slowed the rate of seasonal population decline in N. swarthi. This effect was particularly evident for female, relative to male, N. swarthi and appeared to be driven solely by enhanced immigration; no other fitness or space use parameters were affected. The candidate hypotheses to explain the mechanism of competition were exploitation competition, interference by resource defense, and interference by aggressive encounter. To distinguish between hypotheses, we conducted a replicated resource supplementation experiment with patchy food, scattered food, and no food (control) treatments. The opportunistic R. rattus responded to the extra resources with increased adult immigration and juvenile recruitment, resulting in a significant abundance boost of sevenfold on patchy grids and fourfold on scattered grids. Females increased in body mass, and the breeding season was lengthened. In contrast, there was no change in the abundance of N. swarthi and no obvious benefit to reproduction. Instead, the costs of interference apparently outweighed the benefits of extra food: female N. swarthi increased in mass with supplementary food, but female (relative to male) immigration and residency were repressed on all supplemented areas. This response supported the hypothesis of interference by aggressive encounter, and we were able to rule out the alternative hypotheses. Although periodic population crashes of R. rattus on the arid north coast of Santiago may ameliorate its competitive impact, climate change may tip the balance. Control or eradication of R. rattus should improve future survival prospects for N. swarthi, but wildlife managers must be prepared for the potential eruption of the introduced house mouse Mus musculus, because this species experienced a release from interference competition and immigrated to removal areas.  相似文献   

A high-resolution (2-9 year sampling interval) fossil pollen record from the Galápagos Islands, which spans the last 2690 years, reveals considerable ecosystem stability. Vegetation changes associated with independently derived histories of El Ni?o Southern Oscillation variability provided evidence of shifts in the relative abundance of individual species rather than immigration or extinction. Droughts associated with the Medieval Climate Anomaly induced rapid ecological change that was followed by a reversion to the previous state. The paleoecological data suggested nonneutral responses to climatic forcing in this ecosystem prior to the period of human influence. Human impacts on the islands are evident in the record. A marked decline in long-term codominants of the pollen record, Alternanthera and Acalypha, produced a flora without modern analogue before 1930. Intensified animal husbandry after ca. 1930 may have induced the local extinction of Acalypha and Alternanthera. Reductions in populations of grazing animals in the 1970s and 1980s did not result in the return of the native flora, but in invasions by exotic species. After ca. 1970 the trajectory of habitat change accelerated, continuously moving the ecosystem away from the observed range of variability in the previous 2690 years toward a novel ecosystem. The last 40 years of the record also suggest unprecedented transport of lowland pollen to the uplands, consistent with intensified convection and warmer wet seasons.  相似文献   

In pelagic seabirds, who often explore distant food resources, information is usually scarce on the level of trophic segregation between parents and their offspring. To investigate this issue, we used GPS tracking, stable isotopes and dietary information of Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea breeding in contrasting environments. Foraging trips at Selvagem Grande (an oceanic island) mainly targeted the distant African coast, while at Berlenga island (located on the continental shelf), shearwaters foraged mainly over nearby shelf waters. The degree of isotopic segregation between adults and chicks, based on δ13C, differed markedly between the two sites, indicating that adult birds at Selvagem fed their chicks with a mixture of shelf and offshore pelagic prey but assimilated more prey captured on coastal shelf waters. Isotopic differences between age classes at Berlenga were much smaller and may have resulted from limited dietary segregation or from age-related metabolic differences. The diet of shearwaters was also very different between the two colonies, with offshore pelagic prey only being detected at Selvagem Grande. Our findings suggest that spatial foraging constraints influence resource partitioning between pelagic seabirds and their offspring and can lead to a parent–offspring dietary segregation.  相似文献   

The recognition of food-provisioning parents is crucial for fledglings of many bird species. Vocalizations are the most commonly used cues in avian parent–offspring communication, and it has been shown in several species that fledglings respond specifically to their parents' contact calls. However, fledglings occasionally also react to unrelated adults. Such responses may reflect recognition errors or alternatively a strategy of fledglings to obtain food or other direct benefits from unrelated adult birds. In a playback experiment, we tested whether zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata fledglings perceive variation in adult call signatures to recognize their parents and whether the propensity to respond to unrelated individuals is related to the gender of adults and to signal properties of male and female calls. Male calls are learnt and show high intra-sexual variation, which may improve the accurate recognition of the father's individual signature. In contrast, calls of adult females are innate, show lower intra-sexual variation such that the mother's call is more likely to be confused with another female call. We demonstrate that fledglings are able to recognize their parents. In addition, fledglings reacted more strongly to unrelated females compared with unrelated males. Our findings suggest that responses to unrelated adults may reflect recognition errors and indicate the importance of variation in identity signals for individual recognition processes in parent–offspring communication.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of Pavona gigantea Verrill and Gardineroseris planulata (Dana) was investigated in the equatorial eastern Pacific region from 1985 to 1994. These zooxanthellate scleractinian corals were adversely affected in this region during the 1982–1983 El Niño warming event. Both species were hermaphroditic, with individual colonies showing sequential cosexual development, thus resulting in dominantly outbreeding reproduction. Sexuality was mixed, with high percentages of gonochoric and hermaphroditic colonies in both species. Approximately 1:1 male-to-female gonad ratios were found in gonochoric and hermaphroditic colonies combined. Broadcast spawning was observed in P. gigantea in the Galápagos Islands, and the sudden disappearance of mature gametes and the presence of spent gonads suggest that G. planulata is also a broadcast spawner. Colonies of both species with 200 cm2 (10 cm diam) live tissue were nonreproductive. Estimated ages of the youngest reproductive colonies were 11 yr for P. gigantea and 20 yr for G. planulata. The percentage of all colonies of P. gigantea with gonads at nonupwelling sites (Caño Istand, Costa Rica and Uva Island, Panamá) ranged from 37 to 47%, respectively; colonies with gonads from upwelling environments (Saboga and Taboga Islands, Panamá) ranged from 31 to 39%, respectively, and reproductively active colonies from the thermally variable Galápagos islands comprised 40% of the collections. Compared with P. gigantea, the numbers of sexually active G. planulata colonies were roughly onehalf at nonupwelling Caño Island (20%) and Uva Island (25%) sites, or less (10%) at the upwelling Saboga Island site. Peak reproductive activity in P. gigantea occurred during the rainy season at all study sites. In the nonupwelling Costa Rican (Caño Island) and Panamainan (Uva Island) sites, mean monthly sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) were high (28 to 29°C), but slightly lower than in the dry season (29°C). In the upwelling Gulf of Panamá (Saboga and Taboga Islands), reproduction occurred after mean monthly SSTs increased from 24 to 28–29°C. In the Galápagos Islands, reproductive activity peaked during sea warming, when mean monthly SSTs reached 25°C. Sexually active colonies of G. planulata, present only at the main collection sites of Caño and Uva Islands, were also observed during the wet season. The presence of mature or spawned gonalds in both species mostly around new and full lunar phases suggests that spawning is at least weakly synchronized with moon phase. Fecundity estimates disclosed the following nonsignificant differences between sites for P. gigantea, expressed as egg production cm-2 colony surface surface yr-1: Galápagos (10 300 to 30 800), Uva Island (4900 to 9800), Caño Island (1800 to 7400), Saboga Island (600 to 1300) Taboga Island (1200 to 2400). Fecundity estimates for G. planulata were considerably lower: Uva Island (700 to 1400), Caño Island (500 to 1000). The sexual recruitment of P. gigantea into El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 1982–1983-disturbed, equatorial eastern Pacific coral communities has been low, with only moderate recovery evident since 1983. G. planulata has revealed no sexual recruitment where seed populations are absent or rare (Caño Island, Galápagos Islands), and only low recruitment (Panamá) in areas with colonies that survived the ENSO disturbance.  相似文献   

Two zooxanthellate, scleractinian species present in the equatorial eastern Pacific, Psammocora stellata and Psammocora profundacella, were examined in terms of their reproductive biology and ecology at four study sites, non-upwelling (Ca?o Island, Costa Rica, and Uva Island, Panamá), upwelling (Gulf of Panamá, Panamá), and seasonally varying thermal environments (Galápagos Islands). Both species were gonochoric broadcast spawners lacking zooxanthellae in mature ova. Mature gametes and spawned gonads are present around full moon; however, no spawning was observed naturally or in outdoor aquaria. Mature gametes occurred in P. stellata at Ca?o Island for nearly 6?months, and year round at Uva Island, both non-upwelling sites. Reproductively active colonies occurred mostly in the warmer months in the Gulf of Panamá and Galápagos Islands. In the Galápagos Islands, where collecting effort was greatest for P. profundacella, mature gametes were also most prevalent during the warm season. Annual fecundity was high in both species, 1.3–1.8?×?104?ova?cm?2?year?1 in P. stellata and 1.2–2.0?×?104?ova?cm?2?year?1 in P. profundacella. Compared to other eastern Pacific corals, P. stellata was relatively resistant to ENSO-related bleaching and mortality, especially populations inhabiting deep (12–20?m) coral communities. Rapid recovery and persistence of Psammocora spp. can be attributed to several factors: (a) relative resistance to bleaching, (b) deep refuge populations, (c) broadcast spawning, (d) protracted seasonal reproduction, (e) high fecundity, and (f) asexual propagation.  相似文献   

Coffey EE  Froyd CA  Willis KJ 《Ecology》2011,92(4):805-812
The Galápagos Islands are globally renowned for their ecological value and as a world symbol of scientific discovery; however the native biodiversity of this unique region is currently under threat. One of the primary concerns is the detrimental impact of approximately 750 nonnative plants introduced over the last 500 years of human presence in the archipelago. In addition to these known introduced species, there are an additional 62 vascular plants classified as "doubtful natives," where native status remains unclear. To help address the questions of provenance regarding these doubtfully native species and their impact on highland ecosystems over the past 500-1000 years, we analyzed plant macrofossils in sedimentary records. Appropriate species classification (native or introduced) was determined using baseline data of species presence on the islands. We confirmed that six plants (Ageratum conyzoides, Solanum americanum, Ranunculus flagelliformis, Brickellia diffusa, Galium canescens, and Anthephora hermaphrodita) once considered doubtful natives or introduced are actually native to the Galápagos flora. These results have relevance not just for the Galápagos but also many other oceanic islands in demonstrating the application of palaeobotanical data to conserving and restoring native biodiversity.  相似文献   

We assessed the foraging habits of California sea lions, Zalophus californianus, from Isla Santa Margarita, BCS, Mexico, by analyzing δ13C and δ15N values of dentin collagen. Since dentin is deposited annually in growth layer groups (GLGs), it can be subsampled to construct ontogenetic isotopic profiles at the individual level. We drilled 20 canine teeth and obtained 141 samples for isotopic analysis that were assigned to age-specific categories from GLG-based estimated ages. Pups’ GLGs had the highest mean δ15N values and the lowest mean δ13C values, a pattern likely driven by the consumption of milk. Juveniles had δ15N values between those of pups and adult females, which may reflect continued nursing into the second year or preferential consumption of coastal benthic versus pelagic prey. Significant differences were observed between the sexes of adults; adult females had lower mean δ13C and δ15N values than adult males. Higher isotope values in adult males relative to females may reflect a higher trophic position, but differences in foraging grounds cannot be excluded as a potential explanation because tracking data are not available at this time. Evidence of intra-specific foraging diversification may be related to a strategy to reduce competition within and among age and sex categories.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of two eastern Pacific zooxanthellate coral species was examined as part of a continuing series of studies relating bleaching/mortality events caused by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation disturbance, and is described for study sites in Costa Rica, Panamá, and the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador). This study deals with the sibling agariciid species Pavona varians and Pavona sp.a over a 13?yr period (1985 to 1997). Both Pavona species are broadcast-spawners with some gonochoric, but mostly sequential hermaphroditic colonies. Minimum colony sizes (and ages) at first reproduction were 5?cm (5?yr) and 3?cm (2 to 3?yr), respectively, in P. varians and Pavona sp.a. In the Panamá and Galápagos populations, gonochoric colonies spawn eggs or sperm at least monthly. Six fecundity attributes were not significantly different in the two species, but the eggs of P. varians are white to beige and positively buoyant, and those of Pavona sp.a are dark green and neutrally to negatively buoyant. Eggs of both species lack zooxanthellae. Both species are reproductively active year-round, with maximum activity in the dry season in the nonupwelling Gulf of Chiriquí, and in the wet season in the upwelling Gulf of Panamá. Spawning is predominantly during full moon, and possibly also at new moon at most study sites. Spawning in P. varians and Pavona sp.a is 12?h out of phase, with the former species spawning ~1?h before sunrise and the latter about 1?h after sunset. The fecundity of Pavona spp. at Caño and the Galápagos Islands was much greater (19?900 to 27?900 eggs cm?2?yr?1) than at all Panamá sites (14?800 to 19?800 eggs cm?2?yr?1). Intraspecific crosses in both species resulted in swimming planula larvae after 25 to 36?h. Recruitment of P. varians was highest in Panamá, moderate in Costa Rica, and nil in the Galápagos Islands, matching, respectively, the contributions of P. varians to the pre-1982/1983 El Niño coral-population abundances in these areas. Recruitment success of P. varians at Uva Island was significantly related to maximum monthly positive sea surface-temperature (SST) anomalies that occurred in the year preceding recruitment over the period 1982 to 1996; recruitment failed when SST anomalies exceeded 1.6 to 1.9?C° during the severe ENSO events of 1982/1983 and 1997/1998.  相似文献   

Pre-spawning reproductive biology and population structure of the sea cucumber Isostichopus fuscus were analysed at the Caamaño Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador on a monthly basis between January 1995 and June 1996. An average of 25 individuals of all sizes were collected each month. Using microscopic characteristics of the gonads three gonadal stages were described: (1) immature; (2) mature, and (3) spent. Mature individuals showed statistically different morphometric characteristics. I. fuscus was continuously sexually mature throughout the year independent of changes in sea water temperature. Mean oocyte diameter indicated planktotrophic larval development. Mean fecundity for this species was 567,884 (±95,528 SE) eggs per gonad. Size at first maturity was between 161.0 and 170.9 g drained weight and the smallest individual found with mature gonads had a drained weight between 121.0 and 130.9 g. The population sampled ranged between 13 and 31 cm (81.0–400.0 g) with less than 10% of the population of individuals ≥25 cm (≥300.0 g). No juveniles were recorded.  相似文献   

Changes in mate selectivity can significantly alter the direction and strength of sexual selection. When the direct cost of mate search increases selectivity often declines; however, little is known about how the relative cost of mate search affects investment in mate choice. Here, I investigate whether male and female Galápagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) alter their investment in mate choice behaviors when resources are limited and the relative cost of mate search is increased. Moderate resource limitation had little effect on male reproductive behavior: in both years, a similar number of males were territorial, and the mean display rate and copulation success of territorial males did not differ. In contrast, female mate search appeared to be affected by the prevailing environmental conditions. During the reproductive season following a moderate El Niño event, when food availability declined, females were in poorer body condition, assessed fewer territorial males, and mated with a male with lower relative reproductive success. Circulating hormone levels also differed between years: when resource availability was limited, receptive females had higher levels of testosterone and stress-induced corticosterone. The frequency and magnitude of climatic fluctuations are expected to increase in the future across many regions of the globe. Determining how sexual selection is shaped by changes in resource availability is vital for predicting the impact of climate change.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of the zooxanthellate reef coral Pavona clavus was investigated at several sites in Costa Rica, Panamá, and the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador) over the period 1985–2009. Pavona clavus displayed stable gonochorism as only five hermaphrodites were found in 590 samples. At four of five locations, sex ratios were skewed toward female dominance; however, at Saboga Island (Panamá) male colonies predominated. In Panamá, sexual maturity was observed in an estimated eight-year-old female colony, and several colonies of 10–20 years of age demonstrated gametogenesis. Sexual activity was observed at all study sites, but gamete development occurred in only 14–31% of colonies sampled sporadically. Seasonality of gametogenic activity occurred predominantly during the warm/wet season, June to August, at mainland sites (Caño Island, Costa Rica, and Gulfs of Chiriquí and Panamá, Panamá). This pattern was repeated in the Galápagos Islands, but mainly from March to May when seasonally high sea temperatures and rainfall prevailed there. Histological sampling and field observations indicated that spawning was centered around the full moon, most frequently on lunar day 17, and near sunset (1,800 h). Mean fecundity (mature ova cm?2 live tissue) estimates were significantly different for two sites and ranged from ~1,780 (Saboga Island, Gulf of Panamá, seasonally upwelling) to ~4,280 (Uva Is, Gulf of Chiriquí, non-upwelling). Assuming three annual spawning events colony?1 (August, September, October), extrapolation of minimum and maximum fecundities yield 5,340 and 12,840 ova cm?2 year?1. Seasonal, lunar, and diel spawning patterns in nine zooxanthellate species at Uva Island indicate asynchronous coral community spawning.  相似文献   

We investigated cause-specific temporal and spatial trends in sea turtle strandings in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Five species of sea turtle were recorded in 3,861 strandings over a 22-year period (1982–2003). Green turtles comprised 97% of these strandings with size and gender composition reflecting the demographic structure of the resident green turtle population and relative green turtle abundance in Hawaiian waters. The cause of strandings was determined by necropsy based on a complete gross external and internal examination. Totally 75% of the 3,732 green turtle strandings were from Oahu where strandings occur year-round. The most common known cause of the green turtle strandings was the tumour-forming disease, fibropapillomatosis (28%) followed by hook-and-line fishing gear-induced trauma (7%), gillnet fishing gear-induced trauma (5%), boat strike (2.5%), and shark attack (2.7%). Miscellaneous causes comprised 5.4% of strandings whereas 49% of green turtle strandings could not be attributed to any known cause. Green turtle strandings attributable to boat strike were more likely from Kauai and Oahu while fibropapilloma strandings were more likely from Oahu and Maui. Hook-and-line gear strandings were more likely from Oahu due to higher per capita inshore fishing effort. The specific mortality rate (conditional probability) for fibropapillomatosis was 88%, 69% for gillnet gear and 52% for hook-and-line gear. The probability of a dead green turtle stranding increased from 1982 but levelled off by the mid-1990s. The declining mortality risk was because the prevalence and severity of fibropapillomatosis has decreased recently and so has the mortality risk attributable to gillnet gear. Despite exposure to disease and inshore fishing gears, the Hawaiian green turtle stock continues to recover following protection since the late 1970s. Nevertheless, measures to reduce incidental capture of sea turtles in coastal Hawaiian fisheries would be prudent, especially since strandings attributable to hook-and-line fishing gear have increased steadily since 1982.  相似文献   

While it is known that Antarctic sea ice biomass and productivity are highly variable over small spatial and temporal scales, there have been very few measurements from eastern Antarctic. Here we attempt to quantify the biomass and productivity and relate patterns of variability to sea ice latitude ice thickness and vertical distribution. Sea ice algal biomass in spring in 2002, 2003 and 2004 was low, in the range 0.01–8.41 mg Chl a m−2, with a mean and standard deviation of 2.08 ± 1.74 mg Chl a m−2 (n = 199). An increased concentration of algae at the bottom of the ice was most pronounced in thicker ice. There was little evidence to suggest that there was a gradient of biomass distribution with latitude. Maximum in situ production in 2002 was approximately 2.6 mg C m−2 h−1 with assimilation numbers of 0.73 mg C (mg Chl a)−1 h−1. Assimilation numbers determined by the 14C incubations in 2002 varied between 0.031 and 0.457 mg C (mg Chl a)−1 h−1. Maximum fluorescence quantum yields of the incubated ice samples in 2002 were 0.470 ± 0.041 with E k indices between 19 and 44 μmol photons m−2 s−1. These findings are consistent with the shade-adapted character of ice algal communities. In 2004 maximum in situ production was 5.9 mg C m−2 h−1 with an assimilation number of 5.4 mg C (mg Chl a)−1 h−1. Sea ice biomass increased with ice thickness but showed no correlation with latitude or the time the ice was collected. Forty-four percent of the biomass was located in bottom communities and these were more commonly found in thicker ice. Surface communities were uncommon.  相似文献   

C. Krembs  A. Engel 《Marine Biology》2001,138(1):173-185
The distribution and abundance of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) was determined in and below pack ice of the Laptev Sea from July to September 1995. Samples were collected from the lowermost 10 cm of ice floes and at 10 cm below the ice–water interface. Abundance of bacteria, protists and TEP was determined, and the sea ice–water boundary layer was characterized using temperature, salinity and molecular viscous shear stress. TEP, with a distinct size distribution signal, were found in highest concentrations inside the sea ice, ranging from not detectable to 16 cm2 l−1 (median: 2.9 cm2 l−1). In the water, concentrations were one order of magnitude lower, ranged from below detection to 2.7 cm2 l−1 (median: 0.2 cm2 l−1) and decreased after the middle of August, whereas abundances of autotrophic flagellates (AF), diatoms, heterotrophic flagellates (HF) and ciliates increased. The abundance of TEP decreased with its size in all samples following a power law relationship. The relation of TEP to the microbial community differed between the sea ice and water, being positively correlated with bacteria and diatoms in the ice and negatively correlated with HF in the sea water. The presence of a pycnocline significantly influenced the abundance of organisms, diatom composition and TEP concentrations. Pennate diatoms dominated by Nitzschia frigida were most abundant inside the ice. Though bacteria have the potential to produce exopolymeric substances (EPS), the results of this study indicate that the majority of TEP at the ice–water interface in first-year Arctic summer pack ice are produced by diatoms. Received: 19 August 1999 / Accepted: 4 July 2000  相似文献   

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