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ModelingoftherelationshipbetwentraceelementsandthrespeciesofsulfurincoalLuXiaohua,ZengHancaiNationalKeyLaboratoryofCoalCom...  相似文献   

煤中微量有害元素的挥发性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用3 种热解反应装置(密闭模拟下落床、流动气氛模拟下落床和固定床)研究了 6种煤中 As、Pb、Cr、Cd 和 Mn等微量有害元素的挥发性随温度(300~1000℃)的变化规律,同时考察了热解装置的影响.结果表明,这 5 种元素的挥发性均随热解温度的升高而升高;6 种煤中 As、Pb、Cd均表现出与Cr 和 Mn相比具有较强的挥发性,但它们的挥发温度不同,其中 As 的挥发主要发生在 300~700℃,Cd 主要在 500℃以上挥发,Pb 主要在 800℃以上挥发.热解过程中,微量元素在半焦孔道内扩散时产生的反应是影响元素析出的重要因素之一.  相似文献   

固体添加剂对煤气化过程中痕量元素的控制研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
基于改进的地球化学富集因子(MGEF),采用氢化物发生器和原子荧光光谱法联用(HD-AFS)和电感耦合等离子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定了原煤和气化产生的灰焦中AS、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Mn、Hg、Pb、V、Se、Sr、Zn12种痕量元素含量,研究了石灰石、白云石、碳酸钠3种固体添加剂对痕量元素的控制规律,发现不同添加剂对痕量元素具有不同的抑制效果.向煤中添加石灰石和白云石后,几乎所有痕量元素在灰焦中的MGEF都增加.石灰石分解形成的CaO对AS、Co、Cr、Se、Zn的吸附既有物理吸附,也有化学吸附;对Cd、Cu、Hg、Pb、V、Sr的吸附主要是物理吸附,并且CaO对Cd、Cu、V的吸附能力大于Hg、Pb、Sr.白云石对AS、Co、Cr、Hg、Pb、V、Zn的抑制效果比石灰石好,但对Cu、Se、Sr抑制效果不及石灰石.向煤中添加碳酸钠后,灰焦中AS、Cd、Cr、Pb、Se的MGEF减少,Zn的MGEF增加,Co、Cu、Hg、V、Sr的MGEF变化不大.  相似文献   

煤及其燃烧产物中有害痕量元素的淋滤特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对我国西北部上湾与石嘴山电厂原煤、底灰和飞灰中As、Pb、Cd、Mop、Mo、Co和U等有害痕量元素在不同条件下的淋滤实验,采用原子荧光光谱(AFS)和电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定了痕量元素在2套(6个)样品、3种淋滤介质、4个不同时间段获取的淋滤液中的浓度,对比不同元素间淋出率、60h的最大淋出率和淋滤强度的差异性,分析痕量元素在不同条件下的淋滤特性;通过对比元素在原煤和燃煤产物中的含量、60h的最大淋出率以及淋滤液中元素的浓度,参考相关地下水的环境质量标准对痕量元素的环境效应进行了综合评价:As与Se的淋滤性较差,淋滤液中的最大浓度较低,对环境造成危害的可能性很小;Pb与Cd在淋滤液中的最大浓度较高,可能对环境造成危害.Mo与Co的淋出性好,淋出率高,同时淋滤液中的最大浓度是三类地下水环境质量标准的5~10倍,对环境造成危害的可能性最大.  相似文献   

煤中易挥发有毒痕量元素及其在燃烧过程中的行为   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文综述了煤中易挥发有毒痕量元素汞、砷、硒在煤中的赋存形式 ,在燃烧过程中的蒸发和化学反应等行为 ,指出了在目前研究燃煤过程中有毒痕量元素所存在的问题和需要努力加强的研究方向  相似文献   

使用USEPA Method 29方法对600MW燃煤电厂SCR、ESP和WFGD前后4个测点进行烟气痕量元素同时取样,研究了12种痕量元素(Cr、Mn、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Mo、Cd、Sb、Ba、Pb)的排放特性.结果表明:整个电厂系统、锅炉、SCR、ESP和WFGD中痕量元素的质量平衡率都在可接受范围内,实验结果准确可靠.这12种痕量元素主要分布于ESP飞灰中,相对分布率为69.97%~98.79%.底渣中痕量元素的相对富集指数在0.04~0.51之间,ESP飞灰中痕量元素的相对富集系数在0.3~1.23之间.ESP飞灰中的As、Cd和Pb以及WFGD废水中的Mn、Co和Ni可能会对土壤和地下水产生污染,需要引起关注.12种痕量元素向大气中的排放浓度位于0.02~12.57μg/m3之间,排放因子位于的0.01~2.13g/1012J之间,Ni、As、Cd和Pb这4种元素的排放浓度分别达到2.04、0.13、0.02和3.35μg/m3,都远超欧盟空气质量标准中的排放限值,需要加以重视进行限制.  相似文献   

The contents of eight trace elements(Mn, Cr, Pb, As, Se, Zn, Cd, Hg) in raw coal, bottom ash and fly ash were measured in a 220 t/h pulverized coal boiler. Factors affecting distribution of trace elements were investigated, including fly ash diameter, furnace temperature, oxygen content and trace elements‘ characters. One coefficient of Meij was also improved to more directly show element enrichment in combustion products. These elements may be classified into three groups according to their distribution: Group 1. Hg, which is very volatile. Group 2: Pb, Zn, Cd, which are partially volatile. Group 3: Mn, which is hardly volatile. Se may be located between groups 1 and 2. Cr has properties of both group ! and 3. In addition, the smaller diameter of fly ash, the more relative enrichment of trace elements (except Mn). The fly ash showed different adsorption mechanisms of trace elements and the volatilization of trace elements rises with furnace temperature. Relative enrichments of trace elements(except Mn and Cr) in fly ash are larger than that in bottom ash. Low oxygen content can not always improve the volatilization of trace elements. Pb is easier to form chloride than Cd during coal combustion. Trace elements should be classified in accordance with factors.  相似文献   

煤中部分潜在毒害微量元素在表生条件下的化学活动性   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
利用连续化学浸取实验方法,对采自贵州省二叠经龙潭组的32个煤样中的10种潜在毒害微量元素化学的活动性进行了研究,结果表明:煤中Hg、As、Se、Cd等元素具有极强的化学活动性,其中平均83.8%的Hg、93.5%的As、80.3%的Se.63.3%的C在.1%的Cu的86.8%的Pb可以被带出煤中而进入表生环境;煤中Zn的化学活动性次之,只有平均46.6%的Zn可能迁移进行环境中;Tl、Cr、Ni  相似文献   

分级燃烧工况下高岭土对煤中微量元素排放的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在一维煤粉燃烧炉上进行肥煤、无烟煤添加高岭土吸附剂的燃烧实验 ,研究了肥煤、无烟煤及其燃烧产物中 18种微量元素的含量和分布 ;计算了高岭土在分级燃烧工况条件下对每种微量元素的吸附率 .结果表明 :高岭土对中、低挥发性微量元素具有不同的吸附作用 ,吸附效率与煤种、元素种类、燃烧温度等因素有关 ,无烟煤燃烧比肥煤燃烧吸附效果更好 .  相似文献   

An one-year of sampling aerosol program was carried out during the period of April 1995 to April 1996 at coastal region, Cape D‘Aguilar, in Hong Kong. The trace element composition of aerosol particles(TSP and PM10) were measured and analyzed by using the Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis(INAA) and Inductive Couple Plasma-Mass Spectrometry(ICP-MS) techniques. The results showed that the polluted elements such as: V, Zn, As, Pb, Cd, Sb, I, Se, Bi, with high enrichment factor( E. F) values, are derived from anthropogenic sources ,while Sc, AI, Fe, Mn, Sm, La, Sr are less than 10 in E. F, these elements are related the crust and soil. The concentration of the trace elements are present seasonal variation i.e. summer low and winter high, whereas the V or noncrustal V(V^* ) present summer high and winter low, this phenomenon might be explained by local or regional oil combustion sources. Use three type of elemental ratio, e.g. La/Sm, Mn^*/V^* and Bi/Al indicate that both TSP and PM10 of La/Sm ratios are mainly related to soil and dust, Mn^*/V^* are probably represent fossil combustion and Bi/Al are possibly associated with refuse incineration, ferromanganese alloys and aluminum production. The varimax rotation factor analysis for trace elements was performed. By means of the absolute principal component analysis (APCA) and multiple regression, the contribution of trace elements to possible sources and overall means of trace elements were estimated. The results showed that the present station is impacted by the anthropogenic species, although the quantities are different during the summertime and wintertime.  相似文献   

采用高温箱式电阻炉对黔西南海子地区煤样进行热解,研究了在300~1200℃下慢速热解过程中,热解温度、元素赋存状态和灰分对微量元素释放规律的影响.结果表明,热解温度是影响煤失重和微量元素挥发的主要原因. As、Mo在900℃以上挥发较快; Pb热解前期挥发较快,450℃以上挥发缓慢;Sb随热解温度的升高缓慢增大.微量元素的挥发性还与赋存状态关系密切,有机态最为活泼;硫化物态和碳酸盐态在热解后期由于矿物的分解而逐步释放;硅酸盐态最稳定,基本残留在灰分中.灰分越高微量元素越不易挥发.  相似文献   

The application of non-suppressed ion chromatography for monitoring of trace elements in air particulate matter was studied in the present investigation. The results indicate that the use of microwave acid digestion method is superior in comparison with the conventional thermal acid digestion method as it leads to higher recovery, better reproducibility, lower volatility loss, better protection against environmental contamination and much less digestion time (5 minutes vs. 24 hours). The use of eluent as extractant is shown to reduce the water dip problem in the chro-matogram. The addition of chelating agent in the eluent coupled with UV detection is shown to provide satisfactory chromatographic separation and good sensitivity for the analysis of transition metals present in the air particulate matter. Using the U.S. National Bureau of Standards Reference Material 1648 Urban Particulate Matter as standard for checking, the analytical procedure is shown to give good recovery and reproducibility for the d  相似文献   

铁和硫的形态转化与水体黑臭的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
介绍了黑臭水体概念及形成原因,分析了自然水体中铁与硫的赋存形态、转化过程和影响因素,阐明铁与硫的形态转化与水体黑臭的关系:以有机物为主的耗氧物质破坏水体中铁与硫循环因而造成Fe2+与H2S大量累积,出现水体黑臭现象。  相似文献   

象山港海域N、P和CODMn的变化趋势及其与富营养化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据近20多年来(1984~2005)象山港海域海洋环境监测的基础资料,建立象山港海域CODMn、DIN和PO4-P的时间序列,用平均差值法、最小二乘法和自回归滑动平均法3种趋势分析方法,统计检验了该海域CODMn、DIN和的PO4-P的长期变化趋势。并用相关分析和影响因子分析方法,分析了CODMn、DIN和的PO4-P年际波动与富营养化的关系。结果表明:近20多年来象山港海域DIN和PO4-P的年平均浓度长期以来均呈增加的趋势,而CODMn呈降低的趋势;象山港海域富营养状态指数E长期以来一直呈降低的趋势,这与CODMn相同,与DIN和PO4-P的变化趋势相反。CODMn的变化与富营养状态指数E呈显著的正相关,DIN和PO4-P的变化与富营养化状态指数E呈弱的正相关;CODMn,DIN和PO4-P对富营养装态指数E的影响因子分别为6.9822,2.2449和3.3836,CODMn对富营养状态指数E年际变化的贡献程度远大于DIN和PO4-P。当CODMn含量变化幅度较大的时候,海水营养状态指数E的变化不能真实反映海域营养盐的含量变化特征,富营养状态指数E在表征海水富营养化程度时存在一定的局限性,这也揭示了中国第Ⅰ代海水富营养化评价体系存在的问题。  相似文献   

以丹江口库区胡家山流域为研究区域,分析了溪流枯、丰水期的水质变化特征,结合流域和河岸缓冲带景观类型及其格局,运用Spearman秩相关分析筛选了影响溪流水质的景观指数,利用逐步回归和冗余排序法定量描述景观格局与溪流水质的耦合关系.结果表明:溪流水质指标中氨氮和总磷浓度时空变化较大,其标准变异系数范围分别为69.8%~207.6%和52.0%~146.1%.景观类型中耕地和居民地是溪流水体污染的重要来源,两者在100m河岸缓冲带尺度上对氨氮的解释程度为58.6%,高于流域尺度;景观格局指数中蔓延度、林地和居民地斑块密度、林地和居民地最大斑块指数以及林地和耕地聚集度指数等显著影响溪流水质(P<0.05),流域尺度上各景观类型的景观指数对总氮和总磷的解释程度分别介于71.1%~81.6%和74.5%~83.8%,均高于100m河岸缓冲带尺度,其中蔓延度对总氮和总磷均有显著影响(P<0.05).无显著因子进入高锰酸盐指数模型中,其浓度变化是各景观指数共同作用的结果.此外,景观格局季节变化也显著影响溪流水质.枯水期景观指数能够更好的解释总氮和总磷变化,而丰水期对氨氮的解释程度要好于枯水期.  相似文献   

松花江中取代苯酚和苯胺类的生物降解性及QSBR研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
以松花江水细菌为接种源,用碘量法分别测定了28种苯酚及苯胺类化合物的BOD5值,采用QSBR程序软件计算分子量Mw,分子体积Mv,及电离常数pKa,用ClogP程序计算了疏水性参数logP.对28种取代苯的BODT值与其物化参数间进行了回归分析,得到如下最佳回归方程,BODT=87.5571+5.958pKa-0.73W,n=28,R^2=0.874,SE=10.33,F=86.85,P=0.应用所得QSBR模型,预测了28种化合物的BODT值,计算了残差,并初步探讨了生物降解机理。  相似文献   

薛海  张帆 《自然资源学报》2020,35(4):937-949
为研究降水量与大气污染物之间的关系,依据2017年全国113个环保重点城市大气质量数据,得出城市聚类空间分布规律及两者之间线性拟合方程。基于南北降水量分布特性与城市空气污染指数,采用模糊聚类法对具有不同亲疏程度的城市进行类别划分,运用Spearman相关性与拟合方程对大气污染特征值与降水量进行分析。结果表明:随着聚类种数增多,城市聚集在空间分布上由“环环相套”发展为“依流域分布”,降水量与大气污染物浓度呈现负向关联性,晋冀鲁豫陕省份污染最严重。采用Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验法,得出NO2、O3、PM2.5总体分布符合正态分布,SO2、PM10、CO既不符合正态分布,也不符合均匀、指数分布,它们与降水量的相关系数为:-0.316、-0.238、-0.332、-0.617、-0.574、-0.695;线性拟合方程系数处于 [-0.031, -0.008] 之间,降水量与大气污染物浓度之间负相关性明显。研究结果有助于了解和认识降水量对城市大气环境变化的影响。  相似文献   

To assess the ecophysiological traits and the phytoremediation potential of the endemic heather Erica andevalensis,we determined the concentrations of major and trace elements in different plant parts and in rizosphere soils from Riotinto mining district (Huelva,Spain).The results showed that E.andevalensis may grow on substrates with very high As,Cu,Fe and Pb concentrations (up to 4114,1050,71900 and 15614 μg/g dry weight,respectively),very low availability of macro-and micronutrients and with pH values ra...  相似文献   

Increase of sewage sludge (SS) has led to the construction of more incineration plants, exacerbating to the production of SS incineration residues. However, few studies have considered the mass balance of elements in large-scale SS incineration plants, affecting the residues treatment and utilization. In this study, flow analysis was conducted for major and trace elements in the SS, the fly ash (sewage sludge ash, SSA) and bottom ash from two large-scale SS incineration plants. The elemental characteristics were compared with those of coal fly ash (CFA), and air pollution control residues from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWIA), as well as related criteria. The results showed that the most abundant major element in SSA was Si, ranging from 120 to 240 g/kg, followed by Al (76–348 g/kg), Ca (26–113 g/kg), Fe (35–80 g/kg), and P (26–104 g/kg), and the trace elements were mainly Zn, Ba, Cu, and Mn. Not all the major elements were derived from SS. Most trace elements in the SS incineration residues accounted for 82.4%–127% of those from SS, indicating that SS was the main source of trace elements. The partitioning of heavy metals in the SS incineration residues showed that electrostatic precipitator ash or cyclone ash with high production rates were the major pollutant sinks. The differences in some major and trace elements could be indicators to differentiate SSA from CFA and MSWIA. Compared with related land criteria, the pollutants in SSA should not be ignored during disposal and utilization.  相似文献   

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