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低碳炼铁技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对钢铁工业不同工序和不同流程CO2排放状况的分析,指出低碳炼铁是钢铁工业发展低碳经济的关键。节能减排、发展循环经济是低碳炼铁的第一步。对国外低碳炼铁技术作了介绍,并对低碳炼铁技术的现状、发展和创新等进行了描述。  相似文献   

钢铁工序能耗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢铁行业的能源消费中煤炭占70%,主要是炼焦用煤、燃料煤和高炉喷吹用煤。2008年的钢产量为5.01亿t,全年共消耗煤炭5亿t,约占原煤生产总量的18%。近年来,各钢铁企业加大了节能工作力度,使我国重点钢铁企业吨钢综合能耗、吨钢可比能耗不断下降,各工序能耗也有所改善,如图所示:  相似文献   

钢铁工业发展循环经济的基本途径探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
舒型武 《四川环境》2005,24(4):80-84
分析了钢铁工业循环经济的基本特征,着重探讨了钢铁工业发展循环经济的基本途径,其中包括:最大限度地降低自然资源消耗,采用成熟技术提高二次能源利用效率,降低能耗,节约水资源,把固体废物资源化利用,尽可能减少污染物的发生量,努力发展工程科技,开发钢铁工业和其它行业的绿色新流程。  相似文献   

<正>国务院办公厅发布《关于加强节能标准化工作的意见》意见提出,到2020年,建成指标先进、符合国情的节能标准体系,主要高耗能行业实现能耗限额标准全覆盖,80%以上的能效指标达到国际先进水平,标准国际化水平明显提升。意见提出能效标准中的能效限定值和能耗限额标准中的  相似文献   

一、头屯河地区的污染概况钢铁工业是一个工艺技术复杂,生产连续、人员集中、物资消耗量大的社会化生产集团。钢铁工业生产的特点是:工艺流程大部分是高温作业,要消耗大量的燃料,要排出大量的粉尘、废气、废水和废渣等。根据1979年的不完全统计,全年消耗铁矿石30万吨,其他原材料20万吨,耗煤27万吨,  相似文献   

新工艺炭黑生产的节能与环境效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李建 《新疆环境保护》2000,22(4):243-245
对于能耗高、污染重的炭黑工业来说,采用新工艺生产炭黑,其节能效果与环境效果是显著的。  相似文献   

山东雪花生物化工股份有限公司坚持科学发展观,积极实施资源综合利用,依靠科技进步,向“零污染”要效益,走出了一条“能耗低、污染少、产出高、效益好”的发展路子。抓好节能技改工作,创建节约型企业是公司近年来的一项重头戏。由于该公司是玉米深加工型企业,每年都有大量的废水排出,废水中夹杂着大量的粉渣、胚芽、蛋白粉等副产品,不仅对水资源造成严重污染,  相似文献   

文章阐述了四川省节能环保产业的发展现状,分析了投入因素、市场结构因素和环境因素对四川省节能环保产业发展的影响,探讨了四川省节能环保产业发展面临的挑战,并提出了建议,认为强化产业园区建设、加强人才培养、强化科技创新和加强政府扶持是推动四川省节能环保产业发展的重要措施。  相似文献   

围绕"构建现代产业体系",迁安市依据循环经济理念,加快转变发展方式,实现资源型城市的转型。迁安市钢铁工业发展循环经济的潜力较大,采取钢铁工业重点项目建设,工业副产品、工业固体废物、余压、余热综合利用等节能减排措施后,取得了可观的经济效益。  相似文献   

随着城镇化进程的加快和老百姓生活水平的改善,人们对家的要求越来越高。然而,目前中国的能源形势十分紧张,水、电、油都面临着很大缺口,而建筑能耗在社会总能耗中占有很大比重,如果继续沿用传统方式建设住宅, 各方面都将难以为继。因此,我们必须确定一种新的住宅建设理念。2005年3 月5日,国务院总理温家宝在十届全国人大三次会议上作政府工作报告时强调,要注重能源资源的节约和合理利用,其中特别提到要鼓励节能省地型住宅的发展。究竟什么是“节能省地型住宅”,它在我国发展的前景如何,与欧美等发达国家相比,我国的节能住宅还存在哪些不足呢?  相似文献   

选取川南页岩气区块为研究对象,运用过程生命周期评估和投入产出生命周期方法核算页岩气开采生命周期的直接和间接用水量,并与美国Marcellus页岩气区块用水量进行比较。川南区块总直接用水量为22 928 m^3/井,高于Marcellus区块的总直接用水量15 320 m^3/井。从生命周期阶段来看,川南页岩气开采钻井和压裂阶段的直接用水均远大于Marcellus区块。结合水环境管理指标,自然资源禀赋条件主要决定了直接用水量的差异。川南区块总间接用水量为25 098 m^3/井,超过总直接用水量,约为Marcellus区块总间接用水量的3倍。除井场准备阶段外,其余阶段的间接用水量均大于Marcellus区块,间接用水量的差异与钻井和压裂过程的添加剂、能源使用量和全行业用水效率有关。减少川南区块页岩气开发用水量的主要途径包括提高钻井液和压裂液回用率、改善钻井和压裂添加剂使用效率、提高柴油和电力等能源利用效率和全行业用水效率。  相似文献   

本文以乐山某铝业有限公司新建10万吨电解铝工程为例,简述了电解铝生产工艺,重点对电解铝工程的清洁生产进行分析。从生产工艺的先进性、污染物排放量少、清洁原料、原辅材料消耗低、节能措施和废物回收利用等方面对预焙阳极电解槽技术的清洁生产进行分析。通过清洁生产指标分析结果,乐山某铝业有限公司电解铝工程满足清洁生产标准要求,经预焙槽技术和自焙槽相比,预焙槽技术具有污染物排放量少,物耗能耗低,使用原辅料清洁,电流效率高的特点,以不同预焙槽原辅材料消耗量回归分析结果及其综合分析,大型预焙阳极电解槽技术是铝电解行业的清洁生产工艺。  相似文献   

文章针对煤矿矿井水因含有油污和大量轻质悬浮物时存在处理能耗高、混凝刑消耗量大,导致处理成本高的情况,以华蓥山煤业股份公司龙滩煤矿水处理系统技改为例,探讨矿井水处理节能降耗的可行性和途径。本文介绍了根据矿井水特性及排放规律,以及混凝沉淀机理,通过优化设计矿井水处理工艺精减耗电设备,合理选择混凝药剂和投药方式等措施,达到提高沉淀效率,节能降耗的目的。  相似文献   

迪那2气田液化气生产设计采用空冷加水冷工艺,存在能耗大和水冷器易腐蚀结垢等安全隐患。利用HYSYS软件对迪那2气田轻烃回收工艺进行分析,并增设液化气后冷器,利用脱乙烷塔气相对液化气进行冷却,通过醇烃液分离压力、后冷器及空冷器冷却能力等参数的模拟计算和优化,将醇烃液三相分离器压力由常规的2.5MPa提高至5MPa,取消醇烃液导热油加热和液化气水冷,降低了装置能耗,年节水1.44×104m3,节电1.45×105 kW.h,杜绝了水冷器腐蚀穿孔的安全隐患,最终提出了醇烃液高压分离+空冷器+后冷器的液化气无水冷却工艺。  相似文献   

Silicon carbide (SiC) heating elements (siliconits) are widely used at high-temperature fields. The raw materials, manufacture process and application fields of siliconits are all related to heavy energy consumption and pollutions, and bring high environmental loads. The resources consumption and pollution emissions in siliconit manufacture process were quantificationally estimated by input/output method. Difference between two traditional techniques to produce siliconits in China was also compared and analyzed. The results show that siliconit manufacture processes consume large quantities of resources because the furnace is open to environment and too much thermal-protection materials are used. For the thick-end technique is more complicated and the thick-end siliconits have a bigger size and mass, there are more resources and energy consumptions and pollution emissions for thick-end process than that for equal-diameter process. Some suggestions were introduced to improve the traditional techniques and a new process was designed. It is the most important that the open furnace should be replaced by close vacuum furnace. Sintering and siliconizing process can be combined into one high-temperature process. As results of process simplification and vacuum sintering, resources and energy consumption and wastes emission can be decreased remarkably.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The present energy and environmental crises are due to increasing per capita demands as well as increasing populations. The role that traditional pricing policies have played in promoting these demands is discussed. The reduction or stabilizing of per capita demands is advocated through the use of Conservational Pricing mechanisms which charge higher average prices for high consumption. An example of the effect of Conservational Pricing in the water supply industry is given.  相似文献   

汪波 《中国环保产业》2011,(8):47-50,54
循环流化床脱硫是目前国内应用最多的(半)干法脱硫技术,但经过多年的运行也暴露出诸如系统可靠性差、循环灰装置易堵塞、湿壁、系统能耗大、运行费用高、脱硫率低等问题。本文就循环流化床脱硫工艺在实际运行中存在的问题进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

The use of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) in applications other than road sub-layers is limited by two factors: the high porosity of RCA in comparison with natural aggregates, and the restrictions set forth in standards and building codes. Research efforts aimed at alleviating these restrictions are focused on improving the quality of coarse RCAs by reducing the amount of adhered cement pastes, which is the weakest element in this system and influences the rheological behaviour.This paper presents an analysis of the environmental impacts of the recent mechanical and thermo-mechanical processing techniques which produce high performance RCA by reducing the volume of adhered cement paste. Based on published data, processing scenarios were established. These scenarios permit making rough estimates of energy consumption, CO2 emissions, fines generation and product quality. Using these data and the available emission factors from several countries, an objective comparison was made between these innovating processes and conventional recycling.The production of fines increases from 40% up to as much as 70% as the volume of adhered cement paste on the RCA is reduced. Fuel fed thermo-mechanical process energy consumption, per tonne of recycled aggregate, varies between 36 and 62 times higher than conventional recycling processes. Mechanical processing, combined with microwave heating, increases energy consumption from 3 to a little more than 4 times conventional recycling. Consequently, CO2 emissions released by conventional coarse aggregate production go from 1.5 to 4.5 kgCO2/t, to around 200 kgCO2/t, for that of fossil fuel fed thermo-mechanical treatments.Mechanical and mechanical/microwave treatments appear to have the greatest environmental potential. Notwithstanding, the further development of markets for fines is crucial for reducing environmental loads.  相似文献   

Post-combustion CO2 capture remains one of the most-challenging issue to lower CO2 emissions of existing power plants or heavy industry installations because of strong economy and energy efficiency aspects. The major issue comes from CO2 dilution (4% for NGCC and 14% for PC) and the high flow rates to be treated. Furthermore, CO2 purity has to be higher than 95% with recovery at 90%, to match the transportation/injection requirements.The MEA absorption process remains the reference today but its energy consumption (about 3 MJ/kgCO2) and the amine consumption are still challenging drawbacks.The interest of CO2 capture by indirect TSA (Temperature Swing Adsorption) was demonstrated experimentally in a previous work. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a numerical parametric study. Two main parameters are explored: the desorption temperature (100–200 °C) and the purge flow rate (0.1–0.5 Ndm3 min−1). Four performance indicators are evaluated: CO2 purity, recovery, productivity and specific energy consumption.Results show that purity above 95% can be achieved. Keeping the 95% target, it is possible to achieve recovery at 81% with productivity at 57.7 gCO2/kgads h and a specific energy consumption of 3.23 MJ/kgCO2, which is less than for the reference MEA process.Comparison with other adsorption processes exhibits that this process has good potential especially since some improvements are still expected from further research.  相似文献   

个人排放交易被认为可以促进居民参与碳减排,但是因其减排收益难以覆盖高昂的建立和运行成本,降低了公众接受度。本文提出除了考虑碳减排的收益外,更需要关注个人排放交易机制的教育价值、形成正确的激励以及鼓励创新的价值,并提出可以基于当前国内多地实行的阶梯电价制度,利用电力系统现有的用户网络和账户系统,建立居民生活用电碳排放交易机制,以降低成本并实现上述价值。在此基础上,就居民生活用电碳排放交易机制的配额设定与分配、配额交易以及清缴问题做了细致的分析,并提出绿色电力作为补充电力可以免费获得碳配额以促进绿色消费。同时,比较分析了在居民生活用电交易机制和阶梯电价制度下,不同居民家庭以及电力公司的用电成本(收益),指出了其在形成正确的激励方面的作用。最后指出在条件成熟的情况下,居民生活用电碳排放交易机制可以扩展到居民的其他能源消费领域,以实现更为全面的个人排放交易。  相似文献   

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