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在水质监测中,正确的采样方法须借助于采样器实施,即采样器与采集样品的代表性密切相关。为减少水样对真实环境状况的误差,确准反映整个水体的时间、空间代表性,使采样规范化,应该使用性能优异的采样器采样。在众多的水质采样器中,我们选用HQMI-2型采水器(青岛仪器仪表研究所)和CJS-02型溶解氧水  相似文献   

土壤气样品的采集是污染场地调查中挥发性有机物(VOCs)检测和场地风险评估的关键,常用的土壤气采集分为主动式、被动式采样。文章主要介绍了被动式采样的基本原理和被动采样器吸附速率计算公式、采样器结构和常用的吸附剂类型,总结了土壤气中VOCs被动采样技术在国内外的应用研究进展及现场应用中存在的问题,对被动采样技术未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

林伦志 《四川环境》1993,12(1):35-38
本文选用两种水质采样器,在升钟水库对比采样监测,对大型水库水质监测采样和溶解氧的测定进行讨论。证明一大型水库水质监测采样适宜采样器类型,以及溶解氧水样现场测定的好处。  相似文献   

1.国家环境保护总局环境监测仪器质量监督检验中心 地址:北京市朝阳区安外大羊坊8号院2号楼南段四层 邮编:100012 电话:010-84933227 传真:010-84933223 检验项目: pH水质自动分析仪、化学需氧量(COD)水质在线自动监测仪、电导率水质自动分析仪、浊度水质自动分析仪、溶解氧(DO)水质自动分析仪、高锰酸盐指数水质自动分析仪、氨氮水质自动分析仪、总氮水质自动分析仪、总磷水质自动分析仪、总有机碳(TOC)水质自动分析仪、紫外吸收水质自动在线监测仪、PM10采样器、总悬浮颗粒物采样器、24小时恒温自动连续环境大气采样器、定电位电解法二氧化硫测定仪、烟气采样器、烟尘采样器、污染治理设施运行记录仪降雨自动采样器、降雨自动监测仪、固定污染源排放烟气连续监测系统.  相似文献   

对国内煤种Hg含量分析及燃煤电厂控制现状进行了阐述,对燃煤电厂烟气中Hg的采样及测定方法进行了分析研究,分别研制出ZR-3701型烟气总汞采样器和RA-915M型汞分析仪进行燃煤烟气中Hg的采样及测定,并与同类测试仪器进行对比,为燃煤电厂烟气中Hg测定标准的研制提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

俞永江 《四川环境》2014,33(5):89-92
通过在线监测系统用β射线衰减法测定空气中颗粒物的工作原理、测试数据准确性和有效性。将参比采样器监测数据(重量法)与相应的自动采样器监测数据(β射线衰减法)进行不确定评估和平行性、线性回归分析验证。从而得出,在线监测系统用β射线衰减法测定空气中颗粒物时有较好的线性关系,监测数据准确、可靠,具有一定推广价值。同时,为提高环境监测能力、加强环境执法监管提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

大气自然沉积物亦称降尘。通常以专用玻璃降尘缸(保持300—500毫升水),采样器在3—20米高度范围内,在自然沉积条件下,以一个月为一采样周期进行采样。对降尘中的非水溶性及水溶性降沉量、用重量法测定,其值以:吨/平方公里·月表示。降尘所吸附或凝聚大气中的SO_2、NO_2含量常用比色法进行测定,其检测限分别为:SO_2—0.025mg/m~3、NO_2—0.04mg/m~3。降尘中以无机盐形成存在的阴离子(如SO_4~(2-)、  相似文献   

针对现有水中石油类采样器的种类和功能,对不同采样器的技术特点进行对比分析,并在此基础上对采样器的设计进行改进。经改良后的采样器可实现水面以下0~30cm柱状水样采集,并能够在近乎无水体波动的条件下同时准确采集4个1L平行水样,基本不破坏各水层的石油类含量。  相似文献   

通过分析甲烷排放检测与量化测定需要注意的两方面问题,指出油气行业甲烷排放量检测不准确问题的关键在于提高检测仪器的精度和采样的精度(包括时间与空间因素)。对目前油气行业甲烷排放检测设备包括成像相机和路径集成传感设备、大气甲烷采样器、遥感卫星等进行梳理,较为系统地介绍了各类检测技术和设备的原理和特点,以及部分技术的实际应用效果和应用中遇到的问题。为下一步在我国开展全面系统的甲烷排放检测工作提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

本文采用家用除湿机作为空气水溶性物质采样器方法,并验证了该方法作为空气水溶性物质采样嚣的可行性。本文通过空气冷凝水化学成分与空气总悬浮微粒(TSP)可溶性化学成分的对比,得到水汽中大部分阴阳离子的含量只比TSP低1个数量级,而水汽中的微量元素含量与各种碳的浓度不都比TSP低,TSP中一般检测不出亚硝酸根,而水汽中则检出大量亚硝酸根。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An electronic controller was developed to facilitate water sampling at discrete stage heights in perennial mountain streams of southeast Oklahoma. The controller operates in conjunction with an automatic pumping sampler and a magnetic, relay transducer. In response to changes in stage, the transducer generates an electrical pulse when relays are closed by a magnetic float. The controller monitors these relay closures and signals the sampler to pump a single sample at each desired water level during both rising and falling stages. After a sample is taken, additional switch closures at that stage axe ignored until the relay immediately above or below is closed. Inadvertent switch closures caused by turbulent stage fluctuations are not translated to the sampler thus eliminating duplicate or multiple samples at a given stage. Field testing has proven this device to be a reliable component with a range of applications for improving water quality sampling systems. The controller features battery operation, low power consumption, circuit simplicity and can be easily constructed for less than $100, including parts and labor.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The design, construction, and evaluation of two automatic bottle sealing mechanisms for the collection of volatile organic compounds in water are described. Manually collected samples were either stored in uncapped bottles or in bottles capped with the automatic bottle sealing mechanisms. After 24 hours' storage, significant losses of volatile compounds from uncapped samples occurred even if the samples were stored at 4°C, but not for the samples capped with the automatic bottle sealing mechanisms. The mechanism for sealing the sample bottles was integrated into a commercial sampler with minor modifications to the sampler. The sampling system was then evaluated under controlled conditions to simulate actual field sampling. The results showed that the system was suitable for taking sequential discrete water samples automatically for 24 hours without significant losses of volatile organic compounds.  相似文献   

A device to trigger automatic pumping samplers at discrete stages on headwater streams in southeastern Oklahoma was developed. The magnetic switch column employs a sequence of magnetic reed switches wired in parallel and set at 0.03 m (0.10 ft) intervals. A magnetic float inside the column closes the reed switches, therby triggering the sampler as stage rises and falls. The columns were constructed from inexpensive, readily-available materials. Following installation and field calibration, the columns provided relaible and representative sampling during 12 storms, at three sites. The magnetic switch column may be used in a wide range of research and monitoring sites to improve water quality sampling.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A water-sampling apparatus used for the isolation and detection of Giardia cysts in water has been designed and tested. The sampling apparatus uses one of a variety of pumps or waterline pressure to move water through a filter. Two of the optional pumps are lightweight enough to make the apparatus portable and thus suitable for sampling in remote areas. This technique of sample processing produces good cyst recovery in much less time than is required with previously established methods. Giardia cysts are identified using direct immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

Science-based sampling methodologies are needed to enhance water quality characterization for setting appropriate water quality standards, developing Total Maximum Daily Loads, and managing nonpoint source pollution. Storm event sampling, which is vital for adequate assessment of water quality in small (wadeable) streams, is typically conducted by manual grab or integrated sampling or with an automated sampler. Although it is typically assumed that samples from a single point adequately represent mean cross-sectional concentrations, especially for dissolved constituents, this assumption of well-mixed conditions has received limited evaluation. Similarly, the impact of temporal (within-storm) concentration variability is rarely considered. Therefore, this study evaluated differences in stormwater quality measured in small streams with several common sampling techniques, which in essence evaluated within-channel and within-storm concentration variability. Constituent concentrations from manual grab samples and from integrated samples were compared for 31 events, then concentrations were also compared for seven events with automated sample collection. Comparison of sampling techniques indicated varying degrees of concentration variability within channel cross sections for both dissolved and particulate constituents, which is contrary to common assumptions of substantial variability in particulate concentrations and of minimal variability in dissolved concentrations. Results also indicated the potential for substantial within-storm (temporal) concentration variability for both dissolved and particulate constituents. Thus, failing to account for potential cross-sectional and temporal concentration variability in stormwater monitoring projects can introduce additional uncertainty in measured water quality data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Two modifications to automated pumping samplers improve discrete sampling during high flow events in small mountain streams. One modification entails mounting the intake nozzle on a bent, free-swinging metal rod supported in midstream. This allows sampling in midstream yet prevents the buildup of floatable organic debris that otherwise would cause the intake to fail. On the lower end of the rod, dynamic forces exerted by the stream keep the intake submerged over diverse flow conditions. The second modification consists of a magnetic switching device that automatically activates the pumping sampler at any preset stage on the rising limb of a storm hydrograph. The pumping sampler then remains on to collect one sample per hour which allows field crews sufficient time to change bottles before the sampler fills its 28-bottle capacity. This device improves the capability to sample frequently at fixed intervals, yet with minimal maintenance between runoff events. It also ensures sample collection during the rising limb of the hydrograph when flow and sediment concentrations are rapidly changing. Both modifications have improved data collection during periods of storm runoff.  相似文献   

Turner, Andy W., Jeff J. Hillis, and Charles F. Rabeni, 2012. A Sampler for Measuring Deposited Fine Sediments in Streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(2): 366‐378. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00618.x Abstract: Improvements and standardization of methodologies to quickly and accurately quantify deposited sediment in streams will allow advances in our understanding of biological effects of sedimentation. Most methods used to evaluate streambed conditions as part of biological monitoring or assessment programs are selected for ease of use, but can be subjective, inappropriate, and often of unknown accuracy. We developed a portable, light‐weight device to quantify deposited unconsolidated sediment (particles <2 mm) in wadeable streams. This deposited sediment sampler is a hand‐held unit that circumscribes an area of the streambed and through suction creates a force that suspends unconsolidated materials into a collector. Laboratory evaluations determined the efficiency (percent of available deposited sediment recovered) of the sampler to collect different sizes and concentrations of deposited sediment under differing streambed conditions, which allowed appropriate correction factors to be applied to each of four categories of streambed particle size. Field trials comparing our sampler to other methods commonly used by many state and federal agencies showed high comparability. The sampler can be constructed in just a few hours from inexpensive, easily obtained materials.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A depth proportional intake boom for portable pumping samplers was used to collect suspended sediment samples in two coastal streams for three winters. The boom pivots on the stream bed while a float on the downstream end allows debris to depress the boom and pass without becoming trapped. This equipment modifies point sampling by maintaining the intake nozzle at the same proportion of water depth regardless of stage. Data taken by pumping samplers with intakes mounted on the boom were compared with depth integrated hand samples. Pumped samples showed higher concentrations than depth integrated hand samples. Results suggested that cross-sectional sampling can give high precision with proper placement and calibration of a boom mounted intake.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Automatic plankton samplers installed at two dams on the Connecticut River Continuously monitored crustacean zooplankton from October 1977 through 1979 and allowed a significant reduction in man-hours involved in an extensive sampling program. Automatic samplers efficiently sampled most species and size classes of crustacean zooplankton in a similar, but not consistently identical manner as a commonly used towed-net plankton sampler. The smallest sized zooplankton were captured more efficiently than the largest. Mesh selection and sampler avoidance exerted different influences on automatic samplers and towed nets. Future use of the samplers and direct comparison of results to results obtained by other methods was supported.  相似文献   

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