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<正>日前,山西省印发《关于促进天然气(煤层气)协调稳定发展的实施意见》(以下简称《意见》),提出了构建供应多元、管网布局完善、储气调峰配套、用气结构合理、运行安全可靠的天然气(煤层气)产供储销体系;加快推进煤层气产能建设,坚持以市场化手段为主做好供需平衡;充分利用天然气(煤层气)等各种清洁能源,多渠道、多途径推进煤炭替代和清洁取暖。并在扩大资源有效供给、提升输配保障能力、促进消费结构优化等方面提出具体措施,保民生、保  相似文献   

调兵山市区域面积263平方千米,总人口25万,城市化率83.2%,辖3个镇、2个街道办事处。1982年经国务院批准成立铁法市,2002年更名为调兵山市。境内探明煤炭储量22.59亿吨,煤层气储量293.9亿立方米,全国500强企业铁煤集团坐落境内,是全国八大煤炭生产基地之一。  相似文献   

国务院日前印发《节能减排"十二五"规划》,要求各地认真贯彻执行,确保"十二五"期间实现节约能源6.7亿吨标准煤等节能减排目标。为推进节能减排,调整能源消费结构,《节能减排"十二五"规划》确定促进天然气产量快速增长,推进煤层气、页岩气等非常规油气资源开发利用,加强油气战略进口通道、国内主干管网、城市配网和储备库建设。初步测算表明,"十二五"时期我国计划实  相似文献   

以成都市某区为例,通过研究区的能源消费结构与大气环境质量的调查研究,分析了近五年的能源消费结构变化以及环境空气质量变化趋势,以探索中国城镇能源消费结构与大气环境质量的关系,为节能减排、能源利用方式的改变以及城市规划发展提供依据。分析结果表明该区从2006年开始空气质量有所好转,这种变化与主要能耗结构变化明显相关,说明合理利用资源,推广清洁能源和调整产业结构是发展能源、经济和保护大气环境的有效途径。  相似文献   

近年来,煤层气作为一种新型能源受到全球广泛关注,随着我国煤层气开发技术的日益完善,煤层气产业快速发展,但在大规模开采煤层气过程中,对土地造成了不同程度的损毁。因此,及时开展损毁土地复垦,已成为改善开采区域环境、促进土地集约节约利用的重要途径。通过对煤层气开采区域土地复垦现状分析,探讨土地复垦存在的问题及对策,以期实现资源开发与土地保护双赢目标。  相似文献   

开发利用煤层气的环境效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
煤层气俗称煤矿瓦斯。一直以来被看作为有害气体。近几年来人们已经认识到煤层气是一种重要的能源,可以对其进行开采利用。开发利用煤层气可以改善煤矿安全生产条件,提高经济效益;可以有效地减排温室气体,改善大气环境;还可以大大改善城市环境。因此.应大力提倡使用煤层气,积极开发煤层气资源。但是也应该看到煤层气在勘探开发和生产过程中会对环境造成一定的破坏,例如水源的污染。土壤的盐碱化,农作物的减产等,故在开发利用煤层气之前,应充分考虑到这些不利因素。而采取相应的措施来减少这种负面影响。使得煤层气这一宝贵的能源得以充分利用。  相似文献   

河南省大气污染现状及其控制对策分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
河南省近年大气污染问题突出,灰霾天气频发,已经影响到居民正常生活。通过调查河南省2012年环境空气质量现状及2003—2012年变化趋势、2012年能源消费结构现状及2005—2012年能源消费结构变化趋势,分析河南省能源消费结构对环境空气质量的影响,根据河南省目前环境空气质量和能源消费结构存在的问题,提出推进产业结构调整、加快能源结构调整、实施大气污染物协同控制、严格节能环保准入条件等措施。  相似文献   

全国政协委员、环境保护部副部长吴晓青近日上交《关于页岩气开发中的环境保护》提案,建议尽快出台页岩气配套产业政策,加快制定相应技术标准和规范,引导页岩气资源科学开发和可持续发展。吴晓青表示,相比其他常规能源,页岩气总体上是清洁能源,对缓解我国燃煤型大气污染、改变能源消费结构具有重要意义。  相似文献   

受能源赋存状况及经济发展水平影响,不同地区之间的能源消费结构往往存在很大差别,对其结构演变很难用一个具体的指标来衡量。论文通过信息熵的引入,试图来解决这个问题,并最终取得了满意的效果和结论。对无锡市1990~2002年间城市居民家庭能源消费结构的熵值演变特征进行动态分析后发现,1994年前后,无锡市城市居民家庭能源消费结构信息熵的变化呈现出截然相反的特征,并且与城镇居民实际可支配收入及人均能源消费总量变化高度相关。在深入分析其演化特征和原因的基础上,对无锡市城市居民能源消费结构的演化方向作出了展望。  相似文献   

资源赋存特点决定了我国以煤炭为主的能源生产与消费结构,现已形成了以煤炭为主体、电力为中心、石油天然气和可再生能源全面发展的能源供应格局,基本建立了较为完善的能源供应体系。我国能源资源的分布和发电、用电负荷的分布极不均衡,能源资源与能源需求呈逆向分布,决定了能源和电力跨区域大规模流动的必然性。以燃煤为主要燃料的电力生产结构,使得电力发展也存在结构和供需上的矛盾。煤炭在终端能源消费中所占比例过大引发的能源效率低下和一系列环境问题越来越受到重视。  相似文献   

煤层瓦斯压力预测对煤与瓦斯突出和煤层安全开采意义重大。在陈连省等基于量纲分析建立的煤层瓦斯压力计算模型的基础上,通过重新进行量纲分析以及MATLAB数值模拟分析,利用已有的实测数据,针对其所建立的煤层瓦斯压力计算模型进行了重新建模和优化,新模型为整体的一个数学模型,避免了原分段数学模型带来的误差,使得煤层瓦斯压力的预测计算更为准确,可为煤层瓦斯压力的预测提供参考。  相似文献   

煤等温吸附气体实验中的煤体变形效应会造成CO2在煤层中吸附量评价结果的偏差,通过对气体吸附模拟方法进行修正,应用修正的Langmuir和Dubinin-Astakhov模型对CO2、CH4吸附实验结果进行重新拟合,获得准确的吸附量计算方法。结果表明,吸附实验中煤主要表现为膨胀变形,且煤吸附CO2的膨胀量高于吸附CH4的膨胀量,煤膨胀造成CO2实测过剩吸附量较真实过剩吸附量偏低4.4%~43.8%,修正后CO2吸附拟合效果大大提高,Langmuir和D-A模型拟合曲线与实测数据吻合的相关系数分别从0.978、0.995提高到修正后的0.997、0.999,D-A模型对CO2吸附数据的拟合效果优于Lang-muir模型,CH4吸附模拟效果的改善程度不及CO2。  相似文献   

提高煤层气采收率的CO2埋存技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为常规油气重要接替补充的非常规天然气,煤层气越来越受到世人的关注.如何提高煤层气采收率是摆在煤层气开发工程师面前迫切需要解决的技术难题.通过向煤层中注入CO2,既可以提高煤层气采收率又能间接地实现CO2减排,即提高煤层气采收率的CO2埋存技术(CO2-ECBM).该项技术已在世界各地迅速发展,并取得一些实质性进展.文...  相似文献   

针对目前煤矿中频频发生的透水事故与静电引发瓦斯灾害的现状,文章以聚合物水泥、阻燃剂以及导电填料制备出一种适用于煤矿井下能够防止煤壁渗水和封堵瓦斯气体的材料,具有防水、防火、抗静电的特点。系统考查了导电云母粉、石墨、炭黑等多种导电填料及其不同配比的混合填料对涂层干燥时间、表面电阻和吸水率等性能的影响,试验结果表明,添加导电云母粉涂层的电阻值变化不大,无法达到国家煤安标准MT 113-1995的抗静电要求,不适合作为导电填料;添加石墨粉的涂层在质量分数为16%左右时电阻值方可达到106108Ω;添加炭黑的涂层粘度较大,且质量分数在5%时可达到要求。当石墨粉与炭黑单独添加时,随着导电填料的增加,材料的吸水率逐渐升高,防水性能逐渐下降;从涂膜的抗静电性能和防水性能两方面考虑,最佳的导电填料为石墨与炭黑的混合填料,且最佳的混合比为炭黑:石墨=2:3。  相似文献   

Underground coal gasification (UCG) has been identified as an environmentally friendly technique for gasification of deep un-mineable coal seams in situ. This technology has the potential to be a clean and promising energy provider from coal seams with minimal greenhouse gas emission. The UCG eliminates the presence of coal miners underground hence, it is believed to be a much safer technique compared to the deep coal mining method. The UCG includes drilling injection and production wells into the coal seam, igniting coal, and injecting oxygen-based mix to facilitate coal gasification. Produced syngas is extracted from the production well. Evolution of a cavity created from the gasification process along with high temperature as well as change in pore fluid pressure causes mechanical changes to the coal and surrounding formations. Therefore, simulation of the gasification process alone is not sufficient to represent this complex thermal-hydro-chemical–mechanical process. Instead, a coupled flow and geomechanical modeling can help better represent the process by allowing simultaneous observation of the syngas production, advancement of the gasification chamber, and the cavity growth. Adaptation of such a coupled simulation would aid in optimization of the UCG process while helping controlling and mitigating the environmental risks caused by geomechanical failure and syngas loss to the groundwater. This paper presents results of a sequentially coupled flow-geomechanical simulation of a three-dimensional (3D) UCG example using the numerical methodology devised in this study. The 3D model includes caprock on top, coal seam in the middle, and another layer of rock underneath. Gasification modeling was conducted in the Computer Modelling Group Ltd. (CMG)’s Steam, Thermal, and Advanced processes Reservoir Simulator (STARS). Temperature and fluid pressure of each grid block as well as the cavity geometry, at the timestep level, were passed from the STARS to the geomechanical simulator i.e. the Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions (FLAC3D) computer program (from the Itasca Consulting Group Inc.). Key features of the UCG process which were investigated herein include syngas flow rate, cavity growth, temperature and pressure profiles, porosity and permeability changes, and stress and deformation in coal and rock layers. It was observed that the coal matrix deformed towards the cavity, displacement and additional stress happened, and some blocks in the coal and rock layers mechanically failed.  相似文献   

在分析大量文献资料的基础上,从地表塌陷、土壤破坏、水体污染等方面综述了浅埋矿区煤炭开采对地表生态环境影响的研究现状.并指出当前研究中存在的问题,包括煤炭开采对生态环境的影响主要集中某一方面的环境问题,以及缺乏对生态环境有效的预测方法等.针对上述问题,结合浅埋煤矿区生态环境特征,构建了相对完整的生态环境评价指标体系,筛选出基于灰色系统模型的预测方法,进而为下一步建立预测模型和预警系统奠定基础.  相似文献   

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a promising technology to reduce the cost of producing syngas from coal. Coal is gasified in place, which may make it safer, cleaner and less expensive than using a surface gasifier. UCG provides an efficient approach to mitigate the tension between supplying energy and ensuring sustainable development. However, the coal gasification industry presently is facing competition from the low price of natural gas. The technology needs to be reviewed to assess its competiveness. In this paper, the production cost of syngas from an imaginary commercial-scale UCG plant was broken down and calculated. The produced syngas was assumed to be used as feedstock in liquid fuel production through the Fischer-Tropsch process or methanol synthesis. The syngas had a hydrogen (H2) to carbon monoxide (CO) ratio of 2. On this basis, its cost was compared with the cost of syngas produced from natural gas. The results indicated that the production cost of syngas from natural gas is mainly determined by the price of natural gas, and varied from $24.46 per thousand cubic meters (TCM) to $90.09/TCM, depending on the assumed price range of natural gas. The cost of producing UCG syngas is affected by the coal seam depth and thickness. Using the Harmon lignite bed in North Dakota, USA, as an example, the cost of producing syngas through UCG was between $37.27/TCM and $39.80/TCM. Therefore, the cost of UCG syngas was within the cost range of syngas produced by natural gas conversion. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to investigate how the cost varies with coal depth and thickness. It was found that by utilizing thicker coal seams, syngas production per cavity can be increased, and the number of new wells drilled per year can be reduced, therefore improving the economics of UCG. Results of this study indicate the competitiveness of UCG regarding to natural gas conversion technologies, and can be used to guide UCG site selection and to optimize the operation strategy.  相似文献   

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is an emerging energy technology for a cleaner type of coal extraction method. It avoids current coal mining challenges such as drastic changes to landscapes, high machinery costs, elevated risks to personnel, and post-extraction transport. UCG has a huge potential to provide a clean coal energy source by implementing carbon capture and storage techniques as part of the process. In order to support mitigation strategies for clean coal production and policy development, much research needs to be completed. One component of this information is the need to understand what happens when the coal burns and a subsurface cavity is formed. This paper looks at the efforts to enhance reliable prediction of the size and shape of the cavities. Reactions are one of the most important mechanisms that control the rate of the growth of the cavities. Therefore, modeling the reactions and precise prediction of reaction kinetics can influence the accuracy of a UCG process. The produced syngas composition during UCG is closely linked to the reactions that take place in this process, the permeability of the coal seam, and the temperature distribution. Since the combination of reactions can influence the distributions of the heat and gas components in the coal seam during UCG or even extinguish the combustion, accurate modeling of the reactions is crucial, particularly when all phenomena affecting the reaction rate are considered in a single set of kinetics. In this study, procedures are proposed to estimate the frequency factor and activation energy of the pyrolysis reaction using a single-step decomposition method, the kinetics of the endothermic direction of homogeneous reversible reactions, and the frequency factor of heterogeneous reactions from experiments or literature data. The estimated kinetics is more appropriate for simulation of the UCG process using the porous medium approach. Computer Modelling Group’s CMG-STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) software is used in this study.  相似文献   

工矿企业是资源型地区实现区域转型的关键要素,研究工矿企业空间集聚的格局特征及驱动机理对于揭示资源型地区转型的空间过程及空间效应具有重要意义。以山西省为例,基于煤矿企业点数据,综合采用多种GIS空间分析方法,分析1990—2017年经济转型阶段,山西省煤矿企业空间集聚的格局演变及区位指向变化。进一步构建负二项回归模型分析山西省煤矿企业空间集聚演变的影响因素,解释资源型地区转型发展的驱动机理。结果表明:(1)煤矿企业整体集聚变化相对稳定,但发展内涵发生显著变化,企业趋向大型化、现代化、可持续化发展。(2)煤矿企业空间集聚逐步与煤层埋深线的岩层走向相吻合,并且表现出低坡度指向性、临交通线指向性特征。(3)宏观尺度上,煤矿企业空间集聚呈现以点状集聚为主到点状集聚与沿煤层线带状扩散并存的演变趋势;微观尺度上,煤矿企业核密度降低区域与核密度增加区域具有地理邻近性特征,空间上表现为煤矿企业的远郊区化过程。(4)资源禀赋对煤矿企业区位选择的影响最显著,地形坡度、路径依赖、省道、企业所有制性质、固定资产投资、区域面积等对煤矿企业的区位选择也具有显著影响,但是作用方向和强度存在差异;城镇化水平、铁路、高速公路等对煤矿企业区位选择的影响不显著。回归结果表明资源型地区的转型发展受自然基底条件、产业发展基础、区域发展阶段等多重因素的影响。  相似文献   

济宁煤田煤中微量元素的地球化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了研究煤中微量元素的意义 ,对研究区及采样方法作了介绍 ,在测试分析资料的基础上 ,探讨了济宁煤田煤中微量元素在各井田内的平面变化特征和微量元素在不同煤层、同一煤层中垂向上的分布变化规律 ,初步研究了煤中微量元素的赋存状态 ,分析了煤中微量元素富集的原因 ,为今后济宁煤田煤的综合开发和利用提供了重要的参考资料。  相似文献   

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