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Municipal solid waste (MSW) quantity and composition analysis is fundamental for the planning of municipal waste management services. The purpose of this paper is to report the results and experiences of sampling household waste at the source of generation in Gaborone, Botswana. The average generation rate, in kg capita(-1) day(-1), and percentages of various components of waste in Gaborone were determined using a statistically designed household sampling survey. The survey covered 47 households with different socio-economic characteristics over 21 days with 893 samples obtained. The results showed that the average waste generation rate for Gaborone was 0.33 kg capita(-1) day(-1). Contrary to common belief, the waste generation rate measured as in weight units was found not be directly related to household income. However, the packaging fractions of plastic and paper measured as volume had a direct relationship with household income. Across all income groups, the putrescible waste fraction constituted the highest proportion of the waste stream at approximately 68%. The main general conclusion is on the importance of practical considerations. As much as statistically designed sampling procedures provide a useful means of estimating the quantity and composition of household waste at source of generation, there are some practical issues that should be carefully considered during sampling to improve the accuracy and relevance of the results.  相似文献   

The authors of this paper report on the changing character of household waste, in the Czech Republic between 1999 and 2009 in households differentiated by their heating methods. The data presented are the result of two projects, financed by the Czech Ministry of Environment, which were undertaken during this time period with the aim of focusing on the waste characterisation and complete analysis of the physicochemical properties of the household waste. In the Czech Republic, the composition of household waste varies significantly between different types of households based on the methods of home heating employed. For the purposes of these studies, the types of homes were divided into three categories – urban, mixed and rural. Some of the biggest differences were found in the quantities of certain subsample categories, especially fine residue (matter smaller than 20 mm), between urban households with central heating and rural households that primarily employ solid fuel such coal or wood. The use of these solid fuels increases the fraction of the finer categories because of the higher presence of ash. Heating values of the residual household waste from the three categories varied very significantly, ranging from 6.8 MJ/kg to 14.2 MJ/kg in 1999 and from 6.8 MJ/kg to 10.5 MJ/kg in 2009 depending on the type of household and season. The same factors affect moisture of residual household waste which varied from 23.2% to 33.3%. The chemical parameters also varied significantly, especially in the quantities of Tl, As, Cr, Zn, Fe and Mn, which were higher in rural households. Because knowledge about the properties of household waste, as well as its physicochemical characteristics, is very important not only for future waste management, but also for the prediction of the behaviour and influence of the waste on the environment as the country continues to streamline its legislation to the European Union’s solid waste mandates, the results of these studies were employed by the Czech Ministry of Environment to optimise the national waste management strategy.  相似文献   

The move from landfill-based to resource-based waste management systems requires a greater knowledge of the composition of municipal solid waste. This paper draws together the findings of municipal solid waste (MSW) compositional surveys undertaken in the United Kingdom. The results from recent surveys show a good agreement over the composition of household-collected waste, but less agreement over civic amenity site waste composition. There is insufficient data to allow comparisons of the commercial waste element of municipal waste or of the other components, and further work is necessary to produce more reliable estimates of the composition of these streams. The use of questionnaire surveys and analysis of the results suggests that the size and age profile of a household influence the generation of household-collected waste. Some research suggests that the waste container provided by the local authority and the socio-economic classification of a household also influence household-collected waste generation, but other studies failed to find this link. Further research is required to investigate this by surveying all of the waste disposal routes available to specific households.  相似文献   

An essential preliminary step in municipal solid waste (MSW) management is the accurate determination of the quantities and composition of the wastes. The purpose of this study was to test a procedure for the determination of these parameters at the source of generation (houses), rather than getting such data at transfer stations or disposal sites, as usually done in most previous studies. The average generation rate in kg per capita day−1and percentages of various components of residential solid waste in Abu Dhabi City were determined by carrying out a statistically designed sampling survey. This survey covered 40 houses with different socio-economic levels and totalled 840 samples. The study showed an average generation rate of 1.76 kg per capita day−1. Linear regression analysis revealed that this rate was dependent on the income level with an increase of about 35% for the high income residents over the average rate. The waste contained approximately 50% food waste. Frequency distribution analysis of waste composition data indicated that the food waste component is normally distributed, whereas the other components do not show a normal distribution pattern.  相似文献   

Variations in solid waste composition data are necessary as inputs to solid waste planning, yet uncertainty exists regarding which probability distributions might be generally valuable to describe the variability. Twenty-two detailed analyses of solid waste from British Columbia, Canada, were fitted to distributions using the BestFit software. Alternative distributions were ranked based on three goodness-of-fit parameters and twelve waste fractions. The log-logistic distribution was found to be the most able to fit over the wide range of composition types considered. The results were demonstrated to be insensitive to the number of waste components or to the choice of a two- or three-parameter distribution. Although other distributions were able to better match the waste composition for individual waste types, the log-logistic distribution was demonstrated to fit, overall, a wide variety of waste composition types.  相似文献   

A review of results of the research involving the quantitative and composition analyses of household waste conducted in Poland in recent years is presented in this paper. For these analyses various methodologies have been employed, as there is not one obligatory methodology how to characterise municipal solid waste. The results of the research in large Polish cities indicate great variability, which is difficult to be reasonably explained. This situation is affected by a number of factors, such as various methods and places for sample collection, various methods for tests, fractional character of most of the studies (studies carried out only in some periods during a year). Consequently, it is neither possible to measurably compare their results, nor to generalise them. Hence, within this article only individual data for large cities is provided. It is therefore necessary to standardise methodology for such analyses in Europe, taking into account local variability (such as different housing patterns, climate and waste collection schemes) to allow comparison of results.Reported yearly household waste generation in Polish cities varies from 238 to 309 kg per inhabitant. Biodegradable waste is a strongly dominated fraction in household waste from Polish cities, followed by paper/cardboard and plastics. Historical data shows that waste composition has undergone profound changes, the most significant being an increase of the share of plastics and decrease of fine fraction. The presented data indicates that waste composition strongly depends on the type of housing and its heating system. In the new multi-family buildings with central heating the share of paper and plastics is higher than in old houses with individual heating. In the latter ones the share of fine fraction is higher.  相似文献   

In order to decrease environmental impacts in waste management the choice of treatment method must be based on the characteristics of the waste. Present sampling procedures do not provide statistically representative samples of solid waste and this provides difficulties in characterization. The objective of this study was to develop a procedure for waste component analysis and sampling of waste after collection and at plant level. A further objective was to characterize the waste delivered to an incineration plant for physical and chemical properties and to determine the amounts of delivered waste that could be classified as biofuels and fossil fuels. The proportions of recyclables and hazardous waste were also examined. Samples were taken randomly from waste trucks and divided by square implementation. Statistical analysis of the results showed that the number of sub-samples could be decreased with only a moderate increase in the confidence interval. This means that future waste composition analyses could be made more efficient and thereby less expensive. The analysis of the waste delivered to the Lidk?ping incineration plant (Central Sweden) showed that 66.4% of the household waste was composed of biofuels and 21.3% of non-renewable combustibles, of which 40.3% were recyclables. In addition, 11.6% of the household waste was non-combustible and 0.6% hazardous waste. The heat value for the biofuels was 18.0-19.7 MJ kg(-1) dry mass (DM) and for the fossil fuels 28.2-33.9 MJ kg(-1) DM. The industrial waste consisted of 35.9% biofuels, 62.0% fossil fuels, 1.6% non-combustible and 0.5% hazardous waste. The heat value was 19.5 MJ kg(-1) DM for the biofuels and 31.4 MJ kg(-1) DM for the fossil fuels.  相似文献   

Food waste has become an increasingly discussed topic in recent years. However, there is little authoritative data on food waste quantities and composition and systematic and comparable data are missing. Household waste composition analyses, which are often carried out routinely at regular or irregular intervals, provide an opportunity for obtaining data about food waste at both local and regional levels. The results of prior waste composition studies are not really comparable due to the different classifications, definitions and methods used; in addition, these are mostly insufficiently described and not reproducible by a third party. The aim of this paper is to discuss a methodology for determining the proportion of food waste in household waste composition studies, by analysing specific problems and possible solutions. For that purpose, findings from the literature are analysed and the approach and results of a composition analysis of residual waste of a stratified sample (urban, rural area) are presented. The study suggests that in order to avoid a significant loss of information, waste should not be sieved before sorting and packed food waste should be classified into the relevant food waste category together with its packaging. The case study showed that the overall influence of the proportion of food packaging included in the food waste category, which amounted to only 8%, did not significantly influence the results and can therefore be disregarded.  相似文献   

For the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from waste incineration it is essential to know the share of the renewable energy content of the combusted waste. The composition and heating value information is generally available, but the renewable energy share or heating values of different fractions of waste have rarely been determined.In this study, data from Finnish studies concerning the composition and energy content of mixed MSW were collected, new experimental data on the compositions, heating values and renewable share of energy were presented and the results were compared to the estimations concluded from earlier international studies. In the town of Lappeenranta in south-eastern Finland, the share of renewable energy ranged between 25% and 34% in the energy content tests implemented for two sample trucks. The heating values of the waste and fractions of plastic waste were high in the samples compared to the earlier studies in Finland. These high values were caused by good source separation and led to a low share of renewable energy content in the waste. The results showed that in mixed municipal solid waste the renewable share of the energy content can be significantly lower than the general assumptions (50–60%) when the source separation of organic waste, paper and cardboard is carried out successfully. The number of samples was however small for making extensive conclusions on the results concerning the heating values and renewable share of energy and additional research is needed for this purpose.  相似文献   

Source-sorted municipal organic waste from different dwelling types in five Danish cities was sampled during one year. The samples were from permanent, full-scale systems or temporary, experimental systems for collection of source-sorted municipal organic waste. Pre-treatment of the organic waste prior to biological treatment was used in all cities to remove foreign objects and provide size reduction. All sampling was performed after pre-treatment in order to obtain more homogeneous and representative samples. The sampling included both the pre-treated waste and the reject from the pre-treatment allowing for estimation of the composition of the original waste. A total of 40 waste samples were chemically characterised with respect to 15 parameters. The waste generally consisted of around 88% VS of which an average of 80% was easily degradable. The average content of N, P and K in the dry matter of the organic waste was 2.5%, 0.4% and 0.9%, respectively. A general analysis of variance was applied to show the influence of the collection system, dwelling type and annual season on the waste composition. The content of plastic and crude fibres in the waste differed the most among the samples, probably due to use of different bag types (plastic and paper) in the different collection systems. Variations in the ash content and the calorific value might be explained by differences in the sorting instructions (whether soil and cat litter are allowed in the organic fraction). Significant seasonal variations were seen for ash, S and Cl. Dwelling type showed no statistically significant influence on any waste components. A test for uniform distribution of the p-values from the analysis of variance (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) showed that the overall composition of the collected waste was strongly affected by the collection system (city) and season, while dwelling type had no significant influence.  相似文献   

The present study determines the composition of the bio-waste fraction of waste and establishes correlations between the quality of this fraction and socio-economic/demographic variables. According to the Catalan Waste Agency [Agència de Residus de Catalunya (2004). Statistical data. Available from: ], the quantities of glass, paper/cardboard, light packaging and biodegradable material (those components of municipal waste that can be recovered, and have a separate collection) that were selectively collected in 2004 represent 25.6% by weight of the total municipal waste generated. There is a large spread of values from different cities. It is important to bear in mind that this percentage was calculated using the total weights of all of the materials present in the different bins used for selective solid waste collection, without taking account of the fact that many of these bins contain a certain amount of other, undesirable waste. In order to be able to determine the actual quantities that are recovered, it is necessary to establish the quality of the waste collected. To establish the quality of the waste collected, 350 samples were analysed, corresponding to the bins for the bio-waste fraction of solid waste in 193 different cities in Catalonia. Seven levels of quality were established for the study, depending on the amount of undesirable waste present. The results show certain correlations between the socio-economic/demographic factors studied and the percentage of undesirable waste present in the samples. The correlations presented here are not intended to be predictive, but rather indicative of a tendency, which should help us gain a better understanding of the behaviour of the society studied with respect to the separation of solid household waste at origin.  相似文献   

To date, sparse information is available on the mechanical properties of municipal solid waste and the results of published work are often hard to compare due to differences in waste composition and therefore properties. To allow comparison, a unified classification system for waste is deemed crucial. Existing classification systems are presented and discussed. For a geotechnical classification, mechanical properties, size, shape and degradability potential of waste components have to be taken into account. A new and improved classification system for waste components is proposed, which complies with the requirements of a geotechnical classification system. It classifies waste components based on: (1) their material engineering properties (e.g., shear, compressive and tensile strength), (2) a size distribution of the components, (3) the component shape (reinforcing, compressible and incompressible), and (4) the degree of degradability. The proposed classification system is applied to data from the literature and methods for presenting classification information are demonstrated. Further work required to develop a full classification system for waste bodies is highlighted.  相似文献   

A survey on solid waste generation and residents’ awareness was conducted in Da Nang city, Vietnam in 2010. We took samples from residents, hotels, restaurants, and city markets. Data reveals that each resident generates on average 0.71 kg/capita/day (3 kg/household/day). Regarding the composition, organic waste (food, flowers, leaves, grass) accounts for about 70 % of residents’ waste followed by plastics. Likewise, about 14 % of residents’ waste can be recycled. Furthermore, we find that middle income households in the suburbs have the largest waste generation with 4.9 kg/household/day. We consider that this finding is explained by their dedication to agricultural activities, such as planting fruit trees and vegetables, and gardening. Finally, we find that only about 60 % of interviewees have knowledge of how to segregate waste, however more than 90 % of them are willing to cooperate with the introduction of a waste segregation program in the city.  相似文献   

Waste sorts were conducted during each of the four quarters (or seasons) of 1996 at the City of Columbia Sanitary Landfill. A detailed physical sampling protocol was outlined. Weight fractions of 32 waste components were quantified from all geographic areas that contribute to the Columbia Sanitary Landfill using a two-way stratification method, which accounted for variations in geographical regions and seasons. Comparisons of solid waste generated between locations and seasons were conducted at the 80% confidence level. The composition of the entire waste stream was 41% paper, 21% organic, 16% plastic, 6% metal, 3% glass and 13% other waste. Paper was the largest composition and glass was the smallest composition for all geographical regions. The result of this study was also compared with a 1987 Columbia, Missouri study conducted by EIERA (1987), with studies conducted in other states such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Oregon and with national study conducted by the USEPA (USEPA 530-R-96-001, PB96-152 160. US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste, Washington, DC). The results of studies from other states are different from this study due to different local conditions, different methodologies and a different scope. There was a small (5%) increase in per capita weight from 1987 to 1996. The total per capita weight in the present study was 60% greater than the national per capita weight reported by the USEPA (1996) due to that the USEPA report excluded industrial, construction and certain commercial waste. The total per capita weight agrees with the national per capita weight for municipal waste reported by Tchobanoglous (1993), which included industrial, construction and commercial sources. The geographical and seasonal effects on the waste composition are evaluated and discussed. Statistical analysis indicates that waste characteristics are different among geographical regions and seasons. The potential for waste recovery and reduction is also discussed.  相似文献   

Five different fractions of the biodegradable municipal solid waste (BMSW) were evaluated as potential animal feedstuffs. For each source of waste (meat waste (MW), fish waste (FW), fruit and vegetables waste (FVW), restaurant waste (RW), household waste (HW)), samples were obtained from small shops (butchers, fishmongers, fruit and vegetable shops), restaurants and a MSW treatment plant (household waste). The chemical composition, microbiological characterization, dioxins, furans, PCB's and mineral content were determined for every type of waste fraction. The analysed biodegradable waste presented high moisture content (from 60% to 90%). Some fractions were dense in one nutrient: meat waste in ether extract, fish waste in crude protein, fruit and vegetable waste in nitrogen free extract. The other studied fractions (restaurant fraction and household fraction) presented a more balanced composition, but the presence of toxic concentrations of contaminants such as metals was higher than European legislation permitted values in animal feeding. From a microbiological standpoint, a heat treatment at 65 degrees C for 20 min was sufficient to ensure microbiological quality of the samples. This treatment was also advisable to reduce the moisture content: a lower moisture content facilitates the waste handling and processing and, therefore, the inclusion of these waste fractions in commercial animal diets. This paper presents a potential alternative for the recovery of organic matter content in municipal solid waste. The results obtained in this research and the feedstuffs legislation in force related to animal feed, indicated that some of the studied biodegradable waste fractions (meat waste, fruit and vegetable waste and fish waste) could be considered as alternatives to typical raw materials used in animal feeds.  相似文献   

The continuously increasing solid waste generation worldwide calls for management strategies that integrate concerns for environmental sustainability. By quantifying environmental impacts of systems, life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool, which can contribute to answer that call. But how, where and to which extent has it been applied to solid waste management systems (SWMSs) until now, and which lessons can be learnt from the findings of these LCA applications? To address these questions, we performed a critical review of 222 published LCA studies of SWMS. We first analysed the geographic distribution and found that the published studies have primarily been concentrated in Europe with little application in developing countries. In terms of technological coverage, they have largely overlooked application of LCA to waste prevention activities and to relevant waste types apart from household waste, e.g. construction and demolition waste. Waste management practitioners are thus encouraged to abridge these gaps in future applications of LCA. In addition to this contextual analysis, we also evaluated the findings of selected studies of good quality and found that there is little agreement in the conclusions among them. The strong dependence of each SWMS on local conditions, such as waste composition or energy system, prevents a meaningful generalisation of the LCA results as we find it in the waste hierarchy. We therefore recommend stakeholders in solid waste management to regard LCA as a tool, which, by its ability of capturing the local specific conditions in the modelling of environmental impacts and benefits of a SWMS, allows identifying critical problems and proposing improvement options adapted to the local specificities.  相似文献   

Tehran, the capital city of Iran and a metropolis with a population of 8.2 million and containing 2.4 million households, generated 2,626,519 tons of solid waste in 2005. The present study is aimed at evaluating the generation, characteristics and management of solid waste in Tehran. Municipal solid waste comprises more than 97% of Tehran's solid waste, while three other types of solid waste comprise less than 3% of it, namely hospital waste (1.0%), industrial waste (0.6%) and construction and demolition waste (0.5%). The contribution of household solid waste to total municipal solid waste is about 62.5%. The municipality of Tehran is responsible for the solid waste management of the city; the waste is mainly landfilled in three centers in Tehran, with a small part of it usually recycled or processed as compost. However, an informal sector is also active in collecting recyclable materials from solid waste. The municipality has recently initiated some activities to mechanize solid waste management and reduce waste generation. There remain important challenges in solid waste management in Tehran which include: the proper collection and management of hospital waste; public education aimed at reducing and separating household waste and educating municipal workers in order to optimize the waste collection system; and the participation of other related organizations and the private sector in solid waste management.  相似文献   

The organic fraction of municipal solid wastes in Southeast Asia, which has a high moisture content, accounts for a large proportion of total waste. Local governments need to pay adequate attention to the composition of wastes to determine alternative waste management technologies. This study proposed the use of a triangle diagram to describe changes in proximate composition and rates of successful source separation of municipal solid waste and to identify technical challenges about alternative waste management technologies such as incineration, composting, and refuse-derived fuel production based on physical and proximate composition analysis of household waste sampled in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a case study. The analysis indicated the effectiveness of different types of source separation as well as different levels of successful achievement of source separation as an adjustment mechanism for the proximate composition of waste. Proper categorization of wastes for source separation is necessary for the appropriate use of alternative waste management technologies. The results showed that, at a source separation rate of just greater than 0.52 in a three-way separation scheme, the waste separated as combustible waste would be suitable for incineration with energy recovery. Based on well-designed schemes of source separation, alternative waste management technologies can be applied.  相似文献   

Sustainable recycling of municipal solid waste in developing countries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This research focuses on recycling in developing countries as one form of sustainable municipal solid waste management (MSWM). Twenty-three case studies provided municipal solid waste (MSW) generation and recovery rates and composition for compilation and assessment. The average MSW generation rate was 0.77 kg/person/day, with recovery rates from 5-40%. The waste streams of 19 of these case studies consisted of 0-70% recyclables and 17-80% organics. Qualitative analysis of all 23 case studies identified barriers or incentives to recycling, which resulted in the development of factors influencing recycling of MSW in developing countries. The factors are government policy, government finances, waste characterization, waste collection and segregation, household education, household economics, MSWM (municipal solid waste management) administration, MSWM personnel education, MSWM plan, local recycled-material market, technological and human resources, and land availability. Necessary and beneficial relationships drawn among these factors revealed the collaborative nature of sustainable MSWM. The functionality of the factor relationships greatly influenced the success of sustainable MSWM. A correlation existed between stakeholder involvement and the three dimensions of sustainability: environment, society, and economy. The only factors driven by all three dimensions (waste collection and segregation, MSWM plan, and local recycled-material market) were those requiring the greatest collaboration with other factors.  相似文献   

One of the challenges faced by waste management authorities is determining the amount of waste generated by households in order to establish waste management systems, as well as trying to charge rates compatible with the principle applied worldwide, and design a fair payment system for households according to the amount of residential solid waste (RSW) they generate. The goal of this research work was to establish mathematical models that correlate the generation of RSW per capita to the following variables: education, income per household, and number of residents. This work was based on data from a study on generation, quantification and composition of residential waste in a Mexican city in three stages. In order to define prediction models, five variables were identified and included in the model. For each waste sampling stage a different mathematical model was developed, in order to find the model that showed the best linear relation to predict residential solid waste generation. Later on, models to explore the combination of included variables and select those which showed a higher R(2) were established. The tests applied were normality, multicolinearity and heteroskedasticity. Another model, formulated with four variables, was generated and the Durban-Watson test was applied to it. Finally, a general mathematical model is proposed to predict residential waste generation, which accounts for 51% of the total.  相似文献   

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