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The kinetics of accumulation of essential and toxic trace elements (TE) in vitally important organs were studied in small mammals typical of the Middle and Southern Ural fauna. The results revealed a discrepancy between the increased uptake of Cd, Zn, Pb, and Cu by animals and the virtually constant concentrations of heavy metals (HMs) in their organs, which could be explained by the existence of special elimination systems activated upon excessive HM uptake. It is shown that HM accumulation in animal tissues is energy-dependent and species-specific, and the effects of highly toxic TE correlate with physiological processes.  相似文献   

The development of the progeny of Strongylocentrotus intermedius sea urchins collected in September 1999 at six stations of Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan) was studied. No significant differences between the samples in the number of anomalies were observed at the earliest stages of embryogenesis (fertilization and the first cleavage division). The greatest deviation from normal development was observed in the progeny of sea urchins from station 1. The relationship between disturbances in the reproductive function of sea urchins and the level of heavy metal pollution of the Amur Bay ecosystem, as well as the usefulness of various indices characterizing the quality of the sea urchin progeny from the bioindication standpoint are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Mn, Pb, and Ni in the organs and tissues (kidneys, liver, lungs, brain, heart, muscles, and feathers) of the European black vulture (Aegypius monachus) was studied. It was shown that heavy metals were not responsible for the mass mortality of these birds in southern Primorye in the winter of 2001–2002. The level of pollution with heavy metals of the range of European black vultures wintering in this region (northern China and western Mongolia) may be regarded as insignificant.  相似文献   

The reproductive capacity of Taraxacum officinale s.l. (two morphological forms: T. off. f. dahlstedtii Lindb. fil. and T. off. f. pectinatiforme Lindb. fil.) under conditions of chemical environmental pollution was studied in years differing in weather conditions. The number of generative shoots in plants increased along the toxic load gradient, which led to an increase in the total number of seeds and the weight of filled seeds. The relative energy value of seeds was determined from the amount of plastic substances in them. The number of seeds was shown to increase at a considerably higher rate than the energy expenditures for the formation of each seed. A general principle was revealed that determines the energy expenditures for the formation of a normal seed in both T. officinale forms under different weather conditions and under the chemical pollution of the environment.  相似文献   

The results of original studies and published data are used for evaluating the main responses of the avifauna of boreal forests to the combined effect of sulfur dioxide and heavy metals. It is shown that environmental pollution results in the reduction of species richness, biomass, and stability of the nesting bird fauna. In degraded areas, the structure of the bird community changes: (1) typical forest species are replaced by the species of open habitats, and (2) the proportion of species nesting in the upper tree layer decreases, whereas that of ground-nesting species increases.  相似文献   

Latitudinal geographic groups of vascular plant, moss, and lichen species included in tundra communities and lower vegetation layers of larch forest and open forest have been analyzed with respect to their distribution according to different altitudinal levels and slopes differing in exposure. Prevailing plant groups have been identified. The results were compared with corresponding data on the composition of plant communities in the neighboring flatland area (Kharp Research Station).  相似文献   

提出"区域开发规模扩张的资源环境响应"的概念,并构建了区域开发规模扩张的资源环境响应指数、响应度模型及评价指标体系,通过定量分析1995-2008年东北地区开发规模扩张的资源环境响应变化及影响因素,得出以下结论:1995年以来东北地区开发规模不断扩大,而资源环境水平总体呈现出"先升后降"的波动变化态势。资源环境对东北地区开发规模扩张具有由"正响应"向"负响应"转变的特征,与此相对应,区域开发规模扩张对资源环境的影响程度也呈现出由"弱促进"向"强胁迫"变化的态势,这说明近年来在东北地区开发规模加速扩展的同时,其对区域资源环境造成的压力也日益增大。1995-2008年由经济快速增长导致的资源环境压力增长是引致东北地区开发规模扩张对资源环境影响由"正向促进"向"负向胁迫"转化的重要内部因素,而区域投资的不断增长以及工业的快速发展是东北地区开发规模扩张对资源环境影响由"弱促进"向"强胁迫"变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

The aboveground phytomass of meadow plants and the density of chortobiont invertebrates in secondary upland meadows were estimated using a biocenometer in three areas differing in the level of pollution with emissions from the Middle Ural Copper Smelter (Revda, Sverdlovsk oblast) in 2006 and 2007. As the smelter is approached, the total amount of phytomass (dry weight) decreases by a factor of 1.3–1.9, with the proportion of grasses reaching 100%; the total abundance of invertebrates increases two-to threefold due to sucking phytophages, which account for up to 80% of the invertebrate community. The abundance of gnawing phytophages near the smelter is reduced, with some taxa entirely missing (e.g., mollusks and phalangiid harvestmen). Rearrangements in chortobiont community structure are attributable to changes in the physiological state of plants and in the species diversity and architecture of the herbaceous layer, with consequent modification of hydrothermal conditions in it, as well as by the direct toxic effect of heavy metals.  相似文献   

在低碳经济的发展如日中天的形势下,经济快速发展所诱发的环境问题引起了各界人士的广泛关注.加大对环境治理的投资已是大势所趋.“清洁发展机制”(CDM)以及“绿色信贷”(Green Credit)等新措施,为环境治理投资开辟了新路径.本文在前人研究的基础之上,基于中国统计年鉴公布的1998 - 2008年工业GDP、工业废气排放量以及工业废气治理投资额,使用单位根检验、Johansen协整检验等方法对数据进行处理,使用误差修正模型(VEC)和脉冲响应函数(IRF)对环境治理投资对环境质量的冲击路径进行模拟.得到的结论是,我国目前环境治理投资与环境质量之间存在长期的均衡关系,环境治理投资对环境质量有正向的冲击,但冲击持续的时间较短.与此同时,环境质量的变化会给环境治理投资带来长达10期的较大幅度的冲击,并且随着环境治理投资的效应逐渐显现即环境质量的改善,环境治理的投资额逐步下降.鉴于这种情形,我国政府、商业银行和企业应该加强对环境的关注,建立环境治理投资的长效机制,调整投资结构,通过各种途径加大对环境治理的投资.  相似文献   

It is shown that the response of rodent populations to acute and chronic irradiation depends on its functional structure, i.e., on specific features of animals with two alternative types of ontogenetic development. Upon acute irradiation, sexually immature young of the year (animals with the second type of ontogeny) are most radioresistant. Exposure to chronic irradiation, as in the zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT), leads to an increase in the proportion of mature young of the year (animals with the first type of ontogeny), which are the most radiosensitive part of the population. The abundance and fecundity of mice in the impact zone are consistently higher than in the background zone, which improves the adaptive potential of the population. The role of species ecological specialization and configuration of the contaminated zone in the formation of migrant rodent population is emphasized. It is concluded that a high migration activity allows the pigmy wood mouse (a radiosensitive species) to avoid long-term radiation exposure.  相似文献   

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