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Most investigations of the adverse health effects of multiple air pollutants analyse the time series involved by simultaneously entering the multiple pollutants into a Poisson log-linear model. Concerns have been raised about this type of analysis, and it has been stated that new methodology or models should be developed for investigating the adverse health effects of multiple air pollutants. In this paper, we introduce the use of the lasso for this purpose and compare its statistical properties to those of ridge regression and the Poisson log-linear model. Ridge regression has been used in time series analyses on the adverse health effects of multiple air pollutants but its properties for this purpose have not been investigated. A series of simulation studies was used to compare the performance of the lasso, ridge regression, and the Poisson log-linear model. In these simulations, realistic mortality time series were generated with known air pollution mortality effects permitting the performance of the three models to be compared. Both the lasso and ridge regression produced more accurate estimates of the adverse health effects of the multiple air pollutants than those produced using the Poisson log-linear model. This increase in accuracy came at the expense of increased bias. Ridge regression produced more accurate estimates than the lasso, but the lasso produced more interpretable models. The lasso and ridge regression offer a flexible way of obtaining more accurate estimation of pollutant effects than that provided by the standard Poisson log-linear model.  相似文献   

Four non-filtered and four charcoal-filtered open-top chambers were employed to determine the effects of ambient levels of gaseous air pollutants at Braunschweig, FRG, on growth and yield of potted plants of winter and spring barley. During the exposure period (November 1985-August 1986) monthly mean values of gaseous air pollutants (microg m(-3)) ranged between 34 and 127 for SO(2), 34 and 52 for NO(2) and 12 and 33 for O(3) in winter (November-March), and 16 to 26 for SO(2), 20 to 33 for NO(2) and 42 to 53 for O(3) in spring-summer (April-August). Monthly 2% percentile values for these gases reached (microg m (-3)) 561 for SO(2), 140 for NO(2) and 170 for O(3). The filtering efficiencies of the charcoal filters used averaged 60% for SO(2), 50% for NO(2) and 70% for O(3). All plants of winter barley from the unchambered plot were killed by severe frost periods in winter, 1986. Little frost damage occurred on plants grown in the chambers. Air filtration resulted in higher numbers of plants of winter barley per pot, i.e. a higher number of individuals per area, and a higher dry weight of whole plants and ears compared to the non-filtered atmosphere. In the experiments with spring barley, fresh and dry weight of whole plants were lower and dry weight of leaves were higher in the filtered open-top chambers. These effects could not be observed at all harvests which were carried out during the growing season. Grain yield and sulphur content of the leaves of both barley cultivars were not affected by the air filtration. Production of biomass of spring barley grown in ambient air was higher than of that grown in open-top chambers.  相似文献   

A method for predicting the performance of packed columns that control gaseous air pollutants has been developed that exploits the advances in both computer software and hardware commonly used by practicing engineers. The solution of the simultaneous partial differential equations that describe the absorption process in packed columns that occurs in the presence of chemical reaction is obtained by converting the partial differential equations to systems of ordinary differential equations. These systems of ordinary differential equations are then solved using the method of lines along with a variable step, variable order numerical method. The method is applicable to systems in which there are multiple reactions within the liquid phase. The reactions can be of any order and can be reversible. The programming is simple and the machine running time is minimal. The method is illustrated here with an example.  相似文献   

Subway systems are considered as main public transportation facility in developed countries. Time spent by people in indoors, such as underground spaces, subway stations, and indoor buildings, has gradually increased in the recent past. Especially, operators or old persons who stay in indoor environments more than 15 hr per day usually influenced a greater extent by indoor air pollutants. Hence, regulations on indoor air pollutants are needed to ensure good health of people. Therefore, in this study, a new cumulative calculation method for the estimation of total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted inside the subway station is proposed by taking cumulative amounts of indoor air pollutants based on integration concept. Minimum concentration of individual air pollutants which naturally exist in indoor space is referred as base concentration of air pollutants and can be found from the data collected. After subtracting the value of base concentration from data point of each data set of indoor air pollutant, the primary quantity of emitted air pollutant is calculated. After integration is carried out with these values, adding the base concentration to the integration quantity gives the total amount of indoor air pollutant emitted. Moreover, the values of new index for cumulative indoor air quality obtained for 1 day are calculated using the values of cumulative air quality index (CAI). Cumulative comprehensive indoor air quality index (CCIAI) is also proposed to compare the values of cumulative concentrations of indoor air pollutants. From the results, it is clear that the cumulative assessment approach of indoor air quality (IAQ) is useful for monitoring the values of total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted, in case of exposure to indoor air pollutants for a long time. Also, the values of CCIAI are influenced more by the values of concentration of NO2, which is released due to the use of air conditioners and combustion of the fuel. The results obtained in this study confirm that the proposed method can be applied to monitor total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted, inside apartments and hospitals as well.

Implications: Nowadays, subway systems are considered as main public transportation facility in developed countries. Time spent by people in indoors, such as underground spaces, subway stations, and indoor buildings, has gradually increased in the recent past. Especially, operators or old persons who stay in the indoor environments more than 15 hr per day usually influenced a greater extent by indoor air pollutants. Hence, regulations on indoor air pollutants are needed to ensure good health of people. Therefore, this paper presents a new methodology for monitoring and assessing total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted inside underground spaces and subway stations. A new methodology for the calculation of cumulative amounts of indoor air pollutants based on integration concept is proposed. The results suggest that the cumulative assessment approach of IAQ is useful for monitoring the values of total amounts of indoor air pollutants, if indoor air pollutants accumulated for a long time, especially NO2 pollutants. The results obtained here confirm that the proposed method can be applied to monitor total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted, inside apartments and hospitals as well.  相似文献   

Subway systems are considered as main public transportation facility in developed countries. Time spent by people in indoors, such as underground spaces, subway stations, and indoor buildings, has gradually increased in the recent past. Especially, operators or old persons who stay in indoor environments more than 15 hr per day usually influenced a greater extent by indoor air pollutants. Hence, regulations on indoor air pollutants are needed to ensure good health of people. Therefore, in this study, a new cumulative calculation method for the estimation of total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted inside the subway station is proposed by taking cumulative amounts of indoor air pollutants based on integration concept. Minimum concentration of individual air pollutants which naturally exist in indoor space is referred as base concentration of air pollutants and can be found from the data collected. After subtracting the value of base concentration from data point of each data set of indoor air pollutant, the primary quantity of emitted air pollutant is calculated. After integration is carried out with these values, adding the base concentration to the integration quantity gives the total amount of indoor air pollutant emitted. Moreover the values of new index for cumulative indoor air quality obtained for 1 day are calculated using the values of cumulative air quality index (CAI). Cumulative comprehensive indoor air quality index (CCIAI) is also proposed to compare the values of cumulative concentrations of indoor air pollutants. From the results, it is clear that the cumulative assessment approach of indoor air quality (IAQ) is useful for monitoring the values of total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted, in case of exposure to indoor air pollutants for a long time. Also, the values of CCIAI are influenced more by the values of concentration of NO2, which is released due to the use of air conditioners and combustion of the fuel. The results obtained in this study confirm that the proposed method can be applied to monitor total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted, inside apartments and hospitals as well. Implications: Nowadays, subway systems are considered as main public transportation facility in developed countries. Time spent by people in indoors, such as underground spaces, subway stations, and indoor buildings, has gradually increased in the recent past. Especially, operators or old persons who stay in the indoor environments more than 15 hr per day usually influenced a greater extent by indoor air pollutants. Hence, regulations on indoor air pollutants are needed to ensure good health of people. Therefore, this paper presents a new methodology for monitoring and assessing total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted inside underground spaces and subway stations. A new methodology for the calculation of cumulative amounts of indoor air pollutants based on integration concept is proposed. The results suggest that the cumulative assessment approach of IAQ is useful for monitoring the values of total amounts of indoor air pollutants, if indoor air pollutants accumulated for a long time, especially NO2 pollutants. The results obtained here confirm that the proposed method can be applied to monitor total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted, inside apartments and hospitals as well.  相似文献   

Attempts to cost the effects on health of a variety of outdoor air pollutants have depended on epidemiological data. The difficulties and limitations of the data and the costing procedures are discussed and illustrated.  相似文献   

The impact of air pollutants on plant/parasite-interactions has been investigated. It could be demonstrated that fumigation of Vicia faba L. with 0.15 ppm SO2 (400 microg m(-3)) or 0.2 ppm NO2 (400 microg m(-3)) during 7 days caused changes in plant metabolism which resulted in higher growth rates of the aphid Aphis fabae Scop. feeding on these plants. Fumigation of V. faba with 0.085 ppm O3 during 2 or 3 days, however, caused decreased aphid growth on fumigated plants. That result could be reversed by higher O3 concentrations or through the presence of NOx during O3 fumigation. Ambient air comprising a mixture of pollutant gases had a strong enhancing effect on aphid performance. Thus, the growth of A. fabae on field bean plants was significantly higher in ambient summertime. London air than in charcoal-filtered air. Similarly, the growth of Macrosiphon rosae L. on rose bushes (Rosa sp., cv. Nina Weibull) was improved in ambient summertime Munich air; the increase in growth rate averaged about 20%.  相似文献   

北京与伦敦空气中气态污染物的比对研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市空气质量问题已经引起广泛关注.通过对中英2个大城市北京与伦敦 2004 年 8 月~2005 年12 月空气中气态污染物 O3、NOx、SO2 和 CO 浓度变化的分析与对比发现:参照世界卫生组织空气质最准则、欧盟空气质量标准、美国国家空气质量标准或国家空气质量二级标准,北京O3、NO2、SO2和 CO 浓度的超标天数或时数明显高于伦敦.观测期内,北京 O3、NOx、SO2 和 CO 浓度明显高于伦敦,平均值分别是 17.9±22.1×10-9、72.4±76.1×10-9、19.5±21.8×10-9、2 004.6±1 509.8×10-9与10.8±9.9×10-9、54,6±38.9×10-9、1.8±2.2×10-9、372.3±235.0×10-9.两城市 O3 统计日变化形式均表现为白天高、夜晚低,峰值出现在午后 14:00 左右,日较差分别为 31.5±30.9×10-9与 11.1±7.7×10-9;NO、NO2、SO2 和 CO 呈双峰态日变化,峰值出现在交通的早高峰与晚高峰附近.北京 O3 最高值出现在夏季,而伦敦出现在春季;但两城市NOx、SO2 和 CO 最高值均出现在冬季.北京与伦敦的NO2与 NO 呈显著线性相关,且斜率与截距十分相似,分别是 1.25 和 1.28 与 28.1 和 23.2;同时两城市 CO/NOx 比率明显高于 SO2/NO 分别为 14.0、4.5 与 0.13、0.03.由此可以判断:对于两城市空气污染问题,交通源的贡献要远大于点源;但点源也对两城市空气质量造成影响.此外,连续逆温的天气是造成重污染事件的原因.  相似文献   

Historically, studies of the effects of the main phytotoxic gases (SO2, O3, NOx and HF) have focused on determining the threshold for onset of visible foliar injury. The current U.S.A. air quality standards to protect vegetation (500 ppb SO2 for 3 h and 120 ppb O3 for l h not to be exceeded more than once per annum) are good examples of the use of this information in the regulatory process. More recently, research has focused on determining the thresholds for effects on economically important yield parameters irrespective of foliar injury. The implication is that long-term seasonal or annual standards may be required to prevent yield losses particularly for the primary pollutants in diffuse-source regions and for secondary pollutants. This paper reviews the literature on thresholds for yield effects of SO2 and O3 and concludes that
  • 1.(a) the current EEC standard for SO2 is adequate to protect most crops and trees and
  • 2.(b) more work is required to determine whether the U.S.A. threshold for O3 effects are applicable to the climate and crops of Europe.
Recent results suggest that yield responses vary so much with climatic factors that broad regional standards may not be acceptable. In addition, the effect of one phytotoxic gas must now be assessed against the background of the other gases.Future research on effects of SO2 and O3 in particular, will be increasingly influenced by the use of cost-benefit analysis in the regulating process and the consequent demand for dose-response relationships. This approach is fraught with difficulty and particular problems arise
  • 1.(a) when ‘hypothetical’ relationships are assumed in the absence of good data and
  • 2.(b) when the linearity of dose-response relationships are presumed to justify the extrapolation from effects at high concentrations to lower ambient concentrations.
The evidence for nutritional effects of low levels of SO2 and NOx abrogates this assumption and suggests that for some gases at least, there should be a threshold below which no detrimental effects occur. This paper reviews the recent work aimed at producing dose-response relationships for economically important yield parameters.  相似文献   

The regional observatory Kosetice is a central European background station. Unique continuous monitoring from 1988 on is held here. POP (persistent organic pollutant) concentration values of air samples from Kosetice taken between 1996 and 2005 were statistically processed. Values of Czech ambient air quality standards were not exceeded. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons reached two maxima, in 1996 and 2001-2002. Polychlorinated biphenyls concentrations reached the highest values in 1997 and 1998 and hexachlorocyclohexanes concentrations in 1998. DDTs, hexachlorobenzene and pentachlorobenzene were analysed as well. Long-range transport of pollutants between 2002 and 2005 was evaluated using the Potential Source Contribution Function hybrid receptor model. Indicated potential source areas of PCBs coincide with many well-known urban and industrialised areas, while the indicated potential source areas of HCHs and DDTs coincide with many agricultural and/or forested regions and the potential source areas of HCB comprise all land use types.  相似文献   

Zha  Zhenqiu  Li  Guoao  Lv  Yili  Liu  Lingli  He  Jialiu  Xu  Wei  Dai  Dan  Liu  Zhirong  Huang  Fen 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2022,29(30):45716-45729
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Recently, the burden of lung cancer (LC) has attracted global attention. Meanwhile, LC has become the leading cause of death in China. Many studies...  相似文献   

Currently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has established air standards for relatively few chemicals. As a result, state agencies are faced with controlling air contaminants for a large number of chemicals posing potential public health threats. Use of occupational standards as a basis for deriving ambient air guidelines is a method used by states to control air toxics. This standard development approach is reviewed by considering the differences in the health basis and numerical values which often occur among the occupational standards set by OSHA, NIOSH and ACGIH. This study indicated that careful selection should be made of the most appropriate occupational standard to use to protect public health. A comparison is made of chemicals regulated by various state air toxic programs using occupational standards lowered by a safety factor to concentrations established by the U.S. EPA. It was found that the air guidelines vary, but the degree of stringency can be comparable.  相似文献   

建立了用于评价被动式空气净化产品的小型环境模拟舱系统.系统以滤纸为净化材料载体,乙醛及丙酮为污染物,经过验证,空白实验及环境舱平行性良好,具有评价各类被动式空气净化产品的潜在应用价值.本实验应用此环境舱评价了2种二氧化钛光催化剂、2种超支化聚酰胺PAMAM-NH2及1种市售复合型空气净化剂的净化效果.结果表明,在经过24 h净化后,二氧化钛光触媒在自然光条件下对乙醛及丙酮的净化效率为12.2% ~ 34.5%;超支化聚酰胺对乙醛的净化效率为35.2% ~48.1%,对丙酮无净化作用;复合型空气净化剂对乙醛及丙酮的净化效率为15.7% ~32.2%.  相似文献   

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